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F oiTil 21 OA ( 1 0/06)

United States Bankruptcy Court

Southern District Of New York
In re:
Case No.
Grand Prix Fixed Lessee LLC,
10-13825, 10-13800
A CLAIM HAS BEEN FI LED IN THI S CASE or deemed f iled under 11 US C. 1111(a). Transferee
hereby gives evtdence ancl nottce pursuant to Rule 3001(e)(1), Fed R Bankr. P .. of the transfer. other
than for secunty. of the clcim referenced in thts evtdence and notice.
Name of Transferee
Fair Harbor Capital, LLC
As assignee of Halogen Supply Company, Inc.
Name and Address where nottces to transferee
should be sent
fa ir Harbor Capita, LLC
Ansonia FinancE'
PO Hox 2.37037
Nt>w York, NY I 00:::3
Phone. 212 967 4035 _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Last Four Dtgtts of Acct # _ _ n:..:.:/-=a'-----
Name and Address wherE? transferee payments
should be sent (if differen: from above):
Phone n/a
Last Four Dtg1ts of Acct # n/a
Name of Transferor:
Halogen Supply Company, Inc.
Court Clatm # (1f known) none
Amount of Clatm $1 .676 89
Date Cla1m Ftled
Name and Address of Transferor
Halogen Supply Company, Inc.
4653 West Lawrence Avenue
Chicago. !L 60630
Last Four Dtgtts of Acct #
I declare under penalty of perj ury that the 1nformatton provided tn th1s not1ce IS true and correct to the
best of my knowledge and belief.
By ls!Frednc Grass Date. May 10. 2011
TransfereefTransferee's Agent
Penalty for makrng a false statement Fine of up to $500.000 or 1mpnsonmenl for up to 5 years. or bott'l 18 U S C 152 & 3571
United States Bankruptcy Court
Southern District Of New York
In re:
Case No.
Grand Pri x Fixed Lessee LLC,
10-13825, 10-13800
Cl ai m No. none (i f k.nown)
was filed or deemed filed Jnder 11 U.S.C. 1111 {a) tn this case by the alleged transferor As evidence of
the transfer of clatm. the t ansferee filed a Transfer of Claim Other than for Secunty m the clerk's office of
thiS court on May 10.201
Name of Transferee
Fair Harbor Capital, LLC
As assignee of Halogen Supply Company, Inc.
Fair Harbor Capilli I, LLC
Ansonia Fin a ncf Sfll t ion
PO .Oo.'( 23 7037
Nrw York, NY I 00:!3
Name of All eged Transferor.
Halogen Supply Company, Inc.
Name and Address of Alleged
Halogen Supply Company. Inc
4653 West lawrence Avenue
Chtcago ll 60630
The transferor of clatm namHd above is advised the this Nottce of Transfer of Clatm Other than for Secunty has been
filed 1r1 the clerk s office of It is court as evtdence of the transfer Objechon must be filed with the court withi n twenty
(20) days of the mailing of tt is nottce If no obJecton is tmely recetved by the court. the transferee w11t be substttuted
as the onginal clamant with )ul further order of the court.
Date _ _____ _
Clerk of the Court
Uu.ittd c-,.,
Soutllerv Distrl<=l or Y IWk

So>. lu-138ls
(Joi.Dczy Admiai.<otcrcd Undtr 1\0. 10. 1 JSOO)
.t\J:Mcmt s 1,6 76.8'9
Bankrupt.cy Ra.lc 3000(t)
TAKE .NO'I1CE lhttJ.Ihc scht duled claim Slll'F'L\' COMPAfi:"Y. I!\ C. (''ft1bu;J6ror") m the lUllOunt of
Sl ,676.."',111S wtu1ln Sclledule f lilod t>y the Dcbtons), .md all d uim; ""' U>Ou! t1v: t>z oof of
t CWm, lt' aoy, i<lr;ntiftoo below and Trusfcrots f1tbts LO n:crivc an lhl!l ll he cr.l;;ivd ;o r.:cc.i,c ou idXlOWIIufthc
o(any "XOO\lfOt)' OOalrect <!r to and ICes. if"''Y, be paid witt. re::;pect t "lhc C'IJim and 11 otll<r clcitN, all!$:$ of
acliun tbe it tm:l or otba' 1illrd party, vO!IQc 8lld oWr ri3hts $l'!Co l.xllefiu rl'}m, un6cr or relalllli <In)
r:>r !be <IDd all C&5b,. iJI:slruments txld 'Mlidl.may be paid or i""ucd by Uebii'X in of \be Claim} have
' and Olber for seourity to fair llarbo>' Capital , U.C ('"Transferee') in oonsid.c:mi011 o1 01c (' f : l'lle of the
J'l'IIDdtrtx: IXl Ulh TJV\NSl'ITR Of CL \1M 011.ffiR T'HA.l-: fO.R. :>E.CUR!TY A;\.'D WA.IV.Ii.ROf NOTTCF. oftl!c' 1 claims aod all
t ciglus and benefitS oflJaOS!e:ror relatini to the Claim.. 'I'M Cl!Dm is bw oo arooii.Oil' Trms;ferar b)' Dcbwr t:-ausfer bo d.oomod PO
f ..
l' l1:l me iln:' upp1'!olllo.n. or ol6tf wim me L<lun Wltb Tcgll!d tl) your elm en.
.1. of lhc abc-vc-descn'bed c).aim,;, hcn:.br asslglllllld !n!DSfer my claims aad all \kn: ur.ctcr to TJ":l.Cilfer-e, a:; set
/Onh. in n!Cili.....O. T WlllUm t!lln the c!a.im ii; not. 1.-s l'hllll <>t>j ccte.:l to. sol<!- 01 sausfi_cd. Upoo
!j nodtsCIIIJ(JI\ b) l Tnm:;fatt a pro-ralll pclrtlon of the prtce ,flhe c.&lt.tmJS <fuW!owea ' "' whC>Iu ot
pln't 11}' tile Dehlm-. !he. Court, or any <llhtr parry aod "'P= a!ld wacran.t:3 lhal. uc oo offsel5 or dd=s or th.3t !lave
bven or maybe ClrOI'I .Do1bwor .:ny Other pacty to reduco 1M 111'00\llltof()lt C1ainl ('(" :;o it>
;;;. A Ploof of Claim 'Bv P, f!!UIIO!IIIt pfS lllu ,ot l<1:Jjlj:l OH) bcm dub and timely filoo ill o lsuc oopy ufudll>lwf of
Cll.itl% ltlachlld TO chili j ftbc Proof 1>f 81110UM dlffas from !he Claim III'DOW\t set fonh 1 N the
()''mCI' of6al. l'roof of Claim subject to the of Oris AgrecmcD! and s.hall to identify owo::r ol' su.;h Pr()Oi o( CllliD1
ln. !he evC!ll. me 1!. uJ.Iimlndy allowed in an amonnt in of the 81llOUlll pun:hast1:1 bema. Tnmsflll'()(' is &J-;qmGII co and. aJ
0$1lioo mly, b<n cb. llf1ICIS lho b&llll!Ce of Wd CIA.im til the same perctllta,t<' oi ..::aim 1\01 to exc=d twice tbe
<.. 1aim II!TIQWll speclfiold Traas:fel <e P4YUltlllLO Trans fa-or upo.o satisfltctiOJ.l dt::.t .he Clair" las llllow.!ld io !he hichcr
lind 0111' 80bjdla lO Jmy lh<l 'Debtor.
I, the hereby aurhuri'!X: )'!1!11Sferee to me a notice oftr.11)Sfer 1(1 R.ulc 3001 (e) of l'<.:d<.:ral Rules
rrRDPi, wilh f\!Spect ChDrn.. TrtVI:Ilferoo pcrlQrms lts dl..e ()Ot !It its lh&:
8am. bllak t.o 1'11a1>1fcgw if due d. ,.., D;)( sat.i.sf..::tory, in wle and pUJ$Willf 10 Rule 31.1111 (<:) t>l'the I'RBP. to lbt event.
Tcans!o:n= n.m.&rs tbe<J.aim l>aclc 10 1r.m5rcrQf lhe tro<nofcr, timo bolh Tn&n::l&.ror aDd oi>.Cb o!Mt vf all &lld
ozl.ial:>ilit) Assi{mmeDI of Claim. Transfraor bereby a.clmowlcdgcs :md all ()fdJC l trr.IS .>ct fonh in this fr.lll$(er of Clxim
j ana benobywtlve3 (!) iLS ri.;)lt 10 ral$t any objoorion.befecc, to =ek't .Rille 3001 (c ) 11 1 w, t ttBP. Mby
' acl:Dowledgt1i 1bGt any llm.: Claim, all r(&bc. title :and imCI'I;$1 ofTr:u.;. f.rce ,,.. :o t!l.is TTVL\fer ufClai!:ll. All
:i; ba'tiD. shall d&:Jivcry oftb.!s T!'allSferoraaim il!ld o; uch
.i.i . O!hGr'lh.n lllbovc, ail risks with 10 funds. to deliv-or to hit Harbor C<ll)it<il,
'tl LLC IW:t wml:Spoo.deoe or paymcms tile da!.: signs this T!:it cled: of tru. " ' "11 is )Uthotaed o, ohllngt' the
fVI!jlrc3in14 ole@ oftbo l'nln&;faor co !bal. of !he firu!d below. .
!1 bo F>e.=o:te., 1.- ..
""""SJJmti!II a!C!Cm l>t any Stat.! Or I'oclcn<l oowt locaLlod in lb:: Stat.:; '{a.:!<. =i'frare.(Or cou.c:nts tn and co.u..lers pc:N<mR( - - - - ..
j urisdiction over Tl':llllll1bor by 00.11 or und llgi'1)CS tba% s.r.i"" ofprwt:& upon 'rr8os.!&or by m<>.i ln(;! a of ;aid (l roc<:ss t.o T raasfcn>r sr.
, set ta1li and iD 1\Cfamdi!J riA)>t tu dCllliiM a v .:.l j ury. Tr=fclror
. tllltf,.IA Ilk> 11Y=t tlllfl lb.} Dtlbl.ac' s Cll.:&c is or to :o Ci1SC uoder C1wp= 7 of !he .B.lnbuptcy Code .10d f r311Stercc lws !IIJd loc 1k
Claim. TTliJ>S1(:ror5hall 1elllir to TT811dcr all ;lJiid by in to me ctalm ,,._.,m.,;h!p ol' U&<: Cluim shall re\'etl \('
. Tnmsfuot.
<:mCAGO, 1L o;o6JQ.:zs8& . :-:?
.. ..-- ----
l1f Changed):
Plxmc:__ F;;z-----. __ ____ _
I of I
t to / zooa E69Zf
.talr !h<rh('>r (vp}UL. LLC
184! 1007
N<!W ':( orl:., NY

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