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Order for the Public Worship of God

Lead Pastor: Rev. Vernon Burrow 406-6385 Youth & Education Pastor: Rev. Brad Unland 772-4680 Minister of Music: Ben Spicer Worship Leaders: Rebecca Butler, Karen White Nov. 18, 2012 Thanksgiving Service 10:00 a.m.

The Old Testament Lesson *Hymn Sharing of Blessings The Prayers of the People

Joel 2:21-27

John Crowder III, reader #559 Welcome November 18, 2012

Please help us to know you better Name: __________________________________ Address: ________________________________ ________________________________________ City: ___________________________________ State: _________ Zip: ___________________

Come, Ye Thankful People, Come

Enter to Worship The Prelude and Call to Worship (Please begin to grow quiet to prepare for worship) Welcome and Announcements *Lighting of the Candles (Bringing in the Light of Christ) Acolytes Time with Our Children Receiving and Blessing of the Loaves and Fishes Boxes (As the Praise Medley begins, children from three years old through 6th grade may go with Pastor Brad to the office complex for New Hope Kidz Childrens Church) *The Praise Medley (see bulletin insert for words) We Are So Blessed I Love You Lord Give Thanks with a Grateful Heart *The Prayer of Adoration *Responsive Reading Psalm 24:1-12 (Congregation read BOLD lines) The earth is the Lord's, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein. 2 For he hath founded it upon the seas, and established it upon the floods. The Prayer of Confession (in unison) Most gracious God, you cover the earth with your bounty and entrust its riches to our care, but we have been unfaithful to your trust. We have laid waste the earth and exploited the land. Those who have much have wanted more, while multitudes go hungry and the poor lose hope. Set us free, we pray, both from greed and from want, that all may live in justice and well-being. May our lives be enlisted toward this end, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Individual Confessions (Pray silently) The Assurance of Pardon *The Gloria Patri #623

The Lords Prayer (in unison) Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen. Offertory Sentence - Will a man rob God? Yet you rob me. But you ask, How do we rob you? In tithes and offerings, says the Lord Almighty. (Malachi 3:8 NIV) Offertory (If you have not yet returned your Trust Cards for 2013 you may place them in the offering as it is received) *Doxology Special Music The Gospel Lesson Matthew 6:25-33 Pastor: This is the Word of God for the people of God. People: Thanks be to God! The Message *The Hymn of Invitation *Parting Song *The Blessing and Benediction *Extinguishing the Candles (Taking the Light of Christ into the World) *Postlude Leave to Serve *Where this mark appears, all who are able please stand to honor God. (Feel free to stand or keep seated according to your own comfort needs.) Acolytes The Eternal Optimist Great Is Thy Faithfulness I Live (see bulletin insert) Pastor Burrow #43 #625 Lisa Thompson

Home Phone: ____________________________ Cell Phone: ______________________________ Email: __________________________________ Spouse Name: ____________________________ Childrens Names: ___________________ Age_____ Grade______ ___________________ Age_____ Grade______ ___________________ Age_____ Grade______ ___________________ Age_____ Grade______ ___________________ Age_____ Grade______ First Time Guest New in Community

Member of Church ___________________ ___________ City______________State_____ I desire a call from the Pastor I wish to be contacted by a Stephen Minister I would like information about this church I want to volunteer in this church How did you find our church?

New Hope Cumberland Presbyterian Church 7845 Coles Ferry Pike, PO Box 1215 Lebanon, TN 37088-1215 Church Phone: 449-7020 Website www.NewHopeCPChurch.com E-mail us at nwhpchrch0@gmail.com CCLI Copyright License #11118959

Please circle your approximate age group(s): Youth (7th 12th) College Student Adult (30 50) Median Adult (51 64) Senior (65+)

Young Adult (18 29)

Our Prayer Requests

Prayer Requests (and to remove names from our list)

The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous person availeth much. James 5:16
(For additions to or deletions from this list, or to place information in this bulletin, please call 449-7020 or email the church at info@newhopecpchurch.com.)

Praise and Answered Prayer

Childrens Christmas Play

(Please tear off sign-up form and place in offering plate.) Name: ________________________________ Phone: _______________________________

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-Wes & Missy Branham (requested by Dena Cazee -Mariloyce Oliver -Aleshia Green (requested by the Hargiss) -Allan Rudge (Diane Rudges husband) -Peggy Haynes (request by Patty Tomlinson) -Rose Lawrence -Ken Lawrence (Rose Lawrences nephew) -Lucille Lawrence (Roses mother) -Ruth Stultz (Evelyn Prices sister) -Clint Price -Sherry Myer -Ricky White (Rick Whites son) -Pauline Horton -Jerry Horton (Lisa Dicksons brother) -Joyce Burrow -Connie Spears -Jeanette Smith (breast cancer) -Thelma Osterhoss (Gene Dykes mother) -Peggy Malloy (Gene Dykes sister) -Connie Hill (Rachael Greers sister) -Helen Moss (Rachel Greers mother) -Lucy Butler (Charlie Butlers mother) -Donna Brumbach (chemo/cancer) -Leigh Snyder (DJs friend) -Venelee Smith (homebound) -Dora Crawford (homebound) -Vivian Smrtic (out-of-state member)

I/We would like to include our child/children in the play. I/We wish to help with costumes. I/We wish help build sets and/or props. I/We can help with anything else that is needed.

-Makayla Crowder (knee surgery) -Jeanitt Smith -Sarah Voss (Bob Martins sister) -Mike Voss (Bob Martins son) -BethAnn Bennett (Wilson Bank employee) -Virginia Burson (Lorraine Bursons mother) -Priscilla Santi (request by Mary Thompson) -Jack Thompson -Chassidy Thompson -Joseph Garcia (shipping out to Kuwait) -Mildred Grisham -Serita Martin -Rich Binney -Jimmy and Kathy Binney -Shaun Binney (Rich and Kathys grandson) -Matt Brandt and family -Jason Morris (Lee Ann Crosslins son) -Clyde Elmore (friend of Mary Ann) -Ed Triplet (Gina Jones brother-in-law) -Lisa Bartlett (Scott and Brians mother) -Betty Lustig -Nick Solomon -Lynn Shrum (Danas mother) -Michael Lane (needs kidney AND heart transplant) -Deborah Lynn Scott -Jeff Granstaff -Gary King -Jerry Etheridge (on kidney transplant list)

Answered Prayer for Cindy Reeves (submitted by Bobby and Lisa Thompson)

Twenty-fifth Sunday after Pentecost 1 Samuel 1:4-20; 1 Samuel 2:1-10 or Psalm 113; Hebrews 10:11-14 (15-18) 19-25; Mark 13:1-8. Color: Green

Welcome to Worship
elcome to New Hope Church, a place for new beginnings! If you are visiting, you will discover a loving, spirit-filled church family. Here is some helpful information as you join us in worship today: All who worship here are equals in the sight of God, regardless of race, age, gender, physical disability or religious affiliation. Communion, when celebrated, is open to all who profess Christ as Lord and Savior, whether affiliated with this church or not. Children may partake of Communion as well, if parents approve. A nursery is available during the service; please see a greeter for directions. (This is for infants and children up to 3 years of age.) Handicap-accessible restrooms are located off the narthex (main foyer) and adjacent to the entrance lobby in the Fellowship Hall/Gym. Please complete the tear-off attendance slip attached to the bulletin and drop it in the offering plate so we will have a record of your visit with us today. Thank you for remembering to silence your cell phone during the service. No food or beverages in the sanctuary, please. If you arrived as a visitor we hope that you leave as a friend and worship with us often! New Hope Church exists to: Glorify God in worship and rejoice in our life together; Share the Good News of the Gospel in word and deed; Reach as many as we can with the saving love of Jesus; Help each person grow toward Christian maturity, and find their place of service in the church and in the world.

Stewardship Emphasis Oct. 23 Nov. 18. Once a year we emphasis the privilege we have to give of our time, talents, and money to the Lords work. The theme this year is: Developing a Culture of Generosity. Each family should have received a Trust Card by mail which will help you set a goal for your financial giving for 2013. Please pray over your card and set a goal for giving. We believe that Christian Maturity and financial giving go hand in hand. Financial giving is one sign of spiritual growth. Generosity helps us grow. Be as generous as you possibly can. You may place your Trust Card in the offering plate as it is passed this morning. Bring it next week if you forgot today. Holiday Benevolence Another project underway in our Culture of Generosity emphasis is to help a family connected with the church to have a better Christmas. We will start taking up money next week for this project. Please see Brad for more information on the familys needs. Childrens Christmas Play. Ben started rehearsals this morning. We would love to include all our children in this program. The Christmas Play will be presented the night of the Church-Wide Christmas party, Sunday, December 16. Mission Trip to Haiti 2013 Lee Ann Crosslin, Alene Gibson and Alenes daughter Savannah are preparing for a return trip to Haiti February 7th 16th. They will continue work in Fond-des-Blanc on the school that they helped to build. There is a box in the foyer to leave donations, or you can make your check to the church and put Haiti Mission Trip in the memo line. Once we get more info, we will have a large box to place items that are needed for the trip, like we did last year.

Ministries/Activities Within Our Church

Annual Community Thanksgiving Service TONIGHT: Five of the Churches in our geographical will join together. This year the service will be at Webbs Chapel, 120 Davis Rd. The meal, furnished by the Webbs Chapel Church, will be at 5:00 PM, and the service of worship will be at 6:00 PM. Operation Christmas Child was a resounding success! We collected 20 shoeboxes, which is great for a church this size in its first year participating in the program. Thanks to everyone who helped make a childs Christmas a little brighter. Loaves and Fishes boxes are being collected this morning and will be dedicated to the Lords ministry during childrens time. This year, 50% of the moneys will go to our denominations Clinic Program in Guatemala, 25% will go to our denominations Missions Ministry Team Hunger Programs (that will be parceled out to help in natural disasters in USA and around the world), and 25% will be kept by our local church to help people in need.

Members in Ministry
Today: Lock-Up: Rick White Media: Ron Hensley Ushers: Bobby Thompson, Greg Gibson, Bill Brown, Jr., Rich Binney Nursery: Brittany Brown Hospitality: Mary Jo Haynes Lawn Care: (if required) Bill Brown and Clayton Fisher Next Sunday: Lock-Up: Evelyn Price Media: Rick White Ushers: Bill Brown, Jr., Rick White, Clayton Fisher, Russ Winkler Nursery: Lisa Thompson Hospitality: Anna King Lawn Care: (if required) Jimmy Reynolds, Ray Jones and Raymond Bay

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