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BACKGROUND studient nationwide based on Pancasila and the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1945 serves to develop skills and form the character and civilization of a dignified nation in the context of the intellectual life of the nation, aims to develop the potential of students to become a faithful and pious man to Almighty Esa, noble, healthy, knowledgeable, skilled, creative, independent, and become citizens of a democratic and accountable. To carry out the functions of the government held a national education system as stated in Law No. 20 Year 2003 on National Education System. National education should be able to ensure equal education opportunities, improving the quality and relevance and efficiency of education management. Equal education opportunities embodied in the 9year compulsory education. Improving the quality of education directed at improving the quality of human being in Indonesia through olahhati, olahpikir, olahrasa and exercise in order to have a competitive edge in the face of global challenges. Increasing the relevance of education intended to produce graduates who fit the demanding needs-based natural resources of Indonesia. Improved efficiency of education management through the implementation of school-based management and renewal of education management in a planned, purposeful, and sustainable. Implementation of Law No. 20 of 2003 on National Education System translated into a number of regulations including Government Regulation No. 19 Year 2005 on National Education Standards. Government regulations provide guidance on the need for developed and implemented eight national education standards, namely: content standards, process standards, competency standards, teachers and standards, standards of facilities and infrastructure, standardized management, financing standards, educational and assessment standards. The curriculum is a set of plans and setting the objectives, content and learning materials and methods used to guide the implementation of learning activities to achieve specific educational goals. This includes the specific goal of national education goals as well as compliance with the uniqueness, condition and potential of the area, the education unit

and learners. Therefore, the curriculum developed by the education unit to allow adjustment of educational programs to the needs and potential of the region. SBC is prepared by the operational curriculum and implemented in each educational unit. SBC consists of education unit level educational goals, structure and content curriculum unit level of education, educational calendar and syllabus. Development Education Unit Level Curriculum (SBC), which refers to the various national education standards to ensure the achievement of national education goals. National education standards consist of content standards, processes, competency, education, infrastructure, management, financing and educational assessment. Two of the eight national education standards, namely Content Standard (SI) and the Graduate Competence Standard (SKL) is the primary reference for education in developing the curriculum units. Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 20 of 2003 (Law 20/2003) on National Education System and Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 19 Year 2005 (PP 19/2005) on National Standards. Mandated education curriculum at SBC elementary and secondary education prepared by the educational unit with reference to the SI and SKL and guided by the guidelines prepared by the National Education Standards Agency (BSNP). In addition, the preparation of the SBC must also follow other provisions relating to the curriculum in Law 20/2003 and PP 19/2005. In order to fulfill the mandate of the Act and the regulations referred to above and in order to achieve the objectives of national education in general, and the purpose of school education in particular, the MI NW Majuwet as primary education institution deems it necessary to develop a Unit Level Curriculum (SBC). SBC developed in MI NW Majuwet as the embodiment of the primary and secondary curriculum penddikan. The curriculum was developed by a team consisting of constituent elements of madrasas and Islamic committee under the coordination and supervision of the Ministry of Religious Affairs and the East Lombok Board Boarding Sa'adatuddarain NW Majuwet. NW MI curriculum development is based on five pillars Majuwet among others in order to give learners the opportunity: 1. 2. learn to faithful and pious to God Almighty, learn to understand and appreciate,

3. 4.

learn to be able to perform and do it effectively, learning to live together and be useful to others, and

5. learn to build and self-discovery through active learning, creative, effective and fun. At the end of the curriculum is still just a document, which will be a reality if implemented on the ground in a good learning process. Learning both in class and outside of class, should take place effectively are able to raise the activity and creativity of children. In this case the pelaksan kuriulum (read: Teachers MI NW Majuwet) will unearth this kuriulum in the learning process. Educators should also be able to prepare and mengasikkan learning fun for children, so the kids at home in elementary school. On the basis of this fact, the MI NW Majuwet learning should be to educate, educate, generate activity and creativity of children, effective, democratic, challenging, fun, and mengasikkan. With sepirit like that this curriculum will be dynamic guidelines for providing education and teaching at MI NW Majuwet. B. 1. BASIS OF PREPARATION SBC Philosophical Basis. School as a center of cultural development is inseparable from the valuenilaibudaya embraced by a nation. The Indonesian people have cultural values that sourced from Pancasila, as the philosophy of life of nation and state, religious yangmencakup, humanity, unity, democracy, and justice. Values inidijadikan

philosophical basis in the development of school curricula. School as part of the community can not be separated from the locus, kewaktuan, social and cultural conditions. Strengths and weaknesses of these things will be considered in determining the structure of the school curriculum. 2. Juridical Basis Legally SBC was developed by: a. Act 1945, Article 31 paragraph (5), "the Government advance Science and technology in upholding religious values and unity nations for the progress of civilization and the welfare of mankind "and Article 32 paragraph (1)," The State promotes the national culture of Indonesia in the middle of civilization the world to ensure the freedom of the public to maintain in developing value- cultural values. "


Law Number 20 Year 2003 on National Education System Part II Article 3, "Education aims to develop students' potentials fully human in order to be faithful and devoted to God Almighty, noble, healthy, knowledgeable, skilled, creative, independent, and a citizens of a democratic and accountable ". Article 36 paragraph (2), "The curriculum at all levels and types of education with the principle of diversification according to the educational unit, potential areas, and learners ". Article 38 paragraph (2), "primary and secondary education curriculum is developed in accordance with the relevance by any group or unit education and komitesekolah / madrasas under the coordination and supervision of the local education district office of the department of religion / city and provincial education secondary education ".


Government Regulation Number 19 Year 2005 on National Education System Article 17 paragraph (1), "Curriculum Education Unit SD / MI / SDLB, SMP / MTs. / SMPLB, SMA / MA / SMALB / SMK / MAK, or other forms

sederajatdikembangkan according to the educational unit, potential areas / regional characteristics , sociocultural pat the local community, the students ". d. Regulation of the Minister of National Education No. 6 of 2007 on PerubahanPeraturan Minister of National Education and the number 24 of 2006 concerning implementation of Competency Standards Content Standards and graduate, "education unit can adopt or adapt the model of Education Elementary Curriculum Unit Level and Medium prepared by the Research and Development Department Education with related units ". e. S tandar I cover the scope of the material and the level of competence to achieve competency on the level and type of education. Included in the SI are: basic framework and structure of the curriculum, Competency Standards (SK) and the Basic Competency (KD) each subject in every semester of every type and level of primary and secondary education. SI No. Kepmendiknas set. 22 of 2006. f. S tandar K Competency L Ulusan a graduate qualification capabilities that include attitudes, knowledge and skills as defined by No. Kepmendiknas. 23 of 2006. C. SBC DEVELOPMENT GOALS Preparation destination SBC MI NW MAJUWET this to be a reference for MI NW Majuwet in the preparation and development of curriculum that will be implemented at the unit level of education is concerned.


PRINCIPLES FOR K TSP SBC MI NW Majuwet developed according to their relevance to each group or unit level under the coordination of the Ministry of Religious Affairs and supervis i or Board Boarding Sa'adatuddarain NW Majuwet for basic education. SBC Development refers to SI and SKL and guided by a curriculum guide developed by BSNP, as well as taking into consideration the school committee / madrasa. Preparation of SBC to special education are coordinated and supervised by the Ministry of Religion and East Lombok guided by the SI and SKL and curriculum guide developed by BSNP. The SBC MI NW Majuwet developed based on the following principles: 1. Centered on the potential, progress, needs and interests of learners and the environment The curriculum was developed based on the principle that learners have a central position to develop competencies in order to become a human being faithful and pious to God Almighty, noble, healthy, knowledgeable, skilled, creative, independent and become citizens of a democratic and accountable. To support the achievement of these goals tailored competence development of learners with potential, progress, needs and interests of learners and the demands of the environment. Having a central position means learning activities centered on the learner. 2. Diverse and integrated The curriculum was developed taking into account the diversity of the characteristics of learners, local conditions, levels and types of education, and nondiscrimination and respect for diversity of religion, ethnicity, culture, customs, socioeconomic status, and gender. The curriculum shall include the substance of the charge component of the curriculum, local content, and self-development in an integrated and organized into meaningful linkages and sustainability, and precise antarsubstansi. 3. Responsive to the development of science, technology and art The curriculum was developed based on the realization that science, technology and art that developed dynamically. Therefore, the spirit and content of the curriculum gives students a learning experience to follow and take advantage of developments in science, technology, and art. 4. Relevant to the needs of life.

Curriculum development is done by involving stakeholders (stakeholders) to ensure the relevance of education to the needs of life, including social life, the business world and the world of work. Therefore, the development of personal skills, thinking skills, social skills, academic skills, and vocational skills is a necessity. 5. Comprehensive and sustainable The substance of the curriculum covers all dimensions of competency, the field of scholarly study and subjects were planned and presented antarsemua continuous education. 6. Lifelong learning The curriculum is directed to the process of development, acculturation, and empower students to be capable and willing to learn that last a lifetime. The curriculum reflects the relationship between the elements of formal education, non-formal, informal and subject to the conditions and demands of a constantly evolving environment and the direction of development of the whole person. 7. Balance between national interests and regional interests. The curriculum was developed by taking into account the national interest and the interest of the region to build the society, nation and state. National interests and regional interests should complement and empower line with the motto Unity in Diversity within the framework of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (Republic of Indonesia). In practice, the curriculum is implemented with the following principles:
1. Implementation of the curriculum is based on the potential, progress, and condition pesertadidik to master competencies useful for him. In this case, students must receive a quality education services, and obtain kesempatanuntuk express himself freely, dynamic and fun ..


Implementation of the curriculum allows students receive services bersifatperbaikan, enrichment and / or acceleration in accordance with the potential, stage of development, and the condition of the students while watching integrating personal development dimension of divinity students, keindividuan, kesosialan, and moral


The curriculum implemented in a relationship of learners and educators who accept and respect each other, intimate, open and warm, with principles ing ngarsa sungtulada, ing intermediate Mangun intention, tut

wuri handayani (in front of an example and role model, in the midst of building morale and initiative, at the rear provide power and power). 4. The curriculum is implemented using the approach multistrategi and multimedia learning resources and appropriate technology, and

utilizing the environment as a learning resource to the principle Natural takambang so teachers (all of which happen, unfold, and grow in the community, the environment, and the environment as source

alamsemesta learning, examples, and example). 5. The curriculum implemented by utilizing natural conditions, social, and cultural areas sertakekayaan for educational success with a whole load of study materials optimally. 6. The curriculum covers all components of the course competencies, local content, and the development of self-organized in the balance, alignment, and adequate dankesinambungan matching between classes and types and levels of education. Addition, the Education Unit Level Curriculum development needs in accordance Competency Standards Unit

Graduate Education (SKL -SP). The Competency Standards Unit Graduate Education (SKL-SP) More are: a. Starting professed religion in accordance with the stages of child development b. Know the advantages and disadvantages of self. c. Obeying social rules that apply in the environment. d. Appreciate the diversity of religions, cultures, ethnicities, races, and socioeconomic groups in the surrounding environment. e. use information about the environment around it logically, critically, and creatively. f. Demonstrated ability to think logically, critically, and creatively with the guidance of the teacher / educator. g. Demonstrate a high curiosity and realize its potential. h. Demonstrated ability to solve simple problems dala daily life.

i. Demonstrated ability to recognize the symptoms of natural and social environment. j. Demonstrate love and concern for the environment. k. Shows the love and pride of the nation, the state, and homeland Indonesial. l. Demonstrated ability to perform activities of local arts and culture. m. Shows hygienic practices, healthy, fit, safe, and utilize waktuluang

CHAPTER II PURPOSE A. EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES The purpose of Education is developing students' potentials in order menjadimanusia are: faithful and pious to God Almighty, noble, healthy, knowledgeable, skilled, creative, independent, and democratic citizenship sertabertanggung charge. While the purpose of education in madrasah is laying the foundation of intelligence, knowledge, personality, noble character, and the skills to live independently and follow further education. Referring to the general purpose, it can outlined the purpose of education in MI NW Majuwet are as follows: 1. 2. Increase faith and piety and noble character. Increases potency, intelligence, and interest in accordance with the level of development and ability of learners. 3. 4. Equip learners with adequate knowledge to melanjutka to pursue higher education. Developing the potential diversity and environmental characteristics of the area and to produce graduates who can contribute to the development of the region. 5. 6. 7. 8. Support the implementation of regional and national development. Developing science, technology, and art. Support increased tolerance and harmony among religious believers. Encourage students to be able to compete globally so that it can coexist with other nations Community Sector members. 9. Encouraging knowledge and attitudes of nationhood and national unity to strengthen the unity of the nation within the Unitary Republic of Indonesia.

10. Support sustainability and cultural diversity. 11. Encourage the growth of gender equality. 12. Developing a vision, mission, goals madrasas, conditions, and characteristics of Islamic B. VISION MADRASAH 1. 2. C. Realization of Islamic Students who behave and devoted to Allah SWT Realization of Students Intelligent, Creative and Achievement

MISSION MADRASAH To achieve the vision of a madrasah which aspires to "Realization of students who behave Islamic and devoted to God and realization of students who are intelligent, creative and accomplished, we need some form of the long-term mission with a clear and systematic way. Following missions MI NW Majuwet formulated based on the school's vision: 1. Instilling discipline on teachers and students in performing all the duties and regulations on the Madrasah. 2. Behavior and instill moral values in the students' everyday hanging out at the school and in the community. 3. Implement educational activities with family responsibilities and discipline and democracy. 4. 5. Implement teaching and learning activities effectively and efficiently. Implement Islamic nuanced extracurricular activities that support and enhance the discipline, motivation, creativity and achievement of learners. 6. Optimizing the use of existing infrastructure and the provision of facilities and infrastructure pursue learning activities that did not exist.


OBJECTIVES M I NW MAJUWET Referring to the vision and mission of madrasas, as well as general-purpose basic education schools in developing educational objectives are as follows. 1. 2. 3. Running professed religion in accordance with the stages of child development. All classes implement the approach "active learning" in all subjects. Developing a range of activities in the learning process in the classroom-based and character pendidikanbudaya nation. 4. Developing a school culture that is conducive to achieving goals pendidikandasar.


Organizing various social activities that are part of the nation's culture and character education.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Educational institutions to cooperate with the media in publishing programsekolah. Utilize and maintain facilities for the greatest in prosespembelajaran. Know the advantages and disadvantages of self. Abide by social rules that apply in the environment. Appreciate the diversity of religions, cultures, ethnicities, races, and socioeconomic groups in the neighborhood.

11. Using information about the environment around it logically, critically, and creatively. 12. Demonstrated ability to think logically, critically, and creatively with the guidance of teachers. 13. Showed a high curiosity and realize its potential. 14. Demonstrated ability to solve simple problems in daily life. 15. Demonstrate the ability to recognize the symptoms of natural and social environment. 16. Demonstrate love and concern for the environment. 17. Demonstrate love and pride in the nation, the state, and homeland Indonesia. 18. Demonstrated ability to perform activities of arts and culture. 19. Shows clean living habits, healthy, fit, safe, and utilize waktuluang. 20. Communicate clearly and politely. 21. Working together in groups, helping each other, and keep yourself dalamlingkungan family and peers. 22. Shows penchant read and write. 23. Demonstrate skills listening, speaking, reading, writing, and arithmetic. In particular, according to the vision and mission of the Madrasah, MI NW Majuwet goal in each academic year to deliver students / learners to: 1. Realizing righteous man, faithful, competent and noble character. 2. Acquisition Value UASBN / U.S. is increasing. 3. Winning entry in competition SMP / MTs best. 4. Has a habit of polite behavior. 5. Improve and develop the potential of learners.

6. Creating a healthy environment, clean and nyaman.Tujuan madrasah we will gradually be monitored, evaluated.

CHAPTER III STRUCTURE AND CONTENT CURRICULUM A. CURRICULUM STRUCTURE The structure of the curriculum is a pattern and arrangement of subjects that should ditempuholeh learners in learning activities. Depth at setiapmata lesson curriculum at each educational unit harusdikuasai competencies outlined in the student learning according to the load contained in kurikulum.Kompetensi structure is composed of standard competence and basic competences developed based on competency standards. Local content and activities self-development is an integral part of the structure of the curriculum at the level basic education and menenga. The structure of the curriculum SD / MI include learning substance taken in the level of education for six years from Class I to Class VI. The structure of the curriculum SD / MI compiled based on competency standards graduates and competency standards subject to the following provisions. The structure and content of the curriculum in primary and secondary education as stipulated in the Content Standards include five groups of subjects as follows. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Groups of subjects of religion and moral values. Citizenship subject groups and personalities. The group of subjects in science and technology Aesthetic subject groups Physical subject groups, sports and wellness

The group has a range of subjects and activities each masingseperti disclosed in PP 19/2005 on National Education Standards Article 6 paragraph (1) of Article 7 as follows.

No 1

Subject Group Religion Morals Honor



andGroup of noble danakhlakActivity religious , Learning and coaching religious subjects intendedcitizenship personality / moral values, untukmembentuk embelajaran science and manusiayang learners become technological, aesthetic, physical, faithful and pious to Godsport and health, and development Almighty and the Lord ofself / Extracurricular noble. Moral values include ethics, manners, or as the
embodiment of the moral religious education.

2. Kewaganegaraan and Personality

Groups of subjects andReligious activities, personalities citizenship pembinaankepribadian / noble intended to increase awarenesscharacter, citizenship learning, language, arts and culture, and knowledge of participants danpendidikan, Students will status, rights, andphysical danpengembangandiri / obligations in life society, nation, and state, as wellextracurricular as increased his qualities as a human being. Awareness and insight including the concept of nationalism, patriotism and the spirit to defend the state, respect for human rights, pluralism nations, environmental protection, gender equality, democracy, social responsibility, compliance with laws, obedience pay taxes, and anti-corruption attitudes and behavior, collusion, and nepotism.

Science Technology

andThe group of subjects in scienceK egiatan language learning, and technology mathematics, science social SD / MI / SDLB intended topengetahuanalam, sciences, skills / vocational, and / recognize, respond to, and appreciation of science andatauteknologi information and communication, as well as the technology, as well as inculcate the habit of thinkingrelevant cargo lokalyang
and behaving scientific critically, creatively independently and


The group is intended forLanguage activities, arts aesthetic subjects danbudaya, skills, relevant local increase the sensitivity, thedanmuatan, and development of ability to express and ability toself / extracurricular appreciate the beauty and harmony. The ability to appreciate and express the beauty and harmony includes the appreciation and expression, both in individual lives so that they can enjoy and grateful for life, as well as in social life so as to create a harmonious togetherness.

Physical, Sports,Physical subject groups, sportsPhysical education activities, and wellness and Health sports, health education, natural on SD / MI / SDLB intended tosciences, danmuatan relevant increase the potential local, danpengembangandiri / Physical and instill extracurricular
sportsmanship and awareness of living life sehat.Budaya healthy including awareness, attitudes, and behaviors of healthy life is individual or collective nature society such as freedom from sexual behavior smoking, drug addiction, HIV / AIDS, dengue, vomiting, and other diseases with the potential to spread.


Curriculum SD / MI contains eight subjects, local content, and development themselves as indicated in Table 2. Local content is a curricular activities to develop competencies adapted to the characteristics and potential of the region, including regional advantage, in that the material can not be classified into subjects there. The substance of the charge is determined by the local unit of Education. Self-development is not a subject that should be nurtured by the teacher. Self-development aims to provide opportunities to learners to develop and express themselves in accordance the needs, talents, and interests of each learner according to the school conditions. Facilitated and self-development activities or guided by a counselor, teacher, or educational staff to do in the form of extracurricular activities. Self development activities carried out through activities related to counseling services problem self and social life, learning, and career development learners.


The substance of science and social studies subjects in MI NW Majuwet an "Integrated Science" and "Integrated IPS".


Learning in Class I till III implemented through a thematic approach, while in Class IV VI executed sd eye approach lesson.


Learning hours allocated to each subject's contained in the structure of the curriculum. Education units is possible to add maximum of four hours lessons per week as a whole.

5. 6.

Allocation of one hour lessons are 40 minutes. Effective Sunday in one academic year (two semesters) is 34-38 weeks.

The structure of the curriculum MI NW Majuwet presented in the following table: Time Allocation MI NW Majuwet I II III IV V VI




A Subject 1 Islamic Education a. Quran Hadith 2 2 2 2 2 2 b. Moral theology 2 2 2 2 2 2 c. Fiqh 2 2 2 2 2 2 d. Cultural History of Islam 2 2 2 2 e. Arabic 2 2 2 2 2 Citizenship Education 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 Indonesian 6 6 6 5 5 5 4 Mathematics 6 6 6 5 6 6 5 Natural science 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 Social sciences 2 2 4 5 5 5 7 Cultural Arts and Craft 2 2 2 2 2 2 8 Education Jasokes 2 2 4 4 4 4 B Local Content a. English 2 2 1 1 b. The NW-an 2 2 2 2 C Personal Development a. Scout 1* 1* 1* 1* b. Martial Arts (Karate) 1* 1* 1* 1* TOTAL 30th 30th 44th 44th 44th 44th *) Self-development was held on Wednesday afternoons and Sundays. Information 1. A allocation of teaching hours 40 minutes. 2. Classes 1, 2, and 3 in the learning process using a thematic approach. 3. Classes 4, 5, and 6 in the learning process approach subjects. B. CURRICULUM CONTENT 1. Subject a. Islamic Education 1. Quran Hadith The subjects of the Qur'an Hadith intended that learners have the following capabilities:


Giving students the basic skills in reading, writing, familiar and fond of reading the Quran and Hadith.


Instill sense, understanding, appreciation of the content of the content of the verses of Al-Quran and Hadith which aims to encourage, nurture and guide the character and behavior of students with reference to the contents of the content of the verses of the Qur'an and Hadith.

2. Aqidah Morals Morals dogma aims subjects so that learners have the following capabilities: a. b. 3. Fiqh Fiqh subjects intended that learners have the following capabilities: a. Students can know and understand the main points of Islamic law in the form of detailed and thorough arguments and diharafkan aqli naqli and become a way of life in personal and social life. b. Students can implement and practice the Islamic law properly and is expected to foster adherence to execute the laws of Islam, disciplined and responsible, high social personal and social life. 4. Cultural History of Islam Cultural History of Islamic subjects intended that learners have the following capabilities: a. Provide knowledge about the history of the religion of Islam and Islamic culture in the time of Prophet Muhammad SAW and khulafaurrasyidin to students, so that it has an objective and systematic concepts in historical perspective. b. c. Taking ibrah / wisdom, values, and meanings contained in the history. Instilling a strong appreciation and willingness to practice good morals and avoid bad character, based on the fact cermatannya history. d. Equip students to form a personality based on exemplary figures forming a noble personality. b. Citizenship Education Forming learners faithful and devoted to Allah and have a noble character. Forming behavior of learners with akhlakul karimah in everyday life.

Citizenship Education subjects intended for learners has the following capabilities. 1. 2. Critical thinking, rational, and creative in responding to the issue of citizenship Participate actively and responsibly, and act intelligently in the activities of society, nation, and state, as well as anti-corruption 3. Developing a positive and democratic to form themselves based on the characters of Indonesian society in order to live together with other nations 4. Interact with other nations in the world arena directly or indirectly by using information and communication technology. c. Indonesian Indonesian Language intended that learners have the following capabilities. 1. Communicate effectively and efficiently in accordance with ethics, both orally and in writing 2. Appreciate and are proud to use the Indonesian language as the language of unity and Countries 3. Understanding the Indonesian language and use it appropriately and creatively for different purposes 4. Indonesian language to enhance intellectual capacity, as well as emotional and social maturity 5. Enjoy and utilize literature to broaden their horizons, refined manners, and increase the knowledge and language skills. 6. Respect and Indonesia boast a repertoire of literary and intellectual culture of Indonesian people. d. Arabic Arabic subjects intended that learners have the following capabilities: 1. Understanding the system sounds and meanings of words in Arabic language and apply it in everyday life. 2. Understanding and equip students to meet the international life as an international language Arabic. 3. 4. e. Recognize and appreciate the Arabic language as the language of the Qur'an Communicating and understanding of the structure of sentences in Arabic.


Mathematics courses intended that learners have the following capabilities. 1. Understanding mathematical concepts, explains the relationship between concepts and apply concepts or algorithms, flexibly, accurately, efficiently, and appropriately, in solving the problem. 2. Using the pattern and nature of reasoning, mathematical manipulation in making generalizations, compile evidence, or explain mathematical ideas and statements 3. Solve problems that include the ability to understand the problem, devise a mathematical model, solve the model and interpret the obtained solution 4. Communicate ideas with symbols, tables, diagrams, or other media to clarify the situation or problem 5. Having respect for the usefulness of mathematics in life, the curious, attention, and interest in studying mathematics, as well as a tenacious attitude and confidence in problem solving. f. Natural science Science subjects in SD / MI aims so that learners have the following capabilities. 1. Increased confidence in the greatness of Almighty God based on the existence, nature beauty and order of creation 2. Develop an understanding of a variety of natural phenomena, science concepts and principles that are useful and can be applied in everyday life 3. Develop a curiosity, a positive attitude, and awareness of the relationship interplay between science, the environment, technology, and society 4. Conduct scientific inquiry to develop the ability to think, behave and act and communicate scientific 5. Raising awareness to participate in maintaining, maintaining, and preserving the environment and natural resources 6. Raising awareness to appreciate nature and all its regularity as one of God's creation 7. Improve the knowledge, concepts, and skills as a basis for continuing science education to the next level. g. Social sciences

IPS subjects intended that learners have the following capabilities. 1. 2. Know the concepts related to the life of the community and the environment Have the basic ability to think logically and critically, curiosity, inquiry, problem solving, and social skills in life 3. 4. Commitment and awareness of social values and human Have the ability to communicate, cooperate and compete in a pluralistic society, locally, nationally, and globally. h. Cultural Arts and Craft Arts subjects intended that learners have the following capabilities. 1. 2. 3. 4. Understand the concept and importance of arts and culture Showing appreciation for art and cultural attitudes Showing creativity through arts and culture Displaying participation in arts and culture in the local, regional, and global levels. i. Physical Education, Sport and Health Physical subjects, Sports, and Health aims so that learners have the following capabilities. 1. Develop self-management skills in order to development and maintenance of physical fitness and a healthy lifestyle through physical activity and sport are selected 2. 3. 4. Increasing physical growth and psychological development better. Improve skills and basic motor skills Laying the foundation of strong moral character through the internalization of the values embodied in physical education, sport and health 5. Develop sportsmanship, honesty, discipline, responsibility, teamwork, confidence and democratization. 6. Develop the skills to maintain the safety of yourself, others and the environment 7. Understand the concept of physical activity and exercise in a clean environment as information to achieve perfect physical growth, healthy lifestyles and fitness, skilled, and have a positive attitude.


LOCAL CONTENT a. English English Lesson in SD / MI aims so that learners have the following capabilities. 1. 2. b. Know Your English as a language of international communication. Equip students to be able to speak English.

The NW-an The subjects in the MI's NW NW Majuwet intended that learners have the ability as beriku: 1. Know the history of the founding of the organization's community organisisasi Nahdlatul Wathan. 2. Know the organization's founder Nahdlatul Wathan and development.


SELF DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES Self-development activities include two kegatan the extracurricular activities and the activities of habituation a. Extracurricular Activities Development activities in the extracurricular activities in MI NW Majuwet includes two activities, namely activities pramukan and karate (martial arts). b. Activity Habituation Activities habituation includes several activities diataranya: 1. Habituation Routine Pembasaan routine is the formation of character and planting / experience of the teachings of Islam. The habituation routine activities carried out in MI NW Majuwet include: a. b. Social service activities that the school environment clean Activity bersma prayer before entering class includes reading prayers, sing the fight song, poetry, memorizing multiplication, and latiahan speech. c. Noon prayer in congregation in the madrasah.

2. Habituation Modeling Habituation keteladan in MI NW Majuwet aims to enable students to continue to always discipline in daily activities. Pembasaan include:


Refraction program 7 K (Security, Order, Cleanliness, Discipline, Civility, Kinship, Leisure).

b. c.

Reading culture to plant. Coaching order school uniform.

3. Habituation nature of nationalism and Fatriotisme. Habituation is intended that students can memegangang steadfast nature of nationalism and patriotism terhadapa nation. As for the things done in this habituation include: a. Implementation Aper flag every Monday. b. Warning holy days of RI 4. Habituation in the field of religion This activity aims to enable students always appreciate the great days of Islam and practice it in everyday life. The habituation This includes activities such as: a. Pesantren Flash (held every month of ramadan) b. Hiziban / yasinan (any implementation dimadrasah event). c., and so forth. 4. SETTING Baban LEARNING Load learn to rate regulation madrasas ibtidiyah learning system is load the package. Package System is a system administration program education student participants are required to attend the entire program of learning and learned loads assigned to each class in accordance with the structure curriculum in effect at the unit level. Load studying each subject at System Package is expressed in hours of learning. Load learn formulated in the form of units of time taken by learners to attend learning programs through the face-to-face, structured assignments, independent and unstructured activities. All of it is meant to achieve a standard competency by taking into account the level of development of learners. Activities are face to face learning activities in the form of the interaction between learners with educators. Load-face learning events per hour of learning in MI NW Majuwet is 40 minutes. While j otal hours face to face teaching per week in NW MI Majuwet are: 1. For class I and II is 30 hours per week 2. For Class III, IV, and V is 42 hours a week.

Load-face learning activities overall in MI NW Majuwet is as indicated in the table below. The number of teaching hours per week 30th 30th 42 42 42 42

Class I II III IV V VI 5.

One hour face-toface learning / min 40th 40th 40th 40th 40th 40th

Annual effective Sunday lessons 38th 38th 38th 38th 38th 34th

Learning time / hours / year 1140 1140 1596 1596 1596 1428

Mastery learning Mastery learning each indicator has been set in a basic competence ranges from 0-100%. Ideal criteria completeness for each indicator of 75%. MI NW Majuwet determine the minimum completeness criteria considering the level of average ability learners and the ability to support resources in organization of learning. keriteria With mastery learning is expected of teachers in MI NW Majuwet can improve mastery learning criteria continuous to achieve mastery criteria ideal. The minimum passing grade can keriteria Minimal mastery Keriteria (KKM) Number Letter 75th 75th 75th 75th 75th 70th 65th 60th 65th 65th 65th 75th 60th 75th Seventy Five Seventy Five Seventy Five Seventy Five Seventy Five Seventy Sixty-Five Sixty Sixty-Five Sixty-Five Sixty-Five Seventy Five Sixty Seventy Five

No 1


A. Religious Education 1. Quran Hadith 2. Moral theology 3. Fiqh 4. Cultural History of Islam 2 Citizenship Education 3 Indonesian 4 Arabic 5 Mathematics 6 Natural science 7 Social sciences 8 Cultural Arts and Craft 9 Education Jasokes 10th B. Local Content 1. English 2. The NW-an

Madrasah mastery learning targets that number is increasing every year. Therefore, every citizen is expected to more madrasas work harder in order to increase the quality of madrasah education from year to year. 6. INCREASE IN CLASS AND GRADUATION

Increase in Class A. As per decision of the Director General of elementary and secondary education manajamen National DepartemenPendidikan Number:

12/C/KEP/TU/2008 About Forms and Procedures for Preparation of Consolidated Learning Outcomes. The Class Increase in provisions set out in MI NW Majuwet are as follows: 1. 2. Conducted at the end of each school year or every semester. The increase in grade is based on the assessment of learning outcomes in semerter even, with consideration of the entire SK / KD who have not completed the semester, must be completed to achieve the KKM set, before the end of the second semester. This is in accordance with the principle of complete learning (mastery learning), participants who do not achieve mastery learning semester in accordance with the KKM set, then the question must follow the remedial lessons to the concerned Chief Engineer is capable of achieving. That is, the value must still take into account the increase in classroom learning outcomes of students for one school year is in progress. 3. Attendance rate of learners in the learning process should be followed to reach 80% of all days in a year learning effective. 4. Learners otherwise not up to the grade II, III, IV, and V if the party concerned did not achieve minimum mastery learning, more than 3 (three) subjects. 5. Learners otherwise not up to class VI, if the party concerned did not achieve minimum mastery learning, more than 3 (three) subjects were not subjects in UNkan, or concerned do not achieve minimum mastery learning in one or more subjects in UNkan. means should not have a value that is not completed in Indonesian Language, Mathematics, and Science B. Criteria Graduation Students of Class VI passed MI NW Majuwet What if it fulfills the following criteria:


Completing the entire learning program as evidenced by its first half report card full value of 1 (one) up to half of 12 (twelve).


Getting a GOOD minimum value on the final assessment by educational units for all subjects the subjects of religion and moral values, civic groups of subjects and personalities, the subjects of aesthetics, and the physical subjects, sports and health, based on the range of values as the following: 91-100 75-90 60-74 40-59 <40 Predicate Predicate Predicate Predicate Predicate VeryGood Good Enough Less Less One


Pass the exam both written and practical examinations for the subjects of science and technology based on Islamic values obtained from a combination of test scores and madrassas average the semester report cards 7,8,9,10 and 11 half weighted 60% (six twenty percent) for madrasah exam scores and 40% (forty percent) for the average value of report cards, with values as low as 6.50 (six point zero five).


Pass the National Exam which is determined based on the final value (NA) derived from a combination of Islamic values of the subjects diujinasionalkan and value of National Examination (UN) with a weighting of 40% (forty percent) for the value of the madrasah diujinasionalkan subjects and 60% (sixty percent) for the value of National Examination (UN) with the average value of all final grades (NA) at a low 5.5 (five point five) and the value of each subject least 4.0 (four point zero.)

7. 8.

LIFE SKILLS EDUCATION ACTIVITY BASED EXCELLENCE AND LOCAL Eye pelajaan given skills so that learners can develop life skills (life skills) that includes personal skills, social, vocational, and academic. Personal and social skills needed by all students, vocational skills provide opportunities for learners to are involved in a wide range of experience and bekreasi appreciation to produce a work that directly

benefit the lives of students, and academic skills required by those who will go on to pursue higher high. Therefore pesonal and social skills needed by all students, the MI NW Majuwet serving / giving Integrate these skills to all subjects (an integral part of everyday learning in all subjects). Considering almost all the students wanted to go to a higher level, the school chose academic skills that match their interests and talents of students pesetas. Based on the observations made by each teacher about kesesuain talents and interests of learners in MI NW Majuwet formulate the excellence and local-based activities are developed in the form of local arts and arts karauke Islamic qasida tambourine.

CHAPTER IV EDUCATION CALENDAR A. SUNDAY HOURS EFFECTIVE AND EFFECTIVE 1. In the education in MI NW Majuwet using semester system divides the academic year into one semester and second semester. 2. Effective number of days in a school year 265 days and the number of days face to face in a 228 day school year, which is used for learning activities in accordance with the applicable kuriulum MI NW Majuwet. 3. Study time efetif Majuwet MI NW is the number of hours of study per week / weekend include the number of hours of study for all subjects including local content and the number of hours for the developers themselves held on Wednesday afternoon and Munday. 4. The number of hours of face-to-face in MI NW Majuwet a week for class I and II is 30 hours of lessons with the allocation of 40 minutes per hour lesson. While the number of hours for classes III, IV, V, and VI are subject to the allocation of 42 hours 40 minutes per hour lesson. 5. Teaching and learning in MI NW Majuwet the semester academic year 2012/2013 starts on Monday the 9th of July 2012 and ends on Saturday December 22, 2012. While the teaching and learning process in the second semester of academic year 2012/2013 starts on Tuesday the 2nd of January 2013 and ends on Saturday the 22nd of June 2013.


The distribution of the number of days in the semester study (July 2012-December 2012) and second semester (January 2013 - June 2013) in accordance with the following table:

S M T R 1

Day off Effective Effective Month / Approximatel Number Learning Learning Frida Year Semester General Special y Fasting of Day Day y Month Holidays 2 July 2012 3 14th 15th 25th 24th 25th 19th 4 14th 15th 19th 24th 25th 19th 5 4 5 4 4 5 4 6 6 0 0 0 0 6 7 0 2 0 1 1 1 8 2 5 0 2 0 0 9 4 5 0 0 0 0 10th 16th 17th 4 7 5 11th

G August A N 2012 A September I L 2012 October 2012 November 2012 December 2012 TOTAL January G N A P 2013 2013 March 2013 April 2013 May 2013 June 2013 TOTAL Number of Odd and Even Semester E February

122 25th 24th 24th 26th 25th 25th

104 25th 24th 18th 26th 25th 6

26th 4 4 5 4 5 4

12th 0 0 0 0 0 6

5 2 0 2 0 2 1

9 0 0 0 0 0 0

9 0 0 0 0 0 0

60th 6 4 7 4 7 11th











B. RELIGIOUS HOLIDAYS AND PUBLIC HOLIDAYS 1. Religious Holidays and Public Holidays No 1 2 3 4 5 Date Friday August 17, 2012 Sunday / Monday 19 & August 20, 2012 Friday October 26, 2012 Thursday 15 November 2012 Tuesday December 25, 2012 Day Holiday Proclamation of Independence Day Idul Fitri 1433 H Eid-ul-adha 1433 H New Hijri Year 1434 H Christmas

6 7 8 9 10th 11th 12th 13th

Tuesday Thursday Sunday Tuesday Friday Thursday Saturday Thursday

January 1, 2013 January 24, 2013 10 Feberuari 2013 March 12, 2013 March 29, 2013 May 9, 2013 May 25, 2013 June 6, 2013

New Year's Birthday of Prophet Muhammad SAW Lunar New Year Nyepi Day Death of Jesus Christ Ascension of Jesus Christ Vesak Day Isra 'Mi'raj Prophet Mohammad SAW

2. Holiday Special a. b. c. d. Off first week of fasting during the week of June 18 to July 24, 2012 Holiday Idul Fitri 1433 H from May 16 to August 18, 2012. Holiday after Idul Fitri 1433 H from 21 to 26 August 2012. Break 2 (two) business days prior to and after the Eid-ul-Adha 1433 H.

3. Semester Break a. b. Semester off for 6 days starting from June 24 through December 31, 2012. Semester off for 12 days from 24th June to 6th July 2013.

C. DEUTERONOMY midle SEMESTER SEMESTER AND DEUTERONOMY a. Middle Deuteronomy odd semester was held on the fourth week of september ie from 24 to 30 September 2012. b. c. Deuteronomy Odd Semester held from August 10 to December 17, 2012. Middle Deuteronomy Semester in the third week of March, from the 18th until March 24th 2013. d. Deuteronomy Semester held from May 10 to June 17, 2013.

D. TEST TEST AND NATIONAL SCHOOL Examination Schools and the National Examination devoted in class VI (gymnastics) NW MI students ranged Majuwet and implemented between April 2013 and May 2013. Examination Schools and the National Examination could not be determined because of the wait time and the date of the national education minister rules.

CHAPTER V CLOSING Gratitude Thank God, for all the blessings and the SBC curriculum ridoNya MI NW Majuwet had finished our set up, with no significant obstacles. With the completion of the preparation of the Education Unit Level Curriculum (SBC), the the MI NW Majuwet already have a reference to organize learning activities lesson in 201 2/201 3. Thus, began the school year 201 2/201 3's, MI NW Majuwet the SBC will perform in

unison for all classes. Our hope, Unit Level Curriculum (SBC), which has been compiled by us qualified so that all the activities we had planned to run smoothly. Therefore, constructive criticism and suggestions so we expect of all the observer, executive education for perfection that can eventually provide Enlightenment implementation in Islamic Elementary School. Furthermore, the quality of the product is expected to learners which has ahklak nobility as a reflection of a great nation we also are looking forward to support from all parties, especially the teachers, staff, students, and parents so that the learning process can be run with maximum. Penyusu n

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