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Ccntnl lntelligence r\geng

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wBhingm. O C:050i





records related co drug research ',vere destroyed, sone years before the i-nvestigative prccess began. In IgT7, hor,ever, the .\gency d,iscovered. its archj.ves a q'l2ntity of financial docunents th3.c sFeC iorire light o.1in thu historical Agency interest irr drug researCr- The disco',-ery of tfrese records rv'-s reported to tire Senate, a.rd.in--Augr-st 1977 the Senate Select Comidttee on Intelligence and the Subconrnittee on Health and Scj.entific ResearsFr of the Senate Ccnmittee on Hr:u,ran Resources conducted joint hearings to learn of lheir fld.1 implications. As a result of these heari-ngs, it-rvas conclud.ed, that the Agency should atterpt to seek out and notiiy inJividuals rvhs kesg the u'uvitting subjects of drug research and experinehtatj.on. .,

: - Dlrl+g 1975 and 1976 the CentraL fnielligence Agency has the subject of intensive irvestigations by the Rockefellei Conmiision on CLA actifo.ties trithin the lhrited States and 'uhe Senate Select Connr-irtee to Scudy Governnental Operations ir/ith Respect to Intelligence .A.ctir.ities. These iavestigations disclosed that CL{ durirg the 1950's and 1960ts lvas i-l.rterested, il research having to do rvith the jnfluence of dr-ugs on hurnan behayior. Unfortr.rrately, Cocunents believed at the tine to hir.e been all of the CIA

The page,of l"h. lthite's diary ruhich we believe alludes to )-ou This page raised a flas because it see:.ired a bi.t unusr:al thai

l"b. George lrlhite serwed, as a "consultant," to cIA from 1953-1963. rt noru lnor,n that he performed tests of selected dr-rgs, prinarily LSD, on t-urrvitting individuals- lJnfortr:nateJy, linr.iced. recor& available'wirhil CIA do not identify test subjects and rve have reliable tescimony that the identity of test subjects rvas not reported to CIA. Thus, it rvas not rntil the existence of-George hhite's diary becane ]crown chat rhere i{as any hope of findl:g and identifying tesi subjects. lVe belier.e that you are mlntioned 1l th" diary but ln an anr5iguous waj' and not necessarily as a test subject.

. is






Accordingrl', ycu are hereby informed that.g]"r" is a possibility you gir,-en LSD by cecrqe rfnite as a part of a cL{ roaua-r5;;;;* progran. should you be able to _ilarify rhis eitry, or if y"" ,"iori-;;^ duri:rg or after i-ir:.r:.t rvith ihe rl'nit"ll*cilT;irilLi5'il*f;"",

;:"!f;1fl:' r will receive a retter add.ressed, to me a-r tne above address or you nay phone no:rnar office no"ii. A cotlect T^1-t^Fauriag call will be acceptuff
ItIe rvould

Ii'"ditg.1 Itre specifical1y



also apprecia*ue any. herp desiie the

fronr Lhar

yrcu nrighc be able to offer in rve rr-iSh ro coniact. -- -ad.dress and.,/or phone nrgnber

loii.r .ii.r"


I're regret the i-ncidents w'hich require this letter alpreciate any help you can render.


will greatly




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