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ZAHS PTO General Meeting Minutes

October 17, 2012 Call to Order Welcome In Attendance: Cami Smith Jennifer Nieder Tawni Gunn Barbara Russell Shirley Coleman Leslie Deal Tracy Boyle Amy Cassidy Jessica Elliott Rashunda Clement David Coleman CSM Katrina Najee Special Election-Vice President Jennifer Nieder was unanimously elected as the new Vice President Secretary ReportMinutes from the General Member Meeting held on Sept. 21, 2012 were approved by the membership. Treasurer ReportTawni presented the Treasurers report for Membership approval. It was unanimously approved. Tawni presented spending guidelines to be used in lieu of a budget. They were unanimously approved by the membership. Membership ReportAs of October 8th there were 82 paid member/families and 14 staff members. The membership drive class results were presented. The Freshman class had 15% paid memberships. The Sophomore class had 27% paid memberships. The Junior class had 46% paid memberships. The Senior class had 36% paid memberships. The Junior class will be given the $100 prize. Ms. Sullivans name was drawn for the teacher member gift card. Fund RequestsThe Cross Country coach requested $175 for Far East Entry fees. Members voted to pass the motion.

Old BusinessBarbara presented a synopsis of the Executive Board meeting agenda held on Oct. 3, 2012, to the membership. New Business1. PTO now has a bulletin board by the front office. 2. The Private Organization re-charter packet was turned in on Oct 18th. 3. Required audits and paperwork are now up to date with NAF Atsugi so that fundraising can take place there as well as Camp Zama. 4. School Spirit Committeei. Go Trojans trail mix will be given to Cross Country team on 10/27 for their drive to Misawa. ii. Go Trojans Gatorade will be given to the Volleyball team on 10/20 or 10/23. iii. Go Trojans trail mix will be given to the Tennis team on 10/26 for their drive to Yokosuka. iv. Need to check on supporting other clubs like drama, marching band, school newspaper etc. with a Go Trojans gift as well. v. Spirit Stick was made by Jennifer Nieder. It was suggested by Barbara to add class color bands to mark winning classes as it is passed around for competitions. vi. A new committee chair is needed to fill the position vacated by Jennifer Nieder. vii. School Spirit days will be on Fridays- popcorn and sodas given to students in school colors 5. Hospitality Committeei. Halloween baked goods in the teachers lounge planned for 10/31. ii. It was proposed to have a brunch on Nov 2nd instead of baked goods in the teachers lounge. iii. The teachers asked PTO to donate turkey for the November teacher pot luck. iv. It was proposed that Holiday cookies/treats be taken to the teachers lounge on December 12. v. Tracy Boyle, Chair, is going to check with the school and get a list of people like the school nurse, custodians, etc. who need to be invited to the teachers lounge when we bring food in addition to the faculty/staff. Want to include everyone when showing our appreciation. 6. JJ Walsh, Facilities Manager will be issuing 2 keys to the upstairs and downstairs PTO rooms this Friday so that more PTO board members have access to the rooms when needed. 7. It was proposed to purchase a vacuum for use by the PTO for clean-up after fundraisers. i. The motion was unanimously passed by the members with a budget of $100 and the suggestion to check Second Fiddle and ask for a donation as well. 8. It was proposed that PTO order spirit trinkets as gifts for visiting DODEA personnel or Japanese schools ETS. To be sold to teachers. It was decided to purchase spirit items from the PX and allow the PX to support the school like Walmart does stateside for local schools. 9. PTO and the JR/SR Prom Committee sponsored a bake sale at the Powder Puff game on 10/18. Volunteers were needed to bake and sell. 10. Volunteers were needed to march in the Homecoming Parade to represent the PTO 11. PTO is waiting to hear from Sgt. Babcock regarding a Food Handlers class during seminar. 12. PTO is approved to have a baked goods or gift wrapping station at the AOSA Bazar on 12/1-12/2.

13. PTO will be sponsoring a Japanese High School Taiko Drum performing group during Middle and High school seminars. Date TBD. 14. Volunteers were needed to chaperone the bus to and from the Homecoming Dance on 10/20. 15. The Communications Community Chairperson asked for donations to room 404. The room will be used as a hub for leadership meetings and professional learning team collaborations. Plants and other items to make the room more inviting were suggested. 16. The new Constitution and By Laws were presented by Cami. The membership unanimously approved both. Open Forum It was suggested that Cami send out a weekly notice to PTO members regarding PTO volunteer opportunities and announcements so people do not disregard them. Daily is too often. Next General Meeting to be held on January 16, 2013 on Camp Zama Next Executive Board Meeting to be held November 7, 2012 at East Meets West Conference Room Meeting was adjourned

_________________________________________ Cami Smith, President

_________________________________________ Barbara Russell, Secretary

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