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Cuando creamos una mquina virtual utilizando VMware se nos ofrece 3 maneras de establecer el tipo de conexin de red que la mquina va a tener o seleccionar Do NOT USE iNTERNET CONNECTION si la mquina virtual no va a tener conexin de red. BRIGED HOST-ONLY NAT (NETWORK ADDRESS TRANSLATION)

El tipo de conexin se puede seleccionar en: BRIDGED Con esta opcin la mquina virtual tendr su propia direccin IP dentro de la red local a la que est conectada el equipo fsico anfitrin y ante el resto de equipos se ver como una mquina independiente. Podr tener acceso a Internet si configuramos el resto de los parmetros de la red como son la direccin IP de la puerta de enlace y de los servidores DNS. La IP que la mquina tenga puede ser dinmica o esttica. (Dinmica si tiene servidor DHCP) HOST-ONLY Esta opcin se utiliza cuando queremos crear una red privada entre la mquina fsica y las mquinas virtuales. Con esta opcin, el sistema acta como si tuviese una red privada dnde se comparte la IP del equipo (el direccionamiento IP de la maquina virtual ha de ser dinmico y VMware le adjudicara una direccin IP). De esta manera, el equipo invitado podr compartir archivos e impresoras con el anfitrin. El equipo anfitrin tiene 2 IP, la que corresponde a la red fsica y la que corresponde a la red virtual. NAT (Network Address Translation) En esta opcin el equipo fsico (anfitrin) comparte la IP con la mquina virtual. Esta opcin es similar a la de Host-only, pero con el aadido de que el equipo invitado tendr acceso a Internet (el direccionamiento IP de la maquina virtual ha de ser dinmico y VMware le adjudicara una direccin IP. Adems, le aadir una puerta de enlace virtual y utilizara el anfitrin como proxy). Cuando creamos la mquina virtual Una vez que la mquina est creada desde el men VM>Settings

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IP: Internet Protocol Es un protocolo de comunicacin que permite identificar a un equipo dentro de una red (Internet o una red local) Es un nmero dividido en 4 partes separadas por puntos.

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BRIDGED Communication and Visibility: The virtual machine (VM) acts as if a regular PC ran on the same
physical network. You can go Internet and do whatever you want unless your software is hardware dependent. All VMs on vmnet0 are visible to others on the same physical network and vice versa.

Performance: In my experience, the VMware Bridged network is kind of slow. On Microsoft Windows, it is much slower on a workgroup network, compared to a domain. DHCP or Additional Service: No DHCP service is provided. If you don't have a router or DHCP server running on your network, this mode may not suit for you. In this case, you should consider either Host-only or NAT network depending on if you want Internet access.

HOST-ONLY Communication and Visibility:The network communication of this mode is limited between the host and the VMs on the same vmnet1 adapter. Those VMs cannot make a connection beyond the host; thus there is no internet access capability. They remain hidden behind the host. You cannot configure it to expose any VM on vmnet1 to the physical network either. Performance: The performance of Host-only (or vmnet1) is very fast. I usually use this setting for software testing especially when I don't need an Internet access. For example, I could run a database server inside a VM for a simple test. DHCP or Additional Service: This mode provides DHCP sevice. If you don't have a router or a DHCP sever running on your network, this one comes in handy. This service can be disabled. NAT Communication and Visibility: All VMs using the adapter vmnet8 form a private network with the host. They all have internet access capability, but they are not visible to others beyond the host as if they are sitting behind their own firewall with the host. You can expose the VM for a particular access by port forwarding via NAT configuration provided by the VMware network utility (in the desktop Start menu: VMware -> VMware Server -> Manage Virtual Networks). Because of its internet capability, I use it often for Web application testing and development too. Performance: To me, it is faster than Bridged and could be as fast as Host-only. DHCP or Additional Service: This mode provides DHCP sevice. If you don't have a router or a DHCP sever running on your network, this one comes in handy. This mode also provides NAT service for further network configuration. Both services can be disabled.

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