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St Thomas a Becket Catholic College PURCHASING POLICY 1.

Best Value

Introduction The governing body is accountable for the way in which the schools resources are allocated to meet the objectives set out in the school's development plans. Governors need to secure the best possible outcome for pupils, in the most efficient and effective way, at a reasonable cost. This will lead to continuous improvement in the school's achievements and services What Is Best Value? Governors will apply the four principles of best value: Challenge - Is the schools performance high enough? Why and how is a service provided? Do we still need it? Can it be delivered differently? What do parents want? Compare - How does the schools pupil performance and financial performance compare with all schools? How does it compare with LEA schools? How does it compare with similar schools? Consult - How does the school seek the views of stakeholders about the services the school provides? Compete - How does the school secure efficient and effective services? Are services of appropriate quality, economic? Purchasing Governors and school managers will develop procedures for assessing need, and obtaining goods and services which provide best value in terms of suitability, efficiency, time, and cost. Measures already in place include: competitive tendering procedures (e.g. for goods and services above 5,000) procedures for accepting best value quotes, which are not necessarily the cheapest (e.g. suitability for purpose and quality of workmanship) procedures which minimise office time by the purchase of goods or services under 1000 direct from known, reliable suppliers (e.g. stationery, small equipment)

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Order Process System

All orders must be placed via a requisition form see attached. Verbal/telephone orders must not be placed. If there are any emergency situations where telephone/verbal orders are essential, they should always be followed up with an order clearly marked CONFIRMATION ORDER.


The requisition form must be fully completed and authorised by the budget holder. Catalogue/Item Nos should be quoted (where possible). Requisition forms must be forwarded to the Bursar for processing. All orders will be checked and signed by the School Business Manager to ensure that sufficient funds are available within the appropriate budget before being authorised by the Headteacher Copies of the requisition form can be obtained from the school office. Verbal quotations will be obtained for orders of less than 2500. All purchases over 2,500 - 15,000 per item will be subject to quotations. The lowest quotation shall be accepted unless there are exceptional circumstances approved by the Resources Committee and subsequently reported to the next full Governors meeting.


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The purchasing policy will be reviewed by the Resources Committee on an annual basis.

Responsibility For Implementing The Policy

16.1 The responsibility for ensuring that the School adheres to this policy rests with the Headteacher.

Signed :

Date :

Chairperson of the Governing Body

Signed : Headteacher

Date :

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