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7.1 How do geographical features influence human settlements?

1 Name four of Indias key geographical features. For each feature, state how it may have influenced decisions about early human settlements and lifestyles. 2 How were the ruins of Harappa and of Mohenjo-Daro discovered?

3 Look at Source 3 and Source 9. Also locate and study this area of the world on Google Earth. a Use the key for Source 3 to describe the different land types found in the area where the Indus Valley civilisation developed. b Which land type is dominant? How might this have influenced settlement decisions? 4 What evidence is there that Indus Valley merchants had both a sea trade and a land trade?

5 Explain why India was well placed for trade, both in ancient times and beyond.

6 As a class, brainstorm any problems you think a severe monsoon might have caused for an ancient settlement in the Indus Valley. 7 What lessons does Harappa provide about the importance of conserving history?

8 Use the thinking strategies outlined in the Fresh Ideas feature to reflect, in groups, on whether the Indus Valley was a good location for an urban human settlement.

9 Compare and contrast the climate of Mumbai and New Delhi by analysing the climographs presented in Source 4 and Source 5. What do you conclude?

10 What geographical factor, among those listed below, do you think might have had the greatest impact on Indias history? Discuss (and brainstorm) as a class, giving reasons for your views. the annual monsoon season the Himalayas the long expanse of coastline the network of rivers Indias position among the worlds landmasses

11 Think like an Indus Valley merchant (not like you!). Now put yourself in the picture shown as Source 10. You live in Mohenjo-Daro and you have just visited this market to obtain some goods. Your task is to plan a trade mission to Oman. Think about the goods you will trade, how you will identify them, your route, the timing of your trip and your preparations. Part of the task involves designing your own seal.

12 What do you think the child in Source 18 might say to her parents when she went home that day?

What shapes the roles of key groups in ancient societies?

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Why were the Ayrans sometimes called the Vedic people? Give three reasons to support this statement: Indias caste system was a very strict way of organising society. Which of the four Vedas set out the principles that later formed Indias caste system? The caste system had both privileges and duties. a What were some of the privileges enjoyed by members of the Brahmin caste? b What social duties did Brahmins have? Name one social obligation of a member of the Kshatriya caste and of the Vaishya caste. Which was the lowest of the four recognised social castes in ancient India? What sort of life could people of this caste expect?

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