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Technical Report Marking Rubric Total 45 Marks

Inadequate [1]

Identifies and summarizes the problem/question to be investigated [5] Minimally developed [2] Moderately developed [3] Substantially developed [4-5]

Uses prior knowledge to identify Question identified is question of invetigation, and has too vague to provide a Appropriate question Uses prior knowledge to identify indication of a clearly developed good thesis identified but lacks clarity. question for investigation. strategy for solving the problem. Objectives: The problem has been clearly broken down into smaller steps to achieve the goal [5] Inadequate [1] Minimally developed [2] Moderately developed [3] Substantially developed 4-5] Objectives have been poorly identified, and does not show a clear connection to the problem. Inadequate [1]

Objectives have been adequately Objectives have been well Minimally developed identified and show some developed and show a clear objectives. Objectives need connection to the problem relationship to the problem further clarification. statement. statement. Background and motivation for the project [5] Minimally developed [2] Moderately developed [3] Substantially developed [4-5]

Background information and motivation to the problem has been inadequately developed, showing little clear connection to the problem. Inadequate[1-2] Methodology has been addressed but poorly developed. Shows little or no relationship to the objectives. Inadequate[1]

Background information and Background information and motivation to the problem has motivation to the problem has been minimally developed, been moderately developed, showing some relationship to showing some relationship to the problem statement. the problem statement. Methodology [10] Minimally developed [3-5] Moderately developed [5-7] Methodology has been addressed, and only minimally developed. Does not show a clear direction to achieving the objectives. Minimally developed [2]

Background information and motivation has be well developed, showing a clear relationship to the problem question. Substantially developed [8-10]

Methodology has been addressed, and adequately developed. Shows some relationship to the objectives. Results [5] Moderately developed [3]

Methodology has been well developed, and shows a clear relationship to the project objectives. Substantially developed [4-5]

Results have been Results have been been addressed, but poorly presented, and shows presented and show some little or no development. development. Inadequate[1] Little or no attempt to explain the results. Inadequate[1] Little or no attempt at deriving a conclusion Inadequate[1] Poor organization. Minimally developed [2] Minimal attempt to explain the derived results. Minimally developed [2]

Results have been presented and Results have been presented and shows an adequate amount of show a substantial amount of development. development. Analysis [5] Moderately developed [3] Substantially developed [4-5] Adequate attempt to explain the Explanation of results have been results. well developed. Conclusions [5] Moderately developed [3] Substantially developed [4-5]

Conclusion attempted, with Conclusion presented, with minimal development. adequate development. Overall organization of the report [5] Minimally developed [2] Moderately developed [3] Organization acceptable only in parts. Adequately organized report.

Well developed conclusion. Substantially developed [4-5] Well, organized and easy to read.

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