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Science and Philosophy


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Philosophy, Mathematics
and Physics

U....."..., of M"","-'
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n.J"'~ S/ . Nr Sbt,J_lf_"""1
AI... F...... li .. V. ..., ,_"' of J>IoI'o-~ U.,,~,,"l''''

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P . , ... 1<14, Dr;
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09(5 19991

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ISokJ ""'- lor. , ' ....... , ...,.... vl ,'-' - ,' ' 01 "'II ..
iJIo ... -..obOo vl ................ pII,u<aI _ .... """"-'<*I
............ C_,bul_ .. ,/1 _ pia .............. ;1. ~ ... _~ _ 1<l000I vl ~~
~ Howe, ... Lhty .. 111 _ .... IIttJcf""" tho plHlooofoI>rvl ><i<nc< ...... lit IInnIy """""
'" .....ml ...... ,,( OL1wo1 oci""f", pnC, .... ~ .hoi """ ..... I" 01", .. n.. .ill 1",1"" '""

no. .......... _

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dqooow.t ...... ro:-Jy ......... .w) ," ,,, .... iii....,. vl """"". ""'''' Of ~. 111t ~.<h~ ~._
"'*""'- f""" I<if"l,'" .. 0.11 .. f""" p/H"""""," oaI hoi, ,"' 0/ """'"






We are pleased to ha\e thIs "'ork appear In t~ Sckllu

lJlld Phl/osoplr_~ series and wISh to thank Roben Shore and
Munel Zagha for theIr fiflt:' tl1llUlalJon and Kenneth
Knocspel for hiS IntrodllClJon. which ~Ips to situate tbe
bool: for the anglo-amencan aud~nce.
,..btl.+. by K....."" ..
P.O. "".

I" I'I>H .....

n. ))XI .... o,.... _~ U .. fIodMrlaDdo.

s..t.I .nd dDlnlto"'" .. 1'>ot1b. COllI ...... nd S<Ioo.k






Publo .......


t'lulo~ Dn .... "' .......... MA 010II1. LSA

t. 01\ GIber """~111<t, lCoIeI.nd "",,.;"" .....

by Ktu""" ... _
.........d' ....
l' 0 Ro. lll. nOll,\1I Oord"",~~ 1__ N<.bcrIaaoII

u. mJ<v'" ooob/J, M"'~iqw. ,..".,_

o l!l'lJ r.~ . """, ~ u S<"j~ r o";,

Wc I"(gret that Giles ChIitelet. ",ho died dunng the final

stages of pn:pardllOfl of the volume. did nOI li"c 10 see his
",orl: In pnnt.
The sigmfieant inSIghts tnlO the nature of mathrnlatics
and !lClC11Ce 11 pro vides ~Iand as a testament to hIS widerungtng ;ntclie<:t.


.. n ...........,~



"'' 'wtr>1'
""Me' .. """'d' ' ro

01 LJo. ........., ptOIe<I<d by tbio

1 "'J' be .... o<Iooool Of I>LihLcd
.. - , "'"" '" by...,. ................. _ _ _ "'"'''''''' It .. _ J ..... _ I I ...
'" by anT """"""_...,.... uoI .........t 'J'_ .... _, an'''''' PC' " i .. from
Ill< <OMnatn _oon



~';SNl'Tl' ~NOC!I"-1.. O,agnunmatic


"";tin, and

tb< conf'lIunltJOfI of



Ad n"" led gcments

ll'AN-TO<J:!.,SA'''''' DtCSA." Tl.'Tb< hhera.ion of the
11'1< hiu of the visible

Fi'.'. and

"". .mduI.' ......' .r ,"" .in.ol

I Abslrac1ion and pOtonl;al
l EIa.tic Ind """'''''e ,'inua)ity

] The "nne,plc of "nual -.IOOu.,.

4 Cauchy and Poisson' ", ...1 ~ulOul>


Tht "''''''' I.... """rum and lho p....Mum: hanLOn. of

a=lorauon and dro.l."""M

O ....
2 Spec1... and "",iwns: .... ' taiM<! ",l.",,'Y" ",,"'pocIj,'c
P'o1:<"OO of Or<::<mc', dia,nlm.
] Ein.tein and de Br~ L" hlo symmetrical I.n,
4 I nd,,!duallOn by ;mpaCl and ind"idWlIl<>n by elect;""



"n .. f"",c of .mbi&~ity: dw...tinol ""bI""...

I IntroducinK the ~al revolutio ... of\hr \l1511.,lIlIy poinu
1 It '1"",,;<>11 from KanL ",hal dIagrams for the """'U>~'
1 Atpnd and , ..... n~tk of.be: 1.:1,...1
~ lnd,lfc",,,,,,, n' .... ond knou of amb'Aulty. fukra of ,be
balance:! or Iklna


Es.:lltm.... yd. di.Bram

~ p<:>W.r of imlllf..... """ "",n!1
~ indilfemlCe cen!", a, a,,",ul.,ion




'"uuorw ...,um;
S Eumpia. '" ",WUClIO" '" anlhllUII) by. poonl_arloculluon

No, ..

The splillln. In Iwo or p<>Illl>C ,...1 ""mben

The p,obIem o(.he mea." .. men' 0( an&les
'!lue' lind ' RoIIcr', d,a,,,,m. '" P ' ,.heel,

". G.-.._', n"... of I~ ....

la odlOCllOn

11_ do)'OU bruI, ""Iendc<l ipIOCC' boKk 10 life!

"rlocullu and ....
rc.nnaIlCIW , nd real rae .......


C ........ aa. q<Uodnll.cnol

S TIlt ,",cnA~ C~I"""'" d .. lccr",
6 ",. iddmve I " '''''' of naonal ')'$Oem.
7 Crasoma ...... pmrl_
A M"'''9b,,.1IOn .pollN iddlilool:. "He in nalu ..1
Prod"", and




&,..,..1 pmrlua
Mvlr,"..... _J.od lho
UlI ..... ve.n.moI'c doalect",


Tbo: all"",,", "'.he ..... , d .............


"crew"" or ,nvol"". prodllC1

[riroV>o'~""re. """,.,le 1
B Tbo: .. ak.. or the non->onmu trve

I U,nl1h and mIJIIC'l>m

2 The a,,'onom, l>f the inlhll"""""", ocn.re: wldlh and cilnc:U,
J Electnad hel>CH
4 The . .. al ... "h'~,,'on 0( the I.. n.i ...
S TIo< citrll&fOll'C'rir.: "pc,iment "'I"..... fOOt
" ~.",df,r'lo< pcd;iIOI)' ,he I" ... 0( fom:
B ll am,ltOll' 5P"C"" "'Iu... fOO'
C The tl:rt"W ., bold me,.phof
6 To..... rd<.10< kr>O' "' sccul.n'-"lO"n or the 'n .... ihlc


A"....u. I

NOle on ...... '.m'o""

A"....., II

""'. on II lmihon", I"""""ir;aI


lI anul.on', opc ...or V


r.w.,t ..... oo ..'ri<..-n



.. 1I<00_ry aod d ... lc:cloc













Kcn ... lh J, Knoupcl

.--,.. ..._ <1,... '"

A d .......... COIn ...ndi JOIIIIu~ bnn," to -r. Ion, before" I'll....
"p ,n'O. sip. "'Iuch" ",hy rnorlc.n p"'lCn aad _ " " . " ~k<
doqIIms w"b .boor pcrtmpLory Jl>""'U of ...'<realM>a. Thocy cape....,
~ures lIIod-"'", .. for IhoM cae-hie of ten ........boy ... lhe
momen .... here bel.., <I
il,na. 0.."""", an: in a do:",",
tho: a.a:ompbca 01 """'.. mcuopbor lIIIl Ihc)' ... a btlk lew. uapcrt ..
litO. 01 III alwaY'...-hle.o .... k ~ ... lhe ",undue pIo!\lJI& 01
\/Ior:I. Ihocl b_ ..... ~ CaJlhluI: tlocy can ",oIon,llith "au !D'O
lUI opef.loon ... ""'h kpf ,hom f,om
j.., wont ouL LiU lhe
mcuophor. 'he)' !tap "". In 0Itr 10 ....~ .. 'JW"'" .nd ndLlOC ppo:
.Iooy bkrn-... ""b dotted b..... n ordc110 t'Oplf imqct IlIaI were
1'",.,o!Uly &.ured in d..el I...... Rut unl,k.!be """"pOOr.he obqram
II not u .... \I&IorI. \ 10)'

"""ptcd .....


By bnn ..", in.u (" IOCII .~".,.ho d;'lf1Imma'oc ",nunl IlIat """"do .... """......
ChiLd,..... pkndill hooIr:
Sp"'" I"""~ .n iDtelloctkal' spacc: for.
far mo .. anocul e .n.hfopoi"l' 01 ..,..ntrf\r: d",,,,..ry. In fact. ,I " quite
,"""ura,e 10 ,~ ... lhe boook a, mI,kon, .he formulJ.non l>f . i'ical pndir:e
,h.1 could he ""lied diu,.---so/ury, 1'",<1"", 'hot would brinl mlo f.n~
the phenomenolol;ical .... Iy.'. 01 <I, ...".",. ond d,a, .. mmatic pnd"'" ,n
"';"nc:e. ChA Ie. r>OL only"""" q_'ons abou' fi,,,fCO ond ..Tilm& '.d",,,I.
..... arid ht,w .... th'nk a bout '1*00 ... ,.h lhem. thI""'" lhem. and m Ih<m.
btu off ., tlrlt.,.... for US"n"1 thaI .ubrtequcnl d''''' .......... doa nol bc<:ome
;...... ed ,n """ <I""l'hnc. In oont ...... '0 <I"""'........ lha. I pprOKlo .he pracL"'"
ol OCOC"'"' ffom.\or! "IOIIF'po,n' 0( natunJ Itrnpaae.. CbO.dcc u..,... 100... " .
.... ompo. O\U" 0i<IC011J!\r: ",KI"'" In.ho 'n""'troc .....,. JM'<"'odcd by d,ON1"'mit><: wn" .... AIIIlouP Chlt .... telll \IS thaI he hat ..-nltcn In. book u :0
It owothcr an o.d..." .. tcd ...
diKounc nor a
II ...... ph,ro,opbicol """ .... .-NOhO...................... tcad a"",OKIo ChI..,.... clio" ' . _ of ph)'llCl. nurlherna ..a .od plulotophy u a
rem'""""" or
the ""''''''tVe fI ..' ..... for ,honk,.., allou. opticol ..... ,herna ..a aDd ph,...." ill


d"""'-..... "




pro.""",;.., FrencII InlO .... h II ,_ 11_ II. 10:0

~. s..:~ """,pa_

u <uan.. u Ih<y unl.ially appear hen one recalls WI kaa Ik Me .....

.be u,hor or lhe IoOCOIId part of ,he rn..hc,,,l .. on. lullu "",,,,,,I r/ly.ks.,
.IIe In,,-.n''~ of I'~.i .. I .... m In omp"."" ,,,,,h In """'1"'<"00 """'1"''''0''
bo<:aUK" anUClpalfl ,"" Johber". """n".,, in .."",h Chi to ..... <kploy. ""...
pec\l ~phon .."h." I
fidd. The comparison"
beea ....
01 mliSr.;K u. tha. ,he book ob<>ukl not he adoploo ."l<lm1l1cally 11110 one
I'M'" 01 another hul .M>li<s ,,,. bro.d ludlmC'e.. In wbal roIlow1., I ."nl \0
Iook.t II", ndoN ludic""", for.ho boolt. Tbe JCqllCDCe of CUI< Itmonos ,bal
mike up .be 1>00II., 000 ....ral or ,he ,mplicall"", mhe..,", in Chi'.""',
d'lr\I>Iiloo of Ihll,'."" and m<'aphon.
.'" IWJI



'AI.TO" , UTlIS(lS

('bI.,okf. projtC1 muil be W'!I;I,ed f.om .ho "" ........ 'h'o In onl"'ol dlOCUlOft
abou, the ""nttp1 ...1 Or """'''". f"r" .. ,ion of .~'" pursued by ,"
d""'ph ..... Allhuuy./l i, i. iml"""blc ,n rq"'<r aU ,"" .... ""'" lit,... lhe ' ....lIm
" mArkl by. ranp: of ...II"""'I"'1Cd wurk. dr'<>Iod 10 ,h,nk'hl.boul lhe
confipno\ion of .pa<t"" in I n h",<><y and ...... br'a IA'nheo .... Oombnch.
S1IJI'onI\, in ""pIuo and """,,,,,I" 'n.~'fce: ,.... 'P! (Tufte, Turklt. Coynt.
8oI.~rl. aohunollllOd ... ( Mildocl~ hlllC H......... y~ .. n. . . . Ind mouphor
( RorootIr. II;oflha. l..kolT .nd John>Oll). ""Io.y 0I11C"'~ (G.l ....... Da'IOII.
unu,,).' Gi ... n the ....,~llh .,r .uch d.s.::uosion .. the a~JICe of broad 'tudy of
110..... y. mllhc:rnolical 'I"K"' ..... boen COIIfiau,.."j LJ .mk, nl- Al ~I initiall Y
Ihi< ""'1 tor ~.pIa,ned b) an .... rtnal oIltor ...,.. ,n "'hocb malbrmaue.
ro.Uln .... '0 ... nJ . . . btillOtO of onl ..nalioI lbeooes of IICOClKX or U lhe


domI", of lop;- par ~.cdInooo. NlCkt, book .. mna,hble HKllylor lhe

II ..... uld ha ... ..-.de.. IU'OII\U~ 1110 roaloniont embodocd "'. h'~lory 01
lIIalhemllo<s "'''lien f.om lhe ..n'.~pOInl oIlbcomm '"Ihe. Ihan rrom a
CQIIlbln'lion of !bco.y. pnocIicc and appllCa.ion. In ~lI"o:et. fo. ChA'<I~1 uu.
~Iatlon""p 10 ma,htma.OCI lou Mm elplarned only /1.11'....1_ To I<U""\~ our
undetsuncItnJ 01 '"IUUOOR. """CftllOll llId d._,u f ,n mathm"uir:s ..., .....,j
10 btooaoe ~t l/I.It lloe "I*'" 01 malhrnuIIICI lou boao 1Ded.. ~ no!
onIy.hrou~ tbtOO'Pb but alio 'Im:>u", d""&ramL
I am pIoaood 10 inlfoduce !Ioe !nonsbloon .,r Cb5,~kt. boot brca .... il ma,k,
...""f"",nl momenl In the ...,~am,,,,,uon of lhe I''''''IICC .,r nuthc1!IluQ. On
the br... <ksl Ie...L It... boot roa,"e)'1I mult,pIe ~,~u .... n\~ _pillSl ,100 pnMIle~
ofdloetpb .... ry id<nllty thaI would ifola... m~ or hlad<bo..... 'hemal.
OCI.. When If'p<oacIocd IbrouJh ... ..",'" hirl.onc:ol
_""'plOOII> thaI "",.""",",ics <boWd tor ~ ... ,ed ..-ub lop: or lba. malhema,.
oa '1 ",nned" ' 0 .... u~. malbcrno,,,,,, .. pnoct"'-"ld br<:omeo dlSl"'led. ~Of
Wltl. l. tlocno " f man: ' 0 do than honour I Ibcom'Hln'"Cn h,",,,,_ or
mllhema.lics Q. ,,"e'l'""<1 ma,hematlC> f,<om the vanllJ<:.p,,"nt or ph;IOfOplt).
Whal CblI ......1 PfopoteJ ... PfOJC'Cl r... ,"""",nl" the ....r> ma,toemalOCS hal


"'''''Y'' ....

Hplomd PUlOCt'" spare. lrut..od 01 pro,",,,, ,hcooc",.. CW....... _ ,III,

our ,n"""plioa or .... 'bemallCl mUll lndtodc "'" manual I~ lor
"pc.senu",.pIICC mlrklof. dra";nl. .tole/Unf. ombbl,nf. ~'" Chh:kt OUr
O.in intc. lIC1ion "'IIh lhe ~.u'" ,ha, .... dfllw ",,"";'Ula.. pI_ 01 ,n ... nllon
and di ......... ry thaI cannol toe u('ll'ncd ...... y by the ,he<><n!u truaj app<2' 10
lock ......... n ponocu"r mad-.anllocal proa:du .... 1loe,.., rani,"," 1>0......" .
conf""'" deoo,.., 10 lib up ,..,0 i. tloe IIeIh wllb lbat .. 1""Ot;.o,yd at. 1'1I0I0
lhat has ba muulatN b~ lecho ...1 dllpC1XlEOC1lt. ....."'... -.alp lOr
m..p:.l """"', uaspmoled bylhe m<lpacoly of rIa"in' ral"""'~ua to 1"1 to
IflPO ""h 011 tloe>e """'" or band. .il tloe>e 'm:ol""". 0111""",, Ilwlup' npen
....n, .. lhese filu"'" .nd \I .. K....... _II tlono: \lynulies or Pfoblcmt .... mlnJly
capable of ,ho ""'flele' 01
I( .. po ",.ly the ....... " .. tlon d ".oIIlem. lbal ChI,~'" undcn.ok ... ,n the
bool. RlI'"
,I ... ODIn.. or lin ....... "Tho "..,al ""'.....
01 GlIoIooll, ~arw:b.y. M...... U'" H~bert .... " be,.~ - but ... bio'""'" atablo.hod CI'lIIOnc$. ltlW'lu,", oll,oocb and fonnot do not. ThaI " whrl ...,u tie>.... c
m)",II ho~ "llh the ~id 01 ........nmpln. 10 demoru.lra"n. lhe hiotoncal
dip"l)" <If problnm. till'>, dy .... lic exnnpLorol'Qllhal hal ...,..,.. bttn exblulted
by a.dt1lOWledponn or b)'J)O'ho:ai. d )n/l\Ol''t~J' ~Jl""~.w /If'OhInru_t
_.,..... -'''--.,0 AH OU<r. _ ,.1MOpMn.,.,1M d., wy<.w /t4aL.
[ My ..... phn"] Il) CWldcl', obsc, "'I0Il .. ""portalIl .." Ior.muacuon bu.
r... 'prcdlaty. \\-"ba, Cht,deI cmphUl21!l " tho omponance d i00i<'...., .toe
.... n ...1 !""hnolotY Il5<>d '0 fumml_ 'PO"". Rulers. Olratr!tl ed ... mnqIUIaI.
pro'r.cIon.. ript anJlts, <;OOO"dJnlt~ .y,,<ml. ~C. eacb hOI hem talen Jl) for
....n.ed thaI .... rlil 10_ lbe woy It...y ha'"e o;ontrollcd "". 'pollal Ift' cract __
"Tloooto dOl"""'" take rbnr pIa<z ,n a I.... 01 dut:tDt thaI run, from Avicntnl
'0 .... tonu. and tho:o'rior< pttp&l'1' lor ... ha. HOIIlo<gcf cal .. aondo:.n M
,M, ,'.
prn;.c. of lhe ma""",,"toaoJ qo ..... IOII'nl 01 ,.,...... 11 It DO .....gmotlOil 10
.""ak of lile ~."ona.l mII""" of tIono: do;ojlnl"M. .. hodl abol!lob the rip:!
d.., .."n be,.....,n algeb. a. .. koch donflCd lhe del .......... l;"'n 0"....1l0M of ,... ri
ablco., and JC<)n><try'1IoM 1110=0 cn.u,.."j lhe prot",",;on d the tonlcmplau,..,:
(III In o:om""'10 the nwlaplton I''''''h bro<iom< filed at " .... ~ ,n the
d J.oo......-. dllJ'llbJ may be ~,..1Cd. "'I'"Iw: dIJ.&ram ""'''' """ OIIt 01
fub""" It .. a IXojOCl thaI Il .... 10 apply ud"",-dy 10 .. hal ~ 'kotcheo; lb.
dnnond roo IU."""",y mal .. " tloe .... urol /lCWfDpIooe of lhour!tl "'pm'
"""',,: ( I I )
It .. not lhe para\l,gm . hift. bul !he ",,",Inu,ty 01 pmbk"" thai cor....,,,,,
Chli'okt."Ttl .... 111"0 _Of}' ddf.... nt .1o)11uM underpon 'be"lmlory of _ ' : the
6... LJ 'nl"""'''~n. and r:ontdu oIruplu ..... of ""f1<Iitrn> and tbar
lhe MOOrtd 11 quofin bul .. "~) """,,'0
Ind - nil of. "'''''....
"Oil. a tnOIoonleso
of lbe probIcmllJC cora.' (1). "11IIt .. why 11"0
dIW......1l ,)oythm< undtTpt" tho 'lo ..tory of 1' 1M one, <:OnIpItt.ly d ,_nunu,
0.... oIru"lu~..
and 'Mu ",f"' allo"" 0b>Il It... o,lIe .,r the: problemallc J.ooI...a.. lhal an: II ...,..
for """"-,,.. hon and f,,11 01 ,~uu ....

tha.n.,.,., ..........








for Ih"'" who can reaw.ken them: (69- 70t For CM",Ie, lhe double pro,rno"'" 01 truth in
Invol.e< not only a dcfini"on 01 trulh bul ~"
n"loinl prnv=K>n of I:hnoln&>e< whid, control I~ pro<>r" il~lf. II if
p...... sely lbe proarewon of the t:bnolog;.. tbal bas bm igr>ornJ ,.ilh;n tbe
otudy 01 matb ...... "QI. It ha. Ion~ bacn lhe calC III ",.'hemalic!. and Euclid
h,m ... tf pr<mded tilt model. Ihat oIt"" Iwn IC1ie:s of drvelopm<nl' i, ;, oormal
to val .... only the <>rIO thot forms lhe contenl proper. whilo lhe lrouble 01 findinB
tlK otbet between the hr>es .. len 1o lho ~ader. Only, aJtOOugh .rnnJm[ellI
and p=t.llJQJI of lh.. series 01 d",dopmenu a~ complele. il IS nnnellKbs
,mpOSSlbIe 10 m. ko lhe 0' .....,. .;';1>1. at oach .Iap: of lhe latlo1" to ,,'I\oc,...
should fin, of.1t know ana:. and to pull1 in" ,Iato ,,' I>e~ it con ptoJP":'S
fr... ly and or 'IKlf, To do Ihi>, it is ralbe, nccesury for lho reada 10 he pUI;n
the ,I;>to In ... hoch lhe di"".""" or trulh nugh! I" he in lhe moo' fa"orable
.....: (Grassman quoted by Chit.let, 1(4).
Wluil Chltolel .n.,,';o," is. _aIOa:Y 01 d,agrams lhal boJP"" 10 map the
"lIY .hat m.athe"",lIat h,.. wo,ked Ib,euth w,;nnl- In eff" "hal Cb.ilelet
b"nlP hefo,_ hIS IU""';' a .tudy that "nold dm,n,u,'" bolwD<1I lhe IWtonal
oven" of malhemata aud lhe le<:bnolojpC< that .coompany lhem. J l'!U the
,Iudy oIlangua8" Of hj,;lory may be d,,'jdrd ,nl<>
iynchronie aDd
dis<;h,onlC ""mpon<:nU. 00 mathe"""IC. may be """-00 10 not only Io,'correct
but fm 'I"'tqpos of """,n;,'e '"tullion, M.them.lico it hi'lo,ictzed
al tIw sa"", "me thl II ;. ,~d to ""n'a, n f"'ll ..... ollhol1thl. ChIt_lei
0",,,, a IKW "e""" n.()t of tmpes o r fill""'" 'n lhe .. me ol Vi<:o bIIt
...... y 01 ""'tbe""'t"",t topo; aDd lhe "'''Y thl Ihey pro~nkc thOUght. Sucb
propl hal val'>Ou. I""<'r~t;OM.. Certa,nly one Imond " provided by neoKanl"'n optswnolOjUl (Ca~r). ano,her by lhe _ffo,u ol phenOlll<1lOlo&r 10
deombo mathemallClllope ... IIoO.( fJunscrt.Ponly.lIl~hda.d. Il t.ger, aud
Demd3t, and "n()lbe, by ,be pragnlot'" .. mlO''''' 01 Pic:mc Sucb ground. in
part """'~n=l by Chitelel". bibl;"I! .... phy. all""" u. 10 n",ognile pbilooop/l<ra
or 1Ct<_ "'ho .1uI",. OImila, <pm' 01 it>q"lty ...,b OJ Michel Serra. Gilks
Doleule. and linall It.,tman.' E\'tn mo~ r=ntly ;t would not he mtskadinl
10 mlOJIl'7A! the bnkages bot" ..... ChI"lel and the r=nl I"'bbcation 01 dt<Cu.s';0"" bot"' ... n Chlns<ux and Conn ... A f"nhe, ..11mB ro.- ,be wo,k ;. pro.ic!od
by V"ual""llon ... uhin ou, _vol,in; dtlOnlC on'''''''fJlcn'' wbieh I WIll "'tum
10 h<tnw ,' AIt",,",h ,I may initially appear I m,,,,,ep to romporc: eMlckt Wll h
Ucmda. I Ihlnk lhe CGml"'tloon 001 onty appropnltc buI ;nstrtlO!ive. A ma"o,
~.Iu~ of Domda', wo'k. ".ually
'nh,n the world of A!tJlo-Amcncan
,henry. ;. Dcrrida', ongomg ""nversauon ""Ih m.lbem.l ..... whieh is ,n pan a
"'''''''Iumce ol hi. O,,'n OOuca.jon ~nd besl rep .... nle<l Ihrouth hi, wor~ On
Ilk com""",l.ty on H..-,t',
of G.""",,,v.' lIuI "hile DcrTid.', proj<ct
tao '"\'<lIved labgu,&< and IlK: multiple """"p<1 that hl\'t boe" u>ttl 10
.ncornpa.. lanluas<, ChAI_Iet, prop:! In.,,!>-.. II>< way, onta,lmenl hA.
wD,ked ;n lhe deocnpl;"n ol pomelnc '1"'<".' IIolh.re drawn to m01Tlnot, ,n
wh.,h tbe u.. 01 ta,,&\Il&1I" .... m:ltll<mal"" bono....,. ..,Jf"*"o',,,1. IIoth .~




fo, .

J"", ..


,nlerested in anopho!o8Y or lhe l:hllOlogI" "'0 c~.t. oot ""Iy 10 ~"",,"ber

but to th'nl<. Fo, Ch1tele~ tn panlCOla,. dklgram. ,",o,t
pIO.lltellC de ..."""
tnal bccomo verucles of tnlwUon aDd Ibought. Chalelel". bout cballet>ses lIS
'0 ,",nk 01 a dllljlr""""",()jQ1:)' pred..Jy In 5uch seltinp.







0" ""'T1ltMATtCS

fir f,um being."""""" di,pI ")" In a muocum_hkt ""(01)' of ..... nee. CMlelet,
case hi>lon.. fu"",ion 1,k. nprnu"", of nDd<:s "'l1hin an """"n, e:ttplO ....1I0n
of obstrac1 ,pant, At'hough ,he ohopt.r< 'nl....." "'l1h
01,,", ..;truD U
hi'l!>riell con.inuum. "",di nl! Ibtm oul 01 orde, woult] ,bow IIOt only lho
lheoreliQllinl nll'" a l ,,'(Or\: through"ut Ihc book bu. " ..... Id provole lbe ~.dc,
lu m.ko funll<, di""","''''''' 01:><",. d, n.m ..
When pi-=! s.d. by ... & ,"" cblptcn deocnbe e1o'ohln, .t .... t.pa fo r . dd .....
,nl t"" ut"""O" ol <pant aud the rnavam""'llC Ihoologies Ihat render ""'"
e.tension pffl6ible.. l,ot lIS look bneftY'1 lhe lemoin Cbtlelet o.,pIo<es in n.-e
",,"plo ... &"ot<d to Vlfluality. aeome-tric per>ptClive. ""pli\'t numherj., tl'1<
dllOkctio betw.,." rcat nd """Blood 'pace. and eltct,omlJllClIC '1"'-- In ,ho
fin, ehoplt<, Chltelcl .bow, that An.lotle, COOCI!pt ion of m.tte. (h~k) bn.r<
"lth .1 aD ,dee. ol Vlrlualny IMt mak.. 11 im",,",ible 10 fi ....' urr wilrun a
lOI1IC"'" Bnd. It " precisdy .uch ';nua~IY "'hien p,ond leibni. "ith a
means fo. lrunbnl of man .. U U"IIJ. 'L.;bni., ,, ""nainly am""llt..- woo
tIl\'t m",1 pro61ubly pondered Ari'totle', di",..,.1 ,m,ital;"n; I>< ..... able: 10
.... i" .. nuailly a means of comblninl oc n<! 1'0"'" lbal ...., >u,tl 10
a",,,-.nnllbe q\le!!lIon, Ihat We'" 1"""""""Pyinl hun,' (10) It II 110'. howe\'t .
the vlfluallty or polent;al;ly of ... 'u~ which inl.""I' CM,dcl bul lho imp<><',.
hility of affirming an absolule co .... ponde""" bct,,'a:n m>.11<'t and malbtm.ttat.
Inst d 01. on< 10 one
ben,.-""" m.themalico .nd nalu~ "boch
would rend..- matMmalics OJ mo<hanic-..t. Chilt.le, <mph"""", tlte dram. lhal
lak .. pl~ bot ..... n man..- and ,II< ]anguall'" uoed to <k1.mh< ,I. 'lc,bniz "' ...
'ht lhe comP!Cl_ O1alin, '" ma,btma.';':11 phy.ict in.<>l~ed lhe oon<lftH.1JOn
01' imp<><ing inf... tructuteS which could no' hetp bot implicale molapll)"i"':




In ,II< ...:ond chllpt , ChAt.1et tooh II ho,,' idt~, ol'honlon' functIOn.

w,lh,n lhe di",,>o'" of. ma,""m.td ~nd physic<. Whal C!t!lelet ... ould hl._
h" rralk, ..., i. ,"" way''''' in nlion aI ge<>mnri< P""'ptd".. """"""'"
v.lucle for "'einS .pant, What i. "" inlnguin! .boul Ch~I.let". d,OC!NJO!IS"
the ,,'ay In whoch he .. n move from d' ....""'" of honlono In fifico"lh
cenlUry ","'pe<:" '-' draw,., to "'01""1 1<1<:.. 01111< 'pe<:u\lm aud III< honzon.
.",,,ted by lhe m<1:mcnl of a prn<lutum, [, ,,,,h ' CI,on Or n] 'OtI UOO
by Chit_leI" crucial hec3U>e ,I creut ... on _.pcctltion aI_n ...."
chonlll"1 hon", ... Foc Chi'okl " '" .he s<>lurcs OT diio_""", lhat !qUI
"",11 wh.,h .... ,mponanl ""I becau .. tber fiJ an undr"laud,n, bu, beca ....



lbey bctoi,.: Ilall'lf lor an ,nlull"", '" _
lhe 110'''.001 may k .herN. n..
. ,u raord,ogry 1''''1'' fn)m lcibouz'. M~~"'pk
pro>otcd "" ", ...h
toIDfDtllUlr)I by


I>eIoN>:e. .1lnICI. Cldkkl u .-ell. '110', hi ....

,ben: II semi! III l~ d.nt room to

10 pootUlil.



the <pc .,. and lhal .\ If "'"

lUll""",, bul " dI,-nsoMd by IoIds iCptbcnllDl n..... of ,lUgl. k""""Iod.,; and,
.1"11 II _ . thaL ,b .. '""ce .. or ....... brane. bc1.., u...... Imi>OOl. hu. h :.;1
01 .... UC.ly I" loCI'" fOn:e
TIno a.c\lon ..-auld OCI<KI>\ III a1U.1~ VIM .......
or ""null."........ It~t lhooe ..... ~ ,",'!len a coni under ~nUO<l II pllICked' II it
1>01 lhe ron_olut..:! Of . _ mYiliQl
<II 'f*'I' whICh "Illot!>
l.1II.'clct bul lbe playful .... y '01 wtucb Letbn" <1.. WI 001 or '"11m" .. ,110p<ll,nu.hl} of 8<'<><II<'I'ic i~ Rat,,"," Ln.n off.... prOUH: 6p1~h<)n '"
Ulbn,,_ ChI,.1et rcmod.b or echoes Let be",- .hrouab hi. own Oaq,puon <Ji
pace.' 1bno: ""'" ",,,,,,.(let" .hal the Ikl'- of """"nl from & pa,nhnl
eon"'" be tl,dcd 0 ... ' IIh (be deK ..... or. thermometer bul rompcl,ht.ye 10
,be oblique; one mo ..... lul1l" _ I f ""1~ t he depoa
01 ..."""..1.... ,boUI e>'er letnn, oondf bt '",PIlOd by ... \lalJOI)' or I\o<w>n'aluy
Ione,.nd """YEIlIn, 11111 taa beconLcmplo.ed by. Amp&<
0( lhe ........
Of by !al......"..:IJOQ only
II.. dopth.' 150I'Wbc,hcr II " " ..... _
0( I II.D,belpo Of oil domain 01 t_lcdp.. the Dbbqwly 'I\~
II, lbe
bonzIOn ""po1oI!II
pI..,.. . _
'01LICh. by
n,llI lbe
/lpores 01 ~ ... ,... I"""ioa .. ,,,,,... os, '" .1 t:bi'M .. ,~ ..... hI, ...... ~
lua.. belJllttn II.. ",""Ue 01 .... 'metJ.pIw>ricar and ,be already domeohCIIlCd
I'1lliona/: IU) Tho hol1lDD makes ,I poooibic '0 '~Iure ,n,o ,lie ,u,bulenl
~ . -he", ~ n, an aDd phiJOIOflhy ~ .... n ........ rJOthe. ",,hoUI
............ ' (5)) 'The horilon ......11.." . boundary lI\.IM:tf


""""1'1' ' '





I '....... b'lI ....


,/la, po"";"''

ooJociu .ranl,I'l$'I,u... nor a ........,. dra".-n In.

1,,>I'.crou lhe .~,_ Once
,t lou boc-n de.:Kitd, one 11""')"1 amel .,....,-. hen", .. " ... y . ,,11 OM. Thi, il
,"" ~n,pe, ,o...de: 01,,,,, "')nUOII: w"""j." ltke tbe
'~naciowo lik. I
""",II, comprom,,, ... lik. louch." d"", not dres. Ibing< liP ""b "rpo'no""""
bu, irnprcp "'.,)Ih,,,. lha .-e ~ ",""h'cd u, ....Il'o. I ~ I ......" m"lu ... y
II io "'" .he potc", .. lny of ,"" 01_ ..-hd ...."'" bef_ lhe oculpt"'"
lha. ''' .....11 N '.... bu. ,he pol.au.Ii., 0( lbe IpIIQII Mllloun,h", lhe .."""
Ind ,t.. KWptllre.
In lbe ,rurd cUpt.,.. Chltelct """ou from opUCa/llra'epn (0< .......""....
o.nd a,cndt.., .'YW''''' """"" to ..........11.... ry b""-,,pes P""'"oIocd by ,...
d,' '''1 01 nepl"........ben. Tho ,....... mc ialW ........ ,berdore no ..........
anly,'" k,nd of "",,!a. iMpcc!lOfI ..-hJdo _
....... ,''' _."e.... '" 10 rnal ....
..... ,JCaI calcula,_ .. "b II 'U"",",," 01..,.1 ~ n it .... oo..forth ..-.
,''' pooaobili" of ........". by <1_ _ ,110 """",,'lOn of .... """" ....... 01 "f'IICC.
""".....,..1,"1 Ih ... lhe -.....:e 01 11 (III'-""''''-'N c",".I_ In 1"'0 du...".
......... (79) 1M d ........ 'on "'" only ,a',,,,. tho 1U<Io. ;n.o Ie.. b.o.." .-lKt;
by K.... , "" ,ma.,"a.,. numbe ... bu. >howl ho ... lbe U"hl, 0( ncpll.e numbco
""" be hn~"" to 1110- ''Iiual "'rtaCntatlO1l of ...... romtt .... ' od.m In It.. n' ....
t .. nlh a: .. ,ury. 'W""".n. of,.;ene. ha ... pro""bly .....1 lI'tn ~ ..... u.h lhoupl



10 Ih ... urpm.n. r....: ,be o:IcnllliaollOfl of i....... ttary ""mben ""h the pIanr
a""",n in ,''' ....,btnta.ICI;/ b..... y", ""Iy .'lhe bepnllln. of Itw:........""th
..... lury. 178 79) A. 'hrOUJltoou. , ... book. C!I&,c\o:!',
<IeYdopntcnl 01,,,,,,,,,,,,,. or ,n pouIlln, 10 111e pe-1Ih 01 ...... moun...... clwn
in lbe tu.10f)" 01 ............ ,011 bu. rI.her In ,be .... y ,hal IInaIInlrY oumb<n
rrovale ...... ",,,yoo( ................ maner, M I .'U ......". bolen>. Chl'dn .... y
"" lhoupl 01 ........
,;poaaIlop>t "lIh,~ .... 'bnnabCI JUl'I as ..... ...
able 10 ......,II'J ~ .."lnn'lIo .. udyoll,,~ralure. h om .......... n!aI'C pOUlt.
('hilclcl ""'J Ie lhou,h. 01 optn,n II"Of!OIOI1 of m.' he .... II"
fourth chapter. Chltdc. mo .,. .0 1M .... ,hema'ieltl
. prodin. ~nd .. ",,,:bml d,""'nsia .... hl). Tho d'<C\IIllOn .haws how ideas 01
muhid;nICnl", ...1I",..,,, CItIC'8" Ih,ou.h "IC ...."I' On or ... odea of ..... BilltlCnl .
In ,,/feet, 1M !XI""",pl;"n of 0'"' .. I 01 .""",~I paralllCtCfI po-o.ok.. a "......,..
by ",-hidt ."""" pa ........ ,,'" "",0 M'tNtk .", ... Ied by lnolhe. para .... "", ChiI.Ie,
11l1li........ 00 ru, h ... na1)'" 10 O ........ nn. T'-'Y 0( "'" b .....KIG (ISoWI,
pro,'ideo an ...."l
1..... ,k1b..:enlul')l pbysics thmqlt , ...
0 ... _
...,.. '" ..-h>ch be ,nlui.. 'M rdahn",J",. ........ n .-u.bIe and 'n'....bic 'pac.:,
In CWtdo:t, ..-or<b ......, ,h ... a""",,,, . . . , ... bIII undorrstaftd,,,, o.nd the
"tIdtt.'aad,n, ..."
,,01 ) WI"" CWtelct fia,.! ....... "''''1'''''1
.boul 0""""" .. /oo.".u.;, .......,.hal be 'rcpr ...... , FdWnc pcdaJOI)
of ,... Ionno of ,he ..... I'U'I 01 "1'"""' "01\1...... '0011 .. ,tu. I""farncr" ,be
fUdcr' .... pK'Il) foo-o."
-n... '0 .....'....' .. 11011"" d,lettante', dlStan.
Wlltcatplat ....... ,1 Ulk ... pan ,n ,he .ct1OQ. "
W.I/dl....t Wvir_ '" ,...
Iotn.... ",t.nded ,n ,be pbiJO!l<lpbJ oI .... urc It lra"'ponJ US '0 Ihll p.,..,1cJCd
itOM ..... '" ,nt~'llOn allll d.....",,,,,,, braJmc kn.oUN 'n'O' I....", unny. It IS
!lUlbe rOori 110. a poo'enon; " II con.cn,ponllC<l ... ,,-,'h .-hll " .....,.:
11(4) In O ...... n~". own ..'onl.: - ....... "11".. "1 LAir"",,,] 'r;l<a ... fOfC'SJI '0
,.;e'l. ~b<>.., .11 IQ lho dom"n or ma,btltt.ll' >c!' II ............
"'I\bo~\ II. I. " ,n'l""'"ibio 10 r.oo an, ..... ..sr.
It.. ,r (0""""""" '" lhe
... hl "lIY lbe look lha! ..i= in .,...., ... any dc"'~'I''''''n' lhal leach .n lbe
bu. wmpm,n. ilUllaDI> ,'''', ha.~ "". )'" bca1......""""". It IS footc.1(tJIlhal,''' pracn" .... nl """ a"'" bell"""" unly he oku", [<I.nUn
10, .,..,..101]." 11(101) 'Tbal why !I<XIl"r.; """,,,,'."on j> .-nloaUy a ptoI"'"IOn 011 .... ...... of d.,-dup' .. hlo. ..... oIwhid, Iadt. In ctI_,."..., , ....
!nil. It, ,It; .,., and rom.. ,... ,""',.., prope .... h,le ,110 other
"",,fA II..-If aad dcl ....
lbe ""'" .: 110')
.....,..0 how ,''' d""".c ry 01 doct'4 ;.... ,""
In .... Mil cUpier.
'J*'C 'n "'.....
ph)'. . openf ~lra'<'IQ lor I.."", ..d.-<:enlury pbp.
ICI 81'1 lbe chapter "'.0"'''.,. ""lIh ,he po-C'o'_' dl>C\l"""'" In p<nol"l ...11
beyond ....,,,,,u ., ,""I ..ouk! .,mply ' ....... . "'''"..''' ............een ..sea. 01
'1*". I, .. 1'''''''''''') the
d ..."".... ~hlCh '>hew' .pau. 0. '0 be
more po-, ..... o.paa! II ""... Icd by lbe upeume-nla/ !PM'" of .....,. _ [ ..'''''
di;l am .. {OJ ... mI8~1 'lW"k of" pnpcmJ'fo. uf qIK'~ ' " n,.....Im<",",_
,Iw ....,uJ "~~.wd '" _,,"lory.' l \1)' .. nph"") ,16J 1111

,o,em, ........ '"





,,,.-..ible ",,_.




""'.. "",h,


"""mI, ,.





,/w, ,(


<I.",....,.. IMI a,

DlAGUNJ,U,TIC ""mMi AI<D THI!: CONtlGU .... no ... 01" IP-\CI!

~ W",

lip ......... mila. 10 lbox I1altd by Bna ..

ROI""'''' Chilcltt Il0l,,,,," thll !he
poo.ldcd by ... ...... of 11
_lin .... '" d"'''F- J .... ,.. dlifermt cona:~ic>M of '0' duu"",,,,, f.udod .1><1
III< _ 1...",,11 01 uruIpnary numbe .... to dLlformt Idea of '0'
elaclr.,..o,"eLr>e 'P""" A. Wlelet 'bll .... Ibnt it. oenoe in .'hlth II II 1he
""''''''" ,t>c,f rq>Iaa::< ... idea of '0' III point of ono"lahun. "1:10<.-1"",1
"""'11>>11 ~ "'" thlll of ."",mul.uo". 1:>101 thai of ~lIr"'nl thaI loop" ,110 ("")
aroor>d "flC1'<d by oq>orauon. , ',," era of ,he '''"(:\111, hn beaun and II ",iU
"'""" ~I no ,..rpruc. it II". do"," aytlalhlC:l ....... '}'PO '" ,.nIulII"n ltnhd
.. "b lbe <kl<oItnllJOa of oppooilioDl br Ioopo ."" bctKh."'1 So6) The modll',,,,
bnk ...... _ 11 but
"d. (156) lC]urn:nt mIIOI apjHoplllc .......
~"I""' __' (1$6) For cum",". Hamtl''''''. q ... terruom off... not only
_ 1IIII,bcn>ltd metbod. bul '. method of ""n.kUII. and DOt. a, IcbI ror
the pn:tom, F""""KWI.' me\bod of ......., lbuu,.,,: (Muwell u qUOIN by
CllJIdct. .", M..-n 'fortco G
".uu of~)'~..J IIw '",rooturl"'"
tJ/ Pmllurl'y.' (1110) "Tho
of ",""",h or olll>ouah' by .-11"," "'.. l",n.Je.
tM Ifon,\II;1&e al>(! ,<10... of. famIliar
to """ ",1h .... hlCh ". an: leo!.
~q""'"to;,l may be ClIIIed Scicnllfic Me'aphor.' IMu ..... U . J q""Ied by
Cbitdc.., 1811






Jllfl ., I ncb I..""'" IS ""I(IWIlcd btl"""" ,be ditrclau ... IE

ol,ho ... onl
pkM III f."Iilo.h. IC\-.ahnl vale, ..........,.,nd lbe: won! dillram or &.)'/,11""
,n Glffk. The: root .-em of lIrr,,.._lHr,~. """ ..... ply oomeIh,nl ... hIdt
is marked '"'t by ~nes, I lip"'. fn,m. '" pion bul also Clmc:I a 1CaMldat)
connot~hon of m.l~ inc or crOSSIn. 0111 Th' l ...... "."1 is op<dlkally pr_nt ;0
tbe: word .1.,<)'/'.'" In oontcrnponLlY G"",k the .crb Inrun"', "",a .. 10 ... Ilt.
"""""no Q/f.) The: CQllII...:lIOO bet""Nn d,. ,,,o. 81Un:< and croutlll _,h,n.
ou' i, more Ibn. philolopcal CUllOStty beathC il ougo5l1. word lha, ..,..
ule<! ill G .... k 10 rrla I<> .. nulII Oft I _~ noIC pad in ... h..b ,be mart ol I
yl .... _Id "mnl"~l CfOH ....,.. ,be raarU IMI hIId been d"""n (!U'.--.Iy -tlr.,..,.,." '" offl ....bod..... pBCtJat ol 61<'0"1 and dtefipltnJ.
..,. ""I .. UltcreIIl"l 1Icn. ;. thaI lhapm I"'n""I"'I"" III I f t.,...,. of lIpn:<
,hat "",,''n from tbe .... "'bitt I<>lhecom.l"'ler .. tUIL t"1OIII a ~
gJ ... n .... "",n'. tbe Gmok ..... ntlll of dtlltam iooocata ,bl Iny ft,"1"0 tbl
i, d .... 'a is lIiXOmporuN by an UpectBIIC)' ,bt " ... ill ""''''''n. hom the
",nt.,. ))O,nl of the Gruk root, dll ... m
",m,nder 01110 ... ff'f'llllen!ly
'e<;hoolo,iQ of r-oprosenlal'on .... il1l'O .... d ""hin lbe hlSl<lf}' of malbemttt..,..
TIlt ,tat ... "f lbe d.t>.gram lI.t It.., ;n p.o.n I ~o"St<!""noc of techool ...... 01
"'presen'.11OII .. bether III ",roIlt. rodoca. pnn,ed boob, mlln" .. phcd or
..-alal thtm .. 01 handbdd c:aIt:uIlton or ,,",,~IOP morn'OflL. I, ,"""" no, I
~t_ bol ........ ("0... IUId poruIlItUd ..... 'b maDU"",,'" n:prcsmtlt_ Oft tbo
..... ol Gplmbcr" Ii rI ", 0>01 ......,,"""",p bet ....... Pot""",.-a. "otIt: .....


a>Ior..Jubopotpi>y or- [koatna and ..... mp1l>l1ll 1~



q _ t _ 'MI ""e aK only ..... btJIan,n,I<>"".

0..... _ ILottdly ".nd .. """',ed Ii'u.... but 11 ... pIaa.l .."h", I nalraU~
JIeIu .... Tllty
01 .... '''Imdod '0 booorl..
pan of I ..rua .. red
III,,,,,,",'. If .i" ",lin! "" may th'nl of ma,hc"""iat I' II Jl'f'X*'fI 01 buiklia.
lI)(I<b)u"," tM' enlai! the! ",,,,,,",,nlouon of
idil... m.,. J" .. IS i, is
",*ibk: '0 drii ... a ,a."nomic .","",,, ... lor Fn,. oIllOry probImu. it il
po.,.,bIc to idmtify d ..... mmauCil catogories. Alt"""'" I caallOt", '010 delail
"""". I ...... nt to a''' ..... t""1 0 btOlld .n.ttllCliDa Cln be II'IIdc bet.WtI .... a... lllI
Ind pr .. iDnal .pplQIIO.... Doodlma on I
or tho id""yDCntttc
.)'tImII ol. Fy ....... n 1ft In ClkJOr)'
from tbe d ..""a>tt oI""Ihooir
tllldn ...... E>n hrK. ......""....1 II ""' .......hIc to..ale. nJOnIOI ~""""""'
And ,ndeed it would .,.,.... 1U' n"""", choUIOCIOOIb .~l bee _ I f f
d,fflCUlt til mttkc . . ..., follow d..... a>tt ,,>10 tbe c~",,"mmlal .~ ol tlIte
"""';tor. I .lOnt 10 .... l n otld,lio",,1 oboenlOuon II 11.
m.de bet","" dia..."", ,n I~.,boou and in dood~nl d one tlill hu ""dlInLicd
10 be ... i"foloN b)' hiilOl1 of math"""""" W, """Iin_ to cmpha'~
,lie<><..... Ind lheil dt~y '" I"-'tboon. Wbelhcr 0 ... loo/oJ III Tan." ....
Galile<). N..."on, or Leobltiz. c-pltt:m<lllI IIIJ.JIltlCnpl d"",n",," lnap.,n <;IoQdba,)
to piMa! io the !aIm or .,..,.raphy .. ,hor llIIo .... lm ol matbtrnatl(1 n... iJ
1 mdtlkc I th'nk bea_ il 1t1l'OQ'... 1IIt ..1e 01 ... ,.."""", from ..... tlonnattcal







teao..., btJIn to 1hlnt thaI lhe qtoClbOftl.-e .... It./;"" lbotL. dill......... ....,

. .

_bo ... uniq ........ 'b'n tlte prlO<I."'" ollllllbtrnalOC&, o.ale~ moon<b ......
.'" actUIUy I"'n olin ,mpon.nl d _ tlllt .... l<X'Ompolnocd matbemato',"
lor I 10111 "'... It it. ho"''''''', dHCU<>ioo Illit 1111 bern ",ported 1010 lilt
Iootn"t .. or mOlsinlh. 01 phllOloOfthy I'IaIO' u,", 01 . d,.pam 10 ,oach ,""
l'ylha"".. n thco",n, to ~n ilnOllln, ......'anl. Niool.. 01 C".. "",'aplrOt
..""nmctlt .. the: nplooiofo ut di~IV"=';o mallcr dllf"le<!tltloulh tbe dtlfu
.tOII 01 pnntinl ledt""""'" pnwtdcr; . , ' _ of c/fon. to r.pU.k aboUI
d...... mmatoao. In """ctol <UeJ
ha~ ~ ol dt ...... m""'tlClo .. ",nlrA
in .".~c:moIoc and ,hc pluloaopbl c( eel""",,,o,,- lcIbn ... ror rumpic. 1><.,.,,,
i""I""""aly Iltr-..c:tcd to IIndcn,"ndtlll'bo ;"ten<l1OO bo'''''...... d'II"....'" oymbol
Al lilt ond of tIM: nt",",""th
Ch.ofb Sande.. I'att:tr .....t..
I ""local ....... " OIl ,be .11'''' or math ed .....
,n the Uniled Stat.. tn .. Iti<h
tbe ...... t""',htp btl","" naITlt""e Ind dIItnm MOO...., I local pmnl."
In h,~
,be fi .., Nil"'" oI.be Pr/lt(/pla 116871. I'lCtl1"" Q-bs1o .....
tha, F''''''''Y;' 'f.:>"rodcd tn ....... hlnial practKII:" Even thou", he lit.rally
"",.nll""t ,........,y ...1,.,. on tbe nLOnu.laru. Ne"'Ion', t1,,'n d'''' .......... oho",.
Ihlt br "lllmtttciy brh ..,. tha' .ud> """,banical Iblilly dcf>md. "" """,',
C'lIPK>ly to """'ptTbmd na,,,ral II ... In o,her .. <>I. "","'llIICdLon""'! .hiltty
d""w. d obIpcd by one', ClJIIICIIY to t""Q,u1e Gnd" ... ph .. prcocnoo tn
nalun. In ....crt. ,be NewtocuaQ _10 .. Ilk .. ,....".-cd d" ....uon. /'oC"'OII',


' ' <11.''



prcf."" '"


..."_1 d III I .

IUOfC ....... rhble

p.-.be """""",,tlllt) do_

'0 .hodl

UI~G~~ \1",~' n{" w~mMl


he II o~ b) lhe ,,"-phie ~prnonlation of bi,.,.,n lhotIgln." 1 "'an,lo

<mph.""" ,be c... or Newlon bcca...., 'I ,UtI'ltral" lbe ..oida""" lbat philosoph) and lhe: h"lOry or ma,homau"" h.... Ibo ..'n lho mcd,auol p....""" of
.. mina ,echnolo8)'. Cldtokt ..ould ha"o ... .Itt how d ..
far from boin&
"mJ>lr 0 ~gos' of a nlCChani<:a1 "'.,.,......'ork ru a tnt:>nS for malhemallCa!
d,,,,,n'.,)'. Wh;J.I Ncwlon a",rilles to mt1aph}"$lQ and ",h;J.t hru bomc factor
,n Iho mysuficalion of "'athernati<>! ' "rather a manif..uo"on of hIS ,"'Cr1lctJOI1
w"h ,he: ,h;J.,,"," mark .. .."l>bIJnp. . kel""",, on 'he I"'por belor ..... Whal
oAC1\ II ,akon ror IIPnl<d whal "',.. rqat<l<d Q' '",rOlch I"'por' ~.
"gnific>n' moan. r.,. malhemalic::olaplo ... I... n. 1t ""'"Caling
n.' ,he
.. me "me Newton ... umes a ''''n><:Crid<:n' aulbonly and ....n ""tbonzanon
or hI< "ork. hli o ... n manuCrtpt ,,'o. k is filled ,,"h mh"... of ",rateh ""por,
In<kotl. from lit< ,'aolage point or Je1"Ont .. mh-nlu,y mal io.tmatlC1l. u,bn"'
0"'0 fully e,,,,,,,,OUJ and 1"I1n ,nte...1 in the ,mpo",,""" "f ,he iV~phic med,a
u;cd 10 thIRk marh In ,mpo1tant diff...""" bel"-ecn hi' ......k and "",, .. ton
lido", oom"",nl1nl on II><: USC or metaphor in the book. r want 10 ",,'!C'"
....."d function. Ch~I.lel 0>Cnbe! '0 d,allPm,. Although tile book w;U ."n:I,.
provoke lhe ",.dcr 10 idenllf) .dd",onal d,al",n"","" opontion .. lt ..,..y be
I><lpful '0 not."" six m~jo. ","111m.


,h., .,..

Dl<lg'a".. <""'"; ....~ rlrnol/lfffl.

"w, _Jim.
is .1...

",lin /IwX'Wu of
..',iring, The phpicality ollhe d,.""m
an ."""'>on of lbe ht.nr.J
I..,hnol"""" used 1R tho" "on\lruo1,U~. 'I k """ I h ..c lbo",hy .. it ......
p"'l"'lI.1 hand b)' thollJltl and 011< miilhl I>< lempted 10 . . Y ,hal II><
P""'''' or <:On\p8.<>e5 lIVe a point <f nrw ' 0 the ~.nd. by asoociatinl an
an~1< In ... h"h tbe 'nl...-val ;. ... n "'lilt tho ~p: llSI) 'We iel .be rull
lRCUurn uf .. hat di,linlU"hco lhe ruler from lhe rompa>i<'> a nd the ansJc:.
The fUl~r impl," an endl.....,nd pl.""mcnl of iland.rd me... uriog umt .. a
manipul"linft of a piece 01 dn"""on, The ruler i lraml.. lhal hOI been
I'ro7cn - ~ !>;or' (I SI-152 J II..... will ,.,., belo .... the rhy,itOIllIY aswcial<d
.. un di'II""Tl> is al'" associ.led ,..ilb mol.pho .
Di~gra"" <n''''~ $I'au II)( ""'11w-",,,,iru/{,,,,,,,,Io 'We could dcs<;, ibe thIS
iI>. Ictbmqll< of Husion, (10) and'A philoso(>hr of lhe: pby,ic<l-m311\c.
mllical ,,"nnot 'gIlon: Ih, )'mbobc: p<X1i<e ~hich is
10 fonnahsm,
Ihl$ ",a<;Ii<e or "ondtlU'ilion and ampl,fic>uOR of lhe lOtuiu"", ( II)
D,,.,........ "u IlOl ,1<1,1< "", proj~, dr'o"lily QnJO ,10. 'P<i'" ~k~ ,10.)' ,.d<
1<1 ... presem. F.rad.y 'urn, ph)"SICs on its head by decid101 no lop!!", 10
sec lhom lltncs of fo=) .. &nbsKli y 6Xurrs. bul 01 i... U, ...."u .a protV>i<.
'P<IU.... dIOgrams, ~. d<>lrnMflIr .~I"'nm<n" alluding to .. al .'pon",",,"
thaI manlf~" I.t.nl o<lion': 1166) 'Ln><, of fUf<le I .. ncitne. r "r
'amflcial'; I""y d" not malll<mal"'" fo,en; tbey do nol rin
onto ph]'>lOl, mine. lbey lubslilule In i<k... bUI datI" and ,0uJll, nc\.
,,ork. "hiclt .now. "irt~&lily to ..ed.lm II> nlhls,' ( 1661
- Du,J'u"" "'1"'''''''1 a ."""/ Jumrryfi'" ....illl_",. ["The OO.;..,n IS ne"ber






boundary "...r~ ... lhal prohibtts or salkiu tran.vnsion. nor. bar .....
drawn in. dOlled line.croH the .ky. Onoo il II... bc<:n dctid.l. ~ oJ .... y.
carries one', horizon away "'''h onc. Tb;' is the .~asporaliollJde of Ih<
horizon: corrooi,. hk. lho ..;,ible, lenAcious Ir" "'""t~ romprom,.,nl
~ k. tOll<h. il d oes ""I dt\'55 tbinl' up ..'nb Ippearanees. but 'mpn:gnI1tcS
.vcrytrunllhal we a ... rnol1-.d 10 InuP: (54)
'To a=p 3 d,m.n"on" 10 m,-.m I dialram ... "".. the pu .. dlSpcr.ron
01 ,..hal H~1!'l'1 call! au........ I""OW"..1It (Ihe 'be'Da .... ts.dc: one .""theol
and lhe c>ubota""" of lhe Inten,,,-. baJallCC ON .""Iher ou[; tho un!Old,oll
'" III< lalter
lhe mobihzau<NI and "rallhteo,ng <>l tho fu~r.
Ind _icc: v.na: ( 11.1)
11iQgr_ an mNWti,,& ,~id.... ~~Id --.. ... ,100, ./try ca""", only M
':<K:~ud h." rdir<~. While they mal,al. bc:lwo,," " ' her lechnolozieo
or ,,nln'g. lhey may al", med,al~ or ",veal bnk, bel"""'" probkots.
',,"ollun~ ;, mo fertile. all math""",liclln, k"" ... Ihal ,1H:oc obKu~
~nol<>P<s. these murky ~I\rction, '" OllC theory in "no'''''r. Ibcsc fu,,; ...
"""'''""' 1"- ''''''J>lieablc lill's; .ho nOlhi"l cI"" a. much ple.. u.. 10
lhe ....."'he. A day "<>mes ,.. .. n lhe illusion ,.ru,hes: presonllmeol turns
;n,oent.iuly ,Luckily for ..... a'ohes, as Ih~ f"ll' dcar., 0"" po,n<. ,hey
form .gam at a ""ther'IAndnl Weil as quorc<i by Cb4,.let. 11
ptJQ/COtlcal pru hal .".,14 "" jn' <va, d I",,, """linton, leal
'Faraday'_ lin .. or fOm:! .UC<"<'<d '" . p"'<>nnalinll .. hR' ..... ~
p'Of1O<mg '0 <:aU d,agr;U11matic ~,po"rncn .. and ,n giVinG . >Ial u. of III"
tal\l:u,go {)( 'spoak,nll ... ith li>c hand,'. {)( lhe 'phY'1Ot1 oen .. ..II.... dr11"I'4I
po ............ n~ by the ""atesl ~lcctrogeomc' .... and .. h.,h can va'p
the In,(am "'hen lhe metaphor sol,d,r;.,. ..'11<0 lhe "ptrauun ronl",,<k
wnh " for "''''''''anty, Thi. Iangu.go f..d. on ge<IUTCS moch ""'''' than
on al ... dy .tilable malh.maucal form. and P'''''-''>C$ a ponicubr .llu,i ....
po,,'or... hich C'O.n tr.. , 'C1"$C the d<dUCli,... hai", of malltem,tical physics
.nd illuminat. ~'hole >tion. of geome'ry. "Tho IIcId has 10 inlrinsic
<'porimen,.l mi .. ion Ihat proICCII il from tbe pret.n.iORS {)( the un<ler
$I~nding (in Ihi ...1lK it i. irredUCIbl. to a lran=nd.nlaJ 1""'1') and from
tho Ippotit .. of callMhll .... "Tho is, ;n lit< I,~ral "nS<!, nn "'pplu:al,nn'
01 lhe lines of ficl<ls. bul mtber an uIOnl1h'"g pedagOg)" by all",i"".
which .1""&IIt an.y ,",,<>du.., an . 1.,,", .,."" and place .ith ;\1 Cll"'cily
to resoo"e: ( (67)


Di"K"""" /""....

Ch.it.l.f. p',,","lahnn 01 dial1"~m. ~ inum.tely """';aled .. nh hi.

dlKU"'On Iln<IlJlIt {)( ..... 'aphor. M.I_pIloN ~rc dcplu)'cd tllro\lgllout tho book
In way, Ihal pU1"]l<lII<Iy ,ul aga,n'l lhe: common propt'R.ity to ~~ilc mctapbor
from malhemalicaldi ............. AIII ..... Ch~I.Iot". oentCRCn .bow lum in,'Clti
galtng mathematical $p3.oc .. a hody ,..hich hold. i" hisro.y ,n the ""'Y thaI
it hu been m"..1 by iClIN 0' oiJno of muttl.uon. Such .. <JW>d< ..<en n::quire
lhal add .. "", or ..... rom" of abslrilC1ion "'hh CII;\I~I.t ....r... 10 U PfOlitlH:oca.

Tbc d ........ ol lma~ , ....


_."eeI ..

lhal ......... nc opaa: bas IIOt >Imply been

JIn'O",1\ed '" Inlmll.ed .hroup _plio< bul .. honda ....,llaUy
I h.'",. enu.y, ~or .um!*. "hradoy "'....100 ~JII .0 .... ekctIOFC><'''''nc
~pao!' ,Itro/I' (1611) OIlier 1I111ft ml.I\emI."", II ponra)'ed .. a ooIlt"", of
n,.w.,h., hlv. bc><' ''' ...."'y lUlu, ... Tilt mcupho< AI ....... ha. ChI,.kl'.
1"'0....... IIIIIY 110 ",l"funy .ppro;c.dwd of as a Inlhrorok>iY of mlllltmlllcs.
ChlItdcl'. me.a~""" hardly malk 110l\'1li ht1....... IIICUJIIOn of IInIOl!'''' p1oml"
CUllY inl<l domaIn of IJIIqCleu Iotoc ht!! "'" 10ppoMcd b)' ,IK: II'III1lpllol')
ha ., comaowJy been emplo)'ed wnh,n ma.hcma.ocal p..a~. ~or UI"'
pie. ..hm Ampirc ...".mul.. 1 concI ..... or folded lnlo a be],,'10< lile rnaanec
ilod b,", ,,,,, . . ._ of IJw """ II' II bota (ljSl "mpb.: lunudf doo""beo
bOo ...... Il ... n a ,abl) 10 wh",b I ,,"ft pnn lhe ....". e!KUodynanuc
1O.... 0Id.
.1It Greet word .... I ""~ ..
IIloCIInl"l nt"1!( II ptea ... ly
,ha, .. h.:h ....... pod lik c,,"nnd. lha. II 10 $II) .1It ",.rate of tbo Iorm ....
..hM:b iJ lhe CIrculi.... 10 110 round. (IH)
L"".~'I d,,,,,,,",,,,, Ind .... of mc'lPI>o< J/M:I .... lhal lit Ihlnkl of m.uphar
... f<llm of Icchn<>lo&Y and 1"'. l1li1" .""n mom prcci... ly . . . kInd of ~plWlI
"""1f,,kllO&' .\\ hooid speak of u IKImoI"tJ 0/ 1M m<wp#oor 1"", pOf!m = an
ulnllOflll)df ""'" and ",Cdet fOlll\llh>alioll.: (117) Chll."'I'. 01>00"11';""
"".....leva"", IIOt only foO' bO'oad d,_.,1OfII of mwcphor ~ .... _ _ bul
IhQUId 110 .. Latcd 10 nu""' ........ IlUI,hlJ I'f'O"MIcd I."", I:;unou$ CIIK h.. ,oneI m
.lie ~~'OI)' olocomcco Fo .amrk'. ('bI1 .... on ..
po" furtbtr ....'''un. 10
.... ,oaUO'"' made bl C ....m I. bu woR .... lhe ~ ~~pm""'OIl 01
'.:oIai 01 C-. I. They abo pro.">CIe I ..... M 10< appr""'''''''
lion 01 [UlIII .. O"' pm -nUIIOfI 0( I~ l'11mry of Spccial Rdat ..'"y, ,. "bo.~ al~
..... taphor ....,hICIe for Ih",ll~' a .... on ...nlm _
r.,. "h~nnllllt "",y
liRe .hlnits. Ralher I""" belnl limply ooIlcclrd .nd (Onlfolled .1 .",.,;. onela
pbe. pro\ldc:l a mOlln' fo r Imul!in," .1111 r.'ol .. n~ id(l.
m .... 1~ ... fo",
dliW"or iOI!IC """bod 0( '.'<'5li",IIO<1 .. h,ch allow, ,be mind KI ory >l(P ,0
Lay hold of. dca. phyllCll <IOIIC<pi"'lI. .ilhoUl bciol cornmimd 10 ony (/loOt)'
founded Of! lhe phY-' $CXIIDC from .hlCb ,""-I .......... pllOII i, ""'ro,,cd. IjO
,,,,", 11 " 1otI,t..rdran __ ""'" lhe "'.... In pu1"IILIH of anaJ)licll ... ~kI .....
""" o;..,1t'd bq...-l the uu,h b)' a fnon~
(Mu ..u .. "lI01ed by
Chlcl ..... 1811





.......,'1 would "" ., """,,,nod lma"nod Of ,",,,,bIe. n.. redl. mel , ol mal .....
""'...... In npenmm.alockl or II In Importanl ""P/.:a1lO1i 01 tbooe .......,".
l<doaolopcs. 8u. as ('bI,.1eI .ho.~ lhe ~~per;II>C1\ ...1 ~'u.., of malllcmal"'"
>hnuld ""''III)' Ix thou,ln ol .. confined !o do<lfOII'" .'1"Ironm<nll. CbJ ..... ~
bu<II; LJ """"nanl boa .... 11 demDflil....,. Ito .. 1110 nptnmcnul nalu", of
..... ,ho:m~.ia can 110 ...,., .t"md f"'Ill dlajram. "I!"~ in lbe bi .. Of}' of
ma,hematics. Finally. 110..'."" . 11 LJ nO! "n&le dl.i""m. Ibl CMI.kl ",OOJd
h,...... 0 bu. 1/1. "'...... . hey pro.ole fo "".1110 ....... d...",...... F""klnc
~p;!(:<: ..... Ito" .... b SJ*Y In lum bcwmcs uoed ...poa lor llunki .... II ..
he", lhal Chi ..... ",e!H' ,nvol..,. IIOt limply'll.....""" but ~ ....
Il Ilk Oludy ol dIaJram. ",... b,a ow emlYUIJ ......"ft "*0..... ", Ch.I!dct
.... ply d<moOlOl"' .... JIIdt lIudy ulu"",!eIy caa"", be ratncud 10 I .II"pe
dlKlpb ... or dorn:!ia. 'TIom: " .n u'em' need lor philooopby 10 pmtt..'"
f~,"'n Inlo ,ho >111;11" he ... lhe fiaum lnanl conlcmpll'ioa and lbe formulx
KI".h.un. op<:r;"iono 01 doo ....... ,n,u"'" . r. Inicullllt,d 8uI lne...
jU.I.... pi""" alnoady lYum~ by 'wo olher rom""l~nl' on lhe ballld.OIII ol
the ob>cu"" Irt ond scicnoo. II l\'III\aphnr !>qln, lhe pr"""'" of ~l"i IU
~kin Ihal .. m mt1amorphOIt It Inlt) oreralloll. Ind h... " i. ,hal Ihis I>OOIr
...... nn. ,,"h ""<lib ,h.t I1nl., 10 in"ll. u' '0 vic ... 1 redl"""''"'' Op<:r.Ui.lly.'
(I 9) It iJ Chilclc!'. oo:co"'pl'slu....... ".,. ""Iy In lui .... nU .... book nch _llh
1fII1&I1" .boul pomnnc spao;e bill '0 ....., ~I_oeml npcraln"i and iD JO
doon, 10 II!I!ft ddincd c:nliclllllO''CnIoCn1 fmno dJqf1.nl. 1<> d""pDIIID'I!ics.






' .uc ......


""' .. 0-.. CW ...... , ....... s,.... ", ,I, '"

....... ,.. .....
", ....... k' I .... _!11m.. ''''~ _ _ N ...... Lt. _ . . . _ _

_ _ .......,._. ~I '.n~ ULI_ do. s..iI. '")1

000lI0 .... <k I........ Joo. <k M...... '" ~_"Io


In "" ... III>ion. I w.nl 10 """'anile 11K: multIple .... Y' IhOi Cbi~"'f. boo~
rocnplcn .. n.. lhe inlcmlfied work Oft .i>... I~uOll llIal acxompanIN Oil' c!>l.
111..1 WlpI"'" of multIple .. rten '''''~ In ",p.d 10 malllcma,,,,,- m""h
d _ _ W""""",6.11ht peLla"""",1 unr""",,,n ... ,,,,,, of PI ................. as
Malho""'uca\ ..... C"o'UI ....... lho muJ"pIo 1000po"I= fa< ",p&onq ~ round
III.lie """'l ol_liDI:a.....' ........,.... 1Ir ,,1oou.
IKh""""u" frae ....


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_,.. _ . . . ...,' .: .......

(", ... D,..





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''''~ h) Iltol'ld _ , "_ ~"'" ,.,. (" I ,. H"........ ..... .,..
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w, IMlllrt III

For Bela-Andrcas HcnlSch,

lhc frlcnd who taught me so much


My Ihan" 110 10 II<m.rd u.~notr. Gilb IXI.uu. Jtan-TOUJ.Woinl o.~nlJ and

to I"" mllCh-m.SJOd HI,-, Guanan. w/w) ~" ..... hntd me to p""OS<Iplty

To lbooc ... ..., b..... uppontd .... Ibmugh a period of UI........, d.,.,nay [no:
All,.", Fra_ .nd Eum ... 1Ia~b.ar. "hrti ... Bun\., Palnok Balldtt.
{l",.uan IIeIoYllIe.. my ...1.... (do...., BourstJ'Q, J.eq_ COl"'. Hen.!
COUCTJOIl. Aud~ C.,.. ~h<bcl Crn>k. M"", Oamoo\'fI. l)omilUQ .... Oosanu.
A"""-clam" ... .ud Ph,~~ I)eton! . A",,,,,,,, Oulors, Jotl Dupo<lt. CtiUllor
I:f,~n .... Stow!~'" 11:.,. Ginludoll, Ohord Gnne\, IItlCno 1Iu&a. M
and ,\I .... lo<:au, ~rI"C<l" Loud<nbach. Domin"! .... Lco\Irt, t;hoabelh
LWI",", Ciror,.". JOCII .... h"" and V",o"iq'" unglel. Cia". Plmet.
f'roch,anll'. ,\I)'nam R aull o(i'AUonneo, Klau . Rnlo,. 8 isabelh IlIpJ. Mmc
Roq ... rnrt_Vil ...... uv., JOC<! .... II nuhaud, And~ &:.Ia, ReM ScM~" Jnni.le'ni. StIne.. M... 1\1 .... Guy Sorman. and ""'") fnend. al 1M Col....
in~""'lional de pIt,lnooph .. " ' /w) ha,~ u.o.,'" me
Tn M.... Flann, for btlnl Ible to make me Inend 10 .. hal ,,,,,", is of
pIIf$ICI UI .....1........' - and 10 HI'oId lI ot.enber~ .fIo fIII' .... lly pidonI my
..on. 01\ ddl'ermllalIOJlOloly,
To J.......a.ud< Loot.. ~. fot 10 .. loyal fnmd""r
To Fra_ BalJbu, Pllnd! llaudoot. Ilan .. IIIefl"Cl!u"" Thibault Damour.
An ... Clui.ulM DacoIa. f' h,,,PI'" 1:leoooIa. Fra~ .. lal"knbkh. And..! Scali.
Ind Jean-Jac" """ SlCl:OCln,arz. for lJoe.. s"mlliauni ron"~,,,,\IDn.
I also owe I .,eal deb!. rn. 110." f, .. OO,h,1' Ind ~n""U"'F""'nl. 10 a..rIco
Allun'. Alain !of""'" Alain Ibd",1I, Jofl IIll1ro. l_1tO Il0l. lIa,ha", CaSsin.
Jun-Cloudc C"'I .....
Ahun Chenrillc:r. CalMn ... C"",.. II<y. "lain
A",y !);than. SI/-pba ... 1X1........... .Inn DltomR La",.nl [}up<>!. RlptIlIlI
t>ouody. Dorruniq .... ~lammt. M Ind M .... Gadoll"~ l..oond Godart,l'o....w
GwJbnt, MdId IlennaD., leuPirm K""" .... .koJt. t rall9lKl " cPD., A1aUl
La<1Oo .. kan-Picl1t Ldeb,...... And~ lIch"...,..'ta, f""Q! .......... .Ico.a
I'etnOl, Qu,,,lal ROlnnlt. Jean~t K:"'" S.Lom.k ... Jean s..n."ltn, Picr'"
Sch&po ... M.n: Sch"I",n~,. HoufJll SIna<eU'. MK:bcl SI"btd.~ Pa.cal
To"y. U.rnard T.,,,,,,,r. 11:......, Thom. l nn-Otd .., V"""nl. I'. ul V.rilio I nd.n
Ittoo. ~ho h&ve like" pan in lbe R.nconllfl pIt;k>sop~~nn:o.








To ....... hIIl .,...10,,,,,, 11"e: IhIIl Ii pe. l\al'" "hili "'VPI- II. WIwc,e.
malbemalla. .. "II .. pcne ...... someiLoN.. _"Ir.\.adin. Gilles Chllelet'l bool..
and "tK",,' d .... 1101 ma~ d""", a fta>on I<> I,,.. lhom In li>e po..hl:UW
"~y lhey hII,. III aSiliminJ! atluude> ond mol;"n "01 il "'111 boo ........ 1)' (0
Ie~.n 10 Ihink \);a(:k.i.rdl. 'aplnil lhe ...
10 JrnUh Ih.e muillplc ""mobile
~11t in "'hkh I"" 'm .lbemalJcal Ih'Q,' .. deh"u..d. sohd ~OO oonaealcd,
1X1,,'.red Ioke a "'lul.1..d ob,..a of Ie....'n.. sohd Iole an Irdlll""I"'" of DDfI
C.pll, oonFaJed bke I),""" of ",boo<lCn' ","'Ief" In lhon.. prodllCl pad:a,.,t
a nd II""IIN, ready 10. CO"'luml""'1L
Slop amlllm".. rot ""hik Ig,.",d lhe ord,....,. """'.... of lhe ",Ie$, lIy u.e
card. of Ih ......... Qui <)II lhe table. 11= lhey .'" he""dQrth 'ouUod< lhe prne'.
lhe)' h,o,... _
...... d ",10 a f"'" "alcarw;l .... yet ,,,II "$Obk.lhae card.'lhil
learned 10 deliK and .................... "WI> of potnl', 'o<d, ...,)' 1eI0',
'.y1JaIU 01 numbcn'. 'sJl'lCl"'. etc. h-.c, buo by 110 ........ UOttI. OulSOdc lhe
P""" wlib '" predeicmu_ t ,uie:l, Ibq ....... 00 10 boo 1.1..... "aka and oft"ct
1I..... oel,..,. up 10 II", ntko ' ....1 'IIo:y 1'"""""1"" .......... Wllboul n .. , wbm,lI'''1
10 1lII)' .u,.""ly 01 VJOIcnce. If I",,", ito vi<>Ience, II. IiCCd '\ ,n IhmI .Ion.
Al . oel il _
II) me Ihal lhis io
Gil"'- CMln.fl dotttaOO_1I15
of: b-reak up,IIo: rndy-made pmn: 10
the rit.tna up of lhe Ih'lIi ,... If
Ihat lhost pm.. ba ... been "o"",,~ w,lh bUI whICh IMy havc ended up
m.ukln. In I""', .,.U.()rdtl'Cd and H'fY ta"II)'ln, oum ulallOll The 'th,na
llieir' Th ...'J'I"'UI()n <I<>Cd$ '0 Ioc ... m,ni. Ao "",.ad(>.ical .,.1 .ppca........ ~
mu" rod ,I of.U ',h,nl.J,k. 1'fO'Uf'P""IJOG$. No,,,,,,lly. 'th,n,' tkoo.... I"" "bar
II lhere. aln'lldy """"ely
Iq a c'-'<land unt:ban",.. n>l"".. r form.
\'ou gon peon' 10 i~ and " ;. .11....y.......,"" dew.n:1I1On. '"""",,' .i II .. ""Ilcd .
...,...nobie and oep&nllcd. La", Iho$ ... uoJ _ ... and thmk "'Iher 01 tho: I"...
OCi. .. """ IU .., c::aa Ir.UIIIale by 'thJn.~ ' .... h...ad",\13 .. and try 10
Iboa1 01 llIen! .0I<thn, The lin! dnopa'eII ,1Ia1 Wlldl n made . . 01: tho:
...:tiiid thai . '11..:11 RlqUl .... all _
and ... pondl 10 'l If.., .,..... 10 1'''''
lbe n:lme 'thon"udl" 10 thai wb"'" ...".....,.. ,be 1"0 1<JFlbn, "~ <:aD . . y
lhal by ,IUJ _
.. u....... 'ood thaI " 'hodt .. ,,, ....... and ""I< ou, on""" '"
motl(ln: Ihul.'h.e """ lor ..'boo:,..,. ......... ,n i" lbe ... 1oJ ...1IoevcT bralloa.. ,be
tanh fOf wboeve, place:< thci. Ioc, 011" In . """.," ... y. ,be 1bi,.. nIdi" ..
II .... ,., ,nh)btud by .,IIM ..... is mnto'med ... ,," tl. Ii manilDu i..elf .. ito




' ' JHUe


......,'u, and the bin .. fin,h IIf10lf immeDCd In L~'" 10 'fleIk. II Ii lhw thaI
lon, ... ,n I
-nx ('th..",h1 and u .. l<'1K:e In: ,be A .... Ib"'11
Pi ........ ...., said of linn, thou 11 II the ek;"",iil a( lbotipl. '" lhe ...... war
lhal the ..r .. 1he ok" .."t of the bud, lbe ... lbal of the ..... rn ....... And tlus
""me P...-nKlel added ,,,, ,tboot the bc1nl ..'''""' II' uP"'''''' .. kx:ated.
)011 couJd 110' aIId lbou"'t '
To f..c II "~YI! capK11y !the ~ II> UK ,he .. on! con..."..,N by
IndlUOOIf rallhnl ,n llot Ihll',
,,be ma,lIrnI&lIcal .e:l" 'I) i. Immcned.
Ib,. ~ 11 5ft'nI> 10 me. (iillr$ Ch l.!o,Iet', proJCCI. r rom Ih .. folio .... the look.
1l!"I"' htr ....... thaI be
the '!uslo' f. in many way. common !O
.1I1hlW, ofmalhoomOln ol phy.'"'! I nd or melaph)~ From Ihl> .I~ follow
lhe ,CtIUl,kable
th.1 he pICk' Out a nd te .. hict\ he: dc.met h,m'lelf:
Or~ and lIN: Imllw./o fonow""" (1 ,," ute""",,) of klnne): Arpnd and lhe
unfold!n. of the rom",.. pLo~: Kin' and lhe 'lU\u hw..' of ntpllve ""aall;'
,...,...'; ~.",d.y Ind lhe...,.".,ry ,mma"..,""
III:kIs; G........ II".oo
lhe jourllj'y from the pola r 10 the .. oaI II ,1>0 tef(I ol.n 1WokIJ"I of duntMiom.:
HanuhOtl ud 1hc 1",,","l'1Inee of an alt>n c:apoo.bk 01 "~". lhe: I'unm 01
outh," lll1fok1UIJ: Sdldba, (and ~ ,,""lalI1 ROIIUJIlic o&aJ ..... , as lhe:
bn"lIa. 10 10&101 01 lhe: "nllli ralin... lhat ....,..111 tbe IIQII""" "" ul nallU'C






a,.{ the: IlIlt11eo;L

ThoM choK.. In "'" athol ....,., Nor an tl>o)' 1M mllll 01. pn>:UtIOOI",d
lheI# on the: potrt ol GIL.., Ch.Iilc1et repro'lIJI the 00l.ll'W (or 1"1oIo>c1 0I1i>t
'lm1Oof of OIWllhmutlQ. They lIIIi<"Led tt.,,,, .. tVfl 10 bUll.,' ...... 11 allhe
~nd IIlOtUn of hI! pano<ula .... "".itnoo as. m.lllemalQn philmophtr
The} .. prosl hit u" ..."tohhl< .... y 01 ~ndlllJl hlm~r ,mrntno:d ,n Ibc: 'thll"
jUrIt'. wh..::h dtmand. hi. """laU" .. I..., c:a~ thaI In .. h..::h he In.,,;1< him..lf
p' Ulopally as.:""" "'"'" loon (as. 'livIIIJI enol ure mdowcd .nlh Inldlo, :!'.
..... ""Ihl U). 10 nPUt "'t h minor modllkau on A nll01 ~'1 .rld, .. o " .1 p,,,,,,,,i.
Ii""). INU >I to say In lhe ...... ,It.cm~t iCllI . lemt,,!'
'In 'bted' JhO\ikl bc: la k"n M IT. i l _ IO IfIC.ln UO tlI'Ofli<1lltnoe: in"',t....t
boddy. In lhe pUce ",11(0 ... "" .. dl,...,,11 , .... n ed Inlo 111(0 hean 01 tbc: ""ibk.
-rbe ",nllll demand.! 1he: Flt lln,: "" .. nl .... 11..., .. ..,....I h'n. to mah ...
pot_ tor.
io .ho:n! ,11(0 en.. oftbe .... n .. IE in the: ullbmohbk
coouoec\JOII 01 Lbo panxular bod)" las 111(0 IIOC!d of mouonL !he vin ....1 aad


_"I. nu.

AIIIl.IlI (act. IbIS monad", body ... hodt.", call'ou, ........ Ii al .... ,.. .nmdtd
1- tho mobokhoruooo 01 i" ..n ......, ... Iovc:rytlu... ha""""" tOr thai body IS
if. conqo of ....",tly bo<l .... all ""lIIlly 110 0W1l. ahno,.. r..Ito..'ed jl .nd at..-"Y'
pna:ded II ...... \1 .......1 11 ........ bk places of """potu"". iIttOrdln, to. r<>no

""I whocb .. ""(Ok!ed o"thln lI.nd by It. ThtoJ. I """'" Ihrou'" Ihe
""""j 01. r.mll.. , t ........ A cro...d oUrJoo...u one: Olhen bvd... ..110 also
mo,',"" I !lee _
0( them f,om tlx bad.: OIbr" in profile; ctll(ou race on. In
tum Ihty 5H me. Or al kaot I beha'", '" ,hou.h I ..' -'1l by Ihtn\. In my
tum. I couk! put my .. l! "hen I _ lbern. in 1100 pLKO Ihat ,ht)- D<Cupltd ~nd


r,,,,,, "balMy ..... ""'- Tha, Uq ooukl

1OC1I .... In lbo:: "1l} lhat I r;o.'"
,hem !II In..:nbeil .D 1100 ...,.ulu mode ol ..mc ..... of lIlY body_ In IlIiIlIlCJtK,
my bvd).(O lbe-<llhtr. my body .. bod! is .';';b!c frono .n c:Isn bc:rc. .. """."'...
of.1oo ron.. 01 po<Sd4 for mc: 01 the: bod) IMI I nod ""..... So milCh loa
tMI In Ih .. """procal
01 ~D' .he: .. tc .. lint! lkh ""I"'" ;" m..:rib<d
al the r"", ...1 I....... '" 1100 othc:r .....;nllll "I'. lho sip oIa possible p"""""'O.
" 'bich roukl.1so, I .... SlailCh as;t is Ihlol of anothn-.Itidc: hi< 0'",,, The ._y_
mDII> ""' '''' .... lily oil"" Otlotr aho-.)"I inhlobit' lho mo.k oIJIR'SdI<" 01 all
l"'i1lcul boditl; arwJ prinllfllnt! the ma,k 01 ';nual ubtquuy...,tl>ool ... hich
no 'poIilionl", in s.pace' "oold be poMll:>i<
II i. in thlJ IIonzon ... hleh ;1 al...ays in pro<;CS$ of 00111 SpItd 001. Ibat tho
moo.:. 01 objectification an ronlti\tl{ed "'ord ln. til " hkh ..." I.am 10 deal
"llh Ih, 'corporeal Ihinll'. al .... )'. a5S>1"ed 10 the .. rtua~ty 01 tilt" sil", tb.ot
OIl' IhooIUy bodon Inhab!!. fillUI'CI of tbe ,'irlnal ubiquilY i .. nal. to the 1"'.lJeUlu
body of
alR'C to
111(0 name 01'1<1 01 d",ltio:' 1o .ny ""'''K'CIlon
of dilf<I .... es ..... In tain<d ;n a ,'atc 011<_ .,tbld lhe: ""nicuJar Ionn of
lb... ooul>le_ .......;U .. y 01 Illy rdliloOll bn ...wn >m""hlits thai it """"Ii
Ma IlICh a 1ft<I. (,oo""'l"""lIy ny 'tho ..... bowe_ IJIIJDObok mel inert 11
.... y appear. ron..... 01 !he uaity 011 .."(> "'inllllttid' thaI of III Slit rdlil!'" to
.notbtr ltu".: """ WI 01 iuclf rcl.au." 1(> ,IS tUe. 1loc 'von1lalt1lCf' 11<1 .....
_btr aDd.,n IfUlI!. c:acb ,ndiClltc:l lbo:: Olbtr lUId Ibc:rcrOn! IIWfltamo IUd(
only Ibrau.., llu1 ...""""..Itd dilJ",."" .. I rOIII Ihis il 1QIJo...'!i lboal p<>iftl ..
(untluntmally dlMlUlClia ..
If I ...'ntot'- OIraIIF .. ortlS.1I is bccltu"" I an"", my .. lfto bt carried alan.
by tll(o d n;am. lbon G illes C"bJ,ckt"1 "0.1 hu prodOKtd In ","" Indeed, I
d~amcd ...... 1 ~al in tho: roll ... of my l'tadlna: I Pf"l""ltd my>ICH ;010 ml
pha nlom bodie5; I ..-.oJ Amre', bonbn,.._: I " lI. lhe Inhabt lant 01 [,,,,I<on'$
loll; I "lI~ ID '","cnf ;n M lnko... ~kl ' COlI<. t- ow. I .... . .ct ually ne"hen other
Ihan on my . hair in front of m)' table. Whal hi'" I dilit:o\C'mlI"'n. if 001 thi.:
l he: oPt" tidd 011'" ",nllli uboql1ily of my Own body ...'uhout .. Iuoh ,he 1I"<>rld
il ..1( .. ould be bill am.:"", and .'Ihout .. b..::b ronJeq"""tly 1MIlhln, thai ..e
<all 'malhemalical" ...'ook!
00"", 10 ....
I'o"It.m I lInldxd nadonJ. I ..-.s ,It II dramln .. or Kant and 01 llul '6"10" 01
... hom be .".aks. .'he ...... ).
dcmorul .. ltd the ...,..!elInlID.... . 01 H\IISeTI
abe> .... hI> "proIopooo"" ....... And I ..Ired IIl)1ldf the q""lLOD; bow .;an I
'.......... Ib.. 1h....., III""'" do I pIaoc hI"'! And In...tw work!"' I do
~y dol.,. caJcu.b..-... Of ~ bony IUrwyor, lithe,. _ _ 01
.... u.... Sln,n, ,n r""'l of !he In. u.nder III
Of fit trw. He....,.,1d boa>"
.It>ottl btf .l... nd loqulllo dll!&m; 10 IntYd In the "nual'"I"."" 01 """ .. ,om
bod .... Tbc: ,Iran. .l traces ..ouId bccOillC .,.,bIc t(> hIm. C~ """",-..1.
Iinp. knou. iUplura, retraruop. ronoin~ arwJ roln... I I, ,,'ould deliah' In tho:
III*Il<k. ",,,,n .."hin hif ""'Iionlc>. body, II" "oukl open hi. <f"" ~ would
.... l he lipt hlllt ... tho: sa<l<l and, "'lb hI> An ......."ukl t nt ... I .... re O(Imo: Ii ....
In ordt, to relaln """",hln, or Ihi. sant>.o<l<l I' .. ~pf'" would th,nk ,hal he



,,,,,II. If."


.n, "'''''





IYd oIcpt and dtnnvd lIul. II""",... I n. he .. ould I'C)OOCC a111l1c oacm tor
, ..... T~ .." .-or
_i. 10< ,he dream _IIa ffOal Ze .... The JOUrney.
be .. ould IllInk, II """"
Thai II ""'" Cbl,elet kado .... '" """"... ,he 'liM' JICOmCIC. Whocb It
....... p lo ..... h""" ",,.,ICc I<> baromc 1 mI'hcma'icu. ...

'* """

real,,,,,,, "'''''''


Th"1><.><>\.. ,,ill ll}" '<1 dr.... lile i'iIOf\lJ 011 vai>devllk pll~ '" nh . hrtt protalO'lisu
.1Ie ,....lhcrn iciaD. 1M ph~. Ind.1Ie phi"""'pba dl'P"la ha,~
11IIII>Iltd ""rious dtba,ts aboul idea, rOf .,,0 =.u~ Ii " ""'. ,ha. III the
1... 'Ic.c:adt ,lunp ha", to kCD I doff....... 1 ..... pc. Out ,brtt prota"""." would


__ porbaflll totsolliiC a bult,."..... bd"on: tlklll, up lbar Irtdm"""l lIlnudos.

The ma, hmIa'laan m"", not be so "illin& 10 play IlIc fic-m: defender of .he
au iO"""'~ 01 "ruc1Urcs, oo" ..... p'IMIui1y '&""fln,

.be "Old .... from Id . . pen.

"",,,ill ,.. h, y' lhal ,,'''10k! ",a kc hOi 'p<all.ollOn' .... "I>1c_
The .... ockins phy5i<;1\t' ... ould t1 >lnly chnlln. " &hlly 10 lhe racik ",,"aln
,..,. of. duali,m bel"'''n 'modd' and ",.h,y'. N<>I.., lonll .",. Ib....' .... , no
" ....1;.," or lhe lick! "Of~" .. lin. lime pIIi)i", K.OUnd "nh lhe preny
"''''''ura. 100 'lOph",oolltd 10 be found ill Na""''-. """'~Itn. f.on! ..... ,hm\a.
Iici:II. braI .... ~Of ""'"1 ",dlnal)
of Ib<
JCl(' ;e.. _Ibemal.
if;s "'-al ",,11' "1001'_ 8uI .. b)' doc. ' .... tali ...."'" 10 ..~Jf' II "'Bllk! Ippear
th.n IhlS queRoon II 1>0 10....... 0lIl) I "",Iter of IniCra, for Ib< _hCIa of
phll ..... ""y Wipe . lono.'",n. II",oenberi aod man)' Olhen .... ould II." cnt:aJnIy
lui,.. \.IIuMod lhe 'pn.JIII.l"lnl' of OIl' 0111111)'
Wlui, halld i,
hoIdl ". ,he ,00/1 WIui, Jell umo I~ ,nwh'Od i" 'hi> 'IUll<:lIOIIIn.'... hlCh esub-li>ha I hi&h<r fomo of ",n" nuily bel .... n .tructun: and .... In)"~ II il .. mply
I ClI~ of apply... , ma,b<"'~I "''J 10 p!o)'~"" o. r~'hr. of aWllkcnlnll,hf ph,-,"""
in malb<rnal""" Indeed, Ibc~ " 4UII nough 10 C'llpc' "1< ovm ,he "'00'
pal ..", or under>'aodo"", lbe , numplo of ,he "pcra,IO<I " II .. oya OIXIOIIIpoonicd
by 1 .....1 of mY"'finlion, lEw 'luind' ..."... 10
u><:tQloidaJy ",.'",bIt
Ind ,he Ippba.tioa wry quooUy fo><pU 1b< .....1lfC>
II """"'''-Whodl .... _.M pIuIooophc . ,,"" IS 11...,.)'1 .... pcacd of bftnt lhe ~y III
,be OIn' ...... t.. H_~. be """""" p ... up 11)"'1 10 hIi.-e lEw bcr.e/i, 01 ,be
Ia>i word Id lOY 1;3>11; be 110,...
10 "",k. up hit "'Ind. "hod! .... b)' b<
'i IiCIC\UCd of ahandono", hl", .. lr '00 rad,I)" 10 lazy mcdl,.,K>n. 00 .he 'prol>....... ,"'. and ,",~n of on ...
lbe 0<'<111<110,," of bemw""U\J(1. Docs
he pndo him-"'lf Of! ful\d:r,mtnlall" 0 0 .""h occasiono he il " &lolly ~pf<>ac"hcd
up 10"" and .... ,bcm.lica, fOf mlucinl ,he lane. ,,,. formal pm<
ond ""IIf", ..", ;. IiI'llh ,b< ad"';ni....,oon ol proof< by leiun. h,,,,,,,lf bcromo
Inl,,,oca,td .... ' h.b< ","a,n'''''of 'lO'U.
I. t.hould he ack"""'Itd.,ed ,"", lhe p/ll1osopbo'-' ,Ill< 1$ not at ,he .."''''''''"









;1 i. d,i'lkull !O d" .......~F 1,,= ,he 'lmtaphoncal' ,Old ,'''' 'op<nni<>!IlIr.

H~ ""II thererore fI the pt""u"" of the eombil'll ""- of In .nd ~
ond ..,u be lhe ob)'l
cppcml I_pea""",", 10 """ """.. It <)\Iff .<>
lWUJllDI ... O~ 11.,1.>111& abtohed I\uIddf of II>< m;ponIoibility of.be pluml
......,i....11OfI of.Io<~. or. ... lIdlos much tnOI't' oil." II,. """" ol'd mud!
.. one. becQmc lhe humble major d",,", of !lCienli,.!., ",I>o.re ..."mt<l10 be
in f""'''Sfion ol.h< only ... Uy 'teriou,' I,Ulh .. and .hu. 10 confi ... h,m5elf
'modtstlf L<I. !'Ok d~l poIicin&- Sad dcsllny !'or philooopby; lhe d.fClpI, ...
thai f<>nnnly ..' 0' The head of 1M lIbIc find. Itself 1'Cd1M.'ed 10 , ... role of.
(\ndtr,",la 'al .... up . 'lIh 'wnl'lauion' .rod ,IJ tbrillInJ ",able",.. d dlrea ....
the tI"",lIloon of romnl(ln~ ideal'
Cirnkn:llll ",n .no _k (0'1"''''''' for lit.
.,hen raa:d "lIh 'calcul.,
lions' II) .h"",n, t..r dnOilon throop "".... ,......". "",II
lions ,_1"'1 .tdtnoque ..1t1l bu ...."""'. ThiIs ,.,...,tifico..cluontablc
I"",,*," da"".lo int.od_ 111< 'educa.od' pubbc 10 QtfUU! IpcaacuLo. rewJa.
.. lid .re dremod 100 .ho".ct and whi>h KomI 10 col~de head_ Willi com""",
Mr Pn..th"",""" adorel Oil' Cillde.db and hc:. '.thicar ...""..1I7Ihonl.
The lal~' infonn Fnlly .1Iho~1 II";". 011"...... and bnllJ .,;0<""" in.o ."" ...Im
011"" 'n"tf)'dly",
oftl'l< ball...., iIII !a>I,_,k<! .... Ih.he oea.nly
01 """"moll wnJe' 0.... JOOd man dr:daIa IlurudI' $W pliid and n ... on reuod'
by llieK 0"'.1 r.obInno., r-.llCUlarly b) It.:. lilll< bltn<rll ... lhal call
mIn,,,,,, in'o q...sllon a "" Nonh Pol< by ~"n5 lhe'l1' ,"'rn" in I"" lfOl'lC'.
An hi> 'lSIl 10 11M: ..bilK'! of curiosi."", M. I"Tu<lholnm< kaln .I,onul.t<d
and IUIOUml. he has bc>rn.hI< 10 conllrm ~ h,mlo<if' .'hal 1M: ha.IUIJ'<ICII
ror" Ioq I....., after all It.:. 0 ..... f'nlblmu ~ 1>01 to ru """",'I from
bis.,..n IUlIe I"'obicms; alr. welt 11>0, tfId. ordI "Dd .wrYOIW.,.1f lkqI easy.





n.. """"


III ro<H. I~" ,. jIIJIlikr 1/wII

To ooMOh.b.e lhele .1UI~lhel" and ,mhopoKdic functions, C;"Je",U.. t;O,n

off her ....ica in" mo", iub(1e "",nner, b) Ih""!\j lUI P""". <klIpn. j"
.......,........ ""rub...... IIIi&ln >'U)' .'dl be lamed '" lbe ~a' prdcft '" ph,Jo..
topII.:.J .:alop ia. The publ,., IS Ihlll mlnod to ",,""'PIlI< ,n pm< of l-Spy
heK' Who', bid<" Look' H='IIIM: ".,.. ftl"'" of Subs.a_.
Com< Ihll .i.y The T.ulIOC1ldmlal lIflII'plinl lhe nlne-huded h).ln. or 11'1<
E:mpiriQI to lhe ""und will M familia. II, ... ryone
And 0 .... "" ... 1 lhe
DIaIuI:. 11'11 "'I cbippnl Narut1lt)'. llId IUodtd lOll. "'.Iki<"Q al1l1lYO
a>nd~ ,,'ilb a
II JIIII I,ke lhat' 0... '"lionabMll', an JOl "P '" ,1:$



5u:tIday beot. OOnn', ca", mucb ror lUrprue>; for ,1>CI!.nd_h . . . noo:tu~
ucb nd .... h " ""Io,o.y' E"<ry\hinl ..ill hi ... itt place, frum .he IILllJanl!
10 11M: """term,n;,' bUllcrlly
Bill do ..... tully wanl ClItdt.d" to lit al ...)'.", ~ al".yo "" ,mpa"cnl
10 pnn" her ,,"odo:. wly' IJ1d her lIIullid"""pl1lwy JOOII "dl' Do ..., moU)'
...". her
<>If., "'.. 1>00 a ,upPc:" .. nl "'IOUI and pia)' lhe part '" healrr
... """'" by lat,n. up """JUlln nd '"""n"Iio"" Sboold .he ded.... l. htudr
10 CCImIIIunicl.i<>n and dil~lic, .nd ploilp he, oIlcjJa""" 10 """1>001 Cin<lc,..,lla


p<obol>ly II", .... ' ylhm o lose: bY'JrOeUI.lo lhe "!b of bnnl"'l ......... 10
hut ptugin. ppo and IlOllcn'lIJ paradJgmo, .1It find. Ioersdf .hrook 10 lhe
lUI", 01 '.. f~ ror ICaD& ,he ..orld and """' liked 10 ....... up .llh
...........10 do:oioncd 10 ",.00..., !he anilIery of the dlff......1 'xhool' '" inl.,.
PfC"'I"",: .. Ib... In)' neal 10 ""'''I OUI tha~ ..IIm. queslion .... 1ottn Killed
by Upori ......1 or anl hml"lic, ou...",anI II 0>0 Iontn ncedcd7
The ... remain .. h" .....r. a """ru"",, deoi", 10 I.ke up .pin in the fI<sh ""UI
"bal Ii perao,"ed 1I ...boIe lhal hu """" """,laltd by technical d.,persemm~
I pu.... ......will lor .'1"'"1
e''"f'''''&1td by tilt 'M1IPIl'C"Y of dw .t
nliouliMll 10'" 10 ,"po ..uh aU "'"'"' """'II d lland. aU lhew 'm:.pn'. aU
lbow lhou,,11 upenln<nlo, .t.:. fi,um .nd d,.""mt. ali llocw dYtWliei 01
problcmi .... ruln"y ""pablo of 11M: m.nd.' of ...ct'''''lion, ThO! ",.c"""nOn
it ~n!orma"vc' in lhe prope. "'.... and """DOl be ml.......t 10 lhe ron"oyin. of
pre ........... vcd forln
one IfIlI>m>l1er ". IIIOIher ""'""'eJ, It lYOldo lilt
dd,h of vulpnolUOII and .",.,ntfio )ournallun'
It II doar . 'by o;IaH.,1 "Iional"'" dono'l muocb ~ke 10 ,gb ...... naI 1M
'''')'110'1' of lheoe prot",:" and lhee ...,.. of
lhe lall II. applied 011
pri..ly the Jenoil"o, bul blind, poonl' of lhe Ultdcntand,na. II lilt lun ...
bonuNII . 'here indlOlllC 1)""_ boJon '0 "n/old, in 011 tItoote pi....... here
onetIlalioa ""'1 be bad lor r.... and wilt ... , he ""' .. lIOI .)'_ymow .,tb
!be .m!i.able. The pal ........ of Golois, randoy. Mnnll Of lI......,bo:r&
I'''.... I'bo:n.lC - i>ul ""btll""'" ntab!1$1>od ""I...,..... 01""'111 ..... objoLc1J and
form. do 0>0" Tbal il ,,'hy I ... ,11 do'Ol~ m)"''' he .... .,.,tb l he lid of ""me
"um...... 10
lbe hlllo" ""1 d"ndy of problem" thoo. d)'llll'lic
oem.,w.- that hu ....... bcm ..hausted by 1d ......1ed"""'" 0. b)'pOIbau
'" )all,l"D""", ~~m aod I"'<>I>I<mJ marl< "" ~h and Wlk1lOW1IlO,
'en and pbilo<op/Iot> ,utde lhe oyo: aDd hand.
A .hruoltn. pJuJotOphy Cl>nnol br renlen' "',h """unual I1Il1oc"'llIom on
lilt '01&',.' '" JOon'oflC obp:tl. II l!aj 10 powl,,", i...-Jf It 1M OIIIpotI' '" the
ot.:u~ IooIL:IIII upon lhe irrauoul_ .. diabol.... and ...... llnllo articulo
.iDa. ....1 ..!her !II lbe -FTM by whICh,,", <iunen _ _ _ _ ",10 brsq.
A >coena: !ba, mnIIDcd oh ."od " 'IIh refe ........ IUId p<c<hctooa ..oWe! ~
qulte illClpablc of ,. l in. up HOIde...,r'. flmow .ballen... whICh II .'hy ,,~
""'nl'o Jl"o due "'oi",1 bo", II, 11>0 func!ion ",,,,,,,,,,,10:< """, .....,w"'" referred
10 by G.loi.. F.. d<b). t:uut .... and .... n)'otben. Any pbilooopby lbal deb .....
Ildy Dqkctcd !be CIOCIlempia"'" pok "ould IlOOII ha,~ 10 110.. 10 " 'hal II
OptfllllOll and 'fcuihl<'. ".,."" 10 ........)' llIl<m w,th ''''''In'eJ PIlnr/lf1loa.Dd
d .. tQ .re 10 han.J
S<:om. conlompol1ll)' dobole< oet:nl 10 ... 11M: relot,ooship Io." ..... u JoCI!>noe
W pltiiooophy oaly In Ie""" '" ,..,,'ito.)' '" of I"'rrcuw wId . houldennJ,
f"'",,,n, thaI ror I"" plot '''0 and a IWJ' ""Ucnnoa ,n lbc \\eo ........ p/lywco..
.... lhonnIUCl and ph)..... baw at .... )'O twill)' wily) JOno haDd in 1Iaad_ J.;. a
obobbolelb "'1M hlJlOf)' of ideao 10 lta'~ I..... each ...... I'r;., """oIullOII prod ......
.. new p;ontd,lI'" ... ilh lhe.."".. 0 ' )".. "pI""l ."'''',,_ of """aplly ...... T bo





. ,


.:.rOil!> rI III< ..plnlh Ctrn~ry lIalcd ok.d) [be lutonomr ...<1

poo'i"'Uy of rmtlrhp""', inIO"",nl>Oll In lhe" work. II ...... bout romm<)D
problema"" 1""1 m:IlMma,ica, physoa aM mclaph)'PCIIl opccul~ li"nj wen:
"",",,1I1ed. ExfI Il'Pf'08<bcd the qll..no,.. in '\1 ....'n r..tuon. ..,,""", ","III,
Ib,...1eIOOd by OI~ " ' _ Soeft, ..1l and philotopbtn olll!< ",,,,, ....nb tClnury
.......ndcd web. COIIUI'I"""Y 01 qllC:Ol_ DOt '" ""'~ lack oll<eh""l"" .. "II
..... ,.pII)'1K"1 >lop pp', b<ll lit .......... at prc,,,nlml l be ..".nllloo olll><
rt'IO<Iet ollppn:hmd,n .. I.Un1 and "",hnl8.11 i, may be lhat modtm pltikJoophy .. ,he only d,sscnun, I'oia> on
w..losue bn ....... m.ubcmalQ .ud phpi<:;! ..'II",h 'llould olh< ...... bc '00fI-

lIr\1C!i.,, ...... I -r..1.

A k_~ "''''' umm:uy oae. ol.M h$ory d ..".["'" <iemonolnll'l
IMI lilt
p bet ....... mlli>mwoUCll . '.'It,"1 maocr' ,boll also 'I""'"
tbe ..:.tn<) Ind physia 1M If"bby, tffiaml """" ..... hardly !xcn
!d)'IIi<:. A'Ulo,k *"I"cd b,m""f 1~1 \If balM. by kecP"'8 lhe .".my
under lbe . u ,,", 1Pt1'lop: 01 theolOl)' But it IS a Ionl lime pow ...,"" ","y"'"
libonolcd lhemoeha b<&i""'''I. r.."", """,I<>pcal n ...lry
!I111 ....... ""'" ........ ' " II for III 10 Ih",. 01' ..... ",Lou"",1II1' .n _


i i"."


lh.." ,..bo<dll.. IIOD, .ppI""'hOIlIM w,ib ... t.......

01' """nc. 1i1lh Of .. "hool metapltl1oia. pnano\tf dcalo In "" ~,ruck; '111
.,,~ ~"" lhe ~~I.1f yt>u life .... lhe funda .... OI.L ,... l'e3uh. "p'I!cmol"l'"'
more: 01 Ie$S e~pK'II It> confer olllcilli !I1a'.a prohfcnllO: ron'o""o""I;,m.
Irt....n> '" malhe!nal...-.l Jrmbollsm. panl$:l1tS '" '~al,,,,,' . 11>0)' ""'" 1""
pIttu< 'fonnttlx. hun, 00.11":" mct.Ipb)'SlClJ pn<'CIpie 'allhe '0'" 01 ,I &11'.
and tnI""" mathmlatia '0 a ........... lhal II ,,,c"lf.rm' 10 ,IS ..... " ronl<'nl
and pitY""' 10 00fIJ1""""'" 01 'mII<leb' fu","bll', p....JoCl ......... It .,..".~. a
rholoooplt) Iha, "'<'}uk! lhink pIt)'JIro'lNItilrola, ,,,, mu,l breok Ihrou.b lhe
al>umpl...,l11 ,nocfl bcd In thIS ronlrxt and undo"ta"d. for .mpl~ , hat
m.ol i>nnll...-.l nJl.l....,. to lhe fulJU"'1JOoIH of m.o.l1.r IS n<>110 ron6 ... a ~"I
..... Ihln a ....... lneaI cdl bul UlJI.~ 10 Iea.n 10 ... k _ all the pot<1It.aliltn
'" patltdr:s. '" tho .pIt)~' Lcibrli1lP,a dural "'1" ,On to tb ..
"""proatl rormlllallClOl; 'My mo:taplty5XI II ","my _"'...... Ilal.., 10~.
" . """lei boromt ",,', ~nd II II ~I) lhe ....... phystatJ
01 'mOood'
,hal makes il poulble 10 undenl.t>d d'jr..... lial catculuJ.
H_ caD malbmu,ia. .. an '.un
a\'Old bfro..,,", 'flpped bol "''''''
.he Idcntocal at>d tho at..olu,cly Othet" II ..... do we ....ke "'OI'Id from the
........m '" pit)....,.. IlllllhemattCI and meuphyItdT II.".' arc: ... 10 OOil(>tn"
Ih .. ,rtpIc wi '00
adop"", Arnloll.'. 'lcoloPal ooIu'lOn1 11.....,..1
i. rapoRIlbit ror unckflin'", .he pllilo!lc'>pltiaol 1I.kcs , .. . he .labofl"<>n 01
mode,n phys;oo.ma'l\nn.O.l",,- Analy"", oI.he _ri>b lII<Iw .h.~ ,f . be worlJ ..
'bou,ht 01 ~ malhemalical "~i"'''w," (u 5<"""'" ha. in,j"od 101""" G~Itk:<!I.
t/loloft m ..... bt 0 mode of co,~_ bel ....... ""~11 pmc.riad 0('1,
.. hdl "'~oI .. lhe .. orld ofbou_" _
and fiJU" oM.be 0('1' oIm.o.,maJ
1iII1.... '(.tun. . . . calculable ~lIIr..,_ ....,..... lhe "~jN nJeoled vllliml%

"" "g




oIa .,.<>IOCol of ", ... 0...11 bd ....,n lbe """'OIU""T of fonns and .he """"m ~n"y

An)'1k,nl lha. <111"011 1I~lr Ii ~al ,,"hin .be 'pir", OCD"bk qUIIIII'" ibould
ha,.. "I ...... ,hematlQ) Illdu ..',hln lhe protCi... of the opbcre: '" .he
form .. and.llInItt, ... ind""", """bt""'IIl"ioo """'Id btuiolX poosiblt
in e>nIct '0 0DI\J''lOC'I u J.riJ alI.be
5 'OIl lbe IoIde oIlhe fi.ll.Jnp!


NI'''fllly, ' bit ,"oIUlionary """P .... ma lbe ru.tocalOOll 01 AmloUc',

I. ,d a . . II 01>0 _rna ,he t<ln<epI 01 'lbi,,0('1 'PO"""
0<>1 lhe ... , .. lhe
Greek. capablt of lboorb"'l 11110 III homotc,,",ly I"" .. rIeI of ronnl and
lbat 01 bodoa Ind, finally, .he ronsI..ruon oIa d dferml.al cakool .... able 10
Ipptebend motion by"""' ..... 'hemaloc.l ............ 10
cIdi ..... by.
...00. of radl~ nw. coonplet~ J1aei", 01 plty..om.malbemallCf .henf...... .Ioa/;lI
10 lhe ~'fIM:1l<)n oIlmpOtlol infnlsIrUCIu .... hlCb """"unly ,n .......... lht:
",hole oI ....... rhj'$lCl.
Al fi .. t """ .bis pltyWro-mlliIrollliC' dOCI aPfICI.' .0 be an UIOOIlII>f;I;
form 10 lbe I)'"'''' 01 "",,,i..1cnoo bcI . ct\I ...., he .... l...-.1 00il(>tP"
and pit,....,.. coouiAI- To "tKIn1l1"" .he ,"",allonary ooup lhal mrtaIl7.1>11
"'tomll"" ;, to
1I:l0l pt'OlJDU' J ' " lwo horuooo InIIic up '" mllli
dctcrmm311Of\J wh>c:h Q~ tho ""1ntI1 """ of Hpj ... , dclenn.nallOM and
.. hICh .1111 n,mam a."iLobie fu. u.am;nl'iorl. Coro;:ei>-.d ;u In .ppmn..... h'J'o
.. a l'romclh ... n impulO and b"' . f a combma lorial "",mPIIlal;"" or OOn, ..
In'he .......... 01' U ... 'abJIrxt p","', m.o.\bc:Iruo,,,,, _ , orily rulm. lid tn
pIt)'JOCS. II II m u..... lenn bac we obouId undtnlind GaJiko', """""'5y ,n
danrq to bnq ,be boundary _
'" """' ........11)' ""0
,,,,h lbe
.."rid 01 """"111 bod_
In', ..,.. some H amplcs.
Quanliflauion confi.......J .he rommuruly of the parliclll.o,
or Ina
I)',,,, mocha....,. aDd '" the l heory 01 .b......, ,~(JtI the oroc hand and 01
lbote 01 dIcmiJIry and a.omic phr-s on tho <>Ibot. The d_ ( aIti",,,,,, '"
clcctrodo:mllilry '"'~) ""IU,mI. field 01 opcr1I""" WI .:as ....uJ inrd ....
ible 10 " 1>0011'.' ....... ronlmu"," I
orbots, when: tho eIoct_ docs DOt
fld .. ", aJlI'ldy lmpliady ,,<knowledged lhi.~ AI ,he bepnrun.
""nIU'), fp""' .......1 .poco coMmule a l heme '" whlth lhe
,"cnlioo f""u",", m""n ,"",c on tlk ploy of.he 'I"'mlorr " ..If than <>n Ilk
... bs'tllC lhat ."" lauer
IUPJIOI<'II 10 tAIl"'- A F'l'III:lnc:a1 to..,......
I H ;I"",,', .......... ' _"plnoa Ih .. play and tmdo 10 ..",," 1.11 '~I_
U1n ..... plaU"" pole and to ror .. lhe ..... 01 a f"""'I(JtOtII)pol r""",,' 01
fltoo;o>lNU, ..,.."rum. eoc). h II pnocoody II011I.I"""",y ,ha........."Ied '0 lbe
"""fllors .ilal aliOWI lilrol '0 be rr<>.IIJ>...,.;I IS '~bIa' '0 qllanlum
mecllanlCl. I' a.adcxi<::ol ","uit: i. i he tn(>lIon il"U oI.he .mphf),!", absll1OChoo oI ..... hemalicslha ...... m hei.I ......... IKHI .. p/lywcaJ bei ....' ,,... ...".,.
."""....... ' _ " ' - ' h ~ 'M HtflrTlr ........ J" ~ppbcQli<M. nu... It> ..u.blioh a
_ _ 1""",".teaI pIl)'llC'l" to "" "",po,,," ct
to wha xlrnl ouclt


,,"n, .,. . . . .









In clfon of ..-docalluto..... my U\ """hemlltQ 1\(' "'ily in.Dlve. 1~ bonwIl

of the Vlnualil><a <:J p/lyiIG
Lel', take.1K>lber example.: lho _lHbt CllMd by ,he W"""""'" oI'M!>OIlIouclidun """"",... in the nU";IIIlh =IUI')' II .... 11 tn""'''' W. can llail'lus
tveIll a. 1"" """,plclc libenllOa of ........
't'n'Od' "' luI from the pbysoeal
~ru.-cne: i .............. 10 tM m'1aph)~1 .... ,." cI r ........ u IG IeIIX ,he
....... ,,"" 0( .. 1\0...... "' stake In II.. O1lIleDOO "'....:II
In !art.
EIItbdcaa ,cxmy'.........ptlOtl 01_11 .... ,atwm..... rrom !he co,,,nanl
of dI...,.J ma.bnnabCIl ph)'SG: aJ!bIe [,,"' ..hn Of*" '(HI" ..,..,. lrod the
plw;di.y....... ..,t_lal.... oljleOOletno; worlds uapbod 11..,\ the.ery elron
.h"'" t..d """",....... lIlm> shO,,1d .... pen<lno,. tho bonroa of
pbysQby R _ aad GI_ as bema
'"<e<i ..,11 lbe.. ,
oltbe inhabl,"'I 01 MOtfaas. tho eOM Ipi' of model d ", ..... 1')' ICOMCCbOll.
can be fuBy ,..1uaI .. p<)W1I, ......1Id .. ""..... II is from .hd poult
of new Lhal .... lhouki . _ the d'l'oru 01 b"p'. TlIcory. Wid.L II II out.
III !be IIone, .. IlOl to III"'" the Ihico ... y of tho ror-ulll [Iu" ..'ill 'finaII)'
aNide.* !he <qUl'-.knoe '" natural ~ b," Ihc 'phyoic:al' lIi."talllL", of
IE UOIt'ry, in other ..<Hth the """,,."1 up of the dl"on of ......,..."""'" of "orkb
in .... ", 1 10 pun: mobil,ty, lUI dl'on den.eeI rro... 1he ,~h(... of the
CllqOnQ oflhc 'purely ~ncal' and the '""rei)" physical'
11 If ''''''' 110........ 1""1 IMn If: .I .....ys IOfMlIti", _Ddalout ,boul ""uhlljl
lbe physoc:ai ~."I.""" al III .. or t""l 00"""1" I""t ..... ~iowJy 1"'1"'" ..
'purdy m.tbnnaticlll
lunctionl .. a limplo: ,001 for the
physicist and .. indilro nl I" 011 ".tlll .. 'qun allhe uac:t .... ~. ,n "blCh
;, is _ i ..... 1<'1 up 0<11 ofm'II .....'.n.d envy. 8UiC ill 1.;""'ltict ,,"-nnat
be .wl>el 10 otode of do" .n.d rulH 10' f alin, fo. mal .n""",,"lion..
mock,n mot ....... " becomet more . n.d mo uplicilly ,,"-pablo of inhibllin,
lhe honMn of ito ,'i' I[([\\mes .nd lhem,," of ",acti""lin, n ..II, We ahoukln',
fo,l'" lhal l lulm .. n ,ho",ed lha' the moo, thl\koJ lheorem. CIllO Invoh..,
.:aICJorito Ibal In' Ilc:cmod 10 be ,trictly phllosoplucal oDd Ih\ Ilachdatd
k""" t""l 'the .."", ...100II of """",,IOn prod_ Ii",,,, .,ord>, ,,,,,,,,bt ......1
.. ntcnooa, Irunk,"I .. nt ...,..~ In t~" 50""". lhe phy.;ro.lIUllhema ..,.J iovol.".
lhou&ln OIbe ........ IlI.In "ouk!tlle 'PUn' .nd .. mplc 1I'.nolanon 01. pbYSlCOl
,RIo I mIIthenwttlCOl 1.00.11&.. Parucies do "'" pi 'nl tlW:lII ..hu
as Ihlop. .. het"P'I .... ~"o.1d 111.11 'n' .. mply """ilablo' ( HrxIoaP't'.
~i><"""""""ir~ ,nd mockm pity_lead.... dOM' to.he F""",,Ineal <>nIJ.D of
tboo&bt If leibn ... ",n InICULo'" ",.....Joey and dJII'tnua!. il it boca .... the
I.ou .. "'" 0 .. mplc tool OJ . _ 0
lJ>d If poI ...,,"L ",0 doJm lbe
rnoaal II ..... tll.lt If: ~ ......"ded 10 it ,n ph)'$OCIIII'" ,,'os i. It boca ....
II hat .I..... yn.,1ICd I CIOIWn ""Ioloa 'I dJ"",y. e-..", If it ..... until qun.
.-nt\Y, ~ ... InCl. ont........dluy d,_nl In .akubu-.
n.. ',n"01 foooodcn of ph)_ ....... Ied .n lhe order of lhe okuIobie tht:
a:" . n i l ol botb phywgol Ind malbe....uocal ~ by '-no ol ...."""",,1,
.... """""' remain uanploml _
PloN< .... uc corel WI In' l1<li dim;tly



'" Ia'_''''''

T n

. .


M.Ihomf,,,,,. "",....




in.lII,..,.. tn tbo ITJ<'f\a1 of 1HUml" ......111Od "'!U"UbWI made

b)' ,bl<
.....,."..\J<:t. ThUs. t.o vet)' d,lrtmll .hythmo undt.pift lbe h;'lory olKku':
lhe finl ito intt'mUUflll ,lOll oom,m ol rul"u ..., oJ. poradllPM and lbe..
mubl\JOllJ; tbe HoCOnd it quiet ... hul;' ..,II.",.., 10 11!a<U .......... and ooMisb
all rumihltl;.m. nIOIlOftlcol
oJ. lhe probInn.o"< 00 .....
Thoo ~bil'ly al reacu .. un. and kxw","1 tbe prohI<mauc as ...... imploos
lbot loday', physlro.rnl.tbemlUtl Iftlly h... '_physocs' ulKlot II. ohn ond
tbcrd'ono it 01 concern 10 thot plti .......... He m.... l""'" 1""1 tbne ........
1Il".... le INW (tI""" II .. IlOl lbe trut,," bul 1M PInt Ie thaI on rcact1,.. ted)
.nd i ....... ony IlraeauIII all 'ruI', lbe INlb ol_1uch "",,",uk ,txIf '!:odnnd'
tht: cakul.ollOftl. What beCOJIIU ~allnJly IInlildy. by lbe a.'OIU 01 God, is
tht: JlOOAOhWty al but)'tlll ca_uont .... th our .... ,.....,.. ....... ud of 'Ioa';o,
.........,thlhem once ud 1Or.u.
M ... ph1""l does lui .. , Cltal)'t.: d'It. "hod! "'" btao d ibed 'ft 'In)'
bt.ttutlfultc>.1 by 1100 .... ~bemI\lCill1I And.t ""cil.


No1hln, .. moK k.liie. .u malbmlah.Iol'" ~...",.. lhin the><' obocun:

....Jos!eo. lhelw: mur~y I dl... tlOM al Ol'" I"""'> ,n anothu. ,""'" run,..,
<=IIn:et. thac i .... pliCllbie !tire .Iso nothllljl'"'tt .. much plcupr. to
A day .... ,.: hen the iUuliot! VIlA"""'" ~""""'t turns
,nt" .:ena.. I}'
ludll) ro. """,.rcl>c... as lhe fop ,,"at II onc !"rint,
lbey form
It ..... lhor



Andri Well cu .. to the quw:k hen:: he <ORJu", lhelw: "mu,ky .e&c1t00l.

lhe><' iun". "'........ 1M ~ ...... y olO.lol> lho. 1..I... nll" loocheo ... with his
fi".,. tluou.b ........n th be d_ MIt ""...... 1" pi<~: H o .. o oonnoisscu.
oIlMoe _laphY.1<I.1 'fop' whoto d11llJ'l'11on II 0"" poinl horak!, lhetr morm'
'''I at . nolhe. It "ould be hen ... 10 I>lk ben: of I horizon Ihat lillS lben:b)/
n:,ulin,.1IC'W 'plce of , .. tura which hI! not u yot been. eLucidaled aDd cuI
<Jul ... muct un:.
A m.lhematocl.n of thOl ",hhre" ....'... Ihl! &<ic""" oup\><>,ts iudl on Iwo
....... Iellet:

lho oniaal crul~h of 1M J".,oJ tut ..-h.:h oa:ounlJ lOr lbe Cltf)lng oul
or I'" opt .. uonl aDd .. hic~ I"l .. ntea the lra""",",oo nt k_lodJ<;
I more .ubtlc CNt<h. n'$<',...d rOf ,n'tlat..... 110 'n' able to I.",,,, ....I>0I0
n." .. "'~ of ,,11-'0111 inlfrlaced .."h tloc h",ral I.~I .Dd OOIthnLlllly ""'"
nu. II tht: p<Mnt .heR lhe rooocuYlI"", altbc I"$t""'" IlI.It mllluriy know"
ed.. is "'led 0111 ...d . 'here lbe p;a-F from P<mIonlllOtl to ""nau"y is
In ,to onI'",ry ..... ~ ond
FlRt ...... 10 _
"" the 6... ""'tolt.. II....,.. il " qu". pouible .0 "'"iap;at", ~io:t. """' lip
data and ,Iooe aU 10 aort)' out operat_ WI II In ..y 10 .... ke lbo: _
lbe InL6aal dl$J~""""" al prod ......l1li prOOIiCU>1ty:.-e lOr .... lII< ....."", '"


"""""""1<1.""'" ...,....,


of tl>< ronq"",t of ~'Y ""IUI~ by tho openllOCl In order '" eMU",

,be ~.Imonl~ of
rtlllH>nsh,p to ill p"n",,,,,.. L Tho",;, ."rt of ~n",,,.. ,d
'''I 1""00'''''''''' .bout the d;\nlY of the opt, ",;"'n; i, II'...,.. oIn ... 10 ""r.oeaI


doe FlIIIK WI ""'0 oul

"'rIll oIlmculouoo

li>ifoo or I ru""'ion; II


..,..., that thai; ..-CUR ,,,,,.... .. bile lIo .... nlDJ!y atOIl$IlII
lihe fulcrum 01 ,I' \e..a HIII~ Tb< IrlL6ce lhal =0'" 11 ..,...., al_YI lou
bbnd opoc If. ' .... ~ " ' ' - I""n~ i, rrio",. on anotho. '

F.. , oft"" irral>OlWll uDdooblily fth Of! OIl' lact of knowlodgr. boo, above
,II On ,boose pOi ..1< of omilSlOCI. on I "mOlll impal~1IC< ,b.\ 1...,... u' f,om
pnWt""'''I 10 the huon '" the
learn,,,. ""Ill."" I.lcnt
for ... podly COIU<IIIIiq I .. """,",,"11OIYl """enl" IIu1 10 karn .. 10 prepl.rt

ope""''' """["""1


am "tuu O~ 1<1 ...... _ , aIrc:MI) t""",... and 10 put '

""h " ... w~ ,1M: ron ..o"""" be<ween tluop Ie'" berlles ID the OOIIfIIOCIlO<I
of ,"" mtnd. Tho ol"'nono .. ~ not "' fittl 1'''''0''' u arrow thatlinb._"",
to . '.rp:~ bul r~tb<r e"""i"5 In , be pI&(rs .. hert .,.... bIe. btu>mc: """ltd
.nd F\1iJIJIcd up "it"""l ""nJ pol>ted by p' rml~

Tbill .. ,hoe MIU"I bean ot ortf'llll'''Y. ,.... is . 'hert lbe relanon ,,~
""p!>tilly U I Cllm:' Q(o;" _ 0 can be ,,,aid .. he", dttennUIalioo nlodopt
uto<'lf.Dd then I,bmlles. ,n U... nl~II, peonL<. .uerrW ...... I00I p;t"'meI""'
",1;0,.,.., Of ."..... oon Q( ,he ' yre 1'" PI,,), .. be", .be oep;!,a.1OCI bot.""" ,he
'''0 >ide< Q( . he eq~aUon - lhom~ bolW1:C1l d'l ~m .nd m;ull i !n'.dy
ron.ummoted. li e'" .he plUrcI ot (UIU~ .1Id .. ha , lhey carry off" uh ,hom
can he , ... pod. JeJ.uYIn,lh ~ dots DOl Ihu,k Ioh philooopll). but 'MI
" io CtKk1 .. o<>d w,liIthoupl . ',.""", .uo."'1
he ""'uccd 1<>. m'ullblo
prqu.;ba:. H..,., ,110 I... ' be, 'Ioon. the am' o, Q( amiftl- CIJI he .1.W .... h<d;
capny Q( SeIC""" ,0 dn .. ".
from ,Ii 'U)' 1"'''11111),
can "" ,lI u",,,,.'e>cI; he .. ,he d,ffe",_ beI"-,,cn .he ~nowkdF Q( botnp Ind
whl' ma ..... It ..... erber.le beoornelllal'lln .
Th .. ;. ",by"""""", I,t...... Ihcmalics . pplol ' 0 , he cakula,ion Q( , he
1 , , - beI_ ploprMiliom and.o ,he 8dm'ni ...... '''''' orproot canDOl e""m
n,.."" ,hc .....,," 01 ,III, . '1Nch .... rks.D ~ .".h,n tbc dt,'CIop ....., of
kno .. led... T~ aoo indord um obJects .. booc I'ormIl
defin"IOn .. im.-~ .nd .no... problcm-r.... <>1"'", ..0 ... b.n .. booo """",Oll!LO... by ........ 1IO'"100n hak", up a "h6Ie m.. tocm"iClIol 1;(1811,...." . An obvOOUI
e.ampie i< Ibal or lhe redi,...,.e,)" 01 imagll'''ry numl>e<t by ,be in' rod",,'ion
of ,he plane (_ dlapt..- Ill ). It onIdy from ,he poin' ot ___ of ""'1bcm......1
Jotoc. ,he d ...... 'cry is l11'e. ,h.. fresh mcounl<'r or ,he F""""nc ,,'uh ,he
..,m..oc ,and lherrio.. of ,he .... bIo . 'lIb .he C2IculabloJ..u dJcta,e ,he work.


,ha, ,If.n.



oIlIam,lton and R""""nn (.nd many ot ....... ~., lbe ~ tulIC . .

impact on lho very nOioon Q( lbe 'pphca,ion or ""'li>nnIucs: pIoy.;c.. P"I""lry
and a 'I<'b", "ill ,,"101M''''''' 1(> ..... h up real ekctrOJCOll>t1"" .~ wb.,b
..'~l """I",,,,, 1(> ''''PO''' tbc
COfllcmJOOfl;fJI rueardl.
The",".n U..... I ....... lor pIoik:>ioophy 1<1 po ........ ,. f.o1'" ,Ol<>.he ...... 'u
........ ,Joe fi&u!1$ 111ICI.,'coB'....
&ad the bmul.oc ...




of doturm,nal"'" a", .00ocuLuod. Bu. I..... rtprcocd' . . . "lIepc pIa<% already

houo,j by . _ OIher cornbl.'&nl> on Ihc boottJe(t(lDI utlJoe ob><;u",: an and
.... noe. H.,e. meI.phot be"ru lhe proc:eJI 0( lhedd,nl il> >k,n lloal "ill
...... morphuoc i. mIn "..,..1I1otI. and bence i, iI
Ih .. IMJOIi
die""" 1111, .,.."" '0
10 .......
C'bdai ~ LIoc JI"Iu"" thaI 1'I1Im1ly llllnaaed 10 , ....... QU' an idenJ"y
or ..... ,..,... 01' 0 ...... 'IOCI of """""~ 0 Ihou ........ ' 0 .of'Inl,1oc l""h.ll.Q.)
Dalu"" oil"" <>I"' ..... ioo and ,I, 'coId' u.""""'Y by ..,., m wnhos>on. BUI
I""h elle"",, .1 ... )'1 come 100 Ia",! They ,,',II .lw.)'I be ckj)rOClllod II m~."
phooc:ar and denounced lor u'wpin, lbe olM'''' ...... p...s11JlOUS ploooo.
SuptnUlIo"" ba ... aotIiliI. I<> fea, rrom . h.. poor IRIJI'J openou""y "'hodo
IoaYft ,hc opcnooo.". ulmo",y
CIdo! potc5 DO dWlm. '0 the at'f1)opna: of 'M fomo:lJODal. bu, ..u QUI '0 d....tlow .... y ,Iooulill I..... .......
"","""pu,aL wi , _ ''''' puerile di<play eW>lod by .oodo ""''''pU u ,he bi,
ban, (..'h.,h I'I<V'" "<>PII,ulioC)"
I.. h,d. ncul",li ........ ylhin.). 0111,.
It(lpioe (whleb no k>n~, rriJh l.... ""'bY pooople). lhe froclal l f..", ... lon, ."",~
all ' 0 trunds of ...mpler U_I'1"'ndIl1l!~ mancc (of whid! ., "' oml ho".,
""',, God to.. hoorl'Of~ ,,"In tbc .... _ of h.. MIt,.,. ua-,.,.... If ~. . . - . . - . dod ....j '0 pb"""
9pcnmcnl .. Jan C.... dlh demand. Ih., "" &hooald .... 'iCOWr ~be
;n' UlUon
..h ..... e<:>n'lo ,u,eo lbe prQ(ound un"y bul.blS II .... lfUI"'bIo 01\
or Il>rory:' Th .. "" ...... pt or ,..".,., ........ 10 ul n .... al ;n nu ,
a pprOA(h 10 lbe amphfy,n,"""lfaCUOft 01 ""'Ihematocs. ... blCh dUlb ra'ianalu:"
"" .... raplo"'''''" - an.I)'IIo<> ....... - mrllIpiMwJ .nd lbotr conf.",..;l Fa""""1001
ud ~ ... U1 bone III Iorm.1,,., ......111, would Ioke.o huclle , hu\ a 1rlI"U'II'
01 reMuros: 00:Idd hal ttc"'OIII.",,j lha. td!dl"" ...... , ........ " ones ,ha ",
b,n 1101 prnnblc .'" ,mmediately proo,JlO<lOd by any .,nll~ .ha......11
Til .. PS' u", doc:! nol allow ,toclf,o be 'Q1ptuml" in (ronl or .. - ,' ""'" DOl
throw 0<1. bod .... be, ......... and thUIP nor 'behind' III
no al,onlbm
cort ..... tI .......... II ....... 1eI bo 11<1'''-.0 .poak of. ~ wlo .. h .., .......
,... If up .... n ,n .n ompu'" 01 . . . reM"'" tNtl .... ~ iiI ..... "'" 1:.",
.Dd ._\e",;n '" o.he< feIIu .....
It ~ .1 .. , l1<tt> . . ry 10 empha",:,. Ihat

' ' lOffDS
""'.-W1'fd """'''''')






lhe F'IUR ~ nOl ... bwonllll: n pIllS Implotudc by ..... 'mlJlltll ,todf. It.
.hcoClS'!'f ito Iooal ' 0 iU
.ad lbal .... hy .... rd..- '0 .be

pctICI"'' ' ' '

fell" .. "...... flOC)" lhe"., ,'

Q(.he otnkc .. proof 01 the """bo.."""

of'It &t,ll The FlI"'" , .... ull"taoa" r..m~y or FI'u",," ..'''''''''' lhe ......
only nl"I>Ciaoa ;nll"""' I(0"'"., protocol lor da:"IIIp<>1.tll& lhe IlClIOfO ,nlll
mdk$ll.ly ,epralable rae ... The F"",e pow'e",. hi"",iI;:oJ e.emp'an.....,
if 0 ... can .peak of on acc-/ulw.. 01 koo"'lcd.., o ' -a the """1'1< ot
..w, 'lYe FfIC .......... 0II< .......1eI sl""'k of JI"Iu", ,,,,u,U"'loq. dyna.....




foIIooo ~kd ... 10 the d......., doa 1>01 "",ply ;0 ... '111. or
lramble an altady ...... bIe _'<:DL The ~.n: Ibt ..fo ~
aDd _allhe"""h.,. capo.'* ol.""'O"... I.... and conVC)'lQJ;
'aU llus talkin, Wt\h lho iIaJIdJ' ,.'n"", 'I would .....1No,. bt btlt.,. \0 calIlhu
talkinl Irr tho banlb) or ... h~ ph,....".. '" "" ""oud .nd .. hte:h lhoy ,,"lunUr
~ for the 11Ii".I..... A philosophy ol'h. phyoico-malllCmalka] ""nnol
ilnore Ihil I)'mbo(;e p.IICUOI ... hidl i, poor 'n ,,,,,,,"111111, In" proCl;~ ol
con<k!UolI;on"'~ lImpMaolio:m or lbe InIU";""'.
W. will - . ;11 clIaPlO' I In po.nitular. how OrnrM', diqrams doIy lbe
Iowfllllc:oi - .1 cowtc uI"rcd by Armolk ..,"" alilhouahl """""rD1lII mollon.
ru .... ad,'In..... ""Ihe 1111""""'"' ....... by A.""",....1Id Giin "" R.,.,..
a..t eIi ...... _] " ....."IOCI, lhaI: .u,r- ..... 0KI:t .......,..
bk. lhe am:uialooa ollbrcc po. ..... ,. '\npl)'dt) and .......... the dottnllllll"""
.,lb p/aIIici'y. Lik. the ... tUR, they.ao uoid lho: dilemma 0(
whICh only pinl ia oom""'hea ....... bat il ' - " In ClI~n ....... They also obow
llNol onlaloP::;rll1lClI~m'K"1l Oi nol ... mple o;IlCTlIIl obtnvablc.. hut lhe ~vinl
relation.hip lhat ;nlmn;n&\H In LIlte""ly (Iho 'oolololicar polo of "",..",e
menll and Iwo oxl ........ q~.nlilito,
It .. nol only. q....lioD or hlllonc:aUy .. ~no"Icd'I'" ublld,ary 'tool' for
rep< ..."tLllI <q",,1I0,,1. hul oC a ...."ouauo,lhe ron,idon.blc 1Utlt....... 0 00'0.........1 di...,ty panotul.ar 10 lho "un.! .'iucb ....... klncmlltc:l and lllliyUCIIJ
II )I,ury pao6ible loa, before tbe lliocoway 01 .wr."",1111 cakuIus. These
dlilfl/Dll lib lbe" pIIooe iJt b"" 01 d "I thai rwu from A,lCmDI 10
LcOt.uz.nd lbe ..,.".. prq>Ire far .'hat If..... U .. aollIlDOde,a
oll'" mal ....... llOIIl "_10..... ' ol N.,ure. It .. 110 """...... IIOD '0 ,peat 0(
tho ""Ioneal .aonanee ol tbac d..."....,... ..-hodl .balM the npd dlmi""
bel ....... oJ.,.bnl. ,wlDeh d.rilkd tho dol.l1l11lIItion operollon ......... nahks, alld
&eOflIOII)', wh"", ~Iure, ..... urcd lhe p<OI<:Cli011 of the rontcmpLoth't
The dtaaram an.,. ..,.. ""I of [..Ilion: ;1 .. a ,.....;.c. Inat .,nu 1o apply
oxdu .. ,'dJ '0 .'hal it,k.,c!ta; Ibi< demand for autonomy male ... " lhe nal"r:!!
aewmplioe .... tlIOulhl e.>.pm .... nti.
The llIOupl nponmmt does 110( dam> 10 prulrc:l 0' ......Y law, _ 10
~k lhe ao...Jj'y ollhiDao had.-: il _kJ I1lhor.o ... oid I~ '0 do ._y
...lIb wrialtly lrul/u.ad .VIIlabie ;"''''tiom. If'l II 'OOr or~." II
"'" bl..."... i, is ;m~bIIe 10 CIrf)' 0<11 . 'j.h....r "'U"'"'1!n1f.. bu. b:o_ ,I
ct.""" 10 "ueolion or
~ ol ickalQluO<l, I.. IU ".r " 1$ W'ty
".....In!:;, illho tal by .h",n lhe p/I),;cis,--J)hikKophOl' I.k .... pan h,m ...1f
1o 1.... hi/; beannp, to know tbe pt. pIoily ,/IM ... nl 'n .ny ."... \lon ,,'he ...
d,..,.rument i. by no ...... "" oclf.."donl, It il' lila, .., for him of .'11"1'''1"
.ub,'."""", of ,Iw; babi" ..fIJci.led "'Ib ..""bJe o(;elreo 1"0]111' Ih .... _inl
for luntllnd at I' .upon,") htm ..1f Ihrouah tbouahl into pnallCl. he)'ood
"1111$11101). IbdlCrcd from 10--. '0 lot h' ..... " ft ..., ~t.' ..... ma,ban.il'" aod


"'1"'''' -.


"",.., .. "kit ........

- .....'".......k .... OIl> .... Unoi: 01 ~


'0 ,,"'"

up.u the ..n........',

pr"..,..""" nrt..alllies, WII""", 1kt..",,11 ,nlO abbrnJ.o'OOIl.


II ...m 00"'" .. "" Itlfpl'U< then .haL

1"'Y pamell'" In.nHM 10 lhe
d}'na a 01 Pi""," <>f CUIU", oul, 10 dilll"m. lhal cap."," tbem m!d-nWn.

,0 ,IIooPI up.fllntn\<. w..... 11 hunl 0111 ,he hUlge"l pOIlU "' .. h"'h pron.apies
b<com< WIllable. .... "';:11 _k 0111 1M con>lrllC'tcd ,),,,,,,,,,lfl:(Jn, dc"""" and
",,'uJ tho lao; upoacd d,,")mmelf)' INoI 0I'1efI1I .. mo", rail"",' pro",",.
A d..aanm can """,Ij, .....,ure, hoI", II 10 ru1.\ona; bdon: Ii eun. up In1(l
..........'h.:b .. "'h ID(l(ImI JCOfDdtn and cosmoIot<n like d ..... ms .nl~
I"'(o.plOI)' "" , 01 <VOOOiJOo. Tb<-y cap........,ura nud-llIatll. lor
,,,,*, . . ~bIe 0( IntnllOll, .hey ..... he "..,.".." ..... """" boo", il aJlDlp!Cd
",,;10"1 lManm..... In .. dql'fC .be IICCOmph"'" '" poeIOC: nuphor. aUI
lhey ..... lillie leu ,mpcmllml ,\ iI.I .... )'> pouiblo 10 ~k 501= in .1>0


mu"d..... ploitlflB of th." thick 1.1\eI . and moro r.uhfut the)' nn prolol\j!
Ibc",~I.cs in,o In 01"'I1I.hOd which keqllllilml from 1:"':01"''', "'",n oul. Lib
tbe 1IlO,lphoi. !hey lap oUt ,n orOt. I" <rcl'1'..... aDd reduce PI'" the)'
bk 110m .,lb doIlld hne> '" 0100 10 ttll"lf unaan !hal .... ~ 1'fC."",wy Hlun:d
1II 11ut~ h-. lion IlJltik. I~ moI.pIIo< lbe dLloW- .. _ ",ha ... ,ed; If il
...unoboh.... a plu~ iJt order 10.lOCl 1io.'1I11J1 opontioo, II d/,)Q M> by l1t1cl1"'l
~,,~ Ihilll""" cull ""I ...... be, The doItcd k...
,htf \,1Ibe pornl
and II> dllCf<'k ~tJon, DOl' 10 lbe 1I..... nd ,11 conUn_ lrace. builO It.'
P""U~ ol the "nuahly 1_ duopt., II lbal .'orNO It.' alfUdy ..... 'labk
,m. on onk. \0 <T<:at ",,,,. fo< ...... dl1nomion: lho d,av"m', modo ol
oxlll.na: ",u.:h ,'''', "" FIIO''';' I>(Mllpnoed ,n ito bet"1- W.... uld deocnbe
Inil III I Itthniq ... ol oJ1U$ioni,
1'.. k _ ho.. Gilbal S..nondon malll.l"'l
,lluoninll. p,.... .. ol """""... nee aDd .ctaplatJon ollho iIQI"o"c ,n'o l<dm"l"" .bleb ....l< II pO>.."",
10 "!'Uk ol I lI.'clrrucalliJ>c: ol d 1111 Tberc .~ lho~ f."""", ol dlql1lrnl
oll~"""'Y JIfOICI'IO and ....bll_ aUlllla ... JIISI .. ,hero .... b_ ol.. .",
lhal a~ "'''''''.... nll) IU''''''''''''''' .nd l'OiICI.IC, and.J ...... lho lI.'clrnoarJ obp:t

...ron ....




"lIC'U' '

. ,-

T'baI II how (jahJeo ' ...... _

.. body !o ....d .........

honJoMaJ ........ '" lho:




.hienee ohU .-tad<' and n::rnafu .b>."he mol ....... die body _ill _lui ...
urufonnlJ and "enally on 'lID ....... plane, pro.idod
~ is .minndy pro.Ionpd" In lilt same way [inaio io.,"II ... hi......
a loft 10'-11... ,,,,, ddIi
01. r<apol1lr-forlll.'........... li~ ....U ... and 10 _ ,ho r"", .... , .. ' m 01
,II< ten_ III,.. ....., joiM IhmL II .... ",UeI' 01 ""1l"l.1It IIMN!..omplew
iI,1e 01 doonmlallOll III onIer 10 orimt aDd .....n .. pbYSOCO-lIIIOlbem,nicol
POOji:! ,ho,
.ppt.or. r~~u as tI IDOI' ............ We hI."C a1'-y_td
LhaI\eorn."I .'11 above all. prqoanotiotl for IearNo, WhaL or>o IlfUdy tDnl"
II COIIkI ... said ,h.. ,11Ie tboup, expo ....... n. aloo
111"1111;1 OlIO in su<h
.. 'lUre
II 1>_ ob''tOIIllha. lhi< pnllClpk 01 thai klrnl,ly ( en . 'M ...
OQIIlradiCtN by ' ... 1.1' opmenoe) i, ,he moo;. 11'It ~rll. Thit ' ''Ilunm.s.' ICCW
'" defy all ro,ninFf'C)' ~nd 10 bolon,l" U"" "r\kt of lilt i"""IIOble!
~"""Iltal "'."'ably' objOOlI Ion lhrou,h . ~um Illh" lime '~ ... i,hout
h.".. upeneDOOd lL
One could even .. y ,har the rad..:allllou&.hl upco ....", II In pcnmml
.. hen:: !'Ia,.. n:: and 'M Ulldel'!ilood,,,, ... n~h ph ,. O.hlco ""mcL,nICS 1"'11
h._If U\ 1'1.,11... pIai;oo. .. bd In ,10 .. mphcoly. could 110. ha cboocn 10
'"""", ., a., 1"""""11...... OJ!ft'd an '''''''" ..... numlln' or Yn}' Ia...., bod .... to
rrod""" -.alt for ..luf:h lho n>O<IcQ~ IIIO>'ftIIeIIt or
body tW'1llD.l
rou .... t\.l _~ OO/l1re wo.aId 1<IIIio:c-'," EonsI..n ..-u.n tho hahll or saY'''' that
.1 .... "
"ry '0 PII' {,,,.KIf ;n God, ........ to Dndcnt.nd "'.tun, Thtn: II
noth.n ....'1l""a. lherri_ ,n thex1dctK>naIlO..... 1om: E.~n Lak.. "'......
ror. phoI ........ (!NOl",," h.nuc/f ... thor horuon of YdQcIt_ (fft chapI<T III
.'1Ien: AIdl.oKdti. '0 hOI b'l1h,~b,
,hal hOI bod)
II nothinl boul 'lJDU,d of"lIte' Th .... to ~nde"tand lhor phot<1ft. II iJ ',",",I'ry
to b<com< a pilat"" .nd. 10 ~nde,qand "",,"",. II II n<' IN.,. to lurn o_lr
,n,o a .i,_k,nl The lh()\t.11l e,pe,unmtl.k"" 10 '" ronclu"on is a Jt"p_
"""'" "'pet'rnt'nl In ",hoch It """"..... dea, Ihat d' ....'" il for ,twlf ,II
upenmenl. The ftStu, ... that" ""!'lures and f'I.,.,culany those lhat it .rouws
a .. /10 11)I11C" d"Ied lo"'ardJ tlunp. bout take the., place ,n I",., of d,aanms.
'''th,n a ,oehn"",1 de-el"l"""ol. thus Ortsmo', recuntla.re PllIllo) ..'td up by
,hor 1'01'If'OCI'''' Pfo,ea"'" or .... 'ra'ned relamuy i_ chapter II). ,hor "",pool
uPOl1 ,td ,n I CIrculi (.... chapler V). Innpo tra"lkrm! IMmMl_
;'uo ltd....
111m: are ceftaul dt.\CIC$, ddibetatdy prodOCl ..... or .",bo",IIY, ..htdl JI'~
..,. to tJoou&llt "penmenll fhat ,,",,","'" c....... to the ..... n or mall... and
op<ran"lY; n .;:aU thtm fIIJ.... ,~ J"i<v.> ..... lhe Ia,. three chaPlm Uli. 1v. VI
~ \lIk ... up ","h thel. study. An allu,",,,, 01 ..1....... com~ ud unfolds.
bout is not 1M oame lOS ""her.n .bbre....."'" or.n ",planatl(Nl.. tronl lM end
or tho Cla\lloenth century. pb~ and ...ltnlll" .... 11 compelC ..,Ib OI'K
on 1'",_ england and G<nn>ny '0""'" the m)"llery 01 lilt blnh 01
poIanhc. and d,lIOO"'" M
rttjahVlty .. hoM fund"y KMnt bd _oed
,n t",o en..:.,,1 Irtlclcl fWhll I, II t" Orttn! Ortaclr In Tho.o",,'" Ind ,ho
AU."'rl 1(1 I"trod""" ,n'" l'h,l"""rh) tho C<>~n! of N'1!lIuve Quanmyl











una" ....




Th." 1fII11.I1 ..... tl\,ty. too IICJIe<:t<d

ill it. rot>Cern .,,,b IlK """'" 01 Lbo

"', the hlltOl'}' 01 pbilooloph) tcsp"aally

*"""'" .n

penpoclJ'~ oIt .... po"'11I1

Iud bw.IOf1CIt)). play crua.al rok Ulthe .............. 01 dt",."p'll," "'''''''
In ".WI' ".",.,., lOS III IlK
01 _
coantl(lftl IKt"''ftlII ........
ar.d ,""",Iry or ID IlK .....'.......... 0\ of dtromapttttc lheond. II wa ....,.,..
ary.IIoo>"'er. to DOte WI IlK oaax:o: of IlK IUIIeICCIIlh CCII\Uf). f""'" ArpI>d
10 G"'MmaD Ind M ....dI. could u........ otaud the 4tpti"" lOS I po5ill<MW
m.titm In order In dn'", on III ruloobtabk otrnl>o'''' qau>1l nt<rldcd 'pl.halot)
.nd its tIoad dtlUllICCI. AIlu ...c devoc:a; .re ""pablo of MI'P<<tpN.U4~ all 1M
Ialc",1 ",obtl" ... ,nvoh"ed In IJI ".itnl.litm IIId of thK ....'l'n''''''''',,''',ul
fol'l;U rn~turally' idrntlfi+od " 'ilh an ope .. " ... ty that mO ... from 0 .... boundary
to anOlhe, Of f,,,,,, one poinl 10 3001"''''1 in I.,ou. of 'la tltud,nal' (tra_'UWI
f"""", Ih.o. are lin~ed to a dilfu.iOll of d.mrl1ifOf\, Thae de.'m can he tooughl
olIOS dial!.1 balanaoo': utntablc balain> that II\' I)I1ly Upocl ..-beD
otr. Il10.. aml*'pKL They bnq 10 I'P.I an ,ndilfuUlc" ceolrc: (the t')'" 01
1M <)'(Io .... ~ po>'Ol pollIl thaI comnno.od< lICt"ork of '),mJl'Klna .. hoie
break ... bdo to Ii..... degree of d~nI_l.
SIII:h '" <>W '''''''Iwu"uoa 01 dtaIGI.uI _MIKe: doakctoe ;. DOl tbc .)....
t.... oe .....' ..~I."OII or IW<>~"" and opi>' J tenM. but tM dixoVU)'
oIlhe IrtOCULo,IO" thal.,.,.... .... t ,he d ...." '10'1 aIont .. bidt Lbo) willlU ....
I'ke 'wb' Thi. apia;,.. <>w ,ntCfDlt_ chaplU VI,n diqra .... uooaaled
.."h lhe --.""" 01 d,-.-."" """ horiaII....... poCIl. Wlbcrc:.. ~ horl ......
Clc. They ........ that orimlaUon cannot he ruluccd h, ounpie '<:boice' and
,"" eIf.." .. "y that ,q'l)h-a ..... 'Klry and ph)_ ... m""" .. mwo
ph)'1OCl. They
d""'l'Ii,.. of ftStu"", Iud I'''' .. ..., 10 '''''''a\lt expcri.
...... " thlt .'" I"",lall loo,lKt'".., ""Y JormaJlfJn .....'Po
Wc ,,',II )Iooy 'n f'I.''\Jcula, 111.lOIlo",n. e1am~:




a ..........anQ. t"'o,>, or the .,tcn.,on t_ cb~ptc.

IV) and the delin,,;oo

01 hO~>"'mutM!i ... product>. "be", It.. II_lion of o,ieolati"" p/.1}'I a

cnICUIl role':


Hlmilton', .",,,,,,1 ....... '" roo"

dup!e, v ~ _hid! O'''''WID< lhor
d ... lny of , ....
and rotatIOn>.
lhe ......Ioop 1)"<1111 01 Am~ Farad.o) _",:I \!u"""l ... hicb ...., ..- (hal
lhe ...,..,. 01 ",hat " .. II ..-ell to .;:aU cloct'Cj 3O'Klly .. linked 101M
,",",bol,ly 01 """,un",IM IIIllltllllty lhat I""", beD __ t .... to pmdllCC
the ....... tfO(a''''''''llatero.i ro .......j from till poIto. lb .. am ...... I)' ....,.
Cftdl. by ott ''',ru and u""""""'np. kA Ioooiuuac up the 'nanunof rn.llICIer
0I,1K ~1"'''''''' dn"..,.,. .. hidt acctlfI1pony the IIiOdIanallIC undent.ndi ....


The ""'"....... I""'P tlK 0",".."", ., ito 'UJ bon'" .. hidt i. lhe "",bo_
of any tlloory of "'n.ulari'.... Thn tbcoty p<t>poHf 10 m... ter tbe poin" It
.. hoeh lhe ..anonkal cho"", of. """'lMt.,,
.. h"," .11" ..... d"ta ...... 0 he
L.... 'dlcllind , * jI'o IK .. nnen no !on,., ....... ,,',,"ou, ")',nl. n....
,he.et"", _'t!I!C tIM: on,<ntkon cI con!inuum .. hkh If .bIc '0



Iwu.. ,lIlhe JOIulIOOU .... .., alFbrU: IN fIIncclOllal cq .......... no.. 'man;rokII'.~ dotnshed by 1110" ....1eI" ~k 1D,.... lu ... Nature 1M! fftalnJ MId
Fl.w.ly ..Iud! ;! II fino"l 10 IpproJIfIII!1t. no... .
_ ' lypt 01 ,nllllhOIl bono ",hdI """" DOl 'rdy ",,'.110 .boIlXI lip.... of
Iloe..-bk worid, bu' ..... II .... penmtllu ... 1II11b owf.... (Go .... .clryl
or ~ II dtfomull, ....... ( II. ....... M. mod.....). Anll"'~ de.""", .... "'"
Ium!ed I" ,he r.dl.h
,n the po" 7 of
lhal II 10 .. y 0(
proI ...... un"nlO Iotqllll_ of ,emil ... llIch lhould be wrapped in plm"""-='
10 rn urlbltSlled ruk, 001 of 1larnaoI", 1Il00,,,. e1""""-~
,..,....uical or p/lytie:o! !lUll fu.1IJ!h 11M: """loon u. Cu".. or u. pr<jl>d>o<
in""""'u of III cauu.hly.
W,lh lbc:te d.,_.a.roce ha"n ,I< ~lOn piu or !den<:e that IU.",
belte. Ihln 11>0 Q""01l11."" 'n~rul" IN Lhe """, UOLic mulllphcih .. or ~I
11>0<>'1. 1NI1 it mall,,, lho Infirul<'. nil. it ,.. bo ",,,I is ~ .pI by 1hc _n 0(
lie"", Ind Implt F51U"", ",hod! .'" ...... 'produced', bul ... IhH all 0\1\ lbe
form .. oct lip .nd W~le Ill< uea, """_ lb"",,,,lves "" tho hC><UOl>S,
unmobil,IC lhal wtPfh, 'by ddirut>on', is lIIP1'" I 10 be IIIoOboIc. ""'" the .....
' . ' ."", >CfllnlIH .nd ~ou II.. 1'"'0 "SIdeI' of In "'11>11-. ,mp<* I rhythm
ollUlfurillll ')\IlafIIII'ttr' II OIl 1"" most t.ack1r0tlj of OOIIIpACI "",tIeL
III u. onIIlW')' fIolttIl/)l\Jnlo ~ _
10 IImII uld( 10 lile pstuns thai
...",nlft lile PI Ifl"'I1011 oft_ltd ... and leave IlIIdllnut'ed lhe pal .........'
oflbotc 1h.l1 WIll Upl ud mldtiplJ iL l'bo art lito the _thai ave II
from iadcflR'lc _Ulllu!alioa and iI",u/icallon, f.om the childishnou of au ...
bWd poiIUYlloa., from tho comfort of tho 1","StIi dIM 'openuona!' and.
flBaJly, from .M IM1plaLion of .Um,in. IIICIf 10 be buckled up III a pammar.
TIley IUIISl"'le 1M 1I11"lICy of an au.benul: way of <O~YI'" informauon





* "',"' ..._ ....,'

'... -....' _....,',' .......
____ lwiJ""_
_ 10..,_ .. _"'''''''

..... _ _ I ............. _ .. -...r_ .. ,

.,=, ,.,o'___
...... _1_.Ikooo.-, ___ ,. __',

.. 10.'



' .. ""'.



'[n_~1.oc_"".o"",_, _."Io",

C' ,..".,.,,1
'10. "' ... 0.10 ".,.,........... _" .




'4 , . .:&.n., .... 1I.p.* "'...... _

, "'-


,Iooo<y<of_,_' n..,- . " .. _..,
"",'00 . . . . . . . . . . ",,""

... _ _ _ _ ". oJ,...

_."""poJ .......", _

. , I ............., ............, ..... ".......

'11<" .... ~ ..... ' ...,' ..., . - <it

dIIkwI' ................ _ _

" . _........... _


_ _ ........... _ . '


" ..... - . _ .. ,

__ .......
"..; ....
'""" -' _


,,""' _ _ ........ ,..... ... '



..... f', .__ ,... ......'.....

""...... """ rood .....
oJ .. , """ ..."",,_' . _ "" '-4<1 ....... _
bod-. ,'.,1 ....... _,1
.. ,Ioot_ .. ""

..... _ _

. . . . bo"'
__ ... _ .....
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""' ~

~'-, .

.. _

.... _ . . , . .......... _


"',,"YeO ...... ..

_.-.1 ..... _ . , - . . .. ~O!2Iy_IlI<ot _ _ r"

,I:ar "'I,ou .... , -'1 .......... "'''piI<>o1 of.W, ""fI .. _ .. _
... , ' 0"
...............)_10'_ ... _ . - .... ' .. ' _ _ ""', ...... , ........... _ _
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_ _ 01 - , -r-. .. "'" _
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_..... ,..." .


.. m .......


,..... ~"... _.-,. I_ ... _".



pilla ..", of ,nf"""",UOIW booIy !khell'lIJ pe,h.tpt UW OlIO'" datir he k ......

lhal IhOllpL "&\I II1II oJ ..",.. .ncapouLa,od .."h,1I ,lie brain. ,hal il i:Ould be
'"'"ef) ... be"'. 0II....x
in lhe mom;". dew.

' " ' J , _ ::':_;:':;,:'::'" ;.:'~':'::._ _ ........ """ ......., _.~.

hn. ..... _ _

''II'''._. __ Il00'' '_ ........ _ ..

.. __
-n.. .. ..... _ a ,
.. * ____ ot,,__...,-.

..1Iid> ..ook! 1101 be romnuuod ooidy to oommulIlCItlioa. bill III'OIlld .Im 01 a

tIOhII ... larnp of .Uuaion and of 1M lea.n'"11 of learn;"," Thel.n.r. of KIlle.
",auld /w: lar tmIO,-ed I""" lhe Deu."""l barbltnsn! .. h'I:II nil. ",," it,,",! in
hunll"l <In..11 lhe rOClpie'" of lhe 1hought and in o;onlulIl,Iea,"inl .",11






~~sn"C T ION



Did Arislotle ha'e ony ""'picion or 11K pol<DC)' or the IK>IIndary be had lb ....."
up ~".... n phyJicaJ aDd malbem~licaJ lI:ilura1 Whale ... 1M ClI ... be re,,,I.
in nppoolnl lhem point b~ polO!: ph)~ical Ulures are dedic;md In mobility
ami .ubject 10 fi ....1couses, but enjoy a sepa.ote ni"rn<e; mOlhemalkal nOlUres,
immobil< and 11"""""''1. ore 5<l"'fllbk only by Ihougln, and 0'" ...-;1 hal 10
I.nd ,hem an ;'1.,..,."
Many mo<km cpillcmolopr:. .Iil! ""rry the mark. of , ... "phi d'fcrtro by

"'rulolle 10 f"und hI< cl",.if..,.lIon of It.. ...icnen, and .-em.in fa""nalcd by

tbe relat,,,,,,h,p of fttlproc!ll predatIOn thut th<:;c I",,, nal" .... """" to r"'let
,,,,,,,,,,10 one anod..., For these natu .... ~thl "" ... onlo",*,,,,,1 1'",<IOlloe.
Mi<tolk, It "" happens.
ambiguo,," on In,. q".",nll. he refe ... to
phYI;';' ao a ..rond philosophy. beh",d metaphysics. makin, 1M! ..... lIl1On of
mathematico;' he .".n ,1.,eo thai if there wne no ..,boton= other than Iltooe
Ibal .,i'l in N..t" .., pnr ..... would be 11111 ' monR ,..;."'"'~! nUl matllem ..!;':'l
n.alu~ aR nOt prey 10 mobilny and. '" an intdhilbk ..... "cr, mllllcfnalil;:s
can ~ dtd..ocd frem a 61 prilK"Jplc by ~ dlaln j}( t><O<nIlK$. llIe tall< of


ohoosing i$ Ihcrrl"RO far from .. mplc.

It i, ""I ouy 10 .... eigh in l .,nglc
a '~l" ~I."""" .... ""'b i.
indopen<lc:ol of
bUI mnhtlc and OOfTUpllbIt, and lUI ;oldltgtbl< mallet. wbiclt
....u only by pr ..... y Ih.""gh IIIe .... '1 of I~ jIW ..... , ... lI ow do we cbooic
bel .....,n pnolenoc in lhe orde. of Being (.,-hich physical nll"teI can loy claim




can lay d.im InlT'

(0) and l<>&ical p~"",,", i .... hlCh malhematical ....
We know ho'" A,;jlmle ~JKiIcs t~ Iwo riul" b)' ."bordonatins lhem 10
m<1aph),>ia lhe first phtlooophy "h .... oop:tive i, lhe the"')' of immobile
and ",,,I bema. .mmutable ..,botana:.
8u, "'mtotlc d<>e:!t "", ront ... , himself ... "h ,he tUleJage of mc,ap/l),>1Cl; hIS
theo.y or abstract"'" al$O \.Oku cat<! '0 JIUll. a more """"",te pHOa~ IIe,,,'oo:"
,he t ... o nat"re ...... bos.o OI'flO'II"," he bad SO ."'",&1y "ntkr~nl Tbc
Ari,totelian theory of abolraClJon.ad.!Jllon, .... hICh ",tat..
""I only to
,be ",Iationship \>c''''""n mathemaliesandphyoics. .... bIi.bcs a ,~ .....';b1~
oct"," ,b.t m.k", II ~ble 10 odd Or ."bl~ dc'cnniution' at lcismc.
Stril>l""1 a ph)~;""l being of II, mane. and J!. moInlily, I con olso prod""" by




."\Illond an
~~"le1lOl aDd.hen limply mn.qrate til .. ban. inl" the order 01 physical
... t~ret, by mlOilal ,be dctcnnination> '" wh"," r !\ad dcpn>u1 ,I. Ihos IS the
...uo" oI'proIbftlt or 1I<ld1~ 01 detemu ...ll<)Ilt. Tho lhtoty
proIhc:wJ alto makes;' m.ddy poMihic to bmok ,bot t . . . .'th _bIe ma" ....
La Ii;MFt
mobib'y. \0 opt tor U". or !hit IIIOdoo of <'OCI' .... platoon. 10_
..';,_ . d,lfe1fllllaU"I ., tho pm pcrlI.ar- of the 'Io"'lln,' oil" ~."'et>C'r
I"""" of alUlbie malte. or d,oembodoed pone\ncolloOllll.
8~1 an one Qlrac1 pan f!'(>tll '1>010 ..1Ibool 1ea"'''1 _n' Cao 0 ...
,bot .....OCl I malhcm.o,Oco] bt>n.

10 . 'h",h the

.OCII('.. ' ..... ,



.....,.,. dc\erm'lIIllOlU back on "' ..'ill'

We hIo .., JUOI tol>Chcd on the weak point or ,/II: theor)' of ab>lracl""" a
<:<".,"m _"".""" "'nh rcprd to ... ""1 makn 11 poslIble to Inacll or Ikl""b
deu:rm.""li""., For lor allsl'-":';' ail ay. to mUIlIale. Arulol\e',amllblc nalure
(~,'lJl ilI.IWII)'1 pan of a "MIe: .b<lracI_ removes. poe from the fInh 01
,ho ~blc.' 11>11
opcraliof\. olWJIY' <n>d. ""nnoc be mluord to all ;nolfrn.,"" .ubl.Klloa of delffMIna' .... 1ll, whi<h <>lOr an ..... ualon u and .'IIom .....
cbootol. Aay""," . '1>0 ha. ptaCtliCd ma,hemal""" Oi lhc phyw:al ","""'" I
bn .. c:aano< hdp b.1I dclCCt ben. ok:I&h1 01 Mad.; .. " ..... Y 10 ' ..... 0' .... h
ph)'JOCal beI~ 'punfy' " "' I..... II mlo malhanllloc:tl belnl .11<1 ....
'remllk,' II rblmt>!.b or eanch ........, ""0 plt).....1 bct.nl' Ot>e
1M. I_
reaJ ~.~ 01 bw>p: .,.."nol be pahcd (IG b)' ......, . .. 110m 01._ philo..,phtr, lor ...... hIe .... ut< .. UWICIaled ... ,h <'II'ou" 01 pIKed or .....,md
tnd,,"' .....
roo- m.llhemt.teal bel. lhelr dllJ'l'Y as ........1 and :
belli&> _ ... lbo..., all . .... y 01 OOIIIpc1Iiall"lior lbe fJIrm>e povm~ ..rtbeU"
de!et1IUJ\IIIOns. \to'"",," bs".,.ioo ru,1>od '0 III lunl" p .,....,11 III ..itlt
I"'radollCl.I .. tWill,",: immobile ... t><t.nee:. 11M: ooJCCI 0( nwupltJ'1CS. " 'ould
tbm be oIlbe
ronl .... ,l
It il ,a.y.o dillCO"er .. bal ph.callli! ""'in On tIM: thc:o.,. ..rabstractlon: II.
ron",mplior the FOtu", tb.t mad< tbe dc'.rnltNl,ion ('DSl',b\e. It ........ tM'
.he .bcory of .bJtnt.<llOOlprol ......' r...,.,.M,eII tM oppotlltion ol ,he , ......
lba, II ..... 6Uppootd 10 bolld boo<k I"I<Ib<. n .. "uti be ....."". ",..
Ml.hImIlucal btlnp appur ~ all .......""' ........... phY'IaII ",",np. alld
lbe "'11" mnam pruonetJ .... Iho order 01 finaJ .,..""'" a mo.i", body is "",<red
tottOfd"'l 10 lho Ionn .kI , ...... oId lit"" and am>..hnl 10 the plan: " 'he ... ,,
ovaht 10 """'111,
Tbcoc oho...:""" ..... t leul ba", the .....11 or dnoWOlI a" ... _
to , ...0
tnIOIl poont>.






_ II......"",pIa 01 cun,ol oul I1I<Ilbnno.teal b<1 .... by thoulh" ",hoch llio"..

,hem 10 be ....1"'..... f.om tIM: mobili'~ oItbe ....n.r uOr ....... ill ,Ioow
.be c....,,,. fora 01 ,It .. pnnciplc.' .. or~ In tbe '''''''Ih' pen ........ of
modem phJ'!CIlch. "'.... II .1><1 Ill)'"
_ lbe .hk''''''''ru,,';on ollhe physico! as ... n"blo nUll .... monl m!1'u'"
of fnokincu' ud . ubmi,>ioD to tOe oroe. of floo) cou_

Sc.'eBI q....,1OI\J Ibm


1hnnJo;1_ COllI one

_,,'C 01 pity..",,.,,,.,,,,,",,"

m.o1JClJ be,op thai are 1>01 " " ".. Ioollly ntUavW 10 tbe Ipprtill/t .... the 1InIrld.
... thou. '''''''''11 ...... 111'0 ,MI..... lip"" RICIl>QId 10 uiJlmce b, proIi'To
am_ .. tllne ""I""WM!1'1i. """'__ E0 pltysoaHlllthaNtllCf hal bon'owtd ..,.,..
..... from AriMOIlc', w..o... ddi:lwuoo:""," lultiJ ....". 01 ..hi... potntloaD"
it mot..,..," MotJOrt, aa:onb ... to"~ IS ,he pt....
of ...",.I,'I""" oIa
poIc.",,: fonst ""hoc!r. _
be ..... ua.d to lite ..
_taIpc yamt ... 01 ,
fonst In traMi, 10\10""'" a Ingber form. For to mI_ /Il0lI00I 10 .n .... n
immtd .. le1, 10 qUOfldl il: 1M """'i", hal 10 be Mft:1ed In rcspecc 10 IJO"....
.. nee aU mn..on ;"
all """" 01 mOl", ... II I. Pfn'U'<ly lhi. pl.Utn<t' 111
tho fulfil"",,,, ol,he loCI ,Ilat ........ Ih thou"" .,..nnot rid h.df ol motlM by
~ ... mi1."n. II to. Iran';lion be'",u:n ... t.. diel'led by appetrt>Ctl,
RUI neither il motioo ,he p...i,.. ""amnl ol lonn, Motion" a ... y ol
knll"", 1CI.1td pO""., 'o",tbe. and. if poIcnual" 1\0. rtd.-l ' o tbe m:<:i.inl
of lito .... tut.obl. bcconIl/t """"boIII: lho ....1"... or ia:
.. hOI 01 ice ,1>1, ..,..... melt. bul ol ia: ,/tal is ..... Dy In the proeu..... mdbna;
...tcr .. 01 toll .... poI.nuar 111 ..... bul
ID il ""II:llllCl 1.... lf I~
PotcnloaJ IS _Itat.. In _ion. ano... . ho l ..... "", 1000bOf 01 an 'aJrudy' and
11_ """" resrn... 10 ,J,.. ..... " It "hal mt~rcs thaI .... docs "'"
...hagll motIOn aad.; 111 11''''1 """'" '""'" '0 1111 If"'fptol 01 .be motioIl. ;.
~,1tDd ""tok tbe b"I""" I coiled in lite bod""" That .. " 'hy pcl fe.... moUoo
muil be undentood ... an in<kllmtdJ '''E:~ltded ",I<II.I".tlO", ddaplllllli no
pO,,'," and /!lqwm'I"" d"pla' '"0::"'41\0 loeal """lOa'): pI".... , and ..,"C1C,,,,
'he "",hlluy of the 8..., mo.ot does "'" d .....
'0 ;IIdf by ea'l1I,







"I' 'pICe
Poteau.r 1M pl.rtK:II.: ","' .. nee: alla.ched tQ each 1110'1'1"1 body _ io ..acdy
lhe lh1n, .Ut "'ltd., ,Ite clu'ches olin .bstra<:lioo ,h., ,.U<>d mobib,y from.
pol.nr,.1 doeo 001 IIph""
o ..... nted mobil;ly 10. MIOISo Th houahl
mob,ltly of!" f, om lbe molor 10 lhe moved. it tiocJ nol pOur n from I full
~pt ..10 in,o .~ ""'pt) one:. TIM: mol", and t.... mo.ed .... not 1"'0 ,nel1
be'n., "1'1"""...... ...."h<,. '''''~'''''tlinl a quallty: ..... mo\'Cd II "'" lhe onl1
CHW:.o ~b.ft .., lito: motor F I...... ,be form. but can orIly IC' in tbe ptT",,",
oltbe mom:!. 'The ~ II ""'""'..." to mobihl)'; lbe .. tI . . .boIe preparalion
of the "",,,nl body 10 lite IlIpmo' form aad.; It Iny .. Ie, ..... j .... lilY form
<XMIId IlIIprtIIl jOtlI aay ~'tcr; tbe US cannot learn. but lbe pupi~ """ an
ThaI '" mou", .. r,
II .lltakc In ka'IlUII' 10 """,tc.
bnd or tcrulOft l/tal ...."",.. to Ib< ~1 call of tbc pupiL
To Jearn or!ead\. 10 ocoord or cede mobiU.y p .....Uy 10 I body. II alw'aJ'
'0 in'....,1 a ...... It.on>oamei'y a poIelltiol alld In noES! lhe Clpod""""
ptOtt..: of lbe ~ra...rcrmoe 01 infonno"",,'


..........' ...... .,..ll.



1 Fl"STlC "NO



In wnlin, .ltal phP'':' ''''II,Iw:"""la wti beEnI pl'l)l o~t ., tbe kI..,j 01 an
~""n.., 0( mobl!l!y tu>d 'hat .he........red k,1Id 01 ",ofoun<! affinity bct....,.,n


III< pupl .. ha 10:0.... &Dd lhe ..-,n, bod} lhal l'fOII'CW..ay

tI .docouc> or 10ftft, A"",.de ~n;:bod ""I lho ,.Ih of aDOthc, I"",,,y of
<>< .norhe, manno, or cUllin, ""t by lhaugllt. "'hidI doa nol IIm'l
;loeIl ", makmg a 'prOI""",,' Ihat can be adJ u<lod al .... ill l.eibnit i, 'Ialnly
lmoo>. Ih_ ... 00 h.." """I profillbly ponde"'" ... riIIOlk, d...,=1 in.n~IKln:
he ..... al>l< ,,,...,.n mlllllluy a n.... M of oomhin,n. loCI and po .... lluil .."I
...,lod 10 ......"nn. 1M '1_''''''' lhat '''e", preoooupy'''I Iu.m:


By ,,'ha, '""radr' '''' ..... lbtma1Jl;al bmIp. 'llb&tn(1' and """"ulable.

~"kod 10

11>0: ""'_.-mIlia lion of physoal belIIIJ from 'I"alu",' "hl<b .'"

... bp:t 10 """"n&e1lC)l all<l mobthty~
HOVo '10M 10 R>OOfIC>Ie lIlultipbCl,y and
How i. uno 10 carlUn:
tl>< ph)'$ioo-mllI><lIUIl ....1 II"'IU'" Can oM Imp <.ltV<" and qu~nllty
..,muLla..... "",)"



",n..ably "" ''''''' and dca<IoI on l modt tI elullaty; " ~I"'m..

and pooptk ..... 1"'>11< unll .. V>n..ab'y Inbnt Je'lura: n JOIkltJOttemuna'1Oft, II doa DOl. ..... tch n. II " not I"" WI1< . , lhe 12~ of the poMIbIe$. bu.
allowl for II. docwo!I and unfokl' n~ I.eibnl1 k....... hat .1Im: It an ,n"LlallOfl
in 11K: "nual lha. escape> .1>< phi~' ,,'hu il In a hurry; 10 lhe latter .
bled of "n.. fined ma,ble and lhe $lall>C Ihal 'romn .,.,1' of ,I ",11 ocem
.. nnlff!' 'e one anoIMr. ,f he d.,., nol kno .... the medll.1I0"' of Ih~ Theophilu!
oIlM .\'~ B>D,-.:" IS hard 10 ,mag"'" lhatlM .. a ...fins In 1M marble un,il

""" dlKO'''''' th<m.

In "1I}. A."""""", Iud allUdy toroupl "nuallly ;nlO lhe wOl1d of bocbeI
to) ,h'I"'I'n.m"g bee"""", lhe dwlLa ...... that II KIIWIlIOd ia ka&th, nIh Ind
depth (.,....,.,If'" d, ......""""") and IIIL ,ndc1tm1' .... '. d"nens>Oll ,,,,,,,,,fl,..,
,,,,,,,,IU) I""t pn:d""""",, ,IK: unrclin<d .... lIer 10 ..-;." ,h .. Or ,hOI deI,,",,\n~
I" .... TIK: q""nliltu 1'1111"'#' Ii lhe,dore lin.cd 10 .IK: Iu..<c<:plibihly of 11K: mailer
10 acqu"....00 ..,,, and h' b<>nI< graspable in Ihm: dun."'''' ..... nd I... ha'
.. , ... " ,,~chara<:t.. a,. ro. pe>rtal form
"",pond",).'. TIl< .,....,ulltu
I ""I""ud!:. bill aa u,.......,1 b) .. hdt th< ....... ph)'llcian
poopol. coena,n componmb 0I1ti<.,..,. bod) 'OVoaI\J$ the ..... ,kr be mocribes
.. hal _ would loda) all I .ok,o...... Inhedron ,n ad. pot'" of 1M r.........1
0( man", ... hooe mollOfl he .. ,;IlL< '" itudy. A a>onl",,,uol> <Illb" l,nd 'htll
,11o ..'S h,m to ..... ke Mire." Jal.""" <IlIM 'Il0l,,,, lhall'" "" many ... nu' ....
rudlmen'ary a",lic..) hod,.,., .. b",h ha,' ,na: beto,"" idtot,1\cd ";Ih lbe
objeCl <Il cI~~sical m1I.o"b, The
an .""ractl",, it
"'1I>OVf/$ no ""'crmu",,,on. It
11K: <lIended body., thaI "'h",b .In,,,,IIt
plhe" and
the detenn, ... IIOO. 01 ,he .,....,../,,,, ~h The
Ian.. CUI nry.
lm~bIc '0 >lnp ....u .. of an indeI..... ,1Ia1< d, ......
- . of ..... <Il,a .,-U"'nnn"""'" .. h",b nco,"'" """""""'" not fMk
Tb .. wa~ 01 o".."nl field <Il ""'nhplK>ft .. cha..actcrul", 0( lhe "n..al.
di,ttlIly of ,he 1DCIden.. of lulK.ra .. by ;n,roducinl I .ubjClC1
ran.., ... flicienll~
and , .. lliciently d ..,jc 10 unfold Ih....


,itt"""", """


,'1".../;" " "'"

boi." ..



", d.;'II!S lit _





""hoa, aboul"n, "d ttl 'rqt>tmnl llinn ..mulll..........ty


II"",. 'n m,nd lha l ,I IS 1100 ""'... /"" """"I.. lhal alIo ..'S ACSid,u. 10 Jlv.,
con,i""'"I..,lu,i"" 10 Ih. '"",,login.1 Jl'I'obkm of ,,,,,,,.,b6l1",,I"oo. II I""'
denlJ .... n only be ,....... ned _mbcddod III .... bJ:o, . hen . he ''''''pendenl
of .M OGIour 01 ,he bread .,.d the "'j"", .. hen I"""', .. .w..r".......
be"",,., 1M body and blood 01 Chnfl. '-'''d' .... oa.,""ILMlbIe. But. If 11K:
OCQdcn'" lonted ,,'IIh only II>< ....""""y 10 IIdbcrc 10 a "'''''In~ I. Fudoanol
CUI IlL 'M ot>,ec1 tI ..,KI<Ial tlKoIotY To pup IhOI ,,"pecoly'. 0""....",1d
ha .. 10 _ " ' " ' . "",..a: lhal .ph.. 1M qWl~I"y ifllM ....." .... rln...J1I and
~/Men,",..,Ii> al ,he ..".., "tnII a (\Ieula"", them, ,~ I""h ..... y
t~t t!le finl iJ ~bIe 10 unfolJ lhe ~trid<nlJ of lbe ion<!. II " Ihu. l hat. '0
take...,."."t of Ih. ptrmallCl>tll: of ""ruuo tt<ritkOlJ (.uch "' the ~ of
eondctuallOQ and nn:floCl_ or flu",,) .......,wuo.. """'lnoe1l I ,nptyd!
1M. II.. VJ ...'tom: .\1 IS IIIL
UI ..... today call lbe ......1. d
,he .s.:.u.ly and I tloe vol ........
TIlL dnuoly d pr0\1daI a h". . bel ......... IIIL .......1/ and lhe volume I . lhe
for""" "",,,IoJ'l"l ,ho ....... 1""'. oIlM bit.. Indeed. eacb poe of lhe In",,,,,"
1"'" - ' ..... '"",,,Ii<: on'oJosocal \III .... A.,.;oJ.", ""Ieo:



-,is.,. _,_ (...

It ohouk! IlL Undc"'.-\Ihllt in ,he mailer

of Ih<: b...d ... <1 lbe """" ..

..... 11 as in III ... nhly man .. (bert "0 Iwo q.... o"t"'" and 1"'0 k""b 01
dnncnsioou; &"nn""," and ind<1..,ml .... '. duDemiooo. I'or man.r .. 10
and "" midi and 0C<1lpoc:t """" and _if 00ume. If .. an IlL siooIIn
thaI 01 " "'" I"" ...... '1I11J1"'Y b)' .. Iud! mall<, .... and 00 m""" and
by "Iu!;h " has $lOCh and .0Id! a . "IIOme. and. 0>11 d.o OIhe, Ioand. of_
eta ""t< lha, ,he qWloUly ,n ,,,lIoc: of ..'hlCb mallor .. 10 Ind "" mllCb
pn:<lO<lcs lhe qWloltly ,n ,',nl>C of .. hlCh I, occupies 'lICh Ind jllCh 'olume
and that in lhe fi"l kInd of qU'''lily. in I subjeCl. tbe oond k,nd of
qU:lOhl)' 01 and.on:<!. ,hen 11 .. ..


II< 1M mallOli (""!ol bee .."", '''0 q""nbllLS, 1M ......,' .... k.. 11 ~bIc

'0 """'pcrt$OIf fol 1M ...""""". or voIu",", uod 10 """'" lho 001 ....... .1
I"otal<""" of the .......iuch ~ lCO\_ can ",maon ......... "1 .. hik unfoldi"l
ddJ..... I de,,_ ofrona:n'ratiotL The d!>lUW;bOtl b.......... 'dtmcmlOllal' quail-Illy Ind ','In,,,,1' q... nhly lead. Iherd'On: 10 d", ,n,'_nuon of a de>'''''' 'hit.
mokln, u"" of lIN: _Jail ICily p.ned hy lhe Inlrooi""bon 0( an ,nICn, .... q ... nmy
(I"" den... ) ,n OU, .ample). proYKko ;1",,11 ...... b lhe mUM 10 a .. "",lalo lhem
b)' envelop"l " .. h O.... M ... nltiun. of l he OIMr.
" .. ould "'" be cugml1cd .0 00kI lb ,be dISCO ...... of
"""",II< Ib",,",' oo..n 'M r.,..nda.OOM ur. phyoieo-matbtmatlCll poaM'. ,""
undemanoh". of .. hoch bu CIIadJ,1OnC<I 'hal 01 aD of .....

.....,. o..ancs.


The llisnllka""" of 'hI> dod no' """'PC ~bllLc 'M de __ for uflfoldm.
.peelra mll.1 be on ,ntfMJlIJ PIt" of n1b" "", 111;0,. bocouoc: i, doc< n",

',11 E..'<CIIASTMEI"T Of" THij ,"lnJAL


cb...-prd poImhal,'oes. doa IKM .Il010 illelf I" be ... boN".., ... 10 S' -.metry.
ma.. II .... .,.,.. IfI"'IIIO lbiap; O..... MOI _ply .alIow II
Up ;., kll...naloc. .. Of +rI"" dod. Tbu .. probably . 'tllll Leiba .. ""'"'~ 111m for. "">1111 redlll;Od the Galilru plOlI(! I" ","","pUOD <II
''''p rIO .1Id , ............... of ''''1'',1
11... pC;' e.-r'IlIIIIIy hid ,he ....bou'"'
01""", .......,... the ...... Id ofbod...
bul ...... aDd t,be
aU rite. of .,..,.,.111 ,n son... IOMU".. 1M u",,8"'O(' of Lbo: c.....,ptJ of

.... ... lanUy eumdcd, IlIId IMI ,hen: " 110 atenlOOCt ""boo. body
'1"nethcksa. ... m.... _ conf..... lbe: not ...... ol pIaoc. .paa: or pure
~J'<1I$ioD ..,ib tbe: _
oI.ulIo .......... hoth, '" ..Jd,1IOa 10 u,., ULnIIIoOA.
also ..... tam< tbe """",,1lOII, ibo., .. 10 ""1. ,ho """"", and Ill< """"",,-"


u .......... 'nc.JtI,., ....

eI,he _

of .... lnial ~mnllJld connecl>OftS of ca....Jity.

This last requlremea! ce.,.,oly does 1101 Imply qU'1e ,ho conlrary ,be
m",,,,,uon of ,n ""leotiah". II II lIO ... thc:1eu ill.. ,hal Oeocart.. pomlliO U
tarT)""1 'UlpocI"melapllysical' caon"'.,io .... boCIu~ lhey a re al .... Y'IUSpoct<d
of "'" &i"nl tbem""",,, up bound band and roo. 101M d lmy of the UI,nSlon.
1"0 DncarIn. who clalll\li 10 pup ,be ph}'sieaJ hcinl"nlhe,,,olld undor lhe
acom<lry and i11I'

II lllIOI.--ah '0 durn . . Ansl()l.le', ddjl1luoa lIS 'ob!<:ure and mctaph)'>ocaI':

" II '011(' 'III')' .0 ..,k""",lodgo:: Iha, it wu obi< 10 _ motloa lIS ,,-., ol
kl1l'M .... and po..-u 'OlI<1ber:
Iliad ptlltlnlod deopl, in'o tb< land 01" ,be ScllolHhet, "'h(n m.tbema,D
and modtw I .. ,b<)rl"'- "'" .. "btln.. from ,1 ,,'luJc, I ..~.till youn..
'1"hr" bo.. u,;rlll ""'~I 01 nplo.ininl NI'''''' """,hanically ~h:umod me. and
" 'jlh 1000 rrllSOn 1 &'p"",d tbc mcllt.od ollh.,... ... bo u~ only ton". or
fac-ul!iH of" hkh .,,,,hiDI I. "nde~lood. I/U\ I.'.f, ano. il)'''I'o e~plo.~
tbe: principlco or rnc:dIl""'" "lClr '" o.der 10 accoun, for the Ia..-. 01 Nalure
" 'h",h "'e learn ("'''' ""J><ncnoe. I J><.t.....od 'ht ,be IOJo e<>mO:nlion 01
faltoldcd rnaoo: ".,.. "ot """"tit bII, ibo., II wu " AI). i11I111d"", ... '0
u~ Lbo .0"""1'1 01 (0""" "luch "full)' ,n,.llIpblc. allboop ,I Cau. ."h,"
.be J~ of .... tapb):oic::s. ,.
[T JIM: _ p i 01 """"" OC' pO....... . Ior ... boor Uplanl'IOa I ha.-e 10Cl


dclrnni"lliolll of Ion.,t.. brud.b lJld deptb

L.eilm~ rtlopondilbl1 l ,he
ba .. JU% doa DOl nil' &lone and ,"", ',he poin" ..~.h noth,nl', lie doa nol
...... ," lhal ,he q!WIllly 01 IDOIKNI II ,he 0010 deI.muRaliofl ,hal ..
not cnmpleLely JUIII'W'IC. wbK:h KI""';
,1Idf ..1IN IIDpK" ""'"'" In facl.
the ""1*'1 II d.. pn~ 'll'< 01 ph)'lOCal
in C.rl ..... " ""'""""'"
whdl .IIIII!t tbe body all .. ~. po ... ol aniooIllIId _ _ w.>oWllnl by ....
UD~_ ol K1 ...lwollOn. I.cibn", saw ibo.t the COOIIpltlc ' .....n' ol ......"""""
"'"' phP"'" illvoI...,;! the com"'",""" ol
o.nflUtn.:l~," ...1ld! rouId
DOl help 11<1, imp/>al,e """.phpics. In pamellla,. he IS ro...,nttd ibo.. ,baoo
OOlion> ol ~Dh.b'y .nil ol "umW mobW.y. fII, bly lnl~Lcd. lillie II
potiibk to o(>[lCCn~ ,ho profouDd >&Icnbty he.wun ml,he"",t"" IlIId ph)'IICI
",Ihwt raorI ,0 the o"loloP:oJ fllbordilll'OO" prOPOlfd by "'n$lode.



me." ."



Allhouah I .... eOlmnttd ibo.. c...l')'lhI... IS

ox- mo<;h.omr;:ally," ""'1"".&1


Na." ... I De"I'tflbelcw 100 be/iM., ,hal tb. vet)

01 ~
,hal i. 10 ""Y .be 6rsl ....., 01 """""" blo~c _'" .... bI ...... _ .." lhaa
pure m.thom! """ con furnish .. Then: is in .... na
Otbo:. lhan
,he p"",ly
'M'IS, tJwo ,"" ~II.n>ioIIllIIiI
altal.ion. and ,ts
bo,.. all"'IKl1l .. OM rnJIUS lhat _
fIIptnOr eM
11 110 .......
01 ,ubellllCe, actIO" and roltt, III .... bo a<klcd. and thc:oc IIOltDIH
...... n Ih;o'."l')'thlrt.IUI wlr....... ""10" ",ull in 'u.n ..,1.1D<l.''er)'llull8
tb,...co. m".' ."ffe. some """",on ... I "'InA,n pcnua.led 'lull an bodia






01 ...boI ....... Act;,.. 10"", diII'.....

from ,1M: men: ~..... Cam,h" 10 tb< Scbool .. for ,ho """".. p""'C'r OC'
I".. DlNlCXpI

faculty or lhe ScholMllCS ts notluna 11<11 I doM ",,",bili'y "'"""""" "'hoch

.-I. "" ... cmal nellal"", eM "lmuJVI, .. 'I "en:. In 1M: tnnWc1rod
Cl .. 101'<%. ' " conH';U~ rollLlulf a """.,n """,0" lit ",ukC/...;"
and i. Ihu, mod ..... y bolWttn .Il< I_h)' of """m) and the """"," ,,,,,I(.nd
invol .... a ",,,,,,'n It II thus o::o.ncd iato IIcloon by ,t.elr and need. no
h.lp bul ooly lhe ... mo,a! 01 an imprd 'n><n.,"
[TheJ ... hole nalure of body d_ 110, roN;'\ ..,lely i" ""en""... Ih.l
" '" My ,n .I1e. ~gu ... "nd mObOo., bul th~t 1t.:r'1: 1n".1 .'",,,,,.. ily bo
....,....,,,od ,n " somelitma ... boch ,,~latod 10 ...... 1$ I.,d ,,'hoch II mmmonly
called ~ulloun"..1 form. ,-




.,ic_ ol d),..,.,oa, bnnp .be ,crou..., 1Iah' '0 bar

our Uodcl'Ollnd, ... ol,"'"


To "vc cLlmeny.o 1".... to ....,. '1> irrl~bk d,ff..... _ f,om ,,"0,",,'';';

o nlolOJPCll di",i,y on;1 ~nd ,<> ..
,,nh lhe ICI,ve
po,onuahly of "hoch "'mlotle ba d ~I.o.dy h~d In inklin" h IS clajtocny thaI
II"" spdn 0 ml"I" h"'h 10. Oescan.. is .. simple ra.1<1I' 01" incnil) IDd ,hal
IMkes il pou,ble r". the l)r>deBlln<i1Jl1 to PIP the I"'0lfb'lve """'1'1"'" 01"
. .rca 01 ""Ioaty_
I, lhe", .ny <bill" ol.hll pi ...".;., 01"",. ',u!lym,' tbe ..... """,,,-,Ilia"'
II 11 ..., be OOfTUpt;b!e """1 ollhe <d,~~ QUlle ,he
lor u;bni.t

a dl>l......

,herdo,.. ...... ,,.,,. ol nd"",11y .. Itndtna lhe CNt,.... pejoct Ii... """"
al ..... oft' lhe .. oriel oll"'" boondary lOt lId ol pu, t 1I00000'ry, IbM" fiau ....
11101 1IIm",_tn ........ lhecaYAlcO"....:UOM ol,bec"'orid ofbo<hrs_ In labaiz.
II ..

'JPO ol ..... lhanllocaJ bnn& ,he doft'C'rCllIUI~ """'- """" tnpped

lIIy .nd ah>olute 01,,".,
IIf cmC'rJtIICC 'f fOIIIplridy ..... te:m.
tho ..... 01" ,he bn IOrte ,I ........ Iud! ......... ,be c_",
locale ... """." bo .... 'f"" pnCM 'n .... y 1Ibpt111O\1J K1\ialll.ObOII. The ,.. ' ....1
Df lhe dt...ents 01 ~'-e Iocu .... kes" poHJbIc '0 roll"",,1 lhe .....1 oIlbe body
I, ,he .."'" mile u ...,'CIopn, i.l fu,ure 'h" II .....1 perm'lf {he pe<:Uloariy
ph)tko-mathmu.tic:o t notion of 'Il<
ol l r.~"' .... Qua"u'y Ind
.. "n.ion ... ,. no po ...... tn aet aDd .'" ,1Ie,..r" .. no' '"'011"01 '0 lbe "",,,,i,u,io"
of plty...,.1 '",,".

, _

""'.-..em .....




nit ("iCt"'NTIoIL'l'T OF nlE


The I"0IftIII'" .cq....mofl ....., ... ro.a 00a _ raj""" Lbo: 'u4uo ....,""'. of
mallt< 10 boo", ..... of rmpcc .. by ImpKI.. n... he ron.: ;, _
pumetnc~ " doeo IlOl ...... '1IIIy appal from I: Gd')' Ibroup pardy ma.he.malocal <led_I; "IS pecul.."ly pb~lhmlabCIL.o tho "'''''' lha.,,,,,
(:IIUW roolDfCI1OCI lILa. I'nk< tb< d,If... nt ,n.'anU (mea.uraJ by ,be clerne". or
live fora-) ;, 10 be ldenl,f"'" ... "h II>< I)'nlbcw clfecu,d by .he dllT... ollal
1>0, ... _ ,he lpace aa hod 10 ,he in"an, I 100 .be .pa<>< .u""Md 10 ,be
inotanl ' " Dr II II 1, ,he,-d".,.. IWO ,pry 10 habilitate
force. 'II'''",h .he
Canes'lIIs ... n~ 10 F' "d 01100 qUICkly. 10 IOXn iu ..... ocal ;rmlll<1b,hty
10 ,.omr<ry. by lltocuiahol ,1 .."II .. lboory 01 'imaalny. and not 10 rat
CO.UUI ,mb '...."dll n .... 'fad.... N..... 'on ..... do. Labnu, ha""1 .. ad
1'0""011" book. ..... fid<d 10 HuytclU Ius trpUl""N'" roo- ,.... ocaal ........
....brdded III 'ho"p'"1 do _ u........ talSd M lXNMplIOII ol ....my ..... nrxtlOL
11 would WO/II\ lha~ ac:wnim, to h"n, ., IS IKIlhiDB b.n ..,.... ,"""'lH'f'CIl and
IDClpbnlbIe property' " To 'h .. H uy~ rcplio:dc 'Rep,d,nl
...ft U .hoe e;>\Iie or ,be udal ebb. I 1m "'"
all ...,i.1Ied "'jlh i . ...,.. .uh
any or hll 0'11<1' 'hMnn. ",h"'" "" ha"" G" hi. prillC1p1e or amacuon. "'h"'h
seeml absu,d 10 "",,'"
AI a~ "n<:Of'PO..a1 .nd ,,,,,.pliable pl'openy. tbe ro"", ij Ihu. tron ,n I
llIu .. 01 pu .. onbcrancc...".:h cIa,m. Snally 10 JI'UP motion """",,nlly.
a' Ibc "'.... 11"", U rncrvtJ\11or ,urI,. pin 01' 'M" 'illle ,nlenonl, <O_Q'
If.ted II ,II 1'01.111 oI.ppI.:"bon; lbe Ioroo .. a1"",,. ,mplanltd '" .... Il... I.... '
;. II\).... ~ oadowcd,.,\h Iorca."
TIt.. Urw.I<..wtdtolalwayo a1 ....... IIdto be loe' I b"b .. burll oh,-..Iy'
f.om motiod. tm",,"'''' to pro< d. II __ to .. hl.t is moot U'pl by propelh.,.
In . rro ........ boK m""on is to 'njCCI """" octlvily in'o .... tlon PrelC1l1ed H
~nc,,' IIhu.R tht-rtby hI.'.. ..,me roroc. bul . ro..., .....1,...... 'nlO .""nonly
b~ tile .rro ..... ,..IIboUI ...""d fo, wh.1 Uibnl1 ",,1I0:Il ,Ioc .... nne' or ope"'lion'." "'hieb cunously bnnll' " c[ojc, to lhe ;nc<:><po.... l prop,,,toeJ 01 KlIol...
IIQWI! The foroc JCem. ""'........1' Ind <'Tn 'truer' tllan ,he Ih,n, iulClt The
UndcD,.ndonl belic'... '0 lhe 10f'C.'C. bII~ .. Iocn il boItI>o$ up .""h a ~
'n order 10 """" done ."b ca...ely. I\ .... Wd ... tI oo eaoily ""th tbe plI'II'ef'
oIIClIOI ollhe mati .... "'[tbowp "IIoCl ,,,10 polO' of ,be lh.tIJ. ,be am>'+"
Uhl. ...llllocII' '" Iaptlll .... wdc it erAlZ ol u'~.y. In ",,",III I" poinl ol
IppIoCIIlOOll, II ...p;to all II. in~lISIly.




~Il fOAl

The Ioroo arrow..".,.w hk. to PQlludf o,rr", a .... bly. bul th .. llbel.y>
100 rnuch and no!"""'alI: " _..,. >1"1'& rq>dl"'1 rtJdf.
Llt.fIIIed""""" .. no
10 I"" rahNn of Iorcc: ;'1<1*,"00\ II I dlUllna
"I ""'Y ol crallq' lymboollC rdatiomlup bet ..... n an ",.n ~plltal ,nl."..1
raod~ ol ,,,,,,,urn bet._ ltunl' and.n ;nl"",,,, f,cdr p ..... by the
f"""", 01 11InKlion (>r ,",,"I.. nn. MUI In th ....... "'dle. lbe ru"", .no..~ " .. If 10
he ...... lIo ..td 1.11' In lbe 5p1l1Lo!. I..,bn~ rccogR'lCd Ihll il ..'....... nlie moll""
llIal would 8uod.fy o.paa: Ind do,u!>sl.ll.ntllic (0fCC 10 Ihro... bnd", bet",'<C1\
'1*" and act"' .. il .. ....,.,..,ry 10 pmmo~ the MIca oil p:ncralilCd cI.IlsbC,ly
lhal OJ Ippbeoblc 10 thIn", tIJu .... lor""" d .. UI.DCCI and culOllIO 01 ><1M.....,.
..,. lbe L;ndcnuodlnl~ .... the tde&o lhal kd IA>bn~ 10 <be _lOll ollhe .,.._ ol """"""""
"tbe .,...,_ iI DOl -.botrac1cd' r...... _iN<: ~11 It .. "'" In .h!.oIulc opIIa!
llIal Clll:rnl.Hy del.....,,"'" .... lmaI 1'011..... ",hic:b, pcril.lro
'0 ootid
(>I[\)' let lhem .. t.n he Il'l""hc:ndod .. ""'i'''''''"....... I... M o road .., '"",1.11..
ph)'lot(:ttl poinlo'. Ihunde,bolt> r,,,.., t he o."oily.nd not .1.10 c/lhlOlP_ They
. ... ",,,hOllI paru "nd do nol 'nl ...... "'Oleri.lly lc,bn" It~"" In ...,.U lbal
.""",... JIIP n'" JI" ""I lid....bJI~I''''''. TlK:y.'" bo.iic:ally d, .. y"''''''Inc..1 .nd
a", nut ,m"",n.od ," lhe .,.,11...... The .,......... """I~'IU !I(I """,iblo: ",,11.1; ,I
do>o nol eo<rE (.0nI lbe Ib."oct"'" ollila, .hiett doa I"...: pi"" bul r.ont
U lI,..itJrl m...tJOn hc1""n ..."...,.~ 'hinp.
01 the 'pICC ol.,n""I" ... 0111, '" r.c. I'f""'ol'pooo I 10....
ol roord, ...., _ 01 tilt "'1.....1 "1""'1.11."""'" 01 mo ....... Th .. II_llhe JI<U><1p1e
01 ha,mony) ..... UfD -=II It1oOfIaOl lhe. 1'""\$ q_uly of CI1"OODC. and '0
co ..........1Ie .,... ....... 10 CUfIC'CI"" the f.... unfold"'l oIlbe 'nl .......1 ""-'
po ..... 01 act,nl- Th ... the """",n"lion of ,to. I~ quanllty ol h,.. for<>: "
'11"",1<:" hy ,hi, "" ...... plc Ind no! b) ....... ind""I,o" 0' ..... lIlied ".bili,y 01
.ul>otance>. Th.", arc ne,lhe.
00' ternal ""n.t""""' fo. 1110 . p/JIium.
TIK: <000,110111 of ~ "",bkon .re an inl.,.al pari or I.. ",l<lIilibtlily .nd ""
""'.' ",I 11'Icm..t ... up ... impod,mcnlO u:oooo lUI '"'" ~1I.mpU 10 see lhem
...... kiPI pouiblc lhe r..... uofokj.". olllle Y\f\""li' trI u .... ~ by;t.
lcibnil tonlinuaUy dr_~ tI........, 0( Ihin~I"1 Pd tu wOOnWIIlc
01 'M'" "';1" ...... t"'l the ",hole iOlo pam. .bocb _~. . . bd>e-o-.:;" II..
ol"utmutr IoR:a. Nil Pt~ tak. pIaa:.n lhe . , . . _ cvat if
lbey ...
,n tbe .. l<m-. hucna.oo. pan. tbe I.d: 01 .....,.illlllc.
ClI ....... llmpacl; lhao: "" ant} the m~lilaled n:s.d ..... pro,ccted "'III II", "anl1
r:A lbe .. I."""'" 01' aboolulrty In'cntlOl fo""", thai.,.,. only be und<: .. too<I III
lhe >PI'I;'- by OOI>Cro'. ph~'. oU>c'IO',SC b,o"," mcllph)'Jin.
~ or Ihi, ~~ phy,ic:s. 10 dcfino .... nlio dOnla"" r:A lbe: '1".1"", " IIN:cl$al~y ,0 !>nil, !nlo be",. an .. ' .......1 'a>n.lrll1lll. "blCh io lbe \'ft1'I\! <Jl a l<>Iabl,
.'1Ioso ,n,emal cohcooon "'" bcc:o lInK... and . 'toic:b Nil 10 be ....orcd dapil.
the ""niallty of lbe lfMIfll-&'lOn. Th .... & Ioroo Ilia, it .. I.'lIar u> 1" ....
to. con," "d an ."" ....,. ~ 10 In &I'I"Of'OIIie. """" ample
.,......, ,he", " kll,d ol .... 'erialwotJOQ cL ,he """........1 01. 'otolil, ,nU>







,...... ,,,,,,'I'd


o..cllANTIoI E!'IT Of" llU; '"tUlIAl




pant. lc,bnll'. concrete ph)"SQ mvluIK""m 1M cheory 01 Iblc~ cho

O;UCIMIU .nd ... huxu...... t df..:cs IJ"C no 10..,.. _
ct."' .... 01 \hov."'~
!he u ......... 'J 01. force II _ _ ledt j;\ll mn& ........,ed ,,"h cllt ",guJau""
01 ........


W '"


Upn. rcspolldt 10 che ... "hcs oIlcibnoz:



tnt"' ...

F", Founn. a
ptUlo$oplaK1r .......... nu had '1"'1)1111 hem bont.:
'HII """,,,pal ""'k. ,he AIKII,"finII M1wmIa.. could .. CUlly he caIkd !he
PlUlooophocal \1"""""",,, rot it rI~ oJl ,he 10.., 01 cq .. ,~bnu", aDd ",olio"
1O'"'''Ilc ,,"""'pic'" l.th lcibn ... LatraoF ~U 10 cum, ... Ioroes ... bert
thrr a", not Imodt,td
In ."".. l by force Of p"""ef " un<krslood .'halov~, ct.UM Ilttplu" Of
tenlh Co ,mPl'rt mollo" 10 Iho body 10 .-hoch II i...."""'" 10 be Iwlotd,
and ;c II al", by t he q " .nllly or mollo" impa.led, o dy 10 he imparted.
Ihac lhe lo'<:e 0, po"'O' m\lOt ~,pr... " ..If. In lhe Ila,o of.qu ,lIbn....., lhe
f~ hal no ~IU41 eIf",,~ It prod...,., only a IImpic lonlkncy 10 molJon:
b"l " m,," .1 .....1' be om... uml by lhe eIf""l 111.11 It "'oold prod""", if il
..-e", nol


A tyot .... 01 bodoes bcln& liven. I can by lhoupc ~ndow ic WIth ,mapur)'
rn.Inef\I. 01 mobilur .'..I....r d "hymenc.. "ThaI: d.. pI.."tw:~U att by no
_Of c:omparlblt 10 'smalr'md' IIIDtIOIU 1ft clle e"onTl'll;" il ......... ~
I,berale 1M """... fi"ottIln\Jnf:nOOn ,n the spaloa! Cn lranofi ..... thrm ,0 mobilt:
uoll. of IIIe .,..,;-.
St.led F""'aUy. the """",pit aIIowI bod;" 10 mowe .houl on "'" al """
a"",he 10 dI>'~ aDd ncn not 10 1I:$pe.'t ,hi< Ilttplial Of uphcn hlt_ of
lhe .,..1..." cl"l1 lbey IJ"C ...pt'I 110 ".".."c~, ..
dlfpla"" .. ilu caa OlaF
aU cbc powell 01 acllD, aDd
che """haruc CO rootSldc. tYCrylhiul I.... ' a
mal ..... I.)'Ilem " cal'llbic of: 10 make 0 ... 1'1111 ,liJc on lnolhe . 10 lid """
ma .. apan (,om anotheo- Ind ~"'" '0 uplodo< the ty.lem by Ihou",1 by
b,ukio. ,hlJ 0, Ihol I,Won, Ltmll<d Co ,ho II~I"" ,110 pn"",,,,,, of .;,,"'"
powc:n ton he lilted I, rollow" 'Far 11m" " of rom:. ' u hold I malerial




oquihbn" .... ;c io lit ,,')' aDd .,,1Iiacn1 that any ,06",col) small
." , ,,,,1 d",pll,,:cmcnl impnocd on cbe ')'Ic.m mako lhe .um of t he \'i1l ...1 lI'otkJ
o r ,lie (",en lake lbe ~.h.. ze,o: The: lIalC1!lC1ll IherefO" ",11'os to tho ."m
0( t he ....,..b of the forces:

olld""" n, the fora: ",Ih palle""" by ~nd,"" ,n the ~Iu"clt) of a pol<nU.t

I 'mHldle bel,. ... n pow~r and .,;t,oo;
dcmyollf)',n, tIM: r""", by a,5<"I1,nll ,he Ir ... unf<>ld,n, of lponcallC'lJa alld
pros!a in 1M nl.n,ion a.
by ICUpI,n, Ihal .'hICb Inleract ......"Ito
"",,"ra'nU aJ>d rond,tlo... com,nl Imm ",na,n pI. llllOn. oIlho
tM ptllIClpi< 01 vtr111&1 ,""""'1 ... os ... !:>1,..... a I.... .....:IWII<l11u.1 no IoD~
"""~ dooIn bcfoR the pan,,,,,,,, or ,be ''''''''''"10", the 'dtl;t.all 01 cbc
.,.C... Of 1M d'l'ettly oIroro...



10 tft how cho ptI"""pi< 01 '-tnual >'eIOOhCS npoundcd by

(tile 6q, I .. the 'l'irtual' displacemettu).
It it to be ~ 1,,"ltbe: ".t<men' ,d.lI" 10 ,he _~ of t he ron... aDd
if theref"", I>OOOtIlhal m,.lopo thrm by "!CPI"', lbe poin .. of appllCllloa
co the boocklllUnd. Whll io doruomllJUal .. ,be "Oft Ot lhe paa-.... IIIaI ...
.......' thrm 10 .. nfold '"lboupt; it .. III >Itowtn. 00' wI.ft CIIpflbIc 01 ....,gallllt
IIIe ..... h deI'cIopod by che mobibex, ""b ...Inch ~ endow the bod ... lhal
.., CIIn dod"" tbc tquilibna aDd IIIe ...... .....,._ We Iu..... leu Ie<I '"
mak,a, Ariotutj,,. prot L
s """".t~.
It ..... uld oloo be .... ~ ChallM c.."" 6" ; .. ~6q, oIfomtubi (1) bnnll
I"" ul~ ... 4U1nllloes I~II, aJ>d 6.,,) aad an ,nlett""" quan.. ty (f,) ,ato play.
W. can apeak 0(. 'rlpty<~:


.. how a't"IInlCfllCn1 II .b:Iolul~I) idenlical co Ihal of "",,d,u,' 'l""n"' .....

1.11, d. VI_

Il e I&IIln, !he "n/oIdillt 0( ,Joe ph)"IIOO--malbenlallOll '''IUllbly i. ~hic>"Cd

by diQI oI!he ,n\e1\Jtl y T, .. hl<b ere.teI. hinF hel ..ffn 611', and 6q, In ouch
..... , thai
tJullcally on",,1op! ,be vanallonl of 1M pantmo'"
It"..;U _
II no IWj!rlW if 110< "'a",'Iud<> f, a .. IlOl ,It< Aril) Ion:a ,n
lhe ord,"'ry klIIO aDd if IIIe 6.,. arc 1101
dim ........ 10 rIC!. 10 kno.,
all che elf....... 01 tbe fom:o 'bal loCI 011 cbc .)">1 ..... ,I u ,., p,),.Dd ..".-.... ;,,11\
co know cbe up" on 01 tbar .. nual ... ork .Itd, co k _ I.... ClpraRon."
.. '"
'')' aDd 0IIIIi0u01 10 t"""", ,he lUes F .. blC"b CIIn he atlled...,....tUed
Ion:es. It ..in be """"" thaI Chi< nIIl ..... DI. F .....1u:ed fora, f dcl'"..do 011
che ...1.. ", altM ,.. riablc 9 10 ..-hicb " ..-la!"" for IIIe" prod..:! f6q mu>I alwaJl
"'Ofk ~w"
In <:e".in ClIO<$, ,be applieallon DIllie p<illClplc 01 Vlttuat ...",k< Irads '0 cbc
,nl.odUCIIOn of a pot.nlioJ r"","11011 flq,. ~" ... , ~.) cf the pflfUIe\en. makin,
il potl,l)k '0 'M~I.", !he ' ol.hly of lho acl""" of <:e'IIIin 10..... c.l.mal m
lhe _1'lcm.




c;e ....",11l:ed

fon:ft lnd polnnial allow. mudl more ..It"" II'UP of Ii.,

~uilib"um 'han ,ha, "hlct> confi .... 'IKlf 10 lbe purely ".'oe con.JdcnI,non of
a pa,"llelOll'lm Q/'fO<Cft." Wllb lbe p.i"",pIc or "."..1 powcn. lbe f~ndamto
tal ",lIuo" of I,," dYllimoe is ellablishcd... ,I .", for ,110 scI11<. by re""hon,
an ~Ulbbnum ...... IMI 1110 "nual ..od. d" ; of ,be '.,,,,nl,,", f<>m$' f,
""' a>mpeMaled r.... by tllo work> of lbe l'orce. of 'neI'IJ& J. proo;wd,n. fi'Olll
_lenl_" T1w>c 10" an boo np.u.d ,a 1110 Iurm EJ,""" IJ>d. ,n ,loot baht
Q/' 1110 fonJlOlIIJ. ,I " IUIl"nl 10 II.Jme IMm ",,"~II!n /arrt,.f 1......
funda"""".1 fo.mull of 1110 d)'namic
Ihto Ih.1 lbe lum of Iht IWO
'1U1n!!!MS MI , ,[ I',olt, and JII', _ [J,&I, $bouk! ~ ...11Cr<' I,,, IU ,ho 'U'1uaJ
d"f'lK ""'MI impoootd on ,be OJ'ltem ..... ia Ulbrr It....... lbal one Iw.. a''''J






l'l>ese are ,he famo". /~pU"l~ ~",,'I"wJ. ... hien

,h., II Iny m<>monl
1,,".1ItlI of ,II< f"...,.. .el.n. (NO lbe 'Y"ffll ~nd lbe ",m 01,,,,, fort:a of ,nenw.
wwld be o:o.pable of k... pon. ,II< OJ""" in ~ui~b<iwn ,n ,he 'Of)' .1&10 '"
.'boeh ., .ppca.t'lll Ih .. """""ot: 11 II <aiy ,0 dod_ fl'Olll them !he Ihcoum
of I.... f<>m:!l: 'The . 'orl <1<:> ...... " a panxubr alDOWll 01,-. by lbe rW Io<CtS


uOOc."""" .,

lbal tollCl'
It ~Ull '0 the ,,,,,reaS<!
,be AInt ,,,"" by
lbe .y.,om', I.. e fo . ....
We ... now in a p"',uon '0 app'oa.,o lbe whole Io'<:e of ,be P"IlCIple 01
VlnuaJ ."k'c".... by """,ion.", IumstH ..",j.." uIf ,II lbe L>ebnwan parad,se
of lhe >p<II'-' 11.. , of ,he .....unal dllplacnw:nl of ,ho: powm of """..... lho:
o:o.n In.-enl new de,...... of equil'bnum and "'" lot h,nud/ be iubjUp,ed by ,ho: ,nor" , I,,,,,,, of 'real Joroa', .'luch .... ~uo.naIIO II", ')'I'1:1Il.
In ,n.. """"
lbe d)'nlmlC, Ibcot fon:a oould be compemaled b)' foren of
IMn, ... ,~ M .... do'""" of ~~i!ib.i"m n,,,,1 lhem"", be ,,,Hinenl!) amplo
'0 Illow lhe oqu,.,.,,1eo: and acha"", 01 mob.hlit> boIort"", '0 U".l<1l'i Df'Ik"
.... radocaUr hrte'ol"''''W''' lhole oI...,.net')' and luMtI"""
~. "'" __ IOIal '0 .... boooI. in lbe .ale of lcobn .... ,ho: pnoctplc .... t ..
"po6IIbIe 10 V&$P lbe Iorceo ....,emoJ '0 a .)'SIcm 01 bnda .. lbe ICOn 01.
m~,~~""" of II,
Mar. proc, .. ly. ""b lbe ~Id ollne """",pie, ,lit meo:hanic .,11 be Ible I"




r ,""

r ..



uf1<kDlood ... ,he 'U"'PI<: oil. and 0,,,",, ..

Constdcr ,bo.dore ,'0'0
")'.wms 01 bnda $, &Dd S,. U! &11, _ [ri&'o' (...."...u .... y dll; ' [1':&,:)
be !be mttJ&! .. OI l of ,he Joroa ,ba. act "" S,
5, ~
.'OIl<. al,ul1Illy



If. DOW, 1 COII$IlI"'. II 1)'11"'"

of b<xiIH ""h



of S, and S, by j""p<IJln.

,hem ,n oucb I .... y '1lII ....... bodMS oIlbe 6f'1l l)'SIan lind , ........" ... In
"",1lICI _lib ...... bOIl ... oI'be wrond
e.ch mtual
lhe ..... llanl
,"'in imP""'< on ,be "..m'""", and 'If vana''''''' ~ and



oi<6. Ind on ,he """,nl """"" I




MY .. 6W, + ,lII~ .. r. f I oII!,' .. r. f;~f


lIuI """ .. ill not 11"")'IobWn I ~in ...1 d",pl" I " " , . , of ,ho: .... u1'.nll)'Jl ....
b) OlKIIbin,"1 J"" Iny nn.w d,.pla<zmml 01 oJ'llefl1 I .1Ih J"" Iny Yln.w
dlSpbcelllWI of ~"em 2: ,... , .... P'*'bie .-hw each of lho: JJ1'Cft'lS ! &Dd 2
.....,ed alooc; bu,
combtnlo,,,,,, .... y ............ ImpoMible ..hw .,.,_ I
and 2 arc ju.1I"pooed. bo;a.UK II """k! ...." Iho .Jfoa of brln"nl.' ,he ... _
Hme. 10 a .mij.lc poim of.pact. ...,nc bodIeS oIly,lem I Ind ....... bodies 01
I)\,em 2.
Tho ju."P"""OI' 011)".1<:",. I .Dd llberefo", Impooa. ...... """""",n. on
!be di:lplw .... a .. 01 each; "'" 1",,_ and I""'" ,.. _
do "'" lea"" ,he
>'aI_lloal OIl< c;o.n .lInbu'e b)' I .,"'.., d""",", ... al 10 &,! and
M.b.,,,,'Y, They de~ 1IlI' lheM .al.... ""nr."" (HIot o ...nnl ] ...1""",
<>lI\olJ ~quu'lo<u oIJ llal...... "hoeh u ,"" lorm;




.. r.(':M-O


To the COdIh'lOftII of canccllallOG of lho: """ I ~ ~ 011< oIIOotld lbe ........ add
lhe romItIlDlt 1' ...... by I'~ lho: dlmlDll"'" 0I1ht cI,tplw, menU &,) and &,J
bel-.: ... n lhe
(51 and 16, bnnp ".. 0 bela. _ q,wIIl'''''' '~. ,he
~Icd L.u.t'~"""" ""'Iffp/..... lbe number ol .. b",h II "'lUll '0 lloal 01 !he
]"'Iion. of 1""!IIIn Mnd which o:o.n be mlorpmro U ~ '" IM,W<!, Tbeoe
. .0 ,ho: """"" lloal compol S, Ind S. 10 """",,,lute a ...,.. l)'item Ind "bicb


"''''' "", ....all)' be alOP", ,ed U .0'..... '10 lho: .YIIftII

1 0:0.0 ....., "'" Ille



of lbe Iota::o e..,em"1 10 11)'>1_

bai!iOll "" ....111
10 l.yJlem
b"'h i' ........ ample ,hln L, H~ will .1", be able '0 br,n, ,'''''''
bact ~I ,,m by ""n;ol oul };' IIp,n in I
mlnM'. whoeh " ,bon

rortoCc1 ...


.)'1,.... I: 001 ..... n In'o S, and S, and ,h ..... ,<>



,,"u,..-..oUI"1\oIes 10 .b>Cb I ooould apply ,be pr,lS/;IpI&ool .. n ...1 ,doa_

In ,be fo"" .,...,n on ""I:< 27. pro.'oJed r e.p1;"'lIy add "" ,ho: "nWlI ..."".
of ,he fOTClCl <>fllal..... - .. hICh ore 1.'''''''''/10 L bu, ,,'h"'" "'" ,""W ronco,,,,,"
I i forta "",,.,."'" ,0 S, IDd S,.
We an .1111<1111'" 'I\i< double ,a"rprdlliool ...JlIt ....... tnmpb..
Two "-I'll " and U ..., artJ<:Ub!l...... . - . . ID " .. ~.



c-.o" be ilmlPlIOil a. bciOI /j>t1.J a1 0

and at M. n.c .. lOR tw"

eqU;llions 0( IlluM/n, "hkb 1P,'e 1'101" Lagn.Ojpafl muluplocn. Thete qlWl"h".
""" be ;a~rprelN as the ~ thaI compel the ban 10 rei.,.." lMl. joinin,"
Tbnc boB all liso be """pDOd ... btl", 1"",', bul each beuII ",~1 10 the
aclK>l>l 01 Iu.- A, ano:! ~, (A IlDIl<rJon lbeto actioaa a, 0 lI>d II ,\/, B a1
M ollly),.
Tbc mwuplla IllClbod (IOn abo be applied 10 dy.....u.: tquohboa. Tat" !he
,,;uompk of. [,oUt) IOOlI do." &II mcIinocd pIaao f_ Ii&. 'J,.
Tho:x ban





We I:IIn IIdopIlbc dw -I ~ ...... <>adI by _".dena, 1M trolley as lIIbJC><l \0

'''''' M<d; pI.'>!y and the raosta""" of .ho VOIUld. tbe rawlant of willch a<1.$
an 1be can. .1uctI1S .. ""h sub,.., \J) bDd ", artdic:a&Ily .... uccd gn..uy h.
.... GaljJ.oo'o dr.'", Intk 10 !Judy the -.I""...... dooooo' of fllh"l bcKhctl.
One oould.lto .....""" Iht 1..... trolley as IUbJect 10 _
only (,..,ural
F""l)~ hut ~ 'ofol'- ,/or . . (the coDdluoo "<>u1d bere be ..-nn ...
,-I,... ,. h ..""lei be _y to """"",,,,-"'Ie thai _ lhl'l ibid wrod_ .....n
wnb the "'IlIInon ..... n b) the Ii..! app.ocl\.
Ln ... I\01It tlk" a fiMl ..... mpk from ' ...""nF-'" n", pru,""'" an <!<pn.


lil.u.trat,OII 0( 1M "'1 in "'h,h "'''''' """""I'll rtum m:hulCI ('n thIS ....
prao> .. rel .r. comparoblo 10 .mual culOuU. Consld., a ftu,d In .quihbnum

('"' n" 6).

Stpar.Il" by lhou"" pan A from ,ho mt 01 tho Iwd. l 'ho iatttr is n.....


di'tldtd ;0'0
pans A and II oepantted by ........ lumoe $. If" undel'lOO'I
I"'""'. dliplaceaIl!O'''hoc:!! ,,.,...,.,'"
till! '.0 pIlttt A and II do "'"
QllJIIk; Ihn d'. . . .
could .,,,1000 IlOl raull r.om just uy disp" 'aKat
of pan ... ",k ... 10 itoIa'ion. in COIIIu"",,,,,, .."h JlISl .ny dlJplz ,,,.,0' 01 port
B. "'ken .n isoII.tioD; lor each oItho t..., patU ,he COftlact <;:OO$IilUI. . . Iiai _ _
koeplhe form.1Id poIilion 01 pan .. but .... p(Y OUt lho ftWd by t""""'l.
110 WI pan ... bcoomeo eo";ly. Tho ftwd from INn B ..mh IIII! <>b!.u.<i< 01
coolact ,,"h ,ho ftuod 01 INn .. ",,,,,,ftd. IJ no kM~. nalurally;o equihbnum
lrid ha 'enUe""y to now into tbe i"'eno. of lie eo,,'Y.
The muillpli., met hod now m.k.,. il pmsobl< 10 silo .. ,hat i, "ill be ....,on:d
10 "'Iuihbrium if. Ion:e thaI it norm.1 10 lhe IUtl_ S it al'J'licd '0 each
.Iemonl ~S ""he O"tf...,. S. 1k"O''''''''I 10 the 10IC'io. ollbe: "jpOrI A .nd 01'
II\qrUlutk "",S. the fOCl .,,"""'"'''' the hyd.ost.lItiC PfC"'un:.' Ihll poInl.
Wbm lhe IWO hod pam A and II arc;n conlKl, ,III! hyd.DWltiC ......" ..
cion IlOl raJly act on .. ,1II!r one: bul If. by '''''''&hl. one 01 Ibtm IS s"pp"
110 lha, the OIIII!r II lruted .. if It alont ".\dIed. lite bydrooAlic poo ''''.. mRII
lor .pploed 10 Ihll ..... 10 ",place the obotado lhal lite ",he< 0Pl'" .1 10 no
_""'_ F.om 'Iuo. Ard.n,"",." IlIo:omll an be rudily dtu ........ tal If
body IodJe> ludf nactly III till! COVl', A. tI will be SUb:locllo the act"", of lite
resultan, of ,he
ol PO' 'un:. oImouoIy coqual .1Id 0J0I1CI ,d '0 ,he .... &hl
of III volUme" of ....,er ""'" ,he auid ,,-u ,n.hally in equiltbnum.
TbIJ pmo of ampliflcauon 01' the l)'tl ...... rid cu''''''' ., ..... l In Ilc
op"lIcoIIO" 01' ,Ic princlpl< of ";flWIl ..do"uCl;" ..... 'o oe,,, ol,hal oIol!o,noo
t_ I. I). bul here,lhe Cl.n""".nd adJunct""" an: n"ulll!r
h mle nor arbitrary. H.",..., <all find 11K n..onl of d ""p"tln, ,he ilh"i<m
the trl't'd ... ,ble .... nonly ol ce<1.1" 10"",," "", .. un. I .y".... E by .h,nIt""








.... ,brm as folCU of huon 01, bu.." .ys,.... 1:'

1>010' ~ . . .
~I ~
10 COlI' .......... 11 II othtr ports).
111" II tho va' menl of LoobD ...'IKd,t.100Q1: 10 ha,~ ohooon M. 01... ,),.
boule naod ........1 the ""'10.1 ....' abo. baule ....1I"d ap,,,,, !he .....:haplClOl
fOfUll of lMltracuOII Rnd 'h,' ;1 could only be ...."" by .n''eIlun, . he cun<ep<
of ..... rl~ .... wh",h dellroy> " r ul"'nllle 'ml"I' 01 CUIOut.. In Now ...., In
lhauthl. n .... fora: all""'" i...1( ,<> boo " ' iPfl<'! of il< m>'11U)' by ,ho.in.
clelio.ly I <;(Indlaon. pori . nd pIIrcel ollhc ,n1dbllblh,y of ')'>I~m; il i>
born ""'b lhe ceslu", "'h'h .. pooraltt alld lInn. aDd lh<r~ boro...., In
InlClllo\lOll bet ....." Id HI"",,," and I n U\l.....,.. No Ion .... , he fora: In
.now drlVlO, to ma!cmaI pOInt ,lid 1;("1110"","", pusIu", 11 b*:k, ,, limbo<!
... 1M elrOtt ol.houart ...... , .
of ...,,,. ,1XIf lbe
of H''''''''' II...
or lha. II"-n. ud doos .....Irm porion.,. III tbe (011< .... 1110( : 01 OI:>IIIo'"U''''1
fYJlf!I1. The ro.c.. """"mI (1'0<11
hUI$ limp/}' 10 be e.p!.o"lrd by
pamll ,0 both.."...,. 0( ,he . 'onl poml "' ........ ",llIeh ;.,. ","",Iy the
J'H.I""hl"Mm oil" utlpol>cJll monad f-.l ...;,11 p'OC,,",I'''''Y
This hal ,.porco_ .... 11 boy"nd lho """,hanism and ..,abh.,," a"",,
!'I'lauon!hill btl"~ ""n.iblt .1Id ,nlclh"bIc ..... ,l<>". Inlrlh,lbie ",lUC' .. no
\o11J11' obla,DOd b} "J" bl",CI,utI 01 """c.mi"."o",. bu, by. !!til" Qpatlly 10
,,:up lbe .....,,\5 in lile mafbl!!' or lhe ..... 0..... of "",,"lIian Tbe Ltobrul.1&n
Ihcor} oIlbe oqw""""'" al.I>II"""'_ and "'"'" ...... ko ... ~hi .... k,n 10
......>/tW _,.,. In ........ Ir)". ~no: hemp an:"'" . hlt rtm.lrllll wbtn all
illdnld.,.,_ is ........ trl. ....1ead tbey "'11>1 he ~ .. pa" al~ amplt
pb)""","maIIomu.UCIJ bn.......Iud! ron.:.. ... 10 !'I'<"OI1<oda lbe rdallOnJII,p
beI ..~ Iop::al ""pllCtllOll ..... !'I'al,mp(,calooa.







"""'" "

Tbe "1""1"'" II oompltldy d.ifCftllI it 10. e.urnple. I


II .~ lendllo"",,,,,, .... I\.~) lend! lo"",rds ;nfinny (heroaflc, ... iI .. hal m.,herno.
IIUal\f wI Ok). N.... lhe \K$plion i, tObItmal"'", it iI no Ion....
qunUOll al """pi, ,ubllu"u", ,be I~ Inler -"0 lor lhe In.,. '" u " ",,Id ""'y
pmdllOl! In .n.""III,. 10. ~ COn unly be VUPtd lIS lhe irwoa:ao.iNo..,.1 "h
mobile poIOI 1; ..... be_forth. polo tluol ..... ,,'.,. 'ntlnu' ..... Ibl> in6";.,
cal! be ...... C"nOCI. Tho> .. Caudl,-. &mil If;\Q: 10 po.mol'l!H" I'll" '" lhe ...... pk>.
pbDc 10 F1 ro,,,'" the polo$.
Talen IDp"""'-', ......". '011. ,I..,&htl,,,.,, the "",nlpoIe .. limpiy ,\bal
.'luch mu" not he bumpod ,nlu; InfinilY .....n. Ilia, ~h,n. lui. 10 bo
,nasal to .",-1...,0/... '.






,..".. ambol""'" la lbar a""" Cauday .1Id POIUOII p" I. dod. . . .'e shall ....
a Juch y III>., I'" JL""klr. would ItOIorIIirt be bappy 10 IndlCtl. pointS
.... tloo'" "'pm 10 ,''',, poi"nl ..1 ""KilO'" They.' lUI pto'>lled an .n....,'
10 lhe ptobkm: ho1\' 10 male. ",,,,,hie I"'inl OUI 01. pomL.
".tll",lI) . 'can 111"' myodr a point by limply i1allol' let -"0 he .""b-a"d
w<h I raJ nllmber oak ... 10 be on ,he .. ",,&h' Ii... . or: let ... be IlItbllId
w<h I poIOI on Lbe pbM : 'fluI; 6esIPliod ,,"""'b 11'.... "'" the "",nt ....eo.
1 .... ,b 110 ~oon; I limply .... t. il a""ilable 10 "'tv!(. I dlllm 10 .. II>.UOI u
by lluo ..""" ~ J roonl, I , , _ bu, I mobWlc _inri,: ,ho

_!oIde. lhe fnet"'"



1'0" hlV& JItU _n 100... in ... luy pRpIlm ,be voulld lor 11Id,,III... ,1OII . nd
hnk. Ion:e to. , ....,.. al pa",.Iw.llon. 10 donedI"", CUtoul hod! .e_1s
I'" ...... ,y alall oobdily by dnooI"", ,''' II''''' p;uU. Doned bnet
lOIn. beQI_ ~COIIII"UIC lbemfd_ q:".,S1I'" li:l!um. .bdl red"""
" 10. pun ""piAnuolXlO Df upu .....
Ru"..aber: l.e!.bru>: dn::omed 01. mhlnQ 111>., ..ould WI POln" .bIue.


o.ltaC'l>O<I allh .. poI"l w",,1d be I maner allOtlJ ind, ....... """ 10 the poIDIi


HilI. j., lhe rompiol plane, I Ul n F1 round lIoc oboIacIc (WI: fit..
TIu$ iimplc obsnvalton IuodJ
Cillthy'l mid ... aoJcW ..... lhe ....... , ..1
-'.~\I<_ <II .-h",h caa ...... he .1i1N. In doawo D ... marded by.
aI"" r 1_ 6~ BJ and 111 I tun""",, be dc>dopablc 1010 complete
lhe 'iaJuty al caott poonl d Ih .. """"'In D. A pom' Po of D
..h.. oflhe {.n",,'oIl" I I ,h.. poonl .. l "".'n .. lOOn .,1'" .aJ .... of the filna.on
01\ lhe aI ..... r an: kno,,"n. Tbe cboooo of Ion r cd,..,.. Lh'''''Sh .he .."bolo



bel". ",......

don " Ihi. jllsuficJ the IIH of l he te"" 1wiomo><pbf.

Th'~ '''''''rem .no... ~n
f.,""ulal;",,: POltilOn"hoorem.... h",h
.. moreo .......ltd fo. olhe. d,met\JlOIU: tbe
polen"ol,n a do"""n
ole"""," OIIly on 't> , .. J.... 011 lile edt< allh .. doma,n.
w-,11 """ .. "'". lhe """""I part allho cIrmon"'.'K,n .hkh '"" ..... ho-oI
Eo. C.oa:hy aDd Powoo .... oIot"""-l lbe: """'""
of ,he: pOtDl ..
I .. mplc 1"'"""'" .,.",bmhcd Ihrou&h de>t1""'1OII.




THII E.'fClfAl<TMENT Of' Tin

- Mal, U




on tilt .,ra")n]"... ,, _ , aM dtreO:l alPI"" by prod_I

ttIdeImni .... ,N>nI;

- .. I polo In Ibt plane. " .00.... penotiar "1OIIf' il II ""'" ./coat _..J
"""'A one <IoD HClroCC and which CILII be II ..... dms"y
In e'l'OIIndi",,1>< IhMI..., of re5Id ..... n o~ Ih,,, lbe curves bnrdori",
lbe d"",.," D r..d In .. usty a c:nt1J1I CICNId,hna. Spoaf\cI"y lhi. roodllioo i
lbe til""" ha. '0 embna: Ibt pn;nl p. ""'" ""!,. In I _
complica,ed CtiC
for ea.mpk. lhal obo .. " in 6." ... 9 .... hue,o .pmf, tbe n"",be. ofloopa
loCtually """'!'Ioled by r around Po.

How do we


10 hk )11>1 an,.. "",01 ,Il00..,,, ,n .be inlcno< olllw:

donwn t1I



If I 1m 0DfI~'"
10 ..... ',Ral. Ill .. poiol. I pili'" In
II .M pion. Tho cOlllOuro or .hot plane "'" ",,,,",Jly Imina' ..... 10 {hi.
apprOKI\. .'luck <:OI>kllx ~rncd ."h )1111 lor
""'01. I can ma~c
,h .. )u.t .ny' Ibophu by tltann, I linle space .rooM p.
A. In LA,.on ..', ... mpJe. Ih" """,,,IJ In alliin, 001 I part by ,,,,,,,,Ill Ind




PfOpo1hni ~I'
,,, venll,.. I p..... ge
In Inler- Ind c>lcnor
d~ on by ,h.
The d"..."<lon. of the cav",.re or Iotlle impel'
taI>CC': (0 complcu. ,he demon.,nouen. II will In .ny calC be nt(4 "'Y 10 make
III rad,U. I.nd 10.,.,,11
W"", is Impo""n. he ..... for p. 10 mllke an
"peruo, 10 ,he pbno: and bc<:omc 1M l1sibic ocal oft"" ;II<,.'on. Th.u lManl
,hal lbe
oIlhc ......u camy II.. 10 cnc'- It comJ'l<1cJy. The ct.""", of
.hi. ~u" uy' poIn' IS no km .... _n e"..,...1 preocnp""" .'hl<:h ~1II'la .pchlnok""b " POIIII .... uIfed'n ,he pto.,.. arnon, o.1Ia$. \I. lib Po ... rt .... Dy ""'talltd




It!he .... " 01. mebe.11I< pta ..... rnad< jlr. . . II"~ the carrl1&! .....""'"
.,0 ..... "" po,n' .. ooOOUnJ:lJI nU""Uon ..-hlCh II ,n nn .....Y ~ ""'''''' ol

mdllf.",.... 'n ,lit dnawn D.

I'o~ ..... COII,,",,;,y ol ...,""," dtlcllml '1f<'II' nu, I><~ II'" pocn'llIN:k .....
aDd ha,'~ i, '~IC OIl, by UIJ'KI"" ~ omalI due aplblc ol ... ,nil", a
,,' "ric _, ..... ol"'lIo:h i, rrual" .1"'0"' be oa>d
cotta'i... Iraa,plan!'

,Iu, 'hi.

cmk.. " .I"a '0 Arulo,!., ..,Dslblc .... 'CC.

We .... n nO_ 11'J'f"CI&1. how far....., ha,.. rome'

...... "al out

f,,,,,, ,he pol'" ""IIOOi....a .... 1""'" IN<I1Olro; 6,u .... mado

""',,'l<Iunl by ,he .rbitra. y 'mpatl ol,h. """.na,l"l fln ....



In ,Iu....) II.. culO<ll "'. OIIIaII..,n:Ic

""P'*l' ..... pIa.tI ol ....,..k 011 lite

'LU'ltl<!r By conOKkriq I poult u. ,.,..... W,.", _ I doIl<'d4u>< IIok. '" ,n

tbe F""'d'" bas aIteody 'HOjI<.1ed iw:Mdf inlo _bet i5eId 01
,n'lUl""" lha, 01 ,be numbers of nnboau.nd dtfoltmlllOll. '" _,0IIn.
A ma,lItml1l<U1n familia' .... Lh Lhc lheory of re5Id ........ Ion.... hoidIlO!be
6", ... 01 ,h .. or lha, cun.... 001 rol"'" 10 lhe p.lUIbWly 01 <OnualtOllll)
dri'ornu", ....,h.nd.....,h cu ..... uno .""h.. IId, ...,h l/IOIhe . Suo:b ""' ....
COOn 'hrow 1I.1oopo nul ..... ry faT from 1'.110 fll- 9 J. 00' i1 ;. no Ina dd'<>nnIbic
by.,.... inlo ....... ,1 <j~1t Co. ~hkh K do .... mouo,,, . uo;dinl,l>< po,n,
P. whern.s ,,,. 'lilllt' <~ ..... C, by 1001""1 a I"..
fltkllban r . """DO,
be dolQ. mod inlo Co




1. . term 'mid",,' i. fta....c<l !>o"",,'cr




" lead<
(Of II I$I>~ DO mI'l"" qlX'S';"n
'ha, """'" rcll"Uns 'ailabk '0
my action. The I2Icul ... 01 ,..,.;'10> lead< U'I '0 ,he ant,podes 01 ,he trivial
""';\1,i!$ of markinl :rnd ",.I ... UIII 'he """I1"',ioll 0111'""" or ,he passiMi,y
of .hl$ gr 'hII' mo'ion. A spati.1 in.onal upstt< no kno"'Ic:d,,, nd ..,Iict" 110
d,mc"';on. i, dofi_ 0111)' a l'mit '0 my moUOn hetween the I>odtel. II rrltrs
0111)' 10 a control .... ,he poos.ibk plOe5; ,he ...,due makes 1",1e of the ellonsion
and. by appropria'inll' h.,inl turned'. cap'u", a HICk of,he wri". a modali,),
of II><Itl<'" ca""ble .... "i,rinl ,ho vicini,..,. of. point
In ,mill a poin, ,hickllCS$. 1 .""... hy ""u~ i, to re,'berate .hrough .he
,"'1101. pLa.nc: 1hi," ,he minodo 01 1><>1""'0'1'hy. Tbe d.......:ued. 'purely ~mc!'
ncO peinl opp<<:<l " ...If """...ly II' .he pLa.no .. a wholc: in de.llnR. more
.ub.1e dua~ly bo.wecn lhe whole and ,ho p'1f1. ,110 pe,n' . .. a rlrl"al ~" .. iry.
,n,rod""",.he lrome'.' in,o. new lan<l<cnpo. aim"" "Pm>! hi, 'IIIi\l: tho bole
,nVlIQ number 01 tum> and th;, numbo, of til ...... nlCulal .. a po;nl and
(.md;" 01 loops.
C~uch)' and Po; .... ". or cou ...... did 110' know aoout a1lebnu< topeloll)'.
by decidlnl '0 ...., a poin, .. a prOVO<:.l1lon to utrICuon. 11>01' fo<xJ a
"'"",pline of lhe .)'0 and hand 'hal .... capable of releg:llt.., the .""".i,..,
pla ... 1o ,he wings and !If ......1...11,,"11< COnn,V"""" he''''"11 ci"",;" ,h... hn ..
"" iJclll sim;lari.y, In lho" wo'k. all the: ncb".,. !If ~1."iciIY and cu'ou" of
the ,'inll&l i,.o be found:.he ,..,n'u,,"' of a FlI"re ,bat libe,al.. a new pI . "ic
uni, and ,hat. 1"0vok'"11 rellC""'''ions 'hrou~b a wbole field . 1Iude< ' " "'hrr
which ... how."cr ol ..",y< detachable ...'Ihin a .i!llk horimn.
'The foU ....inl ~h.I".'
to olIow Jpccifically how vin o.li.y and
ho,;>on af. l>nked. by <;Qn"d<:nn8 ,be pr<:SefI"'ion oI.be kinema'ic diagno""
"r ,Ite .",!>nol or r.ri. and it< .pphca"on .0.M "1I~ particle duality.

01....,.,.., ..

, Tho _ J .. ll<te\ ...


""'.""" VII (ll.



II. 1'131. 111__ 'IL 0. Ill< _ _ of II>< 1'dI, ......... ""' ......
How'". 'loa~.;.-r .....

,,-M_I.., I '... ~I00 ,.,......_




' ,",,04,,,",.'110-' ,( 1I'''IIJ' _ _ _ IoP>.! ..,,,J,


, " ..... r A_
br """""'""'" , ... , .. ,"n_ duo, ." ,loo, .. Ill< "'''''1 d ,ho , ....
"""''''''r. hod _..I , ...u """ ..... __ ........p/I,... ....".bIt. Tho"ncr
o .



I ..... _ _ ... ' ,

"""",",_ of "" ''''''



.,u,oololl_ ..

"" ...-.po ,( "'''........
, So. ,hooj,

01 p/lJ'RC' .... ","""""to. " ~ _) ", ... duo, Il1o

n-..l _
.... ""l' ~1 ,10>' ....... ,~

""F'itM>" _.

-...,,'" I", ~

,. . 100...'_

,,><.,_11.,._ ....t..",,,-

A. rot._, ..


. ,LIo .... ... '................ '<10,_

b) '""",,,,' _ ,,"0""1""'"
..." , _ ' , <&0 .. YO>tod i ..... """"""..
~ ,1Iit ....... ,"_, Ion.. .
.." .... "..,.,.."."oIIy br ~ .... " -" .. , 8.00.. .... fi. ofOcl;IIo"" ""..,. , .,.... _ ' . ...."'1

<=<..,. .. _


loPloa ..........., ...... _1<0 ....

.... ,I.,,,, '.... _7.""U

........ ' ...... , """""" .....1:11

ndu. C ........



11.1 ....... ""'" , .., ~''''' ""r-o<a..... ,.., ",Mt\'eI ""' ......

' ''-'''_t:..." ...



" 00
''''" r"l '_ ..

Aqi<li .......... '" Odn ....- - . '

o( ....

,...,($< '" ' " - It<

191h ...... V~pp.VI JU.

T..... .

. . . ' .. poo,e_

e_,.., of ,........ c... . .I . . ., ...... "'J-" " , 1

"U_W Lab.<. ld ...

(' I"-'''I~

~ U

s""_ ..

..... , ,.',''''''"' ..... 10 ..

" ' ' Q;ooc ... """""'" "" _

"0."" lei ...... A Nooo-S"""" "'''''''''., ....


...,... Il0<l, C_m """ b".._ _

'''''''''''c.:-....,,_ .. SOlm,

u_ ""_ ,... So.-...J 1Iood)' ('~). r"l

U ......... l<. \a..c...o' u........, ,( Ckqo r._ I~l. Vol11. fill. 7...... '

, ..





" U,"" ',a""... 'Qa ,ho C",,,,,,_ "/1........,..,, on<! .... e ' pi "'Subo<.o_'_ io ~ v.... ,~

" G.""


..... " ..,........ " ..... r,O,'--""LUnoI, ....,.,



III tho ................

' .... _b.-

o. 1ldt=o.1>fIh__ .. "'..... _\ r.n'-PUF. 'm~

... " .. ,..,.,ty .... __
,. ld ... " - I. t ' ... 00nt01U 1I . . - 0ct0IIe0 'O'!O
'" 11"1'''''''

_"'0 III1,.;""
... ,. ,,_bot 1_
""'" $ano<. of
1" _ , _ of

.. II Ht....'
'*'0" .1.11.


or 1m: V'ITUAl

AhIt ....... r~_ It" '. ;-0, ..

,IotH_L ... , ',"".L I. " ..
"00 ,II< - . . . . _ rot . J......,
</.11_ .. n..It-oI . . .14oMto r',..' lIuvaro1
11........ u., ....., ....... '~I~.II .......... A. M ..... Do". r~ ... _ ..... 1_


11""" .....



mtoq . .

~, SA

"'Aod ~ .... ;" IlIiI _, "'" 1dI_'"" - . .... "'" " " _ III _
..... pI<.

_'110\1 ,.., ..., _ _ , .......... "'."..

q...li, ... " " _ ...... .. ,. _ , ( <.WIll.... , ... _.,... . .

It. lod _ _

" - ""~ ""I'Ou,

_iooAiott ...........

_'boA;" 1_......, _ .. ,

"._ ""'...... ot. II,.... 'bot - . : .... ,II< ....,.jj"" ........, ,."..['... _ ............_

+ ..........,01) ""'_,(Uiloau. _

"~Io.Mtoriq .. <l<\l.lc_"' I .. ~..

T ',


'40...........IIllqao ... r .


(I!ltUl' Po,,,,

v ....



., J I. ~" ... ." " " " ' - _ ,, _ , 11"11 r.,;,; 114"""'".. '96.! ~ v.... ,. " ,
r"" ....... r .. ,... .., , 111""'1_ .... "" on .....
"00 .... """',,', ..,.,... 01 _ _ _ duo", .. tH III til< .............. k><> ..

... ""'.". .....

" t--.."W;.


Ie II;";' 'lIlY.poI M, Ie _ _ .q_ia P o.b<m.U:. .... _"' ..

.. 'K' _

'I' _fw ..... lT. I'I" ll_lIl,

<1<.- ..




Horuoal or Accelerall"" ud



w. have 10

poJI ulal. ,"", thtre it ""rem on ,hi. du~ 100m 10 ,ctt>""

l~ 'pia, Ind lhll 11 II 11(l' omlom> but i. d,,,,,,,ficd hy loki. '"1'I'l"""0"1
11 ..... oIinnl1. knowltdF; and. ...M' " m"~ thOi ,hi, ICrectI <II mnnbraD<,
hi boo 01 dI.;U1 or teU", ro"", Tbio 1<1,0n
....... Id _" .. In oent'n Y1bra,,., ... or
lIke ,hose .."' .... wben
rord ul'ldtr ItmN'MI II plucttd "' ((i. W leIbn~ N,.. "'-fI "" ,Iw
" _ t... "'.....,...,. 11.12. I )




1 O.ESME 'S DIAG .... IIoI S

w. "lW 11.2) bow


,,,oen""" 01 tho Inpl)'l'b ~II'" _'""" 111.01, V)

p'" 'hid 01 !'aIbmcc' .0 .... b<tatICa.'


M,,,, r

I '. Indeed three .....

bul ..... as;, .._ arucull~ by tho ",Iatoon M _ .. , Their corr.pIc" .. mamy
musl _ . bt lo ..,I1m. even If il .. IlOl .... plaJnod In 1M pnle"a, of Cl.1cuIa,..,..,

the ,D<itt(1l!l,NO'. q.. aomy !of the ...,vtlopna .... plm.d. "c"'-n because
;, Ii copob/e 01
,be ",mon. of 1M PUllrntt Y by _I ... DI.be
oI...,,,,lI y I"ovw..:t by.be iote".lIy d
w ro ,oin, to
how lucb a de,ice Joe<
"'il h any .~r.."""
1 00 "",.. ldon, of dlll'l<"';"" by 6..1 of all an..I)'$l"i holll' SOm< k'DmIlIticianpbilooopher. 0111>0 School of Pari .. O re.me ift ""ttiollla., "l1'e able to clarify
rh roUlh 11>011 dl .......... ".. hat .. a1 .. on In 1'" .... lion J. .. 17 .nd lind a .....
an,... or.HlCk kor lhe d.mc..h problem of!be molloo of mollon.' In 1CCOr<I.nce
wnb I'" .ochol.,l", rrad,hoQ, It i. M""U'Y III """"'" 10 d ..hnplM; bool .......
lho 01 ........, poIftl of...... I_ 101...-..1 ICllOalIy ltavdlecl. 1.. d ..... I"'" .. lime
and !be 'nl ....."" potnl of ,'_ lhol man", 10 ill quod_ or""",_




ull<krl. _ the dmlncl_ be .... ..,n Cl,.n';".,ub]ea (h<>ri~"nlal) -...1 inlen"; ..,
TIle 1mJ1.-h " ak:ulaled ... I_ ami """J)riIinl bool .....," I"" 10M or tbe: deS' .....
a1!d I"" 11M of ,'''' tended ... bjo;I. 11!d lbe dlll''''"1 "",II",," appear I~
1I kf~ of lhe .WIdard "",an'" (_ ft" II,
Ih'lIJI ~ i> an _
..,."" .... of ....""".. 10 II.. modern .... Ihema'icou. .. "" ... ou\d otmoasIy ha"" d",.'<> I pap/!
"lUll the 11 .... Ton tho:
.... 111 and !be IntaIh J. Oft !be,....... and ,,-!to .... O\lId "<",,,.nit loa"" ..oodal
.....".... Ihllloqtb., an arcol_ 6.. 21-




{iII '\al--.,.

no. dlaata..,... ...", by Orr.m. ....... Dt- ~t_ 4"<'111",......a:U:UI



'" CRalUlJ a
urut Clpoblo: of k... ,u", t... ,..., potn"
Thoy appear ... ,ft ft,u I'
The otIno II wry .. mple: mobiIc subJect ma .... te.' I" , ...., .~IOfISKl1I 10 1'"
qualll) of .... hlCh il ,," .. ak" {M.. ",)oclly reprnenred oenqJly. by 11';1 ..,110""
",,"ain ;ja"""" dunllJl I'" uml of
w. _ Ito....learly ,be d v~m


The IIM"L.n I"lpII,mm..batdy orrl, 10 ~ all lu nK>d on lbe Ib"a"""
1<:lIOIIIy 1"'....11ed by t... mO''-'''1 body by redllC1q .1 10 an """pIIl. l..m a

qllalllll) of ,;",. II .uc:h a vdoc.IY ~ "''''''''II' web I qlWlUly..t ~ and

the rell1llon L .. 17 II "'I..tied "lib ..... lln, Ibis bol oflbc "'..... '~

....Ih thaI "I..t lhe ,......... Ih"'"lroplIY'nllhe hoNOCIlabl y of lhe ",.., ... Dd
lho: '..,n ... llly or lbe:,.....,..
The I",. tin only ITpreoeot a "/BUI, of fonu. .. berea. lho: area hal oll()Ulh
an' ilIlIlKk 10 O"vt-lop tho
( belT. nor p&tamew alfCl&dy """.umod by
,he: 1pn:~J onll oul of V lIy lTfK1""ntlll, ,be kntJIh .. I n
0. ...... >howed
Ihll ... had .~ in lrupin. Inlon,;I'" anJ "Iomioru by mean, or.




<In'" ;"IUII""" ",,,hout dep.,hnl from lradm",n 11\;01 carolull) di,hn_

t them.
II oIIoukl ~ ...... mhed llu" Intcmoloa Ire ...... um:! by .....
aDd ....
oaIr SUICCf'I,bIt of ........ or loss' n. .... 51 Tbomu -'qalna...., ...
Lo .... ....,..... of ull_t_

aad Inl ly. by Iioa appDN '0 t1.. lIIbp:t. whodo an .1'CC1 ........ ,...... .... I"J
I<> iI. Tho co "11dmI1lOII of ""'"" I..... II of _ " " " aad IooIod< "", .. raIIJ
10 .he k_IaIF of any III'''''''''' ..
1Iena:"'I"" iqlnlolOnl
............1011 by "'I"" Jux:.. a double .., _ by double II-. aad to
..... bntWIy
proportJ<>D&I m.annn 1S..,....,.,....d

In form. lhal 'nlCD.a~ and ~ ........ lho: FOWlh and dlJll.lnUIIOII h....,
prodll<"UOn .. hieh <loa .....
10 ,he
i.... ~
ia , ...If, "". 10 ,he t.a lhol tho IU~ P'"'''''f*''' In lhem d"fl\dy.
No.' the pnl'cct_ 01. ,.,...., ..... y be """",,""red In IWII .... )'1' fiDi. in
rosp<el of the ru.m tld: -=Dd. in fl'Spt'<1 of the 1"".lCIl"'lion of I'"
f()l'm b)' II ub1"'l. In J<> fa<'" ,,-.
tho: 1"''''''1;0''. of a (",m in

o...m.., d'........ make the nl<CWOll of lhe qualolM!f posullle: lhe ...bjt







""'fJ"".1 of ,h. l.mn hodf, ,be f<mn i ...,d

val " . lillie heollh 01' ... ioonce. 8u. In..,
01. form In , ..""'" of II>< panicipotOO1I
10 be m.... Of leN: b HAmple. """" Or

10'" hlllc." ",,01; In. oumple.

fa. II .... ron>llkf ,he pc.fectlon
1t",, 001 by tIM: lul>j<a. iI ....id
Jo:. .. h,.e or "".lIhy

of ............ 10 m",,"",' ,'doaty .. 10 """'!;lire bow. lUbjcct

...."ieipo,.. In 1h.. ""'1I0Il. and Sl Tl>omu l<kIo:


A _lOll" ........ 01"'" by nnytbl1', ...... It .... kd 10 I~ be llllhe rom.

of ,"" 111M iI WI .. be il In tbe form of ,_
;1 lab,.: 11101 bowevn
boQo_ oil"" ually oil"" ~ II .. oIwap 1110< ....... 'I"'- _, oflllOlion,
moIoon ~ I'ows ,n ,nlaU"Y _d,nl.o.he ... bjca'.
p"nlCll""""'- .hal II 10 .." ,n '" far IS lhe ....... moloon can he producal
""'"' or loft It&iI.ly or promptly'


",,,,,,.,t " ...

Inlet>Slua III" .., n<l ,uch ,b,n. IS In ind,fl'errn' Ju.uposihon. ,hey do "".
odd .hrnuel>os 1.,heI" ,hey . "anF one 1110,1>0" lbey i"lnaso or Ies .. n one
Inoll>o,. II M"" Iha, ;, ;nfe.;", 10 on01ho. IS "", ,,-.:lodOl<l ,n .n. 10" a
pan ml.h. be ;n I "hole;
Thenfo.e't-.e.e ,,,,,,rea... [oflnl .....lly] do 110. ,~uh from ,be oddlllOll of
""" form 10 ."",he., tN, from lhe m<m or leu perfect ponlCll"""'" of
the IIIbjecI,n I lIn&le form.'

TIwI ftf)" .. net ,nl.'I""""""'" oflhe "uailly prohlbll' ,IS dl~ 1ft ...".,rol
... bjeclo; '1l1.1ll1y .. IS II
tmpruoned 1ft lhe 1IIbJ! and IW) 1dd"1011 can
be IUde <.lapt by mea .. of lhe bnn&ln. IOI<"Iher of levfflIl .ubjecu.
~s dl4R"'l JCI round the ddlitully by mo"", ... nahlt '0' ..... ' ...
&Ion, I".. rrof_rtfl ill rw lI0jm ' One <;:all speak hen of rqubtod
mod " lallOll of iD'..wI .... aDd " IS ... nli< pIa<b< will' ,hal lrupolhe .0\0<:1.,...
,-enicony .btdla~ Ihc<rl"<>n:........, <If .... Iu,h and lbe durallOn> Ih'a~
.. ,~ ~Icd horuo,,, oIl), ,he perpendlClllanly ul!de,hn,nl ~ ,he Of'IIOOilioo


bet"-een ,nlon"'e .nd ........ '"C.

dLlpllmt , .... Ii.. I ~


II.os II>< follo ... ,nllo .. y .""P' hi,

I t...... ouch In in,,,,,.lOo if 10 he ;ma&lned b) Ionet: Ind ........ oon.'.nicn,ly

ha._".. .


.. not ,n ol.onF' of beiollnpped bel ....... I PUI'O ,-enicol"y rpu~' intemill'

and pu .. honlOOlIllly thaI of an alrudy raJu:cd OIl ........... lib 1\(\ pw.o;boh,y of Iny runho, incrcase.. 8y "'pre>enltnl In. \enllh IS In .~a. Oresme
.bow, Ihll ' hOI lenllh envclopo lbe mobole .ubjod and a,oicI, ,he d"perlion
of the '1ulla...,

Tho '1uanlily or lOY Ii ..... ' "uah,y a, .11 i. In be im~.,ned by .....ra.:..

..1\0 lonJi'ude or btie is. I,,.. prOlraclod in IoOme wa~ in ,'''' .ub"", ._.
ADd I u"",,",and b~ IIIIQI"
lhe ".wilY ofJOnlO h... 'n the ... bj<CI
in/"n"",r "lib lha, qualay. 1'0. ,hal ,lit ,,""'DIllY of ,,.,., "uatity can
be ,...."ned by I ... rfacc of Ihtl kJnd II otmoooo. bf(:J,.,. ~ ""'" be
k>oond "'~ ...Ia... b/e IOlhal qIl.lOIllY, ' III~ "'1"'.......1 III In\atb
0< nl~ and or"'*' altllude illIJIUlar 10 the u,"e_"


Tho !en"h II "'" ohwned "Diy by .... '"n .,aOldanl mp ",reo cool I" eod ,11.0, ..oukl be a ..... 1* ao::a.mula""" tNl motal""" ,tJd(.nd ....1.. ;1 <>b .......
111.01 ' d~ ~D""." hcitf"F"<"'''"'o ,he "me parlmel., MOVlDJ . line
lbo .., I moboIe I .. b"", 10.......,P 0 .... a ... rf.... ,n,',ta ._her .)'pe of operalion
,II.on ,11.0, or ,be limp\< , .....
of bits of.po Ih.,
oI.....,y been
il would he bette. 10 .peak lot", of. ~",,',,/Qoo of .mpa ....... ' ... n.
.h" o. ,11.0, ,un_ and ruMn, dtrkv /'" ...""";,,, d" . te>_ In rombo",




.enicolily Ind hori>onla~'Y. Ihew: deylcn.", nol COIIlen' )U" 10 Ii ... ""';l~'
10 .. '.nd .... lpace. tN, .nable us 10 wa,ch llot P'''Ife:JS'''' acquIJ,,,on of de""",,
of ,-elocily and .~.o immodoal.J) 10 <>bu,n ... n,"""nl "",uh~ oo,>cc""n& ,lit
' unlfonnly cIefo.nnod motiono W1l"",,1 kno""OI any d,If.... n"oI "'1cuI .... IS
~IU~ 3 1Ioows.


The k' .......""... n phil!J<Opher ... n Ibu ......1 oul loon. or """''''' """"ned
,h,ou", oon"n...,... y.naho ... of , "" ... _nI .. n,'. Iha, ' .. by ,he """anp:
....:ICI&,nt "",'b uniform moIiQn ( _ 6 .. )), Such !kj1J.....,tll"'" I",,.,de '""""'"
10 ,lot motIon ,n motion. whodt It ho~ \ric l l~ l""oIIibj' .... in 11';"01"',


phySICO." Wr already lrIow

the ......\JOn of ""'""" I, .1Ido " detICIt.
. - ror lIWI~pII""" '" ......a ...... a .... .., 1ft all 1M ad .. ~ .... , plnal b)'
theot dlqrams. whtdl an: .. pablo of pc ..... l1IIl """"'" .. I realllat<:d
of ft]oclly, U. pa.tic and ull4lndcd ..... , tb wtudo !Ubp1Ippt<>-


"...ta .pI

'lit'"'''''''' ..

II oboold be '.".. mbt~ thaI, for 5C~bC. tho: W

I .. m'
,bal .... le. ,t ",,*,bIe 10 kIlO" ..."""ml' 0.- I ...,.... of 'nltrlSlly. II muOl

. b,..., aU be ul>Okntood If a .. ..:\ of kn,,"'Ioedge. .. In IrtlC'Ullu"" of I do1ft'<

of 'o, .... libil,ty bcre I IlIOn: '" \nil ""II
or ....... by lbouah' , and
a .h),.bm of j ..... 'aPQSoluoft of pall> nlrackd from I .. hole. Fo. Oreune. I. for
u .. 10 ~",,"ro. veJ(:Q'Y is of COIlr$< '" k~o ... t .... dIstance lra .... tlcd ,,,. urut
of 111M. bout 11 II "bove III 10 JIidF ,be mOre ," IllS! pea' 1""'<'<'11"" of 'Oe
,""p,n, of ,pace ud it. uplanahon by. subject.
The dol'" I of "ckxit) (ah$olu'e mobllny) KI1.U IJ'I"O! ,n the b"n~'n, 01
ID <)e: u wch SPlICe ;, ...~ u U1fin,~ly ""mp"".....:!. IbKll u.0I1 '"erloaol. It


taa .110 ho Ii_ u (OQl.pl<idy ut<1>dN: th .. lS.t tho!."..,,u,.w ol...toclly.

aDd tberc' is whol$ roIIllouum of do:JP1OC:$ lhat unfolds helwem , b.. deJru
(""and absolule mobtltly 14101.



the ...... lime .. tlw' """"" devee. II II mo", perfect thaa , "" Rake,
deJrce 00 Hirnd ill iioIahoa. "

Then: ......... an ....C<"b.'ily oladdJlioon; lOr it IMre II .M oJ dlSpoBlOll ol

w"Jo'<"ta. tlIn, .PIII.,.hOIl ill .. """'" subFt
ral It. . . . potn,' lOr 0".....) aIIot<~ lOr IIIn. oIJ~''e coabbnft. TIl .... !he
add,"on ol lepodncooci becomes p""'bie .. be", "'" la.ln- fum""",,, !he dawc
.... mpk ,hal,lhl1licd lbe rqecI>OII olaU ...... m' ... ol

,n'eMI'''' ""'1ft '" "'mcr


When on< .dd. 0 ... ICc*! ..... 10 anoiller I.pod ...... IheM lwo faded he.u
"m.in In "pa"" ... bjC'<'>. .. be/o~ 'h'" lhe heal .. DC>! ,he~by au"
mtn,t<!; bul " ..'ould be 'lICI'Oaocd il lbe addItion of I'" 1....0 lep>dn, 1
...r. mlde ,n I"" same .ubJCd."

MOf\'O.'t . i, I!I no' diftic\,ll.o ... lb. , ,h .. il Ihe ronduion for aU Inluition
of lite JIOlion oIlCCeln1o'l(Nl; lhe """'pa....,n or
of ... Ioaly _uired
by wnale .ubjec' can onlJ be made 'on lhe apGI' ., ,"" ....... i"*t:.anl Tbr
mlianoc.-IC""'U-I" can en<knr ,h.. mobile .ubFt ",,h man: Or Iot$ l ..-ift
COIOlnnplluoo: '" ..:( ir"n"l- ,b .. IUbFt would .... .".rlr.cn 10 pas! ,~
.nlly npodly, tlIt dl!ltatW;>: 0CI...ur , ...,,1Ied bern. ronIpil:tely .......Ie "'" pou>L
n .... IWO ')"" or~. an: ,..lo ..1Iy ' _' oci w,lh lbe odditioot-jIn,apotitiotl!l ol nit' W ..... u and ,be ~.1>OftI III dqro of >doa'y. I"
Ioio ........... tary. O..sm. tal...... to dI!I"opHh bet ....... 1"0 tcnn< ro."o
_ u ..' MI", ,,"'.... nd ........." ......Im.-ar"," "".,lloci " '''h IJI eUa .....
lion Ib"""" II""IIOIL Th2s .. I'" ""rdy " ... nllt.lI ... _"""'.'" of ...'"
'0 lpatial or '..."pon.l ... tnISKNL, .. hicl> 1M.. '" lherd'on:
.. helbn ,'" motion i1 more 01 Itss Iq 01 IDO", 0. IeIo .ItorL M ..... OCUk n' ,n
, "" oen .. 01 ~.uoul'r." aims 10 .....p ,'" cban... of .. I"y. ,''' ,ump from
one deSra: 10 a""''''r. and ,,,,",,,Ion: ,be PI' 'hat
lhe deform"'..
Ind lite un;, ofmollon.
Mnr<:Oc'''. 0"",", ..."pbasi... Ib.1 ,""" 1....0 ,nteM,,. Ind ~" ..... ,ye or
Of1I0i0akal .nod "uanli'.l1"" - meal"reUkO'. h..." 1"0 ro .... J1OIIIIlnl filura
' H>M. II. fiB' d ,ibn. 'borilOlllar JI>IIm'l'


..... ,...pond'".

I\cl'"", n is quanti!icd ..:cord."@ ,<> tho number 01 fil...t mark~f'I ,h,o., ,be
"""'i", body pu.es In ,he uni, of
,he ,n,u,l1nn of ,be' 'III<Ire or '"" .".tf\'
au""hoa" ..1f 10 Mcenaln d.~ of """,,I .r.. ~ of Ip.tIce. .1Id .h......." In
l.oct ... urnes 110 po;..,. d~, of lho lubje<:~ AI kll't'lTUO'I(:LOn ., ~l<,'''''
Col ..... on< of Ommr, ~ .. ~ 1'0 rmy df~ of VelOCl'Y
..... ' .. ~.,M d"'M~ ,ha, ...-U be deocriMd IMUrN/lla 11\0...""'01 .'Ih..
TIIII II _1m1 .. ,,11 ,lit ><k;t tb:i, U,. I:Omp;tf15Orl. 1M eornpoilll lOll 01.
beu .... 1M C.".hIlOIl 01 ........ do ....4 unpl ... a A a/I'IM/I " lrup ollheoe
dcj1'u. aDd IIui. ..."lImI. _"~. 0... ol'M _tors olll....10001 01
Pari! IwI no
IfS<f'I' ", thaI I ,tho ...... poCIChlal1(Nl ollhe lalle.
"",,. all (Ooupa'''''''''



heII'.'_ '"


A"'..... rorttl of
"y IItdudoo. 5e"e'1ll dqm:J of 1he""," ~"Id .""h
.. ,he po","",,,, anod lhe foIl""'DI de""", " ,be lono"',n, dcar. lhe
po ...... mrUI ol d,\III'iu .. hlll, il frnm
I'f""'dinl .......... " ...
mu~ perfecl IlOl' ira perfen th,o.n lhe lallt . 11. OIl lbe ronln'Y. on<
ron,,<lr~ ,II" <lqrao .. iMhHlm, '" i~1f ''''' inferior d.vee. ., taken II





110'11' I"" ""'Iu"",,,,,, of " uali,y ;.

be ima"nrd. SlIIXeSIo>on ;0 lhe
-.<qu""_ "h qualilycan ,ah pI;toe in ,"0 _lIya. _d,n,lon........",
and acoc><d"'l'o '01.......... . And to ul.... A'. -.<q""'loon ofl ....... q ... b,y
is 10 be .....,,_ by I'" mot;"" of a potnl lI0'II, ... 0'..... W,I 1UbjC'Ct 6"",
10 lha. lhe pan [011'" ijnrr]
hu ,be " ...1111 aDd , ... pari nol
)'" ' ..... nod hal not I'" """Ii,)'. Euruplrr: it po.nt c ........ ....,.-ed over
I .... AB ..-hal"'Of pan ...... 'raverw;! by lha, PO"" .0\lId ..... h,,,, IlDd
.. balC'Of ..... no! yt1"........! " 'ould 110, rtf be
The ute"",cJI>II""'>' i. therefore
Ed ...\ _n: by .... DOntrall bo,w,",n
pen ,bal h. . .Irudy "'''1",,=1 by the "ualIIY IIId anot ..... ,till "rIP" pan.
On tbe OIlier hanod. inl .....tfica'ion aon he ,mal''''''' .. Ih. mo'lOn of a potnl
rilinl contlnUO~llf . t..we ,h.
~jI . h>r ... mplt.: Ie, A 8 be ,he I, ...






n... d>qn.m clearly ....lI lhe "PJIO'I'IDII t..t ........ lbe d,~rete lJId ordered

of tho .. t....,,~ ou","",- then ,he ..... UIJIIIOd of dot" ........ t..porods to the
uc.'nSOlld of the POInt (.... fia:> I and S)
01""' .. ~m" &reIlat ..... ,' II ,bn. """"'"' ... ~Mlt'- '''''(1

_b"" .. nl ........ 'rvI!lIII tbe.. Of'PMI,_lJId Ullin, Ibr pnlK>Pk!bat ~m

,n ,he COf1'O'Ul order. on,~ ........,. and "~,...,,,~ Slas ODCIfI'!i'1I,e
&1. Of COlI .... Ih... uC><'l"""ition n SOUlI",br dtIor
<kmonotrmlion of an ..1..... lOn """,mun IU lhe IWO m(lt",...: here lhe .,nllil
Ilreadlt",,,,,11ed .... . bIes I,," qUOnt"." .... CUlnpori><.>n of lhe ,'e IO"uioJ or
mobile """ .., M, Ind M J We con .. y ,hal V, > )~ if durin, I unll of 'i .....
lhe IIICIbik body .\1 , ""ven L, and ,he m<>bile bod)' \I, "",e,. L, 1O'lln L, > L.,
'Ac h... jllJl ...... lhat 0....... ....1.. , ..... '''''1'''''~I''''clea. by ...... , ..,ILII,
.. hat 1Iu ....... 'ta,.lled aDd ... hat "yet 10 he , .. .-died. n... 1)1'" of ovid."""
wtl\IId Nuily I... MlI"T}'OI" .... bo .. "'""y....my '0 e>-al1II1C bow eDCUmbcrtd
.... (It,","" .. >pkeI an: and .. ho k...... OfIly J"'''"poWlK>OI (""al or 'reaI)
The ..... bohoa dlhe d""",mo 111 of....,.m k,nd Ih"",lhcr bl "".....senn" ,n
dcfuo""" nI """"" Ifllu;t;"'" the Iea.!Ilh n area. 0....... ...... n. 10 mike ,I
lear Ihal "<:On\l""'hen<h I,," patll ..... , ... II II 001 only lhal "hoch IS a!t<ady
d''''l'' lod in I,," ",I.nsmn. bu, abo" 111""1 ,. h,.h mo k"" it pOj;\,bl. 10 II".
oul lhe 'OII'oloa;:ic:oJ' ~" .. " .. "I by de.rteo and the qlllnlll." m..lure
mnll by ltond.,d IU.'" by ~bfx"" ,n' ""lie 1<'>1"n: lhe .pn:~d,,,, OUI nI
lbe dlJCl'<tc unlU by "'''.....' .. 'ion .nd lhe ""Iecu<m of .......... ollhe roc"n",,'"
1pItum of ,he ,e\oaU... ''' TD ronNdtr tho Ien'th ........... iltD mike dtIo,
,ha. tile cooperatlDll of the I"''' mealu ......,u invohu ,"'" on"..,,"'" of a
conunuum capable of ", ...:allllJ I i COdt..",,,,,......,... lhat ..'b.do appean ...
already d,,!ded and ,Iu" ..It;oh - . u Iud( an andn"lded ... lIly
lei '" ~II sum a a>nltnuum ,he _pi...... " ... u.bflI1. <k><$. l""btI",,1huoo1
'hI ouc:b U _pI"", ."""'~ ... 10 undtn,.nd 1.. 0 d!\'....... ~ .... n u ..".... hoello ..
....I.m """'" ,n P<1".;p!e ..... ~ n,lal.bIe ,,," Dn. lII'O I.... 01 ..... To """ IfDI
Ih" 'hel .."",nc"y', .... ""nmlOCto di.I n.. thl anieul ... ,,.D "'rico.. """ of
"'~,ch (I,," '~ppliq"..:lli" ",,,,"n,ed as d;',:'~le and t.... ot ..... (the '1l'f'IKluanq
II. fam,ly of dtlfDOl. TIl .. ram,ly ~ apptoe.t ~a comp<Aed reasotl'" It_h
pornt in Ibr dllCt<1e lenos. thaI " 10 Ny by foI~,n. ,be: o!'dr. of I"'" ~1DlI
oIlhe "" . ... and .. "'PO '<lted by conlin"",," hna ,n !itu,." .. hod! .. a copy
of U,bmz. dto ........

bcoom"" .....


pouentol"'" of tbe IppIJq""l llhe r-t ..... q aDd the uDd,\'Wkd "I'OW'I of lbe
IppI .... u.n. (tho ...... 1'). .. btch CflSUre lhe I""I""Id"",Ia. d"lnbltbOlll of lbe
'nl..... ' ... (01,,,,,, ..... ioa) Tbet'o
noltcable reIMlana", of ,be roles.
lhe ~1I"thal .tonda'd'.... 'he orde. of lbe 1....... 011'" "" ......
,be unlOlJ'nl oft"'" <kjp'CC'L "The p"..IIcI"", of the . , """.. IVood, ,be dlSl"'l"OK1!I
011 ....... dq:~ by 10m"'", ,0 lllnll< ~"Iur. the d..",bulI<ln oI .. hal LeiblUl
eal!. III< ,.."", ... " and which p..-nl. ,"" ~~op/~", 80. ",ialN ..,~. like a ra~


""ere::" "'


Tho.., i. nD <UJIl'ntllOn in ~p<.k,1I,I of an ordered coml"'''''''''IIDn oIlhe

01 [.0",,,,,, ,be COllI"", P'" pt,Id>Clli.my 0( tbe .ppliq .... 1 do..x.urqa
uy ...... IIlIIi"''''''' 0( lbe: JOI\IJ by lbe 6,., and lbe,ero.. '~y d.. 'Ib ... ';oa
of tile dotJla'l lIu" .. ould lead 1(1 Ibn. Impol"- ,."'" ~"I"' dfctt ucn
..........n tho ... me d.""",,,,,,, by b ..
lbe d,JCm< aDd u.. COlIltft"""'" ,I tornocb lbe p.I:C Nt)" I I:' rut croatll,l of lbe
Ih- lbol """k!
red_ " 10 a Ju".po<tllOll nI patI .. Leibruil
d.apam of the
'pban. acoc>rd'lIJ 10"""~
a IlnaLf<!.rea. makoc ,I olear lha,
1M ........... " .. ,y "'U,I 1M'
and ,""~ (or rtO", mululII lrom. n<U''''J .... tlO..
of ,"" d"... "<o",, il a"'X"nl"n~ tht" tmc:.gcnor. nUl dillf&"' . In 'hr I",di,
lion 01 0 .........
I"', 'Ihe "", I"", of on< d,menSOll" ,n .nollo.ot i. I"" ral
m;orubUl"Od of nlm,.1 "'~lIlp1kl1"on by <wlr$Onl ,"'.., ....."..,"" lnodl'
tionaUy opf'1 J 10 """ .~"""







In nl....... 0/1"\1\'1", ex",od d!$C1"<ldy in ..... al .... ~1 (the ddfcr='

,ht <Laa:ram~
In ~n' ..... '~ ctrctt""y. a/l"e<;'!Ul, a uIUII"" .... b,..,. b) ddf.....
potnll of








.. "ILl" ...

IJ " _ _ _''''_ _ '

ptOSO ......

ntt ,cum mE 5J'1)C, .liM AND Tlt~ PE1"OOLUM

ruE K1tEEN. TlI~ S...:cnUM A"D nlr


The """'01 fllmplum

pnorny ,0 II.. en;do ....... , In III lIratqy fI
ullko.... QI fI,llte .... ' .....-bote ..... ,btma,oc::al up.. r .... coWd be COd_
" ..,d inlO IIIe formula (I~


. . -f/lll,


wben: P I I . po,.."., .... I an illl ..... ,y and ...... ha, "c c:allod II lhe 001 .., 10
.0odoP'1II amph ....Je. The d"'plm fI lho -tJ- mal .. n dear Illal lbe
iOI ..,.1 !.i,ll
ror .. hlC~ leIbn ... "pled only an.r lon, 1Ie>lIIIKtn." - hi. 10
b< und<",loo.IlU In
Ihll i.,o oay ..... I;,wt!opm, OOJ1I<mpGnl"""'"
wil h Rb.llioll. TIlt IrIplyt"h I.... I. p) i. I hin",: i, "I"'IIS I dimcll.ron "' lbe
..me hme., dOlIn, II.
The .ip
nO! In 'Ibbrn,lllon' Ihlt de"l""t<> It.> II'!"".imllcd ",ilIUm".
up oltb. _pl... by 'hllie realnaJcs', ralbe. It" bcuu .. n u,,(oId. Ihll il an
be rcloled 10 weh '""nllllnal""". One: win tbwdooc not be: .u,priKd 10
~"I"" .\lCh d..,.a"" and ronnWx .11 It.> "p<IlOl>OII of. phy>ICIlhat <ka
"'" ~ne itodl' to dra.,n, up a....,pIe ....... d fllbe
fI di~IY
H- .
can be doIIned II:


f ..



01"_ d .. pamrnahQJly, U III


1iJ= II;

ol 'Mlurar

1",""II."y (rom p


10 A 1<,Hd""lcd




Ba, till. 1IkCha""", dtc:hi o-mooQ lluIl lho <:\1'''''1 ol,he Inptyd> II ,..K""I,
the ......!111"" ol cluJ 10,..,..,,). "Iuch, aflo:nr>o.d!,' nil ",,-... dUL 11Ic
porankl<1' ;, by ..., mems lhe pooa, ol dtpo.f1ptc_ lhe 'ob>-iouo ""u.a: from
.. hlCh A lion u in I ' ' '<"\loa; lhe """"'1 "".,.,pIe. bom....cd (JOdI thermOs
dynamlCl. ~ Ih.at lho ""'''10 ....... ' d.... not ,..., unly 10110.. from lbe


pora ....
In the relauon dS _ ~ (".ben: 6Q i, I "'OIIlIon of'l"".';'Y of hoaL T the
t.ml"".'".' Ind ~S lbe ,ari.ation of ""Ir01lY~ we btlm frum 6Q. "'hlCb........
d"ded by T. WID '",,,' tbe variolion at In. pa,ame,e. S H,,~, lbe CIl,"]opm<nl
by lbe quanuty of .... , ........ nLthtr IU prl:Cil<k tbe Int""" ......1' of.he
""ramct<r S. w!>Me unil io oot .\ aU re,calod by ..n"bl< dlChIs and. ,n llul
po""",II. CII"'- the I"'rpendJCuJa.nly ,1a:wIc.1 by lbe Inplycto (Q. T. '\"1"""" to
-d 'lid from Q 10 S
In ill Ilrat'lD of breakill& ..il h m ilnlCll dlChls. mode,o pllyucs hal
IK"""Im! lhal lbe undwidod chanct..- fllbe _~ tnpl)'Ch fA I. p) and
lhe ,..OUiUllOII ollbe ,"'''......... ' .. 111 (JlCflRltlcd h, A) pLo).... auaal mIe. To
pUp opKlra of 'arialioG, 'I 6nl poom""s Ilorif ,n an p= fI potho. fields
and ... en YIU'nxl" Ind SIn"", 10 d,..." II lbe mIlIt deI.m"nabie IoId fI !hit
~ Ai w .toaU ..., al It.> <nd or lbe Wpl<1". lhe ~ pnmi,. an
Indl,I\IUlt>Oll ~amcd by pmmrnion fI tM oon.ul,,,, In optlCl!" ;,.C....idualion
- and not by lot.h7)"ion of pRVIOOwy <ut-oul pam.


r ,-U PI' CTI\ t, r IlOJ EC'lION O~ ORt S" II'! D! AGIlA '-I S

w ,,,

fure".,,,",,,,, '.r><!n." .. eml...., only In It. !.t"gl< sub"...1 and. to be

. W<>:I,,-.. , he dei"'"' "'" only be d ..II"l!uISIlod by rnnIllnm, II n .. er. ~J\5b,;""",,
In , .... < 'pe<1fUIIL OM could 1>01 al'f"OpNllc Ibtm by """"''1lJI lhom lil~ lho
pdak ol. 110..." u " IW" ary '" lind a deo..., lMI untold. Ibtm u roatempo-


r a _ .kl1.. m ..


11Ic Jan..- II ~I,ned IU lhe coml" I 'mu",,' of lhe ""'"..,. alon. I polb
llId oll rorce Ipplled II ...... "",nt ll
11Ic <nd fI ,Jut ehapler and lbe COfIImetLllry "" OrMSlnann'.
A~dnoo",*~. IJI'~.n <hapln IV) will allow ... 10 dnn~I"''')''fI more
oorty ,ho ",,","IU .. on, oll"" dqram of lho ""'PI"", Ind ,ho m,ure of
;nlqn.1 tIIve"'Pt ... nl Ihal il mad< pouiblo.
p.-.....d.R. ""'mpleo mlJlll .u~) lead u. 10 Ibiok 'hit ,he .""",Iation
(A. 1,,1 "'" he .'(>I"Qtcd by JI.'.~"I of lbe k",d 'p
A "boca".. of"
1'_ 0 .... w""ld ."""",,. f,om Ik l*.an>Ctu, I" "hI.in A, ,~'" ..o~ld be a kind



Thll II ,*<1lCUiarty m...lIn' to the do",,", ol 'rical) .. ,,,,IoaIJ ... l"" on

,tlo.-n lou 1,,11. 10 ,dl .... btu . - - '" f .... ol nJoc"otS ... epa"" lbe InILlIl10Il
mlld! belllr rot a leap. llIII IS "",y II " "'" ...... up ..... ply ' 0 UlI.c I" ,a .... ''''}
ol c:>ramo.., IKI&IIPa .. bocll WI I.Spond!; \0 lbe vano ... ...,...... ol """""y
1Ie!,,em lbem I""'" <"11>$ .... kind of COf11>C'<"UOII IMI prcoodon 11... dol"""; ... I"",
oltlu.o ... ", thai CDC. 110< ,.d<JCJUQ lbo.uld _ be I<ldtd up Iooe rukn pbcrd
<nd '0 end. bul Pould he paoped III I.......y 1n.1 .. ~ope j.JJb]ect. wcoWd untold
'loom In I"""&h' .n or ..... 10 I... po<:!" IpIICC mure or Ie. promptl,. We oIw>uId
"",.<fure '''"'''~ of ,be
of lho. 'e"""l~ and, In 1m, .petl""'" tho
m.~lmll tit""", (111< de!!ree ! 0( loC1II... ) (oee fi .. 41 .lcLLfI) 1'1><1' cry
ptllI .. ular rol<:"


m 5O:EN, TH~ $1'lCTI.1:!oI AJ"D n.t; PF....DULUl.I

aU d~ OIbn ~ .'lucb e:wt <lilly IhrouJh
IMlr prO.lUDlly 10 ,1, " Ibndon: run.bO", .. lhe omlno! pot(lO eI .he
OOlolo&lcal ......... "'m.'1It';
Ih .. siluauon. wbICh " prOfnIll.n. In ,he h"'",rchy ellbe de",,"" ~Mf mod.1
eI petf<CIj",,~ forl>l<b .11 IUlIm"auon '0 . . UlcMi .. un" iOl' k"llih or
t,me. lor uamp!el whoic choo<c .. am.ln'Y' ' he dqrcc I 0( vdocil1 ..
",," a ... hid! aU d"""",,,,,, bee.'em " ..... and .pact is ~Iod ,0 be
illl Jl'O'Ioibie.
,. Jubord.... 1a '0 lu"

I, IIlh .. deJree ...., 0ptIIJ and do8e:i lbe _"... llhe ~~'} and ,he
dill"'''''''' bee ........ II ..... and Ip.ooe II poosoble only fo. bodies Cl.Jlllbie 01 """


To ",1Kk. ,h. OOI.hl;on ellhe velocilici diaaramm.'ically. il i, nOI cfKlllJII

iual 10
n:t:IMnak ,h., .... mply 'bI""" Ihln ,he OlbaJ 10 the ~,..
de" (.... fi .. 'h~ n,bcr il iJ ,..' '."y
m.h II In o"""'at or penpta"..



"",,...1I0Il ( _ 6 .. 910).

. " . a III ...nile look, The ......... I oflhe >doci'IU mUS' ilwtriore funruon
.... fIatr:ooI,n
dia&nmo:: Ihlf II poobably ,he ~I",I ;,UUII"'" of
W. hi alre:ad) bftt1 able '0 judI" cvery.h,n. ,h., l1'al pined by ,i>t<e
dl&J1llm. 'hit comblllttl "".. loponen, a nd perpcndiculan'1 and ho .. ,be prewnoeptiorI of . . . . . .mply COM1rllCtttl by ju"opooooon 01' dead .x...........
found Itself dotmyod 1' 0 \ntaIh .. "hov\ >doc.i.)' To ,1m doli"" 01. tbt
kmmIa,oaan pitt .............. 'K
",c;eCI>Oll of O,,,,~'I reCIalIpe.
... boa III reply. no <f*'O
drpth. ..
appeal '0 the ~1,
""thou, lhe """...
Iop Ih,n,,'
Now. lhe
of """"pta"'. ~und, for the: ."""Irum of .... IOCIIJU .,
drptb d oco 'or Ih. ~I""" of remMol 'fum 0 pamunll ",h.... ', he .~ 'hat
OlIO im, ......
on aU OKb.he
"p",,,,,,,,od, tho< ftniwde ,1Sdf of
tbt ""iolin) m.~ ", he ",fin"1 of .J'ItIOIO and
ron"nlDt} pcmpo,bIe:<>










'U ..


We hi ... IftCI ...... oadI of On:sme's rttUonab IIW\aJCd 10 ..... ulm1>Oa

10 I dcpI>r 01' "doaty. by ooatI<Ienn.1lIot Imllk at 0,.. -1 011' '" .be mo'lll&
body. ,be .",.,Ieqt/I ...1IImCd 100000ber I~ eI >'deIa'r .Dd made dntr d~
IX><lnectlO<l "",b tbt mobile !<Ot,ea i_ 6" S and .~ If .... _
"-UI lhe
unfold,n, or'he Iptarum of ,he vrioc!, ... and lhe ~Ji.1O<I of ,he MIIfOIlJ'O
J-p .... dl w "'e m..' make .,,,.wl_ ClPI'bIe 01 K (""''''P/~'Iort ''''1 , .. leo
in all .be dillram. in 0"'" 10 ~nd makeo lhe ."bold''''"on 01 ,he ,mperfa:,


'0 ,he dq.n: I JIll'' ' and "",a.;~

n...vee I ,bill oppears .. ~~bIe' 'rom u

IDbD- dqn:e. IN! .bo...

a/l .. lhe dowra: II.., MItftpIU"""'y "",,"010 all .he .. pIon.lioDs ClmId "",

lOa .. _

... .

lIy ..""'1,"' ....., lik "".... from .ny 01 ' ...... who WOIIId
h,m hh u ob,.a. bf Ii"i", ,Udf", ympiOliC lor all

It)' '0 6. If
imp" ...... .sell . he deS"'" I finnly ffilbl ..bcJ
II ,be ...........'bcre i!
II .... "'"""'Iy "",uilttl 10 1'O",;"n nnesoolf n,h. olf If one "-,,hos.o embtaco!.U


As honlOn of ,.10."'", il "'nlojn:l IIop:k>.sIy ';u~m]"lIOlIC' for ma, .....1

bod.....,'.n whe", <ndrfinllcly ...:ekfa,ttI. It iJ .",".-.10", 'rully' tn" I ui

bIe. bu, ,he 11<..- of ,-eIoci') JeenI no Ic:M "",nxd oIr by mot_ of
cmerahted Cf\I\lI!mml TIli .... he """,II ofobl: , _ 'tM",/4fI of pcnfXC'
,;ve itbt 'fuu""x' "" .. Iuch PlooI'IoI:Y"'''''<j.
Tbu CORIpKltfica'lOn domc5'K::It'ct lhe _ b k : 10 dradc o n a bonzon
,. '0 make OfICieJf m.... f of ,he un". oIlenll.b aOjOcialod ,,'j,h lhe dtlf.",o.
Ii .... of d",.~ the"" 10 docIdc Oft. de.,..., I ol ,'cioo;,irI il'o dom"'....
d.",,,,,.ly III ,'''' 1I< loprnc:n .. of 'nl .....lly pormitlcd by 0retme1 diaJl'l.""
a nd '0 dillnbu, I><m In I "' ..... fl&nF 1Mf- g~J )tIf<ntlJ ...... M~


8", lila ronlcmplo._ 001lId _ boo mu.1la1lOd by t<d"""'l"

look thai
d""'Prded hotuoo,ab,)' and atnleCl1<d ,lid( .lIh marl, ....wp ... k_
bo.."", ., tOp o,'..... he 1leJ..,.,. 01 ... Ie. "The obIiqu"y tM' ....... he dftcl
of dcplh ,n "",nlln, II ach ....~ by a .... uLo'ed knll"nIIOSC:'hoer of .... "cab.y
.nd honwnllh,y" 1' ..... y'tunB ' 0$11 on , ... monne, In ",hid> <l<i'I'" of



scar..... Tltf.SPt:<:al:M ANUTlIE Pt:SOUlUM

rmIO,'al and an al'l'"=' d,m,"u,""" 01 1M "anda.d ...... u~ ollen.lb an:

.",cubltd: pcr>p11'-' C.n Ih~m,,", be "ndc.~ood U I oompcnoa1inJ de,'ice
bel"ecn I .'n.... l leap f.om one dIM"""" I,DO 10 anolhe. Ind virt ...1 ron
tnnW)ll of the ~,td ... ntbrd" .u.eI. Obliquity ,"""""" oa I poet
bel"ecn tho: "ct11C11 and lbo """-1.11: i, obi".. ,he eye
ran ... JI"UlpoII'
110M ,II tcaIo: and ,hemore 10 ..... a Mit'" 10 an iteration.
8uI 10 II,hll. lhere is no q~hO" of _'i lktn,lIotLlonla~ly. and lru,,,
odla! ,he JIH' m t~ .. of ptnp'~I ...e bad lVupcd 110 compIe1dy III ott." "".',nl
IIonzont:il moW. like Itla .,
dil.,.....1 . , the 'bo:' oflhnr plUlWlP.
n.... "..... mntndtr tho! tho: de .. ,,, of ftIIIOvai from I plU""'" cannot be
ali<k<I "'..... hke the <kg""" 01. I~e. blu camp<! tho q'< 10 Kcq>!lhe
p.:tt~t>a of the obhQue: 0 ... mutl Mtulllle onetclf w;.h 1M ~ oIl'1'tIlovoi
.itbout ...... lentnl ....... U be lrapped by ..... ""'Jay '" IIorilorttoltty atone.
and e"<f}1.ht", lha. """ be t:Of\lnnpialed by I simple raisml of the look or by
only" m:t;, lbe depth.
y" know lhat tl>e horit.oa ;olhe
<>f 'M subord,natl"" po,nt! of .11
wnilaritltl, the "'"lralu;,
Ilanrill, p .... he,we<ft
and lIo, ilAlIII.I
whlCb conta,n, them aiL l.atlem po .... fuluth .. IIO. ,n d an...,. of .....ainl
.11 tM de ....... ,nto I oinaJc ....... t-;o. beat .... tho< tle ..... I if aOl I Xn"_
. . . ""..... "" 0I1iw:ae dear= bul lho< ~. lhat W.1I"l"i>beo litem by unfOld,".
.hem; ,he oomjWCI'fica ...... oI,he sumLrtnhn d .. I,,,,,,w... bctWftfl lhem mIlCh
bener ttw. I""'. """",,nlaltOn one by one.
NOI .....n thaI tho< .... Iric. dcpct1dc:nt on neutral ot..crv .. dod'"ttd 1<1
mea,,,nnll'" .ntcn'&ll ho<t ..... 11 Ih.op. the d"la ...... from poinl 10 poo"~ ""n
OIIly be the a.\>Itef 01. """,II lhal bu alrc:ady booo .on by lbe ~""l To
lru. drital or I"" metric. II If
,uy 10 01'1""" 11M: 'ictory oItIM: .proJDCI'''C.
lhat 0I1ho< 1Ktna>n IIIaI I.... bcor t"""aJol 10 o,"Cf1um III ,ho< ftOIl. dcar .... or
W,lh I'" horiLun. lho< ,.ftn.le II 1. ,1 flnd. a "" .. pl,nl plaa: .... th In.
ft"il" h. ahJ<:_ till", Ib~ malln IIOm".,nel1y pro"itlod by depth. Thi.
lIo"IO.....e"y " by .......... '" the ........ u ........"'" operat""" R,,, ..
1"'1 I"" !at....
10 1W\flrlJll:l' d'tn .he fact lho< doJfW1l, or. collr:ct"",
or objocct. by prod"",.... ilatld.ard ..-oU", ... boor: " """I0Il u ......" lru.
rolie<:IWto cAlcnl.-ely, H it exactly ' hIS 'YPC or Optrll"'" Ihal II demanded hy
tIM: finit ude IhO! "'" .... n d,vorQld f.om Inftnity, H ~ui"l , homop: .... ly
IlLIot don .""'y ... Ih Jclw:f ,lb.... relid "' dcn$Ory ., Iftal 01 "I or
dtlf.ltiKU and "l1h lime makfl all thmlS oqIIal. "lbr: 6...1e.1IOla.... (r"", tho<
,"6Mc. rmtIIIftI bllnd . nol dtnI:""'-1 OIl .he ,UIIOUry pannI. 01 ,he ......1...
one. Firutll<k I<tl!htlcs il"",lion: 'I """..Iy d'hl> to mantplliabie u"" Ind
...oul<.l ,hu. b<coo.. ,nlo.<;""ltd ""Ih C01>CrcI~~ ... hile: fu'lI"lun.,balll.u ......
ders II>ri( bound ""00 and Iuot to lho< demand. 01 tho< 'lII:RaI~ "boch II'''''
11 no ....pIe: II <ndlady ""..to lho< nesl -+- I II . 'iII 1ft . - . 11'0, tb_, ,~
poplan. b," 1l1lI ....-.r ma ...... ,.... of pOplar> (_ Ii&. (hI,"
~or. to,,' ",,,Id.,od f.am lho< IIOriLun ,hal ""folded II.. Jlm.laflly. ;mmodi
'!ely break> up inll> 0 .... IWo. ~ popl .... ond .. "" (..., fiJ. l~bJ' the pOpLt"













100 dI~nv and ,"" OIImuQJ tnd. eaPlCd In """" I calculallOOL,
'1~ d,II'< ... ,"', forne.. hounded beyond
lbe fin'l'" 111m: bes the (.....lnlIIOO of the """'Halle. a falx ,nfinne.
An Ittn.11OfI depn'-..d 01 """- min""" lIP mUln, "'" or lhe .,..."I"l'm.,!!
ollluDjp. .. Ind. as fi@ure 12b oIlo ..... by U'IH'lCllUnllh. obI",ue. " ... copt quo:kly
,nlo the Invl~hl) of the j"' lO~l;on and lhe Iran'ponallOfl "r "nolL
We oould, cl cou .... 80 10 t"""k 'lIn
thai tbe .. gmcnlO .n: nol ",.lly
0' \be "" ..... dIStance. btI ~ "'/,/"",, a MrL"(M. aD de,i a1lude:o II> il TI><
io !<kIm"", lor the I".. ofp>pk ,n ft,,,", 13: 11)'< po.moned.l 0 oboefva
only on "pp"mn oqlLlhly of....., bet"..,a II , .. 11., '"'"rllI) II .. ell ....' " lO
'n,,,'C the e,'C bid. to dwoI.... lhe ~I~ of ,Ins oqAlny ..-hoth _ . obu"nod
f.om. random p,,"m"D and "Iad! ob'iou>Iy ""'" no! i1lS1I10l. the IfUP of
Iny ""' dll"..........
nampb 1I1""ra,. th< mllade of the "....p:ct, ...
prn,..:tlon, capoble ol unfokhnl ,. .... I&n' ........,lbout .""till dIJpIkt"""1 and
II"'" '0 In) wbmiHlOll 10 In ""'111<11<: of ",nJioClobon.
jOin 'D, of lhor finn.
and the mftnht provided b)' the ""..am
TrIO'" a pil'Ofi"4l,han a lron,fer
"'" 0'


.,... """" linda: onaeif "",,"oJ for I






or deduc'um. Th" jQiruAS "P d_ nOI mea.ute tbo d,s'.ntt Ibl' rem.i",
bel ...... n Ih'n.>. bul in,'iles ,he dc:,tftlI uf '.m""a~ "]"'al" 'UuesIN only
dJjhn<l. 10 d;".nod
'[,h .....blk <k>ice, .. hich .... ,hcJ d.. eas) "ict(H'> of ' M tqualll~ or
dill'o .. u<", ,ha\.", ul ... lor IfInlod.
dnnand.. '0 Ullffi.... In ,t..
... ~do.."'u' (}/ lhuop.. obarp
An) IUIUd"Y III ~U1' ,he I\onmIo





llpo lbe: Infill'lCC ",t" OlD ",,"ji/tJ,~ I

a ....... 11m tJtddim _Il00
I"" mllllllde, .Iudo. "bm i, IS limply placod t- ", thc utfirul., IIdOid ,""
d..."pbllO of tho obi>q"" anod brnk. up. .ulI n""'DBI"" hop" (}/ """'pI"nn.
,It r""nod.""" lilt Ulfinil. .hlCh .1 ...,. , .. 1, I link flll1Mr ..... y ThIS 011
.. h), III ,110 lndc:6n"t, <""'l'h,". 'finllh!:s' by belDS ,"" .. me ,hlnK:
lhe 'd","","',lnd Illesc 'di<'.'''''.' _limn '~n'u",.,
a. the lo"",oun<l.
bot l,k 'andonnl....,. .. f,om lhe inflllu. lha, ...... ," ...",Iy <IIdI 0".



.... y '" ~not""'.

II ...hndon: "'" '''')', ,n onkr 10...r- Illy ............... 10 d.. ,nddinnc
~nd to "l'P"'I""'lC ceoo1lO1nc "'6 ...... 10 ~1Ik ,w ....,:..... II) .., ...."nl
_ I f ..,,~ ,t.. dn.cpli". (}/ d ....'" " ......,
pi.,." and hoch ..........

.ha. "

lhe Inflnil. ,h,,,. ,n """Y flnll. Ihln(l. Whe1her i, il a qll<S, oon Q/. landilCOp"
u' Q/ a du"",;n 01 knowicUar.. the obliqui" Ii .." ""I by the horizon imposa
I f....le bu. ""placable "".m, ... hlCh, by ,,'"nl n,hl ,be lIJur.. of finll"'"
(II,""""",,, lram,'" . ._chaiN .. ~ e<rabh,.,. a pm._ hlllJC'
....,kle(}/,he '1neIlphoncal' .ro:I,be Ilrndy ~IN ..
how 1AIbmr. masl ...... lhell,.,., ... by lbe oq<Wo,cd npoo ..", ""be ~ l'IIo
....,.po'>onal leap prod_ 1<'*, ....



"""cd '"

'daz1j,.., u..... (}/ mellpOOn' "'" IudI J""'I<>o laaIn 1rolkcd ,; lbey "Jl""'d ""I
.-elI bo)'lHtd flmlllir """""",, bu. only 10 bu.n .... , Ind 'l'illi ba.;l ' .. podIr ,aID
the .......",cd Ino .. l mean,n" 'f ,hey ha,-.. not bten able 10 I"o ..d~ ,1",,,,,,,1,,,,
..'nb I ""'17"" 'hit open!. I1ek!, I contnlu"'" (}/ dc:........ bel .....," lhe m...",,,
of a


",ad,n, .nd ",'ha, klokJ .. if i, will IIC\-..r be wllh,,, ",aob

beau"" n ma,nta,n 11 t~ 'rea.,,",,' Th" lick!, wk"'h .o'~'n"be <l,,'nbullO"

01,,,,, do(TCe:'l Q/ di.cffnnwn', likes 0' ... f.om ,he "..,.phc><, .. b",b, .. SOOD
U II no Ion..... uaspl ,_ odea5 ,n ...... ouc:cumt. 10 lhe 1fI'''a lJoaal pull ....
onIl!tal}' 1I......... nd
10 he d1\'1Ilcd
1_0 do"blful uP,r;,...,
horiwa 'MmOre ~ tho dlllC' (}/,be:
lAl .... lIIElIpbor
by IJRPOUlDI I protocol WI fold. it ...., Of do
t.d; 0" like a faa 0....... of dop" Th .. protocol p ..... I ......., r-I.etI' aPl"""",h ,,, ,be unarlJl:u.
1I",d and, althoush II " ne_ rcdllCtd '0 " fonu&l pl)itc), no ..,.. c:brly
~""'. r",k1 of "'ptnmen', U lhe ",amples III <""plCIl I\'.nd V lbo ..The horilOll mak.. it l""',hIe '0 ''CtIm", inlo the I",huknt "".,., ,,be ...
.... nee. all Ind phil.,..,phy hru.h "P,n" ono lOOt"", " .. h",,' """1'''(1. Th ..
""","" IUI, "rally m.... h rOll",t ""'" and.he ohhq llny Ind
(}/ in!"""'''' ~.t """" ... uoo ~p.1N1 ."" den$I'y otlhe 6~ .. raI .0Id ,It Ialmll
pi 111m &tid .p...... lhe ddCf<1. """ ... , i of ,he doxu ....-e.
boruo<o 01
lanclk:ope Of (}/. doawn of t"",,1odp: Ioa<b 10 . . . . n..,....'N ...... tomplatioa
of tho IIcI.I , .... t
k .h.n ... "'" l001I000., .... t tho . - . - 01 d .............. '

auo.', .rsetr

,.- no.








THE salEL'. nit 51'CTIUN "''''D TIIf PE."Dt;LUI

1.100 ... ha. JOII'I up me standard m nuns oIlenllh or me ulUlS 01' ","'bbOn.
The bonlOII C>fIC1'" .M Iidd 01' all tlw. ..." ....lIy.....tbill ",ad. ~Pfoble 01'
boon. dtduord. IiIIcd, but that ~ all Lhei< Flum that II ..olltdlt'lcu
MaW"" Or.:: ""n_ uuxt.he boru:""
,11<0 POOjL;.c ..;.IIov' mulilat
In, the l\tIdfl.ll' capaaty of Unfoldl"" The hO"'lJD is not _..,IIk. but
adheres no inI '0 !he arasp that II
con'ruls:;t is as unremiu,",
aI BltlCbrard'l key.
Joan T"">SI.in' Iksanti uyl '1"110 "a!ltly tha' u i, 'impiicit and ro-posited', ..
The I>onwn " IICI.IIa .. boundary math ha, prohibilS or lOIicilS '''' ....
peMM>II. lID... bama" d",,,... n .. IIotlod I".. ..,....be sky.
hal bom
decoded. one al ...,.. cam.. one'.1Iorw>oo ...... y .... tb ...... nw is the uUJ>nW'
"" _ 01 me bonzoD: cor"";,,, ~h .be ,.We., trnvio ... w.o a ...,.11, cornproo
m""" I'ke touch. It cIoa _ d.... tlunp up ..,til appearallo<ft. but ... pteJII&t..
~ that ""...., raok'ld til I""'PAny do,a,ied ,n'fI"CIKMI of. Land ....."" or 01. dom..a.tn 01 k"""'iedlC ,,",uppoteII. ", ..... y. and.be bonnH> ..... hat mdo"" ","UUM "'nh 101M "yle, ' fth ..
w,vcy Wffe .edllCC<l merdy tu
'borizOInal' ",ad,n. and, vcnlCl.l'
",ad,n" i. ... ould lead only tu. filed IInu/kation.. The I ......,y ind","" an ....
01 dnmwtiOll oIlhe mobilih 'hit .....,,, ..t. k"""'N:dF: lbe st ..1I. bcc:omo
~eW.... ...,.. up!on.l;"" imph", a I>OI'IQ oI.it!toal ,,!Up 01 the ""''''mrnll.
Tlu. _Ill"""" e>&n
Up~) lor ro.nal)'lll and al ...,..evadeJ 1.lI)'OM
... bo wollld JeK ,I 'DD tho - ' or r.r 1I\k' of the honzoII WI roIItrob ,L I"
... tbdta ....... al ...,.. ~ ..fuI aDd is pP,Ilor by. 'mrtapburlCl.l' d"w,_ 01
tile IieId or by ,II rWuc:IIOfl 'o ..... Ifkaa, OIfII,,ork. "'bo<d.... ted 10. <:<Xk.
TIlt ,mpiOCl' 1""1'''''' or lho 1t.on.zoa .. !ike ,he.,. 01. FI'~rt'... _ h b.
~""'t lhat hal bom able .0 ,,'abl,lI> d.:lICl.'c paC! het"ff1\ 1M .. ' ....1
prQfum of the ,mage 'end,q to (UK 1M dq ...." and .he fOlft!
e.pIode the .... ,n'o ';JIIl.focanl ~nIllL This
IIDI IIOCh,I'la; It II po,hap"
""" oIlhe hy, to .ho PI1'pilr&lIOft. .I..... Y' allied 10" pr~ of ~arn,n,!_
[.2~ b\l1 ,he
io alWllyl implieu 10 JI~ some lalil" '0 ..... ",<lCOI
01 aIlllliotlJ U.., m ....... ~. """FII in.o Ibbrn'tal.!<>na.. "J"1It'r1, .. ,ndc>ed aft
u..w.b,l"y oI.he I>oriron; 1I " ...- tlta. or.be """puUlbk; " ponpoonu and
Drp", .... Ilraf.lFllll 01 """'P _ of dtd ..... ~ dwu" ~ '~IU""'''
"'C dtaII _ Il> .,,, ... p...IIlplct' ..-bodL, If they .... _ lei 'aIIOn'lf'. do """
dooapbllt kw ftckh 01 .Ipen......... Tht> ."';..1Iil"1 ... 0I1Xl1tnc. 10 ...
""",,,,,,rod ...,h lhe Ioo<i1.on or oeIoa ........ hod!. boaule " " IlOl wnl~ by
any Pfonicl,o'" fi~Il. dqru, can unfokl ... ntoally . lllhe doll'ftl of d'..:em ...... t
or "".. .nd 01 'JIa<C. .u ,ho h'"1ft ... k",!t. ,a lhe $lime mo""n. di"et>d the
dell""" lad join up ,ho >tondard unit. of Icn~th or lime. The ,,,,"bOllly
,n,onled by I'" I>omon .. in<l<ed ,hot 01 111<0 fan ... lticb ulTc .... an dtUtic: rm.,.
10 ,he int ..... lies: 00t can Ih ....... _ .hoI I '. bhenl. Ibcm or put .hem ,n
.........e. TIm if .. tw alIooo.......... phon til a>mc 10 b5e _in Inti dlill._ .0
....... ,he,...._ ., depth. TM Ian " "'" , ..,lable lile t1u"ll' I fioI that""""
about " onI) """",pia iI, III ....... ,KMI "of qiD'C _ ..... kInd. " tip..,. .0


"','U'""""1o """


"""""'bin, .

>quia", ... ",po,..."" by ,n..:uLa"""

'nln ... ex'''''''''''

n.. bont<KI orchalralCl U II ......... J<&b>"""", 01 .... a"". . .'hen'.,..,b
pin ;. ."'SO"'ld ..."b I n rlalllllly WI i"vile! " to o,erfto.., lIoclf and I..
....,.,..,.. , UJUly Iltal II more lha, of a cI.", of ",,,,,bIa [0 ha, 01 the ,.,,,100 .. )
'han .ha. of the pilmel.
W ..., 10 ... hat ...en. ,be SO\'.'.'JIIl and d..",,,, """""" ...Ik> IwId ,n haltd
the "nual and
0( rome: or ,he Characl.''''1CS of. Iypo: 0I.tr<'C'l.
'vIly ,hal c:on utlt. propublona. di]a,;atialll: in ilion, .~
expcn .........
Thu" "'by ElMt .... doococVd 10 POi""'" Iumodf nabl ...... ) .. the Iiorv;orI
or ,he "doalln by po:rchtq 011 a pboton. JO t ....""" ''''''''111 Itliola$l",
lnod,,,,,,,, "'boch uoened ............1 <1<", ... 01 pub,oOoI. ~ of tim IfIn,D'
erod'ill ,I 1...... nk.1III: inli","'1y obo<"ure.he zero dqno: \_ lip 14 and 19~
ThIS ir po.ha", the ccnlt;>!,n,wlIon al ""Lric:led "''''''''y and lhe or<nuon..
lUtttton. Iltat ~b4t hold. fOf ,he okM"," 01 ",ma..1 11M> hold. for ,he ok......
of ~'OCI.y,




""'0:\ "

ROSol ... _ ,1110' _lOll anti I ,"""UJOlt








U....I I"""'~"'''' ,-...

_t. . .". "

Thut. lhe vdocHia can be ""nl""'rioled ."Ildly on I ,,,",,um lile the

d,ff... d.. t.""" It .... 0(
lIul ..." k _ thaI ,l1li: """'p:>el JfI5I'
..1ICI1IKICd by ....
oruy ..:h......J by .bOlule poII._i ..,
the hoo'w>n al,he ,'doa....:
propel lumtdf lhe", "nip. <>If. iho
ph,"L .. too """,kl""" In hOI ""nd to ~. "'fY hop ...n Ii",,,, ...10"':"1,
""""'M a I......... of the d""~' 01 ............... and ........ "'Iy po ...... ,.



pn>pICI"" .....",....iOII ..

"",b,,. '0


-",'c/lln, up' ..."It tho lMxuoo "-lihout ""'"

rum,.lf "' the horizon. too.
(be h<>r;,,,," piays a cruaaI role; " pro>'m.. . .nd conl>l" houJ/u UpalmentL
A ,0000,ln ">peri",e,!! doa not ~ Qui 10 prNoa. fIocl Of 10 IramI'orm lit ..
<>bj<a. 1>11, " '00 10 "IF lhe ph)'llCi., "",,,..If I"'ppiJ"I ..-,[h II ..
menial h.obllJ. and lbo,~ .U 10 Ia} bare tho .....Iftl' ,""I he IIXI ..-ben he
cia' .... u> be merely "comment,,,, Oft' or ~rb..h"n.' lbe """",Ii.., po .... that
io lUI.,.. , 10 he ..... ned In lbe Cllculatio ....
We h", .. I"', bnslnD bli:M to '........ lumtdf beln, dill""", aIom, in I
dlarKM "' tho opoed al h&hl Of totally itoIalC!d 10 bft; Lo ha"" >bown ,"",
lben: it 110 ,ft'I(I((OOC ol IO"Ullon .. ","lIN, 001 01' Jut ....... dtait"" """Iribut"- to lhe DOIIImunllJ of ph~ A"""" tho dIClobo po'ddkd by"" - ,I
ft '
hID .... the .dknd:_ '" ooIidlly was undoubtedly ODe altho most
,.............. ....t tho ......, 01 lhe duuc I'OPICII) of ,"" bonzoa...lnro.,. wu
wry 10 diloolw il and 10 mould ports.1Id ........ u fl'Olll 1M same cia,.
honwa dew/, lhe pm...,..,.. oIlny
'''"n! ... bordi,
.... cd 10 It; llus .. I,.(n.,,~'. ra_ )nlnellon. Thus. JUSt .. dtpIh betraY"
the roll"""" betWfttl the "PI*mn ~ of In MlLel aDd 1M dmanoe of
oh!orrYilion, 10 lho el<JMmCe of I .. loa,,! !\or....... nil dqru I oil"" ........
o( . """", .. pIodn the .,lIlIran_ Ir><! ..... 'u .. lncg 01 ' M IWldanl meuu"",
01 """Ib and '" '~U'I.poo.Ihonl .......... led ","h lII<on: u <IV w" ......,'tcs
III< number VI - .. nh "'... pawlIJ in fronl of him I I III< vdoeoty if be
'.lready ~ 001Ii"I lhal 01 II idcnral 10 I ",Itr of "'''JIb I placxd m<lflonlcso
Oppoo.ilC him' lorI'nu'. """ " K'IIO" mUll be Undctll...oo IS I lhouJJlI c.pcri.
mctll lhal .1101"$ ,he "'Itr.jl"...... rtl ......'u'" 10 like On lbe whok '''Ierval of
....1.... bel ........ 0 and I 'I' It 1\0 Ion",r ~ "nil bul III< "1"'''''ly of ,,,,,,,Itum,
W. I", ",.dy 10 lackle lbe Ih,n! IIIif' or Ihi' ProtreU by d,oJT1\"" .."h,,:b
Ie.d, t.> lbe "'....... "on oIlhe d""hly belWtef1 lhe: JT1\'P of I nll",al body as I
""flIcle ~nd iU ,rup a, I ....... In lbe HUI ".,., O~"",, d"'5rammonl of
molle" allowed it to be CUI uul I. lhe pj lic unit.,f th= ""'u"'" and _de
I AII" .. r opprooch p<>OJiblo. Then. '" III< IeOOnd !'hue. lhe ptf"lptai... proj<ctJu". or tb.... dilaram.1od 'U the ''''''''''on of ,he ')l<X"ioc cWh""y Ihal llIoOoT<l
I",", tM<rtlOfl 'n I .ptatum opened OUI f,em " horiwn. Each k'nemalic
dL01fI1D ;, artlculaled w,lh mc<:bal\X1 lhank. 10 Gali .... ,. c.pcnmcn~ "-h,,,h
~'im of Il1lin'n.. 10' ~ de&= of vdoeoly, I ,,1 ... lKNI ..-here moohan"",
II ,nd"l!nlullhabio from pure kUlC1l1luao Ind dexnbcd by lhe pnnaJ>lc of
.... n"" 'In lhe lboo..,. oIlIIY eol,,","1 korte.. a body eotIU" .... 10 mo"" II...p1
ahead III unU<N'1II Sf'CCd'
ld' , cab Ihi. flctlilOU.
bel ........ ","",ban"" Ind .omclly lhe ",In of
-.u. The ruler 01 ISO mo. lbe bonzOft IItcrefon! unfold. all tho rvJen 01
...... Ibal .... bod' lbe dq.- ofd"unruon bel.....,., II ..... nd.paoo. from lhal
of I"" If'IIUDdbne', &.ed by. - . . . . ror.-J IIInIfon _ uro. 10 thal ... ben:
lbey ~ '''''~.,..,'' '101 ... and l/us io -r omportanl r", " -UI foIJow$.
,hat I"" dal ..... 01 ....... It:.lncled from mohiltlJ Ihnefono "'I"'Yalcal 10
lbe 1D1,,'\ioa 01 I
"'-\I0Il bel_ II.... lAd ..,.". and ddi".. an







i"fi"il. dcp'a: 01 clot1onctlon bel"""" lbe tan .., .. hcJUJ ' lCr<. _111"'>0
.Ied "'"h I :wo <ktrte 01 d""nctlOfl. w. kl'(\lOl Iltalllte ttonzon.. '" la'oUll'D,
clclf'11Cl 01 d.,hcll" funnlOIlII hke I PO"" FuI MIa.,.,.,. of ,,,lull,,., dtdtes: II
mak.. aU ...Ioctua "..,01. The UlIWIl(M1 "QO'''~'ed " -lIh.n ",definll" aa>elcn!.
lina.Uowa 01111 a Pllttlll ncUlralllJlbOll oIlbe dK:itt oil"" ....11"""""" ",len,
bIc IcoI&lb': " confincs 11..11 to JOINn, them up ulernaUy by itavutl
lbern lile pul "'~ a lld "'".. lorentz'. conlraruoa .,..,.."" 10


I. .



We are -IOPII 10 """. ,n lite Ih,n! SlaF. how cIc II ....", lat.. Ettul .. a
II hll......r_IU be potIltOned..p1 ...., al lbe .doa,y IIonzon 11 10 ba"" lhe
pho,Oft (a lCro _ _ I wi, ... rKol 11,,1 .....1 lboul .."..",1 ........~ "lid oJ rat
. 'e re onJ)" cbcW' 11 .. <k BrOIl.., ..,.".. 10 ha", . . , thaI I"" lope 01
PIInck', "lid F.1MI.. n', prnmpllODS led 10 mala",,,,.. ,udf pootb1l&bc by
1M moll ',,'-ea'
u,.JenIaIld'1IJ il "." Ioomoa. by unfolth"lIUI .. Iuch _
I,,,,,, luI" Iudo l00I0:, .. lbouth I, iI i~""_

1! I NHEIS "NO 011

w. t _- Ihal


TWO 5YM "'El ~



Oresme', d .. pams 1I1rf..-J .,loc:!ly by """Ir;ull", I """'"

lhat had .Iready bcCfI V\f.Iled by I 1110,.,,,, body . '1lh IJIOlhc,- .hol had )'ella
be .. pIoo-cd. Thone dill,.."" llIcrrlol'C prI"Ie", I 'pIIlllli cb"'*- lhal or .n
186ni'1 of m.uk ... 11k.., 10 be already practd II III equal d,,~ from ono
"'01"'" and ro,cd in rtloll"" to an oboon' .. F", lbe loller, lbe ....,..,alro
dia""m hy M,nk"",',k, 1"-. illo'c cIlOloOn a" o.i"" 0111"'" 6",mr " 'llh a dolled
h...) fI'OO<"b'pace I" .... ". Ir ,'nped . -,'h .,.nical,_
No'. lluol if Ihi' ,)"1.", il 111)" In i",a~ by " ,'docil)" '";n reI.IIOft 10 lhe


litE 5O.U;N. TIlE IPECRIJ'" A":J) Tltl! rESl>tJLU)I


..tIk..... !lot b_ of the dlaanm bt<>;)o, .. obi",....1Id I , . INtrNl ouiocs

r...... IlJ< axot,nul;Ofll.
f, ...... 16 INk., i' possible '0 follow doody ,he """" "''' 81>1 ........... of
drJT<a ot ,'docIIY .. hio:b fOn'eOpOnds 10 lhe IOkhn, t.d of lbe anp. oa ,he
d' .....1 4. A 1iou",. ,doo:o.l, (0 S ~ < I) doco Iloorer"", 0l0ITafI0I0'I1O a dtcru
ot <hsIODCbOn btl'""'" l1li"< and.~ 1-0_ 1""1 lb. dqn>e no fDllumal ..be1I
1100 ......"., body "ot:to:rO vrioal,. lhe up. () ban,lbe1I a ,;pI .",10 In
Ilns SOIIllIlOn. 'tpJR-,"",' .. onl, a .... ~ 'pKC WIII~ly wbja:1 10 lhe
d.,bt ot ;ulllpCIIed .1Okri lor .I....UI'...




.. ,


.Ti _ _
' po

1 1p "

Spice-Ii"'" is reducrd 10 pu re Ii""" 10 )'dlool un, ...... 'hat I ......, .....

"a t..' . Dd petrl!u,cs ptoa .....,iboul .p.o.l' al dill"...IOon.
lbal thos 'poriodic p/Ien<>rnmooI' ""'.... II lbe vrioal)'.
1m ~la,"'" 10 ,he oborn'er the be>'Cl1rd od.. &,.. up aDd I ImP IpptaB..


,' \
,, ----r-------r------,---,,



'-"is '" tM ....) it captu ... o'.'OCIty as

,.) --

,_._---- - \-,,


no.. 'I~n.,b of Minko .... ki. d!.l.ram

an anal<. Ihl mlk,nl ....,IM the piro/I~, or v<\ocitieol a!Ound the .. horizon.
In mok;nll 'pu.~ ~pIICO' rommonploce u a pc-rpc-nohcul~ r. v<loI:lly 1>0 10"",'
aptJ<ll" u .. hoI" m'M,".in ordet '0 .vood lhe ol.,hi! or the filed ma.k. rs:
IlJ< intunoon of an ',nfino'. v.IOCIly (n .. ouW be bell 10 ... y ;ndefin'te",
del<rtf lbe "'",,kneu or u ,n'unton "'hoch. lOll "uk 10 cut ou' the depoe I.
1f in do, ........, 1I11h space by rema,n'lII ",isonet ot I Jfoulldlin<
lhal,' a.oo.okllIOI ..... arod ,n """111 ,be ml.l en 610 ~ .. 1"lUl" IOId r.. ' ...
TlI.I, to .. by II " brlln 10 ".., ou .. from 1M dOl.,.,.1 t\. open III< I . ()
",,,,,,,,,,,,,1, and ,hu~ R'1:al the P"'" .." .....ad, ... ou, btIOOft11'M Jooctiom
of pure."""" \I_~lfl atooIlht ........... 01 ""re II"", (I _fl .. / n.. d ......... or
IlJ< "",.,nl hod, II lUI. Ib ... ,,,,,,,an IIh I ,-..." ~ .~mmctncaJ
.... th ,II< IoI, ... t"", ""be complel.'j doad ..... 1< (de, .... I ~ 111 10'10"1 ~Ioclly
open OUI 10k. In .n......" '"'' " ' ...0 <odes' aM dllCOll . ... any .. mplluon
10 .... 'I U "",.dy d;u""n.1O lboIi"". opaual
To nu.l:. 1M .)"'..... ry of ""'" aDd 'I"""" al tM k''''mllUC 100'01 "M~ !I.e
~ IIlm .. lr .1111 """" patcnt, de B' <>&I" <k<:o&o 10 1"" ki ..... tr pure
y. to .""t~h lhe: roles or ""'" ~nd"""",,;n
'ponodic p/J<no"",non. tut



"'0 ..

tbe prcudm. di.",.",. Spooo-tune IS

no'" m,ped







ThIS 11""'- IpllOO " 1M pa ........" Ind ume " ..""1 ....
callrd lhe
mvdopuIJ ....plnlOde 1_ l UI. Wi,1I tbe ..... k.n of 6,ure 15. "" had foI<h4"
Sf*'I' \ImI in tho 'don:ctJ<>n 01 ~." We b..~
IoIdcd I~
',n lhe
'cJ"teClioa oIu"", 10 obw.a an iAtnwl of ~ ~(.~ but tltH Ito&th .. no!
"n:II': il is_ otor.,.wI by actually ............ I .... lmaI JIIodlord _,,,,re aIon.
I bod)' Thno Ito&th to .W'ri od woslt wbat pt.)! .... , call the pIwoe .... ,,<OIy
oIa _ ..... TlUIHk":OI, "Ihal 01 ... 'l1l&i'l1li)' obIc . ..........., .... ,II web a_y
WI lhe .y........ ,.... ,.. apptan 10 hom .11 tbe....,. .11..... De llroclie obo1o...
.11 .. ~ .elocn), (..-hd ..." dnoole M 1')" eq.w 10 I,. Ind .he,eb
.."."" ,ha .. I. An ""'1Ca1 'uodoI 00)- 1 I' can be nwode 10 oo,,"spoad 10 'I.
SOl"'" II. (I ~'l > I . n(c)" Jmprued be,,,,'11 0 aad I; .h.. ,n<\el ..
..... " no! I,nked 101M p.o._", """'-. '",ai' materoal cm',ron"",nl,
l'be d' ........ in fi,ure 19 unfold. ,he: .pecI.um of pILI .. """""...... 1I.,h i,
.Iso ,ut or the d."""" or d .. t"K:!',," of '01'" 10001pace.
We ~ .." ,hal l he rna II rCS' II 're..d",J ' '<Of an l~ftnl" ,'all>< of lho





rut !iJCIEUI,


" ......u




Ira. leN ANU TIlt. I'"OOLLM

The .plem 01 ......... III pIw ...... imaM)br", IIIlpnoo<><d

~ ,.- i&, .. ~pe rhYlhrll. "low."
ms ,,, be awIc irid '01 t.,-" ..'I'"
",bote """'''" 0I~" ..... met", " 'naturar tu """"'I, ... O'"",IIC" dLopam<
_uml the "urn,," oIma,kon pu-' per SOnd.
De llroa1~' &mil ~m COdjl<U in lui ha ...II, "'OOc:t$'ood ,ha lhe aKO_
!!ally kl~a"c 1c:...1 .....'" he placN hi"...,lf hi: ,,'QUId no! OJI.bI..h , hi:
lIrti<;k d Ulhty by mllk"",", "mplc a"alogies. IndllDOd by con<l<\c:rinl
W1l1ift IMI '''' 'rul ""ll", In "",,,,,,,', .n loon'ml""' manner, and
_ p/ly~ "''''$Il1w II, "11'"'''''' to.be .ntwt"", 1'"1'1'> .hem,.,....., .... pbDt
... "" it "'" a tol\l1b'< or causal docbC.
.nth ,he actIW 'ra ..." 01
10m! Of crrcrg (...,..n ,II ..... 'n. """"" ... _ dc<:1r""".",cllc ...,. ... 01"

' d .....





v_{ __


..<10..111 I' nil ;1 the ... ~ I. ro.I>odcnlll ~I a lion."" ,lie: c1'l'la l unl~r$t
....,.".lcd by the obxrnr ..',rh lbe ....rio.lll: pht""""' ..... " ,,'hid! it.1 tnt ,n
rdIUO" to bun",,( II
~1IIj; dJ;irram ohow. 11101 the ~IIJ
0( the 'n' u'l .... "'i Iin1td ..nh .11" p/xll(lm(nOll" rnI ..
.U 1Idf..~"wk'"
lor an oboef'"C1' ...... >'C, alwa)'l "" the!DO ......1Io. to readlll ... nJlI, from .he
,,000.'11 ""~ I~ _ . _ I) .'htch .....
for hIm .,lb I ... ,ural' 1JICb>\l1llU,wlolory btt"l><1Illl11C aDd....., will ha~ \(I '~"""'I/aIII'l_fifIJ'tIy
II r - h . J ) ' " p"'IIIOII h,m ..1f In tbe 'lUI' ($Q< fil- 41. (In lennI of 1.IIaJe.
tbe pe'pendoculan'J at d,aaram 16 11.1 lilt boruon 01 Iht ipccln.m 0( .... nal;""

read,,,, 01,,,,,



OIhtrs . ~ ..
/'<oar .. -as "

I qllo$JQa ,." ham ol rdytn, OIl I '<:C'l1.Ilb .IIIJoc)' ~111111& ,'''

pnlltlpIott 01 M ...pn-t.... 'I panldo deploys lbe mmtmum 01 act ........ """""Ill


ar>d (II ~erma'

crosses .... ' ....1 ......t," . 0 mommal
h~' Jr>da:<i. it'l '''$) to 1ft ,hat, .fl.&h' .... re comp<)K<i 01
10 lI-boclo
Maupcr'~I!' pri"",plc OOIIkl Ix bluntly IppliN, l he ",,'~ae r. om. med,um I,
or Indu ~,.
~ ....,,;:bum 2. 01
(","h ~,> ~I)' .." ..Id "..k IM: "y,
(I .. '...... "hXb COII' rotiM:1j tbe "' ....
m""",,,,,, (we II .. 20) .





.node. ",




De 11.0&1" Il'" In exampie lhll illu\Lra,es lhe >'InuaJ 'pallo, d",inclion

rbl! anld "lien 11>0 'p<nod", ph<nomcoo,,' i. 5eI in mOlion on mllion 10 lbe


COfII>dcr y>t .... of.pnap OIaIJaU"1 In phaoe In rdluoa to ",Iud! ..., ~'"
""moblle. Til .. Jir ..1JOI> II ddincd br.be d"'IJI"'" (fia, 171.11d on h"."'..... laJ
-"'npet. The 'yltern appear>
III ........ ~.1<> ",and _ 'PEL" "Ie ...uh
" ,he ima~ 01. myrDd odniliell 5f11',ap vilnn....... ""'loOn. to!' .... ~
.. ,UII la ... dod aDd I"" fY'JI .... off..... wp "" .,.m..I IIi/ktmrr f,.,...
"1wdI, WlIlt 0( Itrqth roukl 1M: ""I 0011,
II",. ","" ~ IS.., In """IOn If ,he .... "., . b" .. 0( fiJllf* 18 elMo up
tho '""np no Iollter aPf'C'" to WI ",.11 .-.bnUng ,n phase. We can d",u"gW<h
the 11_ uj' Hlcftticat phue and oIidc to _ ....... mo.io", ok <hinS thcnu<lv..
moll",," . '" MI' 'rnJ~ .... hive ,,, ... il .... '" pnnt ,hem
vim,ally .n IpKe and cit 11,1>11.. incited ,poalia ,hili they .", ...." '0 be
""'(uoed ..... ~ U "ppearaAa!. The ,"moh 0( <iulvam III. ..bleb I .. hc"""""'-h

' ' '<'II


obIiq .... co~ to ,100 dtff"""" """' .... 0I.IM: .Y...... m'O the _ _ ",'e
...... ..., caa. .hrou'" . . - ol
lHOaI'e ,I >n,h an ;n'ertli ...



anaJou ""h rnJ......t ..



TIlt crude
(w ...... r>d ...... ",
10 tIM: """)
~ '0 IJI """"""" Ir>d , ............ hn .... ou' an 0jijJ0iII1"'" Ix'_ ,he "" .........
01 '1e!I' IDd !be "lIdulo,ory potnt o l _ f... pc,1(IIOt "nder.tood
II . . . . rk confronta.ron "'IIh '. .Jit1' dmdeo .R f o", 0( ,he undulatory poont
of ,,~. champroo! by I-r_ l
To "'''0''1';10 ,h . . ... 0 "",nl' of ,_. II to ll"U'"ry '" oon<rdct firr"ioNJ
..,,''''' ,.Ioc;,..,. and mdicet. .mplYlng no ca....llly. To bn:ak tbe ",,,,,,.
moIlOn, ~n>Ss\D1 rnl medIa. de 1I rQj!lIc .<",..~ O.lJ!eo'. bokl .. rote; to conoe!W the com""", <me.I"""" of ...,....try ...... modoalllCl, Gililto h.od rome
up ,,'uh the r.._ ,110",,,,... pc ........ , of ,he ',oIlcy d ",1d1~I"d ~I
~ 1IIopo. 10 'llrf t\cbora. tbe ...1nBIJ" """" diol OIl' .,..tuall) G"li~
''"' I. in ....11.... """"'..... """,lid ,lor "'~17 01 the world """ !be

""La. ""....



auooJ,lios .uaooa,NI ...nh ,L We k"" ... tu, (h,

deatNllhe ..., fa<
lbe "."""'''1 of ,he pnllClpk ut'nnllI by IA'KI" I... Dc BtOIl .. r<COInired
,UI of. in lbe ,..roum, ,n lbe aboence of.1I ro..-.. "".., quan'lty of motJOII
prod~."nIi<r "I m... I ~nl of ""'''". mcch.on;'" ,,, lbe utmoo' p<IO'"
J<IUI n up
JCOi'''II')'. '" lho .."'" way tipously
""""". ,..1<11", I,,,", aU etC'fJIII,. I< IMII dl<ptnaI ... panicle II INK cIdIcc1cd
in ,ho Ib.,,,,, of"""" and a.eru iIMIt' U IU' .hd aa paop lbe """'.. ".,..."", of pt""" otnd i<Om<1l')'. Nl lurall,. lbe pan......,.. of Ilns ....""
(fnq........,.. w:a"" len"", etc ..... d"wtl, calcul.oblo f,om Iho!o: 0( a ntk, ut
........ ,thou...",...Itt ." .ny Iemal modo ..... 1...........tJ1\& 1M pwhIL",



_dkal.,. of Il10',,,, ' I

;1 ,

."""_"'_<'0)"" -----------


In pmuqlnl u .... U pa ........... ~ ",,",INllbe UDI1 Jorm for III _ " "
unuonn ~ili...., IIIOtIOII (Ga.Ioleo........."" nlltr'). ... b.d. IIlIdt .1 r-o-1<k
to ~ fora: Ilw CI_ of ......1.. ot loNer
rda,- '0 .his
_>all rom.. By III,IU", _ _ as pa ........... tho phaw """" UIIIOrt< ;"11' as
Ilw un'l lonn fa< "bn<UCIaL
Thio .. Anstotlr, ..,1'ftI1" (>II albleo! O.Mol .....,u,,"'" Mel dJ>Li<arpd
1In,lo"" amlla, mol",,, front iIJ ",,,,,lied plWI'lOCI as Il.Ind..d ..... ~ ",,,.o~ro.,,,, .unh 10 ,be I""nod~ p/Ioraotnena .......... ltd WI(h ....... 'nl body by
I"" pr~u..,. romtuJalNl by de Ihoa! ... It.. cin:k 1i<>dJ ....... OCIloIoIicaJ
d,..."I,_ A. a 81u,.. ut tho Cf<'hc, n ,mph.. "" ..a1 l rajectory: il it. """ mipl
.. y. lbe uo/, fon <f ribr.a!1oou. By <ld'o'm,nl a.hle,,'. ruin> of may, ..... CI.II
obtam 0.11 lbe mo,iont 0( ,1.0...,.1 """un"," llid <>quaUy. by moduLoIl", jll
"""II.,,,,,, .... an In pnllClpie rapolld 10 .11 lbe problc!M JI'*Il by ..., ..
IIlC'C h.o nlCl.
JUII ...... 'hal Ihe LIIOCIaI1Of1 ut
OfCIllllor IlId rulet of mass
ln no .."y dep<ndi On liJural .... I"IY .btill1lCttd lrom lhe <>P<',,=occ of 'n:a/'
mtdla. ,",0 lIIOI1: could i, ~ cakul~u:d f,O<lI lhe ptinctplrJ of anllyl"",] mccbao.


ICS (!'Ianck', int,oduaion of """11.1".. fur 1M pboton is alrudy I ",.oI"'OOII"Y

.~roko). w. bl". II..,ady .. n~ Ikll IkillW(lcialion IJ pllyed I I ,he It,d of
d<al'?".nd lbe antP of ,hoe unlukh"p ut del""" dUll lhey lU,horize..
U I .... back 10 lbe perspra". p,ojloo.1iun d;'v.uns of lhe ,,,I,,al,,,," of lhe
"""":' body ~ and the phuo ... Ioal ... " _ l.. (.... lip I. and l~~
]0 JU'"pO.",& IheK
dll ... nu, ,I bKoo.lt. p.>t<'fl' luI ''''' ~1Ifokl'-"i of
,he .,...,.rum of rulent of <nUS Cia be ... perJl" .d lymmctnc:aUy ... llb lbe
uololdtq 0( lbe Jptarulll of OKIlbllon (pn1ta dI""""lic .... "").
Th..to IUpnpllOI"'"' "OOIhIL .. h,1t ~'''' lhe blCfa",hy of dqRa of ~
IlId of V. It .. _~ 1o _\ha( lho: .. Lo",'''11t COfIII"*lion 0( lhe oelool;'" of
body" olio lUI of 1M pIt.I.. 'dodl .... In panocuLo lhe boruoa
of "".... ual ,doa~ 1Up<'pe lei Iudi' ""lhII' of ...... doall.. (muo.1 .... 1.
nu. <I......".."" ' .....'--1"'_ ...... II I d :,Ie' field than lui oI'lIf11ClWU'
or fannionaJ malJOM. I. "..t.. Sa,Jraal 1M Jll'O~II1IIIYo(bi'lund.a1')' ""pentIItIIll
wtuch, by ..... 01 tt.. ",Id_ beyorwl lhe QUA1'1'" and 1Iu,.......,... lhal a/f.a
JllllIIdaK mobdo.}. mat.. II J>O$PbIe 10 propox. fa< cocb - . - 01 d ...............1



.._. '1. 1

f...... dot
.. bo ' .....


c , ...... ,....,,.
(00 .... _

.. 0

r.:.- ....... "'_1

.x..... _ ,n

W. h.""

Feo ...... _i.h

(oo.h( liAr.:._....

I ' . or ....
.._or""1 0... _ ....

d .............. -

.......-. ... _

'.'1 .... '

of lhe .p.>I .... lt1nPQflll. II""" be'ween 1""","11')' and mecbaD"", and I lruce
bel..--een awmetl')' and opllcl. Thw. II iI lbe 1Ioru0fl ... bich. 10 ]IIo,'id,n. a
h,"1!" bel"-"'" .. hal mUJI be coiled dl .... mm.l~ "'p<nmcnu." 000,,01. them
b)' " nfold,n,. common el>lllci'y: Ihll ut,be """'pa"",1t.
W..... how [in.IOI" .ma>htd ,he ",,,,,,,",soble ehara<:te, 01' l be <Ic&r I 01
,.Iocilie... By ,,,,,,,,,,''In, lho ma .. "' ..,., U a ho<imn by mea", of on 'inti"itt'
'elocily. de S'aall. n:M"'I lhe ""bola.l .. l!'IIdu,on ..-hieh posiled m,,,mal
dell"'" t- dell""" I ) Ind ,hon . haded u/f 10 lhe infinu.ly ob$cu,..[lho '0'"
<kl!rt'O). LIke [,n>tei". de Sru&!,,= undomood lho ...!tole ''''IIM;; I""", of lbe
l\(lruon and ". CIOpacily 10 unruld Ind 1o oomp'''' "' ,.-.11. ~ IlndOClJl< 01
pb.~. " honcd'otlh
un I.. hold; tbe ,'doctly of lipi IS no ron..,. II><
"ymp,ott 1M' e,"des 0.11 mOlcria) up arid lhe m... al ""I " M longer
""i,d, pall'llt<k. made "' .illblc. ,be .... ,n frunt of me. by ....11-e>1de," In'\llhon.
F.lR" .. n. ,n perclunl on. phOlon. and de 11'0&1'" ,n ..1id'"1 ,I>< ...... llll'$l
'infirulely r... donn&lY oIl'ortd 1"0 lhoop' .. penmenll .. t<osc rcp<'mus",1lS
cannot be o'''''<SIU!taled


INDIVIDUAtION In 1\lI'A('1 ""0 l"OI ... mUATlOJ<



Gto_'1')' .ad opt.,. hOld ...... /wid In Iwwl fa< lloDa

~ Gal;1eo
_pnod lbe boo .....l}
01 "'" U>d"..d !'k... llIId
d......... '" lbe ntIcn of .... t_ Ii.. I') .. hlCh ..l>CIIlala III<Ch.oaocs llIId
'I')' br makla, ,..pllal lbe b.... wbm: 1!Iq- . , .. llIId r""" .. boob u..y




mrdIann l "",n l of . _ pn\'ilqn 1M .... paa of .ndmd..al

"",lib; "'" the ulrriorny 01 ~ lcibruz', .,...,_ ".'
Ie! ,~ " ... al a
o.. ta.a .... IIa.' !O mrdIal\OQll oonlmlplallO".. bu! !.I!o: 1;10"., ' ....."111 """"""'"
of .he .,..._1 cbcbt ofl/le bed martm. .nd. '0 ~~Ir the
01 &<;t,nl
01 bod_ m ~ .. o;:o.n nI IIw:l( "'!I~ aelerlhal ,ndh-.d .... I. II .... b1k/llo1uly
I... ""kI ~k 0 be able !O di S60h. c:ompk ly (allea't on t"""lh. J!he lCna<:iou.
Intunion or the JUIII"""tion 0( $La ndard ....asu'e; 0( len~th by
lhem 'infinnely qu><kly"" '0 I<"ach Ih" p.:trad,,~ " -he,,,
.nII .,...,. .1<"
nd>ll!n.wslLal>it and ,,-hlOh ....... !O hold lile' """"-'I of ",.dlln!Clo1 ind"'OIIua'
11011. Yr ., kno .. INt it ..... "'"
.. y '0 "lOU lor Ihr dawn 0(.1Ie' ' ...... uHh
conl\lf)' for ~ ' 0 "'~ Iool,q .IIe Illfinrlo: in the lila:. ~un'nl oul ,,,
horu:on.nd mastrn"l! ,he
of .".....",tJ ~"pUuioto ... hICh unfold. ,1.
For opi"'" lu n>-.J. all tl"u IIId boa! ..... ,Un.! .. lor marly .m "'""IU ..... For
,lie'", p .m I . .>coup duUal, of ,(lluillOftl dJtpo.wd by b&hl; opt .... don
110' "begin" from all'lOady JI'-'" " .... , 10 ,bm PN ... I nod!" In endowin, lhem
""' h """" 11.. ,Muy.. ,n maklnl b)'mpiOhaollJ I ,,",isba.1 o;:o.n"nuum " hoch
II 11.... yl fl' ",,,,,,,,",, from the peri"" pjtn,ludt: of a
Th1$ '" no doubt ..'hy. II lhe hori~n of perlt,on of formll. KholullC
op. w;:.an-ploik>oophen placed pure. Ind.' .. mi .... ,. lillo' (lot.rJ.. pnDCIple of III
, he d unccionl.. 8", " ..... nd",tcd h&b' t/-..t !hot ...... kentd ,he ..."
pol<1lUlbl ... of man.... . nd aU bod_ 'nd nd",~ ,lie """" bwnblc. 1'1110010: of
1M lum,1>OI1l. ~ "b AI-- ",nd~ G"""",,,C$l~ and 8' ,"~ oplia iI'ho~111l of ..
ph)'OlCO-tna'hcmaliooal; lhe)'
I ".,naple of conapoTMkI!Cll bc! ...... ,he
lipm of "'0111011')' I"ral"" 1.-. ups. tim,la"", IDd !he ~ nl..a~,near
propap'>OI! ("I\cct~ rrlract~ d,lI"ractod _),- P u", hahl doe. IIOl ff~r 1M
,nftnlle 1-111Ipie, uDdw1dcd.. ;, new, dluoh'''' .n,o lhe ,ndriin,lc 11>11 ""hem!
reoolutd) 10 ' " hooV~n - Ihal ..-h oo:h (l'",",,'c<I. had """,,,,;<1 lI.he hel,n ..
nln, of (.' , mo;








........ 1*- I 'plunlicall"" " .. hoo:b does no! nba ..J! " ..If", colli"", ltoe deiinsurulO .-J I III .... 'OIo1n1,
pluntkaooa fltal ", ,I poMIl>Ie ' 0 P'" "",II..
."eN""'- 10 con/ron' IClUlI ,nliMe; and ...-eu 10 ha", an illl"oa 011 lI..m:


It io ...,..,bIe lb In .nf,,"'e CQlle<:lion of numbr,,,, may be lied 1""0",,<1Ion.

ally 10 a n ,nfinlle """n""""" """",d ing 10 all nu"",, >c&1 [",l;Iollon.b lps]
and ~I oo aero, d,nllo all non nume' ....1 ["'lal1Omh, ....1- And lhere .,.
;nfinol"" 111:11 . '" 1"~le' lb Olher infinite; and l.fin,l", Ihal.", ......11e.
Ihan ",he...
Tl>e rolle<:loon of all n~mbe .... odd U " .. II 1S ..... n. .. Infin,1C:; Ind II "
,herrlo", rna'" INn 1M roIkaioa of all
n~mhe ..... Iuoh " none!beN .0MIie. For "
i, b) lhe colIeaiort 01 IU odd numbe ...
FUrlbem>or ... lbe >Ilea"", of oon'inuaUy doubled numben l>eJ!arun.
.. ub lhe ~o" II InftMe: Ind ,n lhe . . - ""phe wllea_ of l lllbe IW>-..
_pond!n~ !O , ioHe douhlo> i. infinile ,And 11 .. tlear INI lhe .. me
i. lrue: 101' all k,ndl of numcric:>-I ",oponion. lin lhe In~n". an be
hnhd p,oponlo ... lly 10 IIIe ,nr.,.;,. """"ding 10 any "ne 01 I.....
p'oport,OIlJ.. ..



l"h" pion" ..... d .. pm>ed by lhe I..... and ,"""lfeI,ed by lhe d,W..... "", of 'M
~~ ......... 0I1on , ...11'0 be ro.-rllpl<d by .he In<kfinn .. 1<>01 'N' .... by"
II ... II"" ... Itd.. Bou"" '''1 Ind
leu .... lCflIlli1Ct <h'ne:".toe._
"""k I........ n Ihr "lOy lho, a ".mp .... pnn" ""'1<. w...~ ~ ""I .....-dru..
Ibm (Hbm. aod. mud! bc!1 ... INn lito: ....."nal "",a' . u.k .. up Ihr """"""
lIIdI' ol ml.u.,.bWty by d"""Iuoohon. Ihrooop""""" "",r'" and ....... mud>


m<I""han .h,ouaIo



("hl'lI'Il mcchoalCl.nd lI'-"""lCI'r mo&hl .... U...... udfe 1M lor"

10 be al",ad1 po'''I,oned at lhe I\orilOll of (0"'" and 10 ,nd,.OIIual. pa"tnlly
Ik!"'" by d<BIeC by ' .... nM f"'" ""n 'o lhe pia) 01 OIU<l",," Dnd dellet:llQ""

Lia/ll, I. r.oc. . .pre.tdo 00' f' "", "Jdf ,n III dU""'1011J.. in . ....iI. "'J Ihal.
fl'O!t'l. lu~ i><>1n~. luml ........ phe"" of , 0J ~ Is IIbl~n - ' "
,.,m , .,ed, "".... '1 .. NoeLed by ........ hin. opoq .... 1>0_. rorpornl"r it
.... , his . . . "', 'II) contOq......,. 1M
of """'''' In 'h ....
L'pl is 11<11. '~ I form ,''', ......111 from """""""I"r.
I! Ii I!id' "",,,,,rcahly .. 10 ""Ib. ~ah' .... of 011 ""'pote.llhinp. IIIaI
. 'hoch .... I """" ,,onh). nobIe.nd ~_I""I "'.....:" '" m~ I"'o.n
Olher bod_ lMHnilablc 101M topIrile f3rm< thai ... . he ,nltllogrrotn.




I""" .<,,_ m.".,

Lillo, " lhe"""", 1M fin.1 '''''''''''01

~o< If li&hl. by ''''' 'nfiru\~ plurol\aollOR 01 ;,.. If.
[in ' ''''h I ""'J .. I" C()nSl,lUlc II] in d,,,,,,,,,ion 01 , ...., cubu .. 'ken. b}
doulllin, Ih .. ' Rfinll' pluntkahon.. ,I I"'" ~x"n""" ' 0 ...... " .. in du.... """'"


of lour ,""brlL..

("o.....ser 'M "",al. P, and P, ,n n,1l'" 21.

Tl>e .......Iu.. C.... - . - oIlhc:oo "",nu CIlD"'" M COplu"'" by ... mple

u'nal ....i.....,ion. bill must be pa.pcd by ,bo ""1 nIOIlOft of t ,," 10<>1: Th ..
p<I'bt mak.. "" oon.ru, like an ",,,l.,ed point In I plane bul 1"'1~IIlJr
~porc:s for
dc,,;"", and Ih" " .. hy .uch .. ""'r~~bI. pooou ah... y> k..,p
in ,heir dc6rution ....... 'h'lII tJI the mol"", IIIaI bnnp them dMCl' and of ,be
look lha by delay,nl """" Of Ie.., .U able to poy ancn,lOfI to II", and
ai.... p<>\erlllabllel.
Thn d"unKu,,"" ,,," pocn .. 1', and P, f,om ordl ... ry poon Ill. p, .. hodl
can be , exiled in ' ...0 compltld) ,n.kper>deD. m.nne .... One Cln rollow ,he
cU"'. wilb "",,', ~ni<' Ir><! <Io.'lnll. r .. ,he: point ,h., ",orb ,hoe (Ont "'''
bc1 ..... " .. II.a, ha> been co...,n:d and .. 11<0,
U, be
raI; <>lit nn Ill...
lei Slrai,lll ~ ... lhde ponllcl.o l,oeIr ..-bil:b is "'1", ...1...1'0 aboorblnl ,bo
look IJI II COIli,an, dllU1"", "Dull bt.OdXS ..... ply 'l<M:h,nlfta"F"ual)
10.be C'tIn"e \>inh aa ordi .... f) poonl. the hand thaI d", ... rompleldy ''''''_
,he ioolllla' c". . . . The .11 .... 'lOn II di(fCfC1l' for II IUUORaI}' poon. Ill. 1',
u, ~ 1""01 ur inlleuon lIke P,; the deft""';on of ,he hne hoes Ih" pous'"l of
,be: look . be mmions of the b.:ind and .).. be""", at~nllled ,1><.......""
SI~lJOI1ary point. or pomu of ,n""'K'" .~
,,,,*, ... h",b poobk ..... -

I / " \, __



10 the .... ,~raJ lunctoonal COI'rnpondomce be,,,cctI ,_ pGlQI ".uIn'1II lion,

Its I~ oDd the 1lI11#f1\ WI rn"",,,po;. ,,"""'. aU the """,IS Df 1110 CUrYO,

,he ""luLa. p..UIlO .'" IIotrcfore ....... nI II ,,,,- " 'hen ...,vdopn>mt by .he
Ioo~ " "'" eq .. (\\.lml to a axnra., and 1'0""", .. I 10 mJl\ ,ho $p<IQ~IlY of
"puaIID.hvwJLUlion. Th. Ian., illbl. ,<> be palion. Ind Is a-..are of [lie vaMy
of ct .. m'III 10 ioo\a,o lh,. or lUI colour frocn
or 10 ClLrKt ,blS or
pouIl f.om I spectr\lm; II
lao.. ,lot _
M.. ' . .N.", IN ritnN by dnco>W111& Ik".,.. Qpjlbk d <>peIlUI, 0101 ill "nltlbues. and
II why helll m'rod..,.. lhe pnllClpiet 01 >UlOa.... y do:'erntlJ1lILIOII from
.1Ie ""1><1.
In <>rdor I., d,,;unJUI>h Ihit or tlt.lt mdl>Ld .... L , , - principle< d" not uUow
tl>tmltlV<'$lo he 1,,!<Ied by Simp\< ronu"su or by nude quanuu>'C illC'ljOl;lllloe1o.
rroc: ' ,dinl I.om pal1'\101101 or IIIOIIII*LaIIOfli oIl'n::ody aaxNIIplHb<d ind ......
uab, .. 1udI1N _ _ "mo...... ll0. b! ...... . - "' ;hod! ..... hopn II .. ;0
be able ' " pther illclll lIItO. ~1.bIo totabty, Tho pnnapb
doIrnrulUlKNI do not hc:allllc 10 rocddle in !be ''ef)' 1"nc:cM or ,ndil'ldUlI>Oll,
., tho 1'1.,0 1<>I1.,...
"alancnll. o;:omlO, re:\pecl"~ll from F~rnllli .nd
~ .)nrnlll1. ill" ...




,,,-- --0.- --'/ '.,




ffOOl ,'''' poonl A IlnIl rompcJloIl IU


oI.he on~I ...1 01 tho pol ... olio .. lha. lhe lIa.""",')' Pili""...... n: .1"")1
.obp o 'formal ,nl<".I. or-mph,ude' or ampl ..... In'"IlOlI. I"~n by formulae
01 1M ,),,,,,.

.... f-":-:..,


N",,,,,, ,mm<dla.ely .M. ,he Inl<",,1 "P' doe!! nol al ...". rokr '"~
",OI'Oo,ly ddiDCd malbcmlllni heinB. but 101M <n""lopm<n' 01111 ,10< "",h.
01 Mnllnoom D subj<c1<d to ""nain cons ...;n" (for 'nslance 11 oI,ht po'lu
powinJ by A and 8 '" lhe <IJIO oI,hc ",<dUll >lalommul Thor .-t>I'n .....;do should IlOl he ur>d<nloocl u a ""kulan,," ~n,q..e Of u 11.. ball"""
oh<et ol,Io< j,.... I'<"4I11011 of Ill''''' palM 01 D: tboy
and finnh lhe
linea,. 0I0resmc. d>apam. by I'nk inl i. 1o. ptIr1C>pi< ol orouc:al illll,,,,,I1...,_
,,'hid! 6<>1 01 all en"". '" d<iormi"" .110 ..... "'11 ...
In (1). lhe .orm I..m i. nol an <:H'di .... ry ful>Clioa bu Inplych (L I. y)
obt.o;ncd by mo"nl Ofesme', ,n.~"';,y 1 Ikml' path (itt 61. 2~ ).





___ ~_,

, ,'
- -- .." B
. . -{..W---_______



'Amon, all ,'''' OIl'


~ ',

I, ~



,"". ""I"bo.


I.(", ..


Ibl'Ol.l", D. ,''''''' .. ODe lhal accompliibos the ,o.,,1IC)' on I m.nlmum '''''''

.nd 11m .. ,'''' polh actiWl) f.,IIo."Cd by IIgIII

'No po.h i. p"nlqed ~ priori. ,My consiliul. I """lOnu"", .. htn: lhoy
.'" ,,"ually equ,,.lonl. A photon pr(O(tt<linl from A and absorbed Inlo
8 can tok< any ' l'lOjonory 0( Ih,~ """IInoum, bu. lhe ....obabibly 0( mU11No1
Ioca."", i. tho
join. A

0<..,..11' .1Ia.


no.. ...... OIa'.......1>.. in panoaoiar ~CJ"""",... "lIJo:h ,n"........ tbo melhod


'1a,ul'lIlIy. l.4i'f
"'''''n y is dd'onn<d. .00 11 .. [Mu.dy .h", '<BUI';""
, ...... ..,.....o..no.,. ,be
'd from.he ..... ida,
palM: fOf an oro, ....,. '''''''-MfI.ar y,
,ual d ... ouban<c ., of, ,nd\JCll:l ....


'0 .,.<1,.......,'*

1ft, ...

/.4 ,' . I

'an&uon 011"" .............. In tJus ca50 0'"'


lbe...r_ o;ompo lbe

InptydlIL.. I. yllneilM rria~lIlp btl ........ )' a...! t hl wllh. 'f"r><1"",' llh
",,,,pi< rea",),,,", IlIf !of'll! ftOUl ... Inll.,nllllcf dId,n;lWlllo nttIVCI' Ind .....
d....t "lib no ' P"'pof1tIlOO' ,'" 1M ~ IlIf '''"'''''''''00II of lbe Il10''''1 bo.ly',
..., ~b.lptel' I. P, 19 . Tbo ",lal"""""p btl"",,, 1 IJ>d 1.(;'1 .. oodI.
a ffOfl'l lhe nl1lll"", '" lbe ott....
",,,..1,,,,, 0( """ of the I...... an be?"
The", n I IrlnSpamIrJ at lhe m..1""""',p beI"'mI ,he 'ca .. ", lhe bnn of i'
and lhe dfC<'l L.M "luc:h n .!Khlfe""l1 I<> ,"" <Ontl",,,10 '" ,I>< (\omlI.ln
D. TIl< l.... ntll ..'C and .eClprocal ......act oIlhe rclal"".. hlp lhal Ilnl, ), 10
1.(;'1 II lui of
\lele....,ln,,,,,'. Tbe '.. nlllll( IOO",dual. Y.... ,"""" . ,,Yln"al d,Slu,b.1MCCl do 11<>1 Ind""" a unllion 011.. oIlbe ...."'. onIe<. n..,..
"auon,IIy'lndmdll.I .., lhere"' ... ,,,d,,,,,,,,,.8" .ny '.".'~'''k fu",,
IIonai I'UP of ,'''' I)'po! '1"" one " .... 1M o,he,' u( the Inplych 1I.. I. y).
Moreo ...... Ihto, UlSl.""" I...!
"""'rnlIJlallon . '" analyli<lolly boo...! up
. uh ,"" oomlnllnlJ of lbe do"""" 0."
w ', murn _ 10 lhe ~"I","I' 411 I... """,,Ilk 10 WI.' IJutI " n pm:t>dy
lbe ".IIOfII.y' I...!,. ..,haal, IJutI prtm<k I "pubnl ronlnbul"'" to (J ). We
Ibm:fon: now .... , . 10'...... '" lion Iype '" Intqnol. Iu ""'"" MaUl otnJUla.
modes '" "'1"""'11On of
<nU.in)ounxl" 01 0 . - ). i""",,,, lbe
ordllal'> moda rf.............r Inptyc:ho.l Tbc ..,Itiuol at lhone ~ it; _ lUI
b", .,. .".....1 ........ Ioon; I"" ""qnol (.II io """'ltuC.'l<>Il,O IIl'c, ....11'"
'n.ilurnne!o' 10 lhe <'InefF""" '" lhe oinluW )ou""'r> of~. luc:b ........
10 d.C1,h l""iII",I ... 0111
lhe oclr~..." of lbe foIdl '" I..<ibwz.
.... "'brane
w. have lirady "",,n able 10 obJImc ,be ..... 1 .Uu.[\.., PO""" '" lbe
"",,,peel"'c p'........1itm "f 0 ........ dialfllmo;.he Inlev.1 of the poilu (.1 1 If I
.,,11 ntIl'" """,,"blah'" .".1 ..... '. "hich "" .. I.ly link> lbe roMIIIO'" lhat d.fi""
,he domaon I) I'po'" by
A And 8' in the "".., of ~.)nman. ".1.""",0
and lhe .Io;t""1 b)' fold .., ".nain ,ndi,id""l. in optic.( fl.
-I'htl.c fuld' ...... utur.1 and "nificial Uw.iont '" deplh can be. N~I"'"
oma,nly m.k ......." ..... l"""alIile pro,;'ion 01 iICIItl. jpeelr;l '" VI"III;oo;
and InIOf",I. of deJm:s 11011 ""'.~ ..... ny JU~ r", IN, jou""'Y u"eI'
bul I ..... 1'f'I'ciou. h,,,1'" ~n: miud up," 11 io...."...ary I ...! wul> wbal
I" "",,"',\IeI "" .",.. 01 ..,..f1Ilioa ;and hall<m .luch ""~''n
,1I<kpmdett1 parame1,...,. and aloo ... u", .. '" lbe muI<'r)' of mil,.., tamWn
'" ,nell""'ual, and lhe """"cr 10 pIOIIalI .0.1 ,n lbe """",, ... 0( '.nlIIOn .. bdo
"1' 0111' lhem. It " Ih"" 1""1. b) a .....~i~ iU.....,... .." .'" .<ftIPlnl 10
contC'l.c a ",a"fioJ 'mOOer of lbe Mlural _,,;-. W1kIy d ..,od<d "'10 .Irata
of Inpt)'Chs . h",h IIh ,ei..,''''''''''''' """ wOliId finall) 1""."
Bu, .be uample '" ,he
poin. 0I81 .. n: 22 """.. , I"" na"'C10 01 tbe
""fWI')' hind (If Iool 1'.. ha~ also al=ody ."'ph.",.:d Iluli the .. ",ubI!
Inpty""" Iha. I.., dlli"n ..."h[ by.be _Ibod of 1M ,nlel ....1 of II>< .... 'ho a n:
110"", 11111 ""nool he reduced '0 runellonal la .. tolOl)' a nd thai lhe ... fo,..,
prohlbl1 ony " ur"", "",dllli or the ""'l'iu .... an)' r<d ..';(lon of ill unfold'''I IO










poramClOC 101Io.-up. to. 'nIIlurn' .iou""'l' ,Jut, "0II1d ,.note tbe

1111. doiIne IhI:: dom:oin D.
Tbc _,s- 1,,1.,.at (.II " adJlnted ,n _h ""y thai 1M """""""'"
utOI:IoOlod .."b 0 bcooobC erall'" '" m,nl nlallllalllnd""""" 0.' .... ceruno
I'I'I\WItltabie 1!Kh.ld...... ~ dId .. od ..... arc eIoco.:d bcc:a_ lbey .roIicu -./
_ , ,,,, _ " " . I i obi'p''''l' ...,.,. of OIIr }OIl""')' ,tuuup 8co"&' Hrn:. lhe
' Hllula, Ct..,,,,,, III
the duaL,... bCI ...... n .. Jutl i, ok1cnnln!:lJld . 10.:01
tICI.nn",.,., lel"~ lhe condlllODl '" unlokl, .... and the aclual ..... uo .... an:
abQI"hod 10 Ilc prol'l, of . coupled fCSOnI""" """"""IN
"or)' ..,n by.1e
"," Ihemalocal I"""'>' 011'" drum: lhe mode:< 01 .,bf'llllO" IIIe " pt"''1''''''') Ill".
inlOfmnil"" .boUI'''' f""" of lhe drum Ilh. rondllion~ "hl<h define 01_"
H ... "uld <ytn bc leml"lnl 10 ... y Ihat ",,1I.,n ",ode, .PI'''"' ",,,,,bi< 01
~ ..ailn,lhel! 0 .. n mOOll;on of u;',.""" by 1001"01, .roond lhe,rud.... !ntest
in lhe Int ..nol. of ""'PiwK. oonlemponory ph)..... no Ionacr I,mlll"ll ," ambition
10 ~",dJllhn. qc<:lrII u( ...,ia.iont and Jlnollfy.", body of ~n<>wIoJJ!I'. bul
IIlmln.,o I"'P" dootly '" pouible tbe ,..,u," ,hal limal< Ir'pl).'" lha,
unfald.nd """'''''''''' thcoc will come .. no
The CT\IaIl .ole .... ,~ 1' "",olop,.. nl lhould be ......... wcd. it fUDa"""
bl ' hof11.Olt' lhal COIIIf..... lidd of .n.ulIM>M. and dnet 10 11_ aI .... l"
before ,Ie
oJA' "" IDllhema"all drfinn"", ollhe Iype of fll
............ Tbc ~ ,olqral c:aptu," III upmmmi '" ,ndl,'odlllliuol "hod!
"""<Iops .n nrdc1 ",,".m"ne". ."..
~Iu'" fliP"''''''''''' ,n onlolop:al
dll"'ly ,be lummi", 01 aIrcad) acrompl .. hod ,nd ..ldlllb. It I. not.
ol ....1lnllO 10111111< lhe d, ........ t, '" the n:al (If 0I '~""inJ:' Ioo .. oduak from
lbe honmn ... mpI_. but of allllni oul lbe """linuu", (0I1f1}C<:1<>nn. bul aloo
""J'a'Cl. oI .... lria and of mulilplocilin 01 all k,ru,I,] SO ,1111 ,be ~on'''"'n''
... hu In the mOl'l perfcel .'Y 'n lhe form of c..,all'-' ""Uahhl'l Ind 10 Ihal
01'" thu> nil"," tho 'nat u,aI' .cl"",ion uf ind,v,dua), lhal a", 1""... ""nAlr
.. ""bIe of ..c~lng tl><" o.'n COiId,litm 01
This I, "hy de ll.osJ"'' rnetl,ll"un on ,he In~IoJY '" ten"""~ and
bt)'ond ,"
Maupc,W;I'. ",,""Ipie:o Juts .uc:h fa,""",hln. ~'''''.,n.
ttlk.. in fIIt)~ !n l .. bord''''''"1 opt"",1 ,,\di,-Id""lioo and mtcl>anlcal,nd,
"ldual"'" 10' ~''''no" b<>r.lOIL, be"" led (",Ih I'Iaocl and
o) In
O\'crWmln. lhe n\'alry of tbe 1_ poIet whodt, "" n..,(y 1..'0 """"Ilnt$. load
horn fiall""1 " .... lie dlrc<1"'" oIlbe lwo......1 '" lbe ";""uflc an<P of tic
"",,,,. ,nIJoc..-orid:










ho.."""tar poIr. ,,-hdt r...,...,., .. I...! _hal! pr~

an .1Iu'; ..,. , ...l.1eal .peel.... ( pole. lhe pri.'ilrto<d IIdd '" ~.cmoc: ""
" " .. I lay
l 'bl .. "h)' I"" d,ff...." rb)'hm. underpon lhe 'b,"o,y '" 1dc3o': tic onc.
I;Omp(e.dy dJ!iCQnunu.,.... oI'ruptu",,', ""'.-adl..... and lhei, ",rulnli.on... nd
liloo olhe. III Ilc pr" blema.", I,'ond.. Ihat I.., al"..}" .. ~ilalHc lor 1'CICt ....,j,on
and full of I...... u'" I", Ihose .. hu COn .u .... kcn 110.",_


1II f. SCII]:", lllH SPOCUlJM ,,"SD THti l't''IOI,;L.UIoI


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GR~"'T Rf~OL\'



l'o',tf."ldl"..,pIolr bas k.od bad pl'dJ. It Sm! Ihal hisla, ion. or phik>oop/ly
h."" 'l' oN 10 hold onlo the poIm",,' ..... tellhetM: 1"" nllM ""U'1'eO 0( Flchte.
Schellia. ~I>IJ IkJrl. bul ""V~ livm up on tho: dca or ....,., Oc ...... ide"~IWn1
I'lul",Ioopl,,<'I or n;"u~ In o...many. hov;e'lTl". the hqI"ni"l 0( , ... ninc' .. nlh
CCfltUI)' was pcnod ollenKlhy adYnltl bc1"f1"ftf1 .atn'I>1J and pltiloocphc ...
SchcUia. had. "puoion lor the """",,,,' and II.,... IOIw ""
1* mom,.
10 .puIl,IOII '0 pwlli,,'y_ e.".In....,.b In the U.,lCd SI ..... C"..,......"y and
Enpnd 01..,.. 'h" "poe! oIllIe pl"",""""y of nature.nd the imp<1<Ul""'" ,"",
.houkI hc kWrdcd 10 mcupltpoa lbe .... In' of ode..'; ,,,",,, .nalyxt.
hoa'e>'n, ..,.".lly rmwn ., tbe Ievd oIlOcio1oa7 C"onmon itbJ ..... ""","Joe..
.... allemplod 10 mh.nk ,ho O""",laIlOft bc1 ....... the euct .... ' ...... and
plulooophical qxcuL1nofl. retu.inl to lunn I,d 10 the problnnauc or 1M
rhilooophy 01 k"",,-iedll' and .. , ...,,", lhe hanron 01,,," 'hlnh,*, wdl beyond
tbe ob;rt<:l', rond"",n. or poss,bilm...
Con.idered IIIe gokIon .,. of lhe pUt pl"l"""phoaol .~.tm1'" that 01' tho:
...... 'lFfK'" 01' tho: ""lion 01' structu .., the be"nn,nl"l' tho: n,ncl .. ntb cemury
,,"I ... I"',h.ps th. m0lllC111 "'ben tho: "'nl .. ch.n ..... IOIU,. tho: infinny polnl
o( tho: d ..Jical ... aivn " .. , to the ... uuKI ""htr...""" poin" .... hicb lrunk
<1<1 ....... 01' ~u'hbrium llId r,om ..'hlCh poIantlCf ront"'oowJy oJW1n..
W. know tm.. mIlCh malbcmaltaaM olld pi.. """""".. 01' lhe cho" ..... l ""
load bonked on lhe I>ornotn>ttty lhat uruokb. I>onron. "!lIlyl""'l philo.ophen
In pIInicula, k,... hot< 10 rnal~ u.. 01' ,t. they hod ......... :ltd ,n IImLIIJ lbe
~ndoeImm ... t. fonns d tho 1)1'IC 011 and 0(, >:", which au.h tho: cnMk finile
ot.WUUitU (by rormulae WI amount to tho I)'''''

' ' ' '1'1'..



_lid rc,nJ Ihmloci_ I'ormdablo

'(\oaf' (,,,.. ,,,,,,,,11
"umben.' .J he .."memc ,nfin,le ..... . Iou prnptrl) WIitd by 1Jotl.art..... per_

>f1<'C\'>'e, .. hOlle ... n .. h,ng poon1. pUI l he """,,,un ""h'" ..... h ..


_r-e. lIuI




If, fo, lbe analy,ical plul""'pbe, 0' ~." tho '1'"''11''.';''' ,nfinne aDd II><
,';IniJb; ... poin" .,.'" "" mo", lhan i""rr.n.".. singulam .... if 001 ael .... Uy
domc!llica'ed. lbe n>e"""mg oi ngular illhal "h,eb ",ai, "rkn <IOUy ~ lhe
of ,he 'on ,he n n< ""00, on lhe olher nooo' (>II " 'hleh lhe: undo"I ..
of M, I'rud""m~ li~"i '0 fl>Od Tb. 13".r btl"" '0 note ... "h I ""rtajn dre.d
Ihlt Junction.1 """""'pondonces are "",'.r ""If..,idcnl. hal lhey had In bt
remo~ f. om 1IIu"io", "'hen: the rule:! of ''''''''hOn Ihal .... notJ 10 ISS<:rt
,bcm..h," .... ,u'"Uy' and lherd""" 10 kgibtn.:ll. <:4non~1 pro.ocol. of d,,,,,,rn,
menl <:011.01""- M IJIlcti<; and .lectrical polanlJd and lhe amb"""". ch""'"
Ih., guj.d", IIIe indoul i(m of lhe roo" of an <quau(m Tt~a l lh" teandat lhe
'""nonital' ...... <lKIm 'hehind lhe back' of .b. ~I.' o. ph ,looophe., wi,h
I"",ure made ",ilhou, hi, k/KJ ..ina.
Cono.i<k. ,lie diall",m oI.he magnet: lhe: d,rr.",,,,,,, be1ween the No .. h pole
nd .1>< Soulh pol<: i. cleor al ,I>< poin" N and Shu. becomco .1"" .... ' .he
poinl 0(_ fill)_






much moo: difficult .0 DOnlrol! ) mull,pi""'tio" of rormpondcnoes IbaD lhe

',nde1cm"nal. forms'.
ll>e ",nll-., " an ;nfullly poin~ 00 do..b, made il posoibl<: 10 control lhe
q..anlieat"-c dllfcrcnoes ,bOl w:pan". finisbtd bcings. bul did.., by.ubj"g..lln!
lhe !>ta rt
Ihe pamculan,ies ~X"T,.,J'y. n.c ioodl'e",,,,,,, """Ire poilllon.
of ind,vidwllion .he in'labi)jl~ de....,. "bic:b do:lC<'U i, mal ... ,t ".,...bIe 10
envelop a ~bOIC f."",a of vul ualilieo ...rlboul mi,inl! lhem up. Symmelry i.
redlSCO",red as a prud""", of diff..--ctlCC:li.
Tho n,<Ie"", of .""b an indilfcr= ",nlre: in .ltancal and mal!ll<llC di.,
lVami faociula pby$i<i,,. . nd .pa:uiatiY<: philosophe .... A. the No .. b and
Sou.h poles of. magnet >t<:m 10 pror=d
""ulral po;n,. il is I.mpl,nl!
.0 Ih,nk 1M. l!>t ,it",n differc:noes cannoc in,,;..,. ,he pr"'%".e' of U>d;';duallon.
The" uv."beano! he .. ro~rn<1ly prod""'" no dimension' .... form. only I""
who" .. klDd of <>Jog""'''''' ,ketc""" iUcl[ OU', and .his
,ndeed as>Oci.lcd ",ilh lho Inn",ion. o[ lhe hand Ih~I draws a cu ........"h lhe
.mb"ui'y of lho .b.,;a: of ,be ' 001. of an "'lualion. ...ith ,h... "",nge pain"
,,horc tho
hoi,.,..,. 0"" anolbor """ ;n .horl, wi.h Iho .. pi...,.. ..-h...
tho undo:nl.Ddinl fall .. A, II>< ,ndirr""""", ",nlra 1M hiBheoI u""""a;nly i
.chic ...:d, ",hlCh ,herdo", rtqu,reo ,ho moot ,rre",,,,ib!e deCl.. on,
TIK:>c .. Ireoopo'"
.denl;,1 nor lho philosop/ler.nd the ,ribul
lhoy lay cbim 10 is c<,moUlcnl .,,r,h ...-hal '""y ,"",rcomo and d"mma'e: oPl""""i
poln. An mwff"",_ ",n,re ""n ' '''''Y' be dcfjned a, I"" princi"",lltinge of.
r""'".. .....'w", do:.iotc (0< ""';"W pool""ly. ~ ambilully pr<.>duced b)' 'hose
de.ica ,h.o ... , us inlo pc:rpk.ily. Dd i, i. p ........ y Ihi, ambigu'ly ,bo 'iriumpin
0 ,,,. an O~"OD by p.udaiminl i' tho tea, of an .round ..-hich 01",.)"
aCC<)mpanlCO ''''' bi"h "fa pa", Fo' i, i.
a cr""" Ihal .u.ch a,rangemenl<
1M' 0(> i.. i... nlty oolicil ou, im.,,-.,,'io ... pi.o,_The) manage '0 I!'''P eV<f)'
1hm8 .n.dopc:<! ~Dd ""ntamin'l~d by .ho ..... ,gelltt of. T,,'o, This T ..o .........
;, !KII an ,,> .....,'" "",d;nal numbe, . bu. a """pie, and .berefore
.... ching of an o,der in no way pr... nl ;n .paoo: in 0110 .. , orientation.'
Thanh I".""",, a,range"",n'" ,ho pb),sicl .. , "';Ih hi. axis.'loop duali.y. lhe
SW""' ......" h hlJ on.ntalion. .he pbilo>opher, ...ith his dialectic. can. a, last.
Clplu", "" ha' lanllU3)1O bad rtCOgruzed "'hm it del"""W Iba, th.al ",Inch
,wI! .. mpl)' '.ide by side'. like ,ho '~ ..' mu,e have ari .. n I"gelb ... IJld Iba,
il .. ,ho umhtpj,y of. propooition IbJl in';,,, lhe ",plo,""on of a conlexl.
Whal '~ QUI l<>gc'h." i. nolo"" IbinS arul another lhin~.!>t 11"<1' ~,iJ~
tho ~n-ncr; Ih., "QUid be no n,ore Iban .he pLon.ude of the 'gde b)' ,ide' on
In already arnon,ru baclv"unli l1>e cboioe of an on","a,ion indted silo,,',
Iba. a TIVO
knil> i",elf .. i.h an en"eJopmenl. ConOlde, ,be dIagram
1>01""-111"" fiI2 ), "'h"'h mle....". a ,,'a)' of en,.. loptna "'ilh. "'-ar of,,,,n';';ol
It " lhe JOurllC}' of the n,o .. nl body, ."kulated in ''''' . n,'.lopmrnl. Ih..
mok.. 'he ~ ..a.ion of I .... I.,eral poss,bIe by "".m,lIin, ,ho deoiJll"lJOn of .
'!dl sid .. aDd. 'tilh1 sid" .
The OIlJ'O>IIeo a .. ,n<ietd
[0. ,ho plure ,hlOl broujlht 11>tm iMro





neil"", I""



'Tho IKknlS of ''''' Nonh b.. ncb can be <"pelposo: J on 'hose of.he Sou,h
Mall<:h and " func.",,,,,' orro", Immod,.trly e""",.,. 10 oomponsa'. fo. Ih"
10"'" d'lferenoe, by ,nducing . roTreopon<ien bt'",ocn a ,,"CUll or I"" t'oonh
brallth .nd a "'n:UJI of I.... Soulh b",,,,,h. A. ,lie pom' O. 'hi. '""nnn,caJ'
""' .... pond.""" w.nist...:.. 0 >\>Om, '0 be lhe po,nl ",bt .. ,ho ''''0 fU""IIonal
""" "poDdolJeS .. para ... a Dd jOtn.
o i ra ..jfic~'iooI po/nl ,,!>tre: ehe 1>.-0 pa'."""""11<'" lin~ed 10 ,he NOrlh
hrInch ~nd t!>t South brunch oIl'.. r II>tm .. Jvcs, II><",by makln, .",-.",1 [u .....
I;onal .rap" P<""DIe. This nn:ess;ly of opunS far lhl< Or Ihal del.,,,mna,,on,
.,'h.oh ., .... yo """"n'panics ,lie el\COun~"nl of an ,"d,ff.ren", ",ntre, lrouble$
I""""".'" ,I 1>_ Dh viou, ,h. , lhex POlOts promu" " m",h !>tad .. r (and






ui$''''''' """ be<m nil ..... ~ bu. Ih" tuUn'l <>II' .. ""ill r",r by II>< ,nnu.,o" or
anolber dimc:nsion, ... hloh "".m'li "" 10 """ lhal ,he "'0" All eMn be '"'~
"",lid inlU 8" 1" ,_., WlI)'I (lite fi,. JJ 1M'''', the ",clt'Oll1in. of In Of'llO$"IO"
is .1..... )1 paid ror lOuh ,ho _.e""" of. " n!ulanly


III_ lui"" !let" bo. ,be implicit aDd cop<><cd ho",,,,, m.nqod I con.roIlnI
III.....,n CO the _hllOO '" ik~ 10 '""'-Ylen.h<>n. Tho 1",I>I,UII1 and olio,",.
amonl!<'m<"1! .'hoch "",,'ok< it 'OmJelll tb< un<kn,"ndl", ~nllllt os rudy",
buro,; Ihi. ;, the 'pound 01' Bah' lhal m"sl h< laken to ""II<UII. r"rlher '",,,
lbe unanl< .. III1. Th., ..... hy Kines .rude 'On Inc c,,~'" or Nc",';'.
Q".OI'II.... m.'~f/'d ."
by ... '''''~ni lh. crue lly of Ih.
Schelhn. ,"ould Ia,c, all '.'1"'''''"''' l1>oy d,sd;un lbe Ir ....1 <killen.. of
iopcal cOfllnldkllQf1S I"'hoch llllmcl .. ,.I) ;',..,11114,. ""Y .'~rll,,"I I" u,dlc
It.; """""''''''' "'lib babnoen .. hero poinl CX>nIIII;ondi lhe 1)''''11<>11 lhal
ruin lhem
W.... I(,uch,o, 11m: on ,he 1.1Kkr IoJIOI <>lIb< ""'''''''''''r of ~Iure; lha,
cI ."" 'Olu"lOn of lhe dtJuo at anocublio!l,
~ lI<,n. o",.hanp.
.bon " ... n"t ,.." d,/fmnca and ",...onar c"""," 01 ~"'m<1."'" 'aN ....
AmbtMuny a((OOllpaNOS .hex m'lall~ for II aIoat m.o," a dJ .... mlC
_u'''t on 1M ......
T.. o amWy pDr<I ...1 ,,"'Qm,.. &U ....11h ,he
'~bloohrd d ... h..... Pyrrhic: ",""y' 0 ... ~"" not O""onlC
an In
b) pIo),nl on ,he """1 ... neI)' of Iwo '., mll, bioI by a,o" .. ", tho
-,., I16""y Ih., Imh lhem. b)" oIidi,.. ........11 m", lhe """'0<1 b) .. hid!
",,",li"ily hoIk".. 'OIl' a .hlCk.... ' for ..... If. The simple dOlUm of. 1~""'JoNJ/







p. f(.1




,,,.ho ..

... umet 11"11 a ..... '1' tepa ...""" bt\"'em I

and ... ""1 hao "'""" 'I
potSil* h"'" """" a(hln~ I"" qUICkly." 0\" ntlbbWl ~ of tho:
Iype of ( 1\ " 01 ....1' hom of a I.... \l..U '" idYll/ICe of lhe funcborl, tho:
caplun:. I POom" of
"111\ou, .... " ........_To ""1"* II DOt
10 pIam. bul to ';:u'llrn~. noJ., conllnuum 10 the .." .... Ia. by "....Iopo"1 all
lhe .,nual do:1o.rm'JlllIOIII proacd,n. f."", prvbk,U I1h. IS thr ~ "l'Ib
'multlform fu""'.o.... or ..nh GaIoto bod.... !UdI "'" IUIIdcd to au
equ oon~.
In the """ I,Ott x'. 1 funct""" ... IIher I, a 0<C0tId "'" I i I + I. bul II luI
1110'" "ma1'"1Ydc to ,"I<nIC1 "IIh 11..lf . Whr"" "r uponcnll appea . In
Imh'luny 11"11,.. '",." ... ~ lh" " lhe prlOO 'e> pay fo r 'J'II,IJ prod"'J aNI
",oJ""k/'" IC>jt1h., .rId for ''''"' fe>rm n~ory. 11", " lOmory is ",,. pboccd
In lhe f,...m; 11 """ly lwakened hy lile In'U,I,,,II of . Ile ' nlUh ... ,,_ lhe ImIHlu,'y
'rIIe I"f)n\<IOc ,nlu",.". of F""IO"Y ""n"""n>d .u Il"""".h.. alwlys appeal.
10 "",,"m'y. to ,be "",",un", ''''''' .. of I ..,..u.ol If1Inqu,lI) .nlPJIld around
Ih,np. ror 1Iclp,
,nlultlon of lilt ,lIl u",OII 0I.hN:h .1ot )'OlIn. H.,.s
blKlcflak.. thr Ihsmaotl'''1 of faltdy ob.~ Ippea... nca and
",.,1<'1' II> ", trotS lhe Ihrcshe>ld> of .... un>alIJllbl,lUt' to """""'I"" "read)
"'IlhI,,1wd k"""lcd ... In the oample 01 lhe _ .....".,,11 of allJl<s. ... hall
_ Ihil " IS JlftCHdy lhe
of ''''' 'Y"'lIkIncal r-'''' lha, .......'. thaI
lhe m"lIIK>n bu I" ""II ,He!( up ,"'0 .he ~ ullhe r-.Ih 10 .....,..Ie a

(O J

""lIIbn ""h. l1li1 In&!<

If I do IlOl ,,"" 'WU 11<>1,,1'0'" 10

,ho ~"'I "'" .' ~ 1 I...,...M. ]" ...... loo'~

...-J...... ,he ...... o,lude .. ""'- mohtlanl. ,I roI .. ....,. ,n on

' .... If aDd 11M: prod .....

""Iy" hon,ltd ,II ,he ptodOC1 In ,he .. me "lIy. Gr ......... nn. prOOOC1 ""II
lbo,, Ih~I jf" d,d not fundamentally fCS' <I" IIle ImboIU" Y ul. clto .... 1m
orlkr ". hoc...... ,he tb",~ "", of lhe rum" in'""'''n', "'. :t""11e lu 1..-" po""l,
tl ... "uld """ lhe ""plu", of.be . "e",jon, 011<", "r .c.....lin. lhe .......... Irnl'"
" 'he,,, ' y.hi"l " loin,'o he Ik<:Idcd hll. c,,",plcr IV), Throu]lh lhe amhlg.II')
01 lhe tII"I""""""nl, ...ha, "'..,. """,.O<! in lbe u""y ulan"", . apply 1 ",It R
unfold, ,n ,he "",,'inuily ul 11 .... IUre. Tho 'Ili....1* "'""".. Iy. ingcn"""''''
r-Ir-..... ~"t1ICh to en.""'p 1 '''"''tnom 01 001 .. """" fI,II".,,,. the r""""Lo.
m' - R The 0.<>0',," had "" l'R.imrn. of Ib" I"orm"la. they b ..,,11>0
.....,.,. I"'..... ,lit PO"'" of ,.. squa"," (}pp.>fIllUII. IeInna a.,..n. unJlOSlilbtbl): lhac COn be the .ympt",," of. Ikcree 01 HI,u,l"", '" be crosoed. but
of \be opptiSOI"'" Oi' lhe mil"""".he ...... dune"_ ...... nol ......
btbly_ "J"heo;,: bLt' ....my- ,n"" .... 10 ,bPK tho nl,nly of lhe UIlIUII'~
d ..bel, bul lhey do not "lead me te> lhe 001"'I0Il: the Im.."l.ol"", " a leap.
whld! ,. no"hcf dod""'i. xh ...."on ..... '1l;Ktrao;i' ,nduct,.". from com""",
f'" ,he ,nd,lI'trell """ .... lhe p<>n<tII ...... )'. J"f"I'lICnt. II",,", .. a d<p of
1It1~. In it. prod ..... and p<oduct'Y1ly are ;nd,s"na~"""hIe and.hr forms .... 111
1<1 ha,'. Inumrhcd 0.... Ii>< ombolu,lJ. Th. "ponen'_'oo, offo,., i., "",m<l')
.,'" It. Ikr'b, It, """'1,"",1 IS JI"" ul,he l~""'"'''TI.''' ,of .. hlclo Gr....m" .. n





'peak .. ,,'hll:h &<1. " 'ell 1><[0'" tbe Ip""'<lin, 001 of III tbe momed" of tbe
All .., ,be ...... nl 01 a oepan"ion become& con..,,,.. bIe. Too often ,nle'Pre,od
. . . "'pI.n, and quickly eDllu!kd In lbe fraca. of quantltath'. dapariUJ, tni,
"'I"-""Ion of form! i. nO ..' p"yod oul ,n the iofin" ..;mal "<1' b.o.oh",rds
", Ied by tho .'pone"1: lbe hither tbe .ymlllt'lry, til< more im:vucabl< lbe
doci,oon. T"-.", nnt lbe Ie..., par.ulo... 01' ,,,,,",, .. ."nge JI'It'.ldn;es. whcK
form. _m 10 onllioal. wilbout injUry [ra", Ibcmsc!.'os- In uoocrstandlng lhe
nepli,.. . . a "'lati"" of .. ,ualion, Kant opened tbe: doo .. 10 "" .... paradl$C3
,hi'''''''"''''' and """aph)'i>ciii.n. "'oold 1>0
b U, ignore. We "'ill sec
"" ... pol><nl. ""li<."Il lbe intuItion in the ""'" ..,,,1. manner .00 ho", they
.~ In "'''' lumiol lb. o;J~ss;ClIl IW'I ",.Ied Ior',....,n gcom.try and
.l geb~ by Iyinlthe imall"" of lbe first {'filum') 10 tbe Incralily of tbe I<'Ind
(tlM: ..""" of formulae ud of eolc:ut..',on. 01 ""'I"ilude).
A. an allu"", .rrangtmcn~ lhe <>ponml and ,11< ballnce roncenlrale all
lhe .. ~,.., power in . poinl or an a~is, and it is in . ""h poinu or .... thaI 111<
~Iurc Ihal P''e$ "orIb to the poIaril,... n ..... lI ul,h. III.,... 111< CIIloul ~I
.... Iural' ujl<,..."Js, ,he mo", It has made us ...,IIL I, YI'U b) '~pj>In' dec""r
Ihat lhe n<"" hom"ge~ly WH fouoo: "",h i. lbe d,alect"", . ... 'ere Iew>,,Oncntalion ha. 10 di.
do<p. for il i. only ., lhe kainning or lhe
nin<leenlh ""nluf)' ,n.llile lu. ok or It>< 100crai erupt .. ".., """,live. a. in .... ed
and "'I .:ned. " """'&JIiud IS a fort!< al ,110 ""me lime f"""ng Ilacl><a from
""'''''''''''ily and JIt<>II>CIry from '1"'Iioi clieht\; " al I... !rnUho:o the boundary
Ihal p""'iou!ly "'I"'ra'ed
inluition and deduct". u""""tandi.., OlIId
"netly defillOll ,lie IIomain, or .IFbra (lbe $cicnce of masniloo..i and ,C<lmelry
\Ibe licit""" of fiIU"",. L';!miz ""It> "", aWdr. of 1m. divo..., and had "'~
lbe p<>uibilily or ""kul.,in, on lbe ,ria"onl of ';Iuation!' (1I11a1}',u JIIU'~ It>
IeUeT 10 Cbri.. ian Hu~acl'\ll boa ...... itness:

Ion,., .....



I hou diKQ,.. rr;l .... MOJn tkmcnll of I IrW en.",<teri.tic wh",h ...""rely
diffen:n, rrom IIFbm and ... h,<h "'lI ........ 1=1 ..hlnlages ,n "'pr""'"'ml
lbe mind. elactl~ .nd ,n a way fOJlhful lu i" n.lu",. ercn ... "h"ul
filUm, everylhinl .. hkb dc:pend. 011 ;m.pnllion. Algobm II Ihe char.e r_
iJllc ror u",,"le.mined numbers o. malln,t ud.. only. bul il don "Ole.prOSS
litualion. ona!" and mOhOn d".... ly, Heoct""
dHlkult 10 a""l~
lhe proptnin of a fillU'" by ""kul.lioo..
Or . ",in'



I bel .. ,e 'hat by 111.1. method OtIC could "T~I """,""nICS .Imosl li~e
gcomc"y. a nd OtIC could e,.n lesl lhe qualn ... of malorial .. becau .. Ih"
ordi"""I)' <!opend. On ""<lain 68"'" 'n the .... n.,ble I"'fI<. Finally. I h e
no bope Ihat " .. ""n w<1 .... y fa. In phy ..", unlil .... e h.." round "'n><
melhod (lr abridgemenl 10 lilhl." I" burden or 'mag,"a"on, '

t liltom", of.... nce 1Lt,.. probably nnl "ven enou", tbo",hl I(J I"," .urpnl_
inll rae" Ibe J<k"ulicot"'fI of ,""'lPn.:Iry numben .... ,lb lbe p"''''' "1'1"'''1'> in lhe



or AMBI(]Vln


lIl<Ilbenlaucal lile ... lu .. only al It>< bei'nll,nl of lhe "",ecnln """IUry. The
5)"nlbcsio of gcomtlfie CSIU"" effecled in Ihc 1...(K\lIl1<n.bonal conlinuum at>d
""kula"on. implying in'p<><Wble '1uanlil ... lbe .. ro .. I(>O~ rIeIdy Ihree cenlu,"" 10 complelo! Tho malbe:maticians or lbe: cWtlec,lIb centu,y had 1Io..c'
. l",ady I""klcd $O"'" p<obkrn. Ihal we"" r.om lochrucal poinl of .~.
ulrcmclyelabo""e: but by comiJcnng I ubold;;"y. o. quile .. ",ply as stlf
evident. these ' .. IU .... III onenlallOn. or indcoLalion _n<I emelupmcnl lhal be,,"
lbe: ""olulions of Galo'" F...day. M!lbim. Gra'''''OlIIn ond many Ollie ... by
fti"sin~ Ib"", gc<lu'<:$ IIoyond i15 0"" horizon
or ralhe, from urnkr it> fect
classical malbtmotios rondemnod al~.bnI and gcom.lfy to main1.ining I
curious ",lo'ion,h,p of reciprocal predauo", algcbnl ;, e~=ted by a,'oidlng
l11e ",tfall' of fillu,,", .nd gcomc'')'. ,0 rc1UfIl. &" ... nlets lbe .. ar. lan"bIe
cha.acter or alsebra", calrnl."on ....'h",,,, Wllhout It. "",uld be pu .. aMl...,..
lio",,. Gcomcl'} makos Ihem leap 0,,1 .1 )'Ou. In. '",al" oh;rcl. of our.~
and In.ir ",Ia,ions of d"tance embody a MI/ ~d4..,u Ihal com""l. ~on,iellon
and IbUll mru.m lbe agenl. oro """ilCmal;"'1 lruln .lIn 10 a oimplc fOJlh: Ih ..
fallh 0100 noun.hed
on lbe <"",I' e~1SI<ncc or km<mallCl ~nd dynamICS,
whi<:h 'ndeed .h",,ed Ihal algeb ", MrnlS
"01 'pmo
of tbe mind
and lhat IMy C<lnlroltru the la .... or n.ttu.e.
Wi!h Af!lnd-W..",r. cOlItpkx plane, lhen Ham,llon, ~""leT",ono. Or......
mann, .1jJ1Obfa und tbe ..wk. of M6b.ius. a ",volullon i. broughl about: one
II lut '""",. It>< muhiplico,io" 0( ;maginaric'l"hieh lben bc.:omc allegcdly
tma,'"8nos,). an&lcs and ,....:lOri, The: mulliplocabon or ma~nitoo.. "'Iuiml
only d,lalalioM; hencefonh. a ,C<l""'''''' 1..
,n 110'0 dl"",n"onJII
a=mp;t."in lbe my"e"oul .)'tIlbol Vl.
The geomelric ;oIH"ion U Ih.",fo'" no lonlt. onl) the kind of ocular
in.peeI;"" ... hi<:h ~sa:"ained lbe ~grcemenl of malllcmatical aICII.lalion< .... ,Ih
""""'ure"",n" 01' ",.1 objc<:ts: il i. bencefoMh mo .. lbe """ibilll) III ....''''08
by 4i~'"", Ih< .'.-llicn of lhe
01 11", .po..... ron"", .. I;nl,b ... tbe
nne.gence pi" a P~)'si<o-8'Qm/!'ric con';""um In Iwo dut"""ion ... a> rar =no"ro
rrom Euclid, plan< os il .. rrom lbe allotf1lcl ,oclo",1 .~ !I. ,,!I. of Ou'
8u, lhi< moruliuliun of
phy.icII and . bove all the ... hole
or the .1M.0phil""",h) of lbe besinnJn~ of lhe erotu,y lC' lOller; in undc"lan<l
i"ll Ihal a magnoti<: bar conccnlral.. no boreal 0' au"raJ nui<! I",Ond ,"
j'IO\n. in collCC,vin& of ,I .. I I000p .pl,m"I'pact into 11'1'0 I""", and an ui.
""l"'bIe "f l"odllCing a third d1m<n'KI". Ampere and h ,"day 'n'~nl I
ICn, thaI;' ."Ili<:icntl) "",,<:",,110 im"", and I,,e definile fo'm 1o Ihe whole
ele<:tromagnclk '",on from whi<:h Mu\\"nand Einst"n drew






"'' 1<1''.'






W UAr I>IAG ~ AM5 , OJ. TtlI': N Etl ... Tl Y 1';1

To IOt,oduce II>< concept of ""gat"". nlOgnllu<lc o. quan"'Y. Kanl ob>oe,,es.:

T",o Ihlnp Me o!,po,cd lU oach o,he. ,r one Ih,nl ca ....... out lho' ""bl<h


TIl! rOtlC1'.OF ""lI(iurn DlAI.CIIC"L IA .... NCH

to poull'-C In thor

I)'' ' '. 0pp0$I.00II..,... he: lop;:oIor .ut Hnhcno Il1rnl"",

hal betn ""nl~ On k>&o<al ~"OJ\_ Th" ~on""u In affimHnI and

dony'", IOmelllloa
"'me "'bj!. Thl, Iop:aJ oo,,,><Ctioo i> ... ,thour
wmeql>elK:C II;/ ...,..:inuor ",,,... _<>bow], IS 1M pnOC1p1e of tO~lradJ



h,... 1UItca.
Tho ..",pi< lapcal COfItrod.""on .. "'" 'real~ it ...bcn. no .nlunoon.l"oo",,"
no .ron<cq.....". nd lead< thou&h! m,o u ,mmcd ... ,. 'mpa.... The roal'

ol'J'O"">I)n .. hod! .,. .uch tbal ho" 1'",,11"<1'" of ubp.~ a ... oppol !ld. but
...lIhou' ronu"dkt;un' don imply des,.ue "", buI du. <k;'ru<Ii(>rl i, Ih,nhble
('111e CUDK<j..rnc:< i. ><>me th,n,11nd doe. IlOl bful.ny d"""""'1< all phllowph_
icaI clfort.
Kiol ,hen II"" few oJ.ampks .. hocb Iohow
UOfl ll ..lOYl
",cJopo ;udflll "'_51 in tboo",!) ."h In <quil,bnum .h:ollfbPl tho ~n"'"
of lhe <k>lrucholl of. Illln, or of. mO'lOn;

,hi. ,'''' ............

no. dn.-,", fom: nI" body ,<ndin, ,,,,.. rd,. o<n.,n pmn! .,Id I \,""la,


elfon of llu. body 10 100>'1: ,n .be 0f'P0I'I!e d ,m:tion .... 001

and ~ poM,bIe .. "rub".1eI in OInak body 11 ,lie ...... lime. n..
OOIUI:<I_ or \h .. II Lbo: ....... IIIcb is oomet.II"" I "pnotM1II .ot><I.r] 8 ",
.... ha~ ,0 do ...lIh " Fdu,nc "PJIO'I,ioo; __ Iendm<y "'PI" "
~:ol clf'l of ,he C>lher, ,he ''11'0 lendmaes are re.1 p. MICO' .. 0( .. "nile
body ,,1>(1 refer (0 ir ~r ,"" U"'" IH,.., n.. oorueq,,,,,,~ of II ;, eq .... lly
l>iotltml< bu, in .. d,II'"""" ..",'" r.om con,ndM:UOn [.;/011""'.11,,_


1'"",", io ,"" UlIlllpie olllx: _ ..... nLlllf' baIa ..... \heel ' en crea'e" LIb!<
"',lb ,'''' "*""'~ 'nlO,y,bod on ,he "1111 In<! ,he
0" 1100 IdI , "ill ,b",
lui", ,,,,,,..dol ,n rt"."",n''''8'' __
unde und'nl ~ uro capi'a!
&. lhe "'~""""" 0( I.. " aOl"lIieo llIal a.e p<>S!,,,,e '" Ihe""",I,'", I C,~t.li '"
he "",O\'t'rM or debt. '" be ""'" b>.ck), 'r~ , h", ,.mple.
lhe ship
Iha, ..... rrom P",'upl '" Blud. It probably ,Itt _
,llum,na",,&, I "'''
ma.l ..." dlSta""", " ..died by ." CD! ",nd ",ib. "P t' .nd ,b""" , .... ,'e/ ....
br. " 'at 'ft'IlId. _. ~o iCe
mart lho
I'>J'I>O"U'OCI ol ...." ma"''' ...... "hlell. ,... lOj/tllltr, "'I'JIR'" 0""' ."",hol

,.....""i<I<I, '"

,ha, ,,,



' ''''''.'0

K ... t' .... mplo.! a ., nO, pICked ., .. Dd(>m; ,~y.U "'udo 10 a de""", \,
0' '1<kaI"J ""QeI""I" anceD,n,
.1Id a boJ:lDCIJII, I mUM ollUJ.,.., ,...0
.re poaI'"'' by
h .... 'hu, IlI.weII ..... D... ' ,hoot. i" ,Itt
...- . '~ax'lM'q""""'" "'WI : ""'" .1IOtbot "".,procally :" ,hoc _
............ ,
Th .... ,n ,bcoc ,h ...... uam"",", :0 aned OIl' .. """ '0 '"",Lo a vK\lum. 11 "
!IOI 10 "",lubil all ,n,UlI""" ,n ,he .... y
a \oaiCa1 ,..,.,,,adlCliOll. ,mp"IICRI




,0 h.,,, doLlO' ,*"k lul l . wOIIJd Ii.... "


... ult

ub<u.dlfY, '"


,I up "" h ""

pot.OI"'hlyof rodem""o,,,
In lho a.. ol ouJ oppo>IlJOIl. ,IMo "'" -' ,lMhcalef I =""0 a,"""y '" ...
'0II11d ,ha, ",lucb &IKft. uri .. pum) P"'" and d-.dtdt. to roll .... l ...


~n.ol~nl< ,0 """'~ ,ho ,"" .... oil pun: .'PO"-' nil ap"eny. com"'",n.

mobili,y alld OnenlalLon. " " '15 a ,um,nJ moILO,,:n rbe m:i>d "blCh li""nllel
i, rrom 'a~ .nl :"", KOO\In, " 'ba, u somply poIoOli lhore.:. foroc embedded ifI
""'''"", ~ rom 01 """"'f. I cbs:~~ ,rani"", 1M !.II'u.1IOn Ih ... """"pes rrom
:~ kind 0( ,u",UPIi", >lupod:ly olllx: 11<.. ,10<1 ol ' '''' sum, r.om ,hoc Iy .. nny
of,~ c.l<1U1' ....bid! UIIP<*l 'l5<'1f OIl .... " 'Ilh ,he """"J 00._ ..... 01 lid.

" an' a(kb:

It. IUjI"lIud< " """" .... III !a"on '0 a""U~. "",,,,"ude ,n ... ra, as "
can only ho)OU>td 'ott':Mr ""h j, by an opposIILOn. lha, is '0 oay. m ...
~. at ,he <me mn ... _,ollude 1""] 10 115<1f dlJ3rpo,ll' III ,ho other. "
It. "'pm., .......' _ ,~

pm", 1000tllln.'Iuch


III' " ,,b ,he ..... :... _

moan. Jdl.."ldOll'

ola so"",la


hu, can bo
by M... "ohle .1I'0n. p<IS"lt)ne,j "n ,he bndF 01 ,he 'hip. J can .,mpl) allow
nly.... ' m hoc led. I tan oca:pt '" <IoU: .... '" J'If'OII'CW- 8u , I can "'WI)" caoa:!
, h" I'fOII""M virluaLly by 'h<lIIah~ by ;"'apmnl' ron,ruy "'lDd, v.c .....'hal
IS al .... ~ .. ,he all ........ '0. rno''Uli body "hid! could move:n ''''' OJIPO<II.
d"~"",, ...... no! dOIlY'''' cu.,,,,,,,,, ol,h" ...... ;nl bod). b.n ,nlloal<l
:_ah, loop a""bIe ol ronl",II"'I'ho ,p. _IIn. olan 1ension .. hero,
,og. diS'"nce ,hal Iw: .,....... y beeo ' .... ' elitd l. Lefo io ,~ ..d on: "0, 'nolh,n,.
<lOCI' " ,""lid ubjcICI1 ap"'';'y '" in,'nI' 3 roun'< ....',,;&ll' do,'",", , ... , ""ill
produce IbiS joIn'lII ' ...... ""'. aDd tho Ib ... I"O(:Odinl .>ample ho .. lhal
"""",LI,,,,,, Ind mobilill ""'1. CO"""" mit in lho """,1",,1_ ol 'M don:t.
RC*! OJIPO<I'''''' lhordi:'Io'C 'n ...."'" 1I....p JIItJj. 'n at"' ....
alii"""",,,, prcdOCil:Q. llnI .,"'....... DOl .... ," lhe '''~
l hiS ..
pcrlIap6 .. hal diSlInpWla I'QIlIJIIIO<illOo rf'OlT\ \oaiCa1 """'rWlCIion. .. hldo
a.ually put; ,110 propoSilion A a Dd '" ",bu".) on lhe .. me rOllllnl a n.,! is
\'C1')' hilI< _mod 10 k"",,,' "hid! 0( ,hoc ,,,.,, I'rcdlCl'" " ''''Iy l /l\muti"":
' Ral' OJ)pO"<lion. ,Itt '<0""""<' In<>, IlIIhbnum: Ibcoc ... no' ~ br
lho .. mple J''''''''''''''on oll"" poaIU'"a. bu, br ,ho" orinrl~ .... l<'1li..._
~ tad OIIIy
0I'C'm>mI< b) ."",he.... hlCll ucrt> ,lOdf ,n MdltItJ
dif'<Ct, ...... rounlc".oi&h, Li "'" I 'dead" wriIh' hul ..,..,.'.111........ ~j"'''hcd
.. by rIO

.hoI'' '




To ",_, _
Ir)' ftu " " MCCI""r)' '" ''''''"' a douhit-rn,r)' t...h""",
......,. for ,he lallcr 'mplios a du. di",ncllOfl be,,,"'",,,,,, '''0
",,,,,""M br
, ..... icall:,.., IIc'crsinl ,Itt oou ... or a ,hlp '",all)" 0. by ,hou&lu i!; by no
Inalns rcd"",bIc '0 oimrk dOlI .., ol,,,,, .. We"'" ollhlll ""1" t1b~ dOlI ...
... auld I<IOblJ... "" ac\iooa..
II. ""lUK or :" ,ho mmd, l"hon:"
'" ,ho oqah .... I k,,1d ol
or pn>cIIIOfI or aUl'ort:ft. ol all pooiObI<
rou.oco. ,bnc txactly """
capobl< oIbolancin,lIx: one
hal .......
.... 1,



""p<f'I.'' ' '

,h., ;.



S""h a ""I.""", is by no ..... n' Ii'oo. In.,! 'liLS. """",d,n, '" Kanl. is """"
role>.. n, '0 lho fora>
all'cct Ihoc ..... L


One rod ..............Iy lhal

'0 mH... 'bouV>t 1lbod ..."b btll<l_ d ...."""".


aDd ...." ..0)'.1 demaDds a F""'roe, and ofIcn

.00 " .. "u to I'QLO~' soletnn to""

im.ge ,h.1 ...cued InJ,hl.r,"


_"Ie.hIe, ao;Uyuy




<lnly Yluh ,real elf01'1 .trace tbe

<>PP<>O"'' '

The wb)ea mUll lhomor< t<IM I. Mp',," i''''1/ I<> .""rcome ,I><
.Dd 'M ""1<111111011 .hat ;1 mus, 1"'00""" Cln only be II. O"nl- To ,ame ,I)
,a,,,,,...1 ro..:e... II mlUl "" up oen'~ 1Il1"'lIy "' the ''UY heln nIt..

The", an be M d,ff....""" "",.."Ctn ,he """,dcnb <>/ .pon' .... l ".lure and
1M ronooqUCn<:e:l of the 10,,,,,, 0C1'''1 in ,be COfpo< 1.. odd. lh;jl i. 10 ".y
,hal .bey can ... "'" be .... lfOlcd "'C<'pI by ,he .-nu;oe oppoood d",',nl
rot"" '" aDOIbe, bod). and tlull In inlmW x<. " ~" I lhou&hl of I"" sout
('aJlDOI .,.... 10 . , '" om""," pull!otly M'bn, fora: or It.: _
'1IbJt.. Onl) II........ thaI I." ..... , ..... , ...., k"wI. or bcinp dlffor 'M
m.n ....... Ie can only he moo,fiod by ".""...1 <2UIiQ, 100 ,I.,,,
mu>d can equally be 110 by an i.,mIIl/ ""uw. the ".,.,.,.,ily or lh. real


of ,,,,,

opposition nor.etbclno a1"",)'1 mnai,," (be .. me In the ''''''' danwns."

II ...ndca! 11m drOOl or aoobotl1l'_ ,hot o<>"".MCI lhe on.oIop;aJ d'PU1

III lbo 1Xp",~.nd J(u, <;;alb the ..... _onhnl 10 ''''''''b ........"" ""'Inll\ldel;
.'<)<lld bo: lao . ba~ "')lh,n,' .tr.unl, l"cp' '"c n urnw.. .~ ,,(>I IfnlllFd 0fI ..
lodde, ~biceh ;. Jlrnply 'belo ... Ilia' 0( p<>,i l"" nunt bllrs. .ern.. 1h" ",Ial"'.
"",hI RI. i. prod-.i by a
by compt",...ilm dc,,",
Cl.p>bIt 0( <11.-.:1<>1"1111 T.'o .','h ,.,""",,1 mu .... l"<pu'~ rna&n>'~ ... pal
lhe. "'00 domoufto(b<>O\OF1lll,"'''''' .h",b IlSUPlnof .oenl<k d,ff.' ......
'" q""hl) or ~ ... nhlr " Ii US}' '0 d"h"luo<b bconp '" <:bffCRtlI Irn&1h or
~ I I... ~ onl)'
no", ,"" farlu ... of ,hell ..."'....,.,..lIon. "Ot1, II " 'hl' 11
"") lmp<>flanllhal I "tid -A .hoold b< "'''''II)' "'Iual in 'absool ul< "01""'.,,
1.... lli'Ic: I<ce", i, pla<l neh. m'ely on lhe Jl">Ihon~1 rd~"1)11 (oppos,tion). lIuI
if I ..-ani d " .. ",ui.h be"...~n A and A. I mU>.1 "~IP' a mlrro. o r .. bollnoe
.,..j <kodc 10 pt.. ,,,,," ooe ado 'Ill .. "al'''1 ..... unI) allo..... """ '0 he
unoknlood as "1NIkI .... as ,"" p<OOUCI of ,be neull'lllllallOfl 01 +A bJ A.
""I 1Ill<> ..... los " """";b.. '0 open u'o 00' Inlo " .... Iw<w,.". aDd " .. J....
Ihn aUU>ion 10
Ihal ptrmm lhe CO",!""'I 011"" dice""" asoocu.lcd "lIh

.1Iow,!r., f" ";-",.






Ia.I made i. poo.siblt 10 II". aJI 'OUllU .... """Ienf to 1110: """111'"1} .WIlbe. In
.. """""'. publi""'" In 1806 ".. ""'h ""TJ .. nnot""'" at 1110: lime. oI.rpnd
p<opooa I" Iklclop 'a meaN of ..pr' 'or,lIn"ntal""'>" qUltn" ..... in ....,.,...tflC
DCln.lfucllooi" He h<:",nl "'IIh til< aCOOunl of I <ootrucu"n ." ""..."v<
ma", .. udei. from whicb .~ 1"'" a r.:... ", " ",,11:

lei .. be any a. "'1r:1I1lprt... i ....w..r/J ~""n lllJ, It 10 th .. 'I""nll1y ..........

equal!o II h<: IMtd, .... ma1 n(ll'OO5 ,lie ,.,."Ihn, ... rn 1It:!oo If .... rq><:lI'
1M op<o"&l>On. tht .... ul! ....11 be 3<l. and to ..... .....e tbu. obilln , ... _
a. 2a..\If.......... udt l<,rn ...r ,,'hteh II donved from
p".,ed,,,, b~ ,II<

",me oporation. capable cf IndtnOl'.



t hemore Ibl'. "any 0'''''''''1 quan Ulf h<lna adopted. the ...... of
j>OIOl"~ n"",l><n OIrnpl, b:o ...,...tcrr.11fIod ""b ~o
lint.". a, ....
dabonr.""" '" 00
tha, Ii oot:, 6niohcd Tbi. IQR'PlC &fOWt onddI..
nll<.ly and the oena .. rcd-.i '" ,I>< paTlLmel'IJC "'. jU'lliPOSO''''" 01 "DILL
To uruol<l II. 1\ 'It enouaJo' 10 let on.:". IwId oJide 10 tbe naIll, 1.1 J, .1<".
NiluntUy, 1" '0 Ihorny quc>""n."", ld\ lu "ftC .. de: thai of Ih. choice 0111><
Imil IDd lhal 01 ,be: t ... HWCI! lhe .."""
m,,"" up in t he l""""",si.lIy
<JI ti ...... tdnI,1I\nl .,th ,he tlck,n, <JI. d<><L II.""" all tht inoaiioDl 01 ih<
....."" _ _ _ .''''''h "J>OOI'" (,..,... J L 111m lthrn J. etC, apprat com_
fortod by .bl> lazy poIIl""J....'hll. mna,n'''IIOIIU) co!"i .. ' 0 lhe docht 01
on \nfinlle' coIkction Iblol ... uttld ha .... 10 be: ha .. >!"", .."houl II. b. .. in. beetI
da.ly defined. h ><CtflJ the .. fo", Iha~ 10 obta>n ....... '".., nuno"" .... il i. =0",,"
10 DClIUIOO Ih" ......... ,.", INM:k ...... nt., lhal I" ..... j~. lo>.~, ""lind add",

W. _




1 AlnASO AND THl A ITAC"" O ' TUI LoI.TElol.l

\\< ~_' how cnlhu ....lically tciomlOllll'ft1ed


and the """"Ian.... lJI>I>m<'flC ,,,6,,", tbal " 1110,,1. 11"'I)'../)<1<I y..... allot tbe I"'bI~
"em of lhe ......' 0" .... " i.. mall-"lIudes. .ltey dl",,,...,,1 the I'IrU
of ,he
DClunl ..... ci&!>l. tbe lal ...1 and .. aromcuice ... pt"'ly capable of fo.mally m~.
I<nol pt"..... nd nl<lapbors Ihilluod prc.iowJy .... mod ,"<:,,-...1 for "",n!""
.nd poeU. n.c .......rct. CODd ...."" b) oI.rpnd. I\ c:ood. QauB and otlIoo-fJ

, _ 0( tbe


be .. prded ....... >-...1 ff(llll ,be procodlq

by an """"1100 .. '"dl it I .....,,'"'" uti'" fuo-mer. )et. heo"'anII , _

lftm ' " tbi> __ oe .... mal


filE .UIlUOt" A~lIKil:m' OIALfll("At .AUI'O:S

t' OIl~OF

A.. .. l()l; lTl" DIALECTICAL ..... '-<U

eeneo III<"", " Ih .. d"r.n:ncc: lhe ~'" ml) be Inde8nnd .'lended. hul
lhe ><ron<! 0I1Ino!_ An., lhe lerm '" "' hould oblKIII O. bul beyond Ih ..
poInl lhe q ... nmy ~ mlUl be 01 sud> a nalu", .. 10 permn OIl. operlllln,
00 nro ......., did Of! II.. od.... UfmI ...... M. 2u. . Bu Ius .. _ &1",")..


""",hie "
Afpnd Ibrm.... shows lillho 11"'"' oIll>r 'Ureple. ... h,ch .xh.au,,, ilself
'IImullaooowJy and 'U<>XUI...,ly ["",.... " ~ .....$UT~]', Tho .. ph .... OInnOl 110
red"""" to the II!a# 01. booly oIl'rm1 in lbe fllen" .. ,," H....
011110 '+1' .-h~h alnys ",''', ID lb: ... me p:u, 10 be "",...,.".! It IS IIO-r"C
lhal Arpad bnol'l'" !fie _'"- hoob ..... k. !l pou,hIe to hll.o""" .he ltc''''''''''
lIIddioile 10 lbough. In ,1>0 ""Y Ihol lhoy do .nh 'rnal' nt.Oc<;



Sut 1!\Slood oI ...rica of ... .,~h1S, Ie1 U' ron>i<k< lhem u

In I pan
A of 0 boIJa""" con.alnltl,f .'~t. In 1110 <>Ihrr PO" .110; ~nd f.,. .he
purpooo 01 ~t"""'lion. lei III IUi_ lhe di ......,. P>*d o.'er by I,," Inn>
oflbo boll..., io proporIlOnat 10 lhe "'aah" added Of .111><1", ..'....-hodl
ir>dd ""OIIkt be lhe c.!IO If I opnn ,., odj ... ,.,;! 10 Ih. axl~ I( It..
.dda >on of llIe weigh' n 10 the pan ... m.,..,. 11M> oll,.,milr oI.he arm ...
dlS,ance .' he addi.ion of 11>0 ....,Ihu
3........ __ .... iII ""_ th" .......
e",.,mnr 1<> .,..,..., 0,," It.. donao<:n ~'. 3M'. ""-. ___ . .. 1uo;Ir. ....1 be uk ....
II - nu,,~ oIlhc ....,ttl III Iii< pan 4 Iht< . 'CO"" iI D/ro "'boll lho ""M
.,., bol.nccoI lIy pluin, lbe ....,~h1> ... ~.l>t. __ -. in tile pllI .... on lI\.Iy
obtaIn lho ","ull> ~'. 211', J.'. _'-. or, by ..awn, .. i,h 3"' ud .."I><1 ..... 'n'
.h.....,ghl.. lhe ,",,,I,. 211'. ~'. 0. 8u' ,t>t<.e " '<t.hU """y bt reached 001
mlly by lakin, """"11 ou, rA lb: pan ~. bu.
by add"" them ,o.hc
paQ II i'ww ,"" adda"", of .."'du. 10 the pan II coo bt coobo\lOd
""ldin".Iy: Ind In to 1Iout, "" UlaU oblmn """III e~l"" 'd by
- ~'. ~', - ]~' . .- '. Ind Ihe>e Innu. ,~11ed ncp'"C. " 'ill npres '1Ul1nll.
.ie:< a, ~"Ial drd the p<tH'C 0 .... W. lherofo ........ 'h., .. hoo 'wo lerm ..
""""""",11, flI"'~ t.. 0J'P0'l" ","" .. 100'. _ 310, Ihcl dnIJn;ole
01 tho t.l;t""" ar-ms. tuch
,he ...... """"y io<hcallll(
iI '" bolh CI~ equally <btunl from ,1M: poonl 0.'
.ho ..

'<O-i' . N,l




w ..., ,be ,nl.,,'OoUOo or lhe bl.nll "<1)' ,,"'".,Iy


I. &110 .. . IIIe '"'"'Iwlrb,u!t"n

.>f an "era'rnn J"'" a. It rompcnsall$ fo' an aa:umul .. ion of poin ... hu,,',,"'
oonWdc-r:lbl< II ""'1 ho [con thus. by a<!<JClII!t"l <It,,, 01 ..-.:ialt' ,,"h _h
t<Npk of ...... hl'IP"
muDd .he rmpae 10 .. h",h any tleductiott leNs
aDd pr-o\<>rI. the JUXl.p<lOJ...... or wbtnoctMlll Indefinlld)
A <><p'i,.. numbe, ma~ .. ,t ltan 10.1Ie Icf\. 4 I""'tl''' number mok .. alun
'0 the riSh" MobIle im"", and n"pt;". number .~".tU por(Nluoc a .. hok
pta"" .. hicb btar$ I .sI,.tt1 ,,,,,,linl'ion 10 OM $t<Ir:: ..... he OIhtr A oumbt.
("""me.,. "'II"") thUlIpp:aB hie. ><l rA po<OhIe rndrnal>on. Imc..."tW
IIO-r"C by lho I.......... 1ft !fie lfII1"l ..tJU>kd 10 lhe UII): [I), Al _ -t A.IA. 0)
, ... -.nd In "",",cula. (....... , _ 0.
It o.. . hould we rona:". thl , YICIo'Y 0'... r"""I1,,"~ Whot can the Irl~'



br"' Wc .boo,1d _
tho C'hanp ...1<1> of ""to: 'lr,bu.. ry' '" """. (Ih't
oIiIJhdy lIwcful ."~ borne by ['O>Ili,e Dumbrn.),;, ...,n. I..... r bl:r "':>nh
... fulc.um. lIS l!wl ~"",1Id
p"'<>l ",'hile .mdoptn, a "'bole
..-h",h '$ III'" (. "m the 'p"lIal Intumoo ... here rt " ... """'ly..... It ;,
Arp(Nl'J pat .......... "" lalmtlll.1I cnabk:$ b,m 10 VUP D/ro .. ,lle lr..",..""
bocan. as lba. " 'hdl otU UP' n "on ",hilt uri .......... '01 ,rrunobtlc. AD llIe
ambtJullY and JtO-'.. ofen."doprl .. m oItllO T.o _
"..w ," =n A baia_
Ihc.of"", ""'~'" rl pomblc In .ltntrJhI and rn NI'''''' '0 <lUl.n"f) ,toe
nqal,,'e by a,. .. lnll
:ml I.. , ...... by m~I"r .. ta,.",ltly .proul. The
bot.occ. .,. m<>I'C 1'fe\.~loOly ;1$ fulf;rum, ,herd.,..., rUl'el'lion> I> muhiphor rA
";nUl.ll1Ie U III aJlu~~ de....,.,
As lOll III""", de, ....... a Infaill"" tU11Oba1J ttoe ,alulllOfl ,a In
........ It>d <"f'Wocs chcilk. ",ro II M4 U\ nalu .... t>Of" ...... I rukrum, t>Of" Ibt
numblr O. The baJ~..., d""" n<I' 'Ioad' to the '!dca' rA lhe .. t!"1,,0 Zero;.
.. o"hor 'n<><'",' "'" n<><""'tic. 11 IbIo.hft,," aeu" ..ltr'. in ....
6naUy d,,,,,,,,.. n I bh ....ul pb<oc .'1IO-r"C mobdrhc. I,., pRCiid1 pdutqnl III
""tu .. and lhov.ght A.pDd ""'" .-..y durly thaI all.bI: """CPU of .ymmct ...
lIl"'" """,""".ted In ""ro. the d",,,,,,,, in 1.'0 of,hc IU. rA.he Inm 11M
'i"",) a n ",nt>m",,". " 'hole pia .... It i. o..y 10 '"'
,osol.os 1M cqu'''on I~. <) _ (X.d). ",' ~",h;,
x_a _ d <, 7"" 0 i
'moddle', II II .hr..-r"", I.... plinl 10 "".n:b for I ' middle' 10, mUh,pha'r./)"'!hOl
.. 'hr
an Ihat. ""lllln, A,pnd'". DOUlio".. .. ddinod by G ' ,: ,: It.
Ind, '" modem ""' ........ b)



''''0 .'Im

l1li. /",


"I""""'" "'''''

.-..t !f"'.aIt'

....,.....ric ....

- ~


In.. ""'0

,I'll, ......."

l ilE rOl:Cf.: Of' A"'IKlCITY OI,O.ucnCO\L IlAUloIC'IS

,ha, ..

If " &lid b .n: ,_ numbers o.ucb

> 0 and b > 0. _""'" '",utupi),,,,
middle' iJ oqU"lIienl 10 dclcrmiolnllM ..,ame1ricalprol'<'f1k>....1"",an ~( ...em
"'ilies of d,II'.,o"l RaIII. Ilia! 1$ to Jay ,be quantl'Y J: ,..11",11 Alalia
11",,'01'0111011 +1:+..-::+..-: 1.
Arpnd COflUnueJ;

,,0'0 "....

difficulty....'hta "'C"1ihod 10 CUIII;" ... lbr ~

. ntlIilKta;:al prOfi 'i ", b<J'<>IId lO, for % Clnno! be made "'I1LlI '" 'n)
q ... nu,y .... , her Pl111"" or "" ... hl"\:; bu~,.. before. the " ... omy ... h ~h ....
' ......,nary... lion applied 10 ~nain ma,nnudes, bcalmc ",a1 who" 10 the
KIea oIltro.olulf number ... ..Jdod ,10>, ot di...:1I0ll. ""'Y i. DOl bc poe4iblo
10 !reO. Ib .. q... nlll, ..tudI II repnIed IINIJlIW)'. boca ... "" canJIQI ....,.
" ~ '" lhc: tc:aIo of ....11 ... .ud ""1'111'" '1 ..."111 .... "'lh tho _
.'0:' 7 On n:1kcuoo Ihil bu 5 "ted poosible. 1"'..........." can 6e>ue
k...d 01 " ... nlllY 10 which .." .... y apply Iho ><lea III d"...... iOll, "" WI
~h(l<rn Iw/) OfIp<>Slle dim:tionl, <l"" for pOSlll'. ,lid one for ....1I"1.i\'C vaJus,
l~ oJu,U 01>1 tbird
_ . liwJl r~ "....,;, ... d,,.bt MwU1 .,DNI Do ,/0,
'"'-"'" I" It , . ,... ,.,,., JQn III/lot .."..,W "
H m: "" _ l U I

/11."'' '


fi ....... 1><10.. , ...."Id ....... by ArpDd. """.. how ,ho nnu.b,.,IOft

m"d '" bc - ",""ed ID 0 Ilmchcs ,Id.""" tho: _bole . . .. OF..
p<'f!It'n,hcular .0 . he arm, oI .he
perched .. n oE, I can wn,empl" .
,he poII l1'''' nd ,he ""P"'"'" ,he A_ mdi lf.n"""" (...: HJ. 6):




v::I ,. ' 11..

hlrn>h..., pe. mlned. "" doobl. II..,b.,.w: "",,",I0Il>

r",,,,,,lIy heyon<! ,op,<*h. b\J, ,,,volved no ,mullion. No. '. II .o:m. ,ha, lhe:
11'""".0( ,hue un,U IS ",_led 10 .. ,", .I'II,.he UIllU an: loca.na,(d. "OA lllhe:
O<1,",1I 01 poIIlI". "n,1. (1/ It . he: "",,,live
(If. u.J OV.", ,he: mean 01Ul.:
y, ,, ..., "'''h .. hal care Arpnd proser ... bae un.U;! I is ..
III powled fi~.




an:.be: ,", ....1

TIIe: ....o ~n'rr .n......
'0 a con".lla'lOR 01 ....' .."'" ...Iud! /orm a con'''''''''''' dwn bel ..... " lhe: pI.,n
dog.nalion 1',," PU'" po<>,K>Il 01 + I ) and ,,," ..... ,....,..,.. 01 ,,," "',,,ral un,,,,,
",Iu<h ,n umphctl
. he <>rf>l>"ilon of + I and I Zero. .. a:n,rr '" roIauon.
,n,,'" II. to ..... rr In a k,nd of ...,..,.,,,,,.,,,,, ...hkh lea,'" ... in II<> doobl ..
10 Il!c ..... bly of dim:u" ... ll,na;

_I .. ,be: <nttnler>l.ll.nd



Rul lhe:-!< I"... .rr ~ ... "hllC:O ~1I"e """ II .he """,... "III~ \1><) .,.
dc",'Od f.om i, 10)' lhe ...oei.l,ion 01,10:: ...... 01 dim:,iun "''''' ,II,,, 01
""'I",t ud .. and .'" In .h,. re>pccI lik. tilt ........ 'i'e I",.... !lOcb ho, II<>
,,,,,,,,n.,y ",",fica"on. Tho term. fflJl .nd ~i_, do "'" 11>< r"
..:co.d .."b ,he obo"" "."""""'"" It .. DOCdku '0 rcm;o,k
the ".~
_ . " Nt and~.
1th. Irr.ruU .... appropriate.
The ...,. of ,hror ,cnn. In ,he e.act "''''..... In anr O1hcr
than w,

1<lme1,""'" ........

of",.. In...



potl'llr< 'orpn"nl-"

I.nd 1 .", ,nd<:ed '"",r f"r the) can he 1I'''''' a,ed ...i<lc>. and lha, K far
",on: "'I...... n' ,n u. ' h.on tile ...... u""""'" 0('. "nll,1t Ito ...... ,. c:crtain or
Alpnor. con, ..... pon.""" d,<CtInN ,n ,hi> m" .... ) lhe in'.. n' ..... 0(. p>mcular
."""""",'. H. h,modI" '",,,kly odm,u
n m'&II' be ....., .. notlunlmofC
,han ,he .. mplo .... 0('. pan ....... , .......'i(>n; '~OI m)-.df. r .,.... ' 'hll [ do)fl
_. Id Ihll """,,10 ... only ,,,' of
ml~""",pendded 10 .... l)'ue
formo "'000c d,,,,,,,,,,., ,,,.. """" .. mplo.r.<! .. p<d 'lio ......... 11m lbe ,n,erooi of
'his 1"0...."'. mOJquc dod 00' .scope J. ll . (lc'1l0""". "' ho ..joIoed to. Soo<'
'IIFbI"", "'1II1~ ., Ia" dJoencumbe~ 0( Ihctc un,n,rllil'hIo and m)"'."",,,
Ionru.. of , hctc ".,......... wlUclt lpo>oJ " and make of '. a ..,11 ..r cato.J .."c



, ----~.


- -- .,,

,n "'pro." ,he d,,,,,,li .. n OE. wl'lll

Tb .. III .. hy Arpn,f. ,... ,111< marta! . n ~It C............... rr ., Lu.

difCIK'Umbtml or the rormal m)1u6ct""" ..r V, I.
From the $i"",ly """,.1 Ind o pcl'l'''. p<~m nr v"' .... the nOla"on
=-l<+V I "OltN potfcoctly ...Il b.II;' ..,...."ed ooIy 0 ....
t"lu..,,,won. 01 \' _ I "\ I by I . Th, .... ""Iy ll ............ ,h ... ROU'IOII
ooIx:ilf. f'tT~InI'" propul_ ol 1110 ."'", .. , .... bmok.nl ",th all ,I>< pia".
, 1Idc:i 01 the...... i aad oKffl'" aU ,I>< .mbo .,I1 .... and no .... ol.1>< ... ' .... l
- I and + I. bel"1 C(>fItrary ....... ,",." " I>ftIF ".,.., ...... I nd J.D.
GCf'JOfl""")"I vcry ..."d) th.t111c p.opO. llo ....1 mean ol "",,,,,,\Ide btl>"11
+~ Ind
d" and "",uk! only be <r. fo, .... hen 0 .... is ,peak,,,, oo"l~ 01
malrut""'. """ "'lII' om" IIwo ...". V.. II_~. Ru, " 'hen 0 .... 'Ml.. t aV - '
.. ,I>< mea ... 0dC """"'""" ,bn'cby lha, <NW hili ,.kon ",to ~,_ .1><
IIn'CrOC .,.,..., ...... of ... " and . II: ,he: mean "'~ .. tlottdore ,hen _ . ,I>< ''''''


,~ .

A r.... II ..... funhe. Of\. Atpnd

K I' " .."" !peak:"

a~aln 'hI! ~he d,rea;"" oI(1A ...

i$ In rqa.,J 10 (I /, ,he I>O,;on of
' '''''an 1""""01' un,,, IIl>d been bo.n. I,nked '0 ,he idea 01 d",'':IH)n;Ol Ii..... "

The _ n unot II J"*ObI< in "",,,,il...,..nd.n """hon. T,.... uru .. iporad.),,.

caOy cal'"e! 'm.pn..... t"", """.....w) only pa.optd IJJoJ/J (by ,110 IYmboI

01 1M ronllMlnaloon: " thrrri<>rc. M I_a. ..... n 01 posillOll . , . d ., 01

ma"IIIIIdc: the ,nl" I""'II_ 01,... J)'lIIboI v'=111 Ihcrdote red...-ed 10
bWlUIIJ 001 a ~mpl b"., of .. htob " eon be ..... ,'''', " II pooolCd III rdo,'l011
10 +a, .. -(I. posiled 10 rdo, ...... 10 11-" II II the '<'3llll<lmlt_ (01] ,he
"" ...... powuo.. ,'''', '1"1 I. '" b.ttk1n,'he b,,1Id InlllSlll'''Y 01 ,"" ~
""'Y' <IIkula1lOlU, .'hIi;h eo .. finally ba;:OOlk romplu..
I, II Impooublt 10 .... UC"'''' tho: ~ oI5U('h an t'\'OII; dc:gd'1lJ
10 ICC J and -I .. I """klnc m....11 ""Ill up r",m Ilk-llben'" Ind OOIII. olkd
.mbolulI~ and resolu,",,) '''''pulJ ze.., as a pwhIt_J< ~t..,..
the (>::n'''' of
a 1k-,K1' .. hlCh does "'" wnfi", IISOI! 10 .....""'n' nq.II nun'bc: .... hu,
rel<."1i"'01 IlIIclr In an a"IOCk of the b_.tf1ll COJlllhic of JPh'"ng a ",holt p/;oM,
It I> lhe r"", .,;.h ~ ~'I#i n "'pl"re IhOi ..or,...""", _lid I'hysklAIU " '111 .....
lIlh' " hun. ou hOloC nle", 0. It<.< hKklen k.y poinl hat con!p'''' ." ,uide
our V~,p 011 .ru.h,


1'<; 01 t ,

~. f.

"IC ~ C t_NT. F.S

" ,' C.A


~ '10

K 'IO'rs 01 A Pol 110t; 11 'Y.

TfI~ BALANCES o t 1","0



T1WI CO""""') '" mk"'ed all~t In ....

paon .. had al.., , .. III'1okd phLk).
ooplKn r", _
II ..... Ii.. YC2l$ ~ "'pnd'$ . -0I1t. Uchcnmayn ""hlilbed
.... fiBI Ru....
I.......h "'" " prii
"'QI"'''~- P......,,,..........
Wc mil>! 110(. ol coun.e, Jo.w,I.. Ihcoc R.,.."..-Ior, aooonlln, .0 """' <mpOnry
oticnll1ic cn na. bul "'Iher "od<..... nd how '''''YI~od In Inoculllll"l lhe
m... ph)....:aJ ""k", 01 1'Qio.~.. poncn. . .1Ih Ih_ ol the cornpk,dy IkW
ckc! ,pphIIOSQphy'. In JIIInicular. , ... appel"''''''' In lhe R.....urrlH>. ,II a .laln
dIa".m 11111 ,.uClal W u. in onlc. 10 Jf8-.p lhe p,..ciloO mot .... l KI ,,'hlCh
mol_ph". II,. (II'C' .n~ c. y.lalh$ " 'hole ol"'''"i''~ fitld,
rhi. dlaV~nl laYI bore I'" p'oc<ss ol d""",u,,hln. and """nl", OUI I.."
.,Ulloc< ,. 000 I bet."",n. rrom an cquiJlbr,"m paon. rO_ 'n.e.. ~nfllin ~rc
)nfinll.'. bu. C9JI<I T'd In .uch ......Y as 1<. bol.1""" """ .1I01he. oul (1hc:y ""'''
bo con"'l<nJ 01 u
fOf'm!, of lhe I) po.. ~ J.

DHw._ '"




I "-










1loc '",,,nr , ~pio;Ics uti" oPP'

ocquc....,. 01 cqu,hbna. ,"'""" cquilibna
""' ..... , the
dca>ml""'UO" of.he enh'y ' . I:.<htnmayer
a 'proo<><' In ,he
of """"mlnS " quot .. nl' , . n .11 c"I IIY of dq;.ec:






"booI" .. (..







.nd from " and ,. are <!n,m! InD of '"",1' fia"'" (snoc-bic: ..
!/lmp) arod qualified by fi1liu.-.I .... j,.11,,, ,.~"_
Tl>c lalla III"'" he:
~ndo, .. ood .. the dqra:s of dJo.bnc:uon arod ~"'IJOD oflhe';"- b)' . -Iuc:h
I 011'0'" iudl'lo raJ nDlCDtt. 0- iliuM IhcreJon: 'lkl~ oIlhe upotlCtl' ..."
,- and I arc loWly houDd 10 "'" upao"'" 0 and ..... 1JICd .'l~ . - another
IIY moboh(,"1 t<J>II..
appu>ll""'" 01
p" .... r.~ f ............ <Ii
1Ic:I1I&' of ...."..,...". IoC1Wt"'ly~ en ..... pn. cqu,hbnl 01 ""'rt""", .ubtlety, I
con .......... O1II",..-hem ,b<: poIanl ... , and' a ...... ' ... mloOl'.....'l~ ,ncn:a
in fId<1tcnd<- ('h<o ""j"idwtl I' lK,n, Inerea .. nsJ) domlna .. , ,..."Uds 11K
Icf\ and' 1.."....~sJy <Iorn1l'W:lI I",,-..nl. the nlShll Th"1" opec!",m ol
"fII""Id q""/Ilit. con "nfold rrom lbe "",n' ,. (poin' 01 " boolu,o tndminlui,hahoilly) .iJllt "p ' " lbe ymptoll< poin .. I '" .nd I " . .. IKre' ~ ud' ..
.'" !pully IkJlllr.. ~. w. m ... ' rrmcmlK. I"'" a ku>d "'.ffin;ly p" .... m .... wecn
lbe opp""", PO""" '" and I '. wh",h i, <lem<>mlr~.nJ by'''' bd .. "'hkh
jnl... ,hem ,.,.., ..... in r,.,.", 1. The ",'allOlU '" 6,... & , can he COIKeI'''''
01 tIkII.u.il1(l po"'" ol racluhon 01 Lhe dt'\'ICCJ ol equilibri um .hich
prod""" lhe dlif<rcnl r.,.,.,.. a nd Ihi, """"" 01 mooIu.inn II ,00 Lbe """"" ol
Mkfty" In rebl"'" 10 I ".
Tho d ...... m pc
, In amar.u>a; 'Uap:Sli"" capICIl) and p".hapo "'pla"..
.hy EM:hcnmaya'o .",h .... rl:ed In q)lXb. S<:hclhnt 101.. ad< ..... kdil<d hi>
debt .. hen be dlbo .. 1Cd Ino con<><pI 01 p".-. ... W. ~""'" ,""1 0Ik 01 ,""
majOt ambo,,,,,,, allbe plulosopb)' ol""u'" ..... LM JIIIlk1It upla"'I"'" 01
lhe "booIu .. It .. no .......,.. q ....,"'" ollolll", OMtdr he wbJup,ed by
'htIhtI 1ft relcp"n. it 10 tb<: iMlfabie. 01 "",11"1 it oo.cn """"" Iy~
bu' ol d""IIJ .... hlnJ "<>pO. probkrn.1'''' hlnp$ hem nal"", and lbe "ndtr
Olk anolher. " -he,,, .Iar 6", lum, IlIoOIr ,nlo ,"ible
Undt,,'aOOIRB ."" tbe 1i<COf1,J ;nvilible N.lu ...!' " 'bere on ....rolatioR
... ,....,.n I"" ind,,'idu."on ol Reinl 10 be ktlOJ ..n and Ih., oI,IK l"""'lnl
,,,t;r..1 bc<:omt$ ""parent. Escbcnmay.. d, ..-am ..'o.h Ilk< a po .... rful 00<1'
<len,.. and ....... 1'" cl ;nIU;LIOftS. whICh W<X'f'N1 iJl knll,Ln, 'OJ<.b..
rorttJ 01 ambia""Y.
unstable poinl Ind 01 ,he ;.,11.,11 ha. ,,- "cmpled
Lo d..... 0111 ,., ,he prcttd"" ~s""JIIn8y 00<111011"" LIK ....""";11 tofIOC1ILnled ;n ,',..'hcR ,"'0 D>fiaite. ~nu""
confronl ""'" _her)."
.n. COGltnUlly In lhe opn>I"J 0111 LlI IiJurca
01 LIK _lablt.1uc:h are ....-~. COIIIplctdy RpIIRk lor ,bo " ....t
lbeupoMftt_ tach cqwbbn",," ... mn ...."'..... 'hit oll_~ 10 "'" nes, plu.1oO
ol """'pttISIIllOII.. l i d dcsl1l>Cd 10 IK brol.. by a )'tI .... JjItr Ik-oo:<' la finn
_ " ...... nl by ",..,'1_ t:.c ....... yn . <hqram II. ""'1 hloohomt exampl<
of lbe .11"...., ok>"", ThiulraJOF """'pr lOCI ol ,.... "\iioltnll.o 'uIdc "",.
nat.' q ... n"''''''1 .t lbe pom, , . mqIl, he lhoop' u'()m)h'''1- BUI II" .IK
equ.hbnum ..
haJ>l1)' ju., to 1kU1I1l"",,, flnllc rorors 1dt1.nnlna1t in .......
elJlIOfIOt), I~ would be mtfd)' lbe Immed,.le "",,,It ,II an odd" ... n 1/' ..
I. and would ... O<tiy ... m~ ',,,,," .. '. t.ha""ed .,lh no po ... boh.y 01
rt0<-11 .. 11O", ro ... h"'h , ... rOmlul. ,""uld be I' + I
, 0.




IitR' o,...... ... r Inlo ....0 do-.="t bfal>Cbca, bur . 'b.;:h ue """,,""Cd do.."
In!O ,he ,n6n1t ... / . and I "'l'H"" IlIcmsolva ''''''''''Milr d"unclly and lhe
Iffinlty 1h>.1 hnks them ... n only I>o<:omc ku and "'- !Oi'!lI/. o..hOllId h.1.rdly
Jprak of a fill,nl up of InlUltion in rotInIion . '111. fi&1In 1, bul n.lbe. of.
mobtIc wul C.u,.,upocd unn'. as SdwilUlI .... 10 .. y~" Once more: it ~ be
~rnd WI lbe -""" ... ofthc butd IJoei no! be: I ""MOt dn. .. 1M d"'lRm
oflho opn1lD1 out 1_ 6a. 11 "'Ihoul piI ....DJ 10 d", .. lhe brackel or "'Iboul
dtwm""''''1 ,nlO , .... ~ lho oJ[",.'h",.lI of lhe " ......'1. To cap4UA! lhe
,UIPI; .., po'O<" of lbe .. d,",ram>. I mUit mobIl"" the h~nd and lhe eye II
lho .. me u......
The tnl">11"" .... l.,. ;' Kif , .......... o&ly poneln.lln, ,"',III ,he ert8In. of lhele
of eqlllhbr",,,, (_100 ",11..,1 ""mal pooo!!. 1In../r,.....tIt). ro. lho) i",,,.u
lunu"" lbe:w .... lbe poon" of ......mal am ...."'ly . 'bore _ pK1 .. ll'tled
bet ..... " tbe "ndon'.""'n, aad the umllllon. thor .e the poon" of ... Iuctt
SclH:1hnl ..wid $Iy .hll they atp4ure lbe 'Inlunion In ,be ""UUNln', ... hicll"
"""her diff.,ellL'" n<lf lndi{f.....,..,. bul Ibat in .. hich b../,b bo'comc: Klellll!lcd. ...





here. mu>o nOl bt: reduood \(, an I hhf'o,." ..ion of conl~"" 001 oItoould ",Ibt:,
of ... 'Immel""n, o".."to. "hic:h ..." mil.,. Imt,..Ull y



.""""mb 10 F""f1I~ly. lhe

o. lhe "".... a"oca';.,n or thlt or Ib.t
<:aM:. Theoc opon.lon make;t poMible Iu prqII" 1pact5 fur lito: ptt.cn"l up
of daluc"", chaml . 'here liIq' ClOD be: MI Of ~"",tod 10 be w.-m:d .t .. rna
paUl .doclly. n.. .,-mmelnul"'" ""-'tnt> OIl. """".SIlInd"....'hIdt ..
at ....,..,.... ptcd b)'.be faaillf ortbe In.n .." ...... "'" 10""", i o w .... ,uct a .....
baIa. ..... of !k"" .... be .. other form .... ,11 be deci<Iod. 10 .~tnk ou 110"
indl.idua!ion, "
Tbe follo.';"1 aample "",l., i! POSSIble tn u!Klenland 00 .....}mmcl'y . LIooo,
III 10 sllak~ up l ...... tiVlly TIlt Ihtotem ocrood .... to .. It>Oh ion ........ II """""
under ....... perf"cdy drl'" >hocks can be ...... III lhe <hqram.... Ioe equl>'l.ien. ol


fi." ..


1lor,. ... ,"''''''Ifn~,."ws

potn of t.xt ..-ard ... Jld.ro...lI,d mohon Cl)"Olalh"" ""'''':'';nlly IU .....

ou' of lho unll and ,,11uw UI to think of. pro.hlC1 .. ity that d<>ell


not ,ol"ely ",hIU51 iutlf In II> pr.x!uet and therdu .. Ie,t< <1Ia""" of
", :c".IIon. n.c.c poln" 61U1Uy una.tJt lhe d~ of 1110 mtthanwn.. lhe
under the ....... yok".
In.n .. ,,,lI,,,,NI .u",upte ... , .... Ind lhe
Ii.,..., .., ~ pefllapo.1 lho bran or lbe pbilooopb,", of utu .. thaI follooo-.d
h<benm..,.,......t ., ...blmll potnll nal"", <:an osa.pe lbe ......:t...rusm lhal
.. bou." 11 ,n lhe .. mrle In."""",_ of ImpaC! or in til< monolody of!M
PO'UI"',,; in lhe ....... ,mpu~.11I< undt'.... ndm' It no lon,et r<du~
to od"""ISI.... n. daI""uon. '" tlllUft""""" of InfOOr\lldoa. The!t ""tnll .Uow
... 10 hope 10 <on/;:<"e 01. Nit .. ,," '" Uadontand,1l, thll d,lf..... t .. lt< d,,,,,,,
objrtti and DO loot ... tn.pp<d br lhe """~ S _ 0 or Q _ S.
ItOCh lha, a had: ... rd..ond-lon... rd motloOll ""'Y he """,bk .nd .he", the
KIt ... t) the pauqe of ,he prnduc:tmly IIlIo the produa ) P"'" In ampillude
III it "",nlf""" IUtlf.
D O<1ro<:hemini f~ . ... ""lh.'"''''I'''',I)y disoo~ ~, the begl"n.n, ,,1111<
""",t... nlb <>:nlury, W,th these. nalure ~ Rlb;roct ('tIl.,. Itkin", oo,.ct'~
IIIdf b)' rmeo>l"l'I' OW" 1XPnd1l1O.... hal tnCUYlteJ lbe
plo"",.. _ "" lhe 'flO!. W" ha,'c here. WHta1lIod dlt<qullibriwn. hut tQkoIy
1 the pcnplM:., I .. In,... Ut i.. "'11k. !>nJy. "',,''' .rth .,lb DO "",,1b!J,ly
of rt'IoC".,lltoll, h<",u h~ atn p;th"nlly Wn.trllC1. fur ;.wlr ""),If"",,,,,,, ctn',..,.
.. h",b allow n In
n..lf In leap funhe .
W" ...... b"... the bola""" <leo/roy. lbe d",M of Ilenllon by &lludtn. lo.~
equilibrium I.... ' I atn break and ~,,".I I c"""'*-. prrot ....... """ .....Ie"""
f.om .h><b nepuw q ... nIU .... ""'" .........1)- q .....
n.. :all.........

W" """" f,om "'ry ill."",lched sitU. IIO": Ihll of 1.'0 O<d'nu)' ball, tu,bin,
Ic..,u d. OlIO anolhe,., possIbly d iff.... "1 ,'d.""IQ;






u_ . . . . '



" " a.e .... n. '0 _ I\ow' ...ne< of d ..."""",

by a dtmoMI"""'"
by tt uYlltnl. "_",," ,.d. In ",)rIquen". l h.. hel"' OSC""uy. produel.' hnmo,.neo", ... lIly .b",h can only be lpill Inl0 .ymmcl ncal pa""
Tbe wU..,videtl<c dIll< Ia.. of shock. " l be ......".., madt all tl>< ""'"' to by
lhe ,,""""'try ~."'bo,cd
n n trie=.Jal
1I1th t:ertllD "",I>..
(II I CIa ....u ,\,, I , ... M , I , _ \' L lbll II eq""......, '0 jot"'''1 lhe .'"...

,,, ....


boOt t<>F\hor by lbouahl and .l><Jmtnl. COIIImon unJ/ ol,mpu .... I a.n. lor
.... mple. "'f'........., ,he q ... nl1ly ol tmpuLst M , I, U. "",.a"," R, and '\'.",


II ,
11tt total impulw: " l ilt alll"bnlJc .um of lhe ..... ol ll , and II , -bich
." .. potId$ In II .
I ~ I Uhlm", GUiIeo. pt111C1pk; I 1"01'01 m)w:II' by , - . ' "




poIn. IIIO'-;nl a 1It .'doa,y r: I obIalo of cou..., ,"" chlV.m of an t E obi"






...-ay or d.. ",he. by 'nlulily .drlBl on fact, M''''''Iualny (If formal

W. DOW undemand ./I) ,he ")rnmctrWD, ope!"llor m,an:l.fC' 10 >pIn the
dtllV...... of ,alenhO"']U) S _ 0 .001 Q_ S I'he . ubjoc1l"'" ,,,,,,,,..II. 'M 00,..:'
or lbe oqnt JOCI "0 ~ be oub)tn) and 10 dwoh~ ~n..,.1 1I.....".,ua.
olon, .... t/I aLi ,100 cbchb
,hoy any " -1111 \btrn, 11". 1...... "'.- " .... d .... riIy
,,,If..,,,,,,,..11 and rollo ..... """,",'Cd Klc:;u and """11ft. bu. " h<co ......... ry I'fOb)"", .
.,'" wh<n ....annl'h< pI.o'ea~ ut.n ""uil;tmum. 0 .... " 'Quid almOi' he I~mpled
10 uhl.", lhe ,Mml..J ""'ai,,," S .. 0 to .mp~I;. fully 'he ~m"'iu'ly of ,line
",;m ... rOl\II of lho! "'I u,,,oa, 0( ,t.e... 'OOUPII "P<'~" -he~!i "PU" ;, ...If
In 1M "'""" "'" 0, S 'f"wll llidf"," O.Dd ...--.... h 0 "haUD', S" 0 "J,I,>lur""" S
lb: mil"" r1pcnmnL' "Of)' dl"ca;."dy demo.Ii''''," "'Tf)'lb'n. ,1LlI. IS .,
>ut. In .he >rin"'" '"
0( ,be,.,."..... I can look a. my' ....... In a nurtor
II .... I Of I_I'), .. h..:h i. 001) In "objC<'t" M""h '""~ d,,,mbon, Ii.be
m.....em "he... ) "'" /OL,,><'/f in.he m'rtor, ,,-M "'Jump" ou,.' "",",ha, ,. IS
m).... II ..' I'k) Illook,nl.' "'" II ..." or 1 ,,")" -n >t lUll brl .....,n Iht>C
can"'" be bndiW and )'<1 i. i Ihll 'II>I.n' lha, \boy ore hnled b) 1M
h'VaI ro,m '" uruty" I propd my .... ""... ,be mlln"..&. I 10_1 ,ho ...."'"
"""'"' .. h;h .laln . , "'" in 'rnU)" ,roubltnl IBm...... 0.. .. ,U DOl M
.... ,p......, b) ,ho dnLmo"c rharKIrr 0/ thl> propulsion 01.1>< I, ...11"," " .I... )~
.....:i.,ed .. ,th I",.t d;..,.,,"<~ Arclumrd<l put> ~i....nt ,ho pt..,. or ,he
I\oolln. boUy ..'hen h< cl'lC$ '[ur.b.!"" [ inst.,,, 'ak .. 1U_lf r",. pholOft or
t~ /wtt.woV i.n lift. Tbetc poin .. ma.~ ,ho . ....... ' to a .upenor horno...... ,y and.", aI ..'II)' aa:om",nled by '}mmc1nl1nloponl'''''' 11 ....... CSiaI)
'0 cooJure up. ~ .. bor-o>.be prtlICIpic '" JUlt\aenI ~_ rnwItI~ ........
llse1f. Thco< OP""""-' or .11u~"" raD",,,,,,,U 1"" ....."..Ieq... boo .. ,,, ,""
,n,ua",... '" hieh ;~ a singl. pJ co.n ""'" hold cI 'mm ...... dod",,!! ... ~h." 10
,ub", i, ,he,,, 'I> ,ho Ia.... at ~ co~p'"
Tbt>C po'''b kftp ... 'ure as ,"'rU IIt.e and.lll~ nd'nl from ""'''I ,rapptd by
,be URlt) ........ ;1 .... </'''' ,Iv {" ma.upulabl< btlt blood .... (I"" ".lnIiaIl
mtaJllOf by "'" compot;"1 ~ft"Y ",bocl>
.'''fl,h,nl up ,.IOd,-...a:. A.
t ..... poonu. can ",,"1I)" lorl'l\ ,,,,, "'u""'na ....... lha. bestn front "" """1
.0><1 can fur.,1 lhe bciLtllel 0( cd.......:.",. They.", tfuly pmn., of m.."nal
IIObo'.'>O" ..I.ho '"'UII'O''' btl, , ,,,a, firmness II ,....,.. .,Y ,I> ",,... ,on .nd
ma,nlJi,n "n.".,1f ,he, . aDd '0 ."}Of.he ....... oon/""" lrun thoy ..1T~r_ F.... ,hose
.'" abo ]><>In" at ""'......... dbcomlOn. ..""'" lhe taro. an: ,cdal~ .""'" .100
'dul ..
buill up by old k"",,-led .. btromo: Jumbled and unn'-ri.
........... ,100 captu", 0( ..... of Ibeoe ....."u II ......,."...~ ~ ' . " . htu ..."my been
adapted 10. ,"'",* """''''III ." ~_IedF .rrea nd ...... mt ", .. h " .. ual,un,
impal .... tly . ....,JlinB III< F"UI'O \~t .. ~ ... '0 hbonl< ,be ".. , ~,mt oI.nicul:o
'''''' by ltah"l a nn. pacl
opcr.lhon .nd .n'~."o... 'Tho .ym,,,,,,n..>lb,
<>p<1I.'on Mtmmort p"naplc ,,,. >o,ffiaen, ro:uoDn ~nd <I<m&nd ,1M <ftotoo of.
discqtnhbntllll, ''''''' ..-bod! new "'"" will ..... W,lhoIt, , ...... potJIU. ~kdt<"
..-ouId be """", .. ,oIay" pb)'SOCl would ~'C <pe<tnt '" ......



' 'I'L'





B~ bro"l'nl ,nlo pI.y ,~ "n><>,h<'Qi perf""" da,'''''}', ly""''''I<) II ... "red,

I-i,"", n comlclUlet all J'<II'<iblo p;lmllOno, and I ~'" "l\lI,wnolly' compello!d 10

"'" J2InJrjJm""'J" IJa 0. Db.



I..... of ....... .tIh ,herd'<>", _

aPPQr1 '1Illlu,aj' I. . . . ....rIOI,o
<It,.i] .be ""'K'" of. ,/1""lh. nf"'n.... nl ;n " '11,,,11 11<>'01)' Qymmtlnal .nd
hel~fflJC_ "t UI" "" ....... n:baloncnJ II ath;',',," ~",alL .... "omoac""l!).
.. he.., lhe PIU'''''pk ol.utliaenL "'."'" """PI "'" ," ,_ 1'h" if perhopo ,he
Inlf<" II.." pre .... ..., Iny oJlu"'-< "mon."", .. " to bal"e IItt. I'nnoaplc 1M: deadt;I
.n In ,II pun.),: 10 obItt< lb< m<>bIluatlOtl or. put& lbal don _ deadc



,oon. ....-


tlpcriona", .oy maltm<11l I(lonen! IUd( IlId '0 UI~. lip new intclleccwoll'lahotJ.
AI there rue JIOUlU of toomcioalll\ou,ln ",'hf/n, S IlIt", up t.pln "'lib O . "","
....",IoPKdil CUI hi: rucI'I'I,N.1>d made In ",'-erbrf'lllC.

T/wo i..J,ffrrtllU ~_" ... Q,lIttol",1ooo

Thll bn ....... 10. dow. ~UJlUnalioft of the q...,'lOn oCthe ......1no/QriM.

AnoculllJOft doa not daJru 10 m:ollCllc 'wo oonuuu A .nd _ A, il 1"1$
..... nd , .... , ",,",""'talLOI'I. It .n, ,,,,, new mod<' 01 n",<lny b)' unlold""
no",. .... drvcu. or .. hoch I II>d I are the .'Unnc bruocbes Il~ He no
Ion.., ol'P'*d but ir,up b) 180 Ikpml . ..... ,.." ..... ift."JOUSIy krled Ill.
'1QOUS confro,II.U"" is !lOW "'''(,;.0:1 01 at 1M ''''0 peds of. dJptyd!_ Tho!
'"l<\Ib,IOII prdIpra 1l1li form.nd moI:oilim II """" /."bn ...... , .. iar..",.
'fonnar. II . . . "~ ,I reo ...nd 1IOI'l.... 'Sthen'n .".,... of the ,.,...",
lrll.u1al_~ U It pmml. ""'''Iiooo ....
detachmm~ ."Iumml wilbou!
tn.t, .... It clll.. 11M! connoct or Iam$ w;thou, .uboni,na,ioG; poiarualiom
,.,... suhRnulM '" OI'l'O'lIIODl. SlIoch.1Id lmpuhn Jed..... only ,1M: lhoushtJ
w.:.n;,lCd b)' ........ Iily .nd compktcd ,!Id,,-oduab; 10 .nocull,. . . .I....l" 10
aDo .. on-Hif I """ an~Q" 10 I/' __'rr. III.,..w,,,,,, is """" tlwtik
IWlhal 01, ... Iideo. An anlC'lllouon d _ nol bnk 10F1b<. '''-0 COlli...". or
'WO IqIOnn. tqmenl, which prcuu,cd il; II pups Ih1< .tty a' .. ' ....... III
from In ind,ff_ poin
In 'Ii lPO; .hI< Imcula.1OII a...., ,"" rrudU<'l and prodU<'li,,'y_ It I.hl'llj'S
pamDp"I" in ,"" bliC'ra.ioII of I d'me'n"",," In ok<1Cll,n. ,n .be air whok
$JlOC1rum of vin ... I" .... " ,iotr,,:ms, ... os ,nat i... . h rays I . .,ure lha. mwupln
kno ... lodge. II <klcs Mt dllll/iify, " dll1m.....1I<> <karen Ind ..... ~rn. rhythms,
Tbe omcuiah'", , kCle",,"
OIl. in .1It I...... m;na of bC\;ollllna; wi,hou. ,~
cons.ant)' tklrnon..., ,RIo .ubsl~_ (.mlt, ..... ch~pI'" IV). Tho .nirulabon
PO"EZ"'S mobil, pari,,,,,,, "hioh i'.~ '0 .. nl8;n O\l'ud< c!<rni"", .hat are
"';.Itout <"fill 1,Id pr<l'''- Hili. _lid ,00 lOon. II ;. indood ,he "",cula""" Ih.,
mak., il Jl'I'$li~.o A'",'e """""If 1It)"ond III 0PJKlO>'"'''' and th<rdore 10 o,n"
rome all """"",,.io.I. l:or .... I 1IUI1l "."hr, ,." "''''1 ,lit old d"~""",.
'5 ut;:1 ~. tOo-m""""'rnl, .'el "'" """'l1In, """""If he .ubmerF<l in .he confu_
sion ,.,,"""'"
"""p" II
articuJlllOft no clout.. aIloWIII ,...,,,
llIt<vah"" olin .be Iotooo: .mpruoned br """'rall, 00' " ,. .h'lI)~ """'CImponlOd
by .... birth,." ......... lan.y Thu \I prorudy
dI$llIll;U'V>ct ., I'rom a '"W",'
..id.". lwit-t .~ ot ,lie dubooloJ "","". If.hr . .. "",Ia,,,,,, ~"""',"' ..
"",.. mode 0I.11e ~"" .. I... )~ br 'd'roch.an, In .mbo&w.y.





rXAMPI HOI '.ODl"CnO,," 01 A .... rGU ln IV

A POI' I"-A.TlC\;LAT,O,"

TIlt .,t;""" ........ <If,..,,,, f"ftII_~IJ

""'" "''''''pIe cioarly Ill...,,,,,.. ,be ..... bo...lly III "<.",ed . ,,11
"'I _k .... iudr n.. ,"""U" mol d"",ben bel". ..,...... 1 <"1.11 oI>taIlI ,be



...,." .... by m",," ,ymll><"y .nJ ,hon

,he -ro ."''''''"''" The lau hm
tI<1adIes i.oeII' dcanly Iok~ an ntrtiCel>Ce and .. luI I, """".nK1ed pos;oe:sse.
only .he medJo,: ... co""""" III .he a""",,'e. Bu. 1 COB aIoo 00IKlt0 . . ,he
"""" .. "wnbcrl 011< ol 'M o.bcct. ",occcdllll; from :I foklo,,! 01. ~'nucb'
1'1Ie; ,be po.n. O'hm
I"o, f'OIlI~.nd .herd'"", .. "" 4Jrlinr/.at1ooo.

.PJlCln. .,.

r, .... '.


.n.III"OII ol."SOnd ~"" ...... _ claim

10 "toII~nn"
,lie "",pie ocmsodenuoo olllle ,,""u oIlbe
OfIlhe ",,",uve nllmben .,Il lIeI"n ..... bIe II>< II, ".plIl them
Iol ., .. ~Ol,tJ""" F- :1\ ~ ""' -ay 0(....".. n.... :I'"
I'd cd . _ ""'J' 0( Jprad,ol or 0( rokI,nl biId: ,be 'SIdes'. '" other .. onts ol
uposj"ll.he ",al numben.
It ;, clea. lha. 0 .. not .. simple po"'. No ohlnl<" In f'OIn. 01 ......, a' ~
u. innn". d""_lby "",pee.,,., proJCC'-~ II" ... ~ '" lilt """""
'"y', 'pl""nl- 0 Ii .be r.m,flC:O.ioll poIn ... h..... ' .. 0 fun<"UonaJ PIpS
b V ~.1 V~) ~ ~ nolled. II _
appo-ars.bC"rd"o", " ';Ih II,.
I,at......" oI.be ,...bIt .. ,
Here apln. ,lit ....


'wo bu."



(11' ..-

Th. lo" .......,. by nu

lIl<~nll"... n

In .be >trol'",' I",. oo"."uc,ed axioml"

all). The puP'l"C n:~1 numbon mul' be &raiped .. Jp~1 jnl" tilenudl'CS; .hey
OIXJUlK lhereb)' a Ih",k_




FO_CeOr AMBKlllrO" O'ALlCT'Ul BA .... ,...CU


no. proIH,.. 'f'It. _"""'..- qf~.

1"1>0 p.obktn 0( .1It rneasllmnen, 01 ....""" fu,n.!1ia ,n uample ollbe ".,......

0( ,Mst n..... I belln'C J all ~.q,ly lrasp ,be PI' 0111" .. po.I1\.1<$ .he ".....,.
ol ....
lI\iIe:" Kem. '0 he ....
by ' hr "mpk >n<:ept ol dUlWl_
If I "".. "'Ib '0 hi .. I dear idea 01 ,he hand mo'-ernen' I"', croaled "
"hod! UIIOIInu '0
Jr I conUII_ ponl"",'ra~ ,be c ... '....,. 01
''''' ""J' oI'u"""l lfldlCl.et '" fact tho, ,lie adl'" bet_ ''''' Jlr.u!h' ""'"
.. "'" ...ilab/<. '" .he _
.... ) at.be dllta""" ...........
"",nil "". hot.
An anlloo ....... ;".... , . _ pUpl'; II onil d .. pb)"I
atr.... choon- w b<en ......Jc. An illfiruty pIJInl '".01 ..... "" diIem .... f.... Ih<
.. __ tcr." aa eallly 110 redlOCed ,0. ftn,lC d ......a' b) .. JUIU~ U:lnslomui,lOft; a 'p<IIIIUOD' ".. _
""'" clearly' .. hera. ,be ..., I'Ot)' qlUCkly oho .... ".








{., fla .. of qua"m&u,. 1I<>mOp'fU.. "on """......1 111 ju,'a""",,,,lnplydu

of ,mpuJ.. (P. I . .\f lexlon" .,,), 10 ... heJlhmlIOF1 .... . 0 a oiolle dilpam
('10,"1 Impul .. oil'" ')'II.... ~
(II) .110 ')'I, ...... ,mmobdoml by chanlll'" .d'ama: poin" no dll'CCl.K1a is
pri.';1qod aay ""'"' " 'lIodi Iq.umim .he ,a'"""o,_ of lbe prinaplt of


oafficl<al _ _

'''1) "_...,

We wiD ......' III'" "" uamplo .. here lhiese

rondtm;cd ul1o
........ i".1nch I- '.'''.......... 1UId llllmobilwlnoll a", conlnnporancoul.
Clift '''0 cu ...... C, and C. (1ft fia. In ,he fim 01 ..11"'" (.be .........')
,oil!. .. illlOul
no , ... ........d (1'" 'toaK):








The num~" nd - ~ ~nnOl be u...J Mi arc n~mc,,,,,,1 magni,udn or

d","noc:cs. Thcooo arc ~,po""n'" IMY U'f In""IYIII~ 1/wI, o~'~ "",a,w,..-", O ne
could "') lilol1he "''''''''"' ... bAI by IOn"," , he bdn.'ntllc-....."Id 1al.. I.'
0""" Ima,un:",.",'; I "'Uj! 0"". Ih. " .... to,," IMl l!'I'" n boMb. by Slumblinl
on ,II< ,lKklcrm'R'uon .ehd>, "hen. thre<hokl If
,",<>cd ,n",I,"" , I><
onal0menl 0( .... ~n(\f ....' ''' 01 inlU,hon. Tn u~ K anl's I."":' lhe .ub,.."
'm"iI 1.01"" "pofI UstJr' II, f"II,,", ""h hI' C)~ tile upowrc
anele 10
chooot bof"""n _ and l'; ,lui , [ ... 01 COUll<; """" ""''''''1< Ihan ,be .n'.... ,
opt- ()( rhe IlCUlc anpe I'Mullt''''.') prtknblo boa " .. o:<MlVUI,
w. 0 here
II is
IqIIInu.. ,.'0 C1Iln"'~ d ,II< numb<r ,hal .. hlcb






""h","" " . . .11 ' ..... 6"". al'fJl'UAlmallOll and ...... mm.n, <II ""'1a and
hIch de.OCb II ......... 1110..",. u",",rMnt.nd . . . ord' ....


s.. ... '8#/IlroIk, . I"W


"'. ""'" "n:ad) bocn .bIt 10 ftC oa: IIU.1I1 bow ,lie "'-II...
M opc .... ,,) roukl be ~I"""'.cd ..... cl .."n"'....... 1.'0 SIal<"

I, be.be POln' 01 CQn'''':1 01,110 I"" ~u .." . , , ... In".n' ',ronlMlerod

I i I 'mobile poi,,!', .11" poinl II oo. h.. I pI)Inl 01 C, no. I I"',nl of C, . leI
I, and I, be ,1M:
'""~rlably linked '0 C, Ind C, ''' III ... hld! il coilKidts
. , .he '''I,aOl I. A f.... ;"""nl~ !ale., I, I\l&~ mo."", ,,,. po,nl /' 0" C, Ind 0"
C... berea. I, and I, become di.11oluilhablc, , ..." ~poct". I"""ioo, be'''1
.""h Ih., .110 IenJlII L, 0/ ,he arc "', "'Iu. llihal 01/'/, (one could say ,h.,
lhe (lO,n, 01 con,lCI I dc lop' in 111 mohon 1"0 ."1 .......... L, and L, whi<h
...." '0
fo.lh I'rom 11), ~o, lhe imlan" r.'I!'ylh,ol Oppooe! lhe '"".. ' C.
10 ,be 'rollor' C, ",hid! confillCal'" .be mobihl) , .. ,he lImpic a.. of a hoop
C .. hid! roll. alon, a IIr1lshl ~ ... 01 olIO"" (toe 6.. 1 8~
To rounler 'M cbc:hC of ,he mob .... bed, .... could IlInnp' 10 I'C\'eIK .be
..,... by 10m", 011 ....1_ 10 1ft ,110 hooJp bod .ad ....doped by ,be 1IIObi..
"~Ilhl line 01. Bu, ,hal WOIIId onoo ...." be In ~ I, ...... 1< 4'" 10 QIIII
of (he """"'" 10 ' ,,,hd,fy' " by pri ...... ", ,he .lllnl"" of & ' buc' &1 lhe
"'paHe of 'roller'
An1 d;,'YOlJllCII)' br,wcea .n COIrnll"ny '1i.0<I' ""n'~ and cu"'. lhal
""''''''''''''''" mobil,'Y comrrom_ do... ",1","", JBlP of I, u.IIIIaIII." CU
PI,otal 1""'" WI hodi muOI d ... nbu ",loco ..... cqu ... bI) \\. mlUl IlOl pn,......
the hoop 1If!be m.,,'11 bll< for I,,. ......... 1IId0<l lillO !be ......,.,. of
C DOt '"10 ..... , of 01. " " pouI' of 0011'""" .bldo ....... I.IIe> lhe
in>p'"r~ by C and 4 by VUPUIIlhcm """ ..... ~ _ k _









,,'ha, I .. 10

,no I

tha, I


muslll>onf,,~ be un<i<I'$Iood AI ore""'lnl'", I .....

II .. nccnA.r) 10 ~bal' ,he 0)1' , .... , IoNia'" bel ....... lwo pouibiluono 10 d'lIJ 10.
point fJf 1I 0.- 10 n .... u.. indf ID 1O/kJ.1IIJ poiOI on d.. 'roilier'; _ ""UI

raol"lCly dlOCOlOrJ .. ny .olld,!icI.,IOfl oll, b)' lind,", lhe 01 ...""", lhllln"",_

1.1" C and 1I .)_"'-a/lj'.
II i. he", 'hI' ,"" condillon of .olhn. "'lIhoot slOlin. "blOh .... ra Dul
oquaIly lhe e".nl""" L, aDd L., WI.KS ilL II IS .~'Y 10 1ft lhal ,. ""'~ .. il
p(M.iJbIc. Ib,,,,,,,, unple tn.noIonn.n"... 101m"" "' 'M .UuallOfl dcocnbed
by fi~u", 19 d ,wo C<I"'" circles Co and C, ' ... run, .. opposn. direct""' .. "'

obr.a- "-"'Plio. """"'.).

ouch. walfll ....




'So< .. _ " ... "" ..


"od ~,,~ .,.,.. .... '"Ii - . " ..


_ , --.10<>4 no _ . ' ... pIo \lor. ~iIII 0.-', ~ T100 ........... "'... '"
i i ' .... lLIni af U,. t
, ..,' ..... " - ' _ , ,1:0 "l""'bOO
.1 ..... ' <If
""" ..... 1:0 ........
TI:o ....... 01 " ' - on. " ... ~ 0 ..
n.".oo:' '""" Of'"
1'_1 '::: ' ...... DH". ,,,.,",,.~.-s,.."''''-'''I'
.0. ......
of _ _ ' " , ' , ).0.l000'
tInooor). _ . , 1
,,~', CIS..ll, C_ ... .... I.<w<>. " ,

r ..

I i

boO_ .....
.. \'m.a,'''''. 100 .,


" " " , , " "


, u. ... _

_tu', ~


.. /of,

V ' ~p.)6.0

! . - . .. H.,_ ...".!Iot '.". .11. I~ "" lD-l'

500 1(... " _ . , ' "",

<MIo ......... IOo'otClw

......" .. Q

w. . . . " '


' ,,_I,,"~ "

Iw',.,. . . .,

, n..:.. .. ,..,

" """ _r




"~ J.
""". p. "

",pM. ,__,. """"'""" n ... "'-"'''' "...,.._"....


V",I [) ...


A,S, II ...,. II<o<w

... ,UI

. """ -,. jJ

_1oI .... te '" cbu", lllbe Upm5c of. "bol<e',

then: n 1>0 ode_ oil ''''nw. of mobdny (,om C, ",..""", C, or f.om C,
IQ ..'a,4. C, lhlt would II""" 1M n l.hluhmon' ol . pnvikged fUrJCI,,;m.1
mrrnpolldenct hetlO'''''" lhe .~. Jln~f/tllo " ... or the cirdC'i and lhe O\kcr,
n ......... tbe caw when ...., d.lHnfd 10 dl<tJIlIWOh. 'b.ue' frocn I roI....' the
_ """Id be Wldelllood .'"p" 'dlD, OIl' It<. dctr- 01 ."doc:;I), 011 ,he otbtr
and thord'_ .. ""1"'"'''' .lIeU' .. tho acI,n .,all ill. , ........". 'A 01 ........
__ W< a", prett'n .......'., II.. Iomh 01''''0 mobolc
and lherrlon: 01
lwo or Orame'. "",n 'nlMyell.... hid! ",,"nl for,h ~[jnualJy r.om I" .. hid!




C_.,.. . . ,. . .

'G_ ' _ c. o...... r ..

~(> -r"~"".'_
. . . I. ......... , ..-t 'C'nL ' " ... ,_

......,. n. ...... k .... '
q_"o,,",'" ",....... ,_ 01






ru....""". be ......... "'"''''''" .mho..... 'y, ..... I pot"( 01'

I has .,
round. plll wonby or ,L.he ~,"p/~ .. (ICC 1I.1).
Ii .nd /, we", merely mobtle point! inlh",," , loc'e"'ll"!IoCOII' InlMj'clK 01
Oramc: /, .. ,he 11"4'_ ,",wok _
.. hid! p<o"i:la ,he p""',!qod .OaIO&Y
from .. hi<:b .boy ....... ..., I, .. '0 I. "'ha, I, " .0 '" ...... rpn<i NIa..:z: obo..-cd

DO "mUo:r'


lid"", (he ,)'mmO\ZU\I 0,,""'''011. I OIt>l eon<.Ie'mnttl 10 be, ... Lorn

bet ........ ,01'0 prea. ... ia. opaca. ~w il .rpcan .. (he poinl ,hal ,,'''illa
(heoc <r-u. ...."", ..... .,. "'!"'iY(>(:a1 ........ nl bet_ , ...0 p!*ibk Iahclf Ind

"boI" I.
oolbonl., ..

"t\<JoooI" _

....... ~""_._ ..... _"' _ _ ..

I ek' n

',=, .. ""_Soo

, OM-I:/n., Ill.
s....... J_LAta-l. L.- _

" JI. ", ...... '

"n.: .. _


,.1=- . .

" .....

h, .. 11106'( ....... I ...... 'h'M.



" I:. ... "",*hl


,I' ' ..... "'.010_

.,.. Ii""':' 'el l __ .......... .." I I .. , " ..

," .... ,
ofrll, l'lolTi""S " ...... '"
_00) ,. - . _ . "'.... ,,,.,.., Jnr. ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,II"'.,,,,.

.. 11400", 'S'l .......

.. ,...... r"


.. ,_""'_"' ....

........ ot""" ....'L"lI~. ",-,"",,_1:0


. . . . . . . . . . . . of ........ >!'....... _ ... "' ... ,

... .,.,...' ' ' " ' . _ , _ .
I TIooo" ..... _ _

oI"""'.-.... .



" n..~" "_,,,},.f

'9"1." 111


M""",'''_'_oo5'' "". U!Hn."'-';"",,.,., ......

..., '...' ..r..... . _'ill
,1\0, ..........

r "W) 50; ... '.... 'W"', "" ... de .. " _ ",," . ,... ",.. (tw.:. "" ....... "'<!. ,10. ...... 0(
Ill, ' ... ..... of ..... _ . ... "," _
i I _ boo. , ...... . - .101
cakd ""'" ...., ,",,\60. II
010<0 boIlI. :-;.. _,."" .. ....1Ik M ......... M,ooI 00, ...... !<O .. """ " ......... !o " " _ .
ookowo, of ,ho 101.,.) ......... 01
,10. ........ 10 ,I>< ..
of , ..,_
... , _ .. ., ....... Iound,.

"".f< __ .. ,...,

,- -

.....,..... ,...........o.,".......
--, .

.. TlIoo " .. oll_ '0 .... ~ <loc.




of ,100 " I'< of \ \ _ ' , .................... _


P' JIno .....

tIw _l'>Wf,oIooo(1 ..... "'IIO.I~Id. M _
r SuI< U"' ......, oft;.. V... " ' - 'fU l"I.
'oJ ...) 0... . .......tab!< ...1yoio of ''''''' 10',"""", .. _ .. boo.
.... IIIf1l>Od ~_ <lio<t."........ doot> ......... " _..oJ m. .. _ "ho:h io '.""""",
of''''''''P' .... betq....., 10'"';'''''
" 0. "'I .... tono. ... It _ , ~dIt ............"p'_ Nlwl ....
I~ n
" _
... _
"'Iuolilor1_ pob.I
0, ,ho ''''''', "~""""';"" ""
.. ScIo.!I"", 1lIt ....... o/tIw _01, s... Yod, 1%1).
" f WJ

s .

.. -....'a..t..



G"om.try and D,.I.."ic

,a -'


"1---" .., ... " ""


01 "'"


oI'd ,,,,,,,,,,, _ _



We <>Ifer ccmmen,ary OIl ,he

.,h';<m (1844) u( G rJlnmaM', T1wtJry of
lite xlt>ul<>ft.' lIta' ;n mind 'ha' ;11 ;n"oo<l(:' ''''' ... on link admir:l.lion f,om
,he ma,hcm.,iria ... u( GTtiSJrlann'. ,ime: i, oon'I'as,l Ihotply " 'i'h ,he
hegemony <>f ,he ax,oma'ic "rle al><! h;' puhl;,;"', . d.'iocd G'anmann 10 Ie....
;, On' of ,he sorond <:d"ion, In hi< ",.<ly u( ,he dc>'.lopmen, u( ml lhomau""
in ,he nillClttnlh ""nlury, F, Kk:in ","",ni"", hun I . I plne'.r of p,.... bul
d.... 110' mil hi' "'ON, 'n 'peliXIn, "home or h.... udenl ... a ...ct of' crJlnko!
G ...... mann'. ml,hema,ical d"'''''''erieo were only really unde",<><><1 ,owards
1880 1100 .pmod by Peono and lIu"'I;_ FonJ~ and i, 'oot un,il 1983 fof "erni"
oo'''ompo'''ry m.. homo'''''''''' (R" ... and h.... uden,,) '0 do IU'''''' '0 lhe
"mpl lO'd' prooUCt l.ymm. ,n",,1 ...lIh ,h. ' . ... , oar prod .....) and '" lind ito
possible WieI in ...,mbma,one..
I, .. ck .tT rna, Grasllmann had phU<KOphicJl background and adopted ,he
,dea u( ,he Gennan ideali". ,b., saonoe can by DO m ... n. he reduced 10 ,he
adopllon of ope,a"O""Uy f.,ule ruI .. ~nd '0 ,he proo ..... i<m of limply dedua:<J
tru,1>. A ma,hema'lCal ,''x, should MI... pu' ,he read e, in I po."tion '0 ha...
an '0.'."'''''' rOM,,1<hll, Tbil o,.,rvlew;' no'" . ,,,.. ral pen"",,""" ,h. , ,kim.
""e, lhe del.il" nube, i, feeds on ,he .pe<:ifici,y u( ,he <ingubtr '0 ",..,h ,he
pia"" wben: ,he
and ,be dis<;J";"" arc b<>rn .ynclm>n'miily, Tbi, ,)'pe
of denuond idenlifies Gr .. wno"n wi,b ,he philooophict <>f .... 'ure ScheI~II' .ad
Hegd ...j.:'<:d ,he fini, h<:d "UlOtion u( <>bp' ...<1 ... bject and ".II,ed 10
C<H'Ia:, ... In
k no .... lruJt< u( ,he "",n,_,"_,he-world "Iu<:h ""-.
would nO' he o<>I.hin~ 11 is G lUUlIonn'. "",,",ula ..,h.. \letllen, II> h..., un<l<1".. <><><I ,b.a"he reade, m"'~ ,."hin ,he modo u( ,he ex pression ofgnu",",'he
~n''''n. be ca""bIe u( """,,,,,,,nl dcvea homologou. 1" ,he .lase> crOMlOd
by IUs undel!'anding.
Spaoo ,hu l " W"al!" a .... 'ble undenlandHlI and lhe unde" ... ndi~, .. an
,nv;.ible IJIIOOO.' Tbc po,"1 ;. ,<> darify ,be l,nk ~"""'n IhI; fI<""<$I of ioo",dUl_
lion oflhe k"""inl .ubject and lhe pl"OCCU of 'rli<:uI~IIOf\ of lho form. u( ,he
"",,,,n& of <pKC. II will come u no ,u~. 'hen, '" ..,. d'.Ioc!", u( the
101etal Ind ,he ,,,,n<moe unfold ;n Gra ...... nll'. 4Xi<'~,tJ mwllip/frtll/ofo (lhe






I.mo"," ..,ticommutatl~e prod"",~ Foll,,",n& on from am..,.., O""''''ann

""'" the full po"~r of th. dIB""m ~ ~. helin, ...... plitude (..., eh.pta " I
Ind sh""" Ih'" 1/0(0 po.I,,"I of".... J''''''Mien <~II. ~""'hn. Ho can Ih", fn:c
h'm~Jf from ,hoc: OOns'ramt.< of the Il"I".1 (,,'be .. dime"o.i,,!l.S an: paral)'OCd ..w
lake account only of ,he inlc"alUJid .....
things). Th" " .... hy he
manqes to V~,P a re"'"'" ,"", ~c""rales whl' he can, the "."c",,..,, lonruo_
lion. of ordcr ... witllou, ,he brlp of any l<Omtloc .... Ii.m.
Thi. d,al<tliClOI 'gen... I;",,' [E. :n.gung) undoubtedly comtit"'" Gnu."
mann', m(><l Inlerntiol <XInlribullon 10
phiJooop!ly. H. ohow. thai
oncnl11ioo .. on " .... banllin, do",,,,, ..-hieh don "'" oink in,<> lbe ilKkfinitc
.1Id "'h",b an reactlvol. i ...1f In"", times by I>rc:akinl IJld I'l'gra'l"na ,t..
allu",' mtnll~nl Iha. " poolll: the capt .... of Ih. ""0""00 openl up by
Am of all confcrrin, I mobility <IfI the point in onlcr 10 gcncnnc. dln,.n,;"";
" cOhlm""" wil h tbe in,'cn"on 0( lbe. uternal ",ooU<:!. 1II!u~h perm;1O an
.!lOOndinl! JOU""')' Ihroulh lbe. dimcn;;o"lI; il 6n ..""" by ",halalll:lnR IhlJ "'"'
""ilh a symmtlric~l proces$ ",1a1l.S 10 ~n 'impilOd' prodllCl.




Morku -PonlY IIInler: 'AD DOlology thaI anJid! mcnlioo!Jlg nature .hut< 1I..lf
"""Y ,n thoe i"""'po"",1 and, fu, Ihi. very ""$On. olf... a ramasocil image 0(
mankmd: or tbe. mmd, of hi'lory:' tl e could h.", add",...,. the.,.me .... minA
1o aU ph,losophy Iud perhlp< 10 all Kie"",,!) ... hich claim, 1o kno ... only Ih ..
eJlle~<kd s~c:e. 11..... y. ai'''' op"""'le .... Ih .. =Cpladc conl' ;ning. wi1I~.nilly.
ponlClll";me. ,ndmd ... led by Ik$c;oru. aDd N"",,<>n. mons'", ... "n"".poin!.
Whal '" IdI
in 'his 110... "'hi<:h " f,,",ver
OUI 0( il.self. ... ho,
Ih .. pe .... , ."''''''' In ."hausoon and ,mk~n;leneu? The part",ulari.
I.e.'. suhJupted then lbond<>r>ed by the .bool",. from ""lueh tbe.y Ire f"",,
<klachod. Clon only enler I re,uctOU, oonl..1 for pla<"n. "Spaced'.".nded spa..:
II only I final prool>Ct. a '",o'pareol .ggJq;Ile 0( abo<tl"ldy ... I...... a~ rIlIo"""ly
CII"ent, deiorly linked par". No en"dopmcnl ",. Irticulal10n is IICCOrded 10
~hc-o< emply ,heU .. They ""lIide "'ilh one anolher 'mpat~lly: utcnded space
.. UIdd '1"" oboolole bein, outoHle 'Isclf "'h",h " also pu,dy I nd .,mply
urun'orrupled . perpclua!ly other IInng "'hoch If .den'"",I,o ilsclf'.' For lheoe
bloodkM boinp, i"""",wton' wilh IlKnr """""'pt pcrmane~1 ex<"""",nca.
. 1.... ys orphoru oI!he F"IU'" .. hich posilJ lhern. kno ... only lho uelty 0( lhe
law. 0( """,,<1 . nd flIrily. All _ilio"" f<)u' into peIlIlO"<' art<! il II .'lcbolhng"1
IK~I "",nl 10 ha,,, .... n thai lbe homogen""", o"e. iorily, IUPJIIISCdl) ensunng
11>0 peaceful coexiste""" of ihlOp, ouumh< '0 dapet>,on .rt<! e ..cerbol..
""n".. tittle.. &I~ 'pa<e. OJ lhe .... fled fortll oI . hiltJ:! llhn .. ,"",,"Ic.
metel) .." ... 10 IU'laio a treachefOWl 11"0' belll"tt1l dead ""Iu= A .....,.
morco,.T w"hout " .. ~e: all pl_ are i>a1kolly IlIe """<'
DI.ndcd 'P''';'' ,. ino.pable 0( k""pinl a pmn" .., lhe poss>bk< ,bat " hand.
.... 1 l-hamc:le<-.ly .'" only poujl>m,w~ lat," QJ p<>>.Ubilitl..., ""illloul hOpe of





being mJeemed hy impendiollKtualizat'o" . for tltese.", ""Iy Kluahled poo .. ",~tic-o - I~kcn


a. poosibilitiel. Dt.ndcd 'pa"" ""eo itself "n......"edly becau,,"

,I i.
110"''''..,. Plato ...... lhat Ih. rcceplack: is a parl or lbe in,dhlJll>Ic. but ,n a
very obscure wa)". Sp&e< is thaI "'ilhin ",hi.;:h '""""'thin. io !:rin. hitched and
Ibis i. 001 necessa.ily chaotIC. If he ,,-i.he, 10 try with lhe poot '5",,<% was
splend id!' II>< philosopher mull remain 11", .... lpo>l> 01 tl>< ~re. ocupt
full ..... lbe ,enicalil) of Beina. tbe. .pringiol forth 01 dimen,iooo: be m",,1 let
hlmsclf be haunted by .pace: II>< ""p'"'" of,h<: .. Iension ....,,,Id nol he .. Iistied
... itb. kno""IedF ... hich. like l!un 01 ord' nary gcomctl)'. i. t;Ompietely .t.macl
and deprived of life'" Thi. o. dinal)' SCOmt,t) conlcnl. "",If "jlh memy
"",",urinllbe. IIi".""", bet~n .. nded 6... _ .. 1>1: ....... ",hoI" ""'- so,)"
is 1o apprehend lhe p<>rilil"")' of 'M """, D." of i....1/. 0( th .. ptrmlnent act of
""UI<>I>rOOllClion. "llh""1 idolinn~ il and ,,",loom f01"F111nllhlllhe l rue~
ti,.. i. lh'I, ocmrdin& 10 Hegel "'hi<h
IN"" pot/Ild Thi. posil"',
i. no longer lhe hrad'I',,", iMine""" of a petllion of e.i".n<%. and . rue
1""1IICtry must gra<1' 'he ;"" I nl "'here .""<% finally qu,v ... " ,lh the VI"ualil;"
Ibal ,nhlb,l ,I and ,""lOS u, 10 e.pe.icnct d ime .... "" ill the in,.cnb"" or an
"'ICtIlahOn. It lead. u. by ,h. hand .... 10 .""" k 10 ,d ...... the mOlioo Iha! al
0""" scpar.l .. and 1mb and to be .bk 10 ",pIUn: in 3 ,;ml* rra~nt lhe
d"..,aion .nd continuity 01 a 1I"'u",. 1b" gt"Orntlty Ihu, demon>!"I" i\>
abtlny 10 ",. tI"... ~ a proollCl,,,,ly ,hal i, ""'e' "lIn~ui'hod in 'Ii proou<t.nd
re,oal. lhat lhe ... me: mind is II ... urk in lhe produclio<u 0( nalu'" and ,he
(frat/o ... of li berty:
Tbis is whal m.kei Grawn""o', lheory 0( lhe "".n,ion
"'able. It
"'~"IS gt"nuine pedagogy of lhe form. of tbe. IVRSP'"& 0( I",,<e. and for
the apprenli<% geomele. ,,110 'can Ihink fredy, Ihe tU$Jrnllat101l of knowledF
then b<i:om<1 I true rcprodoo,on pro"ded 1><;. In,u.,ed ,n,o the ,ubject ;0
a "'scientific" [~;>", .....luifllj;"'] man1lC1"" L,ke phtJo.aphy. geomelry oI!"efS a
'>ci<:nlific' th.ntCler if il lead. the "",dc, 10 tht necesstly of admiltin. each
Ilngular trulh (ded""uon) ""d .1>01"1: .11 if ,I pl. oes !um in a .iluati<m " .""",
he an hal"l: an o,..,,t""'; wha' G raum.nn calls I 'puning in "rd.,... This i,
",hal di'lI"guisn.,. Gm.,ma nn, (and <%,,",n 0( hi< conlemporaries) ph'losophi
cal ",in> from oU .... .. ht<h " mo", <%atred on verification and predi<otion.
G raumann demands an .'pllClt articulation btl,,... operalion o.nd ,n,uilion.
This den,and is hy no means 10 be confused ...ilh a subsidiary ',upplcmenl 0(
ooul". bul It is cloa.ly lrumpeled I. lhal ... hich aUo .. ,.;i<m:c 10 lay da"" to
being ,)"o"'"'tio. and 10 1",,111)' "'ilh philOSOph)"
Malhemal"",1 .... , hud procud. f."", II>< Slmpie" 10 lhe moot compOO;ilo
00"""1>10 .nd lhereby obu,ns, by lhe liaIson of lhe P;IfI"'UW, ne .... nd
RlO'" gen.nd OO .... pl ..
Wb'~i in plulOliOPhy lho "obol o,~,,ie .... [di~ U.hnokl" Wba Ju.
Gwo:~] predumina ... . ... in ma,horno'''' " i. Iht p"'...... 'pn from p;t.r1icu
lar to I"'rticuJar ,h.1 predomi""t ... and ob compleled "" Iopeneo'





rorm. in the ..1IoIe ""'Y' bnl< '" It..: rou.:...,"1 po.,. si"on. Thll dUfeoeoce
,n ... bod .. pmoenl in the ~ 10< In phil""~by .he PIII'Y d the
Wb ..... he I'00I. puUCubnly" dod"""'- by ""fUfUI. If! ""uhemau<:s
plll~rHY " ., 1110 tool. ...
.he ...... is ., tIw rad.. 1\ is tbe
''''lCIpIIlfti .... _
0II ......1Im:.n:


dcmontI'ra"".....-hn. II .. "'" """"bIo 10 t...,...., .he

b<JuIn,n'belher lhen: ...... noll pal.", Iheormo..O .. I\i(b liter Iud.

do_'nlllo". by",bicll .""denly and ullUpoctcdly lilt dmIonstrabk
'1U1" .. fuuoll, Im.cd .~ _h oIep I\&";n, r..... ""n&ln '''110 ~n follo.,.ed
blindly""" by cha ...... Such. detnonsIra'Km .. "'''''''PI .nl'..... ' .. nslacr
'011 from the poin! 01' .""" of nlOur. b,n II .. 1\0\ &<:IOnn!k (,.;,.
",..... .Iug1lklt); ,he ICCUnd ""IIU"' ....... I io mlni1lJ' ,he o""""~ I.

T"l. ove",,"'" it 1>0. the dilenaolo', distant wnltf1lpialion. 111al.. part In

the aclioo. II I. an h,ulk<' ....1 ;~IMil;""''' in ,"" ~_ m.ended in lhe plulosophy
or n;o\ure II 1ralllPOOU us to IlIal P"'iIep z........""'" ,nlUII"", aDd dlJCU ..... _
"1 bcoome l 00111 ;nlO b>'1IJI unny. II i, "enher Q ".n...; IlOl' G ,....triort. il
iI w'n..... pon._ ..,th ..."", ;, pups. II uk.. oa(:h bnn. II ,II "''-'' Ind.
.."bo'll ......."poIIIII.1 ;nlo ,k",,,,, .. or pbaa. 01 ,n a _lei' iIOd 01 ~aht)'.
Th,. a:icnulic pi"""," \2Q by 110 means be reduad 10 ,be' adopuon 01.
pao:k. . 01...... 110 ..... ,1eI' bow ol'"'l'iouII), fer"'" Thank,to it.. the fader
nllI$t be toIpooble: of m:ocruzml- '0 the IIIOIk of ~~,..,..tiooI 01 tbe
boonoIop>w to ,1M: .......,. 01 "" 0 .... prop .... TItt ..d,.. ..... II( I'" u ...........
JtlB _ .........." oN!'''' l_t..IKt ",'" - ~jm. ;, fuJI 11ft/( /Ito .'" IltJi.w......
."'" ",,,, l.Jto..,lrq., ".", ... bj#'r', Ono doa not I.'OIlftrllCl ,pan: by I n mbIiJI,
fo"... lile the p n ol. M""",,,,, "." (0"" ... o~1d lhen k he artoculatwm
bul of leninj
for I1Utcd~ Morco.' , i, i< nO' m.ttor ol co ... " "",,".
Ollfttlr be bewi'ched by a rhythm: .h., .. hieb 1no.. Ir><! and "~'"'' homo,.,lell;" ",rgal wlIh .enolon.. Much more .""" HamH,,,", 'Order in
I'r~'," Gn... mlnn', toIplun: .... the .~'C1IAon i, IUl ind ... d""I'on i"
PfOI'CICI<I, ,"", oI.he n:lder, .. h" <:an Dl>..... n.. 'J,,,,,,,ly t he lui",,"',", ....
he bcC'o""", ...:noltomallO ,ke.ehn" nul linlUlor
of lpace in ~
'01""",," .. 8m RMNnry.o be 1'"111:,",.1 b, the .h)thm of ... m' .... It ;,;
'" ,m. ..n,.
.he ,,"plu~ 01 the ... ,......... p'asrmivdy "",1...he ,,,,nd

ron.... ..........





,I< ""-..

-n"","" [A_",l.ppnn folTllJD '0 ,he domai" 011"'''' ..klKX:.

above.H '" ,he don.."" of
H" .. c .......,,""". il. 01 .. ""~
Able: ,,, 6nd IDJ new idea
I... - 'f cona:o..od ,n the ..p, .... , _ ,Ito<
loot .hlt ""'" '" .,... ... la, devdopmen, ."", Iead~ '0 the new "u.b.
but rom",,,,n, ,... ,""" ,""', hive "'" y<1 be ....... ell'<' d, ., ,,10< til ..
,Ito< p<eIC"'nn.... ' can .. , ,Ito< bcl'nn,". only bc """"".. [""Mid


,. .,

' MrtfwItJ 1

Tlul. i h1 ocitnttlk """","t"ion i. """Hllly I proao-;"o 0( , .....

... ies of de.t!opmen,,', 0 ... ol whICh load. ,n """""'I1I0no. [.um <HOr rru,h



'"~ ,Ito ttU1 and ........ ,he CO<IInI

."hile tbe oIher . . .""" r'"
"o<dJ Irsot'.nd cImnnuta IheJor-.
lito< ""'"
awbmwrUCI. lod E...tod IwmdI" pnMdcd



tba, of the '''''' oona 01 de,~lopo .. n.. " ............ to val ...
only .be ...... ba, ......... ho
proprr, "'Ilile the l,."..bIe: of &00 ....
.he OIher bc1....,." lhe b"", itt kII.o tho, Ie,. Onl" IJthoouab :otraOJI'IIII:I'
and 1M ,,11'I0Il of IILitt ...",. of .....
""",pIetr, " " tIO".,itt.
"'" 11I11'D"'ibi< '0 make ,ho <;WCn'1CW .",bIe:., ...d, ..... of ,he /a.1eI' 10
whOClo-c' slro1l1d 6N! 01.11 kno ... lot",,,",,,, and 10 pul " in. ""0"~ ,.
taO proJJaII I~ly and 0( i".'I. TO) do ' h", il ;1 .. ,he. '"' ..,10' 1M
tUdt. '0 bc put in lhe "3'C in ... h"", .be d",,",,,..... of I1u.h oualn to bc

in .he


"l'Iopm<"" ...

lavourable c..e."

l~ke ;"'ollct:,oW

,n,ullioo. 'M KXOtific: me.hod dcmllldod by Grawmnn

i"IrOO...,.. I kllO ..'Itd.. tha. don DOl leave.be ,ub.l"Ct;objt duali,m In'act.
bu on ,lot conl .. ry, ","'ura '0 crea'c .he ob;!ct ,.self. 10 IM<f1'M fUM .. """'
tal ....... ,,'y of prod"'" and prodllCl"'lly. lhe ~ precise ."'" mode oIanirula
1t0ll ,ba. wwn'.... ...,. .........,." , ....... lhe Ito<nn ,bll .......
itt concri.'Cd .......


"pt ...d ,bat ,he not..- of d , _ lrod .....'lIall00 play suc:h

..~IIIOI be ..

I nvctIl ... III lhe ""plu" 0( the . . .......... Tloq ."'-." 5IU"TOp1itiwsly
threat .... ,be ........ Io'y of the ...... , "C, faced ..nb hOI 01:; L no.,. """"", bc
_",,,,..od III the IIRIC WI)' tha, ..... can .... ke ...".,,, 01, .b,"&- Thq""UCS'
tbc n,,''''''''' of an. u~i.'" h!,,,,,Icd., 0( the btt .... 'n.tJt.e.. ....icI. ...1ndt ..

11(1', ~_, "",h"'110

Oimtnsion itt "';,Itn I poOpLl t1 110. In I"n"".o of lhe fi"t<_ 00,..:1. II
. ff"eru It ~ lhe object and its IIIOIk 01 pNduction, r <:an, '" cou"",,,- kn"""
.he n__ u,c",.,," 01 tIL.. o. li>atlh,n8 hy ",,","n8 I ""rut;n ",'U .. (.1"",)'1
"""j, m<Winl olo"l ao (olready ehoocnj a.bi,ra.y ,,~ndardunll. Thi.
co""",,;"n . un,l ;. gl'p1W (Mia lbe o;>bJCC'. bu. i, J_ ro/)j fftrol"" _ ;n ill
proa:n of kno..-Icd., 0.- ptOOuruon, A _poio" 01 ,he dimen<i<>n .... ould DOt
Ito< A'JtDod by 00 .';';"1. q ....""'.,,..., pOI~1 01,_ tire 6,,,,........, it DOl ooly
"11U",bn', i... . doJne.. run ha, had
be: d,mb:i. I. is part 01. IhoqILt

.... Ia"'"

"'-en..... bcte>pKe "


ma.ured by lhe .......... , ... further unfold, ... "'a pbk.

_ r........ a ~lrc( at allo .."" tbc poIan/.uon oil ""'1JD"1Ide. lbrooab dimm
....... the inler>at "'hooIL ...... merc:I)' the rQldtaal "I*'" """.., ..... bct .... 0 two
Ib.n... bee"",oa dt.IiJi<d ..,lilt .=>ions ...... '.. I. tlldI' ..."" """".. cond.r"""
tor .he borth of. Wuc1ure. Tbc d~ """",",,,".' ' 'o.n
de., ... of 1Ico""" tak .. Ilk -...,,"""". of. "'.,.. bc<:o<n, ....
Nor docs ,be onmUt""" <pan: 'ho d<;od ""m>wn; by .11 ....1....... _ by
lOde "'nh _ ~op' and _ hOIl""" , i, ..,..".Is .hat ,he JU~""""""'" ""'" .......
",,"a,n o.der In
pn:fcm>t'O, II "".... I penna""nl
oIJpllIt;n. a, ,I>< 00 ... of wlul. hit> bcr:n """"",*, ,I CIIn react,,,,tc ,~f
,,'i,hou\ bcin. "~a"nro; >, ClIft lhem".. be an rn'opal poor! of _ d,.k<:local






D...w,i< .. "'= 10 be uDdenlood ... ~be IIItelbJCflCO lb. wpanlln and. br

,"'}' ... ~ of this ""P'Illltioft., 'olrod ...... an order dllO ,hUIII.1Id ""'pole>
form 0<1 lbem~" d'"MIC d_ not abal,'" doff, ... -, ,,;UW'IIInal<'S and 00."' ..
IL G ......."'""" mull be I,nked ,",'lIh the ClpKlly 10 d<mOft$' lllte.he <WUOly of
.....,.th'~'. In order 10 ,hoo. up , .... """~n&l of
I mUSt "'~P " ....


IntI' ..... '" 10 ~mplifica1Jon I<n<~j"'wl. Space no lOdge' 'xh~USll ilself po .. ron&
1>11111>< ~" .. ""i",-oTher, it "'pin, conl10' or ;, .. U by ,.. Iooly and ot>Cnlalio1l,
and ,ho: boner do DO' ""rush 1ft ru ..... pon<iort Sp<a<>: ,,"II IhlOl br &nlpe<!
,lfal.ln oK U UIS'ence.. 10 . be .. _ of'"""",," be)'Ond


lion ...! """,,'",,, lo0nc0etrUl.h .. n,~lJOft." ' n.be same .,ay thaI
Schdl"'l ..... in our UDder$I.ond,nl n ,n,',libI< ... ""~ in "'1l"I'1 ntf<I of
..,.... l otl'''.. G."'sm.Jon ,," , dJ ,n protol"". ow- ,"veibie ~ ud In
11 mcreum&!r ,harp noetIC po-opul<Ions IlulL allow VlSlbIr 'I'M'O
to ral'P"'pnllC mdf. DWcaocalfCncratlO<l .. """"'" ",,1Ufi<d ,,,,Ib .he po$I(oOIl>
,h., II h~. ju., """Iuered Ind will 11",.. y. oII"er .be key. rot "'''''''1''101 ,he




The " ' Y ""';1;"" ot the fi.ed poonl uJl...!" 10 ,he m<)/),ie PO'n!. i, ,J ,he
",nerlllon 01. d,men"",n.
! hi TIM: lII,u,lIon oflh.. """" ... prodkl<;!"'" of rum,,,,,,,,, 1,,'iIa' we ,,111 ..,..
aU 'pOSIll~ dilata'IOns") m... ' be 011".... by II< .)"mmetncal
II .., dibl.1l1ons"), bu, lbr ....... of,heoo <hIata,,,,,,, by ~ soop. U"111"""
lovoh-n a rotatioa ia plan. W~ can ..,., on !hi< thr wry pnnapk of
........ 'io ... Tha, .,bodo alU """ Ionn IM:re. tha, .,b.dIloo",
Iddou... y....... ......... ,ed .,"h 'M ............., 01, domrn........ <Uri up
plU", lha, cocapcs rorrnal dooure. It .. pn:cisdy 1M ""'''"h 01 ,he
""",,"ioo 10 ". , .d in mak,n,...,oo usc oI,h" in,ulfoao""y ar>d 10
aUude: ,u,"'pliliously 10 a MllOn Ihal f",maio:ll"ion hod ""slcclod Ian.n.
' . "on) u~ 'hot ho"-~' ... makCl i! ~"bIe 10 defi"" the ~ .. ~mal pro-~...:t' w. ,.-m lee 1>0... llu. ronn fKil".'~. the Jeap from "ne dimen""",
,0 ."",her. 110< all........ ba, I~ ai,-etI .-., II> 1M "'""- .. how
d'!lll/ll$ion$ IN <~ .ed inddlrutely.
lei h .. ~ Ilia, Gr.lWIIaDn", dlaloclocaJ Fru ... a>fIICO in 'hIS inluilion
"iDdcfjni,ely" can boo o/I"lIOt by
0<11 , "duotbdonl' ro.m
tht ..... on..",,' or 'implled' prOOIlCl(tf...v-__'" I'roohoI.t)"





) ,U TKL LA"!"!. ANI> OEI'E KAfE

I O . MAL SCI E NCl'S A,' I> K t:A L SCI r .. cps

Gral-lmlnn', ,nUOO""'ion ..... 'poM:S '0 (ledU(>l(abl.i' .... ) , he a)_pi 01 ""'"

.... ,Iorma,1Ci. , hmlhal 01 A....t.A ... qUtIw.
II ;, _ q ....
Il0>0..,.,. 01 (ledllClo,swemento rrom, body ol .. _
bul 01
doIo;.pI".. 01 "'-ramall lha, ....... ,.. do,,_
ol'''ocula,,,,,, UI'JIK1I'.nd '" 1M m,nd.nd .ilal can be .ppI.... '0 di.olottics:





lha, 01 ,10< dJscn!Ie and dte COIIUlIIIOIa and .ba. ol

IO~""'" and 'M
"a dlSlla.,'!J)wc (UI
rna ...... 'pp<owd $loa .........011.)
beI ........ he 'fta!" _,,,,,,,.nd ,Ite "forma/" ""no .. AIII' ... ltItI<md_1I Gnce
If; lhe n:$IlI' 01. C<lnfrotl'""'" """h 'M beutJ ,"p'CkAled .nd produced I
Il>oulht. bu', f...- tlte lirst. the bela. ",p.....,nted ....11 by 1I..1f . Ite",u, fe. the


e .........

toron4, il is p<>t"t(! by ,hou,he

Tbuugbt , ... 0lS only on rel:ilion 10' being ,ilal ratelo,( ["t<"""""'lrill}
.nd lhal" "'1'tamled by it. For , be r u I _ l hi,
inckpr, doni
.nd e....11 I "KIi" beyond '''''''PI, But lor ,he IorttW oe>enteS. i, "
JIOiI,od 1-lbou"" .. hodo ,\kif I10W faces. io 'U " .,,, .. ' .... 0. a _ ' "
act 01 '''''''chI. If. _ . lite 'Mb ruclI II" II "'"' "" lhe c:oaconbna: ol
lbou&b' .",h !xi.... b lite IOrmaI KK" " 11 ........ 0 pAf11CUbr OIl
,">o...,,,boa 01 ,be
cl tl>otrpl WIth lite betn, K' doa-n by ,be
61'11 act. lba. II 10 .. y. on (II<: a)lIC:OI"d ...... otlhe '.0 acII 01 tbow,hL
Th .... in ,he formal ooenea.. dcnIonst .... ,ion doca "'" lea ... lhe ~ 01
Ibo"",,"nd rem.,nl PI" ~)Y in lhe oombiDl.lion oI.,nou, a<:U oIl""wgllt
To do Ihi" ,he rorm.) lit.,,,,",,, mini "01 .., 001 ' ,om ..iolI1$ a. lhe ",.1
..;.""" do; bu, , he
bat I""" lhe" bo!jU."



defin,'''''''''''' ..

TIte probktnallC clutflClrr otlhe conlron ... '''''' induaod by,he '"",r ..e,",,"
.. obvJ<>ta!,. t -or

,be 10nnar

'hr "'" is ""niter


,bi. II ..... ml.. i""

,houchl rnwb Itself" 10M 10 .....,ua ...."II ';" '''"''''h ..... whodo ....... ~
up ... lronl cl 11 .......an",. h'tlLL'" "'..... if lite (Wool .. produocd tor ,...,ndard
cl IhoqIII act" ,be _"",.," ebarvlt1. ,n .hr ....... ,ol<n h i b)'
(jf"l.f$ml ..... demandi '0 aom ... nJUIII ,,>lenllOn. ')cllln, ,n on;In-' ollhl:
pomc1......htc:b Onenli h,m In h.......... rch. Tha, " why, ,a;ordml 10
ern<malIn. ,he formal K .. nces, almOSI before the) Iut." had II"", to be """,ed.
.~plod. in a d ,alect., d ello(od '(0 1100: ..arch I". "nur" ItId a ma,i>tm.o'ic:t
commrned '0 'hr II OOy oIlhe parttC\lla. {I" ,'''' .ndmd...1 in ill ",Ie os part~

Tb< lonnal ".,;rn..... UmlllC onlter tht .., .. oal Iu" oI'l>ou&hl or ,he
po.rtio;ub., PO$"rd by ,boIIch'; lhe 61'11 is d,;tlect>c (1op:1 tht oo:ond pit'"

.... ,bema"'"

""re ....

"-,, comoqlteftoOC,
'hemalia is lite -..co cl plrucular bet ...
at; ha"na baxHo", ,b.....p IIrou&hL We call lite pAf1icu1a. betn&- taken
th .. "'~, ro"" cl
[~1 or .ute "",ply. form. Thus.
1"'''' ","Ihm"""" " .he theory of Ionns [F_rJ...vtj."


I'rom Ih,,, 0"" ''''aM bol",,,. (bal G, ... mlnn ",,,,,,n priWlncr otlhe

d ... lIs.... ,.h,,,,,,ntly d.nound in Ihe phU...ophy of R.'U'O. n.. .rulh .. ,b,,,
he .tKaOds prtaJely in reformon,
by di_v"';." ' YI'" 01 ont11,od
li.oioon ,.hich diomil-lcs 11;"""" In " ,"Our ot AouJ_",wlw.
~ "'0 cIu.... ,muollaJteOtlwr. It~. all mao!temabCtan .. he
Iw 10 IIdr.It: lhe blInd proti .... '''''' of.bo po.rtJCubor, bu. be mu,," aho \KkJe
,t.. "P~ oI,btl 'nW' 'I*'"-:r 0)",.. fJfO' .... 01 ,,,,,,.111 dodo&:



From lhe cor>eqlts <:I,ablisl>ed aoo."" it is "b,';"lIS th" o,dJD'ry ge<lnl<lry
l R"~..,jrlll'~]. ~k. =""n,cs, <ekn 10 ~al be,o" "', ",dinar)' ge<lnlClry.
.his ;, 'pace; .nd it is dear th., lbe """""I" or lpaoo can in no ""'y be
""",,,,,ooj by thou"'" it " ah....)'> faced by " ..... ~" .. Anyone who
,,'Q<lkl "",inll'" the "ppooilt .hould immediately lUbjoocl ,hem.. l"", 10
,ho 1.0>\ of dedllC:ina the
.I'm ....."". of.pace from the pure
,huuJlb'; taR whose result imm<:diatdy 0110 .... nlelf 10 be ImpossIble. "





<If co"'tan, d....... 'y. To th..."og-fu<: unroU,nJ, we .hould oppose the ruptu_
lhe d,<oon".cuon. and all 'hat tan "",n,f.., ,he ,,~Ious quickness of .be
d = and <If ,be
,ha, POSIt and link." GnI"Imann tben mobih ... 0
dIal"""" ,ba, ru!lSOlvos thIS r'''.-IIuous 01'1'""'''''" of d,,,,,,,,t. and conlinllOlll
ond "'gta<1'" " :u ,he mOments of. procn'i""'Y:


The conlta<' bet\\n II!( 0;"""", and tbe Conunu(><u" 1~~ . all Irue
con""'''1 ftuld [;ft........;,,}...""'" tile o;.e""c ""n oJ"" lie >ft" ..
Conllnuouo and. O<ju.lly, ,he Coo"ntJOuJ M. 0;""",.. The
is seen
&1 con"nll<>u< if "ha, i< hnkctl .. ",.sped a .....,.th,o. tbat hao bcoorroe.
tbe :00, "I ],alS<l<t bem~ unders,ood Q, a n>Orne:n, or becom,olO- And tbe
Con'lnuous if; .... prdcd .. d""relC if ""gula, n""""n" of tbe ikoom'"1
.'" un<k",ood a~ pure 4<1, 01 "",""" and 'f ,.ha, .. hnked io til ......)' ..
S<rn a ..,mo,hin, "lItn for ,be 1..


to ,100 grtJ'O$'

proof ofGnuomann', talent that he was ablt to m:ogn;",

this specificity of .... "metry. Jr the Lall~r ISJIIte:I 10 place in the lhwry of
form. (0<1 "" equal rOOll"1 ",ilb anlbmc'.:l. it mus, for .... a new 'ypc: of
in,uition. We w,ll..., thaI the ,,-hole innodllCtion and i, 'yle of p'r~D1a1l0n
imply an "n"....,.oknled elf,," '" g .... p in ftJ@ht th. und."'l>Ind,ng of tOe
uDdenllUldiog'. In lhe 11'11dlllon of German idoaJisrn. whIch !wi .., ;\51011 thoe
lasl: ohlle
upo';rl"" of ,ill AI>w/uI Gra .. mann mobilile< roiled fo,ce:!
in 11M: ".'Y cart 0( .pace. For , he \>ru'al face-to-r""" ... ,,11 the: 'patlaL ,.'hK:II


d"' .... tile prulosophe'IW!Mtc. inlO .. Jlenl. amfrnntalion witb II< 6gu,..,.,
Gr.""","" . Ub$','ut.. the d"""",io" 01 JC, .. ,aj degrnoo oljoln" .. nd io'.S"....
lhew: diSlllK'tions ;n,o the continuity or a p.<>ccs;s, of On 1.ullSl"" i..rolu,;"" in
" hieh .'''f)' ,urn "n\'dol'" a JUpcrioo- dcgr<e or bI<IUOmm!! or ,be fonru.
111< in'.. o'ion olIn arliarlallon I'''''' the ge<>m<1ri<: on,," '" ,hough, ... i,h
I.,a' , ubt!<o'l"


The mos, tnUmalC

01 the forca only \Jl~ .. rOmt IlIlll! th< ""II' or a
P'ogn:<$1V" Ofl"ning ou, or ,fie btu ..., ClIolI degree or "'paMi"" or ,be
fo","" ""inK ma.ked by ,he: 'I>JI"llr.""" or. new beln,,"


It i. ea.y '0 p~;c, thot the d .. k>;:IlC '" ,be conlinuOIIJ and d,.."..l. af ~1lCnl'
lion and pfOc<:O$ 01 disliDChOn 01 ph ..,; (,.hieh p""upposes no ,,,,,,,,,,",vi'1)
will play. cruci.1 role io llus 'deduction' 01 ,be AwJ~h"" ...... ,..h... Conlin""",
and discret .... nd opposil. one 'no, be. ~k. OOrllraries., and " i. """"""y to
lake up lh" h.."ili,y fully '0 tUumina'. lhe P'''''''''" lha'l\<nera,ca and d""n"u.
i>.bcs ,hem:

Everyth'n"ha, h corne: mto beinS by ,hough' [)ftI~J Ju.rh J", D,nk,.

!!'n\'OO'J..... j co.n hav. come into bei in 'wo ""yOl: cilber by. Olm,*
&<""",I;ve act. o. by. double act of 1""11ion ilJId liai."n. Wbal baJ "'<)f%I<
inlO belnl! by ,he firs, melhod" lbe continuo,," form Cd;' ~~'iK" P"""'l
o. magm'.de ,n the narrow .. rue; ... hat h come ,nlo bein, by 'he..-oond
me,hod i. ,be dilCft'. fo.m 0. fomt_I"""", [r"'knapf~ng-1f"""'l"
The lri.ia] I"'mta""f>CC of ,be d ...""y 01 ,he beoom'DI 'Wi, ,1><more
"",dily tu,""""' .. U1 the """muouo io'm and i ""'OUts, ""'~nltude In ,he
narrow JCn!iE. ThIs ~"I'lf ellUmo ou, thlt 1''''''''''' of """,,",,"1 ",,h tbe "'''nOlO''J


W hould under!,,,,, Ittr. bow ruff.. reo, the conlinuny .uti,,, from th .. of
j1ii.u~ #,,,,.,,,J'M. The >1"'11 i. bolt th< SI",pIc acl:oO\\'ledgmco, 01 an Ii.... y..
,1><.e ,.h",h ee"",J,e,.]y ex""u<" It .. lfin lIe,ng anolb." .hi, mediocre con1l0wly.
,ha, of .... nded .pace. oIf... it...lf ,.."boU l resi".nce 10 indd,.n" di~bility
It would "",umly lie i",,"pobl. 0( o'-ercom,ng con.rast .. The I." ... ~'" 001)defeated by the .. "" .... ny of thejW,,~ ~d..... -h"'" ""plures all ,he n<hco
01 the ik<:oll1log. Only.he abslract .pI;"lnl oIlh. Hu. of lbe bocomml,n'oo.
before and an afl ... le"timalcd the 0pposllion con,inu<>u,-di,;crc,o.. Th., ,.-IOCI!
i. """ted ilJId ]inkctl .be dl5CfCte """ be un<k"tood ". ""nlinuous fa.
become) a nd that ,..hich 'flo"', con,in uaUy' ""n be "-,p",,,ted oul by lhe unOcr
.. ~nd"" b)' reo.orin!! the di,juo<,ion bel""""n ,"" Ii"""," .od II.. """tion. In
lh .. Ia" case, ,.'ha' 0'''''''''0" calls lbe 'pngul., monlCnt. 0( III<
]>l<raJyscd ,nto pure a<l. ollt~_n being
00 " ..... " '",m ..
Orassmann "".. denoUI>OCS II!( alo>l"'<I <hane'..- 0( ,be di"m<lOO<t be,,..een
posllloo and lia,oon"" Tbe point i. nOl '0 "PpaH "P"""''''''W u".... hII' , albe,
'0 think of the li.i..,n and position of tbe: ><cund lenn "" co"lempo'aneous;
,he laUe. don "'" p"""i>l t"" li~;,oll, l.<ibn .. had already OCCn ,ba, tbe
dilf..o"uli clem<nt J.< or varLllbH: ~ '-"mool be ju~lap<>sed "",b .. . . .0
.oo""""nce 'muld be. hII' .r1icul;o",. an lcruion ,hal" al.-...d~ ..... ilahle and
." Inlen'"l ,ha, '" 0" the point or .preadlOjj out" (_ II.. ] ~


be",,,,,,,,,, ..


Tile fluidi,y of tbe proce 01 becommg ""II m3k< " """,ble 1o O".n:ome
the Opposilion or d;.rs")- and equ,lily. 3. It h.. just do"" for lhe "~,, nd



Lach ~rticular bewmes .. Ih,ough ,he CO""'pI of the d,venc by ,.hioh

" II coo.dm .. ed ""In .DOlI... part.,:I1!..,. nd ,brough tbe con""pI or ,be


<qual by ... luch 1\ .. ..,bordlAlLai ....

,n mho,


POt1la1lan 10 I COII1fl1U11
typo' WIuI, bu I>ocomt by IIIe lIqual "'.., CIOn wlall"bnllc rotm. and
..hal hu. bccon .. by lhe d,v.rw form. The ooaHall ~l ....ecn the "'I"'" and
1M d'H'" .. 100 ft.ud. lbe "'I"'" i. bnUd 10 tho d"tt"K: bIouse ,,,'0
"'I"")lnmJ .... ~II ,n ................. RJ>d. WIthout thII wpanuon.
tho equal.,ouJd be bIll - . Ihndofc oq..allo lI0II11,,,..'''


L'lc ./10< _,rut c:onhnl>Ouo'diKn:'e. the..,ua1 Mnd the dIverse an' ,ho ","ull


of. polanrallon, i. i. lhlli

al,.bra;': fann, 'booI;ome ,hr(>uKb ,he "'1",,1'
.nd CQmbinl'Of)' fo, m. 'ba;om.: throup ,IK: di,'"SI" t.ln be diSlinluitbed.. II
It ...... u offiOO"'llhe .n.... laUOfl llull makes 1\ pms,bIo 10 po .. conlin_sly
f.om the IuaJ 10 the 1iI~ II COfOCoe/e oq"']"1 r>nn Ita,.. the SlllOOIII
outface 01 Pat1IIeIUdet' One L1111oOt; I ptrft oqualllY .. ould hc irmric>1lbly
, ... IJoo<,"Cd up 'n.he IIlenUly II .. A, alld lhe doakcllCll boolanca of .""pler til
,ho .."Cd ," Ihal .,qual""" 11.... )'1 prO<ft<l r",,,, prooeu of equallnltion .nd
d'Jlppta.-.""" of '"",,uahlies. from an o~m.n"nl deIIi.
G .......... n" deli".. equality Il$ "that ,,1udI QJI he mu,oatJly ",boIllutl In
ad! judl'oerl!- c.,w.lIlY 1s.1tnqon ..."".., ' ...... "",iI",",""" tbe ImD A, CIIn
n!place ,,," lct1ll II, . '11""'" darnqe. at oao mndard ..."",. aD be ... botJ1~1ed
b lnol"". on lhe bo.m '" a t.1a ...... BUI Ibtl ~u,I,bnum mUit 1I('\l!t mab
ui _ Nlhl '" lhe prolocol of compm ... 1I0D Thai made It pos.ible: The teeOlni
lion of In ~ .... hl~ II ...a)'l,m!,l"" _kto(~ o_eo-. di .. ymmcll')'.
This il ...hal ,,&bo'Io'D ;0 the I'oml~1a A, _ A, . 'ltich d"u",wsha I nJhl.
hIInd ..... and. Id'\hand ....... Tho. "'4,,"lny can be omdtnIODd .. :4, " A,'.
)4, founds A,' Of It\en .~, is <1m....:! from A;. n.. IonIIJ of lho <quai aDd lho
iii,'",," eI, ..... hkl! lho op<'tI,n. of. rom.,.. .. ben: A, ~.lo A, ,,~NSliPl!ly.
L,ko ptrfcd ~~ahty, rWlCal di'n1oIlY" only an . "" ....1'011;
IJ- a,
dLH~"'nl from
th,. """"plod .. parJllon muol hue mobiilUd an IICt"ily

".04, ..


liuol 'rticulaled lhem ,n """"- !nUl1ft' tiuo, ... luth tned ltonn Of! bllana:
0( Bun"
To amplote hos 'diodua"",' 01 lhe lheory of lho ~~I""""" G~
inlrn"lf lhe 1"'0 alellhlll bt hi. J",l chIcoP#<l We ..... ,hat oxb of IhHe
net fUll""',,,,", hle a ........"on-I.. '011 rom"""" an eml>nH:o:. n.... perl'''''!>'''
~Lar J""K'IItahon. hk~ u~ d'.ionll. of a oqure, Cllplur., the bu"tlnl of ,he
malhe""'t"",1 rOml Inlo lour diiUlICI br:r.nd>es (_ fi" 1),

lhe ,nl......aioa of IbQe tw" _IIUI" lhe Ilrn of ... hieb mat., 10
,"'" manner of
[An"" &,. . . . .] and the .......... 10 lhe
ck",.m. of .... '.11011 [~"'~ hr & .........J. DCIfI'Ie the IUur I)'pet of
fOmll and the bn""heo of lhe Thco<y of fomu ..,.re,,,.,,.d,o, 10 lbem
ThaI .. '" say. lhe D''''''''t. form .. paflll .. 1""lf ft .. t '0 Numbo nd
CombLoat""n ll bll ,,h ldl .. 1I,,~ed IQlCtbt.,. The Number 1> lbe ducrele
aJ~ form. thaI .. 10"Y it i. lhe plbeo-ulJ of lbal whieb .... "'....
.....t; the combu\a""", .. the ~ combu>ltory IOrm. WI .. lO ...y lhe



-,.of .... ~'..


7 '.

plhen", '" lhat .. hJCh ........... d"."" n...I<Xn<:<1 of lhe d""""le.",

Ill ... the Ihcofy of o\Utll'cn.rod tho lMory of """'bJ .... ,ioM.
I. lhe Am< ",."y.lhe Nnlln ....... Iorm or
tcpIflUS ,lItIfilllo
fonn Of ,nl"" ..........,...s. and ,nlo a combLOII'
ronn Of ~.I.n.. v. mllnll*_1"" ml",,",', m .... llu<k ..
lbul ... hal has boo""", by the
equal; lbe
I""" Or ~~tenS&On .. ",iuol h.u be<"",~ by the ....... &1100 of lhe d,,=-.
Tho fo"",. coruhlUta. ... a ...... bIo onal"J!tde. lhe (""rod.hon of ,he
lbry of fUJl(1J""<' of dlffeRnnd and ,ntqral calcul", lhe Iol1er .,.,."h
lule!; tbt In\lndahOO of I"," ~"""'Jon<"-'IsStllrf.



1''''''1'''" 011'"


n.. d,!o<ret. $ide of the fo.ml producN '""" by one' by p<>SIhOO and

"umbo. and oombin&IIOII. ;1 !nul b.>lancnl b) Ih~ oonllnuo... lid.. lhal of.he
(Of"" lhat hi'. ba:omc: prOlm.&'.... Iy. tbe 'dJlOOh-N numbo" ... (fu""uorul
and ,1M! 'd,..mved cumblll.'iom ...


We mulL no ... 11"-' "1"'<'.01 Inenllon to the ,nl"""..,..... n,, d,.lectic .'!rich
Gr........ nn UJI'd '0 ~QOd elf.." ,n hIS """"In":I;"" of lIN: Dlrmall'f'Olluct. W.
ba,. alrelld) met t_ chap"" II) lhe 111..11110....1 "PI"""ion bet ...... o inleasi
and .'l..... "~ and hI.-" oJIow" how lhe "",,1,01 of.uch u "f""",Lion by
dJaJI1'IDf ,lhow of<>ra.me and leIbnll) had ~ ~'.....,alCd .. nh lbe pbyY<o-

matbom.11Cal .... 'P of lhe flM<F""" of lbe

dur..n ........ R.""""...,. ,lutl lbe

,men,,,. de ...... ptm,r tbe plural ,nto a .. n&lo delerm,nallon; ,lie) cla,m 10
~"""",>l 00 muhlpl;c,lr. hut _""''''. olOre or Jcoi.o I"'''' Io.t!I 01 comple.ion
,.... QIdt. of perfcd".... 0.. lhe eon'''''1, ,"" ~".".; '1,,"nlll\amoo .0......
,nlo ,I>< _n", by coIlat".. un,b. It naJ ... , .. lhe ",,,,,,~ by
do< ..... ,P"I"IKIn' Ihspe........ II awm"al 10 ,'-



Gra.moM _ ......-an WI ,Ius ".",_ bel ......... die plhennt aad

dlipenoon pcnc'ra'" .... low rot .... 01 ..... tbtmlloa:
A" ,nlen.". magnitude: i$ ... 10 speak d;"",I"N number. ,"'",,",u !he
.uen.. ,,, 1IIqIUtu<k iI the w-lYCd combination. The diopa<al 01 rIe
.... nU .......110.1 10 .he uICIIOI"" 1NI1"l!ude. iii II the fi"n. 01 thll
betnl,'n'l~w"'k1; ,he .'kUII"" clc:mcnl (da.
..... l"lIudc u.
"u"pllli. 1....~rJ prcocnu ilXlf hc~ u oomclll'lIJ lllal "h:onge5 [all


........ """"Ma']. .hli II 10 ...y u ~hinJ lUI PO' . .hrouab'

........ y of ,'a'''' and lhe lei olllleR d,ff."OI ,'alel collllllu'" "",Iy .1><
oomlJn of.he .,. ""...., ""'80ill.de. !lo.... '.r. for 'M 'nt ....... ma&JIl1ude.
il n III FIICr.IIKNI'Iuo, prl>Yl<kl. conlin"""" oenes of llaleO lUI mna,n
eq..al ~Ilh.mleh... and .'hoec " ... nllly "fA' 'y.be InlrGA~.



The c.umpl< of .he

and .1Ie """",,I. llYn! by G~1\lI. dearly
.u....... lCIlhc roalflm beI_<'nI,hi< d ......... oo......"ed . ',," ,he Inl ........" al>ll
""'"" con"C':led .... 'h the .. ,.nsi,-e;

TIIc ~ "'n,pI< 01 ell ......"" .....""tude is thaI 01, ....".nl [Slr....b]

. 'hofc .......:1111 ..,., eM'IIlD.lly dr;pen.cd. and ,... ""..ilL", .. ouch ,I""
./w)' """"IlUI<: ,he 111" U an ,.....".. ~Of an .. ample of ,nte",,,.
maaruuxl ..... can W< "","I.OO"",~ ..lith a ...,U,n force. Meau" her.
tlw .k".."" do 1>01 ...,ar:u btl! only "I"
,t lhalbd.a on tlw ......111
(S"." .'Wj. tlley tlwrdc". IOtm <:aWn li.I ... 01 the ~tlL ..



.lal_1> al
d;~ and only tbe ..,.anlll1 oIck,,",uII ..
!lOIN and. ~l ........ ,he poinl ...oo..~ ..11k a force an he co_nat of
magrutudt by tma8'n,nl lhe Ion:. in tM f""" of a line....


We k ....... lha, tlw ..........1JOII olthc ,,,law',, and "'nuo",a" be O'UWI""

by In"'''Ii''l. wmprn""n""lpnsilJOOl de> ... ",hlOh dJ'''"lulShes, com........,.
and u.. fuldl ih< de...,.,.. I"""PI th<1r ..... mbly and d",pc,slon """Iempo,a",""""y Thi. mUn I! """"bk to d;onl"y ....... ol Gnwna",,'1 ddinOlIOa$. For
tumpk. lloa! 01 ,he number 'The number tt lbe ..thennl ",..,ber ol.1oa1
",hich " poo.ited .. <qual.


The 'In... r (onnulll (I) diSli"lIut>hei and hnb I"..'''''' II>< <mll...!-in'...
.. ,c aDd taro",al..,.,.".. ,. SId.. oIlbe numbc, ' M';I/I . ' _I.d u kbop
bel..-.at lbe tWO """" 01 1M fonnw.. I I ) and silo .... 1Ioa, ~ llh< onb... polo)
~ II>< jlUi.lposiuoa oIlbe un,U. W. ap,n litlll ~llnpt~ . .......
""ualilY arlocuIOlrs ~ number as "ep (n del'ee. . . . laid) and u thai
which rounif 4as a canli .... L as.n 11..: ..'-1)_ One <;an
ill ihiI. mean.
nI ~lnl .M1l_ oIlS . . -,liI,,*. a "'... , of "".-dDpo", all onItnl.lioa
..... an ~'IIO" In..., and """ and one. Ole),

<'""" .....


1he Iwo doaV.m. below IIlCC HI- l) OPl><'* the inL<1IJj,c aIId Ihe
Ibe: I"orcc applocd at ".,.. poInl .... il"""t aay dtopO"l1ioa. n 'OftOnJn a pu ....
Yef1M:a1ny" and cootrut ...,111 Ihe n .... SO ~....-""'" is """"lialI)



Rut. a$ JO<>n a l lhe qU"IlOCI ..,( I<f\<noliO" .. pooed, these ,,,Iulm. d,<i16.
d....,l.~ r on:. can aloo bc 1B>P<d .. beiDa IB the I"ocess of ddf.... "a " ..It"
and the chspct'"loftl PO"'if oltbe: """,,"ot can bc pthe .... IostIber ....." on

a ....


AU rul ....,.,ltu<k can be .... n in t.. o .... )'$. as ;nlcn.oo..., 0< . . lCDSO'"e, lllat
" lbe: IlDc .. aIoo ............".n....., ....pit. . 1f the .... ) '" ... ""'" ill

Fil".... mU .. lbe .n...... lluon 01 lbe db ""nallOll atlll ;n'mAfi,tabCMI

oh>i<>tn. Thtt Iype 01 dlal .... m ""'~ .. In .l1uoi<>lllo lhe unci*""'" of 0 d,men.
loin", 0 plane: i, needed 10 combo ... lho .erlkal .nd hQro(t)lltot To &'"UP a
duno:noi<nl it II) In"",' d~", ... ~ I", """" d,,~n 01 ..bal Hq:d
",11c.! " " ' ' ' ' ' ow ......on~ (Ihe 'bonl au" .... 0"" I _ber")" Iud lbe uubna"""
oIlbe ,nt.n~"e bal ..... D"" anothe, ani . the unfoldln, of lbe lotter nourube.
lbe """")"alion and """~lllerun. 01 lhe fonner, and ............ _
A coa,,"_ 'mooQ ol f"""ull ( I I ...." . S.ola formula. ",kidt both_
onlinal .....
and ,,"rd,11&! malaot!ldo:


1. -






.. 1>01 ........ ~ that thIS ..,,'''''11 beI~ 1M pthena, aad

aU ro..r rot"" or ....ux......lla:


magnnudc is "" !O opeak d, oh'N number. "',,,,",u the

JRitlNk .. 1he m.ol~ -.binatiocL. TM di"","", 01 ....
IJI(IIIJ II COImIl&l 10 tbe u\CnAve "",,,,,Iude. . . II the h",.
..... ""11kk . . . ""1"'1111< betnj"R.tl..",k1; the F ...... lIV<: ."''''''"1 (da.
tr:".,. .... I......~IJ "",",,aU ilJ~Jr 1loeK .. oomclllm,
<,,"ngel [at.



trW ....... .........wn1.




II 10 oar u _iii", lhal pem Ihrou&h'

......... ) of lIata. aDd II>< oct ollheK d,II"."OI .1.1.. con,Ulul.. eUCIly tM


domam olthe u1eo""" malnlll.de. Ho"...

for 1M mIen" .. mall/Illude.
" II III 1'."".I>0Il1""1 pr .......... coni",,,,, ... ornes of Rat.. lha. mil;""
(q\l&l amorIJ Ihcm..ha and .. hole qunllty iI P" ..Iy the mlcQA'.


Tlw: nampk of 1he IUn:c aIId the ....... at. I!I~ by GrulmlllIIl. ~rly
m .... "'lCIlbe COntrall beI"'t'CII1M d .......... oo_ed .'Ih Lbo ialtftSl.,1>II
""'"" connected .... th the C1C.....,'-e,

The lint ample 01 ut ........, maamt..x .. WI of ......."'"1 [Sl ......b]

11 ..... ftWDually dllpcn.al. and .1 II p .... /y .. - " 11.."
lMy """,,, .. me: ,"" I",.. Of U <"):.' ..... 00 ~M an ..ample of ,n1.n_,,'.
m.""">do .... can take. p"' nL md"",ed "';th a l:C11.O,n force. beau.. he.e
Ihe elL",."u do 1101 separ:uc. bul <If\Jy lEI"
'I lht""eh .. In 1M lf01"Ih

.''"''* ..."",.



ck"_,, ale <iaspnJed dioroprde<l alOd only the Q1WIIIIY of

DOlt<! a"". Lil~ the poIn. md<noot<l ""nh a fon:c can he ""-."'" 0(
as an UIenst m'g<uIOIdc by tmall'nlDl lhe fora: in Ihe f""" of. line."
We know lhal Ihe ,,,,,,,,,,Il01l of the onlmst'" ud ........"" can be ,"," "Ane
by In,.. nll", a DDmJlfC'lio ...,Jpo5I~on d.""e ""ICh dl!,Ii"lunllcs. rom",",,",
and unfuldJ Ill< de.n:n. &raSPS lh<tr uocmbly and doJpe.lion <:onl=I'O""
......... y Tbil mak.,,, """,blo to d~nty some olG"' ...... M' definotions- For
namplc. Ih'" of the nwober 1be numbrr II lbe ..!hmnl I<>S<Iber of .hal
",luc:h i. poo.itt<! as jual:


The 'In"ar 1Onn,,1a (I) dIloU"&""he> lUId hnks I<>s<tber .... onlIMlon'on
.. ,,,' KDd tlI"hnal~ .. 'n';,. ltd .. of lbe number 1... lip '.' _""~ u ~bov
bet......,. .be t ..... """" oftht kmnula I I ) IU>d IIInon thaI. Ithc: orwoW polo)
~ "'" Jouupoo.itlOQ of tbe "n,U. We a",," fiDd Qrnme', tnpt~ """'"'IualilY IrlKUlal" number as ...ep I" a de ....... " Z"III) and .. that
... luc:h rown" I"" ca.di",,~ III In A",,,,w). One.."n cfttl.eo ill
I mean.
tI~ ...
oIlS _ -,Iii., a "''''y of e,..""""", an OfdtaallOCl
and an IIddll><ln 1o"",, and ",... aDd one. etc).



(SroIJ..... I. Iboy Ibtrdore IOnn a cetWD Sla.., oItho """,IlL"

The IWO d"'Mnom. beto'" 1_ r. .. l) opp<* Iho imonli," and Ihe o".n";,'!'!
Ihe force applied al ODC "",nt. "U"""I aay doopenioa. nlenonft> a .... n:
vertlcahly" and a>nlralt. WlIIt Ihe nleMI'oe "'Immt. ..Iud! " ~I .. g)




8ul. n JOO" lhe qu.sllOn oIl" .... "uinn IS paocd. Ih ... ,nIULliv. clL<Ms
dl"h.,. ,",ora! caD ~l"" be ~pcd .. beiDI.n tho I'f..:ess 01 dlff.... nl " ..If
and Ihe d .. pel'loftl pnultl 01 the "'Imm" caa be PIhemi I...... brr "PIn In


"'' ' ' ' "eo

AU .ul maaDil ..... can be 1Oc.. in 1",'0 ....4)". as in ......." or

.. Ihe I..... abo .... as ... "' .......... m"p'i'a!e It lbe WIt) on which III

Filii"'"' malra lho: ar1lclILluon of lho: distem.nallOCl .Dd intmtdiocauon

oll\'iotn, Thll IYpe of d,alrlm makes an al1ulion lO.he a>I(1a<""" of I d,men.
"'''''' pI~nc i, ndod IOJ comb"" lhe ,erlkal and """'<)111.01 To .... p
duntnoion .. '0 ,nvt'lll d",palll . !Itn: .he ""'" d,,~oa tI.bal Hq:d
coiled _ ... " i ....".....i. i"he ' betnl oullotlt 0 ... al!OlhetT" Ind .be uubera""'"
of the ,nl.n~..c ....1 ..,. on< ...01,,". OUI . lhe unfold.n. tllbe lalle, nounslle<
.be mob,,,,alion ~nd 1Ir1i&h1eninl tllhe fonner, Ind .-..:e """"'_
A ""'.,"_ >er1OOa 01 formllia ( I ) nut .. Stol..,. rotmula. "'hoch bola_
o rdinal mqrutoo. and


' . i"lJ<



II would be no ..ug,mo1Jon to ""> that, .."bout ,h .. Ionnol&, modem

"",..,. - ' d tulllpse. II mil>! oJ"o be Wlkcd ...,,1> o....::e 01 aonUnuous
"P'*uoa '" dqlftO a 'IJue.rnlItt' devw;e If dtloplC'r 1111 .. bod! 0""",11 ...
tWO .'~n_. and ovrroomel ,he OJIl'O"tlOll 01,,,.1<,..., and qm<1I' empha.
<WId by a_a"n.llIe Ian"" <>bMc"'N 4"'" n,lId)' ,hal,,,,, inle"",. ml",itude 'd<>C'S 001 rome undone' ,n i[!>ell. 11 .... ~ly .p,,,,,dl; "", In the mode of
in~~~M. Tile ,n'e",h.. i. nu Ionil<'t priwncr of ,., indln",,"'; I'fI>m<>lod '0 ~
' .."....Jrr for .".""inr""'. il 1211.,4.1 'come ~nd"nc' a. a Im,.h. A..... u1.
ho: Ie<II,h of 1M oegmenl can IKI 10...., be tcd""'l ,,, dead d","nce; II
.sI=n! ,100 rompictlOD of. JOUtl'tl tho ,,.;tory II ,1\01 ""ocll .... l.,. .... of
II'""'" The nt.n ....., qllanlll). La l e" ~'. ron ....... IIKI! .. II ..... "itb
''Ullin, linady II'"'' pl. ", .',," tho: ;~t odopIIO" of d"" .... ',I' In',
.. horns ""'" II "'plures the: ......... , '" III 'prUIIP'" k>r1h.
Gruimann", defiruTlon of the CIOIII\II .... 'iorI, ",. pthmnt ' <>FIber or !lull
... ""''' """led [poW] u d........,', iJ lito billed "Ul> comPC""'II<Jn~_
dlu,UlIlN by lhe fo",,1I1I I] ):

The "mbol I: does Ira,!, ,n the liMY 01 aP act whll tM II,ht.hand . ide
........ IS lhe Ourqa.I. '" d,ff.... .1<"1<11,.., Tho", apH" ,he ... n '.' ""'kes
11 "....bIc 10 dlSpby a plu",]"y ," mllhl11i1k. [q~"y IPI'"B I. lhe form of
lho doIo. and 'undoio,. Tho 1""",111>(111 . _. *,"""",1<) . . . . Ill"" ohum""'I00dcooml"""llOIIlI1 . ,lucb
'J;'.I>II ,be d.:....'ol$
".1 .n: boll ,he
.... , ...... mommlL



1",. ..


The .tallO pooal d <MIly &II .1o:,waL It IS <MIl)' """ '" 1M clJf.......' >tarD
... ,~ by ,he mobik pooa!. whal G ...mann called lhe te' iCr'''''''' "'''_L
Th .. te'''''''''''' ~Iem<nl IUnto lhe ...pnettl ",,0 , 1...p:l0f,.
w. ~Ium 10 Ott.mc1 and Lctbtuz'llriplycbo:


[RututlldIrr). ,be po,n l ~Ium II clemen'- lhe .h:lnJll'

In ,," hoAf}'
of place or moUon pr;<n" 1I1I<1f I. OO.,Il"""", ~han .. , n.d lhe d ..f ....m
poiIuon. of l he p",nl In .pilOt ... preocn' ill d.Jf0Tl!1l1 IlIll.OL'
It .. n......... f}' 10 Ih'nl oIlhe lo<1"""" . . . COIIhOllUUi flmlly '''' mo<Ic:fo
affi"" ....... uon: A. _ A, -t , ... . ) (.. ,. h O:S;' S I J. wlbch.. u Gr.".......... "",pt..we&. n:IaID the ule1I_ IOnn 10 lhe ~ _btlllllOn and .,umales
lhe .......... tiO<I dHOoIved OllfnbtnIuo.'

nu. """"'1'1

of de"k,,1 K common 10 our 101:"" .nd II> lhe lboo<J of

The dtffc ...... , .lementl on be UlllkntOCod .1 l he .... mo
,n!le'" d.Jf nt "at.. of l he .. rne Fn .... li.'. tle"kO!. .mI Ih... bslfK"l
d'fT.... """
lhe lilIes i. " 'hll "".respondl 10 lhe d ,lf.r~""" of lilt
pi ....... W. eall llIt change 01 lilt I~ ll'" Ihe m.nll1l0n rUtb..'.....,l of lhe
...1It. ali ..... k"k'" from """ >l ot.< 10 lnotlw:r. and Ih ... bau,,,.! iJ/n"db JIO
ch:I..,. of lhe FIIt ... ,,,,. tiu, .. nl Ih us Wl'Up<>nW 10 1M chan ... of place
Of 10 lhe lII0II0Il '" lhe PO"" ,II (!I'd"",.,. 1"0<rIC1.,....


Thoo "..,."k "",dt """,,10M ic.di' ,I lhe hum of lilt IIn~ dcl'InnI '" tip'" 2..'bose."", 'p<,,,,ndlCUlar' doaJoctOC'lli 'mplies: lhal oIlbe 0. ....... aJId Eq~
and dill. of the Oucmc .nd Conl,n""".. II 'h'" makes 11 """"bk II. "''',.......
lbe pooal,'luw: """"",,100,

6 Tltl! ... OOITIVf (;HH .

"nON 0 1

VECTOIlI"" .S Y$ lT \U


kno,,' Ih>l lbe comhma'",n "'''u~ <I...iIY. The AWJdrhnu",."Itt, II

,ltKl" '" ,he 'd Losolved """'1Jo""1~'n' ,.,11 Il10 10 in",,,1x: lit" dl,., ..l1y ,n
conl,nuou. hocolllln,. pup ,I IS il .IU<fJpoO: ..'. muOi IlOl bow hri<>r, lhe
hei.dmOl'l 0011111'1 of a q ...... , LA, "' ,]. bul >hould dmou_ 11 lllhe men:
~.aI)'loed unl1 of. moIlOIl, lbe Slump'" d,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Ib.u has bn lhond.>ned
by mobole poonl unfokiJn,. Ien,,1t
It ,~ 'n f.." lhe ror.... pI of lhe mobile pooal ... bid> i. II lhe hean of lit ..
pr<lCClo '" d,...,!ulioa of the .NIX conll'l>l bet .. ..,o the "allC POInl Ind lhe
pi"""" .I....d} formed and I"'"""nl"'" " .... '"." ,0 lhe COIt1pl1Cl loon of lhe



The COOl'""UOU! p.oau or """'"nina. "'..... IN''''O "'

as. ""nlinuo", fO""aIlO" t.wrl,,, ."""'nJ . W. ornv .. al ,he CO"""PI
of COnll!lU()tlS change. Wf 011 '"' ... h",1t un<k'loa clu. chuge lhe
... lItfll"' .Ie.... o, 1U>d... h:lIe ...... cacc ,he F'I><nli", eletoenllakCl OII,n
on "''''''''' of ,he COIIlin ....... f<>mL COrucqueollty. ,he
. " ......... form, .. the ' <>tabl} of allihe demenll ,alo .. hd lhe F ....... " ....
.10:"''''11 mUM'> dd ,Itdf III obaal"'l

wn,e. " ..


To obtain .he m.....Iuluc1e of lilt n rerulOI1, ] b<Jln "'lIh , he Fne",'ion of

lilt lin . Il .~. 8I'1It. lli .... ])D,nllaku; dlff.......1 poiJl;on' ,n "",,' mllOU>
Wlq\ICn<>:: [In Urll,.. F~l. and l he 1011~'Y of lhe po,nlf ,nlo ..-bieli the
..,...,."1",, pOint If~nsr"rml il ...1f in 1M chan.. con.ll1ulU lilt line. He""",
,he pooa .. of. II"" "",",,nl themoch... H <SXn11ll1) d,fI'c~n' a..t.no lit ...
do:!.i..... ~ ... _ II by dllf.",nl !tu...... BUI JIIiI U lhe eq10ll IS &/w';&}.
",herta, ill I"" di....... (all"""'" in mllord, ... I. Iono~ 1M di/l'cmll
potOlll"'" pCknl themwll-n Ion-< u di/rCfalC """,'lOllS ot I .......
b'" pooaL


The WO,K ,.'icm by mobtle piJ<a, .. ,h,,,,,lotc. formalioa (r.".bi14~""" '"

,he proper "" ..... "IM\lCil)lc 10 lhe If>"*' from 0 ... plue 10 .nolher .Ire;od,'
pla~_ T h.. fotmlunn douo nlll.""" lhe ..,.I U~ of lhe cu10ul and.
lradilioa of lb. philoool'hia of nature. il ~)CrtO lhe di,'o"", of lhe
1"00"" and prOOuel"lIY," 'I' ll ..
muOl ........ bocomc 1<1 in lhe
;""""h""""" of ,he o<\d"kMif wluclt .x.baU<l ,,,,,",,,,,,'.. Jumm,nl lhe opI1l1aJ
dn'eo"I, 11 pc
lhe ,""",",,00 of lhe lriptycb U... '. n lbal ..t cuml" ,
earl ... l_ WplCf Ir~ Sud!. '"plP;!> pupla WIll of mol_ ,nd .....""",..,.
tuIo:d prodllCbOrl of dlYef'III} IS the ",,,,",CfIfICC " ' . tlnal< ......1o: lubJccI;

pn:e:t'' '1lJ





<III dot ...... pOoIlI1 II ,"-IIDO'a. II >I no longer. ~n ... h><:/> IS.' ,ho
tlelm. h ut the "t{<lid,,,, "I dqrtts c{ a 'IW''''''' of ~/&ifln:
n", D..'...... mUll de,mp _01,11, 10 .I:ow lor , he Fnm>tcd 10 ~ Sud.
f or ,ho .. mplo rOI'lIl. ,"" bou .... mit" he .... Am< lor all ' ..... 41111 011'"
"' ......... III ""'''''''III- The SImple "'LtIHoOn form IS \11 ....he rona thaI II
dmvcd rrom chait,. 'n ,he F""ntll .... <k",.m
~"" lO.he
...... II,,; ..,e aU ,he SI
.he dc~'1 .h,u tan he JC<lmIlod b)' the
san.. Ill",. Iy.'tm or do"",,""



ho.","_ oi,""

~ud poin!. ol ,he mart ..... " '.....y 10 tbe lUI""""'}
of. r..,....,.,. of ' M '"'...... Inpl)"h and.bit" why G AMma .... dw' ..... .
.....,. Clrriully becWft'll JiIyI.r t+ gy (A....kno~ .. hlCh II ju" .be '''' ....!loa
rrom """ ddo'rm'nN 1,.1< ", ."",00. _nd f~od"
r~ ..,.. (G",M"""'...t,


.. hoch dir=t. ' M pu~ ofl ",nnl r,O I point 1' ... JI' "'hicll can "" .. dote
hI .( one ...n's. Thi. fundamentsl chaoII'< ctIrrespond. ,n "'hot .... "-!>\Ild
today ..... U an infinile5lmJIl '",n.JIlIon I. '>ftd or d,.place"..n!) 'The unfold,",
(0/ ,b" >DI pemu 8M . cha..,a. and Pfoouca ..... pIc
rom.. h_

"" $1_


--- "





,bu. oOtain, lor oach fund."""".1 d,anlC". I o".-d,,,,,,mIOflal auniion

( A"sJ,h~"".I'''_):

The """""pi of oimplt UIet\J>Ol1 iI dc,nmlncd hf "'" . . Q/ ,100 """" III ...
tOt . 11 ,he """""nil of ,100 clw!Je. CO<1~lIOntJy. tbc .. mplc u ' ' ' ' __ "",,.he rouo.r.nl C111ahly [&.... /w,f......... j-If f.om In clLUkD' .. Q/
lhe ........ Ilmpie alnlSlon rcouit. ano,her 11 ........ , II Ihr"",," U .." of
chan .. [Ak, d", .04,l1li,.....,]. 110m from ~ ,"ulli Ihlrd ~k""D' ~ from
' his "mpk .,.,~nsio~ ' /lI"OIIP I~""""" ofehan,..
In ",01, ... '1 """""" y [ 1t"",0101."",]. ,ho: 110 .. Q/ I""h11 or dlUCI"'"
COI]\;I11111 ... y partlCULa. cun~ In ord,,,,,," ,..,....,17. " 1\ ,htroforc ,100
~JIII"'I' ,hal COl ,upon& (0 ,he oimplt 61",_. the onfiMl """"", I....
~ \0 the toIallyol .......

T..'o fund.",.",.J ch."... bema .,,,mod u 1' ..... tnci .&l" ...... l..,;\o';oJ
oddJlionj can "" okfi ncd in te.m. 1>1. po.ral~I''Iram,

The _ament. A and 8 a ., 1M d,fI"nm. 11.I0Il (II ... ho 6nal .... u and 8 ,''''
Innw .,a,.) obl.,1ICd by ,'''' 'conllnOOlll """,,ui' Q/ ,he IIamt funda""," J
~~on", 1 (.r.,;,~
t<UI1g J.....,I"," G"' ....drIJ.,"~. By permuu". lhe
. . of A ~nd 8. we pbl~;n lbe OJIPO>-I'~ funda .... "'.1 """n,. _ V S )" "po,.,."n.
11M: IIK>Ck$ of tIIan,. ," and _r and by p",n. lhem up. we obuo,n lhe
rompJctc ~ne:

f",,,., ...

Fmally. _ aU lbe lOiahly of 11M: .kmenl> lho. arc FIXI""&L<"d hf ,he

I"'''UII Q/ I Jlap funda .... n"'l chan,. and by", OI'jlO<n< ,>, I. m (01
domain) 0( fin, OIcp [rm S,..... (odtr Gdlk, i ..JIlT S,.fr]. l be ",.n.. n,.
,,,"I """m.,o lbe """"" .),.,tm 0( fi ..,
Irc ,berefore ~Iod hf lilt
pu"',"1 of IInller ,he oun< dIan,.. or of 1M Of!PO'I'c fun.lamtnw cun,.. ..



11>", ..' _ ,N ",. ltd all. tolalll, InICllIII<d and cIoKd 0CI1I!df.
......,..,.." or do.I\."n ",bid> ill: II ,n o ... room,n. lbe "1'J'<I'II11OII of ' ''''0
")"IIlmct .....1 dill uon .. wb",], would o,lIer."", pu r.",, 0"" lno,hcr fOf

0..... "PIn, .. " wmo ~d<

'0 """''''' .... ''on <Ie"1en f,n lhe lrad,,,on of

II( In'

and ArpDd). 111 CUll .... "'" ,ho: all'lbn.o: od<!i,.on, ,be .~), ....". ftlvtiopf. 'h<
lnllTor .JIDI1>OI....1Id 01'11"" ...... I pooIu,., bomot"",..,.)


TIm addl'lOn, aocon!lDa '" certa.III b)l""L" ,," ..ld1ict ,100 dOI~ ...... of
arid"" """ llId. by """'I"IInl", lhe OJ>IlO"'\lOQ of lbe IIH"b of challF 1111<
')'m .... 'ntSj
odd"10,,, we nbum /""",...,." ...... '" du>I.' of f"n.b ...." 1
du,"",. being p..-..,od, ,nne ~ ..... I unlq"" )">OIOr 'Y""'" Ih., ml>!" ",,,.tl1
~n'.,lopo i, (:~_1uI """<lJJtIfd~ S,..u .. ~ OM can ,,""<al' .111 ..... Q/ IIOf'
I. 2.3. n he pla ... 01 of"<'". and
J).., ..... Q/ arbitr.,,)' IIOf"



U ...... pp1id . _ d'lfen:nlla .... or duo ...... , ..... ,h< ,atall'Y...r the



thot can be I"lII"rlIlal form ~~j.I<m of tcOInd ... ep. "I"I>C' 10.,.., 0( cillo"",.
by ,"'luclIlbc cktnen .. oIlhlS 'y.lem can be produo:ed from O1lt'llI01hor,
re dcptndcnt .,., .1>0: 6..1 1..,(> I....,; iJ. third Indtptndelu I. ... II (bm
..tdod. 1)"110m of third OI.p " oll"",.d. aDd "'" Oft.
OrdJ ... ry JKI'D<"'Y [R"""""Iw) ..... y "In ..,.", as ....... mplt. H~
aU tile tk" .. nIJ 01. pIaoo an ......"'Ied from .. ~&k ok""011 on (,..,
dilution ... 1M "".,,"U.., de"","l ~"" at ,",'ill." the ' ''''' d'<ta1On>
..... 1ft.... lhoe 01110 ,,-ilb tho totahly of the pointlldtmcn~J "'" II\'Ilcrated
forminl Ii plant.
pl3nc i. thul the oy.tern ",,,,,,,,nd step: an inn"""
number of d,,...,!,,,,," 'hilt dtl"'nd on tbe fir .. tWO"r<! roaLlined In" If.
thIrd ",dq",ndont "><<<110" II "cIdod, llln! the . '1IoIe 01. ..,6rule 6fII('C "'
.. ,.. ,aled tu. Ib,r<k1C'p .YOI .... ) by -u.. 01
thrtc dll'~1OIII; a...t,


OM can"", 10 beyODd lbm:


,!Ilk""...."". "',",,1oIif 11a.". 01 chan....

,,'bel'Ql Ln port Aw..... ""~"'$It,,,... the num\x1 of d>~horu can lUO'"


CnoS<m.Onn don .mph~ tNt IhlS IndefinIte tJlr-1IJion of dimm'..,1II II

only pouibl< it' ..... <:aD <I",,,,' I, .. ;0 on an unhmn..d .., ollDdcjX.idenl
lilfttlioM. lbts '-eclooa!.r.Jc:i><' odmn- of_ fu,,,lamt,,,"1 cha..".. 1:". li. IS
ma...r..ted by the _.b<!onp;inl 01 OIM' 01 ,hem 10 1ho ]i ....' ",,'em unfoMeoJ
by ,II< o'l><fr.
llU4ume 6n1 of all ',,"0 d,lrcten, fund~m<ot.ol ~h"'an a nd ,f J P<()'0I<:1 II
..ill [b.-IIr/Jlt f,,"fClluIl6l ) ....kmeo' of tht ~!11 fundanlotn'al chon.., lor
,UI "PI"""i,o) .nd ,ben proIrxI al .. iU lilt .100..." !hili o;hananl. IoIIoWUII
,he AGHili ....0 .... of chan.,. ] r i then boo able 10 .......,. ao """",)'
01_ okuknl>. and ] ealIlJoe loulily of d ... lkalllh ....... WO,
a Jj'tl ....
01 to<:<>I>d Jlop. If. n_. I li ke. ,h'N fuDdammlal dian",
and if I
P'OIroCl a, " 'ill any o"men, oIlhc 11',om oIlCC"Qnd "op rollo ..
,hurl c"'" ..... I.... iu oppos"o~ ,lI<n ,lie ,o'a~ly of lJoe .kawooI.." ...... ,.IN
"'ill form 1)'11.... of ,hlN Slep; and .1 Ib" meao. 01
........ pt. Ii., 110 ""'" [S<lraMd. I " 'lD th ... he able 10 doev<: .1" ..... of
.ny SI~p ..'Iu.. _ _ "


, o,'Iu.


One "'0 th .... defi... '),>1."" ofllC1' I, l. .... k. ~~. A 11".10 oI.tcp k (Iotloy
say 01 d"... n,.oo k);1 dofincd al J'OO"C"1n, k tndcll"n<kn1 mean, 01
ch~o .. ',.. . t, . ... ,h., ."cry .ltrMn. I 01 tht ')ll<1"11 .;:an b<: "-nllen . . .
"'10 oI.ka",n" ', . ,',. "'poe"'.. ' y relaled .0 .I><.)'t~ of"<])1 .. _a,ed
by '1" .. v.. h.o... lha, ,he plnL-1""''' ollll'U ....... a
"""n"",. a hull' lhal ",bo<d'III'" 0100 h...... '0 " ..If III onk, 10 pul aa
cnd ,0 lhe probfcn.._ 01 ,he 1O.--m6 by anOCULoll"1 ,hem.
Th\&S, II>< II<ldtlion baLo,..,., ,II< ,nd<:flftllc luxlaposlIKm;
.... "'!>Uk]


11>0 ~ne COI"''''''. l)'t' .... by lI"ol,n. >inak mok. a11 1he fCIIIICIt"
p<o<Iuccd from a " ' . thon.,.,
'0 k _ a '1'1= 0( ...p k. il i> 'n n'Y 10 ..... <Hk>df l mdcpcndcn'

nIOdeII of .. nerol"'" .0 .n''CIop and unfold all


,I>< IeJIMOII ol,~ ,,"om.

l1Ic:oe .. ~n" arc not. U in lbe ~ of ,be dmlCn<ion I. !limply lul><",l;

... ,a! amonll,l><m .. l"" in 'pe<'nlIO. but Irc anl<ubla! by ,I>< II<ldn""' .


,Ila, ..

~I1OIJ bot"".,wo"y
rommoa ... the .,........ ol
difl"CI"<n' t.cp" 'M,"1bd1 I..... ' I' rrom MJ"r(~ ,..IWNI_. II,. ~y ,lui
1>tJmoF"""Y ,''''. mal"""
d,,,...,,. ~~ a nd ", .p..l ol""cp
O)'''nt1$. d," ioKU"hlllJ JqrN$ rf IMtpooJrftN""
Ih." mode or ......,.,;<m.
F....,h 'yllem olll." k CIIn he co~,,'Cd ollU' plat.. u of equ,lIb. ium ror ,he




.'1"",11,," or
lOt .,."h

1: of 1U-P'"

,here .. on OfKtIIm .......1,') if I, and I,

bcIonJ .0 "",h a oyslem. I ',. - v, and )', + I~ hd<woA '0 11 equaJl);
,he "or k ca.n he defined ,nd,ff......,I) .. lho mirumal numOO or.lemcnu
IlCCI!'UlIry '0 ,II< ll'"De'"'iOn or I: Ot' . . , he m."mal "umhe. ut ,ndoll"n<\ml
funda~nl.1 ....."" ionl of tbe Iy".m l:. Tho
k ",n ..,n be ~
10 app'" 1_ Ii.. 81 IItM ....... 'nl "",nt ol.n _nJiIII: clla,n 01 ,r\d<pt'l'
<1m y....... and "1C~llfI _h""n oI .. ,.... u oyotemt..1Id
n ,II< "",n, of anlC\l~'1OJ\ tw:t .....". .wo .uhorWna,a! and ............ al




Th .. m"'''111 I"-',nl .. ,bemo, n InJ.g.., ,,,, U"'ff .. hero lbe ""0 free:
p<lICftd,"I from l.: and lhe
whodl ........ ,. a'" in equilibnwn.
To llIl. up OroUDWIn'l u"'~ tht .~p l" 'M a"",her
'0 ,he .):01 ..... ,ha. "milll dowly Ct1,"Clop'
wf__ I,1Ie .ystelll I:n,;" equ.bbnwn .bcrrion' u'uraUy" ...... IIIIU .. ba ,he S1ep l IlJlOllllJoe do ..
or bbel1y o. codopmcn~
aJ "",ply dill'''''
lho L-Il.r rcmaia
lOrmally boll,a! from one .,..,.1>0, and ti1CIIIbkd ' ''FIber", ... nak ,nd<:6nny
,\ ci u! oliO,....n" heiR, olf.,ed. the,.. .",1 id"~
'hl<h ........
do".ly ctlveIo",,, """ POUIII"" a dct.nn,ned ".p. "'hodl .. """" other ,ltan
.hio d",~,'1 dot" .. 01 ,ndt"pt~ lIuI lhi. 10'... " ..... '" COIllinn itd '0
Iobelli.., lhe dotJfC'ClIUId lemll'.,. ...... '0' kInd ol 1hermotne1ry'. ,napahi<'
ol """"d,"I ,hem out or I'CpIC .... a. lhem ,nddinllci) "'i,bO\I, 'bo",' oil 'roIler'
1_ 1II.CI.
In oru.:. '0 m.k~ ,1>0 coallllOn of d....... clea,. i, would he ~ry 10
deli .... IOn optnllioo 1hal all.:".. lhe r.onou,. "~P' ", he <I' ,"; i, .. ould be
'4' "If), '0 ru' OIl' a more pmctrallnl .,b,-,.I~I""" ,bro .. in. ,he addib\'c
oysu"" ou, 01 boh ...... ~,om ,he J>OID' 01 ,'I"l10' oIlJoe '""..' OfKtII'iorIl<Ila,
.. ltich KlJ 0II1hc 'erm, lhin are .'->Iu,dy .".....1'0 i.~ lhac .).,..... an:
..1t""gtlhi~_ II .. "'" 'fonnally" ,.... =.1)' '0 II",,,, pmIOnl;n one', ""nd.1I<
K:uIl "'phd haL-nee , ... c""p1~' 111 1 '" COIn""''"'e roo lbe
a'ia .... II i uflicicn' 10 cone.:;.., 01 ",ro ... 'M f)'mhol rrodUO! hy ...... ,,,,1 .....
'''''' ... + I .~ ) _ 0 .."d
,he <m,te of. ""WlI PlVOL IIUI ..'" kIlO .. thai
lor <:;"' .......1\11 !he
"",nnl"" ,he .........!ic" [wisICII>cl!.onlKhl
(.)'<I....,1U1JOI1). n... 'plCI<IOtuallOtl COIIld "'" he





.h.o, .. """""""


')1''''''' ..


n'" ..

dIuct,,'. ..... "'"




- . -..... 1 ) _


_.n . if"''''' I
.......... 0( ..... 1'0 ......



coo.liBOd 10 11I<.00y .n.u" ... Ihal. proIocoI oIlWao:n be1 ..... n .Irudy ",uobItsI>ed fo...,." WI> ....--.""'.1 m ..... dart 10 " ....11Ofi 1111: F>lura lhal "'" out
lbose I'<or!m .nd .kelch ..... . rtiaIbtJoo>&: in ohort. II'" premoaot"'" dlbe
........1.,.' wo<k Cp. 10.). AddiLioa IUIdoioboedJy .... t'" " """,bit: to dc:/Ino
<lev- oI li\dtpondence, bul by MCn&tna
U .a oJllIIrOve pole, II ""Dquon
iKi .nlwuoa QlplbIt: 01 .....,;'" dlmnHlOiii 'rom anotbol. II ....,o'a' only
by noui1!:hllllltJiC'lf on fioDdooonn'llai ch.aa. . drloveud free oI.ha 'Jimull
...,11" _., rllotoo " (d" OS in},pthdenl 01 r,~
""'" .I~.dy.n 1111: 1)'lI<m Ir ,I~ Clc. II Qnlll'it live Wllhoullho help dlho
formal adJuro::llon. oIlhe CIa Ind ''''"""",,n poinls.
GrlWnlM l:IIy. "".11: ri",II, lhal .ddition " 'foun6ed" on lhe , .. ul
0C><>C:q>I of ~h'l ... h",h .. "'".,~.. ed lop;tbt.'. II " 11...)'1 reI.led 10 lho .. hi . ,"
lion dtotaillies I h~1 Ir.
10 o/I"e. no .ui.la..... 10 be.", booken inlo
p ...", If, lhe follo"',nl .lam!>" sho....:




lor lluil, ,-, III look al IWO maptllildc:o lfomu lhal ~"II (rom. ungle
"nd IQI .... all '''''In'l,,,,,," ",,,,,,,.Ied ,n lbe _
dJft<:I""'~ Ihu. ODe a.Q ~'-arly Itow lhey ClII be JU"al"*<I 10 ro.rm a
..'bole; lhal ... one Ib ...u oIlbeir 'a ...... hve _'enl .......... thaI to 01
lbe P*lU lhol lbe 1.0 ....
mIoIcI; and Ih whole Of .hen ,n 'urn
~.'Cd,", bel", ...... "'10:<1 ,n lbe ...... <b11l(t""",
'wo ....1IUI..... It II ea.y . - 10"""", 1""1 'hio "" ...... II .n odd""", FiB! or a1~
I Clin Plbe. I.,.., ...... nd ptnII"k .. I 1QJI1. be<:a_ lbe pllt> lho, om<
_ ,'ed oIl"F'Iber n'm,un tbc <aDX. and thnr ''''( "'" can """nF




_h.n ....


Col>lOdrr liJu",9. I can

oIlbe 1"'0 CI",1es I"" lbey.re '>Imply ..... by
lOde'; .he ,1to"",1 KI 1"'1 ),no 1""'" 1"Flher .-....,,'" rom",",ely dlXOn .....--...l
from 1M'" lbil poll" IMm, I can d .... one. l hen In. OIl1fr, "I,Iopend<-nliy:
lbe In<kulit>n il 10laUy bol",.,. Ind i. ,.mply there 1o """,II Ih..>, 'hoy . n:
IwO 10 bo "hi ...",' 10.''''''' and Ibal lhoy .... , and /:lode "n In ind.If.","!

'fuundlllOn' U."... lbe iUltapositJon .,nora all pml"fl"""'Oll. 1, can be oonood

.IUI .1 lhe ..... y diqnm 01 add",on . .Ib ,11 10001Iy ~ ... bIo 'lnlbaio.. lis
COfIImullloo-.,y .........111"1 a IiniWd topantliOa and lbe...s.aol ~rr_n\ 01
lhe hand lhal d,", il. n.r... .. lbo:,cIo ... 1IOthlni 10 ... hoped ro.r from tbe
add .......... hoclo .. nbou>led, if """ .... Sf"'U 10, by ddi",UOOL To ",... 'U
'UNOI""" ",.Ih IItt
....-o IIIUlrI 110 i<MIatt ........... '!oettlral ol<" .. al'
,hal ...... ply
bul . . . poin .....,..Iu., an UIIlabili., "",01. caplblc d
""ball"", ... lbe I'ormatxon> .""' .....1Cd in tbo tame d,...aiota ud '''" ... ''''''''
u tbe omtre oI.be cine thai allo .. 1M "I..'p .... cl .....,,"" " .....ben

.i" .....


~* chap1<" Ill).

Con"""" lip'" 10. wlUo;:b ....,.... how lhe point ... ro open. 001 1'''0 I",,,
bra..chto.. inlo "", .J......,ri<-aI "."n,!r "m .....


Zoto " lbe poonl .. be", lbe liB! "" ...... oI '.... lIon II \On[ 'pAn Cthal
IbfOll'" "mobile """,It')., Ind il io lbio ....ruch, 0_ apon. iolOl'" 10 ",d....",,,,
dooi!qlUhbnum in otdn- '0 pup in a ....110 '""'"iota Iw() pol'au ...... alotol
II ..."', I, ... In 0f"P0Ilri'" dil1l(tiouo. To 1IIIJ1U' IhOl """""liOft, ..., Un 10


""' .... 10 _ 1_ _ _ ... _ . by -obih ..". C<laloo. wbach

1oIdt", 0I11If 0 ... on lho 011><,.. ud lhu-dore 10 IC1 and'U' be d .. U d 11110.
_l1li dune"""", .plI1I"'1 ,td 1hI! """'"Ie pot"1
moll><,. d' ..... a."'"
1_ ~haptu- III ~
The .dd",.......... liorJ malt ... II ...,...bIt: 10 d"l,nKu"h okJn>n 01 iowk-ptn_
den:cc ...,1110>.>1 bo'on. c:ap;lbio 01 JOon'"1 lbem. " i. only. 1..,>on 0111", $ltp',
1~ jump> bet ..... n dim.n...,., dcmao>d ...... r ioln and a hallon 01 OCCOIId
.I~p: muillploe;>IlOfl,"


GUSS.,A>1N'5 c...It:1[ 01' TllE EXT'E.'6IOoj

1 GUSSt.lA/oI"'S



..... ", ...1 ""'" nuke a decaded ellmr... u,,,, ofll>c

,bet'o grn be no o;ODSll1UIJOft Id ... ,ndmd"'" '."J1IIb$i. d. mwuploa,y

DDfI$I...,,,,,, d ........ 11'JI;:ll

prodllCU: II>c 'POOS> ',e' ptOOlIC1.nd lhe ""~,,,' prodllCl.

Tho ."",IIea"", of Ibex pr,xlou Iend ...-ell I>c)'and lhe b'ilOf) d nult..m~"c$, They ~Ih enl a "", ... hIe uamplc in ulllknl.r.d,n. llIe ...... lypt of
1fOn>e1 .....1 rnlullion den,.,.j from lhe phil.,...,prue. of n.:tlU,o of lhe bo"nn,ng
of Ibc ""RIUt)'_ We ,,-;11 Illy ~n"'ut., nnpllam on 11>< follo,,,,n8 ""IRIII'
Gru.mann, pnxillC1l a~ FOU, ... mulllplrcauon. "'hlCh break d ... ,ly
,,'uh l ho ad<iJI,Y\' form. .'Iuch .. "' ....)' ..-. orlesJ ~nl~ 10 lhe 1~1"'"
cia .. nalo ""'L Tbty do not jU'Urpo>< nugruludoc:!l, ....1 IIIIb U p<mlblc
la ,pnnl frum one: .lep la aOl(Mbtr
They "'. ed 'Q ........c.O>C{lnla OOIIIIQOO ... clwn frtllO the po"u 10_""
""'-" hoked 10 0.. drlre~QI .)-.tant.
1'bQe prodO>C{, aruculale de.."..,. d ....s.pt'ndcnoo!; ,bey them"", anoculale
lhe 1)'1' em 'uh ono _ber, 1'IIr:ot .yil""".~ ""u!lobnum plaleau. fOt
,be lr""a. ~b"" lions. Oul an be un~lanad Il$ I<",n &i lbe nollon d
.......1'''" b)' molHlo
~1 ....1ed: I>}' deformi"l in IhoUllhl
.olurn. n n' ed om III optlOOllC; I .I~ady posilron "'y,\tlf III a ')11m! d
IUpt.ior Il<r It b<ocoma '""" ....... lhal ""'" dllDClHOon .lIudn '0 anothe.
(;"' ...... on. prodllC1 II non_mIH"U'~ alFbnr .. 6...lIy bbcra'ed from
I_ 11"'ly. and II -I-It)' r...... ,,. oIN-;''oa Wllb d .........",

poi,,' "

Thll pmdllC1 fulfth 'lIIIM em .... d lalma. .. ho .... nled aD "'lObnr ,1Ia1
would ho able 10 cakulo,~ lho mallon, d .pal'" I""n""", dlftll;'dy. "'HI>oOI
teOOII"", lu C.n ...." COO"lt"'IOl. It ..., noauat)' 10 in" u ..... operalions
lhal made 11
10 anlC'Ulalc lhe da..,;i<: .ymOOI. of ""mel , ) H>o>ol. ~ ....
olcl. _nd lhe~fo~ 10 forre a .... Ul"" F"fIIOlnro.alFbraic I.n...... cloa .......
ImOlt,,' thai "'mold psp ."Itnded




I/~I""'i<g,,,,,, IWIII.... IIJJrrI",,: g il""~ j~ ""Iural pIoJiMI,"',

We know IIIaI GI'II~n .....a.led addlilOll only wnh II.. In,'1I1 lnlU'I ......
ol 0.. jU"lap"""1Oi11 ol pan .. 1Id'o... GI'II .. m'nn ....... ptu ............ ol nalu~
had "'~ady mrlLlCd thai add,'''''' ""pIMn ",ulllpircalloa '" 11Ie....,.. 1II1IY lhal
,be mecban..... IfUISI.~ ... , .... nd colen .. ,',
0pJI0I0I: , be rul dlnam .....
ollho ""'UI'III fafOOl. ~or 8.adrr. to. coamp!e:

TIle "'orld .. DOl a coikclion ol """o. a ron"",,,e. al. ol.IOml.. !luI ao

orpnlc m.... go,,,med by. ,in"" pnr>r:op/e. TIN"", "'".. ~,Uj'. I/lal i. 10
JjlY, lhe kI of lat"lny .. lhe f.... "dlui" .. for lhe Idea of ""II. If, " ..
of laklD' lhe 1,,1I.h11 or unuy II my "~"ma "",nl, I Ilk. lhe "'di.'W .... '
101henr.UC Qllallh11 """'h;1 collduiotrcdL I . 'rIl/W"1II rn ...... 10111"
/:Io.ct la d... loulny, Thu ...... ",U ... ,'111 adIie", 0.. 'ynlheJq d ad
,nd"od ...1 0$ a .,.111 ...... 01 .." .Ian from mli/upliClly .... n.... w ,
The <ya.btm mid' 110 ,,"00""" aU al oooe. bke.II coplo6oc> .. Tb ...



lubord,na1ed 10. uony ....., ,hal may be ",oduad In. I ......... ''' ..... m><t;
n m...1 appea. In a .. nslo..,' 100 10 opeak. by .. ~.oIUlIOO or upkMi<MI.l,
In olber 'mns. I...... ,I no """"","rucaI CODIlrucLioo of lho bod) obJCOl
OIXUp)1nl''''''''' ___ ; and a pnllC,pIc O!ho, lhan 11M: IUIIpIc .....,hao~ of
n","~ .. ".,.,.jed, nO! only fnr ,lie con,lIlullon d o .... nlC bod'es. bul Ihro
for all bod .... 'n Fnwol."

!bad., rorrtru\. lho u lornall"'ps of 11M: mn:ban..m. "mplc a.do!,!iot and

SUblrao:'l'OiU of pan .. ,,'nh lhe ,nlerna! .... ps. .. hlCh a~ mucb """" penttralinl
.nd dr.lu,b Ibc uldonlan,]'", 11)' r-0ClIedJ1I& '''' muhlplre.uoa. ra""'l by
and utnrctJon 01' rooto:


0 . ohoold nol be ""I I'"..d oIlho phy'!><1$1. ""h hl$ mocbanrcal ",plana\10 .... IuJ dead .ntlunc1lC.nd hI> ook!y ",..,Planrcal WIll d juua""",n..

-.ddro, and .ubU'M'\,n.. an",,1 ........p' to C<)IUpt'IO ",lh nalu~ or lhe

" .\ urab" ",ho romlrut1. d)'N!rnrcally .nlb h" d)'urn", Inthmeuc: hIS
mul1l1'hcnuon and htl nl_Iion.

Abo. 8a.Jde, odds in .IooIOCHC:

II ... mrnako of our ""'I hematic'" maouab 10 bopn .'lIh adduioo aod
.ulMrao:'loon. whICh .~ cIead and de>oid d roaapI, and IlOl ..~tlt ~,.....

.,.,.,.,iooII; raiOlPI by


or alnaioo d

root ..

Addlloon. Ibadc< 11.,,,," add.......,... 1"';11& r..,.,..., IJod lbt;. 0.,..,1)' d

prodllC11Of! .."b dead m.lI .... l. and lhot -eiPI... horcu fo,,- ... h",h unlle
or oomhl ... dn no, OIIly add on 10 one another I;~o f
dead maner. bul
muillply and
lho.. 1"',,'0'" Ind, o n tho ",/lo, 1Ia!\ll, ... hen lhoy ",,,,,rale.
001 only dC<lOCl Ih""""I"o. from 0 ... a""lber, bul .~ ,rduad In lhe man ... r



01' lile ~'1r.C1lon of ,001$.'


Ten }~~rs before lho publICa';"" nf lho ""..s,~""""".Irr Rand.r "'""Jln

ul' lho roll moanm, oI'oddlIJon .,.,n, M"" nu,hrntah",an' ....nn&ly ron.od ..,
be saod, mulupbcauon al 'ropealed addHion' .nd d ..""", ', opca1ed
,ulMractlOll', MwupbcalMl" II. .....,"''''''1 pn>OIraUOll d lacton:. il prodllCa
an ~nIC'lOI1ZItioII. an'tnlenJtllealion C"",' .. odl. d,VUOO!I r-od ...... aD 'n""'"
"""'Uoa' An ",'en .....,r-ocal penttrauon <Jl fan<tn' . . .'1111 Gra ...... nn ..
..,ill& 10 domaad d IuJ r-OOUCI for II 10 be: JOrlu, ... mulll~ICI""n, .n
opt'nnion produeu,'. 01' pluralny, AddlllOn ""n' C1lI, ,I,\tll .. lib I>c,nl al* 10
'Ihln k 1"F'ber' I mul111lKle d p~"i"nl OnIH," by jU~'.por.!n. lhem, in 'M
.... y Ih., 0"" m'lIh. pi~ coun.m On a \able, II ,"",11-.. _lIonn. only 'formally".
a"d lhe "",,,,' Iho.l il ptUd_ ...e "'.... ,.. rn dlIIF' of Icclonn, n",r ""0
d ........ ' ... lion: .ddu"", proJ"",," ",,",y Ibc dosra<icd fonn 01' lho mulo,pIc. lhal
whICh" <lmved from lho dowmp<>Oi. oon 01' u already .... bJllhed "Ob\.
U"hh addJlIOfl, wblCh "'.... ppolOC> no '.mproa! """""ra,ron d factonlho ~I_ d Ibc racton. 10000ly Ind,Ir..... , '0 ,hot, ~ .",hrneuc:al
multlphca""'" d................
ad a .,lpivr ,. _ 1',1', II not


a, by J....u .....' ... 1', and 1',. bu' hy


N<k of ,he 1""'100

un,L """"'r- ,ba, .V" ,t.. prodl'Cl 01 P, by 1',- Numoncal muillph,," uon

"f'PO>C> mul\,plo;:;r.lion t" tWdUIOD and

thIS 'm,knu"n. can 110 obtalllt'd
by p,od""'''1 on """,,.ed mobile unll. ' '<:0=11' .
1''''' _mo oIlbo: rro""JIe "Uli ha .. """ hcitlu M ,he AII1<' roo""&: ,ts
cak"la,1On io 01 """roc commutali,-e: S _ llll _ "8 ud. by radUl,l 8/1 oc

of....:and >UP' (_ _ I ~ I, IS """p"uble ..i,b ,he potAble JeWlDp.."'O,,"

(ib$lnbu'n'lly la ...w.on to oddl1lollt It 6...Jly 1II>I~eJ i, _bIe 1o..,.,.,.,..,
mulupl.",y lilal, ra. from unde.m,n,n, ,i>< un;,y. JOei (.,......rd Inlo d;'~.-.ily
lhe he" 10 \bo .. n. uolokl;na.

nh,bn rl>r Ofdct

011"" I)n'heoe>.. Q.."."....~ f,-lnBIIeIfr""", !be ~t or. UlK'no:aJ mol
I underoland'n.
tit>! 'Teali .... .. lhe mOfl abstract oI.Il " foraeu !be
p!Umllhal pe.m\ll..! lIIe <:QII<lrUClioto of ,IK filum.
Q'OS!JlUlnn. lik~ A.pnd, JI"IIlped how plIIl/1"be ..""".Uon 01 lbe nep.
li ..... nd lhe bll"ra1 ..... for ,-11")"'



tiOWIU ... 0...

"or "Ou.... '"ommu,"m'.. bu~ OS we ,,',11 _. ' lnl bcis lIwII),' pn~'~K'" one
V<k or ,he lUll' '''''' .. hldt is.he opl''''O<. II ,.. OS Qrusmann AMI '11.,,,,,,,

QruomlJlfl', ra'lIet_

,.""'...., allll _",allIM'

'1 .nalag

Wllb !be .nlh...eh"oJ pr"",,,>1;'" brod alrudy

ddinal" .."" ... Inal product:

The m:lanpe II~:M IS ,I>< 'nK' ,.o",.1<ical prodUCI if mult,plK:IIlion ..
,akon ,n III pur~~ "">I-'", .....-J Itn"' ... Mulllr>i""'I1"" i, OIIly" conl1<1JCo
lion 01 h,sM' d..-. In ......... .,.. 1110 poinl " ,he prod"",;,...lemool.
and 1M lme 'OI .... S r.oon i, hy" COflSlructKKl
The reaan&lc ..........
Il'QI .M
h"" ill ,he """''''''1 lhal we 'mol lhe poult.
The 111 ... ,100 .. odenlic:al ,n In,h~ 10 llu. ax. 1M uml .. lhe
o""nal p..",1I1<:1n', .k" ... nl. The IInll IS limply oeea II, liven
If. no ...
,he numbor IS la ken as lbe 1\<.. bII", fo, .Ileul,"on Iby .a~lnl II IS ,he
""w un,,) .. mult,pl;""""n don .ppoar OS , tic production of II numbo. of
"'I""," ordtr, ,, num"". "holt UD;' is already" Dumber A m:taAJIe"
1110: 1"""n..,rictJ pood .... of ill baIe . nd Milhl. and ,Ius prod .... boh.roes
hk.!be IIrnhmnic:al prod ....
,he poinl i. ,110 ,10",,,". ,he f)nlheoo .. is 'M lIIOIioto 01"
"",nl ,0 OIOme d\l,,mn, a"" ,he mul' p.od.-J by Ihi, .ynlhnl.. lhe
,nl)C<10ry 01,,,,, pcnnl.
Ii".,. If. no .... , lie 11M Iho. Iili,.illt'd rrom ,bi,
fiN. 'j"o'hnIJ piar- lbe role oIlM "",nl .. nd If ._It'd in 'M lame ..... y
I,ha ... I" >OJ"'' MO\-ft! ,n Ino1l1cr drrttho"~ "If " ....&"" ,ha'" 1>0'<1






., i. ifl<lo:,,:d q"""100 01. FIIu, ............,rul product 01, ., Ii"",",

1f lbe ,urfaa: lal~ lbe rolr: of the po,nt ....e ohl.," ..,.'"
>""";'00 tbe product oIth"'" rac'''''' W. <:In 10 no f~"ber in pon"'ry.
fOf our "1"''''' boo, only three d,me" .. Q.... No hrru,~"on 01"'" kind oppeo"
III llrilh""'tic "
QIID'""," G ............. !be ra, ..... bad thlll .......... 10 "'pe !be ..... p 01 !be
........ ,rieaI addI""" 011110: P"raIJdosnlll 01
olot !'KI l n,le. hke ,he ocher
liaurn oIlhe pl.""
not" ,h,n, thaI
,n."""" and ',uppom'
the "'t"'t'M. bul m.., be ""","",.-..I ~ mobil< unIl, Such
ore ""n'''luI~
U In It..
01 ,he number I.... Ii&. 4~ ",hI"',
In ..... "' ... " a,
0JItC as cardl...J aad otduW. Ho'nUIM G,......I" ... ,I>< - . JOn flllt"". by
_.., t.hal n " I"",",""ly 'bis '~procal penotrlll_ 01 r.....,..,. 'hal radoally

""".paa. '"




/Ill. I can

1d:_'k<IF ... ltiI;h loCI. CIII ...1tiI;1I.

8~ docod.nllO


It .. ,he "" ............ IICIII 0( ...pu.a;n ..-.."trl' thai sho..-$ me ,be _y, 1
..... ,n the !labi, 01 :Ift'iaI,be 11'''3II"a All and 8A u OPP'*4 macnnlldoo$.
From thn "boonllUO!\, one CIUI ded~ 1!Ia' if A. 8.C ,,'" poonu "" a
Ii...... lhen. in .n ca,.., A8 + lle _ Ae. 1!Ia' """"',Dins ,,,.. ,f A8
."" /lC arc po;nled 10 lhe ... "", d,rroion or,n oppot.ru duttllnn. (in 'N:
ca .... he", C if br:l_n A and ll! In Ibis caw. AB and 8C Ibwld 1>01
bo ..... U "10"" Ioni\h .. bUl.heir d,rf("OO'" (..-hM:b .... opposed ;n !be
.... .....,. "'.... abo br: tlk ... ialO _ A , 8y ....wtlU", CIII !be ......... pi
01 ...............1 prod .... , 1oI1000;nl;n my ra,ber', 1oot".pI, I came to the
nol ""Iy roct.Inl!la. bulah.o ""..1Ie1opa1lll CO\Ild he .... o
,he prod""l< or ,.." .djacen' oiJe:f. p m>wed ,h.. ,h~ ,kin ~'" DO'
.eon "mply II Ir:nllM. bu, II.,.rnIOO "",,,,ilkHlu."





/U ,he 'hobo.
A II "nd llA II <>Plot LId ....
mal:es " pouible
to "Tlte AC" _ A8 + Be .'1thou,
'0 .poo,1III iDlullion. ...., .1lI....., '0
,he ""'''''' 01 "" .,....n'od ""..lIr:I<>pom mal:a" poNI~ '0 demon"'",Ie the d..,ribuliVlty
loe< (Qi1J\pll (4J) G......... nn rod<1!o:

..., ,h.,

'.k .......


oj,,,,,,cd ,be ...

So. whon I muluply ,Iw! ,um of, .. " ,'ee,ol'l by. ,hird
pl.l\nr: he prod"", obI.,r><t! coi!lcidel la"" m",' aI ..... ~~ rooncide) .. ,'"
lha, obt.illt'd by ",ul!'P!)"101 oq>a..,dy _h or !be .,,, ...:IOtl by the
Ihud.rid ,,,",, add,", (bn ... ""ndtul 01 ,he ....... !be."'" produ<U.


,01111 + C) .. All + A C

Formula (4 ) _


crucW. .. Iud! it ...hy GntH""'"" "1Inll 10 lIlII$ullle "

Fouktnally. bdoo'< offennl" .,..,..,...IIefiMioto of ,bo prodl'Cl;

~c obi .. " """"""qllpI'iallonru.'KK1 (rom lbe .."ILtDl if n .....te
tbe .,b.oIc It"""nl. 'hili i. '0 say _" poon' 01 II. d .... ...,...~, or
d,ff.",n' ""tu,. In iU<h a .... y ,'''', "n ,h. poin .. ro ..."",,' ling\<
.."""nl. The iUrf= !Ilk .. lhe fo.m of I ",,"Ikloparn [S".., .... ~ l
We .. ill "'l,b.. '''0 IUr1lIca bolonl'"' 10 1110: sam. plane II,. dta.,n.n
an "'!u,V\tknl maJl ..... J, dutuL. rl>r d".,. ... m.-ul ol!be d,m:t_ 01 the
~ ..",""'1 ill ,lac d,~_ do6nod by ,he ............ " .. IW' ' ..y LJI


o::;~ .. " .."S"S CAI'W"" OJ TIl~

boI~ """" 10 lu,n III lh< ....... dll'CC'IOft Ik>r cumpl. l(n>llr<h the IdI. '"
botb _~ rhey .. iU be AIII.n he UlI<'<ju:ol UI tho "1'1'05". cur..
W. thllJ ,mmcdla,dl obwn tho 1oIlowm, ..... who<:ll it ....... I*= .. II
II ".It.lll/...... fII-.
_> ~" /,..,.. 1M,
0/ ... X_ .. ,""" "., ."'. 'JWfon ~ ( .. f a~ , .--........ II{





IWU"'" u.J...."! b..,.,.J ""~ ~"",otN.,

t{11wM .. xo ....u.
Or If. i" IN pIil<ft. " ...1*'''' U ~ M~WIO , .... , .." """,1111 billa.
/II Jld ~ -ay IU '" fo,..! juri! ... 1M '''Xi"",,,, of _ /DtJ '" IN! .,.., 0(11"
Oflt.r. ,"'" ,'" '''',,' tur/{JI;~'" p""",,J I, """')~ Iitt _ . ........., ....10.
/Nl,h (.II'~"~'

"" broJ:..,;

'''~tll. ";,h ,'" 10k rl>l\J(,/M ,h~111w: 1l<f~...J

luw '" JIM ... js "",1"'~ltted.

Thi, I hN'~ln foJllow. immNiatdy r, ,,,,,, the knnw" .I\rorcm p<lralkl...
,....... Slu,,'''' / __ ./w ....... IHJM ullll ,i,;OIK I" IIw ........ """,/1" Nu', II"

"'- _I"", "

' __ 'I

f"ilure 11 ,I1I1>1l1u" how, by <:n<n"""""I01Y phel'HlmCnon an.'<lJUuj 10 Ihal

.. h",h mlk., " ",...ibk 10 dnrll)n,"",c tho, A Ii + Be _ AC'. ...." ;n 11K: ca ..
.. lit", 8 II OIlU..Je .he "'8ftIC"" AC'. Ih. ,urf,.." .,ta d&-nbcd in I"" pl ..... by
a broI<rn ,,,,.,, "'1,,"1 to thl' ddc;ribed by the 4traliln line 111111 hal "'" lime

onniollnd ~n.ol potn!> I I n, r ... ru .. nbu,,,o') f"rmulll ~ l.hul mmo .... \'lOW
and .bo "tnir.lde. '" , ....1&tbnoio -.idnion ",.be r in'" onen.m I~_
II n ..r.kd.o .be oocond ..kp mobik unoB. TIl< mulliploc."on '" ....."""" "
""'-I m..hopiocalJOl> in .be IiCIOIt oft.... .al lheory '" form. 1M ..... 6ci
a Cha .......'o-d, ....... ...or.a] .bMtmll_ bdooot



A<COI\ILII"o lho
dc>eIopcd In , " " ,co allhoory '" form<,
tho.1ooorems '" Ih"
and ,"" ",.....ton. one n tou.,...., lha, ,he!
101.5011 "' .... ,..., JCJIIICIIll IJ and It. "' .. hodt ''''' mull II the ,lin...., tloa,
" ""mned ""Mn the fi", "PIIL"II1 is dlsplaord f,om lhe .. cond. " I
mllllipl ....".e 1..,,lI0II; btcou.e. as iI immcdaltly "pP""'''' . ,hi' rola""n 10
oddm<>11 .hl' mak.. I m"hip/ical"'" ",'aM for lhe 10''''0".10
If l he .. nonl ... ' ....... an n .. ch.,...., 10 de>ill .... t Ih .. Iype '" 1",,_ ~ml



01 the m<>.-N RpI'IC"D' II "V~D fim. OIl' b....e:

. nlb + ')_ lJ nl> + an.


lI. e _hQ .. Imp"'llInl lbe I1I1,ud"",,,,,, 01 o.,attccl ...n_ 10: .. _ lbe pam:
'" A,pnd' bola""" '<10k ibc of'IXWlt ...... 10 ....",mulalion ..... "eno, ...... the)'
0p<'tI. d , _ " ' " koq> ,bo ..... "".'" from bootom,nl o.erwboclmcd h) the


dlillm '" the II ....... y nlcn<Icd .urfaca. "The oompon..,., oilhelheIa .. '" d"lflb",,,,"y .. bICb .. <led"""" from n lhe-""'''''' nllCtly ''I_ad...,. lIoe
Ia"..... bel"'f/<"P III<~ ""'Ii'IILKIcf; whICh ... d In',,lflld G nwmann.
AH .. 8{_AC.
II i. Imporlanl 10 onllylot lhe powet '" mobih'''''''n ,,"led ,,"h oflOlllm
m'lJ\ilud"- It IS ..'.11 kilO"" 1...1 ... lmt .hree poon" A. Ii. C .r. oJIl!o>td. lhe
,.1.110n bel"wn d"lanca AB + IlC_ AC " 11<>1 Iinys Inll:. n.o I1I.On .... ' In
whICh lhe .It..... "",nil aro dlllnbuitd II 'mpottd on me, 1111111' no relalooruhlp
bel"'_ , ... dc/ft","1 pmi1l<>nJ. Theft .. I\il l.... iSC>lI bel ..'..... he! Ilal ......... C
.~. B. r Ind 0""' of ,he """'(ICI 01 lho IhR>l' "",nlS IlIQnl me' <10 I,,,", or
rdlollOnlbJp II ell .... ", ..."bcd Of " '. . . . .m by ,he SCIICl"l\Cl"lt AU I ....... 'bore
11 SdIlply cluu pounl dHcnbuled on JlnuPI I,,,,, o.od I tortftnt m,odI'lo
uha\lOl.l"l ,he.. coI ....II"" and 10 8ddt ... up Ucc dllCf-1ICiIII: lbey an: .1 .........1ed
by. tblrd po'" "'hQ .. mdJlfemll 10 lhe .,..,.u.....1 reIa,1OfIIIup. for ...hom
I'Olhlt\lll .1 pLay bet ...... n ~. B and C ,Ius .. tlie POOOI of ...... of.1ie "''''rror
...100 carduJl, JU1UpottI alrndy r.(Ua1 boll d lmt>OII.
Qllile ",her ... he ..,.,.. ,bal M >lo<lrr. ,he "",au A. B. C u pIaca v""~ by
mobok "",nl \f. Iht:y lh<1> awear ~l. lhe llOl'P'''I potnl.l of lho _
mocion. B)' scann. A. ,1It-rr B. llit-rr C. 0. ,n dtflnlnllhe nola"..... '" lho <1 ........1
ABC. I at<:om,,:InY lbe mobole "",nl ;n ChooJbI ."d "Br 00",,""" on ;nlll.lie",
lhal of. painl M lbal . _. from A 10 D. lben I,,,,,, B 10 C. A. B. C att
plknly It"~cd IOl!<lh .. aDd lbe jC.ltmmt"llilC<:eu" il) il Ultctly Ihal of Iii<
.i.,lo; Ali d_ aOI refer la a dala""" measured by .. c.ltm.llltm,! 1"'"). bill
\<> I journey rna"" front A 10 B Thi, juUf1lC)l CULlid be lha, 0( 1M P'(NII< . .....
mc'anturplo~ lillo I mobil< "",al ."" )1 capablt '" ko:q>tnl ibc 10l.llo.l)dlbt JIlII' IICY btl"", lui mmd. TIl< rolll;"" AB+ Be _ AC ....'" ....thi.o!.
"""" lhan I... 1<1 0 ... 1) of I look ."" .... """lbiJUy. flnaU, otr<"ll'<J htcnlly.
'" JI"UI'Inl mobtlc poml.l,




I_ J~


A mohol< potnl ........... ru>-en;,'y. A. B. C.n: 001 .. mpic .. II" d"lriboolcd

on eli< 11"'1..,1 1".., ,be .. d"~AtlY is on lnl .... ' pon of ... nJlt (riOC of
bo:wrn, .... Ai .he ntlrod"""on ""m.ndcd. the di,uncuon of lboot
II 1
d"I;I>Clillfl Nr".",. ~ dl...,..,m """,bono'io,,



II it ~>dea, lhal .\ is q""~ easy 10 <aDCd 1M JOm1'CY A8 '" lhou",. by

", '111", lhe ""'.,..... AS Ind SA and 10 .... lhal the Inn .. , 01 84 "I'JIOI"I
,"" nlmi! ol.4 Iowan!. B. So"
''''Iy ill wne
11410 ,millie pr<aody
'1*1.al """, .. Iencc. This ;. tho IfIIWtioa III the ~ory: .......... 0 .. U\ line!
... bord"""ioa In. clod. l'hIl .... by the _Uon .18 00 M h . ,'\aU) M . . . . . .U
joo""'Y" the ""',... and Ilot btcnl_ pcrfoctly """Fd ,n il.
C...,:dlIn, lho: lDlwtioD oil paralJdosram II CXlnJldcrably """'. dmcorc: II
to 0(>1 wry clear "". 10 mdow II ""Ib nlObthty. Gran"",,,n
M !!btu.'
kb 01,,,,, oriented I"'rallrlopam.. The OOIohonl ABC and lie B
""ely lo,he poIilionll rdauOMh,p!I ond OII'CWI< dr. .,'n ,n ~.U"" D_ 100 Ub;




...... IIIWPo',ablr;. I.... B.C-DIII ....... pk auretAI. QI kite1'$, ......... :.!BCD

WI,ICIIOM a ~~ QI,,*,,, thaI II ",,,,,II ~ concm. ,b.aJI lbe
1'" onooled ft!\'dope abo .....Ita ,. poGbic 10 ....1In.w......... 1o CIII oul
SOIIn. 10 lbe oorulntCtJOll <A.be .oecond-slOJl n'm....... lhu II .ut md... 11
JIOf'Ihk.o o:""""'"from .. hal""" tbe mollOIl , hal amII""" ... B II made 10
...WfI 0'...... pa ....1Ido&ram- In
cur <A ftpI", I~. lhe rnotIO<I "'..... he rm<k
from the P<k lha, .Ill ...... aJ'tlll1"'BC ,d lhe "me d,m:IIOLI as lbe
molion RI"rlM,ed It) 1). G'~Clla
mWI1 and an .. dlod buc ......
can I1UIdn lhe qmoOl"'C the -he'I"" , ... luI;h dlrecl!'Rw moloon. u ,ha.
,,II .. h a" .. ull,.,. and .n...""'" lbe o".Plod N.w. Gr:IIssm.no'. ,.nctv.lion and





mult'l'lkallon uk. up o..,m." m<>bIlr uOll aplO by 111,l(!C1Ld, il on,h ,II<

dynamic: of the o".nl>.llon.

____ 0

Tbae I .. the ....... ~Med by Gnwn,nn ID biI ddiNlIOII "'Ibe prodUCt.

Thn "",.1"", ...u....... aoe1ic propuIIOoa
01 much lublin lhall ,bat 01
.hI: !ramI...1Im: 'I ... "'~fp>iol from A w..-..rdJ B' In tho: _offi.u", 13,
'I h. d ..... on AS lkel "' A and bad "' B) and I ..., .Ie 10 my""'''. A "'ngk
notl'''''' :"8(,,";" ao,.bIc "h,ali", . ,1 ,hac 1K"11On11l)'in, do.... "'"-"5) .....
of l!!IOCIllIn,. circuli '" the
wilb thom,
The or~led ""I"..... AileD is dofined In ,"" Ame .... y:.n obKr'I'tT '1)'101
01\ 18 ,reel., A ).ooeo C on h;' nsh' Ind () lC .... rdl ,he lOP'




C .<rtrMi proJWI (Iu ...... MuluphhllOfl J 0,"" 'M


.xr...>I .... I.~!'~

G1"lI<lmlnn III.n I've.. clearc:, defin't,on o(lhe (u, m <>f lhe: tro .... 'ncoll"odl>Cl
by .1"",,," he: dl<!inc:l,on hot"'"",n lha' .. h,<11 II "",~cd andlll!ll "'blCh m""<:S:
Fu" ~, dc\~lOf'lllC'nl no .. dom.>nds
<>011_ The mann<l" of Ihis 1I'........ liot!


lho ,......... uon or nc""ypeS or utrnis an ,mmod,.tc mult. by allllOV'. or

.he .... n... r In wbkll .he lim .... " n1<l\SIOn """ I""'~!od fR)1ll !ho:
........ n It) ...,.. ",t>jeainl ,n tho: wnf ."Y aU lhe: ek:menll or I ""pDtIIl
'" anotlter . , .. ,.110<1; 10 he mo~ ",*,fIo:, the ..... p1..,ly <A the 1IIIII'I"uck
.hal ;,. ..,.... 10 he ,., ..
dtmanI;b eq .... bly oa lhe: mann<l" ",,,,lin,,,,,
alilho: <1<_0'" lUI is 10 AY alllbr ..........11 <A."", ....... '" II dc:>criho:
'''IIP ItpDtlll b. no.,
"is po . ."tcd hen: u lUI .. Iu<:h 1<1Xial<S.
,he "' ........... Ot II .. 1br _'0"'''1 01 I,,"
.1111,," Inult
Qllhe . , .. , ""' ... If" aflll 1> .... ,",UM of d"feren! . ,....,,""_ a PO" or
the: IC'COnd-tlCp
<Iet.rn""",, b~ II and II. whICh muot lben be
unclen100d u -..ncl .....p .".mmn [ ... ".u/UI~ ........111".. !ill!/<"1 .. _
tor the momoO'. IU, is 'O"'Y unl~"~ "",.. lk .. rm"",(1 more pa"~.
10,1) lhe: n.>tw ... of lhi. ha,,,,,". '0' dc . ...... '. lh ..... ulll"lIp<oo"'" of II and
/0 by II (\ h. and [0' lbe m.mICnl by ,,(\ h. "he ... " .,1<1 h arc: lhe: "~~I"


We II.",,, ..,pe4lbr on" QI,he

tramI~"'Y QI

',a"""OI1a. The Lan., rd>ed

100 ...... "" lhe Klftt,t.&::allOll Qllbr b,<nJ and !be IplUal. l"hey lobcnod only
d.. """le",plallOLl

01 ...... 100........ , .....-ard. B. II ..... 11 II IM"'bok body IU'

approp< .. l.,. a.p.occ By UllJiulIJ on 1M oro... QlIIoo 101l.n, .100 ....... uon ",11("
Of ... BCD ""plureo my"""' .... 01 con mplallOfl by <poctfytOI a modo 01
'rl~1f,uop <A 1M ......"bun. An """"Iod ,.,Jun .. Of. Mne U ,,",""'d "",pli.
IwI~ doe. 'Mn unclion ao .,.ubh,hod .... m.on. In 'o"'f1',o"'d'Pl' QI .........
t,u, her a "'''"\l,1 or. v,nual ."volopmtn" , ,,. Jla.ed o,d.,.nd lhe am'"




'" ..., ...... n ,he e.u ........

,"" .......iil" ..

II """',"led of eadI dc".. ou of" I".""'"


Gl'al4IIIann'. mobok unll IIIonri<m: rombiDes tbr onnnihon IlIId the

oolmw'" ulmSi'" Ihalecl:.: alWlll-' culo:r I...., p. III .1Id rollowt~~ "'~ CIlII
oIf.... d.a,nmmac.c 101"JW1llioa of
prodl>Cl. lei uS hnl up lhe d .. an ....
of the d~ KVflml and of the applied forw ,_ """,... 8" 3 ~
""''''III 1/110
(onNllion r, n" prod~ ,~ rltJJ ",lin If""" I J I>y I,)
I. on ftlU'" II>.




n [)XOOOCX] ::


Itt tirna:s IhlS auaat "WJnltioa 01 tbc: crooo."I f'"", loll 10 nlltl (and
'~IM' .",h .he dult.,. 0( Up:


I ........,. ncb potnl <Ii f. (_""'"" P"'''u .., """"'1111,. d"Pt. wd I

.he pu do<pbcftnml d,n:cud aa:ordinl to I,. ~ An, in'cn$"" , .......
J~ .. led .. llIal .. hoclt """"""'. 1M l"1W!nllon and .he ~ Inm .. II..
bo .. ell"" ..... nlioa.
n.. ntcntioa fO.IRIlIon ',n" pemlU'" tbo .~ of I,.nd I,: /, btwmes
,nom,;,.. Ind" u, ..... ve..





.u,........ " ,,.,.,,


l 'he )urfaoo oIlhe ""'rlIlIolo........ Ihus r~ 'Mtd 'Pm .. tbc: utnml

prod..., of ' II'O .. porn ... and tho:
oflbe ponlltloppcd .. "'''"'''~
in lbe .. me .-ay .. ,It.. u,....w prodllCl of'h ....
0 fi ...
. . . - ' . lhen make ~p lbe sides 0I11t.. ""ntk\osnm.nd lho Ib..., III,,",
lhe nd ... of a pl.nlklcp;pcd, To he mo >fICCI1k. ..... ,oot lit.. ........ 0'
.. h_ mPllon formed lbe "",,,lilt,,,,..... u , be ~rst fa<;1"".nd lho """"011
.. h",h mr.,.,N lho mat,Oft U lho """00. ,,"h lho "'lull 01 .."", ". call
'''0 "'1 ...1 por.. llt!oanm< if, .... n from lJoe ft,-" facto . lhe """00 II on lbe
... me .><l -and lhe ...... li
,,h ....... call ,,,'0 I'.'.. porotkJos.am. if
lbey .... on ,h. Oppoo.tlC "Jo,


"",,,,,11. """"'" ...


from lJut Ol'U>mann Jonv.. lbe .ult:




y,. - .hlt ,h .. cI .. tlDCO"", til !he order of

I, Of " ..,,,
I" ~y <eprOd. . . ,be ,.'0 dcct<oon$ _hit fa< " ...L'III lhe
>nU<aIly Of "","""",all): .be ,." mod "''librauon' '" lhe ~"""I ra:t ....
....'" Ihn'ekIn: eu.oIly ....pcd by tbt IIOIal>Onf 1, ('1 /, Of I,rll , Tbeoe
Qlon:c the d..""",,,,,, betwcm tbr ..... ' that ........"" lib<. mulHplltf) and ,"" Pluen, thaI""""""" the .',,"'._ 11M mulnpl..,.nd), by
demaod,nl liNn .be ordort orro."u.u"" oIlbe prOOIlCU be .. rtfuUy speafied;
~ n il ;1 obI.,,,",, by dlJpW:tmcn1 ol.be potJIlO oI.be 6'1' Iqrnm' (,be 'buc'~
by .he Kt"", or ,be lieC(Ioo (Ibe 'oogh,~ no .. r'odllCl IS nol .... iloble.,.
,run, I .. ~n ."m""" lhe .... I. 'IHI<'" 11 ".0' a R",u,d~"" r.,ure. nlCt ",ok, of
lbe .)'mOOIJ load. ,'''' 1\0.00 ond p~nbcs an 101:,,,,,1 C"""n>etlon 0( ,Ilt ficu ,

""'"'K>RI ...

"'I')' d~nod by IhlJ llran.., .-...;uh

lbe olhor la .... or

ordm_1')' mulllpticallC>n ..~'" all reopeaod by lh, ....... mult,,,,,,,,,,on 'in
""nocut.r Ih. ",ta, ,,,o<ln,, 01 mutuptlf:Ol\lon 10 _<l,1l1;0") , BUI ~ay """,,U'
111"",01 the ordc. of tho: facton mlatltd I cit ..... of "'lin _."



Al R", r "'a.




A ,...,...."""..1 word' n. (, In ","CIy . n a) .. coonod. n""~", a d)'i\amXS

'" ,he """....... 1M poo~u of JeIiII<'III 6 (.... ~ .-dy a). ... t.o.. "lWbLi JS. is
aJrady .... blWsecL .......... _
by ,be unFo!d"1iI '" ,be "p>nIl"n1ftl5!1y
'reo~l.-dy .,_ 1M .,..... 010 pan"' ... '" In teIa,iomIup WI iD'onectJ
,hom. ... hcteq jtt ... poJInon """,..... 11Ie1l"',lh ....-rdy 'llu.w.., l...,..torr ......
eku.,ul lb., I'mWJ! $lrll ngen '0 0 ... _nolbn- '. + 6' ;1 noI ...aIly a ....01'<1.
Hore, ,be I\o.nd if impbcalod on ,be pmdlM;"!; " ....O'd..' ..
'1>CaMI'~IY and
loIdc.by.oodo; it bnng< about the ...... d",,,,1UOOa by ""'bod~'nl an oo<nl.1o""'"
,hank, to lhe F"fIIOlncal prodllCl. lhe pia ... "l.. pol_ina of a rnoblll1y
lhal ..,."".,.. ","""N fM ,""o~
Oraun.unn adllO"ledges his prrplnl1Y before Ih" lIranl" mul~p"""~"n:

'for'. ho M)'J, 'if b. -.. from ... II on ,be Id\, lhen .... ~n from It. m",' be on
lhe nJh~ and n" ...,ra.'
'Tlt.. II lhe "","",ulas IOnn 01 a
Jaw 01 SI&JIS .1ucIt G .. '_"na
I_UP: , to dtd_ I"_.neall)"


11 .. dtat from tho: COO<epI 0( lhe '"'Pm" lit.a, If'the .... and lbe bori&bl
0(. pl.rlIlltlopam keq> lho gmt: dllMlOD$, ,ho .ufflce preoc.vn '" oi .....
non tf 110 wdn IIICfCllo< .,.. dcctea.., I( mo"",...".. ,be .~trm"') ",.he
oolhl di.pIaca ;, ..If on.o 10"" porotlcl 10 lho bqc, ,,'!uk lhe Jalltr
...mo".. the .. me..hm 1M surf_ ... yo """b.IIJII<l; n the ... fo", fn"'Cn'n
115..,n. w. bo,ln f.om IIoeoc 1"'0 b)'p</lhoon 10
.Ie F<'!Ik"ical
JU.lltk1tllon oIllIe getlCrall.", of
, All pI.",U.Io,n" ... wh<w: hollk" ~n from 1he ba ..... main on .tv:



'" ....,. ...x mIlA kftJI \hr1r SlJ!n. II> a1tot<tha IUlofoUs ",h"... or ...,
dlS!>o","" h... 1M 6nl. ...... ><1 ;&mIlhanl rid,......, ..';U Ix able 10 Q",bh.b
for p.>ralklepopeds [S"",.] lhe la ..- tho volwmeo of ,01'0 pol1llltlc'ppcd.
'" ......, or chan,. ,""', ....... ~ 10
OM IIIU1011wra 10 d~

......e ... Of 10



sodc II) pa .. from !he <1,,"'1100 of d lCCOI>d

00., 10 ,""1 of the third "",.. it .... obotr>"CI' iii .lIIqIooo<J 1)11110t1 . he
111101 "dac lIeo, ., the ,,",,0 and
tho "'mn"}I.'



The rule (6 "::10 be

by OIlier mean,. h,n"". ,nllhc ' ....,.,'n. CO/Ilotr""
11'1<1'.'. ha,. 10 '~I' .. ;th ~nG I ..",lIdD,rom of
nee Q II
al once ",rull i. mo' 'W . 1>11 whal me...,.. II II III ... n.y'" 10 ..., Iha, the .. Iauon
~ n" _ 0, )0",,,<1 10 Ih. propcny of dim;hul;' il) \ $), .1 .. ,
u n ~ '"' b n a.
T""'" proportlN Imply thl tbe .. gmtn' " i, wt"..~r .. "h m bolonS' 10 tbe
."In! Fneralcd by III< ,."""nl" i( and <>nl) rl'. ,,1"1,_0 1' ...... ,o,nal
I&lIC1lons unit the ac' Wll KIIU;';' '')''
""'leo ', he
factON """. lpolfl" 10$ OraamaoD Itinudl ... Y"

I."" ...... ..

PfC"iowJl"" nib! II". prodllCl

_ In ",,~rnaI prodl>tl, alll>llu'l b, ,hit;

... me 10 ,10: tact ,,,,", ,h .. lnld ot .... od ..... only lou. non1lIl nJ ... if.be
facl.on ...0.... port ..011 ri.be prooun .ben conOl,'ula I flltlbe. u~
Tblt produc1 'i, (NI ,be o.he< hand. ~uallO ttfO ,r lbe ooon btIocIIlo
.be ..1M ul~_ (",m."

no.. l"'"

CIII ...,.. be euC'Odcd 10 lbe ro/Uuuetioo or ,be ponliidepoped

,be IaU., bcI~. unden.ood II ,hr
prod"'" 01 ~ POO"'"
'fb .. II G"bm.n~. trvctal Ideo.: 10 la,,,, rourod .hr liai.on ,hat mike< n
po",1>Ic '0 leap from 0 .... dunenoion '0 an<>,hc:t ."
The 'el,omal' or .pr(>j.... j,"'... prod",,' .,.~n be dcfono.l r", uy

"'p ..


>lOP " ~';'h "h,~h an one,ned vol."", h.. bc:<,n .... "',.,cd. 11". o,oe",ed
,olumo." called tbe 1"'/11<1",,1 ...",,,,,. by O"",",."n. m~'O$ a po,,""e ,>t
.. p"ve numbet COl'f1t$pond 10 ,he dalnm 01 " ..""",m ~, ..... Uo u h n In ' hIS

o'der aDd dtototed (~,., .~.l Thi, pnIlClpol "",.,ure i.... 0 .. mLp' oay.
ooq ... _ of ~ leiters !Mdt mobiJe; i, 61es " .. or ,he ,..0 ... )' oIe.,.IoI""1
..,,1... lIy ponollcloppod bqj"oio .."h " ""cmm'" 'Out prod"'" romb,,'"
mobole ')'"L~ anaJotou> '0
01 ~JII'" 17. iii O ........... nn qu.;kJ)


\\" no ....,end 'h" ddin""", '0 I"Y """,ber or Wfml .nd lor ,he 1II<I<IIrn'
..'" ,o,end 11)'"
( ......, ... /Lo.t" .. IlK any number" oI""",,"Ii).be
.ha, .. (onn('(j .. ben each deDl.n, 01
,be ICJlIICn, h.
each or ,he ....... nli.., obtaur.ed .he" FIIt"'''"I.he ",,,,,,,,,, c. etc."






oI'hD product. "'hoch (in ..
'hen ~ba; d<:to.iJ.
would ... bcy"rod ,he rtll"'" 01' DU' ..... I)'ld. "' . ""II cooft ... ".,,,,,1...,. ,,,
r<a.lho. , ....... nHAI loa,.,",
be ')'f,.m or .. ep " ~ .. umed '0 be ,,liii0'''0\1 "". h l"i.... ,poJ "",Uu",


r." ...... 1 II illbeo possible

(oneo,cd """me 0' """,,Icd ""'pb ...... ,lknotcd

'0 defi ... 1 prod"'" 1"J>roIt1::sto",,' or .".. 1.........'1 'lOCb lhal.

" ., ...... an: "II''''''''' ., n ... n II IlI\ e""";"" form

(be P'OI"OW"" product .... ka .1 powble '0
or"<"P!'o Ilcp ~-t I;




n., .,n ... n...


o,-"cp I:;

<TOM (,"'" ,",Ie""""


Q,n .. nQ, ...,n", _ _.

In pro.n"",la. ri ..... oIlbe ....... .;.. ,. 11<10,,1' 10 Iht

')'flem ....
tor Iht 0Ibcn. ", n .. n " 0;
.be onen'ed .'oI~m< 01 (~, ..... ".J is I JIOII;"''' Of ... pl,.",f number ~ ... ,



n ~.;



~ nd

d i"nb\tUl1ly fo." mulupliooou"",

product .... isfK.s Ihe ... ,ural' propc"""

..r a......".~.'I.y

Qn(bnr) _(a nb)nr

01",,,,,,,>11 ,....,


Qn(b +-<1_ .. nb-t .nr

+<)n. _ .n~+ .n"

IIu< prod"", os not ...-mu'.ln~ .. n (- 1'f b n ... If "

" fonD 01 ~<"p

(,.,.pIJ~.Jy b)

(""pttto.d, 11-

Tb" mulhpbc:a,,,,,, I~ makes ,I Il"'Wbie '0 propel <NO .. .If from one
"<"pIO aftO'Ibtr lin< l"!" fios Iht dc$I..... I"'" 01 .......11 or prol"'''''. product
ThIlS. i~. 1)'5'''''' 01


II " "' ....... iI

h D "". .IIcl"""m;
II n ~ n" ... 1"'",lklcpopcd.


II iI,nlerHllnl'0 mlll In delo ,l .he "mo.'on..." f""" (III< "01' '0 .""' oc,
".,m'lI"" tor m.'llphca1lon. W. '0',11 be able: 10 """"" . "".. ,he n nted
_n"elOpe m.l a " pou,l>le 10 dltect ,he cha'" rA Iyn' ..... Ind ,he mnbolu.ab"...
",I.,ed .0 lbern. no.. movemen. from Ilop ~ I ,0 ".1' ......... kJ "'" be
utldo;r-;.~ I f lbe formal IIdJunctlOlL of. ~'''' .0 a It~ ')S''''''' Ibt .dJu .....
'''''' limply mak" ,t possible
',h,nk I....
1l1li I .yst .... rA
.. - J "I..... L ,-1"'"
I, .be,_ ,be ,,'"'u..... ,he ............ amph.1Ode. { ... , ....... 1.. not (:(m'm' "mply .,,11 pulhnl
'''I''ber ..,,11 ~ bu,
lin, ,~ 'bcm. '0 ......"'npooo' ,utI( fIfi~. u:
,.'.1{"', n . ,n .... ,] n ......., n ... n .... ....,,sa.u.....be prodUCf .', n .. ,n .... '
.. b.;h ,rod""", on orien.cd ,-0[""", [ ... " ...... ,] for ,be 'Y'lem Eo" (01
d,nwn_.. I ~ 1f an orienled "",Iope
01 or ordet .. IS 31 ....... "
dcfi".. ,.0 '.u!n' ,n ,be oyo"""
po .. ,ed b)' E. ,(I<"< fir;. 18 lor w l ~
The lode from ...h.ch .he .yo'''''' E._, is '11',,' in ,he pooH ;'", d",,<",,<>n i,
"i'fIOIed '0 111:0, f, om .h.ch .he 'YJI"'" ;,...,n in ..........1... d",.c"on. Th ..


.m ..... '

r., ..

'ber ......,.. ,,' ..


r.'I' ..

I.,. ' ..

,,",,><1<';, no.. !l" '~n tor ,be """,,,I .. ,..lope or o <d", n, l 'be",
e.,,",.,o cia..... or "'......n'."
'..,., ... r,om









qune obvoo"oIy. _",h"""leal multiphca,ion couid not do. The radIC. 1 ,,,'Cr'
.hrow Mou,h, _bout hy Gr ...mann', prod"'" ,n,'"I,'O$ Ih"'" key poin,,:

,W,. W,'

.,.... .,.;...,..,...



""' ...........


I' III',. 11',. 11',1


loo.e" hieh Ire ,o;n, 10 mo,.

10 G(ln'lnK'l "",illv. panollclcpopod:
Ih_ "'luch are gOIng to mo .... t. , 10 conmuet a IIe,.",'c'
We sec that tlo<: oncnlal em'Clop"",nl prn<-rot< lhe "cl ual conmllClioo of

lhe eXlen,ion form, of 'mler n 'beginmng from' I""t or orde. n - 1.

The nclation [..', ........1 01 the orienlal "'lome ... ....Jh. po.... ,u/>II: it
permil' t he compreukm 01. whole .\ttn.orio, W,th the onent"'" volume under'
stood a, pfoollCl. 110<: g<:t>mclcr propel. an ,n'",ibl<, body " .. hieh ha. complet.
freedom 10 conl.mplale from lhe outside the dreu, jJ conlalned in lhe hon.ontal
pl."", defined by Ihi. body. Th< formula or the PfoollCl ~,n",n ... _
["',. ,"" ~.l permil, dcrornp""'l,on of th .. sud den posse."on .1Id .meulat"
il "'ilh lhe .]rr:.ody t<labi,1htd ....1....."" fornlL
In ortk. 10 define numerical mullip!lo:alion. n was suffie~nt to comidor
numher ., a uni. alld 10 Ilk< ;. ... a new base for calculation, With a",,,,mlnn',
ptodLlCl., .... ,,";1' 10 ."./rnla' unll and .... complc1.;t on pan;colu ,ide in
order lu ..... 11 lhe: already " .... n orient"'" .n,'Clopc, 11 iI theRforo by P"l,okUlIl
an an,b;llMlu, .tal. cf alfl'''' ..hieh IS then di'l'lpatal by on uncnl"lKln Ihat a
dimension cao be conq""rod, O,knu4 ""Io""s ""I",, ... 10 Nt .....0 ml""",. I.
Qtt#:', T .. e,tlen""n is lroused by ,pllltmg. IIId lila' 1J whl'. as ..'. ,h.oU no,,'
.... a dImension JlOSIled ... mobil. allud., 10 anot~.

How d"... a dunen'''''' aIlud. to lbe cooqut<, of a suppl=entary dimc"';on~

We kno ... ItQw Grommann. in comboru", tbe dJ.l31a,ions and refluon. of the
mooes of change, 010",,,,. a 'f'."m of slep k 'bcainninll from' fundamenlal
modes of
D"I dJ.l.atal'On alld opposllioo ne,.r aUow ,be poss.ib;lily
01 juml"og from 0"" dnn.nsion to anoth." ] .hall.hu, n.'.f be able to 'dal"""
formall)" lhe plane be""nl", from a 'Iraight lio~
i\ h"" co." he ,rav.lled in one dIrection or in ,he otlo<:. It ~ ,'dudty 1'. bill,
if] want to I'"'P the t ..,o moUon, in ';n!!,l. ,ntui'ion. I mu", .talld bad', I
""nDol cootent myself wilb .x<h.onl'ng ,II and M by r.Ikc!LO!I, I mool cun,truel
a un" Ihat gr.-I" lhe Iwo mobil .. or rM"""" rl .... 'Cr.,..inK' from .If 10 M '
by reOe<:tion leaves me defenoole .. ""hen f~
Inm,il: ,hlo e,,,,""" cannol
. Uow me .0 pkIU myself in Ille ;1<1 of CQIllomplall"1I. M and M ' at "nee. I
mu", therefor. drform .he mobile poin .I f onlo lhe moMe polnl M'. and not
,)un from.lf 10 M' Thi, d<form~tion ........ ,'lfily ioy,le< anolbe. J,men>oon. I
can. for enmple. fold .II back on M' (oa: filJ,. ! 9).





f __ 10

We are in a position of .xposilion and Ctt.o .ppcar~ os K 1",'01. Here "'C

"po:rielK'C .pin tbe m.tic of ll1iculatj"". ,"'h,eh mal." it 010,'10", ,hal .toclt,
. nd .... uch Kn oppooilion ;. ma'tered in I
conl;nuum: he ....... hen I link

T/o" aliWllon 10 ,/0" ",xl dl"",nliolt

Dy ],nk;nll rnuillpli<:a,oon and on<:nta'ion. Gnw.mafl" <Irik", a

I_I mjoctinl rnobilny 'nlo ~ ,t.p Iha, alrcady has t." .. On lunn il ioto aD
.Uu"on 10 lbe no" ".1':
(b) Ihi, 1\10"010 is caplU""" by f<lt'" d<cidc<l In a .II"""ro" of ,""x;"",f
"",hip;.> P,..".;ecdinl fr"rn a balance cf Bcmg and e"<mlpllfi<, the reacu"ation of the .,otion of gcncr~""": tbe .... mal producI ,nauiura... the
era of ,be non"""",mulaln'C and .. ,.... finaUy, .Igcbr~ a pc"'pc<:tl"< by
f""''''8 il from lbe ,rrr>'.... iboluy oI'formul=



blo ..:


'olumo:s mako it possible 10 ~nk e.. t.ru.I"" magniludes Idislan'>.

areu el"l .. hioh by lbern .."'"' arc .,...,n".lIy posil,"" ,n ,ue" . .... y lhal
;n 'M liai""" 'the """'"'Ill<:I>Cei ,uJI!'I'''' oach "'her ...:ip",,,.. lIy in ,he
""me ,ubject (i Kanl. Arrt.. fl ,,, 1~lroJ..ct "'Iuti!:. Q"" III... "'. finl
"""tion. p. 86. .1Id our com"",nlary, 111.1~
<.I<rnal muJUpileali<>n mak.. ;1 pDo$J\>k! to jump f.om "lie 'Iep 10 anolher
Th. is th ...roOT I de""", for I rtH.'UloUD, d.grees cf In<lc:pcrodc:n<.>:. Tho. lbe

comPCMlluon cf ,pat"l ,nluition of .rbnra,) dogr i. a ... Jly .\lo"'al. ,"'hie".

lbe t"o mobile poin'> OIl a "noi&ilt Ii .... I am already positioned ,n a pl'n<:
In ~n idenlical tnIln ...... if 1 COIt,ider 1,"'0 drooi" 01' Oppusilr: J,rtttion ,n "
pia"" 1_ fig.1O)nd if r ~uue.o JITl"p lhem in" ';ngle ;nl"ition, I ,mI1lli,
.tel}' "",Ilion m~]( in "r"""'" 1'hi> """"".,.;'" inmhn.n "ep" a <)'"em of
'te", beonll .. t.hh.hed. lhere i.l 1" '0 lyp<O of orienled .nlume"" linkal w,lh
thIS .tep r110<:", a...".'nal 1"001"'10 01 k .."""",I'J .nd. by deform,,,, lhe otIC
1n'0 Ihe other by .hou&hl '0 ~'",p them in a
1n'umon "'hleh i. oot an
arba",.), ju''',posi''"" bu. an I ,,",u!allon. I J>OS.hOn m)'..lf on .he "" .. t
H .. ""'_0'0"0)' 10 emp""'''': thaI:



, r--..

c::::::') c:::'::)

II\e d,lfertncc bet ... ...., a p6S.tJ"" ~olufN and a I\<llallV~ vol"",," mullS
ont~ from deci,;on rel.Il,,, 1<) the "",Ilion;
the ambilu;ty is maxunal between 1'0'0 oppo.>:IC<l ... Iu""," and .. by 11<)
mean. established in the o1len!ion by UM ~u.n';". intquaJ,ll<$
1M eh<l"", i, nol made betw... ., Ih .. "rid th.l "nlume, but bel""""n 1"",,11
0/.1401'''''''_' 01 volo"",,, or citcl11lE,

These deformations imply the 'OVmhO" of" .upen", humogcni1.OIiooIL l1>t

lllrory <11M .. tension "', ou l 10 ma,ltt Ih. l>1r1h of the cunhnuouoly d"l:ts<..
Thll d""rslty must nOl be taten B. Ih3\ of bloc; di>pcrsal In the extenSIOn.
bm ''''''r/rul .... ~ .,'".. "" . c(\fI."lent defonnaiu", mu,1 proouoc il. Thi, arnbiS'"
11y therefore demand, the I1lO:'lI molot. 01 DOCIle propuJ,k"... nd lhe: one thlt
"most orthoconalto tran"livil"",.M <,,01. m",[ highly the Jl"h.re lhal cuI<
oul and unfold. lh. form. The d,alcc1ic of the molnle poont ,uccce<led ,n
o'"C ..co.",na II>c I>pJ>O<l1Ion bet'.,.." the .tatoc point and the di,'cnity of places.
DIalectICal renefl"on demons, ... , .. ill PW<O'''' 0( ~actova,ion b)' on'en"ng I
IUpeno. m<>b<1c unO!. In ,hoc .. me ..... y ,ha, Mgand , balance rompeMa,ed fo,
i'=t,,~ '"Iultion. "'jl h ns nq:.. "~ I.m Ind alluded to ,hoc ..... Ight lin. of the
,ma"nan.... lhe ""rall.logram o. ,he te,rahed.on ."h, lhem ..!>"" into two
ponible deformal1oM.
T"o ",mila must be ,ketd>l In dont<! lines and a~ nor ouIdcd on 10 1I1e
figu~ like e.C ... ~nces Of prolonpllOn1. They aroo .. ""'emion Ih.oogh ,ptilling. Two tnAngl .. g"flt a! ~ual
only a 5upcrposil1nn e."",uled In ,I><
pia".., .hey 10"," no supplcmonlary d,mctl.ion. The Ian", becomes neccuary
If t rlccidt '0 11<1' ',"'0 .n.ogles al ~ual a. figures.. bu. opposed a. nTtUII,]U
..... y of ." .... Io"'nx Ihe do"",int By <kforminl these ci.eoiu inlo on. a""II><.
"ino.U). I ]lO'i"On myself in anol!I<T "'mensi"" whi<h .11""'1 me "' "",I<m
pia ,hem ""Iovdy and to op' for <me of .h<m ""Ibnut being tcndernl pw<o'<r~
by .he i,l'Ilducible fllC1 of lhe nglrl hand and III< left hand.
lindo,,-C\! "'i'h ,he" orien,ed .-01"",,",- tht- ')~I.mt of dllTe ... nl lIep< an
(herrin", unfold tn.m",I,,,,, inlo I double ..""" (see 6.. 21 I
I'he dllTor",,' bracLCI"~ hnked '0 I . ingle 'y"cn, of ".p~, .pHI ,n,o I""





' -__ .'0

__;I'>' '_-='II'__,Ov'--C,E_,'--+E,_.'---~';',
E_. -


cln<a of <>ric",ed voIu"",.. Th" d"'~ recalls that of F--'Cbc!,ma)"el (<<:<:

111.4). Each ..." delinc:s In ~uihb"um pial.. "
""'tk. a ""use .. I>e~ only
,I>< flrol
of J!C1IC ..~"on is a, .... o rk : ,ha' whICh unfokl> ~ ,)'.um ""lmnm,
from a clU~IO' of .. gmcn .. by oombrnm~
and opI""IlIon .. Then
""""" ,ho second degr of ",1I(r.lhon: ,1M! ~u,lob"Ym of degree k la Iy.tcm
of .."" l)",," be brohn ,r one d",,., l de\o'ioct impl)'ing & mot< Implt ""n"nuum:
""" mu>! be po:utioncd ," ,ho followtng d'rne"'lion '0 <kf"nn
"olumos inlo ODe .nolha. We '"' Ibc"'forr In. dynamic p ........ pI. Ih undtrf;'"
,ho ""p,ut< of tbt e",cnsion: ,n. #,...,ra1l0n Iha, d..... ,ndeed .ceomp:,")' a
bal .. ".,. of BeIng.
Ext."""l multip/,alion ;, 'horefo .... In. fonn Ihal CUll oull h.. ...,rnrd deg....'
of gcncnuiott p~ly: il ",ma,n. ,ndiifcm" 10 ,he form. that bave alreody
been lIO.julrul by add"ion and thc prndl>C."l' of dependenl or opposed fllC1oT>
an: equal .0 ,.ro.
The progrcssi,'. prod""l ccf1;unl)" m.k .. II pon,bt o ."..,.,' fr"'" k 10 k + J.
bu, Ih.i. 'cros,;ing muSI abo ... atl no' be undcn;tood I. ,hal of. e"nhn...,u,
e~p:insiOJl 0' a dil.lalion. The dlme""on does "'" tun 0111 pc;Icefully from a
poinl_""""'" ] Ih. 0.-."n110 an ...."'"on form of
~ (30 oncn!ed ,'olume
of o,dor n~ '0 po:ulion on.self in a !y'l<m 0(
k + 1. ",!h an Oricn lC\! b..",
.I.... dy c>!.blishcd, an .mb'~u")" ha. to be cleared up bet",'""n two familra of
dcfonnatioru. TIN: InlbrgUJt)' llSSOCIaled wIlh !he Of","I.I"", 1",,-n r., "''''"
jrMJn,jbl<' of Ji!fim.. and pannlmr lhat ,he leaps of inlu,"on. ",hlCh lard
from <leI' 10
do nol dq.ncral. ;nlo pCOS ..... i..... If...,,'!dcn. r.)~nJ. pLoin
Iugmcnlatiun TIN: d"''''tU'on mllSt be .~,,,,J and IS acqUIred by
"""h "a", is a 1",1 and lhe decision ,h., It ,nvof"", """not ''"''~ th. <>n<nled
"o.clope tMI apl"," Jpace bcforr an) fi lII", ,akes ptoo:.
We BCt on idea of lire ',.. m",,]" po".'" 0( Gra...".nn, o""n,ed mult,pl'''''"01l,
TIle add, I,ve 'honmnla!' flmn can onl)" ""ptu~ .he inlll,I,O" of ,he 'hinkin~
,,,,,,tlle(; I"" muhipll""",-e oric,"ed fonn gnrlPS ,he .,rtual m,ilalooo 0( a
dimcru.ron. Ih~ ~mbi~ul!~ induced b)" !he mobr~lrr:s Ihat In.vel ""..... lhooc
Ih~, b",c .hady been po:si.ed, It .",".anlee< tM' ,he din>rn>ronJl . r~ 1><)1
reduced 10. "'mpk ..... ucncc of SlCps. In a"'lract ordmal <en", of dev= 01
'B<lc:pendonoc. I"belhn~ lhe ')"tem, Irk. ",ark.< on loormomct<:r
inlcmoJ COn1l<:<:I1on beI".... n lhem.
We knQw lhal ~ach d,mension can ,n """",pl. be di'lm~ui.hc>d by ~ ptlnciple
of .. k:ctio". bUI Ih.y .'"
delachable Itk. ""lahl. oam~ Such de""",
jnvne I rOdifi<a"on de,i<:c cap;obic of ,,,,cadml!hem ou' .. hi",. addi" , 'hem
up (>tt ch.pter 111 ). GTass"",nn, prnduc' ploY' Ib" 1010 by untotdinl ,n.
deS""'" of inrlcpcodettct. u if. .hown b)' ,he formul. ',f " .. ~ nh, u and b bon.
of ... p k and k'. ,""n '" ;. 01 "ep IF. + k Ind ~mOlI cI_ly <n"dops* the "";n,ol
'o..""'r olIn. fo",.. a and b
TN: o""nrC\! mulllplicallO" a"lCUIA' .. ,he de....... "lIb Ont anor"", and
f'gure ll.uggest< I/,a' lhe .n,dOpe plaY' In. rolr ofa hori",. 01'flOO". 'n the
pom,..."urtt origin. In fac,. we lno .. ,hal ,he horizon canno, be ~ached by










............. <1; 'F




IRr moIlod of tbc: ",uxl "''''' be m,,,,em! .1Id b.l1a1lCCd by y"'motncal

de\oia. In lbe ,.-..hlOOlt of ,he pltilooophy of na!l'''' alld the bala"", of B"lnlo
i, ;"Ihe .oil""a, du,y 10 roatrol ,he pro(tfcnuoa of fomI, 1' dwtoaw""'"
,be motlliKH ............. ,Iit ","""lIOII and dmIoIUIn""I;I ,he form. Afiot the
d..loctic: of ,lit mohle P""" aod
of,he defonna' ...... of opj" d ....an>a
..'h.>Ch made ,he n< Lb.-.....Jt ,be dunetwonI poMiblc, ........ ..... uoe<U ,be
"'pCSSlW product
allo .... ,be d , 01' from I .).., .... of ''''P ... fl' .. ,be
The ....... ron<:em (0, ,)mmet'Y II beh,lId ,he incl,nl'ion 10 InlCUlale
lbe dc" .... of dcpmtknce ,n lbe "'-.1 Ih., 1110 ........, ol,ndepc-n<kuce ....."
O..... l mlnn apl_,ns:




............. <tI


Tile co_pi iUKlCUlI .... ilh.n e.,.,nal prndtICl ..... till" each pieoc of.
(..:tor, <Icponden' 00 lbe Olllct f.otor, oouId he tpoml ..'"hou, chanl'''1
lho 11I1tIC of lilt product r",hl<h unpb<d 1"*1 tho product of , .... dt:""o<Icnl
mal""uda .. ....-0).. Real ......,nude!. lhal " ' " .y ,b_
caa be
..,pramll "' produc.u COItl ... n,nl 01111 ",,,.Ie lacton. ....... I..... 11111 10
he ',nclcpc .1enl of orx lnother', If cadi f..,,,, 01 lilt .. " ....... oomplnely
OQutde ,he .j.......
by the
Sifta: 1m.
<1<1 ......... "".. ,11.1, maIr.... pood ..... nlll 1ft . . lemal prod .... ill IID1I' not
pan of llit """"'pi of lhe prod...... web. il m.... I..... lit poooible ",
k~p,1It ...... :01 tun<q>I of.he prodlOl:l Ind j'el .... ndoa ,h. d<10:nnin0
lion Of rq>Iaoc ,1 ..-uh
10 tilOd , ... ""'" Ilelotm,nalioa. ..." muM
I""",", .""onIL"1 10 ;1. llit product 01 !.."o dq:ICot.Ien' ....
lifO ~ .bIt
ba ...
nlftUOlC ,lic
o, dqretci 01
Ilepm<lcnte. ,.

- - - - - - - - - t ...

by ..... npli<..ioo






"na.,,. IIddIlIOlWo, .""', " ""''ef raulu from I '11unlnAllOFlhcr' I""'lllll~y

P''''' I" to rltl'la ,""
0( .JUdI pthe""JI. II ~ 1Ioa..,,'.,..
".',Iian..,..., bo<u(>lltal band< thal.rc bww .. _ _ "'Il~ cxh otho'r. 11m:.
,. II ,"" ... " .. bIe hand lho: oncn'M CII,"rIopc ,1Ia\ . . . . .he WI"'" pi .. ",
I''''' 'rn:..",' f,am 1M onen.ed bale 0( ardor k \O'M enl'dopt' 01 onln ~ + II
aDd mikes poblbie ,he <:<)""1 ...., or linur 5j'il<'fII. orarbnra,) d"".1I>H>o.




"""'00. p:Mlnlll.....1 _ him 10 oento .111hOl ...,ve pnonllZlnl



O( ,he
.be ........... 01 "ockpeoKlt,1Clt, had to "" bola""'"
<MIl II) ,)mmc1ncal f"l'<"'" muluplica .......
ov.ld ........ the spaual
COfIIfKtJ<>n .nd "f'Iy 10 .be q.-tioa.: .. ha, form .wld en,'eIop onl)' \bJ..
.. hod! .. com""", 10 ...... f" ..... II ..... II'
O.aumaan .hem"", dofinD. ''''' .. ~ 1I""h'n , .... , n.'dop ,110 ID'('Il<Cuon 1ft ,he ... ,
1M prOfra&l'" prod\JCI tn""\optd ,he limon, W~
just - . !
lbe one.ned en,"dope t: .(WI:~ hl~ I horuon ".",n, f,om I
"",ftl-<>nll" (jn...... nn brillt.ntly ~ llIe "'.
'I) of b.LIal>Clnl Ih .... ' ....
lion. 0 mu", DO .. be Jem ., horu:oo .,.n'nl fr"'" f , .nd Ib., Ih, ....,," I
J)'mmt'f)' Ihat "" Ion.., ''''tlches 0 ..... ,he ftlll," of'J>II bII, ,n,oIva llIe
'....-y dy .... m'" <If IhllUglU,
(jn ..... lnn pos ....... very IUn: d,alttcal ..,"or any notion, IR)' 'nl u,'ion.





,hi, ..


I """....... ,...1"".

..,....,,,,n. f.ottnn



p,od",,' 'aa~' Ih. de"""I1.."" of lIN: flteln,>; ,..., "I""''''c

p,odLlC'l, con ...... ly, 5<eko '0 meuUf< " .1".,.,. 11 il "'" I qu..,,,;"'" he.., of
I',',n dela.iled cons1ruct;on of Ihu product, btLl of lUJlQIL"1 I ... lIi<:ICn,ly
""""~ _
of il thaI ""'..... "" ... ,I bolla ....... OUI IliC ~"Lly 01 tb<


l'~ ,,/(.uS$l"~ or '"'"olrinl prod..." [.,".. ".ndl~ I'roduklj

W,th lhe p<opeM". prodllCl. II>< F<lmrtcr make, h,m ..1f mu .... olaU poosLble
dl1""nsiQ.n~ be Uplll"" .pace (11)< prod"'" II n 8 ,1"U1"I .nd '...on d~r
..., ..Iops' ,be .~I.noi.oo Ikn>od r,,,,,, ,be n:tIII"'"
UICfU./On 10.,," II aod
B~ 0 ....



~.1 ......1 product

In llit ;D'U;""" 1_ 6&. H)

... II I mapmude ...... "" k. B l map" ..... 01 .."" t', Ind. if A _
B', il II ""Iu.. l '0 lIunk , .... , llit ilql ... of C t",~ich II' ,he ......1 factor
com ....... to A aDd Bll1ItUu"" the dc-tlft of dcpc.tdc:II,e, UcqK lor tIwt ......
C .;U io I"" parucuJar .... lit tb< 'cpnlL'" prod .... of A ODd B ,n cadi
I)'JICIII e-a4n.'1 ..,," liS oncn.I cnwlop<:. 0... con I" ... II" I ""'"' 1<,,,,,01
dcfj",,,,,,, 01 ...
prod"", ...... ,1 10 1"0"'~ f....... """CPO k.nd
t " (J\lCh lha, .. + t ' '" ". A _nd 8 1M prod"'" ... n .1'... _
form t + .t' - "
IOIhtt:h cn"1ojAo ,lit ')~''''''' """"",,0 '0 A . "" 8 .nd dmolcd A B"




Let'.Il'c ....... <umpld.

(II ,n. plane: endo .."" ",i,h an orlCt',I ",""ui, (ASC) (.... ti .. 240)


..- --I)


t:: 11on...


St.,,,.. a,, 18.11d AC .. Indeed d~

10 ...h!dlchc. 'vr [ABC];$ .,..,hotd MK.
lb. In on ordInary '1*'0 <'tIdo1o-..J .,lb an oncnltd ,'oI"me (I fia. 2~bl.
.he 'al.....,._ or.~ ddu><d by a ''''"PC P, P,P,.nd b) .,...,
lhor ;0101'100II

or II", , .."

/"", 0\ drfinod b). ""[K~I A, A,;'. ~nl Q ""'.illed ....,

Q ... A IA.' 1', p,p. -lA, P, P, p,J"', .. A, H,P, 1', P,]

Ie, It ~, l<npa:l""')' ~.) If .be: pb. .... dcLtrm.'1Ied hy ,he 'nanale ,oInc
(respecI,,"dy PQR~ .... "ill b..vc ~w.lly I~ ~' 2"-".

' -0

18C'I'QII .. rA /'QRJIIC + l ll PQRJC A ... [CPQR] AIl


-- ,

OftI!IIi.-" .... .....


... E


lnlcr>:!lon of 11M: pia""" ""''')'''1>0: In~n,," AIK and POR ,. ,he

'In,,hl lIne ,\ arryon. Ih. combo "",ion 01' "lI"'<nll 0( Ihc nab,"'",d .. de 0(
lhe tquam.... lhl> I... , <.ample ""'los II powble In ",",SI' ,"" "'nu",1 KIca or
the rorIl"UC'I",".

I. _ . of<loo_~ ""

Moe"',,,.,,,, '


.. n_ ()If


"" ' " "









TOI" ut ......... ronn ", chosen; he ... I"" ,no""" ABC ...J PQR. ODe 01
.... ',.0 .. prnenN and lilt 01 ...... MoUn ,n., r .. ,n _h ......) ~ 10
obta," an """,,,0<1 oolume (here.. l<'IrabodJ'Oll~.1Id Ihnrion:. t I ("""_
IN ...... '''''1 ,"", .. muh,p/tod Wlell ebe n:tnaIR"'I i--= 01 oncncc.l mapt, ..... Th<Ko b)' pr=r>'i,. lbe enaarJe l'QR and bfuk,.., ABC ial.., dun: po 1+
(,be ~nu ,018. Be. CA~
I poont cadt Ctme: on ehe "<Ie: (...pcac>-d)
C. A and B~ I nbtaln ehe .......... [AI'QRJ. [ BPQll j. (CI'QRjln be muluplocd
hy ,be O<jII,o;nll Be. CA and ,018
Wo muSl aol I.,..., ellae AiJC" not. " ",pi< pi<a: of C'lC'fIUQO bue a ri'r~ll





lone ""'" nn., A. It..O B.

C) and ,hl,'""",, a,. 'h "", ''''Y' oI .uh'rac.1inl
pOm, r",,,, It.. <:irwll A flC
Ir AIl( ....


unly A .Imp'" J>Hl', by

""".,.,In,. pOin......... ouJd be.1Ik '0


(]lA$SloIAS"15 CAI"ruU: Of' mE 1'..'"'"""SlO'l


of I .. lat_ 01 po<>lK>D, from the mutilauOII oil . boIe 1M onert,ed resod""

1ptC16e$Il.............1...,;". of JCSturellNI1 .ould .... h" poooibic to ,tuNbt ...
'u" tlus ,",'hoIL ~ ""'"' " iI. 'I1JeI'_ 01 >hoWIn. lhe Imcuiallon oI.be
...... 'IOII ...,0,1 ......... D<ia,ioG. U}" "",ply .nllll, F. .. (11, A,I. I merely
,ode:> ,he compot"'.u oC all .prepu ",,,Itou, ....rd ' 0 the
I ha~
Iud 10 co ......... '" sua:esoi,-.iy ... ,. , .... II ,... ~ 11,. etc. .. fa. u II,.
bill ..... 1'''''"''''''1, .~ ,..... U, arbt .... ry .Dd In"", ... ed I" I'I"P no mot .....
of po,., ......
1'he Jq>Il .... _ beI ..
..-Im<\<d .grr... ,~.,.d C,rcull " ,lind"", all ,he
cle.",...... o."""n! rntdlJel <mpha$l$t .... C<;Intru, Ihat "ppoteo; ",rcull,.nd
."cnded .......'<>; if one ";ITui, ~ ul ... cta! from lno,I><,. ,he ,cold ... "'ITuII
mllll CIItr) lhe so' (J( ,hi. muu"'I,,,n. "''''''''al in an llII"'1!a,. ja. c".nded
,ololoty) a pll1 A oDd h. c<>mplemont I" hOi ",,,,,,inl .'hen A Ilu boen ,,,,,,sedl
.'" put Oft . he .. me Ioot,,,& aDd ,n " .datioo of iDd,ff"'Q' Jux ... ~"'on
Graunutnn', produeu
mobjlotoes: Illne I ... <...(uJII .'...... pI~ and



tcionllfy 1M n!IIIdll&l poca: WI'''''''' .m!>tAu,,) HeR, I oOIJJn I CIrculi by

mutilaliDllll(llhor CIrculi 8y taking .... y A. I obI.III''''O P""iblc oqment ..
TIl<" .mbigu,ty '. dl>pollod if I demand thaI ,1>< choMo C1rcull pontln ,he
<O"imul ..... of ,he initial circuil by rompooinl i, io ,he doMicioI m.n .... (00
tM lefi) "'ith tl>< C1rcull lbe... point) "hich hal boen rcmOl'a!
,rampl..: Ll:, the: ",rcull be Df.f' U.n"llupp<eSlCll D. "'C mull choose
F.f'. for D romp<l\l t>da! ... i,h f.F (011 tbe 1dI) PI-n DF.F If ..o "<I'tII IUpp~ f..
.... musl COftnca up lbe circu,' I'D. Ii""" f.FD _ - r.DF D.F iNIe of Jl",.).



, ..... COanetallOn, ,nl"II ... tnC.

T~le tM <:IrtUlI A,II.A,II. II ., ........., A,A,. A.A. io 1efI. II .....
II, .I,II,A. ;1 unmed,ately fCCOru;Ututa! by jWl,apot,hon on lbe Icft ...

, .... Med ,0 s'.p 01'" uy leuc ..


'-1iJ. 26b)
r.- ....


II 1M> ~ ,hi: ,...., if I CU, oul lhe circuli A , .... , ~ 10 """,n.tUule

A,II.A ...... from "' ,A, aad A. A" I m ... t ",,,d!..- .... IM A. The uritnttd
........... ...... Ihcn:f" .. br A,A,. - A.II.

Th< onc1lla! ......1JeI 1ppc2r thtn:(orc .. ..,~',ul <_11"-"'1 O,,-co

Y'i= 01 IUp" and .,. ........ tcd .<>I"me. .be onen.ed compl ",o,,j' of
Cl/'CILI' II ",U he dellnal U"""l""oaU,. 1M onertta! 'olu"",, (.he IIWlDCf of
o""""""",laptn pia}... CfUCII.l !'Ok ...... 'u ,_"m, preoe ...... ....w.. 10
,",ha"nd,m:d) cond"""", ",,"alii .... 'u ..... bke. ""nJ"a (_ cha ...... II ~"
tIootnt).. ,n ad,........ ny dl"on Ittem ... "" to ...... """ lhe mobilil~t""" oC ,he
.. """"'" '0 modes! iUpob)-.. tep. Thll 'm<I<b'f (J( the ".p-b)-o;,op II .... , .. y
,he camoulla ... 01. ph,Io$ophy CIt'lLa,.... I{J tnt .... """" cI,nl'''g '0 '1$ Iin",..Je
Ind incap;oblc (J( C<;I ......... ng " Ioonron.
The orienta! oompkmc",
''''''Ir~ a tJlo qUI]")' ,he "I"",,'ion
...."e"" the ""'1IOn1 n Ind . and ,nd"""", c(>fmp<><t<kn<r lIu.. .,."",1)'
to..lam:<,j ,be diaJrllm. ,n figure n. W. ha,'c ,n otf..... (... ('t II)' "' ..... II' and
(A' 8)' _II ' ('t B' fu, ''''0 .... nolon fo,m. " am! II." ..1I>eh InmJo.m. the
Ill<:Ont of the (kg"," (J( ,rtde.,..,de ..... in,n. deKetl, 01 the dc:~ 01 dcpcndenoe. Ind vn \'"",1_ ~1-17~




n ,


\\. Qn 1'Cf>f)' lhat. A, ... . A.A, '" - .4, A.A. II. '" A, ... . A.II .
w. no ... un.d ... ,~nd ben tbe .uk ,"", h .... ,he
"",,"la! ...id....: "
.. ~ry IU un(k .... '.nd ,lie Ill""", pi"""" U ","ultin. f,om ,be , .. n.,,",,,on




B)' "1'IJI1l"I .... hai$ono n .nd like ,.'0 ~)lIlIDt1ncal .lOp 0( .....p
motion 01 LI!ouP<. tJx . . , . . _ """'p u .be k.,........ of ..............



... nllnJ. lhe ..onc'", It "'mjily itulTW'fd of,be dill'." .... t of ,be .....1.. 1""' Il$
tht tckpapJo"t dmphers
.,.,;1 for "ord . In Ihlt u~mplc. .IM: . OW}'..
110..... before the
,he ord,nary I<O""'C' (1M: of ,Ie
k,. h,m .. lf 1M: ."","p,ed by ,be .... ' ni.odes of tht paral, ttd roc.~
of ,h,np.
!\alu,:ally, 0 ... can '"ke
In rodb,.ly romptlCllln. ,he ... mpk 01'
,he rune"nn' f and ,. Such """'p".i,lon. >ccumulate d,ff... nl ,'at" .. hy ....""r.
. .. Iy mlrnl<kin,lhe i"""<Mbie <hara<."ltt of mlp, 1.... ""'.,IIy, J"" ,""
OI'dlnll)' ,....".0, ... ""Iy kilO'" how I<> "",. ,be fal;t or ,be drsptnoOll. l 'IM: non
tuftlmulloU ........ pend. Ih.. tanporJo~,y.Dd ''''''''" ,btl d~ by,,",fI..,
on ,be order of ,be 10"." '0 prud~ 1M 01' ,hal "'motl Yln...ul). By hnru.,
,be llft-ll,lo <11 ..... of ,1M: Itt'en '0 """,,,,PilOt ....... <;11'('\111, (21!. dcfottll
...... ano>lher. ,he "OI'C'ff p,," l ,..,.;c fon:ro .. be; 1M: "..,;;apn \.be iJa,.,"'). of 1M
lraNtll'" and 'PIIl:al or all iii.. ,,,. aDd motJOI'I!i r....,h. 'h' ", '"'''' '" .""h I
dlrI,onl.hlCh mWIt
.0 ,mJ""Ol' ' I... , ........Q "~'c 111m hkc. bet
of ,...",..
GilIllmann .hoW<'d ", ho .. lhe liml'lc: oppos,tio" of A8C.nd 8AC cuuld
... ""r~ ...iIks: h" ~plil and mob,lt .(!t"M kn .." hv... ,~ n'~~. ,IK: mo., of ,he
. mbi.u,,), of 1M non:('(lmmut.l''''O; 10 JI'tiP" la" .. hal i.n:nltd",bly ...,.pcd
..J~"oon. . '.... , a nnot I,,,,dy be "houal" ' .... ,her '" ,IK: ...... fIcr 11M: ",,,,,,'.
pon i!K1f ImOdllClbly .... pi. . . . . . . a node: in >JIII'.'C"1tIIC
at .... tc ,n clc:ctropluto.ophr.... h",h.e tKl;lo in tht do>.pt ...
foI/owI: opb, or .....ctop ........ by .nocula"n. ,he AA>:<_ 1Id ,lot
Ia'eral 10 .... thaI tht ...
an be ,IK: , ... ,bk IrIC< of In 'n'... bk rot.h"n
a nd dlfllOlve ,be N.....'lon ... n ctlCh&.



nE~ S T"'~

H Of Ttl E

>;O"{"O~ ' MIJTA



We know LM' G"""""ann had <o,,,,ud ,h., ""naln rIOt. lions "'" be Itnil<
tho~"'t e'ptn ..... nu: '" All can be ~n~,.he "f'IIOOt. or II~. '10'0 opposed
,.,.......11 InC'ftd.hoe readin, ol. n b or b n .. Onwrnann tbctd'",c $C' ~ry
1M from Lho ~"llOdc of ~p;oh.1 unui,,,,,, and I1Jd>n I,om .he bbnd Ira/tlI''''''Y
of formulae '" ,,,. _
, _ Tht ......,......sI.oIrt IS 'hid "' once 'analyuc'
and "J,.."hftJc', the dad _
.be "",nlS, II.."", Ii...... clc bad bo'om<.


..... '"I IH"':I by u ..... CJl .-"... tvII,rmrbuo... "'hic:b ..... poutll' '" tbe way
mOllon ol,l'Uptn' ,100: ""n-sign,
~ IS ISO lew.." In) pm1bili1t
haYlnl m:ou ..... lil . Descartes and hI<
.... 10 ""'''''''' ma. ktr .hal 1',,1<1.. the coonhn..ID nc<'eJ~ry [(I
~re>lc an . Ircbra;" I... - .he <01"'11<>00 Qtl', )'1 - 0 or .he IW'tIC'nc.1 places
in 'U pastliOll 01 <:OmmeD"'U, aMI ...,anmo, or.he '000'''-'( or the ,,,,,lIal
,n,wno,,! f,om "h"'h ,. rnn~ln. ooa,!Ied, Th .. I." n.ll"",U)" "".,n, ~.ry ""
,....,., of the o;:on<tlllctJon ol.be "'''''" lha. I,
-nt,', ,he ",:MImi of ;'"
",""ul..... hod! ~ m.'1OI\J k,WWtI m;\K1u,ude!land """"" of mapli.
, ....... up _hUll dUU1Jy of ,hot bneo dno ..." .nd JOu,~ rrre<:t<d , .... "
m ,hou"'~ h)' ,lot ' H,d GnoMmaIU" ~ o""nu .... oil
"'ORb' flbnca,cd I,ke pnxIlK'Il of ~,"pouotf .niaolatcd h) ,he ",ult,ploa
,ionI n Ind ' may be prnd""'<l ,n ,he _y ,hythm of ,he "a'cmm' of.
problem. WhI, """ """Id ..... 0 Gfl ...tuonp'. oI}_if: /oI",~p/tl
pon;c"larly IpI '0 .,lIdy ,I>< at ...... IUo,;,alcd .... 'h ronmllCti<ln...ill '0 be
'toneal' 1c/f",,1Cd b)' ,n,el"ll,un, of """ih, loll<'< "nd h.''<lnl of pmn'. by






no.. .. "ha, ..


AI"" I ,heo<mi of ,he Iype. 'If tbe IrI<lot of. ,nang!<: ,urn a.oulllllhn:e 6.cd
potnt .... II. c "'bilo ,..-0 "ctlocao ........ """" ''''(I liled ura,,,,, 1,,11$, ,he ,hon!
, 'M ..

R""""'........ )

.... ' " ,.-'k

IkKTobel a conoal _1"",':' an be iOUl"", .........>iy dmIoto>, ... ,ftl by

1e11lI., _

"word' 10 ........
I, .. the _ _ ""utall'''' ,ha, l"',m,lO ,Ius ""....:It by bU'ttnl 1"1'"\""""
...,,_""" and, posillorW """,MIn, The _...,...".""ta',ft does "",.will '0
of '1'1<'" by labell,,,,
lIh Io"e .. Of
tl plane.
Ihi. dew.na, .. . i!l",JIo' It.... 01<1. but .. rouo;co, ,be Ipll'oal by makin, "I'
a1acbrlll: m,n,.',,1'b or
Of to" .... ,he im pofl ''''''' of ,he onlc, of.he
, ml In f",n,ul. ha, 11mB been .~"od; C'''. "'culd hI". been ,.hn no'
'u ""nfuM ' I.) _ . in{Ioa.<1 "'lIh ~,.) _ losl"" .1, In ,hi, ..am",", .he d,.""",
,iua IImrly i'HUIU from ~1in. I .ulo of alculal,,,,,-'he d,.r ...,,,,,,, IM:1'iiIttII
f and I ;. ""'k""""1rdp! and .ubmolled 10 h)' .IM: 1tIa1 ........lJa.ln, n". dllre """
_ u ;1>dJ' ,~ ..... bly ."h .he ''' 0 .,.. of tht rnu"","UOII, ..... lII'u""",
_ , . . n . . ,1M: dit,i ...... "'" of ,be. , .... II.).", b) tupCClil" ,he orde. oflIM:

,hen, ..



,, - _
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il,'ttj'fiill 'r'!iril'ii('iiili~;iiil
'I .1 I . 11 " . i.1;
i!' ',~, 11-,,1 ' .' 'tt ]J'"
r , lilH' [frl,'
rt'~ (I
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!, i.! lallr:::

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t~ g

!it t.


d><placcmcol .ill _ ; " II molllih I., Ihlnk u( ,he PCrpk-~1I1Ihal &q ...... or
'""boo' ohJ<cll 1C1l1t.
1~ Ioolth haJ 110 """,'Cr of .o ....loytn""1 ..... "tmtp" I., mlb< .... the obp:1
by 1a)"lIIJ IIntll tod 10 ~nd I. Ih.. .....e. ,I I'tcO hand In hand .,th addition
a nd IS ftry o/'IaIl.IfOf;II,lcd "'IIh lbe IOIn'\'11 of u .... fC<IUI~ for the completlOlt
of. JOIIrney, 11'oQI"Li,lbe Im"h to ott.n d ... reeI front,,,<aI 0""" O. from
.breh aa Inccn'al has lIretdtcd " ..If all' \_ AI- tl.



0.. ......nJ oa:II,..,."., Ind In ""m.:uta"n Iu'...,..l on lhe dedllCloon 01 dylllml<'

.p..... J, ' SChd~n' .......,
'i lor ~lIal <I, ........""'" and
and rico:trw;:.oJ phc:nodlIIlIA. H. dno ..'. up ,he chan;



Len.,b totm.:hln.)
Wodlh ("",oad,all


bow r ...d:ay Ind Muwdl dl,mi ..

<li.""m. mol'O or In, .. plially Iau,d 10 InrllCtion ~pul!;on and ,"" ","",_
monr ofl" Ioo(llll>\l;nli. in fa"our of nlher inlu;lions Ind Olher ~1""I,'f' tJ"'i.
(like lhe "'1~nDhl and the UII loop .y"oml .. hkh .oJ i)(hellin.. D.J~l.1iwo
dtmand .. '""PP' ipAn: comp/ftl'I)' and .. ""fy ,he "':lury of , he Iale L' Tho
;n,htre",,,", ~ntr. ~ 110 ionlit'" po!.lIecl IU tIM: F"'melnuJ moddl<: of I"'"
molenal prum,. bul <ml ... I.. 10 tile heat! u( the ;nter!",," and embrac.,o

of CI ""'; II.

l["G" 1I .0.'<0 MAGNETISM

Tho !eallh PfC'Cnl> 11.. lf to lilt ,nlUIIIC)d I I II.. ' btgo!sl" of tilt dUIlftlJion ..
,hat aloft. ,,'h"'" my look can I.."r!. qUIt" happy
ha .... found,'hoId' n..
... "lth oIfn"lltoclf lIfttUL>lln,ty IU lilt ~ramcI"' .............. of n>CaSllremntt
totally .. ' .......1 to ,he <>hJ<a' II "Ilot domm""," 1CO>nl1"l to . 'b.. b tlu. obJect
. ppeaB _
bulky and
il II 1M one lhal any t.ndcllC')' 1",,1U'Ck





The len.,h haJ "CT) ~HIt: 10 cell ... ,boul lbe JeSlIl'" thai unfokb It: il
d ........eo.net IIccs lbe pOInl 0 from ,,'htch "
and xbolbn& t:OUId .....u
II......, ..... "IS I pn>"i.Iqo>;I lip.. of finilt>dc. for ,be dlJtq~ibb",u" b<, ..'Cft!
1M 'form' (Ibe .accn'J.I 01'1 tond lhe
10} from .11"'" OP _
0IIt' .. pwJoed to u. luntt' II .... I .. l he ",in be, ..... " 1/>< 0""" aDd ,he
Inl.mtl 10 br rri>.tb~ Tho dtc~ of 0 OlllCk In 1ht pi""" hk a .... il. on


Scbdlifl. obocnu tn., ~n"h and !NOpe;.." appear In lIN: 'ollliuoa as.
PlI1Ilpcd <hn:ct\Qn ta bor~ whereas ... i..llb and clectncny ...'mploy I poIanu_
lion .. ~ lhe .....""iooI ~ .ha"y 6rut.hed (,nIUllion all_.-Ieo or 011"-0
oep;anobk '11'" a1ma ... ;o n.'u",~ To O,'toco.... thOi oppoo.!hon ~WttII the
''''0 po/lrin.OOIlf and 10 ~"" !hem In' ...... "UI"' IOn. Schelhn.iI lin.....,
.0,,"11, in I Lhtrd d"ne~ .. hoch mak",', powble, .hloop pm<Inolloa.'O
lo"",to,. lbe "'mchin,' .'IIh lhe '."",1.0", and hera"l1 .he 1m",,) or the
cloclr{)JeOmC1ro<: ilM"< of /U1k'1nlh~nlul)' ph).",,The f"'''''''''1 analr'" comple,. Ih_ Wl\duclcd in IIIe prm:dm. ~h.pI."
Once """e. dlalocl"",1 bIol.nee ,,',II ..... k. " poM.bk to .... '1' u

d)umjc, round.tt>e-Two _1>\1 10 """",,,11011<1


. 'd. ,[ ;.

"htch a ktllih (lin br lI~n .. mull ht >maShed. once

I'C"""'If) 10
,nven, aQolbcr ..... >CtIlallon [can Ihcm".~ cItadc to..., 1,,0 ",,1"""'lics opmid.
,nl oul 'Illite A"'" I;"",.nd lbu. CfClII. lhe d .......... of lhe op<1I'''I out "';Ih
.It Indlff<"""" o;>;nlreo lhe Ionllh '11 ,n pr_ 01 brln. born'. il .. 110 Ionrrolite SImp!< ""lpoIInn. ", I lran"u",y ,n t\>.lun: ~nd in lhe mind. To b<
mealum.! ~"",n:I<ly. Ihl> "flCnll', nul laumtS Ib.- mobtl!.t.illion of an . """,Ia_
ILOn .. llh I... ., .,.... ""n,pIItS or I"n.... Hertce 1 hilI. lhereby .. n ,,"'"
pru""Uecl ~ h~nd by Ih""lbl.nd om mllhl he I""'pleel hI My ,Iuollh. ptnOI":'
Of ""nlp;li~ 1"< (llJim 'f I'h-~' 10 lile IuInd. It)' ........ Im. In "n&le In .. h.. h
lhe inlena! b 'Jct:n' ,,',,[, lhe .... p. "l'lIe .nll<: ",I,:r. 10 . <IcJ..,. u( ~mbntC1nlt
and allo" . lhe I't."d 10 rtliU"'" III
It in "let. ...:end di<'l'l<"n"",a.
lnolbcr .'orld .'he lhe ~I<'f ""'Y "i"""Uy proptl h,m.. lf lhe: hand
inhalltll l he 0",10 and lhe I n&le IIIC!!'" lhe 11;000 10 llpen 0\11 inlO ,.'0 ......
j_ 61-n
w. act lhe full ,...,..u'" 0( ... hal d'Sh"aui,bcr lbe rule, from tbe comp;l"-'


I ~2


mw 0


u ,ho pOIn... ho~


and tbc ~nJlc. TI>< oM. ,mpl ... ~n

plaa:n~"t ohlllndard ""'~unn.
un'U. a man,pul,1.t"", of a """'" of d,m:lIoo_ Tho rulo, it tnonsftt"""t hal
bono frozen I bar, 11 can bo OIIIy the ~pltca of the d _ that .t claimJ
to _~ II IIIfI>ta ' ,mply to pr ..... 1 oneodf ,he Ion3th of ,he ~ In
tltl>u3bt_ e<ju,ppn! ""Ih . refCIC'kX oampk ~.,,"mcd '0 "" pc,*",-I) rip.! _rod
"",rupulablo) and mealu",me"t it "bullied by ju.' ta""",uon, .'Iu<:b multi-

lupc.i<>< mobllo un!! I""t n"lh, ho ...

north ..... th poIa.-,,,,,,


A_ted "'Ilh lho .. od,h is.ho ,nluition 01 n"o aul""""""" sodc<o. .. h:II ....
obtI,nod by dnt .. ,ftl' .... """,... or
n.eoe arms Ortn and
p,,'()t .,ound In .""",1;o1l0n .nd l .... refU'o an ind,lf"o",nee """" , h.' propopI.. mobility. unhko lbat of. N . whICh it tunk ;nlo II>< ""'"..' Wnh .1<Iln,
Jpotial pob,ualioa oocbin'too 0"''"''''''1 In lhe oamo y_ ClcnrlCll1, "'Ih ,IS
dut ..... thai .... ...-panollio by .. perimnI'_ prodliC'tt
are ''"1'
d,lf"ercnl r,om ,II< .... of .....1"""..".
W"n .Ic<:tnclly .rol li. ,,,,1.1>10 ch.r .... il i. II l.~, poso,bIt to embody.he
,,",ptJ\'C. The:te
r"neil .... like ... I..,bntic- mUla, capabl< of .. oulr.tl..,,,,
OM a_her and
.U of J"""'i'llnI In ~I,""", yJ"''''lt ~ :fPO. Tho
cq .... t"", 0 _ Q' ~ Q- f .. here Q' .nd Q .... _ ",rols)...,,'" tM' ,he .Ioctncal
",ro ope ... ou, into an cq",hl'flum ~
Iblo 10 indua:: "" .... nl. ~ belo..-,
fi&- 11 and can by lID me.oK be redoccd tl> an aboe""" of maU .. \1, 1tI>u1d
""'p/t.:lw:e lMI ttKh lUI "'1 ....1"'" ..""Id "'" perm,1 an) I00I .. 0011> Ulvoh'tfli
'1e1fi"" ... n ml""- .'hioh acc.unWa,,, I .. "'''''''Y .bllIC: """,Ill"}
n.c..... morr 11m elcancal ope.lin, of lhe ttru .. VI'pohle b) ICChtueal
1$ ""pablo of prol""l'na it. ~ bonc'l' ,",.nled b) "oit. II baoed
00 t .. o ob.cTn.,lono:

Tho IeaJth III Wfl1<1It 10 "" cmbod~ ,n dutn ...I>.nd ..,,,,,nU .. hioh are
.,.,.to.>ed ..'nh t .. o dl>lIne. n'retrut .... IN, ., il .... .., arc ,,'cldod 10 lhe: $pltiOdOUI rloone,,' rmbod~ by ,he bo., \I. .., thu. in I ""ncr
I" ioiIIY
pn!(l<ly .. hy 11>< ",,*., ,he bq>nn,n. of th .. chapter pi...., .....th "nd
INpteWm '''F1her In hI> DdttlIit1ft. Schc-tho. <:1.11 " 'nle ..,tilou1 h,r,tiblll"":


Un,lb Cln .bsoIutely ooly ... In ""I"", .n the form of ""' ...... ' ..... "'he ...
m~""" " aoncntlly ..'ha , .".... n. Icnth in tho """"""" 0" of "",ltc'

lll.c the inlemll. the ......... it I Slmplo pica: of d _ . bo...lIh t.....

pob cmb..Med
",,"h poIo.nd. Soulh polo n... I...... ''''''''c .hoot~
lho """.".11"",.1 CbantoC1C1 of I"'" pob,trltlOfl. .. hlC'h i< "mply JIUIncd to
maHer like on o".nlllion label.



2 Til! AI'TO'lOMl 00 TUI' 11'1)11 HMO M -t. CENTH




dill""'" '''''I





Th .. poIanuh<'" ... nll",)y .ubj! to 1..-" dlll.nl m>.rk .... ha, 'rt:lielflb!e'
,._ the "I""" /'O<K1.h pole ud ,he 1""'- Sou'h pok 'n.. ""... 11'''''' it _
.herd'ore decided by ad l u l _ . PI"""'" bu... somply ,mponed from
IC'OIIlIphical.Ol ..... Ind i, ..,'" d<f>QlIlo:tl In lhe bortal.nd lu,",,,1 cha'l<1.
Nalura lly, Ihtl loan",," fail' ... IIOOfI os the h'l< " I.~ea to one of ,ho poln: I
""'..... "",1.. i, ~bk '" PlCJ<,v eloe of poIanut"'" bul not 10 plDd..,.
it. Tb.:>o: -clw-Ja- In _ ,lQIablc; of I btea~ ""'ploteci Mr, I mcreI) obI.,n
l .. oo,her 1M", ......... '" pubrizll1lOll ,,","11 d,,"_ by '''0, rho baro ""n
Iherefo ... he 'pht .. one r""""" ~_ fi&, .),

i, II P'*'bIc '0 di"odc ""'0 '010 '.0 Oppt>lollC poIanh.. 1Iy plunl'lIJ: ",,0
al.-.ady o"dlm:! moct.ol pia,.. (bnI. . . nd .(U>Ci inlo "'i!U;
b)' ..-nanl'nl ,uch y.!ono in ocr"", il ,. pDI'>,bIc III ID<TcaJ< the elf"::'1
t>ec 61- 5).'

1lot diap-am in lip... 5 is ....... L .. nee" ...... k~ .... ,1mooII ali i"" ........ of


T .... poin, 0_ "'hctt ,hew ~ba r"," .. 0\I1d .uppott<Uy ncul. ali 0 ... ,,,,ocher_
Jl'I' !lmplo ~."'tntoC1) ",,,,,,,,,na.1 middle:_ "'h",h can ho "'pr06lkX1l al .,IL
b)- ..... ub""I.I"nial d",_ 'tiIdcfihllely', 0 ..... jr........,
hioh II .. hy
" """ be -M'W In lhe ntcn"on II ..-ill, "lulo rema,ntnl I pr, .. , ..... of , ....
ma"""IC "'""." 'Thi... 'o'";~ d,,',soon of Q ;n. ;'" nO d",.,.,n""", 0 ia ,he
rukrum of "(>lb'''1 and ""tbtt """'" a ....,y . - l'<"I""pl" .arlin,,&- NO!
"""" IOOIablo; ,Joe beMal .nd
100 """",II DO< "'y




--- -

.... 1II~u"y .nd


of ,,,,, reo:hlUCOlJ IfUoII of 1M oond,"'"Two, Any ..""tkan,


OJICII"" of. It<O indlll'Cl ,lJ own """WI~,y,.n 'around' J"" at ,be !ftqutbbn,
.1I0n "'the ,,,,,,,,lOCI 0. accumula,,,,,, 01.......,. ,n>o""". ",hoic pIaM, ,he
"",tal euIC'I"'''''' of 101'0 0 PiM I poIan~ 01 '''0 '<>PIIOIi.a. an be tumJlCll'
..,td lor hy ."....." .ha, e.>.CIOOIik them by ..,.... ,oolld lhom. I:;l:IncaJ
"OS"""Y _ WI oIlOtUfr1u1auon, bu,
of."....." ,hal loopI,he .round
OJ,,,wd by se"u,"on. The era 0Ilh< cin:w .. hal be,un .nd n ""~! come as IICI
.... prue 'f 1111. dena, Cf)'Iwllld IICOI' 'H'" of inluillOCl Ilnktd "" h ,he
dom' .... uon 01 Ol'(lOl'lllOfU by loops and
VollaO<: "'talllI oel'\O\l.t~ dam ., .he prUllp: of lbe meehanl .... ..hoch il
dc. ,,-ed frQfl1 II/Ilple transfer and <>len';,. division. 10 'M Mnefil 011., ...1
"an!tll"" ~ invol",n,. nlul" .... 'men.;o...11 CII USIIli,), hbenutd f.om , .. imaae

o -_
.......... .....,. .



dIM mob,1e .'ho<:h ',,>d from A 108 (_ 6c. 6f,



U [ LlCH


'r ile "'.c,neal plooion of lhe zero Ind ,..

I .. ~,n,,() "'IT)' pII~<ia ....
'ttWlrdl ""hat .houk! be called.n t!I,.,,-I'J. U SOOn I. ,bey vcnfy tha,
,ho .1eer.....1 loop
dfec!i . , oolld ","'1',
A... IId', balaoce
arrioed '''') ,h,n, 01'110 pia ..... ,oolld ,...11IU. lI .ncdonh " .. lbe clemen ..
01 ."" ml. cto.d ",mull, ,ntim,e
or ,n,.,n.",np 01 "'..,. ..hIch hold ,ho
.,tenll<>n. ThaI .. why Amph'C """""... lIy ",,,,,,tu'a 'conducror folded utlo
belli' lor lhe .......... ,...;1 bar"ho dllpun oflhe ..... nood .. born:




The melI.phor of,be 1""'1I\.,.nd ncpu", "fluid. d IlimllMed 10 roIIn"'.

'Ik '..If......"",' 01 the ~od aOid marupulabl< uno" of m.hIllICt; II had 10...
bo:cn l no ....
an ',nftnlldy ... btlc:' Auid eould 'I"'n, in Ilia'" be,ween,wo
polIntL 8u, lhe ~It' ... aDd ""pI;'" poIIriu., llbough '1!wd', mnalned
emboddtd ,n m>1,f't like fI'I'CK>U' jrwd. Ih., only dtiped ,0 .how lhemstl ....
by Up,n ,n, In IAyd<n 1'" ~ poiarilies Q' .nd Q ""re .bohd wd ,n
I\u.h oIlill1l .. ,.. "
We undel1,.nd Iha' Ihe "it",,) or lho 'fluid,' 0 .... 'M mhon"m ..... ,Ihu.
h..olf"K'o.,., TM laue. ha. m""h more '0 !'ea. f.om Volta', boll y, " 'hoch
don ... ,iatCi Ihe around
.lway> ~ ...Io", 1M binh of a T"o. l'l1c dioequ,
libri~m prodllCod hY ' M <xU and itt ro""" polll,iallon. il 1>01 .ully ..... tabb.htd 'f one IIat beea ",<(Out... in ron>HtlClinl I loop ,ha" by ind'rectly
"'>MCC\'''I uP,M oPl*"ion l'fodllCod by ,ho cdL""""
the loop eft.'et In '~""',.....,J
for the NlIny. ~OI' the loop.. ,be .... ral"'"
II ....... nnt.hob'ec! ,n 'M "'pI~~ 01' neul",linlion. A ........... nd has bo:cn
IJUped ~~'ocaly.n ""aro.nd lhoopl .nd .." do iI" :J red...., .....
the ~1I'C .mboll'ny 01,,,,, 1I"hlf~"""""
di""", unllY 10 rach ,It<
on, piln.. u 01 lieu1&. "'" , I>< ,""iKe"," "",,'re it no J.oo..,. poont, I. Iou,
r""" h>l(llIlo. ""'" aIM! PfO,'ol......oIu,ion ,n lbe
fJMrod)""m .... ,he 'hear, or rna ..... 'n """-. is hom or the cleruw;aJ
e:.pIowon oI.IIe ""no. ",'ho<:h ..... no med L.m.:.] "'Iu""1<,,' """" 1nU' hi. 110
,mpol.c" and onlylho aa:umulahOl:> of m..... <::on ,rw; ....... ,he elf"",. Two
chltl" of "'<0 'um p.lM!uce pIIyslCltl <if""'L "'hon ,hoy """" in (lpt>OO'"







The ~1ICIId ~ft~"n.b ~ loop arowlld ~ rloullMl; " 1.,ICIIlJ,,<!o .1o<1..... Uy "
kna,h and u .nJ!< or. U we ..',II ... ,n .. ha, rolk>wl. 'randallon .nd
I fO,""on, Thi, Inocula,,,,,, i, a<>,n& ,0 make" pnulb ie 10 ",001 ... lbe k.y
qllClllon oIelectrophiloool'hy. lho unity 01' eleclnealilld ma, ... ' o<: fOfUl (....

Ac. S),



direc"unl, ,hey ""h....

an .ucmbly 10 "'hodt I h....."om ,be name dtrod)'nam", ...aeoo.d.

from tbe O .... k word sdlhW~ ..-110M IMamn,
2"1'( "' .....ely .... ,
...hidllllobaptd lik." channel. rha, II ' 0 y the IUfface oI,ho form 01'1
... hod! III ,ho "'!'CII'''.re 1<, be found,'

.k<;tncal .... ,.,.,n' (....

fi.I, 71,


Schell, ... hid oboened ,p hi! DnlOItIl.... IhI' malJM'l_.1Id ,Iec'''''''y om'<
"wo,oJ in I k,,1d of d .....1i<m par;did 10 ,1Ia1 oIltn"h alld .....:hlL A ba,
al'f"Cl'" U an und"idcd 'otlb,} '0 ,he SCllSlbIo: ,n,union.. It lho ma"""",
eh ..... lha, I"nduce no seporable ror=. .. ho", ... ho ,.,..,.", d<ri,-ed from
PDlil'''' <It nep"'''' ct........ '" KJ"'ra!< i>ul Ire
oo,,'n ., Klont","1 for
lho inlu",on. The ""'(lpII)~ocal problem .,.,., ,1><",1'0'-': 'HttW can ''''0 rOITe>
be dyn~m""'lIt '""""',. and ..! do"'n II id<nl","1 rll. lbe in'UOIion ., the


..n.. ",r..'


El.ECTI.OGt:O\.l (TIle S'ACE


elmo" La.
01 ",'pu1oo. and ,he new ekctrod)'......., loren;; be
da:::I.!.I", Plllbir: 10 sra", IhI: .. ,,,,,,Illy ci,he """,', ~nd
QPllC"y to


.ubJUKote. Ihi,d \I'mt1I""n by JlIposIn. an u,al int<rpre,a'ion ofmagnetic

pol.;"',""",,. ..


W< >boukl ftrsl rC""''''her tK,w ",teUII draw" ,n" pLane ,ndlKU oidC1,n
II alto ~IuoPlCr IV L All ......"'.',..11_ bem. pcrm;Incn,l} placed
tAmp;..', bonham..... '), Ih< p<<ln-c ..... It ,_Cln"cl) *P'.... I" ,hi: ..... vi
lho pomll ......., ,he 0:> ..... " .ppan 10 Ium ......... t"".,1lal anll-dod: ......
".spenn'<:l)' dod"',It! 1_ 6.. I O~

/ --'..:--=-

1'1$ '
,2')' 10 artocuL:ue ,lie kupb (,I>< fit, ..... pob,wllloa) and ,''' .. ""II
(1'" tonHpon pow.nhOOI Tbd can ~ 1<11..,'001 LlODC <k/i".. 0 ~Md ,nl",al
In ordc, '0 prod ....'" hOp" The ""'" onok" " p<t><iblo '0 caplur~ "I""


The pomcula, rntd .. \Jn.


by .. h",h , ... '''0 {QIQ$ go be "" <10000 l'

, ....."'" lIme af -.od<:o'lClll Ind Y<" at rombtr>cd for , ... ,n,u,Uoa i>
"'" ,be ..... or lilt ...rf.a, b.1I 1110< >~ i.wlf. ' ....1 .. 'o"} I"" u, ..... '"
_,.IIIude LII Ib..... d, ..... " ....... [ ........ Jr.; D.......w-.. -.vh"'""

The dec'nal ..... , and 'M IoQk-""Kl do "'" lUll onlh " pIJfO,ble '0 Snluh
or II ..... ",",,"""nlra,l ",,"un(! pole< or poin.>; ,hey dcon"",
'h~1 CU'T"'" onu.' .pproprl.1'e ne,.. ,po".1 d"""" .. on. An ..11'00II'
1<>Op. I"'W. plane. in'oI ... a"" 0"",,," lhe 'JIK" compltll:ly.
O'.rucd"$ famous
demonSl ... ,"" ,bo rioancaJ If"tip 01 an Iround,
lhe-T .. o }'fi ""'"' du<jwc',n han ,he Mia""" or .he Ie..,. 1_ IiJ. 9). W.
undeNud ,lie"....... of(F.",ed."" lui COII' .... ponne< faced ,,i.h , ... ,mol"
r"""" Ill' ..... ,} Amp;.. recalh tbere ..... In ;n" ..1 _neonplLo '""'"
lht 10"0' .ja ,he cheba of ,he 'o"e . "
,lie: .poll.1


c)"' .... ,

0"" ""n. hlc\\'i!C, uniquely define an Irrow perpendocul.. ,,, lhe em:w' II
'ooM'CtltlODll n,,,,nan .IOCb w, A"',~",.. 'boohomme', Ibot ,I\r""p from
had ' 0 foo' by
~"''''''''. <cc> the row 10 ,n on hoi nail' '0""- "'"
III'" on h.. Idl , ... 61- I I ), A """"",,"o.ul nonnaJ :Wo IIIIIke ,I ....... bIo: '0
chooo< bt1 ....,.., a "front" r..,. and. '''''''k' f_ 0<. whocto _mou.nll'O
th.ne. btl ......, a '11<p, .....' f.a ,Sou,h
bocto ,be I".,.... JOCIlnd.
'po!;i" ....
from .. hocb It r",I"lCS ''''''' fil- Ilo.l. "h"l Ie"'" '0
lhe eq u' ..... nl
<If 'he "",..creW: an u. dmary .:<I'k""...... ' ''med 'n lhe
d""",ioo vi ,he amlll. plun.,. into 'M Soulh faa: '0 rome OIl' Apl" .hro ......
lhe "onh f""l_ 61- 12h).




""" ,II'.

",. ,11""n"" ..:icnull (<J:'Ml j "'ho flllo' ""W" magr>et", po ... moye<J
by lhe OC'IOO or. rond""UOK ,,"re 'nl0 d,,,,,,,, .. oo. I"'.pendicu)a, '0 Ih_
of ,luI .. ,re concludoed 1.0Il! "'h.;" oIeclncaJ """Her ,umed .,"""" II .nd
puobed ,heoe po&.. ... ,he d,rccuon d,U "",.oon, eucoly ... o..-nC1 had
,''' ""'''cr of h" ">tim '"rn ,n the d""",,,,,, ci ,he pia ......!)
In1)IU110.... "

Tho. 'hld' W3' \he""'"", 'UI'POlo<l '0 <IeI\oct ,he .......1e \\lIh II. ,ItIpi1(1 liP'
A"'fit<! ,d~_ IhlS t.me ""n'p""m.. bel\\'.. n """h.n'cs, ",hich alway' IJ;,il.




f_. "'". .



ElOCT ..(lG(o.... n.1(' S~ACE

y,~ hl'~

'bcreJore j ...,


mobilny oonfincd "'UNa pia ... to I

""""... hOIl .iInOd perpendicularly '0 .hos plane 1_ cb.pler IV). II is easy to
..., W\, _.'CfleIy, ,be dalllll1 or body or " ......btln tot ' .."" ot
........ ~.ioII) ..... k.. i, """''* ....... lJdy '0 bnL l'OUI,ion .11b. D\IIrt mad.>
on an LUI ClI' aa on","~ Jt ....ah. I'.... We 6nd .... n be~ lor .be ' 'aJoos.
"'II&'IOG lb.. lui, alrady ...........Iyxd ,n dwlpl~1 IV W"b", ..... rulo$. ,.
is the mobillll.,. 01 .n MUtt body (Of ,hooe 01 aa ela".n'ary .e>bot Ilk'


co.k ....... <'Ipa'* 01 <'Ipll.lnn& and rrodllCllll ,bcml

a", propclkd:
Amplrc" bonhommc mlU' 'urn
from "" nlhl '0 ... IcI\ in order '0
follo ....11< ';""lIil ""lib his ..... ,he cork,""", Irwo'_. ~ Jlirl: of 1M M~ln
Info 0 ,...,...Irullutl 0' . ",ha' amollR'" 10 lhe .. me Ihon .. I prOl ......'. spr,adio,
au. onlO. heillll.
lin. "1," we lilt . /It l!IIUlIlon or I d,n>eraion. which """""pa"," lhe
dlt",1h", of an Imbi.";.y by an oncn'alloo marko. 11 ; y '0 ..... t>a, tn
lbe Ibt;t,,,", oIlbil 1a>1 1M an..-uL:ollon or ,he "''''''"l and Uti o.'auld be
IW'oo;:al, , l;lrtU1I o;aa to.. Sn II osIli'~' f.om """ Old< and a. 'ncplJ\~'
f.om ,ho: Ollie. 1_ ftI. JJ).


1Iot .... pled.nd ......."'" k,nd!

01 ro""", In: '''nW,ed '0 "",I<cuics of

'IlI'ral and bore.1 ftlD<k, " .. ,mpol"bIe '0 .odlK'C' Ibtm '0


pn..aple: bul II......, II "'J WIy of .an. the COlUlnotl"'" oI,he m.......
III a4optftI, " .. 5<'aI by ,be boqao,. Clk:ut.,,_, I"" , _ ",0 'IP"' 01
.~"OIiS.nd ,he VII .... oI.he "",_ 1It.I. """'" from ,hem ..., .ma><thotdy
dedlll:ed from ",y formula ,o>d .IIII\, '0 6nd , , - VII...,.. " .. <11011'" 10
subs",utc: fo, ,110 ,,,,o-,,,.,I<culc ."""",bIy, """ uitnl ft .....
OIbcr 01 boreal nun. ooIenood . 't - '"-'.tem" ....... h",h
,be ... 0
. .erro ...... po'nll '0 which ,be f<MUS.n '1""'1"'"
In: pba:d .,
'''Iclly the oame "",nu "'he.... be molu'" 01,110 ..,'0 nuid. a .. ,uppooed



" ...



!'rom now oa, 'wo 'YOtemS of l'ff)' illIlll loOk"""" ..111 Itt oa . llIOIher, 1CCOfIi'1II 10 my IOrmIlla. like 1..'0 ....IJIMU compo d 0111 many
mqn<\'" ekmoQu as one ..'auld ""1'1'1'* ,here '0 be ............... '" ,.....
.yo....... one: of ,hac: loam< 'YJltnu "'~1 al.o .." OIl ,he danen, 01


1;. .....


Bu'~ h.;t" I, .. dy Sn b"" clu.pler lin

,a ann,lhe I1I.vocal
_ d"""""",, Cln be bo'n. n if I b1 '<i"iII dcaston is .... IC't,ed .nd
more: IIttbt'lOIIIlnoarJallOG It ........,ru.
Am.,tto Ullllcn.,andl , ... , II .. "' . "ry to bnnt ,boul ,be btnh oI,ho:
<itlr,,,,,,,,,, bet ..wa Nonb and SooLb pole:> by ." .. ~.. arid .ha l,nl C.tllI
bml...... 'he ~1Id"odtd ooI,darlly oI,besc poIn .rId .110 "'U"1ICUDfI be,,,,'fftI
them ...Iudt ...1lI..... by otally '"-'Iernll oon''''''10'', To d._I." tJr.e.e
'borcaJ' and 'llWI"'" polan' ..... he dc<-!des II> .... ,hem lI.he Nonh ,rid Sooth
facet of .ic<:'naol crrcw .. Th,. u;,,! P"'P or ma""II,m aou;cr. ,he 1"'0 poI<$
oon ..... ""nrt>COUw)'.o>d .Jcc'ro""""' f)' tak .. 0"", "pion", ,he
!><inc< o' form ~ ... ,od by lhe dl ..,m='nc. or ro,.,ion ..


A. H>nl" ,110

""'"tIC. itt "Iri<b I COn"",'" lhe 101."" of ,n. ",",""I> ..

.Icc.nc ~u""n', as. ""'II""I doH. and l;lOOUCqueody all ,be oalcula,ooos.
all the O.P!;ollllllO"" ,hat .... bued .. m~h on CQn..den'IOn of lhe
allr-.c1 lo>d ... pul .... forces of lhew mo!feu'" 1ft 'n ...... ",opo<t"'" '0
,he "'1I1~ of dllla""", OS on In .... of ....'oluhO... t)' fa:e. be' ..... n """
01' ..... moic<:uJcs and .n .lemenl of .ic<:mc.al ...."nlnl. CI)OOMnona o.'hlCh
I h.... jUll n:a.lled .he 10,,
os IttCp.ed by ,he ph).io;:ul< "'ho do
adop' my lheory, ... neccuanly.he Ame, ..'IIo,lIor hk. lilt one .. pWn<
,he phenomena ptrlducru by.he malt\tll on ,hac: ,wo _
by dtttncal
Of "bether one plok" ,he h)1lOlhc:!o., oI l he
ftu.d .."






1'. ............ far.be old oon.""'IOn .1.11"".. from

01 Ampln:', ~
IhI: 6.... "butd OIl ,be.,......cnce and ,be ."""",.,ion 01 DtfIa,n ."lilies T.he
~onh ..... , ... Soo,h poIc~.II<...,.,.,.j oa ,be "",,"nui'y 01,110 ptopubooa r:I
..........,"'" ! I o;aa ctooo.c a
ODfI''''''IOn .n ialerprcl "S, bu, I "",~ '0
..",k '0 III The uill
and ,to p OF 01 crido_ (/l.mphe'. boD-



hommc, corlo,... w,
~bcnole lhe full 11 ...,,1 .n,uIlIon. he,..;:d.... " frno 01 ,he
_ .. of ..... IW".... aDd elect .,."",,,, '''''' ..... n".... hJ.be lIill polanD''''''
moboh""" d<l1", .. n. aJl u"",,,, from mle'''''IO~.'. dill'''''''. The la" ...... Utred
only ,he JlllJO''''' con ..... pIa.1OII of. lioN",,"}, ~ho .. al kepi .pan from ,I><
pll,. or ,he fol<'n. H""" ,he .hi,.,. patlf il much rnO'" .~" "" he lu,no h'm><1[
''''0 a ~. k", ... w, oompoocd of a heod w"h Mnah' Mild. k'tI onn, ho propd>



ELfcn.oo:; EO~ nilC SPACt!


the ....... rqbiluy 01 1M .ample '"


I;.'Ompon"l .1ICb 1 r-t11Oll. B, ",.h 11101"'" """",_ ....... """" rqud

OItrtd....,. I t den" .. lilt OlIO! fIO'IlIOII f,om 1110 01""'. n poonl B Iud

Tbe 1a'",",iJI1 U!"'RDX1II d-.l"", the old ,,,Im,,,IC': lhe Nonb and South
poles Ire bu, .he >an; oiebe old ;m...ry: the ..... e ..' ."" r\tnc:al loop

~ Ida", 1 ,....., _ ~.n-oI_ " .. """'. ,........ _ """'..,-. Jt

""" I,udy lhe .~bjIccI 0( .... ly .... 11 II """" ' M , .. uh 0(. ')'01""'" 11 ....

.n onmlalJOll and .... Dds MlR11


Iobtn.. ~ II.. loren

""(11M han {LIM: pi<M of len,ch). AJ Sohelhn, ""d
tmstd. tl>t J"I'f""1 of ,kc1neal ...<1 mq .... t>c ~ In. lin .... ,nlulllo" dot>
nOI cons"" In ,dcmlf)'iog bonal ," ""Oil'lll ..... ,,,""'.';th ~ilj Or .... "'uve
<I<I1U."" but In undersLandmllhl1 n ... y,runl ~"",h-cs .'''''00. !leW .",'oIve....... of II*", arouDd a waJ of mok,n. <iM.>O< of or .. nllb"" rcvt,brral4. We
rodlfcont ,"" role of lbc ind,lf'c......" ,",orn:: Lo.ncreax ,ho tolnll ilIId I,oonl
bt'"ffI\ .... ,,,....nd though, by I'fUl"'pClal amt,..uny In ",dc. 10 ... 0 ........
dutoft l/Ia. ,nm"..,. hI.'F\' fIcid. II ...... II.. rictory ollhc '-Ina! ""C, lhe
ioowillduw orm> oul Vall field ;nle> .. ""'h the """",,"1 _lid ph".I<'"
mt~p/lon '"' "hod! dorhQ,: lmCl"", ..e;U 1<110 10'Flh""
can """'-




m',,\; '0 be
.1; 11 i!i ''''''i III< end 0(. /I,pn. (I' 0(. JOufM)'. It
"11' . ,h'nM10 he in'CSI ' g.o.lod (analj'llCOJly) by ou, ,,\Id)'l'" or ""lITIlPm,
;Ii 1"'>'''''''; il i, no'" Ih, n, which h.. been I"\ldIlCNl by ou, OflCT:I!mB
l.ynlbdocaUy) un ...,Iho< p<)I'" .... .. nh the . ... ur. cet ... n ""Irumrn~
twndY. lbe '''&lJIII ..... 8 4.....rdod..- q . V<CIO<. o. ca.ryt"1 pilh.
i< ,,~prni<d b) IhI: ""'p!uj..... oIlhe ..... 0( m:tKlft. t. lilroup the
.-...,at and idc::ft11Cl1 rom."l"


18 -"'1+- ... _ 8
Thai othe. poonl .... ;oSlea<l 0( be.nl _
a ,......, _ _ . , _ DOOICS ' O
hi: coft$fdered and
01 II ,...""' ........ Jr.oU_
"bIle . be potOI
II. ..'h.... had ~ ....natyntOO. l1li C<lrro: 10 bt ""lied 'OI:I um. IMXOIdi,..
10 lhe ",,,,,,,,1 fo,mul~:


1'... , .......

""". Ulm' .... the .,. l ., of II><: "~,al In ..... ICT donaol and """" how

dc<:1"'F'm><lry .. ""n of rhe

.w...,. "'"

""'''1) oIlkhbrrate I mbil ully m:..k usc of by

""and to
1;0,,,,,,1 uM. f,.,.., ...... "'call"" urul. lilt lJIouId ~mern"'"
!hoI I! ..... HamillOil who wu lhe fin! 10 cktnorulralt tho: ronllllOn 1101........

".,1Ia! (.,.... ""J'II'It'

poWr '<CIon and

or "CIlia! Id"pIao:uknlt rrom OlIO!
pboc: 10 lnol""'l JfIlps." In lhe ,ulrodl>Clion 10 the UN-rJ"" Qom...- .
he n;pia.n. (to ;Dltod,," .....1 .." .. ou .... lOday alllffift<..,..,1

In III" .... ). lhe .ymbol 8 " IIu come .. ,th ... 1(1 den",. l he .1"';P1 I"",
born ... 10 B. lhe "",nl'" btl"l (al 1;"'1 OODSld<rl:d U I ~_n Ih,,,g. <It
dJIUm in some awm<1~al '"""'''1''1>011. and Ih~ "",nl R he,"I III)
cunl"'''.'''"""", .... """,hI Ih'"*, Of . q"""oimm; ",btl. jj ... i':'1 fir<!
lUI'P"""'l 1(1 hc ......... nl.11On 01 ,he onlt ....1 ... lal lOfl ,n 'JX'CI' 01
II>< ""'1111 ""' .. , 8 II, IIw ,"v.., "",nl ... , [orJ 01 l ilt p:omclrical
[)I ~ fE R ['-("E- oIlh_ 1...(1 ",,'Ul.l. Ibl ;. 10 ""y. lboo dtfl".......,. ur Ih."

r;i''''' III tumplc. borro..-e<t from ....""Dom). ,,""'"

Ibllllll"" I.....
b.,h and B lilt Sun

"''''ed f""" Ibt [a.,1t.:

n. ....

~ '. lilt

,n 110< ."I"OII<Jm,.:;,1 .>lmr!c ur tanh and RIa. lboo to.,. 8 ... hal
heen ""nl 1(1 t"end f""" ,lit 1'1- of ub><:rvlIiK>n ~ III>< ".rl h!, 1(1 ,he
pI_ of ,lit <>bso:rved body jj liho .u,,~ .00 \(I ... r"" 10 oonlocel. ,,1 lea"
on lhoujllt" the lan.r "";11<1" ,,"Ih II>< fo n"e,
All''' you may ha..., ...... ,h:tl ""tlil me III< primary I!~<""., ncat 0J>Cf1I'
liOn dcllOlod b) tht milk ..... 00 callod In lhe n..... odd" ...... Of lI"IOf'
fuU) . ymbolicoJ Add,,_ ""~ .... In ~ COf""'fJOn'lm1 Ofd, ... t
')'n,""" '" lhe """""'" ur mal ........ 'iooaI pom' ,n
ID>I_ 01



_ 1"...1....

"' ..... PlUJ If (id abo~ mcallOll<'d) lhe 51 ... 0( \'11<1", or 1110 do.:I ...... n<lI<
0( nnbnal ')'lI.ItocI.L ~rum "'"" .... '" lhe ISlfOflOflllCOJ ..... mplc. ... posl
01 obInn ...... lhe "al1h. A, coma
be lbouahl 01 .. lhe comD""""
ur. 1raJIO<00I1. 8 ~ . ,,'bdc Ib ....... arunl ... the eaI1h .. co""",,.d
10 'enmmtl' II I'" ",fl. .nd """'. ody. ,..., ""0. 8. II Ih<>u&hl 0( II
CUP)'. a .. " ..'"", '0 ~.",. "h.... "no' ""'" prcp<l).d \(I hc 11ud>cd
br ot.:nllliou. botl Ii .. Ihcr _,,'od III 0fI< ...'Io .. b Iuos bet .. rexhod. or
,,,hod 01. by 1 joumo) . I"",,!IOII. or ,,,,n.port 0 ( . . - nIOVe.>bIe poinl
0' body from the eltnh. alon. lhe scoce"tr", """" 0( lho ,"n."




10111 qootallOfl from lI amilion de.rly demon'I"'I" lhe d""" tint

betW<'CII ",,1o, '-..;' on .nd ' ..... '1 .. A pola' ''''''or at .. a)"l ron_II. ..... Iouoly
abotlobco. pp bel .. n , .(1 poIanl ... . hal ha"" l irady ....", p>" .. ""'" ",I;
,t 11.. ,,)"1 rrien. to ,hi: .boI,IIOII 01 'ronfron"'''''''~ IrlMPOI' 01 cftarp
b ' I " I 001 oIliquaJ. lha. "n~ to fill d>1f"er=cc ... pole1ltial. 1 PP bet....,.,
cw-"",.lod dcp'ea. In IhI: loUIe _y II fon:t (ore 1.1~ ",..
"!df ..
odont ..... nl "'''""' ~Iu" 0( the , ..""" ..... IS ""ssa,e a f<>l'<ll:d
,m""",""", ("ilil0 be """"",p... hod or alreadJ acoom"hJbod) ... IhI: ".. ""III 1 dOlled 01 ~al 1",JfC1ot}'. 1... potu, >"O<1Of zealolbly accounli fOi. br
m.)",,,," banal. 'h:tl .. ht<h ..
from a ... rum"'., 10.
"'IIt<h "rommun~~lod belw..,n mark .... and. Ilk. all coonm unt<lllion. i, """.
U<CIf unty 10 UCIIlnhze "9poosil""'" '(I inl ..... lal. ;1 ..1f bet"""" lhe <ltpces 01
"""", ...10 or 10 jo'n up 1",'(1 'ltvtb'
l'oItt ..,...... nd 1........1 _ red""".hc ...." ur..- ' 0' d.."taa:mnot.
." IIDD.n. oul alofts. d,recuun. WIth 00 """",,n ." WId'h; 'bey .~ conlftl'
Jy lnmDU. n"l 10 ,he ,'WICtcr ....UI>ClIO<U




"'''h ......






from ajrudy C'Ol>IIuend d"l>t"SIOn~ W;lb the 'KIlL. Fnu;DC

IJW"I<'11C humour fiftally buf1l~ In WIth lilt budd, ... 01 -..other d"""","",,:
"h I"" hoi .... Ih,dtIQI .'ub ,he _~1C1nI TM uial _ector doeo. DOl

btI,'It . .

. ::;;;

daim ."'''''''' li"'''lpoort, doeIlIOI I'd.. .o Inl '0"",,",'''' .''", n .. ",,,WIIIII,.

... um.l"', .... II UIII! only 101 .... thCIlIaUOII 011 I'Olahon ..... ,..... ,;.,.,
..-b;:b eo"'pc'" 1M Jt'OO' .. , ..... 0 oncnL huruoelf ..,[h,,, lilt "bo:>It ........ II owen,
pooo",.~ II.. _.eononocal thl.rxtet ohOO iJ<"ulluoa ..b:h mull. r"lID
,hot d ..""U"" 01 ... .... bI ... ny IJ>d IIQI (rom llopQLI dod_ or the ,,, ..... ,,,'"
10 em~ a IrI)llCtllf)'_ 1110 . .l1li i~_1 "' ....,. u".'mdJ.,.: 11 ,,", ods ia


roam,,"1 I


tor.he . u....

''''....,an. ......_


pmHrolef 1I011Hna: ,he

Fit"'" .hal d,,,,,,,>

II",,,hll,d,. .....no..'OId up III II.. ImJt/l, .. ","~... be oW Ilr..... , . . _her

d..........,n by al'l'<Opnahlll mck prxlllCd ,II petpc1ldJcular pIa~ Tbc
...."I'rondha I faa: WI,bou, ...pballl n , ."" tam< II ...... ca_", oidos
'" email"' Ibm! " _tu", moo' ud po,pltIUlI
.1It iCfeWlOP .1Id
tho: u~ 1lIo
'Mor IlIIts ....... 01 "",011'131. "'bcreu tho! Dial
10.....,.'. ,Il00 spo".' I., euract <kif8' 01 ",,""UI'oon. 0....... <OI'i<tcttw, tbe
Illal unKr.... 1M 1oo"11Id",,,1 ' 0 tilT)' n 0/1" >nl0 'M b<i1COllbJ. h IMrrl~
b<H. wcceWut tlkuJalllub,""""" o('M ,...,.,,;,.. by bn"l 11>10.0_
,..., "'U "om '~"'~h<d ,n d01ll1; ..... ;n an .uII '"10. and 10..", ro.. 01"1< 01
lhem by. J'1"0<"n$ 01 oneOllltOll. JUl' II "'I".ltr. bol.~ mIIld el1rxt 11\0
Il leraI uni" IDd ~I>oow """ 0( l hem 10 luKlt I '<7101>0<1.
0( pen'lra,ion by
,he ."1 ..... roof 01. iranI",,'"
of I r....""" w:r: ..'" I ...... "' .<> .... llul ~araday, Hamill"" I nd Muwc:lt
could IIl lh .... h.... '<CoJI!I.<\l Ihornt .. l~ in Ih" p...."'m ..... Atllhm: .'peri.
mented ., nh ,,-,~ I,.,. coak:sc,". ~'''''' (tee 11 .11 "11" 00 long<' ""ly unJOid
lbem lion, 1"',!KIOry by maltnllhe for= ... ork. ""I Ih., "';n lbem ror I
ro"quesl of lhe IIonl"y "11<1,, .. ,,", co,k~'1 (<II l be lrolk-)'I Ind ru)e" 01
mall of mochaniCI I.... 6,. 1.11,



b,,,,,,,, 1101""

VA8 "

n ..


TII~ ~Lr n~o{,l,o" fTll{" EX ~I 1 ''' '- ''T A$SQUAlr ROOI

Itrncdnrth lbe .. laL '" n>On: pr<CtICly lbe all .. loop ,nt.rbta:. t.tk.. lhe pIa<:c
of lbe In<Wf... _ ll<n ... and IUlW"S .IK: ..1toIo ....... roac ..... IOC ed,iioc ,uOl
U lbe ""nl.. 011"'''., _I....-..d N"'1onlan ""'",""",y W. kIlO .. how lhe
overfl'nll'n, """Iret; eIIn n"'''Ur" .nU... ~UMf1" ofkno .. 1cdJc by wbord,nal'a, rclIdl_ hele....... I'" 10 ')m ....'llWIt ck>."""" " II ,II... ,1\;1, ""'lOG.
d.....,,-..,", .he a>mPftlIOaUon 01 <'mlnlup!
by _Inpetll ~ 1110Ito.bes tho lronl.,.. 11\;11 ltolated lbe .<>rld ."" hlllt'l .be "'*'>1181 " 'or\d ) from
lbe . 'otId ' bcIoo.(lhe wbJUIW}' .'Oridl A. ro.. lhot _
ph~ " drmaodod
,he d, ...", .. 1 oIlhe ar"",""' "U1M oI.nl<'no<'l>O<1 "' I d.... _ and la]wrcd
tho "'....... ""'" olin ft(ui"'",,,,,, Ix,....,.." 1"",",,11OlIII and roLl' ........ Wi.b lbe
u .. 1oQp .n'n\aoe .... 0" .,one 1(1 mllICO'........ ,he 1"11" ,b." cbarxt ........
... ~ <kn '" 'M d.qnun 01 1M botlulco (_ ~baplCl III ~ I ""II


capaCll,10 conde .... Ind .. "",ad 1M .,IIU,'101I. .ho COItlbtonl ~U'" """'pm-

_III oIlhot ........ ,.,I0Il and ,be Iiq......O<M Ind. JinaUy. In opCIlI",.~ PUi!'*"'Y
"'luch QIOalnuia 'IS pIaa! ,n ,he mool Ul"" ......... I'Oe;Irch.
t'Il'1OdIt}. 1I1",.hOll and "bl.... UIP Ih,,,, 0."" .... y Ille.\perunoen,ed .."It ,be
,n'CI""".nd d ' JCo"emllo II
"",rtlC\lla, ro""""'" Ind ""IODOIDY. from
wlt",1t , he lnaly1ft IIIaI folio ... iIa laton ,It .... lundamc:nlll realu",",
t I) w. I .. 001 deal,". lit.. "lilt I ,.al jotn! ... in u.. """"l\;Iu"",j 'boise...lId ... ' "heOU (_ II t.5.C). "hoch ."K."UI~I<'t ,wo 1"";",,' 'h,ough 00""'"
d'~I. conI"",. The ui, l ad lhe loop inl.,llI(, ht. lhe hnk. 01 a ella,,!. bul
knoUtn& 'Ol",her ,.Ia"on. of I""",on. w .. " no mll."all,"kL Tit. F'lrin, an<!
,II immedial. ll<nl'" b" rJ. ,ntO linc> <I fo ....... ,,"''' do nol simulal.... al
oUlfio ...;"!l. bUI ,b.ch ,he lClion; .hll em. nil. ,i,lullly
al' circulI<
1_ 6.. 16).
(2) n.. It..... of Ioroo .~ I fidtl. I .)'....... of ... v.,IK: ... ,on .ad fOIOnaJ><C
bo,"wn lhe .~ lad lhe
rh)1lC1ll; onc m'&h' .... a~ 011
lion 01."""", f.,.. OApe""..nllllOll, "",IoIO"S 10 ,11.01 oIlhe """'ed a,,"~c:nctl

' ' 1')'

f'''''' ..


aeome,.r or

'0 IIMlbih,y t_ 1,1) n.. m1..,,,cll V1IIOn rna"- Il0l111111 ..'''Ix.. ...,'' ....
happy JII" '0 dealn. tmpuloc. .. he ..... dccll"Oj>nl<ll')', by...c' ,t'.tlly
,he ordeal oIambiptl). ",0 p'n ror .lOdf I ..,..,..... "I*'" 10< lbe ullfoldimg 01


VUluab'," ~ I 1I<1I!. 1I temlOf}' IhIt! IUlho""" lad .. _

e'penmmlS: .. hit, bappml if one lu,.. llul "n-uil
""" and IhI' .",. up!
TlUI ..... lnoJ ICInlory II _


"'" 10 unpn:udmted
~1lk, if oar mn thao

,nddl ..... '" ...",...1 ...,.,.',

II........ "011 II

.n",,",ed from (:Cf\1l" ...... pto<ll) of ,he pobru:a.loon ."".,ted .... Ib tho
InnIr-to 01 dlupIlcu ......u). To lhe 1"'....".l'J and lho:
01 theK
= u np 7 ntcd by,,,,,,' ...."!Un ~ lbe noal d\1ntct<T 01 11M:
.....p<1'" IWd ""llho) Lnd.-.




\ '"


/,..... I~

11>0: ",,,,,Laall, cI thot "' ...... , .. _lid .ho: Iinrs tI titId 1_ Ii" 16) dcasooI
""'''"Ur ,ho dooute by
cllho: 1t2l and dlol' Y1n..al, cI,he: poLo.
aN,l ,hot.noL 'fbo: "1l~' ro,..,. an CIItlA,ly _"Bub. fink bo' ............. .,.-doer of
, be Clu ... l,ha and Ihll oil'" fi........ bc'.'-ffIIlhe 'physical' and .... 'p<>m<inc',
and . "ar801 .... the u!! loop l)'Stnn In o"lndy rmlarhble CO~,on.




f'",..wy: IIw ptMrxOflJ ofl'" h_ offr,,

11us _JUncllOfI of .Ia...aty and I'CCIpr<ICIIJ Inn......., does no! escape Fa"""'y
It lui It> be obI.,1l<'d Ihroup u pon .......... """ the r,,~naunl world P<""""""

a; ..,ed", d, ,,,,,,,,01)i rould nol ....

,.mnl IIke.he .. mplc ph )'.....l "traMlalOon'



Ill. m.lhtmat .... llhro<y ,10.0, il .'widy .\"I;"'blo. FantdlY

an ,n'port<!
",,",''''''' the d",palm ofio,.rla<:ed 1111 and loop ~. ~iar lutonomy
and an an ....... pOWrr lba. III .... "" ~pI<d and IMII ImOl"" lih In OK"'''
In .. 1ucIo I """heII\IIhclll 'fonn" is INlioed 10 p/I)'JOaIl .p/1a.ou.,.... IKe "... In
Faraday'. " 'pcnm<nl> are MI' eMIa"ed
"P<NKlKI1II", but ,nslelld l Imo 10
ost.bl,w. I ....... "'tfMnpnl pOint In phy.... by
mual oIlIl'SllIm
whICh i. &1 .... )'1 .,..,<full) aocoml'lnied by d"'l ... m~ Tbtir aim i, \0 I'rOO_
0 1"'01<1<01 fur app<'*'" 1"";1 ... ffklently br>Id and suffia<oUy "mc"ialed 10
.. \thuD the """"IW re.nbcn.,ioI\s 011110 ... Iera-. To Upcnmc:nl is ,1IOeTeIOft
II .. en 10 COMpO'" ",ib <10..',,,,,,,1 ud ""'JIkbt """" .n onkr 10 rn.._1I"
IUMI nalu", frum lhe)'Ole 0I111e In.n .. l1~ and ,be d,.1.I.nce Faraday "'a.II. 10
ila.., ,be """1I0,w and the IIICral in order 10 oalural" hln''lClf "lib tdf.... ,idcfI(
(..:10, whirh il .'hy, Ir"", 1821 -22 10 )'<'ar after lEnled ', ",,"men,., he
publ"hco ..""ral an.::1t!. ... ,tII ","cahn.
'On Some ~ Uoa' ODIII"",lIClI
MOllO"" and Oft lhe Theory 01 Mal!'d""" tQwmm, ~ c/ ScM'_, 11.
1821, PI' 70( 96~ FIoct.omapIC'IlC Ilocal_ " ....... 1'1' t ibid.. 11. 1822, Po l&ti~




EIoct""""",""u","J MOl""'" (Ibod.. 1'P. ~1 6-2n lI ore. rocr

1II1IC1lRI an ....,. ........1!'d1C MO.or is ..... ,be .. me .,..,,,f)'tn. a """",pit or
til""" ",",. I...... ry; nt ....... 111< ....1 .. ", dcmonotratc the a"lonomy of .1I<

'Note OIl

uis loop .Yilcm by ,J,o",nM Iti ClI.p.><lI)' 10 CIIpl"" and abo". ~n 10 "'I"'o<h..:e
""rt.o.o p!S,,,rn al ... ill 11'Hicod. Faraday..,.. Vl.'ry clearly'''"' lhe 001 ; ...
........... 110. from lbe lolctba ..... beyODd"'J 1'ormw.IH>It.n ''""'''' ofdrd..,...
lion" tho molor can ull1lCl """Uon from lbe U" loop. . 'IIItou. _ , 0 for
belD, dcdua:<l" and . -blle ....... ,ntn. 011',* any lubordlnale "".,"'" 10. p<C-

..... bll>bed tk.::1n ....

faradl)'. lb. rol.OIlonal and pi .... tal ,,-c .. either capll~es oIlbe pby..,.


w t's OOdy. or .. . lible: by contcmp!al;n. lhe mol"", of d i.....1 ...... ....'tln

Faraday. ,bank. '0 an 'Opt'fOl"""" m<Uphot" Ihli ...... not ml,m) bclon.
Cltbcr to nalu", or 10 1bou.11I, ,he
'_pc< l!at b....... 0( l!at pbyooosl

r<,'' '1OftOll


". I<f""""""

ItidI' ~l it pIeates. dimIoIulnol,nl the full autonomy oflhc

.lccItomI..... '" ..<>rid.
faraday .Ito ..,.nll!d
mark itill III(m ckaflr the ,ulf ,hln .. parlIn!
ek<:""""'I".""" r""" the medll"lCS of ,nlnacliom al a d,,,,,_ .. hod! ...
,,,,Iltre .... ' 10 ,be rcla'Oont of rmpmaJ pc'jX,idlCUlanly and omlalion. II
.,"u IlIcn:fo ........ n.r of oomo U'Fner 10 m~k. lhe ,rlanON of
aDd ruin"";"" ..
II had lon, __ .. known ho .. to iIIus,ra,e the aCliom of I ""'.... ' on iron
fiJmp by I"ICO oliofa' II........ rfffwlfl" flr"""r IUIm ph)'1ol<3 on II, lI..d by
dead"" "" Ionp II> .... lhmI .. JUbsidiary ~IU"'" bul II ,nalmle1ll. 10
pn:nukc "'*'"- .. d<qn.llll., as .w.rnlbllt uP' r ("u &1100'''1 10 oral' upen...... , ... , ...."'b' 101<111 actiotn. una 0110..,. .... ,,",Ibn 'ral' nor .,.,oDciaJ~
the)' do _ malhemallze ron:a; the) do _ PO" Ftn.lncaL I>nIO pbyso<:al.
nu,," tMy >ullom",. an idcal, but dame and 'ouJh. netOlOl'l ... Iuch .lktw>



,';nll&lIl,IO reclaIm ill rip'"

U""" of 10"", pa,n, qUllc ddl'.mn IIndllCajX from lIN: ....,.., ,mplomod
in """,haniall man... by an impallC1l\ """mlandln, IS. " II' of .~uhc",oce
(_ 1.2). Mn ..... 11 uw them animalln. SPIce hk jungl.:


[N 10lhi", II
than J'OUf deocnp""IU "fall """''''''" of CoM- klq)lnl
up. OIl of ..... rllY In a11.ha. fUITOlind. l hom, ... hid! pa'e by ill ,~_
or dlmln"""" mcaura the "ork done br any <h."... in .he 11"10'11>. You
>em! '0 .... lhe b.... of r""", c.o",,"1 ..,..,... obtbdes aad dri"", plump
., collllll<l<m. alllllOlffYllq 1000000Ns crrtoJn di=:lion. III ft)'tUIh.. .ad
corry.", ..... 'h 1hmI ~'Of)-..'heft 1M ......, aa-1I1 of ,tUa<!,ft po ..,..,
Ipn'ad .'i<\cr or deMrr II 1M hnes w..sc.. or
The hllCS of Foro< from the SIIn
0'" from h.m, ,1\11 .hen lbe)
~mc "" a pia"", """'~ 0'" from ,I, 50 ,ltat ~ftl}' pia"", d, ..... !! number


<:OIl'' ' '

dtptnd'"l on it. ""'.. f. om ,ltdr <0""", al\ll.ol)l.hhlt", a .y,'<m of;1O

50 -"0 become 5O ....... bmll,k. a rome', ,n,,.... offo",.. _", vi"ble.


. . . CI'IC3'Un: of ",,"'''lry, bu, "'00 as ,bill .1beIt dtmon:Il ..1e> ,be 10000.
omy aad cobcsioa of a n:aprocal
ConlOdtr II.. Ii.Jtln: of. ctrclo
/loa .. In .ho: ..,1Illl C.neoun 1pKC; i, ..
limply marked by a
n"" .nd rema,n. ,otally ,,>drlfCfCflI to itt OUm>llnd

''''.rtoa ....

,"p!.... fit.



1 9~


Ru, an elct:1naJ an:w 'e a,,, ,bo\d ,...1( ...

of "Ol1ed..),~ rirdn
"'hl<h ""La".,. 00" the tnodlly of lhe IOImpio ,ranSl' of (ha'l"$l.he 11,:",", .11
bold In dill"",,, 16) and a,OII1e 0I1ocr ~'io ... on lhe nciftlly. II "thuo .hal lhe
I... of tndu<UO" bocome 'na'"",I', .ny ;n'."'tnllO" ;n.o a tt' of loop! ,.,11
1<"".. """ onl5 ,hal lim 10 MUlrall i., Tho: ],,11:5 of Iofce I.he 'dottedlino
t,nd of _
rornp),g,y be ...... " 1M p/!)'$IC1l1 and .be ."".. ,,~
cal; thor ,nntlll ..... , "",n ... ,urably"

f""" ,

C-.Ior 6,u",,2Il.
Unnl'n, I mapI01 ,,,,,..,d. ''''' "'onh faa: lit Lho VIet"'''y of. an:u" C
provok" !lit
of an ""'uctd rom:IIt and "",teo" ""';bk ,,,
lilsun",6It I ... onh r..;..'.nd a 'S.""h r.".-, ""L.l1IIo: 10 <'OUn'" lbe ",,,"anen'
of ,he mapet. ..". I""", of furor: an: ""'thor 'rear ..,Ift nor ilhoslra1l0M of
\rI".'kd", already dtpoo.I.ed ,n on <1IC)dopudio: lhe) It,d (he ",plGra""" of
field ..luch os ""'Ihe, 611C11y ,n N.,uft nor c~""ly in UndtnUlnd,~



, ,(
,-, "



~ ",

r.rl<by ...... 'be lirs, .0 .... deolro""""",nc 1I"'<"'MoO:;' ~ no' . _UlUIl

that " m"n 'h ....... and I"... offortt .", 11<>1 ""nl",,' ""","Iy ..lib lImuJ ... nl
atlracl""" or ~bioru. The
,bey _ ;.
allll .. nctlOa. and,.u",... ,he ory<'o _ .... oht>ddtn f, ..... IIleral,.....om. n.e
""'" ot~ 'hal ........'" from a _ - ' or a loop do DOl

"It"" ,ha,

Im'''' ..... pROO""'"




, ~/~

FlIIlIday". I,,,"," of force,,~ in ~"p"'pnall". ,.'hal "' '" propo'''"J'o

""II J1"K'""""",1(: ~xpt'~J and in p"nJ ' ...,... '0 lhlt I:onJUIIF of '"P"a~.
,n. "llh lho ho"",', of tho 'f!h)'iICI1 ......, ... Ioot< dnVUII
osed by
lhe ..... 1..'
1III whICh an ...." lhe jaMU' .. hen ,ho mrta
plio, aoIodm.., "beD 'he .."....,I{>D _ltDd< .... tIt. " for OOftm.,.,y. Thu
Laa ...... feeds 011 F"........ ",1Id!..-. ' .... a on .toady .,...... bIo ..... ' ........ tocal


"""'tr .......


~ and


_... r..w

"'.,. panocular .1,,,,,,.. ""'.... . WI bd Cln lrt.verx the deduc-

tlv"d""n. of malhoma.ocal pII)'Iia and ,lIum"""o ",,,,,," _

of ......... '.,..
The fItId b ..... ;nlnm:K: elpm .... nllli m... lIln ,lull "",'<CII " !'rom rho
';"'nj of lhoe un<le"!llIIhnJl (In IhlS len .. ;, " ,rralllCibi. 10 a l .. n~nl.1
""Ip) and from the Ippemes 0( ca.ual'h'" T1>ore it. in tho hI ..,.) .. n!le, no
... ppbo.:It ..... of tbe I"... 01 1iekI.. bUI ..
In tl>lll.ihmJl ptda'''IY by
all.....,... ",Iud! .. ",ipr ...y
In dalric o.piIClO and play 'nth II.
ClPf"."Y 10 1'CIOftILe..
II(I'tIICVCf. Faradafl .,...,lm!.pontlC' wen: ,u.".oou. ..... bcsc """,'n>O\H'
II,," of Jon:ell and pnk"'''' thc 'limp!<- and ckat' odu "hell"" ., d","nce,
"'hocb """'...... r d""" the InMtlOl1 ,,,,,,.. ,d .,he bouOII\. I" .... rds dead .1m .......
lIut the "" ... ckc\roma"",'1< world wIth ,I. bIlC .. hll"" jostleo lhe old habm.
,"" peaceable va"'~lion>l ebe,-", N"", ,. "'n nry 10 cmbrKl! I"... of
"""" ...d HI l>< or IInUe >I<';D. of ...."" or """",". The 'simple and de,,' Idea
ofKt_ III dlSU ..... involved OftI)'. d","n. and plftift obot:, ,.., It II ......
and annt IU' .n......11 1010 the ....'" ........ 1006. and lha. ooem
""1'1"<$ of the IUD loop ')'$tml; puado. <II 111<'1;10 IfIID'!tOM: they an rhe
but they.re lloo.lM: ...... 111.0..... 8CtlOpIcd ""Ih the &mI1at





_ .......... ,le


MlUwcli '''''''gruud ' . ' y rly on the l'C'oluuon\ brought .00.' by I""",,
macllll..,. for prod"""1 numben by secoon . ...'11",11 pr"",,11ed lhe .xpmmml.....
.. n"blilly lo lhe hU Mof It... field. II. C<IfHIdcred lhal " ..... f,rsl oI.n ,.... or)'
' 0 ,nllll'e 00Cidf ,n the "'.... 11 01 thi;r ...... ph,....,.1 ,n' . I1"", before "I""0l"oa,,n," IOIIlbcma'ic:al l ...... led.. Ind do:l ftOl hde II,. pa' ..tminllioa..


hono lhe Rr;llJ:bl

of F.lldo:l lo ' t... b..... ulli.>= of Farad;oy 11111 Iw
hem lhe c~'.r of,t... o:Ieao by .. h"'" >CIC""" Iw; been advanced, and
by lhe fre.: u"" of d ynamical .. ""eU u ........ 'ncal idea ....'e may hope for
fU, lhe, ad .... ...., .. The aeomctrr 0( ...... ',"" i. aD Hample 0( a ma.t...ma.,
IeII ..,..""" nt:abhJh,ed ...-uhou t... ,0:1 of ';op: ""Icu"'"on Now
h,aday's Ii.... of Ioru occupy .he .. me powllon in d.afO.lfUIJIC1'"
KIlO""" lha. pcnall of I..... do In .he ..omotr), or pow.m l'bc)' i'um,"",
a mechod 01 build, ... up lUI e:ucI meouol ....... of I'" ......... e an:
n:&OOOlngaoo.rL The .... y;o "'hocb hraday made .... oIb ........ ul bnn
ul lOra ,n "....,nl"wlln..... pbtlKllflCna 0( maloel....,lccInc milut'l;""
.110"'$ him 10 ba," been ,n tab.) I malhc:malociloo or a "cf)' h'aJi " , dc,
one from .. h"", lhe m.lhemaliciansol.t... (Ul u ", mo)'dm'c valu~bIe
and 10:,,;10 ..... 1\0<1.. ..
In O<dcr to !deple dl ...""" 10't... _ l pou.nd driiolll""ly and.o euoam>
h,-EEIt n<:!wndy "'Ilh Ikpfto ofl ......_
COllI", 'tl .... F...... y .......\1 ....
coall<lcn"1 , ..... 01 b"", 01 """ WI .,., arPl><d to a urul 01 outfxc lhal "
Il ....'''' ... to ....

6eId ..... ft,. 21),

We ohould le"",,,,he hal ,he .... ' ... ,'" I,,,,,, 01 ro"'" d ill"u"" It... .. lICIlOR
.. h,1e lust.ioin," <on'l~nl nux al>lltherclo.... ... ,I ."""d,nllo okJ,.,., of

""",....,..;on 0' abolemcnL TIIil r~t!damenla] IMOjlUly ilIum,,,,',, lhe doooao

"'Iuhcs: .t... numbo. 01 UlI.,.....,lioos oflne.. II ...... IIh Int .... "~ .... u,!ac:r> i.
ron.lane Th<rer~ .... 10 .. u~nLi[y lhe ,"1.nOlly of lhe F>tld 'n 1p.ilCl!, ,I .. ~ufticionl
'0 roll"1 lhe I,,,,,, ,olera:pted pe' uni, or 'pa<:C.j" <I U IM.peal "'.
OOdy""" be ..... 'un:d by lbo Rumhe. 01 marlcn ,I J'IUICS
"nil of IIIDt
S,*" be"""
OM ,,",111 .. y, .... fir") 0I1.hc luta of Iotcc. .... o of .hey all
onl)' he """" by.t... 'mu>d'. O)",',.ad f . . ., ma k.. lhe "'Ie,a] .ll;W;l 01 ....
.... pdJC II". almost ~lpo.ble.J""" 0ranIe bad boen ,bit '0 "..rold Ikpe ..
01 "dotily by ono..a mobiJo: .ubjea and t<cprncm,;n. 1f\'~1'" a, lain
,cl"";IY by a mon: Of lct.I. .. ode ,",.nale. RUI " .. """'""'I'} 10 .mr/tason In
cuenlia.] d,ff.n:n"", hraday'$ lII"'al ronmOOI;"" , "'hich Willi 10 mako " !lenS" i
10 Oel'= of ' ntM", ... romp, ..s.on_
Wc _ wlllll
hraday [,"'" lhe ma,bnn3IK:a1 pII)...,. 0I,t... Frettdt.
lrad""",. Fur .... mrk. ma'hclnallall.hcory of doublet.o ( POI_'ll" don
1'1 W .,aka _ n l ' .,( lhe elf""" or an ...........1 loop.. bul ,I ........n.
"'bjea '0 .... old IIltbm oflbougb. of a",*",""'-rq>tIhion. The doubkl. of
fIII&J>l"lic cba,p .......... and 111J\",1! .".. lhe .. me fOfmulac. bul ,he) ....."
'''Iac he po .... , 011"",, 'nuKlI' "'hlCh ..... uJlPOiC<l '" IOlhe the ImJ&j""tion.
of which 5<helllo. ,.;l,d 11Ilt. il " 'al_'ay~ 11<1.. 0.... of ."bolfll'. 11>11 hal IOIIIC
dlllkuhy In IhUll ,n. 01" .. mrie ~nn .. "houl Jomrlh.". ,n ... h1Ch lhey!ll.hcn:.
"'luch iI no doubt 001)' c:omlonoble. bul al..",.. """up" , he ...".,w..u,..





The "1Iwd' ""m..ba~) oIf"u .......... n.y ofl'" ..,...,"'.. 10 ~ lbo ~

"",a, of ,he ......... 1C ...,j drancal poIInzal""''' lhe ...btl"'l" bumn '"
drl ....,.. up alNtodJ:roand on ...h.. b ......."'i<Jfo .. dqraded bu, ..... ""', ... f....... of
.lh..l0.... role p;iOl. Con.ral'} 10 , he
, hal
Arpl>ll '''''-..".. (be
",,,1,,,1 un '" lhe ,mOllnane.. ,he nu ... """I. bu' ... "he, moholu:c< nor




EUiCTIOGJ;O. .. ':n I(" 5~ACI!



la)ltl1ns: " "","be< tho- """III"'IIOQ. bul by "" """,n, rttP"""" lor

[he .evoIu"""

01,,,,, lI,cral,No' Oyntun><d oI1roph'k>s<>phy.

u ..... or f"rce ... n ""P'o ."""" wnhoul ealhnl on ft~od. ro' help: ihc <:onoop'
or n... wholly envelop. the ui. loop arlicullll;OI1 and. IU SOOn n the Ill"""


,ha,. """'"n>.

be"nl '" throb. the '.AI ...,' 1hal '1ilIed 11 up'

W. kno ..
uona]1o...... lwn '" IlOl .""up 10 rid ,hc op<'l1IhOlI 01 .he$< ~~ poonb;
i .... pnar,.. alllllben bee.."",, 'a>mpleJ;' oa/J ..'11m pooiiC,m"" I.nd _I ..
if )mIlne meaII wnqurn..,. '''l>0l00 pIone. TIm planc c:an_ be redlloCtCl
lhe ~wo-d,_1 U' .... IOII 01 our InlbootS; II OS ...orbnl ."'" ,"",
"".,~ Idcu on .,.Jo..... ho "'ri6 10 pcoSIltOn h,m$df ,,,,",,
The .....,hanies 0/";111 ......1100.' a d .. tal>CC hu",..,o "'pe OUI ,he ;mmm..
y...:uum Iofl bt1 ..""," lhe I'mnlo, and II IS known IIow m~h thIS hto!ul heIne.
.nd Qlu.. h,y irritated """'" of N...... ' on. C<)n' '''''p'' ... tIelI (....
1.21. 10 (I1Um, the Mlnaol repulsiom and lU>XIIOIl' do not 'phYJlC'"IIy'
.boII... lhe...,...nncar '"Inn\; they .... ,~ 1M pOoI4.Ibdllr 0'" play ""'qu,~t..
,,"'" betwcetl [he """lIonal rebll"",", ,he rep"", )O)J 1~(I<Cb.dy .he amoe1l000tl o~ ,bo .,,,, ... nb if they aK prodlOCfd b)' 11'1'0 lnlnl..ene "" ........ t.
of OIIPC"',e dilution (rcspca,,'dy of the "'me d"U' JOnI15<>< 6,. 221_




' ...... It

Eltricalloops co", f.om lhe point of .,111 of .. bat the) "'~Jl ,f.om thr
d"'lJrllmmat., point 01 ......1. hr <XIftlI<I<.-.d II ..,.,~ "'",.: Ihry a .. lOOt
co."""t merely . 'l1b lIC'UuIJ"'''1 the """"'0111.;0,,,,,, oIltl1aCl;'- 01 "p"b.oUlb
biI, "" .,.ttxt from It 1"0 I.ual _I".... '''.01 ...... ' a ""JIC'DWO" of Ibt
tntUit"".nd ,MlltUllOI "MI
"",""onUtII '0 !be pnII: of
CIt ..... lil_ In tho: ",me ..... ) oqow-e toOt <loa lOOt aim to fill up lhe >91'<'"
th~t '..
fll1hr' ....,k. to unlle .... Olher
tb,.. llIat I b m'lton InlOUttd 10 .""..:1 III"", din.:I:I;oO, from
one neplt"" "n,l.



""o;;' "



lI_h_ .prx~ II>



In Ihr autiol matbcmattal pllpoa. 11 ,. the mot""" 01 t..... <lahon [Ihr tul<:,.
01 ...... of lhe pnnaplc 0I1Mfl..' t""U""",l>.t. medlan,cund pu.. .."......,).
",.,. ""'Uon, ""'~ ""rwo,ktcd '.I<:m.ouu'l Ind nat ural'. for lhey docoml""'"
read,ly like pi: " of ule,,,',,n (.po.t ..1 and lempo",ll. taken ou, 'from lhe

ouui<\e' .11"""1 tqIrd for 1111: powllon and. Wlbk. lhe 1JIp: and toIl1lOf\,
1* m, .RI, no, .n,o/no.lbe Jf1Iq> of. prope$lol'"
oul !lOt ,III:
ordeal of ambljully, T b tu d'Al<-mben ..'",co io Ihc ,ot,OO\l(.'I,,,,, 1o his Traltl
d. DJ""",","'"


AJlIIIII ........ ...... 'Iy '" tbe tnoll"" of' bod,. io lilal ;t In,'d,. t;nUiR
Ipla .nd l/utl II !au. I <%flaiR lime 10 do ..,. It lberd_ &-om lb.
idea alone lhal aU lbe pnfla.pIot of media""" "'UOl Ix den.'. .! n
Mlny of hradafl """",116.: ronltmpon ........... bopnn.n .. like h"", to
ftnd Ih" """ahly fOl lra ......uOM 0 .... rol.,ions e,"""';,'c. 101M not. "Sur"
dual;~ dan. 1c:J oat""'" tnI,bfm>ltqllCI' of b" AI'<"I'" ltUIarl~ ...... I"ori,rw
tI k d".,.lop/lf'''''''' M$ "';'Mh~ ... ,lnMJtrf., CIln1c:J IOIlM lha! ~Ien
...ould lu.n 1hc1. a".nlt"" more 10 .0mOf)' m<'ltIOOJ .."", Ibroe rep,u.:nled
1M mosl oqlcocIed polo: of. d ..... ,~ lhal dom .... ted Ihr '),>1"'" 01 tM . 'or\d
and """,h.an>a:


We .,U draw ou, H" ...... eumplc 01 du.lny f...... lbe

01 !be .. odd
and lbe ....'. 01 mechanics. AU bocl>c$ arc end"",'ed .,tb I...., moliom. the
one be'R, ".nlialt"n. tbe ot"", rolalton aooul In ua. T k.. dout>lc mOlina
;.. r""nd IP'" ,n lbe .kmcnllt)' moUoo of a ",ltd body. lut .. 10 .. y in
aoy and III .nftnitcly ..... 11 moUont of ,h .. body
ThII _~.It."'" of ,wo IIIOIKIfLI " "" ",,~.hblc raa loday ... beII
roothalll,oealllw:ones .,.pII.o 11 and .wld uox;()'" " -Ilhe k"",,1cdsc
WI ..... ha~ d>ol _ mult f.om ,"" obKn.. uom 01 ..'..,..,........ Rut "
.-oIa1Of}' mouon " ,. lhe cyG oIlhe obtrrvcr a property of.be "demal
bod_ as markedly .. tlot motion 0IIra",!aI10n, and ...., ,nhcrml '"
<.... '}'I)"nllh" " JUb,ra to lbe act'Ont or , he ror= oIlhe lln,, oc. tbm
grumolo" hi Il(l' Irra,e<! Ihese t.'o kindt or motion ... "h lhe ... me
m1poru.o.h,y. They b.,.. ~ tbe mOltoo of lrantl."o" lbe natllral
and dC" ..IWY ~"'" of lhe body
lMtpo. .. bIc mot;"'" 01
Bu, c.n OlIO "'" ouppooo<. _ , tbal tile
.... ""d>a of 1110 U",.., ..... mu~ I"'" n ... 10 mIIlhcmaloal thcorieo. Ul
"'hi<h lhose 1I0I0 n>OIIOf\' would play the idcnltal .. me role' And then.
the pnncirlelhal <:auld u"nclhc>c 10110 11..",_ lhal rould .nable '" to
puo f,am lhe oM ' O.he Ol he . like lhe Il>rorcm on .. htd! .... Iut ... b.1osed
I"" pmclrical dual", of lhe ulo",;on ., .... t. and th., .. hich "". i<'n'ed
10 l.nk bel.Wl\ thrm .ho: t ., model of """,hani",,, domption or
bodic:l. ,h. prifla.pk. _ ..y. could Ihrow IRII liPl on 1111: pnncipics or
nalgral phikw>phy.
C,,, OM: fo~ C'\"ftI when: the ... '*"1......... or 'IIC~ I pnllOpi<" of
dWllllJ ""Id IQd" HI"". hnked ''''0 by two all ,be phmomma 01 matun:
.IId. tbr "",I"""",,tallo.., ... h.. b
than. ..ould Ih', pnDL"Iplc 110'
10 t.ot .'"C1l to ,'''' C.ll>CO of Ih ... p.'>c nomeoa? And tan one lhe" Ay
Ihlt lhe"" .-ould be "" otM< I.w ..." ..... ""ndioIIO lhe ..... or .ra."" ""






",be. "' .. Ihli WO\Ild ..... y , he gmt role;u N...\on....clliko;1 '"'rYe 10

.. pili"

""I"mo, phtnomc:l\I~.

II .... Ihnri"", mati.. "" WlmC: ulJ"'ICY ."", one "" tbe poles "" lhe 'Y'''''''
oIlbe ... O<ld """"1<1 be <:<>n>odcred ,,"h
impa.ual!ly' and lhil Iht
an",ula""" link,,,,
WoiIkl be ......... II .. on ,emu 01 \bit """"lY .,..



bel ......... '''''' ....11011.1 Mnd ,otallOft' luI .....-../I. 10 . - . .

Ibm,I",,," ;""",,11011 0( qUIl<:mlO>M. II. as I lam~lon ......"tI,O>!. .~ ill I ..


'OrdoT In ~', II '"'" not moo'" .. mply\(> com~ lho 01"'" "",,,to
10. "rc",iCI! poLD' libe onp.'), "'" <"UI II> product lhom by , ... a$.Ia, ......
... lbe p<)mC,IQI ronnuLor 8 .... + (II .-I I and 1M LnallltJC Iomoalo
l'W1 .... _ "001<10."'" _""'... p- 161 ~ 11
.ty IO ~
iI ""adaboulO of II by PO>'OI'''I Oft 00_ elf I. the m,1'OII1>CbOft In "" lid........


-- .


lIamih"" Kk",,1ia "nb .. "'n be ddi_ .. A<JUd', ..... 'hod 1_ dIaptrr JII).
bul .",. : if ,n ,awhon, ,100 .. !10k 01' ,'poa UI the bal ........, 00__ be
~ .he ./tow pcrpmdONbr un," I.J 01 lnbtdl'Oll. .. JOO<b<,rQI
.......... Thr !nbod"", II. j. AI .hut "I'I'"rI .,
d""", o;ni$..:tOS'<UIl 01
..,.... (Deocan ..' mple C<><Jf>.l""'1"~ bul 0100 and abo ... In I place of ""hlf..-_
ena: bett. .. ,be ....."" 111<11"*''''0 unl!....
Ltk. A~nd. Hanul,.,,, 110)10 ....... Imoo 01\ COftIoIdmn. propon ....... bly ..
OIl,mat PfM)IlO 'M doftn,uon rA In) mulllplk~I""'- II. I,an, by" ...". h.Jmsd1
..",,!anh'" boIoreno d'r-11Of1 raliof.. 'b"""os', rA.he ~ind, 'The d.r-11011 r ..
.0 ....1>11 1M d,m;1Il)"'" 10 w', .. luch,
his no,".,on. ,. "'"lIen
'f N]ot "SSUm,,,, lhe k ....... led.. rA ~n) II""
.hoc:I, muluplkauol>,
I ......111 to drl.,m,,'" "'/0.01 OUlh. 1<> be NII.l<lcml as lb. FOt:k TH
rROPOkTIONAI.. ". to 1M . hm: "",,_nlula, d'r-1H>n. J.I, t':'" ... - J is
Ih ... 1be fou"h prOpOrhoul ...,11'C'd 10 I. J, ~. ie. i I: k:., ~nd, .oo~ all, , bc>:c
Ih .... unll, apPC"'
,he ..:>lu,l o ". 10 ]lfobkm I:>al.~ 10 find lbe unn Df
di"""io .. .. ...,hlhall,,'o' ... hll'illo_1 Lc:11: . ::,<: I
A mulliplica1"", ~ ~an lhen be <kfi"'ltl '"'''h Ihr hdp '" the I"'=<lina
bo,al'"" T hut. j ~ J.. k i. "fIOlller ,,"y or "''''n8 (I ,1 :;:j I, We .1.., obll,n
lhe (oIlo"',o~ ro. mular.





ixJ _ t


'ro, ,,, ..,





J' -


SI*'" .. IlOl $OOIIpiy joInod 10 11..... I,l... ilOC(Ind !lap'" 1110 e>l<: ......... bu,
of oqua", """" Ibmihon, 1o.1'Ll"'" btln.
IIPPUl1 II. an II/bclilincd
abol .. up!"", ,nlu .. ...,,,Iable .....nclncal lpaJUJ " hdllibera",, Ihmc:n""'...
thus mlleO'Cd rrum ,1>0 "...,~tnlbIc order of tbe .'<nld. Thio .... pc"""'" of ,_
Ira",,, ,,,,, unlc:. lu ..... ' 0. "'hlCh
JU.I .... ",pic _n', 'n10 an inSUIlI
1i<iu1JItd be, ...... " .. bcf<>a and an ali ....... toppon, plio"" " 'hen: lran .... llOn.
and rOUUOn .... ~f1Iculalcd lhe >'10 .. lj.l ar<: "'" I""",. ilmply 'basoo
\'10" bul aI"" the .... '" ~,,,ual '01.110111 .'Iuch ' ..... "h lhem round (_




lromplcx numbc.,



1' ..

lhe JpIIlM ulUI. I. J. k '0 ,be ... ''''.".lIal'

unll, I Jnd
I. and Hlm~'0<1 upl".. I) I'ok> ,be IOllcr ""'h lhe u.. '"
1'f'1II1l'<IoI'" and unod,n><'fUIO<IllI u,,(u,Il ...' '" ''''''' and OJ.....
Ihc:rt 10 lbe
1..). l. .. h"h IIH>IIld lot ...", 10
IU. "IlIOn: """5."
Tboo mdbod 0( Ibm,I,.",, IS IUd") ,ntqn'cd ,nlo ,be II.nlq)' be",1ded
by Alpnd lot ...In....
InMlU>"': ,he ..... " no/" mol"", ,ho toe>'
-1 10 + I .. ,ho, 0( ,be !low 0( u .... f.ocro lbe lid"", to."", ahc-r and ..... be
"PO" to oJ by Iolnlll
Ii&- 231-

Thnc rormul .. darl)

" __ ,1


lIC'JI'"' ..



""'t>" (_



11 IS no ionF' 1hot m)'ltcnOUl painl whcno 1be cuonbnal'" ..

Dcoall", 1I"ffC iWIIllowed up lind ..... fIt'd IOFIhcr, bu ....., . 'ben: ~ J. t """QI
up hu ......1 Of polo. --,,,,,, and .. ben! Ih_ 'rod.....',. llK .m""b led a,
p ... a ~ind of ....._ _ _ _ r '"
lhe QJnC ...... It.... ~,oa



(koca"",,' (nhoilmn aod lll'" cank" on it d)"""",,,, .rId .. completIon in

kllC'llIn, ",i,h ,be univ~u..J dUAhl1 ""raided by Cha*'- Hamillon', mpit

,... labllity pIlOnl m..",tcs .."u,.. t .... ~ uatll thi, Lome, Md "","m.d <:apc;'-"
or ,"" body
n.e,., It .. lI>ulllplJca~"" and ._tOf)' ..wolos~ or ,he IotnIvJa or lbe u,"kwI
IIIt'rl ... + rtlw..J '"' ..... ,_). "'bN;;h i, Ill< ,~Jlow "", l""rned WI b}' ,..,._)
and .. hoch ,;",," rise 10 lbe f".mut..:


rh., 4"~, ...... i.onl ,n' rod"", m,o the lI"omctry and pbyOcs of lbe fUI"'" a
.. volpI"'" .. ''''pot"lanl'' Ihl! of I......... n .. DOOI"dn.alOS:

l'Io .. Qt&aknl"",S
is. mllhnulJClll mclbod. but II is """hod 01
,lunklnJ. and not. al last lor Ihr prnnil
a mtlliod oI"'lna
lhoopl ... II (;1111. upOn lJS .......ny "~p 10 fonn ml'nral UIlII" 01 1M
aeom<tnc>.1 feature< "'1lr...n.1'<i by tbe JymooJt. to Iha. in SllIdy,n,
rry by \h" """b,)d ""
Out mind. enpp;d .... 'h I!OOfIl<'1OQI idru,><




__ " <nII"""' _ _

BUI ro. .... ny purr..... 01 ph~ ......,..,0.. I i d,u,,,,,,1SIw:d I...... calcula

IP_ the .sample 01 .be t ...""", 01 .. u.~. Thio eurnplr

ill ...... '''' dUlly lbe mUhJpllCII""" or "0<1011' l!>d Ibn. cIoul>l< role:: "OC\Ol'I
,n ...1 .im lod ' OUI",n U,,", ,Iuol i u',tch ,b.m (')II til .. poonl. tee

'iOn. " is dc:io.rable 10 .,"OOd e.plocltly ,ntroduc,n8 thr Cart"';,n coord.


nl 'e!. .,,01 '" ft. Ihr mil>ll II "'"'" on I point of I,,""" ,"""ad 01 ill Ih ...
roordln,'''' Ind nn ,be maan"ude ...d dirLlDf> 01. 'Of'IlO illl,.><1 01 ilt
Ibm """'p<mm," Thll mode of _ ...... plaunl "wK'ncaI and ph)-.i<:al

Ilndi. 11)_
Hamil,,,,,',",OCUb.lCd tnple! (I.)..) has U obvK>ul.~prnmml.ll _ ' " it
ICh,,",~ .. "", I-U perhaPl' A.... , n'" ..em d",am; 10 (WOpd body by
lh<>u.ahL 1/, n""," the u""~rw. H.",illon co.td'uIly dl~"a,'''lhrd~.. pre>dll(>!(! by lho mllltoplication o:>f ''''0 "",..1101 dlf..ctio", ,11<1 "'hose
.I .... y. """"".... In<,! ,"ttIun. lh...nUl'" .""Iial urulilltbe


qllltL", .... i, tnOi'O prmuU'~ 01>11 ""'"' nalural lhan ,be

,hr odeao oo"'>I!C,cd ..'"b " dod not """i ... Il&ctr lull de.'d~1 ,iU
I I.m,lton mlde lhr
d""liol "l,h IP'i: hy II>< onvonILuo
of IIu Cakulu! of Qt&a1""l.Ion'
I '"'" ro~"notd. I>o......~r, ,"", lbe
iftUotl""""", of Ihr JdcaJ, , WlII hr 01 pc!I'
L<I ... g& l)&r ,hLdy <ll all
put. <ll OUr .... b;,<ct. aDd t:SfI" pally 1ft dI.otl)1!1mM'S, ..'hr ... ...,
deal ""Llh _ number 01 phyO&Cl.l qlWlbl_ lbe rdaIlO... of ..'hleh '0 each
OIbo. can hr .~p.t<ocd la r mo", .. mply by I... "1"'=10"" of lI amllton ..
,""" by.I>< ord,nary "'I ...1ion....


"""""1<'<1 I"h P''''



qw>J",,,,,.j __
01 oneII"'h"".nd . 'booc "I"",.. " oJ ... ys ...... ';..,


(.... AI'JII'I'd" r ~ QuaI01lllOll$IIIetd'on: ..... to;, poiIIbIt 10 duu""' ..... nd.o

.... ide .... lII'O . . .n... Iymhol , .. (1. ,,) ... 0 ~ upen ....... ts; tbe 1CIIlo.
npenm"'" 01 dillllllOllllr>d tbe
pen"'''.'' ","'ted.o perpendlCula.
fi .. 2S and Append ]).

,"ee."""] ....






II ""'" =r-UULI dts"''':lIon ..... dnn I liamil"", ,"'11m hr dt.-.dcd

,he! quann t"" ",Ib "ho:h be had '0 do In,o ScaLo. q.... nIL'ICO

I!oy. Iabt)

VKiO ... ..



, ';"" lJ
'''''po i ' ;., _ ' .

";i . _ . , .
. . . . . . . I "'" ""',.-..........


Hlmi1ion .... pc:cic:d 'M ,IIILl1!!_ ..... 'I\canoe 01 hll dulC<wny and amIOCCf;llcd lbe Wt I,,,.,"If ydLN 01 hi. 1,1. to it" Mnwdlrcwpll.t.<ld immcdLo,ely

The ;n...,nh(H1 of .be> ""kulpi 01 Q ... ,cmloo:>. II .... p 1<1 ..,.,,<1< .IK
klLOwlod .. 01 qlWl,; ..... rdated '0 "'""" .. Iuch can only hr """'1'111,,01 ""
lIS lIIIportati<Z, .. ,\h 11K in,~1)(H& 01 'nplc co-onI ...... "" by DacanQ.-


Mu,"",n ......'"
q....... """'. prom;" lIomolFruza,1IWL .. penmenll
,hat.", much roche. ~I>II mucb mo", .ui,cd.o .,""'Irical'"""" Ihan Dcscanos'
dlll'L< ....""" Indeed. lI~mill""I'nplc: oorl""" ... on:hatratcsl.pllCC ....
,upe'!><* I~h .. euctJy OO! ,Ioooc oond!lClcd by Faraday'. boet of
rota.ioDo ololdoiod
dolled lines by Ihr ""'.......: field a nd lbe
1a1..... 1
<ll C,UKIl" maIm 'n~"n ... maJ 10"","" .nd spIIl,., "'I .... '"
rool . To rombi"" ~'I"""y and it am,lton " .0 """'pLe randiDo< P'''''
aram"", and to undc",.nd .1>< lleld al ,hn Jl'R'C'O.... 'poin,' whr ...
and phy';"; bola_ one __ be>r ou, D.C1 .....,......nc ~ II ",.l~ by lbe
......",11,,_ <ll .be .... ,,~""''' """I)(H& d...Jny wllh ,hal of the ....,......J 6dd
aod ........ t..: field, The tnnWtlOlll ..."".,..... ,hrm......,. e.urctJy on tho
mol", ... of ,he ch . .... molti"l du .. n ,he oIope or pOIen,;"I, and mUll",,",
mah ,be.. pia"". ,,"i,h, pDllnnlilln pivot.





nu' ..



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,i ,~:gi:at 31!;~:~' i;~! !a..lla.r~1
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i ' .. h 'iP~"" ":go,!' " '!Jf <~'!H ,"
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In .. med.wn. and """par[e] ,"""" .,Ib ,he "'-n'Cd phe_.MO ... of

1tIllJ;lIIII:I..... and d<:ctnaty _ I (WOI"* ...,..- 10 .... m",. ""'JI'tIIC ......
0IMftII from I """,haa",*, pOlin' of ..... and 10 del..........'11.1, , .... ""'"
In. Of moloonJ of, I lTItd.um Ire alpobit of produciJla .be meduonlCal
p/><nOlllnuo ob<crwd If. by .he ......, hypolbesis.. ... CI.l! Wfln1 tbe
phcnomc:no 0( rna"",,,,, l!!rKutm ,.j,h ok<lrom"l""li<: phenomena Ir>d
..ilh ,h_ of ind~ ......
,,,,,II h..., found ... heOly "hieh. 'fno.
'""'" can only be prond 10 be" ""..",.... by upcrilllC1l" .. h",h "'ill,Ially
...11111 ..... ' kno .. ltdll" of lh'" PO" of ph)"ll<1"'

rn"' . "'.

.on...... Ruucmber tI"'11be ....... or chap\el' III . .' ,be mobib.y . j

" ..
r..u, IlIId that from 1M poonl 01 OOIIUICl .here .-.... 1"0 1.,n 'npt)'C,," ..tuclt
I .. iacI""hlc ol """I c"" ,n. 1....""1I0Il. We kno .... ha' 1t ...hIt symmetry
bet ........ the 'baM:' .nd tbe ', oller' .1\.01 II...... til,,.. 10m: '0 ,hc ,JLOpm and
pre'cntJ il fMm 00". <k.... dcd ,nto. 1""", ,,,,,01 KIIo"o".
We ... tbe d,lIicully: 1 ,h",. I",,,.lition ;mrod""", I d,")'m"",.'1 {,om.he
ou .. ode tlLa, annot mult (rom ,be combil1.luon ol '1WJ o~ ro'an"",

._ ft"


M..... UIU","," thlnk,,,, of./Iae moI_ ,,,",,," , ........... III .he mcWu ....
.. -a.cl\a",.;aJ tII ...,r:ouons 10 atilOI the """1'''"00II''' II",, .. !be ICfn' . .
In aII",,>'e i-Iratq<m ,oio, 10 ..-.',110 IfMIIIWIllOD~ lIow do .be old mectuon
IeII '1M", Pr<JI'I1I' thnn..."," 10 rctaJ .. ,. ",,,h.n 1be ni. loop
d,oeo ...
~ by F...dar and Arnptro! ~fs .'sumo .... 'h \ta ....U .hal .he un",'.". It
filled ""h I ma"",lic hor made up of m"lecula.
.""h .hal .be
d,,"cllon of 1he ui. of l ~ VO,,1Ca I! ,an.onlla! ,<>.he I)""" "forte ond 1M,r
.111"""'peed pr<>porhon~l lo . he intons"y of 1"" field (.... fig. 27).



or cou""'- Ihi. u ucmpJ,I\td'," ""tu.. by frltloon ..... hicb iI .'by Mu. ..",11
.inta lhe


I """" iOIIod ..... t dofticltJly ,n _,..",. 01 tbc nlSlmCC ol ,on""" III II

oncd ............ by lOde. ....'01 ."" ,II I~ _
dl=uoa lboul pa~ u.a.
no. COII'J&UlMII ~ 01=, -""."
be "",.. n,1lI "PP'"
.. Ie direct ....... aod It " d,f6cuh to uodcnund bow lbe motion 01 OM r-n
01 ,be medium ClII """"" .'IIIt..od e ....... prod..ce..n 0PP"l'I~ """"'" 01
pon in contaCt ... nb ,t.
Tho only COfII."Cpllon . hoclo Ita. at til Il><lcd me in roO>>Ylng of ,b ..
kmd '" mOIm is that or the .oruoeo 00"1 """,,",,0<1 by .l:l)'C'r of ""nodes,
.... oI.;n. eacb 0fI ,I. "wn u.u ,n ,be oP"""'te du..:t'OfI '" ,1\.01 of lbe
tbal tbe conulUOIi .... rfao::o ol ,be p<uuo:la .nd of ,lot .,...,..
hi"" 'M ....... _lOa..
h ooochano_ I'boa 1_ wlxdo are
.0 ....'Ok, ,II <bo: same
bul if pIxed bet ....... lhem >0 . . '0 be LII p t ..lib both.
IlIId 'bn..-bod is aolled ... 'idle .. bod: Tho:
<bo: .on""",
I"hoch I 10.00", 1<, IUgeit "that .. layer ol parlocics. actlnl a
.. ,nletpo:d bo' wtI eaeh \o'Of1t1 and 1110: .... ~ to lha, _II. "lt1t:l has.
t.ndency 10 mak. tbe ""'Ihbounnl V,,"1ea ""01..., I" thc..,me d,,,,,,,><,,,
with "5<1(."

'VI'!" "'....

' """,17

W"h hit oy.lmI or JUr "hocl ... M.."",n .I.. ady manaJ~!o droco r many
ol!he 1i"'1 and p/Ie<I<>m<1lII olo!.!ic ml"",""" No!e tI"" !hal lbe mllerial
nil" .. ollhcst &<:a .. omUm mu<h 100 It..on lheir elis!1C coni""'. In<! .he
<I"... '" rnodt:lo or >opera!1On or .nlm"ly Ib,,, lbey impl)'.
An lfI1por1an. II ..,. lhal or lbe <I) ......;.;, ........" ,
'\1.,... I .. I...... """"" "" .n rot IOII" .od 'Wby are lbey amap
lOtOrd,n. 10 1M kno..... Ia"" oll, .... of 10m: .boul Impell IlIId o;ut.......... Wc ha.." '" fact. now _
' 0 mqwn: Int" tbe ph)1.Ini OOnnUJOD
0( ,hooe .onlCe>
.ltl'1< (II ...... ' .. "h.,", ..... Ire ,hI! In doub' 1$ to
the n.ture of ckctl'1<ity,"




It i, he .. thaI .....
I" re"",mber 111:11 lhe",
In: by no "",aM
,u,>p<)JCd to be '-r. but of th. "'me I)PC 1$ 1"""" "n"lyxd in I!J.~.C A ..... t
..hoc\, ,<11< .... "" Iu 0 ..... ,lh"'",I""hc
11>< in."n'''f illO the f\fkI.h>1
tIw IIJIp"" 'rcod illo """110"', It .. """"dled .. llh 1110: 11 .....1 tnpt)U
U. I. ,11_ III. Iormula I I I~
It " _
IE" &'1 10 ... U" .be dtloo:.1t po"""'" of EM Irt""'''''''"' ol tI


ro,'""" ..,





MU.'e/llh"" Dbta,no 1.)'Stem 0( bulky wheel. (. 100 'yor,_l joined '''IC'ber

by """ll b.lIIs lihe 'ponic .... ). It II hcre lhal Mu .... n "'oota.n impor"'''t
thrnhold, be
lho: mOhon of thew: p"" .......llh an ~w'nr ~_


II appears .... , ........ boot. """"""" 10 OUt bypolho:ooo. "" """"nc curmo'
'" ' ...... Bled by ,he tnn'S , ......, ollM _bIe panda ,",,".," <I

be! ..... ~ tbe ..... "'boun Q. _on",",- We IIIII~ ~,'e thai ,""'" pamelts
'" vr:ry ......U comr-mi .'nh the """ <>f or,ex, and I~I lbe ""'"
of all tbe p(lnJ<'ic> lOF\be. II IILIjIj~..: .. bk wmpam! ...-lIh lbal ollhc

....n""" _.n.. pHtidoa muu

be co"e....ed \0 roll W1lboul

.w.", be",...."

lbe _onlC>et' "boch they IqMnue. ...d MIl 10 lO""b eado 0I1In. so 1M!.

IOUI as they ....... in "'I h." tbe..arne wmpkte molecule. there is no I"".
of ....
by re!oI<lan<e."



A .....
tbrlhn 1)11. ' In ..'e11 apln do><:nbes !be IW ..... bee......, lhe
"La. . _lkth" llId \IM: '''''Ufl:
The po<1!d1:s 'om""1 , he 110) Ire In rollon, rcwtI""" .'lIb bolh tbe von..,..
.,II1<b lMl
bu l do not ru b
.""h o,her They I perfectly
free ,0 roll be .....,,, lbe ,onlOOl and so 10 .h;o .... tht1. pi..,.., ll>ec
panicles. In .,... th:><}. pLoy ,he pon ordc<:1 . ici.) Their IIIOUOn ainu""
lion ronilllutn u den';';' ..........."


5<'f>!"'' .

nu. is 10111& 10 make n pooo.obk to deK"be ""'"' "",:; tc:I, 110.. MILl ...1I
fori'" K"lC'nutk pr.> ... of .....1<>1)' .nd t he ,n,. oduc\'<>fl ol "milamy. Hlltt,
It MOhlonl. aDd OIMr m<>d<rn ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,",,. of IIIn. ,,"'" tI..", lI.o .... Iha, me'.pha< dors MIl ",..,""" J)rOUJOI"'1 _~ bu. 0(11 b) <R<IIilw .....
,1000-",.... ~ IUtbon 10..... l'\on <pOl... of tbe
of ulhomy by
...... apbor and olllle \11'-.-' 01 "'-a.... 01 U I(IKJOnf.. .. lie, lho: PrJ, tho
ball boan np ll>d I ~ 1""0(>11, rUJ'>eI'On ~s rnctaphor<. tn the ,;tn.. lhol ~ tl>eory
Iha. i, already old 10 ram,t ... , '''Iuition< in_II Ind ,llnm,,"'I<,> a ""w doma,n
.1cct ........ pe1'IlI
by pirun rn:<h YOIIlhfW,..... 1"""'- II to ' loU I""
ariICU"l"", poonl oIa htt.bo""" oIlk1n. the Ild loop
IMI Of~/>e$lralel I"" "'nnual"'o' by d.,..."", 01 ...."- 1lM: Loll.,. come (rom pure
t,ncmallC: ,.., I"..., ....., "".. camulll M.... tli .."..ral<s 0111 rnctionf and
d ..m". as ,"bo;KI'~'y tho: q...",on lhe nature 01' lbe 'mhum' nu. b,,"p
UI m... h doter I<> lho: dl3sramnutl", ...,.1"".... already prKlI1Cd by <l< Broalir
I" dnnunslrllC lhe dabl y oIlM IoorIlOll 01 ...1.na1 )'OInt vdnctla UId 1M
horl.!Oll 01' pIw;e .dual... I.... II.J~ nu. punlicalion as...,h ........ u&1 10
mn<enlral ,1 IUenl",,, "" lhe arua,tll_ and OIl n. c&pKlly to find 1"'0
m<>I"'ru; to OM mobile point, JU'I IS the mel'rho, copt um; two idea. in 0 ...
.. nh\Htt eVC, m " ,n, them up.
M n.'elI empeh .he "m<u"t"," I" play a double role:


'l"''"'" -


'I iI; 6... oI.U.....,....w 10 bo 'meehanteal', ,,, ki>"ng[f lho ,n'rodllCl>Ofl

nr lho bill boa'tnl .nd ,I\etd'"", I" "",k. ,he .y...", 01 'Ort.:c<o '1"""""",',
" .. lhen "u.!O<l to the lc:"d ol a model of IoI><:I.1ioo. Wnacmtnl ", hlOh
Ma ..... 11 .mpitame. I~t .. may nol ;'1 ,n nalure.


TIt .... aobod) >boWd bo lal m in b)" Ibll mech:o.noeal ...

W. d~_
lhe force oIlhe """.pltor, . 'btd> no """0 NNWlO 'htH OJ)/'!''''''' .... i'h ,cal
....... tluln .. cllwoti<S danF"'" mao saKi I" be .... Id I, a .. mple an,m.1.
It ..." mellp/>l), , T",J"" hooo: 'hoi lal .. on lhe IU'" 01 r<><m<r mec .... nocal


b3btll In 011:, 10 ()fXIlP)' tile no,,' eillC1ncal lc'tllory. nUl n .... """ ".y 10
~re for lhe .n.lC'UlIon by d>&JI'Im ..... liI/ ~ in pilfllcula, he ...
the ealatla'- bMed 011 ,""" ...... of quan~l"", ,1\.1, IICfI'll"lIe lhe KtualizatlOft
,n~o f\Vo&IlIl..a... Tb .... _ n
to really""" .......... " the 1'C'balanci", ,n
I""",h, 01 lire .J1I= 01 to,
by lhe ~y!llem 01' pnaIl
alto cll'lble
feSlonn) III< Ili loop '}~1"'" ,f.",. ol ,.. cumpontn .. to mutolated. 110e
analolY 1$ '.rtf..,vKlco, .. l>en l he idea 01' lbe
,...."u it.1f -.nd lhe
....hNl:)' ol'bt """""'" bewm<S ""bea",bk, Cllli", fOf til< """,pk1lOfl oIlbe
~ ..... , A _.'01 _
'1Illalk the .naIo&Y....... h to worded Ibus;
'The ...."",1>< KIlOI' .. ,a the rn<)U()II 01 tbe lar .......... k ..1ul1.lc<:trnJ ",,",,01
iI 10 lhe d"'J'IIaomt""b 01 the lmall boollt.'
T he dlSSymn""ry in"udllCCd by lhe larze
Ihuo """,pollS.lled for
and .ny d,,,u,_ Afr...111111he 6n1 'lItem hM repeMI"""'" for lho ~nd,
1ft the Ollie, .. Ibe ball""" Ih .. i.oo'olIH __ """"-ruI", .. hdt ....." .tl ,l\ ~ la the UlJ loop ,)olf<n, .bocIt mabl<S " '0
!>I_rib<. com",l.nl mual of l"""alt1 .'penmenlO .nd 01 dilJl'l'llS .pinln.
o,'e,. .. hicb aUlhonlCllll>e mel.phor 'n ph),,,,,,, II a calcul.,"" cllellO";"'al . .. or
"ron Haploonal ""'undlly. Son", clhe, . ,'j)/'!oca; I t... helo<ollo IcchoololY
up .. m,lanty, .. hid! I ..... to promot '"",, M...
lum>rll callod
1U"l;", the ~ 01 ~bt
ph)SlCl already complrtcly "",1""""'1un! and pb)'stCll hypOlltQ.t~






.''"' '1> "

mI,,.,., ...,



_r."""" .... 'a


'<mn ..r

The ""ula of Ihi, <lmplillc'il 'on m.y 'nk. lhe

a pur. ty mal""""'".
~I formul. or 01. pbJ1ica1 hYJI'l,beoi.. In lhe fiB' _
-..c OR"MY """'
_" ,Itl oIlhe pbe~ 10 b< .. pb,ned, and 'iII>uIb'" INY I""" O.,lhe
co"'.q ......... 0I1''<m ..... " . un ""'..,. ""'a........... P.lttIded .'.....~ 01
lho .........""'" of ,he 'Ut,1 If. an ,be ""bet IoIIDd. ". adopt rh~1
hYJI'lIhe:!1S, ".""" lire phenomena only Ih,oUlh . med,um. nd are b.. blc
to tlollt bllndne.. 10 racl. and .... h.,... ,n ."umplion ",bleh a ""MIll
.~planat"'" """""ra..... ...... mIlS' lherrf<>R dltro.c.- oorne tlldbnd 01 ... ...,..
upuon .Iuch allows lhe mind II r.ny "0\'1 II) ta)" bold oll clear ph,....,1
h"", hoinl romm,"ed .O uy 'heory rOtt1tded on lhe pb)'ll>
cal ocirnce from .. hdllhal ooottl'''(>n i$ botm"'I. '" lJutI " is nttll>e,
dl1lwn ASIde: r",m ,~ Stl bjeet in pu .... " 0IInl1llicai l ubllc:l>ct. nor c.ml
boyond lhe ,ruth h}. (avount. hypo' hcsil.
hi oRlo, to obuoin ph)'IiCIJ Idol! "'lboul ad..,..,OI ph}',oeaI theory
... mU$l mike OIIl"1Cl,,,, ramil!.lf ..."h lhe ~~'\lerK>C ol pb)-..c:ol .nakl......
By. pltyPCal
I mean Iha, pan!.ll .. m,latlly be1w ... n the Ia"$ of
" ... ..,.,ott and llIooc or a nolher .. bkh m3~ " tach ollhem iIIy>!,.,.I.
lhe olhe,"

........."'on, ",..


I........... yean ta ... , M..,,'dl "mo~ upl",,'

,,,,,, ..10m !at duM.u" .... 1"'0 lyra

.bon, ,10,. """'n"l""' of tilu.. ",


The figure oIlpcotCh or ollh"" altl b) "'he . " tron.fer- lhe bonluap and
ldt or. familia, 1CXoa: 10 Of\\! " 'lI h which ... are ... at:q ua,nled mil



UCllloo.OO" [f11C S'M:1!

he ""lied Soml!fic Mota""'"

ThIlJ lhe .. <>rd. VcJo<ily. Momc:nlum. Force. &C, h."" K<ju!red ccn"n
preci$o ...... ninp in EIomCtlWY llynannCJ They In: olio omployN in lhe
ny...mu 01 COl1llCCloci S)'JltrII II! . . .""" .. hio;l thna", pnflly
........ 10 lbe do; .......
1I ....... 1lDd !1IOfe .... "'1
11>0 cUrKlmlUo:: 01 IrWy IOmIIfl< $}11m1 of ~
_b lorm II! ", mcupholKal .... maillf aD ,lit fonnal ldalH>m 101M
01"",, lams of lhe: ')'I1m! .. h",h " hod ,n j" onl'nal "'" ..
Tb( ... In: ""nlm .lectrical ph.nomena . .,all\, ..'hkh an: con_,oci
'<>FIher by "'IlII!OOI of lhe _
form .. lhooc ... hkh connect dyumKaI
(ll"'Mbtllll. To Ipply '0 1'- iho ~ old,.,.."""" ..."h prOJlt1' d""nc~ IlDd "..,.-1 '-"'1"0111 IS ... cumplc of. mtUlpIIot 01, bolder
kllld; bu. il II' ....1I.... >emctaphor Ifll con~OJ'" lrue..teaof'ho ....riI:aI
ldal""'" 10 I"",," .. ho 10.... boea aln:ldy
In dy""mia.-"

tarr., _

II ,b."


SIl><l m<!_phon.re I~rcfo", m..... 'oh"OII" lhaa 'boId' ","",phon. S"""

"""'~pbon dopond on formal '''''~ II ;. tho ........ Io.>miub 'h" "",1.. ;1
I'O'I'bIc 10 ,prak 01 ....."'l...:d dlspboge .... alO and of p-acrahzed forca. and
II if.he _
"'1'f1<A IA.I"l lhalil" .. o.k ...
,ball>"'" ...... 11
L _ r J. Of , ....,.1 II" '" F JI {_ II,L l, Tbe "'ncI' """'pbot IIIcrJo.no I.ka
few n.k" ,I .u~ ' ...0 prcc ....l!n' collectiolll 0( formulae and ",hila
proof Ihal !$ al"",dy available in K ,ha,,,,m. The 'boLd' mcIK~I!O' !orr.J 1M
Over d<iJrtt' t>C p.rool. ito oror1d II lhal t>C ...... ures. aUu"onl
Ind d"'l ....... II InnipOflSlbO<llllI uptn ..... a ... aD_from iho old IbcorJ'
11110 lhe new: lhe !aile. &allil 'hoLe ~ of bab,,$, ."" f.,."",... , _
lIuI Ihll Inn'p<>nllion .. nol arbiln"., lhe", i dioaph", III I<Xnbfic mtUI
p/>o., II 1110 i...... e ICI"""N by an npc.ICna: oIlpilhnl o"or and complru.on
of an';n d"'H"'m~ lhe melaphorical .. "..alion' II 10gmmaiN by lhe: fCCOII\"
IItIn of. dualny 1hll d... p!a~N ;,..11"",,,, 0' br; d"ndc,"ncly in lhe doIlN
b.... of II.. di;qn.nu 01 lhe old 1bcofy
Ik>Id I!It!aphor musl ,Iit<dore be ",laiN 10 '"" <If""" 0( homoa<'lblIlRMI.nd
otnppo", """n oI.nlC'lllalioo in order 10 be scimllfio:. If }'nun,.'II}''' ready
.0 ",vo.henlt, " romeo ru"""", II an 'n' ......... madellly I. _ part..r Jim
'limy, bul .I.... y. ery.I.IIl1:cd IlOUnd kry fIOInl" lhe fulcrum 01 a IIo.I_noe. an
lu.llial}' ... hal aU' lluil oommlild a .'hole nc, ... ",k of f.milia, om;oF' or
f.mnula. ~ pOlnU CtlOu,.. lhe: ma'nle .... ...,. JJl.hc ",Lal"''''lup 01 inlerpm<'"
'nllon .. Iu<b _ru.bef """,phor. iboy PI ......., ". dlllocallOft inln 1_0 mUlu,
,Uy indoffCKnI
lhal connnU&Uy (~'" 10 IUbo,,,,,,,,,
Elher II an """"""' ..... ""'~I lhal lin"""""..... pahal d""""""", Ind llit
elccuom.olnecJC fork! II lhe lame "me. M .. ""II bod bot-n
in dmI~n(1I11,1
'..,,,,, .peciol mhan,,1n. hke liull of a screw', bill " ..... the fault of n, ...,..."h
cm'lU')' ph)'Ji<:J lhal " OI'U ooIodlfled '"'0 I .ulls",,,,,,", Th .. """''', ballooca
mqnetJC ,."'" 0( IoI<tt ..... cltncal ~n.i .. 01 r""", IlDd I'.o""",n. d&saoI .. n, ,,,",
elm . ....,..1Ii _ In " ,"" .........a..mm.. 01, _






Sacna: lui. ~no"-n lew .""h

'""I"p/>on;.he: .lKtocal "'..... cnrob
'tself In a lone of d...,.nl of inc.oa.inaly "rulenl diallamJ. lhe: prnJrtM of
""hieh ... Iuo,< follc"'N ,h. ou'" a fe ... "a,.,,:
lha. 0I1he: pot1It. $Implr Jea. 01, dc:\oJIIIlioa oull;cct 10 lhe..,oo ......
01'. rdcrmcc Inlitdro. 10 ~'" lIS dctcrmill&llODI;
tha. of lhe: po,nt.a,'''y'hlCh can "",kt"n .. trKIion IInllblc:
lha. 01 lhe pOInl.lwnzon ... h"'h rompm6tO.nd unfcid. dqrffS of <krIll.;
Ihal of ,he "",nil 0( conlacl and p,vo'-PO'"u. apabLe of I~m""' n>.nl
lhe di"imila, and of IfOUstnll d,,,,,nsion.

... ylh,n, lberrion: -.no 10 be pb)'N OUI '" lhe lII'erIaoo. ""'....1'> I. ..
1'1}"0 f'IKIi ,'''' n:aprucal nnbnloo C~p<rulltnl .. hidl hid lriumplitd
0'''' I,,", cbchCs JJl.n .....:I_ ., du!a"'" 'hll further and 10 And ,ru.LlbWly
polOIl liull I .. }'t1 mo", dlOOOncrninl Ihu I.... ""b~' II IS ;o:nlloly
lhe lpinl caUse!! den.ily 10 """ up by .,,,n, knM.h ba<:k 10 lhe .. Kllh and
by Inieul:tllnl "n elcvflllon.nd. 'ICP"",lio!l. II .......... k.... ,he n:Id lulled IU
oJccp in ,he .ld.Il.; by IMn"IItlnnl'''"' """"'"' of 111 anp.: .... an follow iho
ponclnl"'" JJllhe co!bc"... . 'nh OIl' ~ or oto.c".. WI iho _!Ch, Iaad on
Inn'J"l.ml plane. lurns ,n One d,,,,,,ion or lhe 0Iht . accord,n, 10 .'hel,,",'
i. i .....n from 'bo>~ or bela .. ,
flu', In IlL lbe>c ailu:t';Otll, . ,,'in .t,1I """.in _peal Ion t>C lhe bIMh of I~
Ib,rd dm.... n,iCll, "hlt;h "mallb 'spI.IUlI, Tbc 00110 t>C lhe llMlI lea'~ '" .!!II
pcrpIo<d; lhew a ...,.u,nc ' ....." .......1 evcnts lhal
VCT}' IuIrd.o
.."hn of iho body'. ",Oblhly. 1a1Cral"y.or verlitali.) ....'by litho krM SO



do.q ..... l!I..


or lHf. 1"\ISlftl , ~

Tbc knot doo'<'fmI"'" 10 ~"""""'OL There .. , lind of .111..,.." ~'"y.

r;.",., _'"""" to aoy ",le!1Iall"'-..UllIllOfL There ..
""'lib. nor
d. .... ,y. nor " 'KlIIl be"" all d,me ...""" '''' ....... r. bul Ihl> ~uah'y it lhe:
dlrn:1 or"",lIc of the CanllS,an dun"''''''nl Ihal ","pled lhe DOO.d,n.,1IS inlo
I pOIn II IS Impo<<ib!c 10 Looahz<. 10 I."!,eum""ihe Of 10 """,,"" '"",1'
ruled 0 .... by lhe ,nle.iaa: The", II no "",0Nk or ,n...x- lhe kllOlllO$
" ..If .nd II II ....... iill ....... " hnh. Then: .. no al'>uLe ... Iud!. >I " .."'"
pocn:cd. would lIa""d ,II .ICC1'tI; iho ~I!OI
lhe l".pkl1nl ""' ...... 01
inl"":""" "'''h " .... f " I,nkj " ..If .'!lh IIsd1', A knD! .. no, I ''''JCC1D<Y ..'.
do nol m~" ... 11 by pu",nl OII""h", ~n lhe: rlaa:' 011 InOb!k "",nl Ihat
would d"",,,he lhe: eu,ve. 'rho knot pu.Ion lhe !Cn"on beI.'.. n ,he molkk:. lIN:
1a!C..! a nd ,be tIcni!ly .0 I,,", .n..",.., lhal ... hy ,I i. ,mP"l"hic'o "">I> j.
by an.. nd,n .... only """ t>l! .. compo"'''''' On ,he oIher unet. ""... ' .......
.op IlDd bouOOII. nallt &lid Id\ _
to .." .. I 60tce conln! '0 ad"", "'"






Inlun""" e,'en if " ~n'ail. I'QllKllall"1 11>0 1",....,lIoM' and POO' ''''''" 0"."
Ihrown by lhe ;n"'Iace."
'Tho Inl.rboI muOI be """",piN lor .. ha, II '"' a ,blftJu:adcd h.dno ,ha. has
[0 be wned .."b ..."tie bIo,,' The Inl...taco doe< DOl """'P) .)Uct;o our
.~ " "'IIlI/ldl; ~ ,hal ~ .. ,he
"'I""U'Y of.M d, .... <IJI<JIU. The
Ia".. ka,," _'" In m'<rlace
,"ugh ambogui.) " hoch pruhlbi...11
Ra"on;nl .."hou. IOlc","",IIon (~fia. 29).




not. ror.,. dlJClplll.. of ,"" in,ullloo Iha,

Coil, and ~
ma~ .. " poISIbie 10
eICI~ .he cumbe"""", .. 11, ........ here .oy
volume <If ",lid bocomeI
mIred. The 0001 lead, .0 ~ rarr,,1 upe""""" of the ,m",.."ion o(.be Ipu,a)
and lhe ClpIooiofr of the ."'n" ' ''.... II ...1>0 .... b.>ps. wly of F'"". 'ou nd
,he m>Oion of _pilon .. Iuch IK aIwa)ll under Lhrea.. from
Inlorlaa: "",kco" poISIbit r~"'IJ"Y 10 C'bfI,hI, lu.bul"''' ........... ' .. here ,he
mrtapbor 1r>eml0M n, ..... , b)' findl", I... , ida. in one.
Thi ...... al",.dy ma"e, 0( f"""'nllion (0. ru,.., .. nlh .... II."'Y . 10.:10'(><
rwmt'OTJ, "h<l ,!"ile ri&btly ..."..ted lha. dll1lnms on no ...."'" not .,mple
Ilh......1iono. So.... hid e'o........ wxlvul
complocaled modek .0 deocribe
Ihcoe 'vonwxs' k",,"ed In the ........ boll .n lheoo model. ~ dlJClnlcd . W.
"""" a belt" """"'.. 'and .... of the proIound ",a..... behInd ,hlO: ,he """'"'
of,he kIlO. JOe5 ~I beyond the space ,n " 'hoch " is .uppooed 10 Mlhc: ;1 I<'""
M) fa, u.o SRllsQ lhe dUi1ea1 ",'a'IOMI,,!, bel"',,"O Ie" and II.....
M t:clwImcai modeb of ....... I".......,.." In .....1ed .Iroex 'ral" YOf'1Ca. .. h",h
~ 1........ bIe of d 111"1 "lib the "".IIe propuki, .. captured by ,he h".
1hn< IIIOIIeb hid _ hrnl"" .. "b the npdll ... <Ii "",,,.llnl,,n,,,,, and mecMn




ical ''''""111",",,,

lIy WIly of .""" ... n.. u" ... mode'" 8K1'1e' 1")' anJ ..... d'!C\Ivery of rhe UflJU"

"''''10m bet",...,o klMll Ihcory and ".rn.a aIm '0 apt u", the "'hoIe

all....'" POW" oflhe knot. 1<> ""'lIion lhemoriYft ., ."" _""1 bean of .ho
1II1<ni:ClM1n. An ,nl.....a:uon OJ _ . poon., boll ... pIodM u _lneaI_1;

_Junllw. 1uIppenc:d ..'hleh '''"""". ,,,",,,,n,.,.,, 1_ fia. XI,.

I! .. pe.hlIl'I'hu klild

(>f penmenl

,hal irISh mono. "..., _klIll u ""'y


' ....d '





1110 it:\'CDlb ",.uury ..hm lbty ..... 'ural ... '" lbet, 1ob)'notM. II .... loom
.......n thaI die .n'.... IN leuen olld IIJumlnll>Ons
ou"'"p'. _", "'"
added (1ft In tbc IC>.I a da:onol...... IN" I '14Ipple ..w:ul'. bul ,,~'" ,ulmdcd 10
MlClt ,lit
of II.. rcadtr, "'00 " 01'..,1)'1 ,II hurty 10 ....,.,.., lhe
I le~I." w~ 1 _ Ilia! ,"""';.. l ll\d at .,.."...'ncal
m<>&!IY .bout tile inlcrlo"" "' hieh ,n .. m (011 U c/for1 In 1<a.P 1110 .. he( lb:lt
" uofoklo. Or DO mean, lhe", 10 'fill m', ,he COlis '" lhe iIlumonalions are
Int~n<kd 10 mnmd U$ "'"'1110 ,poecullm'" "'nom be mlua:d 10 the 11l~... J and
.. 01(11 ~hau .."" by ohI'IIOIIll11,,' ) In. Unitt. Contemporary .......
io IlOl f. r
fftI!(I\~ I,om Ihis. II,. mlnco'''"n. d"""lIsioa as luI ,,'1uc!I rtVOlu ........"
aU .. bIol 1"''''''' add oaly.uows ,1I.lf h> be 1J'Up<tl 1' ..... Il0l11",,,,, ~
II<>! 'or_illS', hul mba enJOY the pn ........ of OOfI1n>lhn. lilt
all....ol>J and lbe ~m'mCl" of Iormt.

01,,,,, ....

,moon."'"' """,".D! ,n



'Sool;''n .. Au"oo . . . _
.... ~)_ .... /'to,..., ........ ,. ...",.... ... 1'1\,.. t
Irl<,../wi{!" .".. . . ,...l ' 10........ 1.<111',," UlOOlO ' ........ 1... , I'll " j '161 .

. " ', 100 .. :

1100 ~_IOII 01 ,too 10 ..... '" .".... , ... "",I of I ...........
"' ...... 0. ,_~ _ _ . . "- 0. ..... , .. ,.,_ _ _ _ ... 1 __ ... llU' I~4II''''




- . ... ' . _ . " - . . ... 1_ .... ' ........ ,..,. ..... .,,'" II.....
U.. '_yof<_ _ _ _

' .. ' tl ........... '" _



............. ~1OOIr

.... _. R..,

"""" _

"_,._"._Lot, in...,

_'01 ..._, ..... '. .of....


.., ............... j


. , . " . " . - ...... , , ,

'0. ...


.. ~". " . '. '9<1,

,............ = ... .. - ....._ .... "' .. tt""~ .. __ of ...."




~..,n.ww, ,'I

,,,, -.lnlli

S<Iod~ ... ~lIa""'_"",IJl
IbN" ....


' ..



'" 110.lI0 o.r- (J,nIOiI 11m """ ~ ,.,"""

L"~ 10'
;s,." of ,.. 0., .. , . , _ .~ ... _...
' ......... _

,.................. 0...1_ ...

"""' ... """ .. , _ ...... """ .. I " ......... _.of I

__ .... "n.......... ,..,.......... "



... _
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"D ' . " .... ' .. ','. . . . .,


..... "
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.... ""Li'A''',, H I I",
, .. ,111, ,,-,. .............. ,"
; " o f _ ....... _ _ _ ..
. ' - _ .....-, ___ .............' ......... _ o f ............... _ _ ..

""""Ip III



<;1; ............. _

" ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' _ _ . " '... , . " ..

"'~" ,. ,.lO

0. ,. W. '" (b~ .... IlItan- thud .... ,'" f>r>._~ 0( ' ",,, ... , ... ,<._"",
......., u .....,.. 191\" fo" ~. -""" .. , ......... I1 .C <E...... , s,~ ...... ,......
.('''''''.... , .. A 1 "000 >UId Sea. "Ill!, J.oIa
"I.................. "
..... d
'W) rl!>....
.... "" .. fJIoon <of. C ....., of
1.10.. """ ... tho "' ...... " _ ' . ,,0000I. 0( no' , ..... Ii.lO. I..
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L......... "'...... ",joooNMllzJi<: _ _ '
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n.. _ _ .. _


"".1) "",0........

,,"___, ,.~.~. ___'. _ _


" Iw."


', ~


Iw.,p to
"So< ... __ .. l.. So< .r Gta_I.IIO.,SO- H ' ..
.. I.C. i\lu.....
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r:t:'\1 ' l
"I.e M .. ~cIZ. A l _..... tI.............. ' ' - _ 1 _ W .... I' w..-d. C1.o ........ "'_



"IC .......... -OO .... M."

.... _,.II"-l,p1<'l

' :-1
. ''''''' ~ :u
.. IC ", wI, n.s.-tI<
"I~ "" ~Jz Sl.

....... ~ !Ell.



IL" ..



...... __, _,'

t.a.. _ " _ . ' - _

"(:S. _


~ It' M .......
.. II:-!. , oll

n... 50-_40- I\o,on"~ "" ' jl


."., pIo,


ton_. """



..... ,-





"tW . .."
lboLr ....


.. M __ . _
Ie..... , ... """" ...-. ,..:~ I.~ . """' ...... ,.., .,. ..,.
,",,_< ' : ' "1,19161
"I'< (;- ' '", '...,...".,. ..... ... A_~ ... ~, ..

.. w....... n. s.-..- ,....... .. u"

s_u _ ', OdoItr_...,..,


1W..... I~p.2.,.,




., " y ""LI\I ""

, _ _ ...

. : ;. . .. . .



UINI 01 ........,. '1' lcolllo loy. 100 """

. .i <&Idol ... ..
,.. _,_........................
uf_OOO ......... _ . s..,. ' A _
of 1m' .., -.I I
1 _ ' _ 01 ... 10 ; ". " " I.t ... . ~ I.- _



II.' ." .... " _ _ I"1.J.~ _

D' , ...1 _ _

'-'1 ...



"rtlo:..,.. quadruple! q .. ,.",. ;<,. x,. ~.)_

' '"''''''_., .....


,>+ x, .'" x,) +, ... xi .ri. ,,;)

-1>.0+.:0, Xl + ..;. <, +4", +xi)

e' ....

k,,", 01_"",.....itIo '"",,' wm"", Ok, _p'"'M''' 'OPO' or .. ""'.....,


" qllOlern_

An ..JJ,,/(M ';,n. ao.l, be defined;

0,. ._.
. " " , _ . =... _01 ....
.~.:,,;.,_o("""_:;..:. -:=.
. ..:;:"'...:;;;" .. .t,




' 00

U an a mulllP/It:",;.. b)I .."Iar la rcal num bo'rl tI>!"KOpon</,n. 10 dian..,.

of .....1rdllo ..,,,,,,,l

i.t ...

~,. ~,. x.l_

!...... ~, .....,. ~.I

"Tbeoo opel1">OM "",b " lIO".bIt '0 .. n,e 4""nniollt on ,,,," form:
'(' (.~. I ,x, I.. ,J.."



I (1 .0.0.0)
; ,

J'lo.o. l.OI
t - 4o.o.o. l)
'The qUl,,,.,,io<Jm Df , be rom. 4.., 0. 0. 01_ ... I Ire .....t 10 be 're.I' fi<'mponol'
'0 lIamil' .... j.nd can be posi';'e Of lItP"vc ...... ,II ~l Df ,,,,"
~I Ju.,.h, 1,,110 aw>aII,cd '''''~ I
The qUl,.,n""", Df ,be Iotm (0. x,. x" x ,I In'
III be "pure' 101' 'pahar
,,,",, Ire , he 0'"'" Ihl' rel" .... n'.pace acrotd ,nl ,0 Hloruiton), In """,,,,,llr,
lhe ..)" .... ntl 1, ). 1< are ",td 10 be
",., I"...""nl remork. k~d In ' 0 dcoromJlO!oC' q...,,,,n,,,,, by ,he formula:





,",here ..... he .JaW' pan Ind .,. ,he 'W<:looar port.

We CIIn <k~"" m")"pllOll,on " or'lu .. ' .. m'o .... ,",'hodt would be d,,'nbo "vt.
,n ",11"<'" ," ,be pr=d,nl .dd",on and
diln "" IOIII'

"""'f',,,,l>Ie ...,,"

.. II 'Hi' +(1. q) ~..

4 ~ 11. '('I




The "'rmull 01 " bet ... compl;..Itd, ...., .'ill I>OI ,,~ Illlcn:. bul ",'. Ihoukl
olKe""" lbal '
III 1M mutllphClt"'~ "


ally commullb>'e;
1KlfIttn) quate,_ (dlll'ttmi r,,,,,, (0. 0. 0. 01. ""nut In in...,,,,, for X;
U coollOideo .,lb tbe muh.pbClIlOft 01 raj nwnbcn lor the d"'..,1115 or
lbe ......J ....
1 )< q .. .. " r for .11 '111.11,,",_
I" j .. -}" / .t o J" A.. - i "J- to k )< /. - / >< II -t. / '
_ 1: ....,." ...., a1I) rI .. .. Co. .. , , ,) io 'pu .... or "pollal'
q' .. .. " ., .. ( + ..,' + ",'1. 0. 0. 0) T1Ic !qua.. olq'NI'lal '1 ....
0111 III 1WffIt1w. Moo ......, tbe proptny "'... pti,., ,,<We' rltw.~s
....11.1 q ....1Cf1l101U;
of .. llId " ~ spfIhll q... lntlIOftJ,
., " f ' .. " x f .fand only 01 , and f' .re '"""did' (f ..... wl1h I ~ ~





1>0( . . , . . ,


"011" 0" U'" "'lLIO"'S ASnO,,"OMICAL EXAMPLE

IIlmillon illUi'rlta the mlilupl.(:moa bible of Lbo unItS

he tbe uwo] 1'00, am]"1 JIOIau. t"'" 6" A1_

k1 tMre


01.l1li 0IlIy if., and " Ir.~

(,I the ....".1 uruu' I.J. " _.lIIule 'ruCCl"IIIub. tnhtdroa .nd , ..... p
place throup ..,,"'_ l.oaalCd .'Ih muh'r! .... l1OIIl. p..mcull. c:aoe
0( the 'I'''' ptadlcular 10000000' ot 8",,* 2l. p. I U).

"" ,' .. -Of

I.J.k thlll:


W,lh lhen, 11 .",,110" ....'.' ,d ''''~ d"lo<Jnl of .im (I",m I"" ..,utb
(o.,a,d, ,he nOrlh. lei lhi. ho and 1'<>11\ the "" lo1l'll,ds.h< "I~ \cl Ib" b<
yl ~hk:h be roon"Itm<n11 ,,'jlh d""".ion ~ (f,om the I"'uOO .ow:o.ros ,II<
ttnllh): '" P. ~ ' hu. i~f)ln, Ihra: d"'llCIion. lUI' Inc ,eleocope (.<eo Ii" 8).
Th<'>e d,,rions of ~,m non be pr\dc:n'ood "" ",Ioled.o .=on(ln lhe .. nse
of lhe q..crmlOn 011 p. 161)
ltomillon lhen c~ 10 ICPCLJ nl lhe 101'0, ..1,,0," i. j . k 000 to ....,.,al
horn ""h arr<l'nal "."nll." filU'" C .tro"...
Adop"", >unable ImJlhl, lhe d,,~ion. x. ~ 7 "" Irnked 10 i .j. k by lhe
..1a11OM:2 " I.} _ ;-. __ '
lIy ...nable
",.he ''"'''~,. ,be dlrca"",. of rum arn be """n@Cd
ro. one
",laIlOnll.. onenli by .he ...... i.J- k and ... lMoogh
oo.n .. folio''''


.""'Mr ",.".

(I ) A Ii.... ",UlIlOo Ill}) 1"1111 lhe ...


...... around
I . ' do<I:".se d.rca_ from II'


J l - Ii..

[) 1Ind E).

ThIS p'OS 11M: lC<>n>rt"...1 lIJ\I!1f>lion of ' M muluphClI1i<>n b~ j of

ptrpolldJCuiu VttI" ....
Tho: t.bcopo: ... hid! .4> "",olin) to ..."" 11M: nonh. now potnt.
10000rth tho ...... th Z. IlI>d .... t......"
_ 'I(Jlhl - RUK- ;j- J.' -I)- I~j

, ,

I "nO! R(ij 1_ Ii&- Lb) around I (II.. lII0I_

c\ocl,;~ dtra:IlOG if II illftII
tbo ""'Ih~ Lbo
,~ .. "",OU I_."rds lhe ... l (alrml'ly of.'1. .... c !>Io .., [lot"*'""

jb) The ... by carr,;..,

.IfMcd ia I







Ixi _}

Thll iI; tIM: posiuon of Hlmlll".... fll""' f..."

lei II II p<>oiIlIk t" 1M" point 11M: 10""""1'< lo .... ' d. lhe ..,,,.11. h) brinS'",
Rlt ) of l,tS k I"'" flJ- Fl.


} -7- RIo'H,)- I,,1I or


" -~~

"'ba" ~ R(Ir)_

:LU:,"ab<>bo.Iu.L I " j _+Jorlo' J~'

TIl .. >qu,,,,,,,, or '" .... povot. RIb. then RIi~ then RltJ h...hrrdOn:
mOll .... II ... ' 010""""" in. d,,,,,,'ion Ifrom 11M: !>Onh I" ...,.nI.the lOull1l ,11.1 ..
of'P'l'>'le to ;1 0.1;"1 d".C:1I,," ol &1m I r,um III< ""ulh "".. ,d. the northl. II
the: rrlan"", iij _


'"Ihmihon lal ..

10 d"",,,~llh ,hoe J"",.iofu <f.u.. dc:!.I"""t;d by 'M

G"",k kll." t .. (I. if."" the nl ..... u. do..IlfUllro by lho Ullin Io:Ucn Ii, j . t ).





'OIallOlll. ThUJ lhoe Ute 0( lhe IntIll _ _ ror dircaiotl
01 OJ'" and
~1I..1 Unll """""""" ....." '" ... lIm, my>d(lu YOU_)
of the d ..""",,,,,, be, ..'1\ the r<>m.ln and lbe i liI: alpll<obols" '0 ...... k tleaol
~pon.nl). tho diouDCIIOll bet.w.en the
dlllnmL COOl<:q)tlOR> o(.~ ......
,.",...J and . . . , ....""" l!un&: ...... _
and I .....-; I sub;lccl of open.lioa
and In ""muO<' (u.-r ........... QIIIII....uo.... II. PI>- 61 62).
"Tho ., ......n""lalc the _ - . bet ........ lhom. ",boc:bJ",,,1IeJ IIx "*~
Ip. 112) ' 0 aD ',nicul&lI'd tnhld,OII' II ",'ill be
tbat IIlmill",,'11,;1I<dron.
"'llb cardinal POO"'" .. ,"" 0""",11" of !be 'd,,,,,,,' lJihcdroa
01 m<><Io. b .,<Antlen I.... fI.,. Qa lad Olt).





II"MllTOt.U ornATOl v

V_ I - +J-- +.t -

H....;It"". "I'muot V ~ defilWd




I. combona ,110 don>.. ,,,,,,, and mlLlupbaol1ODS bt l.)."

0., ''''' eo "11';'-01 funcIJ<NU I(.y. y.:~ V .ow:tt .. Jo()o..:s:



,', ,',

There ore In (aa , .. ,., "" a)'. ()/ "mbod)-,n, In lpaa ,"" oHltr prc..,tibed by
onurv;ta,Iu" or I, Ihe" J. IbM . They ~h indua: d,ff. r.nt
con'.. nliono m 0f'd0T 10 , ... (orm 10 (he mulripioClllion 111*


:1" xr + 11--- Zi... he X. Y" 70 "'" tho

on ... 1 Ind :) ot V ....... ron"",-,.,


...-he", VI? i. " 'lUll'.' "''''' 1_ dorornllO'llion (l l ot "PI"'nd.. I ~ Il!Id di," iT,be

numnkal fUnclion;







-1--'+,he Kala. pori

>'..:tonal fUn<:'lOn:






ot ,he



_.onaJ func.ooru
f(~. y.

vanahle rooodlllltH



"fI- I -~J-+ ' -

On tho
Indl_ fut . f


,"nab/<: QlllICtnl0n viT~ I nd ..-he, . ro, iT ii ,he

iT" ;,

eo,"' l'irnI '-d,~



"tOt- I " ,I allied twl l by M ....dl

M.I..'e1~ ,be: U




If iT It. IXlflCelved . . . fidel '" rorces II('l1n, on ""rI><1a. ,be dlvnJefICC ot I

II a pooD' P ....... u..... he mlnron ,n ..-1I><b .1Ie Iidd ",pel. lor au"",,")

pin""" 0111"" >'irinuy_ot I!'..

_ion. '"

Tbe 'OIa,>OnIl ot 1""(1'01 I ~ abo aalled the "curl'. 1- "'ibn ''''' local rotalory
plnicle$;" 1110 ''irinllY "',.
MI.".... ",pial...
l1he .......1Ot curl] ~ .. ,be di""",_ Il!Id , ....


ot ,"" )1.011'1<> ot ''''' .ubJcct IfIII'II moved by ,be

,he IoJIowiIlJ ~h.., ..,,,,,,, t_ ftp" .nd III



".,.or' IIId he ,,_

.. """,mix


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_ _ " X,_--b~.flt

r lit. II>< 1raJC<lon<!< .... ",,,,,,In ,..... "",,,11eI to 0:. rot_ V .. ....

[f! .,,,, +
..ial .-ea", ...

"'* InplOl'1C$"'" a",1os "",bnaq 11\0 .f.>,..".. m",nrd

."tV.21t 2:';

/, ,


t .....



.... _ _ ",i',,08J'"


NOl. th., If i1" II an uilJ oCCl", ('of ,ho< .~ of rOlalw .... ~ 1'0.-' i. a polar
VU'lOf foltho SpKICS 01 ulIntJatioml ..a ,.;.,.. __ n."Juotifie M u_D In

. . _lOll:

con' en!


'1'110 Haorult""""n ort11l10.-.

if .;. rot I

_ zF.} be m:"I"..~ Ln,.aonn of

by tho: ,nojocl<>r)'-arcles of \
If ji

I""hod 10 In) ."eeI", full<"tlOll.

from I",Mla""" to ""'""on. or fro", rolltiont" m,,\~all."n.lIoOCt).d.

'"I ,,, 11>0 \"",, or vca", 10 .. hi<h ;1 IS appl>ed' rOn lhe: Matbemah.,.l
(1.....1".. _
011'11)"",,1 QII,a"u".", P. 26j)


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