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YEAR 2012

Five-Fold Church Fellowship

The Five-Fold Church Fellowship has been mandated to unify, build and establish the strong Apostolic and Prophetic five-fold alignment necessary to shift and position the Body of Christ for End-Time K ingdom Authority, Dominion and Harvesting. Interested in becoming an Affiliate today? Visit our Website: www.kefcf.org

Rebuilding the Walls, Reestablishing Hope!

Building a Fellowship of Churches and Ministries takes time, dedication and commitment from all involved to bring the vision of God to pass in the earth. And since we have the same spirit of faith, according to what is written, I believed and therefore I spoke, we also believe and therefore speak, 14) knowing that He who raised up the Lord Jesus will also raise us up with Jesus, and will present us with you. 2 Cor. 4:13-14 The Spirit of Jesus and the spirit of faith that resides in the visionary of the Five Fold Church Fellowship, should reside in every member as well, causing us to be fitly joint together in pursuit of advancing the Kingdom. We must speak the vision so that we see the vision because what we make happen for others, God will make happen for us! Sowing into what has blessed us is very important. Some of us have received healing, restoration and a needed push towards our destiny and purpose in the Kingdom that we did not get from where we came from, and there are more out there like you and me looking for that place of refuge. The Fellowship has seemingly fallen by the wayside or been in a holding pattern, but it is time for the vision to be resurrected! FCF for me has been a place of hope and revitalization, a place where I was raised up from church hurt, low self-esteem and depression to a place where I am able to thrive and walk out my calling with confidence and it will be a place of hope for those yet to come. Lets come together to build again these walls of hope and healing for each other and those yet to come! M.

Kingdom Empowerment Ministry Institute! 291 Mustian Road Norlina, NC 27563

www.kemionline.org / www.kingdomempowermentinstitute.blogspot.com Training the Body of Christ, to walk in purpose!

Register Now!

The New Independent Christian Party


The New Independent Christian Party (NICP) is the Party of No Compromise. We are committed to addressing the multiple issues and concerns that exist among Americans in a way that will benefit and enhance each of their lives overall. Together we will make a difference in America and throughout the world. NICPs goal is to position the Christian base for maximum influence in America, impact the world and increase the kingdom. It is an independent political Party which seeks to: Influence the selection, nomination, election or appointment of individuals to a federal, state, local and/or government public office, etc. o Promote Christian values and address the issues and concerns in the forefront of American lives o Nominate and support the election of Christians to all levels of public office o Advocate for the Christian agenda and rights, o Endorse candidates and raise money for political campaigns and related activities o Organize Nationwide to work on campaigns and recruit volunteers o Establish phone banks and conduct voter education and registration drives, and support candidates who take uncompromising stands on Christian issues. We have so much to do for the cause of Christ!

Our Mission:
-To tear down

denominational barriers through the Love and humility of Jesus. -To proclaim a strong Christian Voice in the Government, Education, Social, Entertainment, Economic, Medical/ Health and Religious Systems of the World. -Winning the lost through the preaching of the gospel via Christian rallies, radio broadcasts, Television broadcasts and community events.

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