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However, to see the broader picture of the deterioration of the White civilization, let us go back in time to around 4500 BC and learn something which is not generally known to the average John Citizen: HOW THE EGYPTIAN CIVILIZATION PERISHED by Myron C. Fagan. The first of the Great White civilizations that Abraham Lincoln studied, was the great Egyptian civilization, which actually was the first one known in the history of the world, and which lasted for almost 4000 years. It came into existence as far back as 4500 BC. The home of that civilization was the lower Nile river delta. Bounded on the north by the Mediterranean Sea, on the West and South by the Sahara Desert, the Egyptians were isolated, and thus, safeguarded for many centuries from negroid and Asiatic inroads, and thus they were able to build their civilization to a very high degree of development. Now, what was the race of these people that were endowed with the ability to build their civilization to such a high degree? According to Lincoln, he credited his statements to the foremost authorities on Egyptian history that they were definitely NOT of African Negroid origin. The famous anthropologist, A.L. Kroeber, stated that the development of the Egyptian civilization belonged to the Mediterranean branch of the White race. His statement (Kroebers) reads as follows: The laying of the foundations of modern civilization along the Nile and the Euphrates some 7000 years ago belongs to the credit of the White race. Those original Egyptians maintained racial purity to a very high degree for the amazing period of 37 centuries, due to their freedom from any direct contact with the Negroid Nubians immediately to the south of them, and from the further removed Negroes of North Central Africa. It was during that very long period of time that the Egyptian civilization reached its peak, extending from 3400 B.C. to 1800 B.C. That was the period during which they built their world-famous pyramids and temples, to this very day amazing examples of architecture, evidencing a very high order of mathematical and engineering skills. Within those centuries their artistic skills and craftsmanship reached a perfection unsurpassed in many instances in the present time. Chemistry and astronomy were equally well-known to them. Their knowledge of law was extensive and their administrative capacity enabled them to govern themselves and their empire as a well-organised people exactly as we did until recent decades. The methods they employed to administer their provinces very closely resembled the State governments established by the Founders of our country. In every respect they appeared to be founding a civilization that could not be destroyed exactly as our civilization supposedly was until the present plotting to destroy it. But is was during those many centuries of progress and creative accomplishment and enlightenment that the Egyptians were making the basic errors which were one day to accumulate into a single great factor directly responsible for their decay and destruction. That single great factor came WITH THE MINGLING OF THE BLACK AND WHITE RACES exactly the same basic errors we have been making during the past several decades up till now!!! HOW IT HAPPENED IN EGYPT Approximately in 3400 B.C. the Egyptian civilization began to spread slowly southward up the Nile River, actually the only narrow avenue of connection between Egypt and inner-Africa and this brought Egypt for the first time into close contact with an alien people, the Negroid inhabitants of the southern fringe area of the early kingdom whose marauding tribes began to raid into Egypt and had to be conquered by the Egyptian armies. As a result of these conquests, Nubians (Negroes) were brought into the life of Egypt to be used as slave labour, as our Negroes were first brought into our country. Even in those days the Egyptians considered Negroes fit for nothing but that kind of labour. However, as time went by, the Egyptians became desperately in need of soldiery. Nubians were gradually brought into its (Egypts) military service. However, here I want to stress one very significant point those Nubian soldiers were SOLD into Egypts military service through their Kings and tribal chiefs, exactly as the Hessian soldiery that was brought here to fight against Washington and SOLD into the militant service of England by the Hessian Kings!!! This Negro soldiery, which the Egyptians called Mercenaries, was widely used in the reign of Pepi I, about 3325 B.C., but it actually began in the more remote days of the Old Kingdom around 3700 B.C.

Later, men of the Nubian tribes, the supposedly more intelligent ones, known as the Mazoi, were employed as gendarmes, or police, for one of the Egyptian provinces and soon were commonly found in similar service elsewhere in the realm. As regards the importation of the Negro slaves into Egypt, according to the history of the matter, Amenhotep (Pharaoh) III warred only towards Ethiopia, mainly for the material gain through the acquisition of highly valuable slaves. Historian Rawlinson further stresses in this connection that the black races have always been especially sought for this purpose and were in great demand in the Egyptian slave markets They had no other real values. Another Egyptian historian, Samuel sharpe, states: there are carvings and paintings on the walls of Memmonium at Abydos that record the victories of Rameses II over Negroes and Ethiopians and how they were brought into Egypt. As time went by, and the Negro slaves achieved freedom by one means or another, the ancient records show that the character of the population was becoming materially changed. The steady increase of Negroes was making them an integral part of the civilization as an accompanying admixture with the Egyptians progressing on an ever- widening (and decaying) scale exactly as in the US today! Note here is another very significant similarity of what happened in ancient Egypt and what is going on in our country today. When the so-called integrationists (plotters) in Egypt carried on their fight for the freedom of African slaves, their cries were that the Egyptian people wee directly responsible for the enslavements that they had raided African villages and carried the inhabitants off into slavery. The truth of the matter was that the Egyptian slave traders had made deals with the African chiefs, who, for a price, delivered their subjects to those slave traders. The same conditions applied to the slaves in the USA the slave traders BOUGHT the Africans from their own chiefs, transported them to America and sold them into slavery. But our abolitionists and present integrationists are blaming ALL of the American people, accusing us of having kidnapped all those Africans and sold them into slavery to work on the plantations in the South. In short, the very same thing that happened in ancient Egypt and finally destroyed that civilization is repeating itself in our country and will destroy OUR civilization. There is distinct evidence that once those non-Whites became permanently a segment of the Egyptian population (exactly as the Negroes over here have become a segment of our population) no segregation or miscegenation laws were adopted. There had never been a condition until then. Therefore the White Egyptians were caught by surprise and were totally unprepared for a means to fight it. Although there is distinct evidence that social segregation of the races was universally practiced in Egypt for many generations, and intermarriage, while not outlawed, was strongly discouraged, at least among the upper classes the aristocracy of Egypt was not affected until the very last years of civilization. This unmistakably proves that the infusion of Negro blood worked itself up from the very bottom of Egyptian society and spread into the higher strata of the population as the Negroes increased in numbers exactly as it is happening in our country today! (Note: Careful comparison of the above-described conditions in Egypt with those that confront the American people today, clearly evidences that highly significant similarity. In that early Egyptian civilization, as in all civilizations, there were bleeding hearts, do-gooders, liberals, etc, just as we have them amongst our people today do-gooders who bewailed the plight of the poor Negroes who screamed for their freedom; then for their equality, etc, etc. In short, the Negro problem crept up on the unsuspecting and unalerted Egyptian people exactly as it has crept up on us.) From a slave position came freedom for the Negroes, followed by a slow elevation to posts of authority I the Government, the Armed forces, in commercial pursuits, in sports, in the entertainment fields, etc exactly as it is taking place here! It was practically an application of the same directives we revealed in Israel Cohens book: A RACIAL PROGRAM FOR THE 20TH CENTURY. That strongly contributed to the breakdown of prohibitions in Egypt against a sharp separation of the races by bringing all classes of the population in to a closer economic level. Every contact of their lives was inexorably forcing them into a final blood fusion with the constantly growing Negro population as their (the Egyptians) own racial consciousness began to dull. ONE PHARAOH TRIED TO SAVE EGYPT. That alarming (and growing) condition gravely concerned certain of the Pharaohs the writings of that period disclose the powerful measures some of them took to stem the influx of Negroes into the country. One of the outstanding of those Pharaohs was Sesostris III, 1878-1840 B.C., who was directly responsible for the rigid halting of Negro immigration during his reign. He rigidly ruled against the influx, either as slaves, or as immigrants. The following inscription on a stone slab still surviving beside the Nile

sets forth his most significant command: by will of the majesty of the King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Sesostris III, this is an order to prevent any Negro from crossing by water or by land, except a Negro who shall come to do trading in Ikan, or with a commission. Every good thing shall be done with and for them, but without allowing a ship of the Negroes to pass by Heh, the southern boundary, going down stream forever. The Pharaoh had this very significant proclamation inscribed on stone at several other points on the river, emphasizing his stand to the world against any further admission of African immigration. To enforce that ban he had fortresses erected on each bank of the Nile opposite one another at the Second Cataract, the southern boundary of Egypt. The ruins of these fortresses still serve as mute evidence of a bygone effort to save a civilization from destruction. During the Civil War, Lincoln realised that his championship on behalf of the Negroes had created a very grave problem for the American people, especially after he studied the histories of Egypt and other nations, he made that statement to his most trusted associates and he began to think of ways to avert that problem. A NEGRO ASCENDS EGYPTIAN THRONE At this point let me call attention to statements issued by late Martin Lucifer King, Adam Clayton and other Negro leaders that before very long, as soon as the Negroes achieve full voting rights and powers, a Negro would be elected to the Presidency of the United States. Now, let me show you how history is repeating itself. As long as the far-seeing Pharaoh Sesostris III lived, the alien invasion of the Negroes was halted. But apparently it was already too late to prevent the downfall of the Egyptian civilization, for shortly after the death of Sesostris, the Egyptian state collapsed. Commenting on this in his book, THE BURDEN OF EGYPT, historian John A. Wilson expressed belief that an intrusion of new forces (Negroes and their supporters) had much to do with the overturning of the Egyptian civilization. He stated: There is evidence that restless movements were penetrating Africa, upsetting the orderly prosperity of the past. In Africa there was the slow and filtered northward pressure of Negroes. History is repeating itself not only Africa, but Asia is seething with the same restless movements, only more violent-encouraged by the One-World Masterminds! Those tragic and disastrous events in Egypt bore out the prophetic warnings of Sesostris concerning the Negro immigration. He had clearly perceived that, although Egypt had the surface appearance of strength, the foundations of the country were slowly but surely being undermined and corroded under this outland/alien invasion of thoroughly disruptive stock. Now, appraise the present state of OUR country. Then study the seethings in Asia how leaders in Washington and the United Nations created the all new nations in Africa and how all White influences have been destroyed in all those lands of the savages. Study how Holland, France, England and other nations have been forced to surrender their colonies. Study how the United Nations has destroyed the nation sovereignties of Rhodesia, South Africa and other White nations. And bear in mind that the leaders in Washington have collaborated with the UN in creating all those new African nations composed of savages. Then study how all the new laws are directed toward the growth and power for the Negroes, and you will find that we are facing the very same fate Sesostris predicted for Egypt. The prophetic warnings of all loyal and far-seeing South Africans and Americans are being disregarded by the people, simply because the Jewish-controlled leaders in Washington, and the equally Jewishcontrolled Mass Communications Media are deliberately keeping the warnings from reaching the people and thereby deluding them into sitting idly by, while the same kind of disaster is being spread throughout our nation. Directly in line with that, it is extremely interesting to note that after the death of Sesostris, Egypt fell under the yoke of the Hyksos, an Afro-Asian people of Northern and Eastern affinities. During that foreign domination, the low state of Egypt may be judged from a copy of a royal Egyptian document, telling of a conference in the Egyptian Court of Kamose, then the ruler of Thebes, who rebelled against the tribute he was forced to pay the Hyksos king. Kamose, in discussion with his nobles, said: Let me understand what this strength of ours is for. One Prince is in Avaris, another is in Ethopia, and here I sit in association with an Asiatic and a Negro!

Certainly, this documented conference is further conclusive evidence that the Egyptians not only considered themselves a totally different race than the Negroes, but that they were also superior to them, and that the Negroes in their midst were directly responsible for the downfall of Egypt. Though they (the Egyptians) had by then fallen to a very low estate, there was still sufficient racial fibre left within them to finally defeat the Hyksos and drive them out of Egypt. But this was only a temporary respite from the final capitulation of Egyptian might which could not be indefinitely forestalled once the process of disintegration had begun, and their final death throes came as a result of the continuously greatly increased Negro immigration into Egypt. The Pharaohs who succeeded Sesostris did not have the prudence and/or foresight to recognise the peril of the mounting Negro population in Egypt until too late for successful resistance. The final result came in 680 B.C. when a Negro (TAHRKA) became the Pharaoh of Egypt the first negro monarch of that nation. At that stage in their history the Egyptians had become so mongrelized that the decay of their civilization became complete. Their Art was gone; their Medical and architectural ability had disappeared. Progress in all fields had ceased and all long known skills and sciences had completely vanished. Their religion, formerly on a high plane, requiring earthly morality as a test toward the immortality of the soul, had disintegrated into mere animal worship just as animal worship persists and has persisted in practically all of Africa to this very day. The very fibre of the Egyptian people had been corroded. Their generation force was spent lost in a welter of foreign (Negro) elements interbred into the population. Is that what the leaders in Washington and South Africa, the Jews and the National Council of Churches are plotting for our peoples? Unquestionably, the lack of immigration limitations brought about and caused the decline and fall of the Egyptian civilization. Equally unquestionably, the internal decay of Egypt came as a direct result of the free and unrestricted influx of dissimilar people (particularly Negroes). That contact with those highly alien populations, although checked for short periods of time, was permitted to slowly increase until it finally engulfed the entire nation Is that what the traitors in Washington and South Africa are planning for our two countries with their unlimited integration plot? The most significant feature about the tragic destruction of that early Egyptian civilization is that it was no accomplished by war from outside, or by invasion of foreign armies, but by so-called peaceful invasions of alien masses, principally Negroes who first arrived there as slaves, then as peaceful immigrants. They came crowding into that homeland and devoured the core of its strength from within. As Lincoln said: If America is finally destroyed, it will be done from WITHIN and not from without. WHAT A PROPHECY! (Did not our own prophet, Nicolaas Seer van Rensburg foretell the downfall of South Africa along the same lines???) Thus it was the invasions by the Negroes, whether as slaves or otherwise, that destroyed Egypt and her civilization. Many noted historians contend that even if Egypt had been overrun by conquering armies at a time when her population was still composed of those racial elements that were responsible for her birth and development, her civilization would not have been impaired. They insist that with those original human resources still available and undiluted by Negro blood, she not only would have been able to emerge intact from such wars, but would have repelled all invaders from her midst and finally regained the majesty and power of her civilization. Which brings is back to the state of our country and our people: the most tragic fallacy that lulled the Egyptian people to sleep was the popular feeling that a comparatively small population importation would be harmless, and that Egypt could not be materially affected. They were kept unaware that the integrationists in their midst, unknown to the people, were continuously seeking to increase the growth of mongrelization and were frenziedly encouraging that misconception of no harm in immigration, in the hope that the complacency of the people would continue beyond the stage where a finally aroused people , suddenly alerted to their peril, could do anything to avert it. That was how Egypt was destroyed. And that is how the integrationists among our people (the illuminati, the CFR, communists, liberals, the

foreign bankers and their stooges) are operating today to destroy our civilization and our culture and traditions!!! Just as Seer van Rensburg foresaw all these things in his time, so Dr. Verwoerd also foresaw the devastating results of such integration, and for this he had to die, resulting in a gradual, ever-increasing slide into the morass of integration first the repealing of the immorality act. Once the communists gained a foothold in our country, the rest was easy we all know of that fateful day in 1990 when the leftwing organisations were unbanned. Today we see the results Our country is like a man with boils, sitting on a dung-heap of confusion and dismay. De Klerk, by handing us to the communists on a silver platter, gave us a grievous bayonet wound in the stomach, but this new democracy has dismembered us entirely. Now, some seventeen years later a dazed nation stands watching as promises of a better future dissolve in the sizzling acids of disillusion. The bell that tolled a peaceful transition on 27 April 1994, now knells the death of a once relatively peaceful and prosperous nation. This circus philosophy that national well-being can be achieved by writing God out of the constitution, replacing skilled personnel with unskilled and inexperienced affirmative action appointees, and blaming all the ills besetting the country on apartheid, has now come to an end and the clowns who believed in it, lie dazed and bleeding on the sawdust floor. Now we find ourselves in a tragic travail of runaway crime, government mismanagement and corruption costing the (mainly white) taxpayers literally untold billions, and it has become obvious that many innocent people are getting hurt as a result. Production in factories and mines is being reduced, or they are being shut down altogether; workers are being paid off while the unions incessantly toyitoyi, strike and continually demand while none of those workers are prepared to increase productivity. Hunger and cold are taking their toll; our farmers are systematically being murdered; children are underfed and the despair of unemployed fathers is increasing. Instead of promised houses and prosperity, unsightly Mandela-, Hani- and Slovovilles of tin, plastic and board are mushrooming in every town and city as people hope to get work. Hordes of idle street children multiply by the day because the parents cannot, or will not accept responsibility for them. The late Dr. William Pierce had this to say during a broadcast to the American people in 1997: There was a major article on South Africa in last week's London Sunday Times. The article was written by the Times Johannesburg correspondent Andrew Malone, and it was titled "Blacks Turn Their Anger on Mandela." The gist of the article was that as the South African infrastructure and economy continue to disintegrate under Black rule, most Blacks in the country, having gotten over their euphoria after having the country handed over to them in 1994, are now looking for somebody to blame for their growing misery. It's hard for the Blacks to blame the honkies like they used to, because the honkies no longer run things. And it's not as if the Whites left the country in a shambles. When they turned the government over to Nelson Mandela and his Black crew three years ago, things were running well, but conditions have gone downhill rapidly since then. Not only has Mandela failed utterly to deliver the material goodies he promised -- new houses, new schools, new cars, and an easier life for all Blacks -- but Black unemployment has skyrocketed as Black leaders have mismanaged and exploited the economy, and soaring inflation has made life increasingly difficult for those Blacks who still have work. Just one small reminder of the way in which the infrastructure of South Africa has decayed in three years of Black rule was provided by the mid-air collision of a German and an American aircraft just off the west coast of South Africa two weeks ago, taking the lives of all 33 people on board. The mass media certainly have not had much to say about the cause of this disaster, but knowledgeable airline pilots have put the blame squarely on the incompetence of African air traffic controllers and the corruption of the South African government. Since the advent of Black rule, conditions in the air over South Africa have become chaotic, and pilots consider it to be the most dangerous air space in the world. On top of all this, the horrendous crime situation in South Africa plagues Blacks as well as Whites. When Mandela took over and Blacks began running the police departments, law enforcement simply ground to a halt. Now Black gangs roam the cities and rob, rape, and murder almost with impunity. Johannesburg, which used to be a clean, safe, orderly city under White rule, now has the highest per

capita murder rate of any major city in the world. In the countryside, the witchcraft craze is spreading and taking the lives of more and more Blacks. Blacks accused of witchcraft are being stoned to death or "necklaced" in unprecedented numbers. It is not surprising that many Blacks are turning their anger on Nelson Mandela now -- especially since the corruption and incompetence of his regime are becoming increasingly apparent. He and his Black cronies are living high on the hog, in the traditional manner of Black African potentates, while most ordinary Blacks are living in substantially worse conditions than they did under White rule. News stories about his wife Winnie Mandela's stabbing to death of a 14-year-old Black critic and Nelson's ordering the kidnapping of a witness to the murder have not helped his image. What really is surprising is the growing number of Blacks willing to openly express their disillusionment with Black rule and their nostalgia for the good, old days of White rule. A 35-year-old Negress interviewed for the Sunday Times article was one of many who said she much preferred White rule. "There were not the problems then," she said. "I have got no money now, and my clothes are in rags. At least the police were effective then, and there was no crime. I believed in Mandela, but now I don't." Not so long ago, such an expression of preference for White rule would have resulted in the "necklacing" of the interviewee: Mandela's followers would have put a gasoline-soaked tire around her neck, wired her hands behind her back, and burned her to death. Nowadays such sentiments are more likely to be condemned by White liberals in the United States or Britain, who would refer to her contemptuously as an "Uncle Tom." As for the shrinking number of Mandela's followers, they are more likely to blame the declining popularity of their leader on the remaining White minority in South Africa, since there aren't tires enough in the country to punish all of the Blacks who are now disillusioned with his regime. They look enviously at the Whites, many of whom still live in nice homes, now surrounded by walls topped with razor wire and patrolled by armed guards because of the crime problem, and still manage their businesses, or practice their professions as doctors, engineers, writers, or serve as technical consultants for the Black government. And Mandela's people complain that the Whites don't do enough for them, that the Whites spend too much time condemning the government for its corruption and whining about the crime problem, and not enough time praising Mandela and proclaiming their solidarity with his regime. The Whites are too standoffish, the Blacks complain; they keep too much to themselves instead of mixing with the Blacks and demonstrating their belief in equality and brotherhood. And the Whites are too successful, too industrious, too smart, too prosperous, too rich. Increasingly, the resentful Blacks think about killing the goose which lays South Africa's dwindling supply of golden eggs. The time for that certainly is coming. Meanwhile, South Africa's Whites concern themselves primarily with coping with the changed conditions in their country -- or what used to be their country, before they voted three years ago to give it away. The most dangerous time for them every day is when they must open their gates and drive out of their guarded enclaves to go to work. Carjacking has become a major industry for Blacks. Sometimes they hide in shrubbery outside a gate, and if a White driver is so careless as to stop his carand get out to close his gate instead of having an armed guard do it for him as he speeds away, they will jump him and take his car. They may kill him. Certainly, if there is a woman in the car, she will be taken away and gang-raped. Raping White women is another major industry for Blacks in the new, "free" South Africa. When South Africa was under White rule, it was a safe and orderly place, with crime confined almost entirely to the Black townships, and even there it was kept within reasonable bounds by rigorous White policing efforts: efforts which were condemned by liberals in America and Britain as "brutal" and "racist." Every time the White government hanged a Black murderer, the liberal media unleashed a torrent of abuse on the wickedness of apartheid. Now, with apartheid gone, the murder rate in South Africa has risen until it is nearly 100 times the murder rate in Britain. But, of course, the liberal media have very little to say about that. The sort of article I mentioned in the Sunday Times is quite rare, and even in such articles the writers feel obliged to refer to "the horrors of apartheid" in the old days, while lamenting that things haven't worked out in South Africa the way the liberals had planned. The Whites who can, cope with things by building higher walls around their houses and hiring more armed guards; many who are able, cope by emigrating. And every time a White professional or manager leaves South Africa for good, the Black unemployment rate rises and Black desperation grows.

Lest there be some misunderstanding, let me assure you that I am not bothered a bit by Black desperation. I am not bothered by Blacks "necklacing" each other, suspecting each other of witchcraft, or whatever. I think that Blacks ought to be left to do their own thing, as in Rwanda, Uganda, Congo, or Liberia, and Whites ought not to get involved in feeding them, doctoring them, sending them relief supplies, or policing them. I am not even bothered very much by White desperation in South Africa, because the Whites there voted themselves into their present predicament. Pathetically eager to be fashionable, disgustingly eager to prove to the world that they weren't the racists the liberals were accusing them of being, a majority of them voted to turn their country over to Black rule in 1994. So sometimes I am inclined to say, damn them! Let them reap the reward for their weakness and their folly. But then I must remind myself that my fellow Whites in America and in Britain have not demonstrated more strength or wisdom than the Whites of South Africa. Wherever there is democracy, and wherever the mass media are in the hands of the enemies of our people, we can expect the same sort of suicidal folly on the part of the majority, the same sort of mindless, self-destructive rush to be fashionable. Really, it is the minority of Whites able to think for themselves but, in a democracy, subject to the foolishness of the majority, with whom I sympathize. I sympathize with the minority of South African Whites who voted against giving their country away in 1994, and who now must suffer the consequences of the majority's folly. I wish that every White South African who is killed during a carjacking and every White South African woman who is gang-raped by Blacks when her car breaks down on a country road could be one of the fashionable twits who voted in 1994 to end apartheid, but I know that that cannot always be so. I know that many of them must be the self-respecting, raceconscious Whites with whom I sympathize, and my heart aches for them. And, my god, even the twits! Most of them are guilty of no more than the same foolishness and weakness which afflict most of our people everywhere. With good leadership -- with strong, responsible, loyal White leadership -- they can build civilizations and conquer the universe; the best in them can shine. But when they are led by traitors or criminals and misdirected by liberal propaganda, the worst in them shows itself. It is to the liberals we must direct our attention if we want to understand why our fortunes as a race have declined so steeply in this century. Do you remember the way the liberals were carrying on in America about South Africa before 1994? For two decades, ever since they finished cheering the Viet Cong to victory in Vietnam, the destruction of White South Africa was at the top of their agenda. Do you remember the hatred the liberals directed at South African Whites? It was unremitting. Anyone who spoke up for South Africa was blasted with the same hatred, anyone who did business with South Africa was cursed and vilified, anyone who opposed disinvestment in South Africa or who was not in favour of a boycott against South Africa was hated. Hating White South Africans was absolutely the trendiest thing on university campuses and in fashionable circles everywhere. Organizing demonstrations and picketing and leafleting against South Africa kept the liberal rank and file busy, while the liberal spokesmen poured out their hatred of South Africa in editorial after editorial. All of this liberal hatred might have been of no account, except the liberals had the mass media at their disposal, so the politicians danced to their tune. An economic boycott of South Africa was enforced by the U.S. government, and diplomatic pressure was used to persuade many other countries to participate in the boycott. Athletic and cultural boycotts also were organized by associations responding to liberal pressure. It became illegal to buy any South African product or to sell or give anything to South Africans which might be useful to them. The only South African sports figures who were permitted to compete internationally were Blacks, and the only South African writers, playwrights, or film-makers who were given an audience outside of South Africa were Jews, such as Nadine Gordimer, with her anti-White novels, or White turncoats who followed the Jewish party line. Eventually the White South African majority caved in under the weight of the hatred and voted to give away everything that their ancestors had worked, fought, and died to build for them: the only truly progressive country on the African continent. The liberals, having achieved their goal, have moved on to other causes. South Africa, once their obsession, no longer interests them. And, of course, they accept no responsibility for what they did. Liberals never accept responsibility for the disastrous consequences of their policies, their enthusiasms, their causes. They just move on to another cause.

I blame the destruction of South Africa on liberals, but what is a liberal, other than a person who just happens to wind up on the wrong side of every important issue? I think we ought to recognize the fact that there were at least two distinct types of liberals involved in the hate campaign against South Africa. First, there are the liberals who are really cause driven, liberals whose hatred for White South Africans was based on some deep-rooted personality disorder, some feeling of guilt, self-hatred, or infantile resentment against their betters which fuels their manic egalitarianism. But these causedriven individuals, these manic liberals, are a minority, even among the liberal spokesmen and editorialists. Most people associated with liberal causes are not psychologically abnormal. They are simply bigots. They hate whomever it is fashionable to hate at the moment. They have a strong streak of authoritarianism in them. That doesn't necessarily mean that they are supporters of the government. Liberals were very critical of the government during the Vietnam war, for example. Liberal authoritarianism manifests itself as a greater than average tendency to go with the flow, as a greater than average trendiness, a greater than average tendency to condemn or to hate any non-conformist. Most of the university students who were picketing companies which did business in South Africa, most of the pension-fund trustees who made a public show of refusing to buy stock in such companies, were liberals of this sort. They are feel-good liberals. They like being part of a mob. Most of the people who wrote rabid editorials denouncing apartheid -- the South African system of racial apartness, of racial separateness -- as the most evil system ever conceived and who gave direction with their own hate to the rank-and-file haters on the picket lines were also feel-good liberals. And that's also true of most of the people who still write such editorials today. I have in front of me an editorial by John Simpson, who is the foreign affairs editor for the BBC, and Mr. Simpson writes: "The election of 1994 which brought Nelson Mandela to power in South Africa was such a triumph of the human spirit, such a success for the kind of virtues which rarely appear in political life, that even now no one really wants to describe what is going on there. We all hope it will get better of its own accord. But, instead of being a fairy tale, South Africa is one of the most violent countries in the world. Its government is riddled with inefficiency and corruption . . . ." We must shake our heads in disbelief when we hear a man like John Simpson, an educated, well informed man in a very responsible position, a man who is neither a Jew nor a Black, describe the campaign of hatred against South Africa which resulted in a convicted Black terrorist being installed as president and the country being brought to ruin as "a triumph of the human spirit." Mr. Simpson, like all liberals, simply refuses to accept responsibility for the damage he and his kind have caused. He refuses to consider the possibility that the cause of forcing White South Africans to turn their country over to Blacks was a perverse cause. He refuses to consider the possibility that the egalitarian idea which underlies all liberalism is an incorrect idea. He thinks himself quite bold in recognizing the obvious fact that things have worked out rather badly in South Africa. That's certainly more than most liberals will admit. I don't know Mr. Simpson personally, but I'm inclined to believe that he is not one of those liberals who has deep-rooted feelings of guilt or inferiority because his potty training went wrong. I suspect he's one of the trendy, authoritarian ones who is simply incapable of entertaining an unorthodox idea. He believes that since his cause was just when he was preaching hatred against White South Africans and apartheid, he cannot be held accountable for what is going on in South Africa today. Something went wrong, but it's certainly not his fault, he believes. It couldn't be. He has always promoted the trendiest causes, the causes that all of the important people were promoting. So it can't be his fault. Well, Mr. Simpson, we unfashionable people are getting a little tired of you and your kind messing up the world and then refusing to accept responsibility for what you have done. We're fed up. And the day is coming when you and your kind will be held accountable for what you have done. We'll hold you accountable for every White woman raped in South Africa, for every White man killed in South Africa during a carjacking. We'll hold you accountable regardless of what kind of potty training you had. Perhaps we have one last chance to rescue ourselves from this cesspool of crime and immorality which the country has fallen into. To quote the Israeli Prime Minister, Yatshik Rabin, at the time of the

Entebbe raid in 1976: If we believe in freedom, there comes a time when we must fight in defence of it, no matter what the consequences, otherwise we demean ourselves and lose all moral claim to be a government. And the only way to return to our senses is to hear the word of God as He says in 2 Chronicles 7:14: and My people, which are called by My name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

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