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No. Dokumen : FM-12/KUR-04 Tanggal Terbit : 06 Januari 2011

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A. Identities School Grade / Semester Subject SMPN 1 Padang VIII / I Science-Physics 3. Comprehending work, force, and energy role in daily life. Basic Competence
3.2 Explain the relationship between energy form and the energy conversion, work and energy principle, and applied in daily life


1. Explain the meaning of energy 2. Explain the kind of energy and the example 3. Explain kind energy conversion 4. Explain Law of energy preservation

Allocation of time

3 x 40 Minutes (1x meeting)

B. Learning Objectives After following the learning process, the students are be able to: 1. Explain the meaning of energy 2. Explain the kind of energy and its examples 3. Explain kind energy conversion 4. Explain energy transformation 5. Explain law of energy preservation 6. Determine potential energy and kinetic energy 7. Explain concept of mechanic energy

C. Learning Materials ENERGY

A. Meaning of energy Energy is the ability to conduct work. The unit of energy in SI is joule (J). The relation between joule and calorie is as follows 1 calorie = 4.2 joule or 1 joule = 0.24 calorie B. The kind of energy and its examples 1. Heat energy Heat energy is caused by kinetic energy of particles which form objects. If the temperature of object increases, its particles move faster, so that the heat energy is bigger. Example of heat energy is energy produce by stove that use to boil the water 2. Electricity energy Electricity energy is the energy produced by electric current. A television can turn on because of electricity energy. Instruments which can produce electricity energy are dry cell (battery), accumulator, and generator. 3. Chemical energy Chemical energy is the energy that comes from reaction of compounds. For examples: energy stored in food, drink, and fuel. 4. Sound energy Sound energy is the energy produced by all objects that vibrate. For example: A string of guitar strummed, a drum beaten, and broken glass. 5. Light energy Light energy is the energy produced by presence of electromagnetic wave radiation in frequency of visible light. For example: energy from light makes our room bright. 6. Nuclear energy Nuclear energy is the energy produced by radioactive material. C. Kind of Energy Alternative 1. Solar energy The main source of energy is the sun. Sun radiates energy in the form of heat and light. Solar energy can be changed into electric energy using solar cells known as

photovoltaic. 2. Wind energy Wind is one of renewable source of energy because it always available in nature. 3. Waterfall energy Moving water can rotate the turbine which produces electricity. Moving water has sufficient potential and kinetic energy. And we usually used waterfall as hydroelectric power plant. 4. Geothermal energy Geothermal energy produces by geyser (hot water) that is formed because water inside the earth is heated by volcanic rock, which is located several kilometers below earth. We usually use geyser as geothermal power plant. 5. Tidal energy The tidal of water river can be used as power plant which known as tidal power plant. 6. Nuclear energy Nuclear energy can be produced by fusion reaction and fission reaction. We can be used nuclear energy as nulear power plant. D. The transformation of energy Mechanical energy changes to electrical energy (dynamo) Electrical energy changes to heat energy (iron) Electrical energy changes to sound energy (radio) State of conservation energy: energy cannot be created and cannot be destroyed, but the energy can only be transformed from one form to another. F. Potential energy and kinetic energy 1. Potential energy The energy had by a body because of its position is called the potential energy. Gravitational potential energy is depended on its position and its mass. If a body has high position, so its potential energy became higher. Mathematically, potential energy is formulated as: Ep = m . g . h

E. Law of energy conservation

Where: Ep = potential energy (J) m = mass of body (kg) g = gravitational due to gravity (m/s2) h = height of body from the earth surface (m) 2. Kinetic energy Energy kinetic is energy of a body that caused by its motion. Mathematically, kinetic energy is formulated as: Ek = . m .v2 Where : Ek = kinetic energy (J) m = mass of body (kg) v = velocity of body (m/s) G. Concept of mechanic energy Mechanical energy consists of potential energy and kinetic energy. Em = Ep + E k In the roller coaster, mechanical energy in every position is constant. In highest position mechanical energy is equal to potential energy, because potential energy in highest position is maximum and kinetic energy is minimum (zero). In lowest position mechanical energy is equal to kinetic energy because kinetic energy is maximum and potential energy is minimum.

7. Learning Methodes 1. Model : Direc istruction model Cooperative learning 2. Methode : a. Explanation b. Questioning c. Discussion d. Task

8. Learning Activities No 1. Times Stages of Learning Pre Activities Teacher prepares the students to follow the lesson by praying and checking attendence. Teacher reviews the last lesson about Newtons law. Teacher explains learning objectives. Teacher delivers the scope of learning. Whilst Activities The teacher ask the student to observe the picture in powerpoint slide. The teacher give the student some question about the picture to guide the student until get the general concept. The teacher explains a short information about energy and kind of energy. The teacher orginize the student into 4 group. The teacher guides the student in group to discuss about energy, kind of energy, energy alternatif, and energy conservation. The teacher guides the student to make their discussion result as a product of this activity. The teacher ask the student to present their discussion result in front of the class. The teacher gives an explanation as reinforcement after discussion. The teacher gives a sample to solve simple problem about energy. The teacher guides the student to solve another problem about energy. Post Activities Teacher asks the students to conclude the lesson material. Teachers gives an evaluation to the students. Teacher gives the students some exercise or homework as free exercise. Teacher tells the students about next material. 9. Evaluation a. Evaluation Technique b. Evaluation Tool : written test : essay test (minutes) 10




c. Instrument used 1. Mention 6 kinds of energy!

2. Mention 5 alternative energy resource! 3. If the acceleration due to gravity in certain place is 10 m/2, then calculate the potential energy of body, which mass is: 4. 4 kg at the height of 25 m above the ground; 5. 1.5 x 10-5 gram at the height of 6 x 106 cm 6. During a hurricane, a large tree limb, with a mass of 22.0 kg and a height of 13.3 m above the ground, falls on a roof that is 6.0 m above the ground. 7. Ignoring air resistance, find the kinetic energy of the limb when it reaches the roof. 8. What is the speed of the limb when it reaches

10. Learning Resources a. Reference Budi Prasodjo.2009. Physics for Junior High School Year VIII. Jakarta: Yudhistira. (page: 39-59) Etsa Indra Irawan. 2008. Pelajaran IPA Fisika Bilingual untuk SMP/MTs, Kelas VII. Bandung: Yrama Widya. (page 113-144) http://www.physicsclassroom.com/class/newtlaws/U2L2b.cfm b. Learning media: power point c. Equipment and material: LCD projector, laptop. Padang, September 2012 Know Physics Teacher Create by: Student teacher

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Putri Citra Dewi NIM.12718.2009

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