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Form 21M ( 1 0 1 0 6 ~

United States Bankruptcy Court

Southern District Of New York
In re: Grand Prix Fixed Lessee LLC,
Case No. 10-13825, (Jointly Administered Under Case No 10-13800)
A CLAIM HAS BEEN FILED IN THIS CASE or deemed filed under 11 U.S.C. 1111(a). Transferee
hereby gives evidence and notice pursuant to Rule 3001(e)(1j, Fed. R. Bal'lkr. P,, of the transfer, other
than for security, of the claim referenced in 1hls evidence and notice.
Name ofTransfere<:f
Fair Harbor Capital, LLC
As assignee of West Coast Valet Service
Name and Address where notices to transferee
should be sent:
Fair Harbor Capital, LLC
Ansonia Fin:ance Station
PO Box l370.l7
New York, NY 100"...3
Phone: 212 967 4035
Last Four Digits of Acct#: nla
Name and Addra.% where transferee payments
should be sent {if different from above);
Phone: n/a
Last Four Digits of Acct #: n/a
Name of Transferor:
West Coast Valet Service
Court Claim# (if known):
Amount of Claim: $1,355.14
Date Cta!m Filed:
Name and Address of Transferor:
West Coast Valet Service
855 Malcom Road
Bunlngame, CA 94011
Last Four Digits of Acct. #: _Jnllila:t__
l declare under penalty of perjury that the information provided in this notice is true and correct to the
best of my knowledge anc belief.
By: ls/Fredlic Glass Date: May 10. 2011
TransfereefTransferae's Agent
Penalty for me/ljng $falSe- statement: Fine af t:p tc $500,000 Of lmp:isonmenl >cr up to 5 yG!I:'$. or both. 18 U.S.C. 152 & 3571.
United Sta!ss Bankruptcy Court
Southam District Of New York
In re: Grand Prix Fixed Lessee LLC,
Case No. 10-13825, (Jointly Administered Under Case No 10-13800)
Claim No. (if known)
was filed or deemed filed under 11 U.S,C. 1111(a) In this case by the alleged transferor. As evidence of
the transfer of claim, the transferee filed a Transfer of Claim Other than for Security ln 1he clerk's office of
this court on May 10, 2011.
Name of Transferee:
Fair Harbor Capital, LLC
As assignee of West Coast Vatet Service
Fatr Harbor Capital, LLC
Ansonia Finant'e Station
PO Box Z37(l.l7
Vorl(, NY 10023
Name of Alleged Transferor:
West Coast Valet SeMce
Name and Address of
West Coast Valet Service
855 Malcom Road
Burlingame. CA 94011
The transferor of o!aim named above is advised the this Notice of Transfer of Claim other than for Security has been
filed in the clerk's office of this court as evidence of the transfer. Objection nwst be filed with I he court within twenty
(20) days of the mailing of thiS notice, If no objection is timely received by the court, the transferee will be substituted
as lhe original claimant without further order of the court.
Clerk of the Court
t!Dittd fllll'd'-Mlptty Cmirt
Sntll;o,rn Dhtrict Or
---. .:.-.-..
In ff:
Grnnd rrht Fbtd LIL

Cbnpter 11
Om: ?io. 1 01 382!1
(Joint\)" Adftllm!ftrHi Undtr Case la-13800)
Amount t4
BanO:rJptcy Rnle
PLFJ\SE TAKf. NO'l'ICE :M: the elaim of' WEST CO,\ST VALET S:tRVICE ngnlnn :he. Do:;tt<Jf(slm\M: M
listed within &he:luk F oflh S<:heclulc end Ullhi!ll!e; n:ed by the and Ali elnims (lncluilint w!!lmullbiln!ion life l'n>ofof Clni"ll. ifnny.
identified hr.fflw i:U'Id Tmnsfct(l1''$ rigb* io r<Y:e:ivc all intcn::st. c:nro poym;,r.<S tim: il m!l)l be cfllil!cd !o!Uitiw M ucnotml ofthc Df M:y
rn:'trl!ct nr l::m;e rclnted to ':ho;Ll.<im and ICes.. nny, which n1ny he pnid vi11 rcspett ltJ the Claim tmd n!JA'J<!r canses of fclinu the
!)chtor. hs 11Xi!latc5, tmy guarantor ormller third pnny. lngeth:r lllhh vmlr.g and ('ltht( rigb.ts .md \'rer_cr,ts arislo;g frwn. under or rcl!rtine, forego in&
;u\d all tath, ond othcr prope;ty whioh may i: p;1id or by Dtb!l:!r in ;;atisfnc:ion u .. "'' rn) ham: hrenlra":Sfetr<lci
ood migned olhenhan (or security 10 F'nir 1-krbm-Cnpitnl, LLC ('Tnmsfere:lf')ln of the snn:o of 111.: s;gnnLure oft he Tomsferec
C'RANSfF.R OF CLAIM OntE!I; THAN FOR SECURITY A"'lD WAfVEJt OF NOTICE is eviden::c o(lllt c1.tlll" m-.d all right.'> nnd of
Ill dqJrn. !:a 'led nn owed}o ,h_11ll en
Claim for the '"-">lkt:tion nnd llhnU not ';It de<.:nled to creMe A se...--crtly filttt'mlt Pltmr: ncu: lhal Fair Ani'bw Cap: Ia!, I L:C 15 not
uhii[!a':.."'ll u: nn:r npplicmlon. motinrt )>-.,of ofe'i11:m IJ!' nth:Jt doonmem 1-\llh Jhe Conn 'l'-7ih lo your
1. the !l<X.kp;lgroad Ttlll'\Sfcror oftb.: e!ai:m;.l1f'l'<:hy a'il'lgr_ and U".lnsfut my cJalrm nnd nil rig::1s 1h.:tc under lo the npon !en11S tni s<ll
l;mh in oovoc iclltr received. I M.! ""'"'TaMthPt elthn ;, ool.les.;. thnn $1,355 14 arcd hns nm beoo lX\lVIt.'Vh.y l)bjculef: ttl. ot ntis fled. ;.Jfl'lll
by Transferee, : asreo toreim!n:rse a flt\'lrnm pMivn ul the purc.mse price \f1hc chlim ls reduced. cll;\.!ctr.d fo. dlAA!lnwed in whole N
;mt by I he Dehtm, lite Court, or any olher :l.J:ty 1111d Yransrnrorneprcsents and !here un: no offsets 0"' cr tl:at
ilrm ru he a.'=tld hy m-oo behalfofDebl:or Or any lrtbe- pMrt) !o reduo: the amonn1 of the Cli!im orW "alue.
1\ :'roof of Claim It liP i!'l !l!u!mouDt or

llJu.- nne neel btcll duly :und timely med In 11111d n trne <'Ofly r.f !'rOOf M
n.<m atmdwd :o ProoffChUrn &mnnnl from thr. CiMm fltTIOii!llS forth al:nve. Tronsf.:roe 'hall he d!m( :be
rroororCinim 1\1 the ofth:S Ajlfl.lernent nnd shall becntitkd lo !dcntlfy .!$ GWI'let of 5nch Prmn'nfC!nlm M records of lin:

In lho e<:nl d"' Galro !5 thlmatel)' a)l<jwed o or_ Qmonm nfthe o.mounl pon::t'>Med Trnnsli>ruris lmreby dtremcd to lO at
ootion 0111;.. TrornJfur(lt hereby -1grus :o purchMc. C\e hci.mcc of said al :he ,m.me ;>erceotn)'!i!nf clnim plid hnrnin no\ to<:;(m thf:
nrllolml specifmd ltbol!t, sh!!ll remit m Tfaru;fetor upon Trnngfere;'s !'nthflWtk:m d:lllthe ChUm lms hcen allmwd in the lligh.:,r
MX:Iln1 ls \Q :my nbjection by ille !Xbtor.
1, llit ur.dcroigroe!l Trt.'1Sfcmr herohy mnhorir.; Tr:msrercc lQ Jilc n nmi::M urttansfcr pnrnuant to Rule 3001 (e) Fc:leml nfB-nnkrllutcy l'ml.:cdure
whh rcspoet t0 the Claim, while pe:fnnns il$ doe di'igcnce oo !he Clnim. M tts opticn, may 5nhlocquently mln,ftr lhe
C.airn b!!rl:. w lmusrcr<Jt lf drn: is nDl lilllhf-ac:ory, ifl m'le !llld !ibs:nlut putll:<llflt i<'l Rnle j(I(H ('") dthe FltrlP. In the event
Trar.sfi:rce the ';!acl: !;:"> TI'I'IOf;ferorNw:thdrn""' t:W lmnsfe:-. ut lime hoth TraosfeN" and Tr,h'"i&feree otherofn!l aud nny
or liubiht.y regarding Ass\gtmem of Claim, 1'1'111'U'i!"rot hereby nnd eonsenblto &11 tO:t'l in lhl:! Tmnsr.::r of Claim
rutd (!) ig to flllse anynl;ic"-'M lterc!O, und (ii) !Is r!gh\ !0 rc:eive nmffic Lo Rt!u 30111 (cf FRBP,
tl:n! Tr.v.sreree may a! any lime teil&!i!Jn the C:alm. with all r1gi:t, tltte em! io nn,\ In thb <>fClairr_ All
rcrre;ematiun and -..1manlict; mad!: herein sll\"\"'\>tC the and delil!ery ofthi> Transfer flf C:aim nnd nny Mmh
tb:m abo' 'C. Tnnu(;we nsks a<;;odated with d4hhtr'! nhiHy to riistriblltc ihn&,, ngrees 10 9\:li\!erlo lnir H;.tbor CRpil:u!,
LLC ;<ny mcehed ;;ntmequcrn to !he. drr.c: this agrce-m:::11t. clerk Mllw cn;m: is nn\hcrized Lu chooge tile
tr:j}Mding of.tl}e __ _
ni'Onim he.g:werned. b)' and ln with tk Jgwn o'the Sfiltc York nttinn ar:sleg under
ofCla.lm mny lit brought te MY S!nle or ;:onn ;tlcated in Sta!e nf'Ne'l' Ynrk. and fr:msfemr to amlin-> pn-sonal
j\lrL'IOic:iuo over TreW;reror hy 1u;h COII!l nr <;OUrls and nfpmcc5s mey ba upon ;,y madl!lji, n co)ly ofSHid to !1!
forth ln thia Alsignroer:t0fOaim, end In noy aeti:m wah..:s rlghl!G dllmon:i a triC: by jnry. ad:r.owlcdge\
:hn:. in the Cl,'<llll !.h;;t !he OOnk!'U]'Ik;o elm) )j & C\lii'ICI!td f(l H Crn!C ;:oder Cbll;:ll!!!' 1 nr the B:mkruptcy Cob:: hns for the
("!air.-- Tfto;fcnx !lhul\ immcr!.l!lcly ferrlit lfl Tnm;;-fi;Tce .til p!!id liy1rn:')l:(eroe ir. r<:gijfd lnlht: Claim and nW!Imh;p nf::M Claim revert lm::k til
C\ _UiiA , J
;J. L,IOiiTltk _
3/njjl_ __
!Jpda<..td At\.lrut
?!Wile: PAX:
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