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Power Steps!

Course 600

Life Lessons For Success ©

Table Of Contents
i. About The Author
ii. Introduction
1. Dream With A Deadline
2. What You Focus On Expands
3. Look Where You Want To Go In The
Presence Of Fear
4. Faith Is A Verb
By: Jon Jones
5. Act As If You Will Succeed Peak Performance Coach
6. Brilliant At The Basics
7. Myth About Risk
8. Law of Attraction
9. Develop A Powerful Belief System
10. Personal Development Lifestyle © 2002 S UMMIT LIVING.ORG
11. Born To Connect And Communicate —All Rights Reserved—
“Jon Jones is a powerful resource and a sincere i. About the Author
friend to the Las Vegas Community.”

Coach John Robinson, UNLV Athletic Director

The fact that Jon Jones is a world-class speaker, trainer, and
peak performance coach is no accident. Jon is a fanatic and
relentless student of personal and professional development.
Awarded a full athletic scholarship at the University of Nevada
Las Vegas, Jon earned a bachelors degree in Communication.
Later, he went to graduate school in the Art of Organizational
Management at the University of Phoenix . At age of 26, Jon
was selected to be one of six corporate trainers to work and
mentor with world famous success expert Anthony Robbins.

Two years later Jon started his own corporate training and
personal coaching firm based in Southern California. Jon has
returned to Las Vegas Nevada where he serves the explosive

Power Steps! convention market and impact the nation’s fastest growing

Course 600 Jon is a preferred expert by the Las Vegas Community and
endorsed by organizations like the American Society for Train-

Life Lessons ing and Development, Las Vegas Convention and Visitors
Authority, Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce, The University
of Phoenix (Nevada Campus), The Las Vegas Executive Speak-
For Success© ers Bureau, and The University of Nevada Las Vegas (UNLV).

Today, Jon has personally coached over one hundred advanced

professionals and has presented to over a thousand businesses
and organizations across the country on the topics of leader-
ship, change, communication, sales and marketing, and peak
performance. He commands fees in excess of $1,500 per hour
as a public speaker and as a personal coach regularly charges
fees of $2,000 or more. His programs offer ambitious and
advanced professionals a fresh and sincere approach to con-
tinuous learning. In addition to being a powerful teacher and
motivator Jon prides himself on being a cutting edge educator,
innovator, author, and strategist. Jon is distinguished in his
field because of his extensive knowledge, his diverse resume of
By: Jon Jones experience, and his unique ability to combine the forces of
Peak Performance Coach inspiration and education.
Jon Jones International
Unleash Your Potential! Through Jon Jones International (JJI) [www.jonjones.info] Jon’s
vision is to be the ultimate source of motivation, focus, and
Motivational Speaking strategy for ambitious professionals nationally and in Las
Peak Performance Coaching
Vegas. Under Jon’s leadership JJI promotes and provides
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www.jonjones.info world-class seminars, corporate training programs, brand
consulting, personal coaching, multimedia resources, and
© 2002 S UMMIT LIVING .O RG—All Rights Reserved
community participation.
ii. Introduction:

Congratulations! You are about to experience a powerful jour-

ney into the field of peak performance and personal develop-
ment. In this course you will be exposed to profound ideas
and dynamic strategies that will focus your mind and motivate
your spirit. In this course you will not find a cup of “Chicken
Soup For The Soul,” but you will find a protein shake for your
heart and mind. The mission of this book is to unleash your
potential, and to help you turn your dreams into reality.

“If one advances confidently in the direction of his

Power Steps! dreams, and endeavors to live the life that he has
imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in
Course 600 common hours.”

Henry David Thoreau

Life Lessons
For Success© Today, your dreams are under attack! In fact, the principles
and values that allow an ambitious person like you to pursue a
dream are now being threatened by evil and terror. Most of all,
your dreams are threatened by the fear that evil and terror
hopes to achieve. Now let me ask you a few questions. How
will you now set out to live the rest of your life? Will you take
careful baby steps towards the future and seek a life of security
and comfort? Or, will you take “Power Steps” towards the fu-
ture and seek a life of prosperity and impact?

You will find that the challenges you face are directly propor-
tionate to the greatness of your dream. The best among us real-
By: Jon Jones
Peak Performance Coach
ize that the value of a dream lies not in the achievement of the
dream, but in the challenges and obstacles you must face along
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Unleash Your Potential! the way. Do you have enough faith and courage to knowingly
attract great challenges and obstacles into your life?
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1. Dream With A Deadline

Years ago I attended a special success training class with a

small group of very ambitious and young professionals. Our
instructor was a powerful and wise man who had a unique
ability to push people’s buttons. He told us that the key to suc-
cess was turning ideas into actions. He said, “Successful peo-
ple have dreams with a deadline.” He explained that dreams
and goals without specific deadlines are just preferences, and
that human beings do not get what they prefer. In fact,
“Human beings don’t even get what they want, but they
always get what they have to have.” Most people don’t have

Power Steps! deadlines because they live in a place called “no-mans-land.”

This is a place where you aren’t totally happy or satisfied with
where you are, but at the same time you aren’t unhappy
Course 600
enough to do anything about it. The right dream with a dead-

Life Lessons line can take you out of no-mans-land and get you moving
towards your true potential.

For Success© Our success teacher then told us to dream big. He said,
“Challenge yourself to reach beyond your comfort zone. The
only way to find out what you are really capable of doing is to
get irrational. I don’t mean act like a nutcase. I mean expect
more from yourself than anyone else could ever expect from
you.” During the lecture I raised my hand and asked, “I was
told on several occasions that goals should be realistic.” The
teacher replied, “It’s important to have “realistic” and measur-
able objectives. I suggest we call those game plans. Game
plans are specific short-term goals and objectives that we need
to reach in order to achieve our ultimate goals, dreams, or
By: Jon Jones
visions. You will find that the people who take consistent
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action, make progress, and achieve new milestones are the
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Unleash Your Potential! people who have a magnificent dream. They have an image of
a compelling future that drives them to succeed every day.”
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Suddenly, the teacher paused and said, “Jon, let me ask you as
question. What is the potential of a human being?”
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“Unlimited!” I replied. He responded by saying, “You are
right about that. But let me ask you this. If the potential of a
human being is unlimited, then how is it possible to set a goal
or dream that is unrealistic?” Then he continued, “Jon, let me
ask you another question. What would you do if you knew
you could not fail?” I thought for a moment and then
answered, “I would become a multi-millionaire, a highly
sought after speaker and expert, and a best selling author.”
Our teacher became even more intense and responded by
saying, “I think you should achieve every single one of those
goals and accept nothing less. But let me tell you why. It’s not
about the money and power. You should seek to achieve those

Power Steps! ambitious goals because of the person you have to become in
order to achieve them.”

Course 600
How often do people really think about the person they are

Life Lessons becoming? Let me ask you something. Who do you have to
become to achieve your goals? You see there’s a problem with

For Success© setting easy goals and seeking to live a humble lifestyle. The
problem with mediocrity is that you don’t have to become very
much to achieve it. You don’t have to challenge yourself or
grow in faith to achieve small goals. You don’t have to seek
wisdom, knowledge, and new experiences. You don’t have to
put forth your best effort, you don’t have to care or love as
deeply, and you don’t have to maximize your god-given
talents if you only seek to achieve mediocrity.

I know that you started reading this book because you have a
desire to achieve and become more as a person. I also know
that your desire is not an accident. It’s also no accident that
By: Jon Jones
you and I have connected through this course. Right now is
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the perfect time to set the tone for the rest of your life. Right
Jon Jones International
Unleash Your Potential! now is your chance to dedicate your life to a dream worth
achieving: your dream. Let go of what everyone else is doing.
Motivational Speaking
Peak Performance Coaching Let mediocrity go once and for all. Set goals that cannot be
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achieved as you are today. Set goals that will require you to
become more. Create a dream with a deadline that will drive
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you to unleash your potential.

“It is your privilege – nay, your duty, to aim high

in life.”
Napolean Hill

Power Steps!
Course 600

Life Lessons
For Success©

By: Jon Jones

Peak Performance Coach

Jon Jones International

Unleash Your Potential!

Motivational Speaking
Peak Performance Coaching
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© 2002 S UMMIT LIVING .O RG—All Rights Reserved

2. What You Focus On Expands

Inspired by a wealthy industrial businessman named Andrew

Carnegie, a young student named Napolean Hill set out to
study and understand the essence of human achievement. The
goal of his work was to answer the following questions. Why
are some people changing the world while others are barely
surviving? How can a poor man with nothing travel to a for-
eign nation and create an empire? How can the so very few
lead the masses? What philosophies, characteristics, beliefs,
and behavior do the most successful people in the world have
in common? And how can a person born in a world of oppor-

Power Steps! tunity find nothing but poverty and depression? Napolean
Hill spent twenty years studying the most successful and influ-
Course 600 ential people in the world. When he concluded his research he
was asked if there was a single principle that mattered most.

Life Lessons He explained that when people achieve great success, medioc-
rity, or failure it is no accident. His research concluded that
For Success© human beings subconsciously move in the direction of their
most dominant thoughts. In other words, what we focus on
most expands into our reality.

Millions of people throughout the world experience a life of

sickness, poverty, and depression because that is what they
choose to think about. Can you guess what healthy, happy,
and successful people think about? The fact is all human be-
ings are successful in as far as their ability to achieve their
dominant thoughts. The challenge is that most people do not
consciously seek to develop and direct their thoughts. Instead,
they spend their days seeking urgent emotional needs and re-
By: Jon Jones
Peak Performance Coach sponding to the events around them.

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Unleash Your Potential! Napolean Hill said that successful people have a “definite

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chief aim.” A definite chief aim is a well-defined mission that
Peak Performance Coaching allows a person to compound their thoughts and energy into
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www.jonjones.info one positive direction. What would happen if you were to take
a magnifying glass and move it around in circles between the
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hot sun and a piece of paper? Nothing, except you might get
dizzy. But what would happen if we took the same magnify-
ing glass and held it perfectly still between the suns hot rays
and a piece of paper? Within seconds the magnifying glass
would concentrate the suns energy and burn a whole through
the paper. Just like a magnifying glass, when you focus your
thoughts and energy in one direction you not only unleash
your potential, but you also activate and employ other forces
and resources around you.

Are you ready for a mental challenge? Remember, this course

is not about hope. This course is about turning your dreams

Power Steps! into reality. In the previous section we talked about creating a
dream with a deadline. Now you must transform your mere
dream into a definite chief aim. You must consciously decide
Course 600
to focus on your dream, and turn your dream into a dominant

Life Lessons thought. A sustained dominant thought has no choice but to

become reality.

For Success©

By: Jon Jones

Peak Performance Coach

Jon Jones International

Unleash Your Potential!

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3. Look Where You Want To Go In The Presence Of Fear

We have established that when you focus on a thought or

destination you are magnetically pulled in its direction. You
must realize that this magnetic force is invisible, subtle, and
always working. At any moment in time your focus is either
building your future, and taking you where you want to go, or
it is destroying your future and preventing you from reaching
your destiny. Here’s the point. This is serious business.
Understand that this law gives us the power to succeed and the
power to fail.

Have you noticed that people have a tendency to focus on

Power Steps! their fears? Can you see the problem here? What happens
when people focus on their fears? If you were walking on a
Course 600
tight rope that stretched across a deep canyon, then you better

Life Lessons not look where? Down! If you look down that’s where you
will end up. Remember, what we focus on expands. You will

For Success© find that Peak Performers in every area of life understand that
obstacles, dangers, and fears have no real power until we acti-
vate their power with our attention and focus.

Most people can recall the “unbelievable” Bible story about

how Jesus walked on water. Did you know that his disciple
Peter was walking on water too? He was walking on water
right next to Jesus until he looked down and remembered his
limitations. Here’s my favorite part. Jesus doesn’t go up to
Peter afterward and say, “Peter, who do you think you are?
You aren’t the Son of God. You can’t be like me and do the
amazing things that I can do.” Instead, Jesus says something
By: Jon Jones like this, “That’s what you get when you focus on fear instead
Peak Performance Coach
of me. Why such little faith? When will you people learn?”
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Unleash Your Potential!
One of the greatest spiritual and physical challenges in life is
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Peak Performance Coaching to look where you want to go in the presence of fear.
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A few years ago in Las Vegas an airplane was preparing to
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land when suddenly the pilot discovered that his landing gear
was completely destroyed. He was flying a medium size jet
with about forty-five passengers. He spent the next hour flying
in circles over the airport burning off as much fuel as possible.
A high-speed collision between concrete and metal is not a
good place for jet fuel. Imagine a pilot preparing to land a
plane on its body without landing gear. Imagine having forty-
five lives in your hands. Imagine the anticipation before the
actual landing. In the end, the plane landed perfectly. The
pilot’s perfectly smooth and gentle approach saved precious
lives. After this amazing event the reporters asked the pilot
how he executed the landing with such bravery and skill. And

Power Steps! the hero replied, “I put everything out of my mind except the
perfect landing.” Pilots do not practice landing a plane with-
out landing gear, yet the pilot executed perfectly. Human
Course 600
beings are already designed for excellence. The key to success

Life Lessons is not getting yourself to do remarkable things. The key to suc-
cess is clearing your runway. Define your destiny, remove the

For Success© imaginary obstacles, and look where you want to go in the
presence of fear.

By: Jon Jones

Peak Performance Coach

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Unleash Your Potential!

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4. Faith Is A Verb

When we consciously remove our attention from fear and then

focus on our definite chief aim we are only temporarily sus-
taining fear’s power. Our goal is not to manage fear. Our goal
is to kill it. There is only one weapon capable of killing fear
once and for all. Through faith alone can you rid your self and
others from the grips of fear.

Like a soldier caught in the middle of a battlefield and unable

to fire his weapon, most people are stranded helplessly by the
same fears over and over again because they do not under-

Power Steps! stand how faith works.

Faith is not hoping. Faith is not waiting. Faith requires action.

Course 600
Faith is a verb. You will find “leaps of faith,” “acts of faith,”

Life Lessons and “great works of faith,” but you will not find “sitting
around full of faith.” Faith is not a mystical power that you

For Success© have. The fact is you do not HAVE faith: you DO faith. Right
now think of a person who is known to have changed the
world through faith. How did this person make an impact?
Did this person stay in bed, meditate in faith, and send God
over to perform miracles? I don’t think so. People who change
the world through faith take massive action and go right
through fear. They act with confident expectations because
they believe in a power much greater than their opposition.
They understand that faith is not about employing God. Faith
is about letting God employ you. The question is, will you ac-
cept the job and get to work?

By: Jon Jones I want you to know that it’s ok if you have some lingering
Peak Performance Coach
doubts. Faith is not the total absence of fear and doubt. In fact,
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faith requires doubt. Think about it. Faith is not about know-
ing exactly what’s going to happen. Faith is about not know-
Motivational Speaking
Peak Performance Coaching ing, having doubts, feeling the presence of fear, and then tak-
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5. Act As If You Will Succeed

Can you remember a time in your life when you were faced
with a new and challenging opportunity? Perhaps you were
making a decision about a relationship, starting a new career or
business, changing your environment, or trying a new
approach to life. Did you know exactly what to expect? Did
you know what kind of return you would get? Let me ask you
this. Have you noticed that these uncertain moments are
happening more and more often these days? My former
employer Anthony Robbins once told me that “in the new
millennium the quality of your life is in direct proportion to the

Power Steps! level of uncertainty you can live with.” Can you stay the
course in today’s chaotic and competitive world? Can you stay
focused on your dream? Can you step out in faith and take
Course 600
action in the face of fear?

Life Lessons Successful people sustain their faith by visualizing and acting

For Success© as if they will succeed. Just like everyone else, they don’t know
for sure if they will succeed or not, but unlike everyone else,
they act as if they are going to succeed. By consciously gener-
ating this state of mind they find themselves taking action,
defeating fear, and bringing certainty to an uncertain world.

Think about all the great achievers, leaders, and heroes who
acted as if they were going to succeed. They don’t just get
pumped up and motivated. They use this mindset to get
focused, to tap into their potential, and to influence others. Do
you remember the movie “Apollo 13?” The famous words
from NASA’s star pilot, Jim Lovell played by actor, Tom
By: Jon Jones
Hanks, marked the beginning of an amazing rescue mission.
Peak Performance Coach
“Houston, we have a problem.” If you ever find yourself start-
Jon Jones International
Unleash Your Potential! ing to feel a tad overwhelmed by life’s challenges, then think
about the Apollo 13. Imagine 250,000 miles from earth a team
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Peak Performance Coaching of astronauts found themselves stranded in outer space with no
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oxygen, no navigation technology, and hardly enough power
to burn a piece of toast. How on earth did these men make it
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home safely? There were many scientific reasons, but it all
started with one man’s faith and certainty. Mission Control’s
Flight Director, Gene Kranz played by actor, Ed Harris decided
that his men don’t die in outer space. More importantly, Gene
Kranz acted as if the Apollo team was coming home: period!

“Failure is not an option.”

Ed Harris, “Apollo 13”

The best engineers, scientist, and pilots in the nation were

coming to Gene Kranz with one incredible problem after
another. They were really trying to tell their leader that his
men were probably going to die. Fortunately, Gene was in
charge and they weren’t. He refused to consider failure. He
Power Steps! explained to his brilliant staff that a problem only has one
purpose, to lead you to the solution. His faith inspired the best
Course 600
of the best to rise up to the occasion, to unleash their potential,

Life Lessons and to turn a potential tragedy into NASA’s “finest hour.”

For Success© Expecting success is only the first step. Once your mission has
been defined then you must act as if your success is undeni-
able. Great leaders realize that success is a one-way ticket.
Unfortunately, most of us have been sold round-trip tickets just
in case things don’t work out. If you believe that you are on
this earth to achieve security, then I guess you should always
have a plan B. On the other hand, if you believe that life is
about pursuing dreams and growing in faith, then now is the
time to go for it and act as if you cannot fail. Get rid of plan B
once and for all and never look back. You will find that as long
as you have something to fall back on, that’s exactly what you
will do.
By: Jon Jones
Peak Performance Coach
Did you know that actor and comedian Jim Carey was
Jon Jones International unknown and broke when he wrote himself a post-dated check
Unleash Your Potential!
for a million dollars. He acted as if he was going to be a star
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Peak Performance Coaching before he ever became one. He would look at his million-dollar
Brand Consulting check and ask himself, “If this check is going to be cashed in
one year, then what do I have to do today?” How many
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auditions do I have to perform? How passionate and ambi-
tious do I have to be? How many hours do I have to spend
practicing in front of the mirror transforming my face and
body into outrageous characters? Jim Carey didn’t get a lucky
break. He took action and tapped into his potential. How
about a man named Mohamed Ali? Did he act as if he was the
greatest before he became “The Greatest?” How about the
courageous Fireman in New York City who kept searching day
and night for survivors? These men understood that their duty
was not to predict the possibility of a rescue. Their duty was to
act as if lives will be saved today. Together, as a team of broth-
ers they searched for days as if lives were at stake, but they

Power Steps! only found friends and fellow citizens who were dead. The
massive effort was still worth it wasn’t it?

Course 600
How about another man of great faith named Christopher

Life Lessons Reeve? Christopher may not walk on his own two legs yet, but
he walks in faith every day. Here is a man who is putting

For Success© everything on the line. Now let me ask you a hypothetical
question. What if Christopher continues to put forth all his
energy and faith, and for the rest of his life he keeps striving,
but he lives the remainder of his life as a quadriplegic and
never walks again. Would his effort now still be worth it? Of
course it’s worth it! It’s worth it because life is not about walk-
ing, achieving, or winning. Life is also not about playing it safe
or protecting your self from failure. Life is about being your
best right now, weilding the power of faith for the purpose of
good and love, and making a difference with what you have.
So what about you? If other people should exercise faith, face
fear head on, and pursue incredible dreams and goals, then
By: Jon Jones
why not you?
Peak Performance Coach

Jon Jones International

Unleash Your Potential! If you knew that you were designed and destined for great-
ness, then how would you set out to live the rest of your life?
Motivational Speaking
Peak Performance Coaching If you knew that your dream was undeniable, then what would
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you do today?

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Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are
powerful beyond measure. It is our light not our darkness that most frightens
us. We ask ourselves…who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabu-
lous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing
small doesn’t serve the world. There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking
so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We were born to make
manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us: it’s in
everyone…and as we let our own light shine…we unconsciously give other
people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear…our
presence automatically liberates others.

Marianne Williamson, “A Course In Miracles”

Power Steps! 6. “Brilliant At The Basics”

Course 600 In a competitive world like today you’ll find that desire alone
is not enough. I don’t have to tell you that life is a dynamic
Life Lessons and challenging game. And just like in any game, a burning

For Success© desire to win is a powerful advantage, but its worthless if you
don’t know the fundamentals and rules of the game.

Imagine a baseball player stepping up to the plate and not

knowing the rules of the game. Let’s say he didn’t know that
the pitcher was obligated to throw strikes. Let’s say he be-
lieved that as a hitter his job was to swing and hit every pitch.
Would you agree that regardless of his talent and desire his
chances of success are not very good? Peak performers in any
field are often described as being “great students of the game.”
When you become a great student of any game you develop
the ability to anticipate opportunities within the rules. The
By: Jon Jones great Wayne Gretzky was asked to explain why he dominated
Peak Performance Coach
the game of hockey for an entire decade. He replied, “Most
Jon Jones International hockey players skate to the puck. I always skate to where the
Unleash Your Potential!
puck is going.”
Motivational Speaking
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Brand Consulting The “Great Ones” understand that winning is a systematic
process. Champions don’t have faith in luck. They have faith
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in the fundamentals. Furthermore, champions realize that per-
fecting fundamentals will produce consistent results. The only
difference between Tiger Woods’ golf game and my golf game
is that Tiger has mastered the fundamentals of golf and I have-
n’t. That’s what fundamentals can do.

You’ll also find that unsuccessful people and teams are always
talking about winning, while successful people and teams are
always talking about the causes of winning. Losers say things
like, “We are willing to do whatever it takes to have a winning
season this year.” Winners, on the other hand, say things like,
“We are going to do what we do best. We will continue to

Power Steps! work on “our game,” and if we pull together as a team like we
always do, then we know we will be hard to stop.” Winners
already identify themselves as winners. They already expect
Course 600
success, and therefore, instead of trying to prove to the world

Life Lessons and themselves that they can win, they just get to work on per-
fecting their game.

For Success© When you work hard on your game and seek to master the
fundamentals of success you are making an investment. Peo-
ple don’t invest in something unless they believe it has poten-
tial. People invest in themselves through study and hard work
because they believe they are worth it. If you bought a world
class race horse with a champion bloodline what would you do
with it? Would you leave him out in a grassy field and keep
him as a lovable pet? I don’t think so. You would go find a
professional staff of trainers, doctors, and riders and you
would work every single day at developing this horse’s poten-
tial. And if someone came up to you and asked, “Why are you
By: Jon Jones
putting so much money and energy into this horse?” You
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would say, “This isn’t your ordinary horse! This horse has
Jon Jones International
Unleash Your Potential! nothing but championship blood running through his veins.
This horse was born to win.” So what about you? Are you
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Peak Performance Coaching born to win? If you are born to win, then you have some work
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to do don’t you?

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When you work hard at the fundamentals of success you are
making a statement to the world. You are saying, “Look out
world here I come.”

“Champions are brilliant at the basics.”

Coach, John Wooden

If you are serious about unleashing your potential, then make a

new commitment right now to master the fundamentals in
your field. Here are a few ideas to ponder as you take your
performance to the next level.

Power Steps! q Develop the skill of modeling. What do the very best
performers in your industry have in common? Get spe-
Course 600 cific and look beneath the surface. Don’t just model be-
havior. Model their thoughts, strategies, philosophies,
Life Lessons beliefs, and attitudes. Remember, a wise man learns
from his experiences, but an even wiser man learns
For Success© from the experiences of others.

q Measure your improvement. When we measure pro-

gress our rate of improvement accelerates. What we
focus on expands, and measurement is a process that
helps us to focus our attention on critical areas of im-

q Practice. How many business professionals actually

practice? Not many. Let me ask you a question. How
important is confidence in your field? Guess where
confidence comes from? Confidence comes from de-
serving, and deserving comes from practicing your butt
By: Jon Jones
Peak Performance Coach off.

Jon Jones International

Unleash Your Potential! q Record yourself on audio or videotape. Guess how
many professionals videotape their work for the pur-
Motivational Speaking
Peak Performance Coaching pose of critical evaluation? Not many. Guess how
Brand Consulting many world-class athletes videotape their perform-
ances? Every single one of them.
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q Become a teacher or coach. You don’t have to become
a master first before you can teach others. In fact, you
become a master by teaching. Teaching and coaching is
a great way to own fundamentals. You should be able
to deliver a seminar on the fundamentals of success in
your field. Think about how much more valuable you
are to society if you could not only perform at a level of
excellence, but you could also coach others to do the

Power Steps!
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By: Jon Jones

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7. The Myth About Risk

Legendary financial expert Peter Lynch was interviewed the

other day about the decline in our nation’s economy. The jour-
nalist conducting the interview was gearing up for a gloom
and doom response when he asked Peter Lynch what people
should do with their personal stock in this time of decline and
uncertainty. Without hesitation or emotion Peter Lynch

“For the last sixty years investing in the stock market has been a
great way to generate wealth. And during the last sixty years the
stock market has gone up and down. While stocks go up and down
Power Steps! there is really only one way to lose money…and that’s by buying
stock when they’re high and selling them when they drop. Today,
Course 600 many stocks have dropped significantly. Ironically, people don’t
know what to do. If you want my advice, then I’ll have to stick with
Life Lessons buying low and selling high. The key to investing is to follow solid

For Success© principles not current events. “ Peter Lynch

This interview got me thinking about “RISK.” We have all

heard that successful people, especially entrepreneurs and
investors, are willing to take risks. However, when I was
listening to Peter Lynch he did not strike me as a “risk taker.” I
started to think…perhaps successful people don’t take risks at
all. Maybe they just define a risk differently than most people.
Ask Peter Lynch if investing in the stock market is a risk and
he’ll tell you that NOT investing in the stock market is a risk.

Here’s the key. Successful people don’t throw caution to the

By: Jon Jones wind. They simply have goals that are worth action. These
Peak Performance Coach goals are so important to them that they actually go out and
Jon Jones International study. They discover fundamentals and role models, form a
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plan, and take action. Meanwhile everyone else looks at them
Motivational Speaking and says, “Wow, that’s a gutsy move.”
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www.jonjones.info “Risk must be evaluated not by the fear it generates in you or the
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probability of your success, but by the value of the goal.”
John C. Maxwell

“Decide whether or not the goal is worth the risk involved. If it is,
stop worrying.”
Amelia Earhart

The ability to understand and manage “risk” in your life is

critical to your ultimate success and fulfillment.

How do successful people manage risk?

q They are on a mission. They don’t take random risks

Power Steps! for the thrill of it. They take risks that are power
steps towards ultimate goals. People do not lack
courage and motivation…they just have insignificant
Course 600 goals.

Life Lessons q They embrace failure. Successful people understand

that failure does not mean stop. They understand

For Success© that failure is a requirement for success. Someone

once asked Thomas Edison how he becomes such a
great inventor. He replied, “I was willing to fail.”

“While one person hesitates because he feels inferior, the other is busy
making mistakes and becoming superior.”
Henry Link

“You will miss 100% of the shots you never take.”

Wayne Gretzky

q They are long-term thinkers. Short-term comfort

and security is not as important as reaching their
By: Jon Jones potential in the long-term. They think about why
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they are on this planet. Their life’s purpose and
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long-term vision drives their decisions not their
desire for instant pleasure and security. They really
Motivational Speaking
Peak Performance Coaching don’t take “risks.” Successful people define a risk as
Brand Consulting not pursuing their dream. And this is a risk they are
not willing to take.
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8. The Law of Attraction

Believe it or not, the world is designed to make sense. A polar

bear is as white as snow because life and nature required him
to do so. As a human being you have the ability to evolve, not
only to meet the demands of survival from one generation to
the next, but also to attract the rewards you want right now.

The Law of Attraction states that everything you have right

now in your life and everything you will have in the future will
be magnetically attracted into your life based on the person
you are now and will become. In other words, you must align

Power Steps! your self with what you want. In order for a polar bear to be a
successful hunter in the North Pole he had to turn white, grow
long sharp claws, and become a great swimmer. In order for
Course 600
Tiger Woods to become the world’s greatest golfer he had to

Life Lessons study the game as a child, train his muscles to move with
discipline and grace, and maintain a focused and competitive

For Success© attitude.

What about you? In order for you to achieve and attract the
results you want, then what adaptations and changes do you
need to make?

Here is a simple and powerful mental exercise that you can

use to unleash the Law of Attraction and shrink the gap
between you and your dreams.

First, do some brainstorming. Make a long and detailed list of

all the things you want to do, achieve, experience, and create in
By: Jon Jones
your life. Think about relationships, activities, rewards, and
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your complete environment. Imagine the life of your dreams
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Unleash Your Potential! and then describe it in detail.

Motivational Speaking
Peak Performance Coaching Secondly, look at the life that you have described, and then ask
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your self, “What changes do I have to make in order to attract
these things into my life?” If you continue as you are today
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will you attract the life you want?

“Don’t wish things were easier. Wish you were better.”

Jim Rohn

Understanding and employing the Law of Attraction creates a

proactive lifestyle. Rather than chasing down goals and
responding to random events you can focus your mind and
energy towards developing your most precious resource…you.

Success is more than getting what you want. Success is also

about contributing. When you imagine the life of your dreams
how are you contributing to the world around you? How do
Power Steps! you want to improve the world? How do you know that you
are the right man or woman for the job? Why should God hire
Course 600 you to do the job that you are asking for?

Life Lessons
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By: Jon Jones

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9. Belief Systems

Years ago I knew an ambitious college student who set out to

become a professional football player. He wasn’t motivated
by money or fame, nor was he motivated by the love of com-
petition. Instead, he was driven by the idea of becoming a
motivational speaker. You see, when he was growing up he
spent his summers at football and basketball camps. And
during these camps he met professional athletes who were
invited to talk to the young campers. He loved these
inspiring talks, the real stories they told, and the simple and
powerful advice they gave. These professional athletes were

Power Steps! giant men, and they made a great and lasting impression.
They were his heroes. Like his heroes, he decided to become
a professional athlete so that one day he would be invited to
Course 600
speak. He wanted nothing more than to be an inspiration and

Life Lessons a role model just like the men who spoke to him at camp.

For Success© When he finished his college career his dream of becoming a
great speaker and role model was destroyed. He was a good
college player, but he wasn’t good enough to play profession-
ally. Because he wasn’t rich or famous, he believed that he
didn’t deserve to speak to people about success and about
achieving dreams. I can tell you that the man in this story
was never going to live his dream unless he changed his
attitude and his beliefs. I can tell you this, because this story
is about me. I used to believe that in order to be a speaker
and success coach I had to be rich and famous. And guess
what? In my own reality I was right. At the time I didn’t
deserve to be motivating others. Not because of my status,
By: Jon Jones
but because of the ridiculous and limiting beliefs that I
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allowed to shape my attitude and prevent me from taking
Jon Jones International
Unleash Your Potential! action. Rather than pursuing my dream head-on I hoped for
a miracle and waited for something to change. Have you ever
Motivational Speaking
Peak Performance Coaching found your self waiting and hoping for things to change? It
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doesn’t work does it?

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Fortunately, my ambition, curiosity, and open mind directed
me to the field of personal development. Through books,
tapes, and seminars I learned that the only thing stopping me
from achieving my dream was myself. What about you? Do
you have some changes you want to make?

“You must become the change you seek to make in the world.”

I’m here to remind you as a coach and friend that things will
change for the better only when you change for the better.
The best teachers, experts, and role models agree that real and

Power Steps! lasting change starts from within. Changing from the inside
out means changing your belief system. Changing a belief
doesn’t have to be a complex psychological process. How-
Course 600
ever, it does require some intense thinking, soul searching,

Life Lessons and honesty. Dr. Phillip McGraw is a psychologist, a best

selling author, and a favorite guest on the Oprah Winfrey

For Success© show. The core philosophy and principle behind his great ad-
vice is personal accountability. According to Dr. Phil your
thoughts, beliefs, and emotions are your responsibility. Peo-
ple who don’t take responsibility for their actions, experi-
ences, and results are bound to become victims. It’s really
quite simple. Your life is your fault! If you really want to
make some changes, then you must “get real.” “Getting real”
is about looking at your life through a fresh and objective pair
of eyes. Most of all, it’s about being brutally honest with
yourself, digging deep, and discovering the beliefs that are
driving your decisions and actions.

By: Jon Jones “Thinking is the hardest work known to mankind which
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is why so few engage in it.”
Jon Jones International Henry Ford
Unleash Your Potential!

Motivational Speaking When you honestly evaluate your belief system you will find
Peak Performance Coaching
Brand Consulting that you have some beliefs that make you very effective, and
www.jonjones.info you will also find some beliefs that are preventing you from
© 2002 S UMMIT LIVING .O RG—All Rights Reserved unleashing your potential and getting the results that you
want. The first and most critical step in developing a more
powerful belief system is awareness. Now let’s define the
different types of beliefs that are either building or destroying
your dreams.

First, we have what I call “macro-beliefs.” Macro-beliefs are

broad and general ideas that you accept to be true. They are
general beliefs that you have about the way the world works.
These beliefs form your personal philosophy and general
outlook on life. For example: What do you believe about all
people? What do you believe about wealth and our econ-
omy? What do you believe about life, love, marriage, success,

Power Steps! and death? What do you believe about human beings and
their relationship with God? The answers to these questions
reveal a person’s macro-beliefs, and more importantly, reveal
Course 600
how a person will view the world and respond to every day

Life Lessons life.

For Success© On September 11, 2001 an unfathomable tragedy taught us

all that personal challenges and local issues are insignificant
details compared to the impact of conflicting global beliefs.
Take some time to ponder your beliefs. The fact is people
who can clearly define their beliefs and values lead those who
cannot. The greatest people, teams, companies, organiza-
tions, and nations are those whose philosophy equals their
actions. In order for your life to reflect your beliefs you must
first clearly define what they are.

The second type of belief is called an “identity belief.” These

are beliefs that you have about the most important person in
By: Jon Jones
your life: you. In order to define your identity beliefs all you
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have to do is complete the following statement. I am _______.
Jon Jones International
Unleash Your Potential! How would you fill in the blank and describe your identity?

Motivational Speaking
Peak Performance Coaching Who are you?
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“Figure out who you are and do it on purpose.”
Dolly Parton

One of the most powerful forces in human psychology is the

innate desire for the human mind to act consistently with its
identity. In other words, you are compelled to be you. There-
fore, we must ask the following questions. What do you be-
lieve about your personality? What do you believe are your
strengths? What do you believe about your future? What do
you believe about your ability to make money, your ability to
contribute to the world, or your ability to give and receive
love? What makes you unique?

Power Steps! Let me ask you another great question. What do you expect
from your self? You will find that whatever you expect from
Course 600
yourself is directly related to who you believe yourself to be.

Life Lessons Would you agree that when Tiger Woods sets out to play a
golf tournament that he expects to win? And wouldn’t you

For Success© agree that Tiger also identifies himself to be the best golfer in
the world today? I want you to understand and think about
the fact that the human mind is not only creative and power-
ful it is also brilliantly designed to follow directions. Just like
a computer your brain will only execute the programs that
you load. The question is what identity beliefs have you
loaded into your powerful mind?

The third type of belief is called a “limiting belief.” A limit-

ing belief is a belief that prevents you from taking positive
actions and realizing your potential. Typically these beliefs
come in the form of excuses. Instead of “getting real” and
By: Jon Jones facing our own inadequacies we humans would rather create
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an excuse. Excuses are a great way of denying accountability
Jon Jones International and justifying our lack of commitment and faith. I know this
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doesn’t apply to you, but maybe you can use some of this
Motivational Speaking
Peak Performance Coaching knowledge to understand and help others who have limiting
Brand Consulting beliefs and excuses.

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Can you think of a change or result that you have been trying
to accomplish, but you haven’t been able to get the job done?
Well, what’s stopping you? What do you tell yourself are the
reasons for your failure? Is it because you don’t have the
time? Is it because you don’t have enough help, support,
resources, money, or talent? Maybe its because you don’t
have enough experience, or maybe you don’t have the right
contacts. Whatever excuse you come up with is a limiting
belief. Let me give you a warning. The smarter you are the
more creative and persuasive you will be at justifying your
excuses. Perhaps you have noticed that there are people half
as smart as you, and they are getting the results that you

Power Steps! want. Regardless of how unique and challenging you think
your situation may be, you must force yourself to focus on the
following fact. Someone in this world is getting the results
Course 600
that you want. If you were to look hard enough you could

Life Lessons find someone who is not only getting the results that you
want, but who has also overcome greater obstacles than you

For Success© have ever seen.

How can you have a valid excuse for business and financial
failure when people from foreign nations have come to this
country with no money, no contacts, unable to speak our
language and have built fortunes in less than a decade? Did
you know that a foreigner coming to the United States with
nothing is more likely to become a millionaire than a middle
class American citizen? How can we explain that? It’s really
quite simple. Most Americans adopt the excuses and beliefs
shared by their peers, while immigrants come to this country
believing that this is a nation where dreams come true.
By: Jon Jones
Peak Performance Coach
Somehow in our culture we have learned to associate intelli-
Jon Jones International
Unleash Your Potential! gence with the ability to identify every possible obstacle and
problem. Meanwhile, optimistic people who are perceived to
Motivational Speaking
Peak Performance Coaching have less intelligence like former President, Ronald Reagan
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and current President, George Bush choose not to dwell on
problems. Instead, they maintain a positive attitude. While
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other more “intelligent” and articulate people are busy ana-
lyzing why something can’t be done these optimists are busy
seizing the day. They believe in opportunity, they believe in
themselves, and they believe in destiny. These are the people
whose lives change the world. They are not the fortunate, the
lucky, or the intelligent planners and strategist. They are the
people who believe.

“Nothing splendid has ever been achieved except by those who

dared believe that something inside of them was superior to
Bruce Barton

Power Steps! Remember to check your beliefs. Realize that we are always
forming new beliefs and strengthening current beliefs. The
Course 600
question for you to ask is whether or not these beliefs are lim-

Life Lessons iting you or empowering you.

For Success©

By: Jon Jones

Peak Performance Coach

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10. Personal Development Lifestyle

How competitive is your industry or environment right now?

Do you think your industry will continue to become more and
more competitive in the future? Let me ask you a few more
questions. What are you doing right now to become more
valuable? What are you doing now so that five years into the
future you are prepared to compete with the major players in
your field?

Remember, at any moment in time you are either building

your future, or you are destroying your future. Unfortunately,

Power Steps! people seem to think that by showing up and maintaining a

good effort that they are “building” their future. If the world is
getting faster, stronger, smarter, and more saturated with
Course 600
competition, then a great way to fail is to maintain your current

Life Lessons level of knowledge, skill, resources, and performance.

For Success© Peak Performers are always evolving. They understand that
long-term success requires continuous change, improvement,
and development. More importantly, they understand that the
competitive edge requires a commitment of time, energy, and
money into the discipline of learning and personal develop-
ment. Peak Performers also understand that personal develop-
ment is not an event. They know that attending one conven-
tion or seminar per year is not enough. They know that going
to the training classes provided by their company is not
enough. Let’s face it. How can you have an advantage if you
do what everyone else is doing?

By: Jon Jones Would you agree that the people who make exercise a part of
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their lifestyle are healthier and getting better results than those
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who make exercise a special occasion? Well, the same is true in
terms of mental health. Successful people adopt what I call a
Motivational Speaking
Peak Performance Coaching Personal Development Lifestyle. Here are 5 practices that will
Brand Consulting build your future and take you far beyond your competition.

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I. Read books. The average person is watching 7 hours
of TV per day. The average person reads less than one
book per year. Every book that is purchased off the
shelf will have a 10% chance of being read past the first
chapter. Someone once said, “Success has much to do
with the books you read and the people you meet.” I
would like to add the fact that the books you read deter-
mine the people you will get to meet.

II. Listen to audio recordings. Everyone is “SO BUSY”

today. That’s no excuse! Everyone also spends a lot of
time driving in a car. I don’t think people realize how

Power Steps! much you can learn in just one week by playing tapes
and CD’s in your car. There’s only one way to find out.

Course 600
III. Live seminars and conferences. Books and tapes
Life Lessons are awesome, but they don’t have the power of live and

For Success© interactive learning. If you find yourself saying, “I’ve

already taken all the courses, read all the books, and
attended every seminar.” First, realize that recognizing
and understanding profound knowledge is not the same
as mastering it. Hey, how many free throws has
Michael Jordan made in his career? Do you think he still
practices shooting free throws? To be honest, I’ve never
seen Michael Jordan practice free throws, but I’m willing
to bet that he does, and he takes it very seriously.
Remember, repetition is the key to mastery. Don’t stop
now. If you think you know it all, then now is the time
to keep going. If you keep going you can start master-
By: Jon Jones ing your knowledge and reap extraordinary rewards.
Peak Performance Coach

Jon Jones International IV. Get a mentor, coach, or study buddy. What does it
Unleash Your Potential!
say about a person who has a drinking buddy but not a
Motivational Speaking study buddy? Do you have intellectually stimulating
Peak Performance Coaching
Brand Consulting friends? If you don’t, then you probably aren’t doing
the things on this list? You’ll find that the only people
© 2002 S UMMIT LIVING .O RG—All Rights Reserved who are capable of sharing good ideas are the people
who are reading books, attending educational meetings,
listening to tapes, and hanging out with others who do
the same.

“Small minds talk about people. Average minds talk about events.

And great minds talk about ideas.”

Eleanor Roosevelt

V. Record your favorite ideas into a journal. Journal

writing will help you stay focused on capturing good

Power Steps! ideas. Writing notes in a nice journal is just different

than taking notes on worksheets and pads. Just like
with anything in life, the more you put into it the more
Course 600
you get out of it.

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By: Jon Jones

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11. Born to Connect and Communicate

When I first enrolled into college my academic counselor told

me “Jon, don’t worry about your major. You don’t have to
decide right now. Take several classes and see what programs
appeal to you.” One week later I came storming back into her
office and said, “I’m ready to declare my major right now! I’m
going to major in Communications.” My counselor replied,
“What happened to you? Let me guess. You met a special
young lady who’s majoring in Communications.” I said, “Yes,
my English professor introduced me to her last week.” I didn’t
actually meet her, but my professor gave me one of her essays.

Power Steps! Her name was Helen Keller. Helen Keller blew my mind back
then and still does today. She taught me that communication is
much more than a subject in school, much more than language,
Course 600
and much more than a skill. Communication is life. Commu-

Life Lessons nication is our chance to interpret and express life. When
human beings are robbed of their senses, robbed of their

For Success© freedom, and robbed of their life all they want is another
chance to communicate.

Imagine being born into this world completely deaf and com-
pletely blind. Imagine knowing only silence and darkness.
How would you learn to understand life? How would you
dream? How could you ever express anything other than
immediate pain and pleasure? How could you give your brain
the information, senses, and references to grow? How could
you perceive that you were different than others? How could
you exceed the existence of an animal and discover your
identity as man? And now imagine a girl born deaf and blind
By: Jon Jones learning to communicate in the following manner:
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Jon Jones International “Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only
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through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be
Motivational Speaking strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired, and success
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Brand Consulting achieved. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.”
www.jonjones.info Helen Keller
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You have been born to connect and communicate. You have
been born to tell a story that is your life. Helen Keller defeated
the depths of darkness and the emptiness of silence in order to
meet a world she did not know. She reached out in faith and
achieved the impossible. Her story is a reminder that “life is
either a daring adventure or nothing at all.”

Communication is more than a means to navigate through life.

Communication is the process that allows human beings to
bond with friends, understand ideas, give meaning to life,
worship our creator, and fight for good. Most of all, communi-
cation is the means by which love is given and received. Helen

Power Steps! Keller was unstoppable in her quest to communicate because

her capacity and desire to love was far greater than her fears
and physical limitations.
Course 600

Life Lessons “The quality of your life is equal to the quality of your com-
For Success© Anthony Robbins

If you want to improve your life, then you must improve your
communication. For the practical purpose of becoming a better
communicator I suggest we view communication as a result.
Effective communication is a result that we want to achieve.
Communication is not something that we do to others. You
must realize that we are always communicating. Have you
ever heard someone say something like, “We need to commu-
nicate more?” The fact is you cannot communicate more. And
despite the Warden’s famous speech in the movie, “Cool Hand
Luke,” you cannot “fail to communicate.” The truth is, you are
By: Jon Jones always communicating. Let me give you an example. Let’s say
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a family was sitting around their dinner table enjoying a feast
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and a special celebration. In the meantime, one of the family
members decides to stay in their private room and watch
Motivational Speaking
Peak Performance Coaching television. Wouldn’t you agree that the television watcher in
Brand Consulting our scenario has communicated plenty? His actions delivered
a strong message and feedback can be expected. Taking
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responsibility for your communication means taking responsi-
bility for everything you do or say. It also means taking
responsibility for everything you do NOT do or say. The
moment you wake up in the morning is the moment you start

In order to communicate more powerfully and more effec-

tively you must consciously develop the fundamentals and
causes of effective communication. The following ideas will
help you communicate more effectively and unleash your

Power Steps! First of all, communicate with a purpose. Often times after I
give a talk or a seminar someone will come up to me and say
that they share my passion for speaking, and they usually ask
Course 600
me for some advice on how to get started as a professional

Life Lessons speaker. I always tell them that if you have a message that’s
important enough to you, then you will find a way to deliver it

For Success© effectively and powerfully. Toast Master is a great organiza-

tion, but they are not the reason why Martin Luther King
moved a nation with his words. When a man or women is
driven by a great purpose they tend to be the most powerful
communicators on the planet. Always remember that who you
are will always be more important than anything you will ever

When you communicate a message for the purpose of persua-

sion always know your outcome. In a chaotic world like today
clarity is power. You will also find that people who know
what they want have the ability to ask for it. If you aren’t
By: Jon Jones
going to ask for what you want, then don’t even bother show-
Peak Performance Coach
ing up. One of my favorite speakers and mentors is a man
Jon Jones International
Unleash Your Potential! named Jim Rohn. Jim explained that some people are very
smart and very hard workers, but their problem is they are
Motivational Speaking
Peak Performance Coaching poor askers. They go to the ocean with a teaspoon while others
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with less ability go to the ocean with a barrel. Guess who
walks away with more? Don’t be a poor asker. Be specific and
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“Ask and you shall receive”
Jesus Christ

The quality and power of your communication is determined

by the way you live your every day life. I want to share a for-
mula for life that will help you to focus on living a focused and
harmonious lifestyle. While studying the most successful peo-
ple, companies, organizations, and countries I found that they
all execute a simple three-step process.

1. Define your values and mission clearly.

Power Steps! 2. Communicate your values and mission effectively.

3. Live your values and mission consistently.

Course 600
Think about the steps in this formula and think about the

Life Lessons people you admire most. I believe you will find that the people
who are most worthy of our respect, admiration, and love are

For Success© those who live life consistently with honesty and integrity.
They are people who know who they are. They are people
who mean what they say. And they are people whose actions
mirror their words.

Imagine if we lived in a world where people strived to execute

this simple and profound formula. As you think about our
three-step formula for success you will notice that step two and
step three are the steps that take your life to a level of power,
influence, and rewards. Unfortunately, most people cannot
execute these simple steps because they have never thought
about step number one. Before you can communicate and live
By: Jon Jones your mission you must first define it. Let me ask you a ques-
Peak Performance Coach
tion. What is your mission in life? Can you state your life’s
Jon Jones International
Unleash Your Potential!
purpose with clarity?

Motivational Speaking
“Are you a wandering generality or a meaningful specific?”
Peak Performance Coaching
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This course is loaded with tools and questions that will help
you to execute this awesome formula for success. Now is the
time to get serious. Now is the time to start taking power steps
towards the future with clarity, purpose, and faith.

Remember, that the purpose of success is to become more,

because the more we become the more we can give and
contribute to others. Let me ask you a question. When you
imagine the life of your dreams does your vision include
relationships? Have you ever heard of someone who achieved
extraordinary success, but found them selves alone at the top?
These are sad stories aren’t they? Do you ever wonder how

Power Steps! this happens? I know I do. There are lots of complicated
answers and social and psychological excuses, but it seems to
me that it’s just easy to get caught up these days. It’s easy to
Course 600
take the important things for granted. When we loose track of

Life Lessons our values and priorities we eventually loose track of the ones
we love. Have you noticed that the best way to loose some-

For Success© thing is to invest your energy somewhere else? I believe that
we get lost and start moving in the wrong direction because we
have been sold on some bad philosophies along the way. Have
you ever stopped yourself from doing something that you
knew you would regret later? You probably stopped and ques-
tioned your philosophy. In other words, you stopped and
asked yourself, “What the heck am I doing? This is not like me.
This is not what life is all about.” These are great moments. In
these moments we are reintroduced to our spirit. I want you to
know that your spirit is accessible to you at all times. You
don’t have to access the universe through meditation and
achieve higher levels of being. All you have to do is focus on
By: Jon Jones
doing the right thing and you will find your spirit.
Peak Performance Coach

Jon Jones International

Unleash Your Potential! I believe you will find your spirit when you are on the path of
giving. This sounds simple, but how often in our modern
Motivational Speaking
Peak Performance Coaching world are we driven by the opportunity to give rather than to
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receive? Which statement are you more likely to hear? “I’m
looking for a spouse who is funny, sexy, confident, secure, and
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who loves me for who I am.” Or “I’m looking for a spouse
who loves life as much as I do, someone that I can love and
support for the rest of my life.” The fact is we live in what I
call a “wish list society.” We are always listing and focusing
on what we want, and very seldom do we focus on our capac-
ity to give. How many times have you heard someone say,
“He/She doesn’t meet my needs anymore?” Unfortunately,
we now believe that the purpose of a relationship is to fulfill
our needs. Today, people think that the purpose of everything
is to meet our needs. Our parents are supposed to meet our
needs. Our schools are supposed to meet our needs. Our
employer is supposed to meet our needs. And whatever needs

Power Steps! these people don’t meet the government is supposed to take
care of it. The fact is we have become a selfish group. How
can we get the most with the least amount of effort? This has
Course 600
become our focus. Pretty soon we start to think that’s what life

Life Lessons is all about.

For Success© Why can’t we change this attitude? Why are we afraid to
commit ourselves to selfless giving? Why do we feel rejected
when we give and don’t get back? Obviously, if we become
upset because we don’t get in return, then the whole purpose
of our giving was just to get.

If you set out to dedicate your life to giving and contributing

to others, do you think you would end up in the poor house?
Quite the contrary, when you make your life about giving, the
getting takes care of itself. Mother Theresa dedicated her entire
life to serving others. Now let me give you an imaginary
scenario. Let’s say that something would have happened to
By: Jon Jones
Mother Theresa, and she suddenly became desperate for
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personal and financial help, do you think she would have had
Jon Jones International
Unleash Your Potential! any trouble finding a few helping hands or hearts? I don’t
think so. Givers are the wealthiest people in this life and the
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Peak Performance Coaching next.
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“Ask not what your country can do for you, One of the reasons
but what you can do for your country.” why people are not
John F. Kennedy generous givers in
our society is
because they don’t know how. They’ve been sold that giving
in a relationship is about making sacrifices and buying gifts.
Giving is also about being generous with your energy and
attention. Take a day and concentrate on giving someone your
undivided attention. Ask them thoughtful and genuine
questions. Listen with love. Empathize with their story. And
see what happens. Notice that when we are trying to save a
relationship or makeup for lost time this is exactly what we do.

Power Steps! Unfortunately, this is not our mindset most of the time.

Again, we find ourselves following a path of destruction when

Course 600
we know better. The truth is you don’t need me to tell you

Life Lessons what to do to improve the quality of your life. Wouldn’t you
agree that you already know what to do? The problem is we

For Success© don’t always do what we know. So what does it take? How do
we break these patterns and replace them with conscious and
powerful living? A friend of mine once told me that whenever
he finds himself procrastinating or neglecting his priorities he
stops himself and takes some time alone to think. He said that
he imagines his life five, ten, and then twenty years into the
future as if he continues on his current and destructive path.
He told me that in order to be successful you have to become
emotionally associated to the future. The challenge in life is
that we think today isn’t the most important day of our life.
We tend to think that the future is some mystical place far
away. But the fact is, your future is being created right now.
By: Jon Jones
Take a good and honest look into the future. I’m not asking
Peak Performance Coach
you to dream. I'm asking you to face reality right now and
Jon Jones International
Unleash Your Potential! project yourself into the future based on your current beliefs,
communication, and actions. If you keep doing what you are
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Peak Performance Coaching doing where will you be in ten years? Twenty years? Some-
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times this can be a painful process, but the alternative is much
© 2002 S UMMIT LIVING .O RG—All Rights Reserved
“Somebody should tell us, right at the start of our lives, that
we are dying. Then we might live life to the limit, every
minute of every day. Do it! I say. Whatever you want to do,
do it now! There are only so many tomorrows.”

Michael Landon

In “A Christmas Carroll” by Charles Dickens, the crotchety

Ebenezer Scrooge woke up one Christmas morning a changed
man. And so can you! You can change the course of your life
right now. And that’s not even the exciting part. The exciting
part is that as you change into an even better man or woman

Power Steps! than you are now you will inspire others to do the same.

I want you to know that our time together in this brief course
Course 600
was no accident. I have spent years dreaming about ambitious

Life Lessons and sincere people like you all over the world reading my
books, sharing great ideas, and becoming a little bit wiser and

For Success© stronger because of it. I look forward to learning about your
success and the great lessons along the way.

By: Jon Jones

Peak Performance Coach

Jon Jones International

Unleash Your Potential!

Motivational Speaking
Peak Performance Coaching
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© 2002 S UMMIT LIVING .O RG—All Rights Reserved

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