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Secret Lairs: Character Research

Amphibian: double life

anura/n(y)oor/ An order of tailless amphibians that comprises the frogs and toads. Amphibians of this order; frogs and toads.

1. 2.

Research into Frog Gods and locations

Ancient Egyptian goddess of fertility who is depicted as being half human, half frog. The frog to ancient Egyptians was a symbol of regeneration - frogs would be seen coming onto land from the river Nile at specific times of the year.

River Nile
Located in Africa, runs through Kenya, Eritrea, Congo, Burundi, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia.

Research into amphibians and their habitats

Common frog, grass frog
Common frogs breath through their skin. They are able to hibernate underneath layers of mud, etc underwater.

Body length: 6 - 10cm Weight: on average 22.7 grams Females usually larger and lighter in colour than males

short limbs compared to body webbed toes During breeding season, male frogs fingers swell up in order to allow them to grip to females Transparent inner eyelids protect the eyes when underwater. Eggs are layed in still shallow water. The frogspawn is protected by a clear jelly, and floats to the surface to allow the sun to warm the eggs. Common frogs habitat is usually in meadows, gardens and woodland. Breeding takes place in and kind of shallow water.


Salamanders date back to Jurassic period. Mythological salamander: usually depicted as a real salamander with fire element : fire spirit Also depicted as fire creature today, in fictional film and books, and games.

- 8th century described as: "a satyr-like creature in a circular wooden tub" - 12th century: "a worm penetrating flames" - 13th century: a winged dog and "a small bird in flames"

Amphibious characters in film/game/mythologies Abraham Abe Sapien Hellboy

Charmander - Pokemon A book called The universe and HumanKind 1905 includes a story of a marine female found in the Caribbean.

- The Caspian sea merman - mythological creature -sighted on the coastal areas around southern and southwestern Caspian sea.

Caspian Sea
Known as the worlds largest lake. Largest body of water on earth by area It is situated where the South-Eastern Europe meets the Asian continent water age is 250 years old.

Idea for amphibian god so far:

Feminine frog-like goddess. Ancient god - ancient surroundings Surrounded by gold/riches, birds nests, dragons blood, eggs, etc Home is a Borneo like environment Mountain top

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