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Operators Handbook 1354SY Rel.8.


Appendices 3AL 70968 AAAA Ed. 02 167/184
This chapter is devoted to the NCDR synchronization reports that can be generated with the
opinvexe.exe program of the 1354SY. Although it was developed initially for the 1359ISN agent, it can
be used separately as well.
OPINVEXE.EXE -class <class_name> [-attribute_list <{list of attributes}>] [-filter
<{attrName=Value:Oper:....:attrName=Value}>] [-file <output_file>] [-separator_ch <character>]
[-escape_ch <character>] [-char_to_escape <string>]
-class <class_name> (MANDATORY)
The possible values are:
-attribute_list <{list of attributes separated with :}>
If not present, it will return return ALL the attributes of the class.
-filter <{attrName=Value:Oper:....:attrName=Value}>
attrName: must be a valid attribute name.
Value: can be of string, integer or enumerative type. (depending on the type of attribute)
Oper: Operator: Can be AND or OR.
-file <output_file>
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output_file: must be specified with complete path-name. If not present, the output is directed
on stdout.
-separator_ch <character>
specific the character of separation between attributes. It can be !:;, between \"\'\" for default is
-escape_ch <character>
Specific the character of escape (according to the C rule) It can be $&#\\ between " ' " for
default is '\'
-char_to_escape <string>
All the contained characters in the string will be preceded from the character of escape
whenever they appear in attributes of type string or date. If not present, the character of
escape is applied only to the character of separation between the attributes. By default is ':'.
The report generate a list of all eml agents known by the SY.
Available fields:
o emlId: variable of type INTEGER; it is the id of the element manager
o emlName: variable of type STRING; it is the name of eml Domain
% opinvexe.exe -class emlSY
List Attribute Name
:0:Virtual Eml
This report generate a list of all snml agents known by the SY
Available fields:
o ntwId: variable of type INTEGER; it is the Network Domain id of the SNML agent
o snmlName: variable of type STRING; it is a user friendly name for the SNML agent
% opinvexe.exe -class snmlSY
List Attribute Name
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This report contains the list of the SECs known by an EML agent ( A SEC is a NE with an internal
clock, like ADMs or DXCs) An EML agent is a emlim defined on a NM.
List of relevant attributes:
o emlId: variable of type INTEGER [emlFDN]; it is the id of the element manager.
o neName: variable of type STRING [neName]; it is the name of the NE
% opinvexe.exe -class nePerEmlSY
List Attribute Name
It is possible to filter this report based on the value of emlId. For example:
% opinvexe.exe -class nePerEmlSY -filter {emlId=30}
List Attribute Name
This report contains the list of the synchronization-relevant ports of a particular NE
List of relevant attributes:
o portName: variable of type STRING; it is the name to identify a port
o portType: variable of type ENUMERATED; its a type of port with one of the following
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o portDirection: variable of type ENUMERATED; it identifies (if applicable) the direction of
the dataflow; it has one of the following values:
bidirectional (0) ,
sink (1) ,
source (2) ,
notMeaningful (3)
o change2Mhz-2Mbit: variable of type BOOLEAN; it is TRUE if its possible to change type
of port
o txSSM: variable of type BOOLEAN; it indicates if Automatic or Forced value (TRUE) is
used for transmitted SSM.
o forcedSSM: variable of type ENUMERATED; it represents the manually set outgoing
quality level. Its possible value is one of the following values:
unknown (0) ,
prc-G811 (2) ,
g812T (4) ,
g812L (8) ,
sec-G813 (11) ,
doNotUse (15)
Not applicable (-1)
o retiming: variable of type BOOLEAN; it indicates if 2MB ports are re-timed or not.
% opinvexe.exe -class portPerNeSY
List Attribute Name
:1650smc40/r01s1b01/port#15-P:T2-T5 PDH:bidirectional:FALSE:FALSE:Unknown:FALSE
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This report is devoted to the main synchronization attributes of each NE
List of relevant attributes:
o nodeId: variable of type INTEGER; it represents the identifier for the NE entity
o neName: variable of type STRING; it is the name for the NE
o neType: variable of type STRING; it identifies the type of the NE. permitted values are the
NE supported by SY.
o neVersion: variable of type STRING; it is the version identifier for the NE.
o neOscQual: variable of type ENUMERATED; it represents the oscillator quality of the card
in the NE. Its possible that Nes of the same type and version have different card. Possible
value is one of the following:
unknown (-1) ,
g811 (0) ,
g812t (1) ,
g812l (2) ,
g813 (3) ,
disabled (4) ,
none (5) ,
noextsync (6)
o ssuInterconnectMode: variable of type ENUMERATED; it indicates if the NE has a SSU
interconnected or not; Possible values:
unknown (-1) ,
notInterconnected (0)
g811 (1) ,
g812t (2) ,
g812l (3) ,
g813 (4) ,
dnu (5) ,
outOfRange (6)
o operationalMode: variable of type ENUMERATED; it represents the SETG mode; possible
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locked (0) i.e. the output is fully controlled by the external references
hold-over (1) i.e. the external references are malfunctioning. The output is
controlled by its memorized value obtained during locked mode.
free-running (2) i.e. both external references and memorized values are
unavailable. The output is controlled by the internal oscillator
unknown (-1)
o operationalState: variable of type ENUMERATED, with one of the following values:
disabled (0) ,
enabled (1)
o alignedState: variable of type BOOLEAN; state indicates if the EML is aligned by
ESPRESSO (True) or not (False).
o emlId: variable of type INTEGER; its the identifier of the element manager
% opinvexe.exe -class neInfoSY
List Attribute Name
This report contains information referred to synchronization-relevant links of a particular NE
List of relevant attributes:
o neAId: variable of type INTEGER; its the identifier A of the NE on a side of this link
o neBId: variable of type INTEGER; its the identifier B of the NE on other side of this link
o portAId: variable of type INTEGER; its the identifier A of the port on a side of this link
o portBId: variable of type INTEGER; its the identifier B of the port on other side of this link
o towardsA: variable of type ENUMERATED; it defines the type of the synchronization
distribution towards node A
o towardsB: variable of type ENUMERATED; it defines the type of the synchronization
distribution towards node B
o portNameA: variable of type STRING; its the name of the port A
o portNameB: variable of type STRING; its the name of the port B
o technologyType: variable of type ENUMERATED; it defines the type of technology for a
physical link from synchronization point of view. Possible values:
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o linkName: variable of type STRING; its a user friendly name for the link
opinvexe.exe -class neLinkTopoSY
List Attribute Name
This report contains information relevant to the timing sources for each selector of each NE. Timing
sources are the ports of the NE from where the NE can extract its clock signal.
List of relevant attributes:
o neName: variable of type STRING; its the name for the NE
o selectorType: variable of type ENUMERATED , with one of the following values:
selector A; its selector T4
selector B; its selector T0
o portName: variable of type STRING; its the name to identify a port
o priorityLevel: variable of type INTEGER
o networkRxSSM: variable of type ENUMERATED, with one of the following values:
unknown (0) ,
G811 (2),
g812T (4),
G812L (8),
G813 (11),
doNotUse (15)
Not applicable (-1)
o forcedRxSSM: variable of type ENUMERATED, with one of the following values:
unknown (0) ,
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G811 (2),
G812T (4),
G812L (8),
G813 (11),
doNotUse (15)
Not applicable (-1)
o selectionMode: variable of type ENUMERATED, with one of the following values:
unknown (-1) ,
forced (0) ,
manual (1) ,
automatic (2)
o SSMactive: variable of type BOOLEAN; it indicates if SSM is enabled or not
o isSelected: variable of type BOOLEAN; it indicates if timing source is selected or not
o switchbackTime: variable of type INTEGER
opinvexe.exe -class neSelectorInfoSY
List Attribute Name
:SASE3:Selector B:SASE3>Internal Oscillator:-1:G813:G813:Automatic:FALSE: FALSE :20
:SASE3:Selector B:SASE3>GPS_1:1:G811:G811:Automatic:FALSE:TRUE:20
:SASE1:Selector B:SASE1>INPUT_5:5:Unknown:Unknown:Unknown:FALSE:FALSE:0
:SASE1:Selector B:SASE1>INPUT_3:2:Unknown:Unknown:Automatic:FALSE:TRUE:0
:1650smc40:Selector B:1650smc40/Internal Oscillator:-1:G813:G813:Automatic
:1650smc40:Selector B:1650smc40/r01s1b08/port#01-OpS:6:G811:Unknown:Automatic
:1660sm21:Selector B:1660sm21/2MbpsT6#B:1:G812T:G812T:Unknown:TRUE:FALSE:300
:1660sm21:Selector A:1660sm21/T0 (Timinggenerator):-1:G813:G813:Automatic:TRUE :FALSE:300
:1660sm21:Selector A:1660sm21/r01s1b28/port#01-OpS:1:DNU:DNU:Automatic:TRUE :FALSE:300
It is expected to filter this report based on the value of neName
This report contains information relevant to the squelch status for a particular NE. It is about the filters
used to accept/discard a signal as a valid clock for the NE.
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List of relevant attributes:
o neName: variable of type STRING; its the name of the NE
o T0_Threshold: variable of type ENUMERATED, with one of the following values:
unknown (-1) ,
G811 (0),
G812t (1),
G812l (2),
G813 (3),
disabled (4) ,
none (5),
noextsync (6)
o T0_Status: variable of type BOOLEAN
o T4_Threshold: variable of type ENUMERATED, with one of the following values:
unknown (-1),
G811 (0),
G812t (1),
G812l (2),
G813 (3),
disabled (4) ,
none (5) ,
noextsync (6)
o T4_Status: variable of BOOLEAN
o forcedSquelch: variable of type BOOLEAN
% opinvexe.exe -class neSquelchInfoSY
List Attribute Name
It is expected to filter this report based on the value of neName.
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This report contains information relevant to SSU clock parameters. This report is only applicable to
equipment with a SSU internal clock.
List of available attributes:
o neName: variable of type STRING; its the name for the NE
o pllTrackingTime: variable of type INTEGER; Indicates the frequency pull in range of
the PLLL in part per billion.
o pullInRange: variable of type INTEGER; Indicates the frequency pull in range of the
PLL in part per billion.
o pullOutRange: variable of type INTEGER; Indicates the frequency pull out range of
the PLL in absolute terms.
o phaseInstThreshold: variable of type INTEGER; Indicates the pahse instability limit to
accept an input signal while tracking the signal.
o freqOffsetThreshold: variable of type INTEGER; Indicates the frequency offset limit to
accept an input signal while tracking the signal.
% opinvexe.exe -class neSyncInfoSY
List Attribute Name
It is expected to filter this report based on the value of neName.
This report contains information related to the synchronization chain of a NE. It is a trace of where a
NE gets its clock from.
List of available attributes:
o neName: variable of type STRING; its the name for the NE
o level: variable of type INTEGER
% opinvexe.exe -class syncChainNeSY -filter {neName=ADM1650SMC_203}
List Attribute Name
:SASE1 (T0):3
:1660sm21 (T0):2
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This filter has to be filtered on the value of neName.

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