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Harvey Moon

By: Soham Govande

One day a boy named Harvey Moon was sitting on his bed. He was a very unusual boy that is. Right below his left knee he had a scar shaped like a bridge. His parents died when he was a baby. This is how: When they were sleeping a great whack shook the air. They heard a window break. A hooded figure with blood dripping from the hem of his purple cloak entered through the shattered windowpane. His name was Lord Valokem, the most feared dark wizard of all time. Anyway when Harvey and his parents saw the hooded figure they fled. But sadly his parents tripped over a few wizard books. (The History of Magic, Tips on How to Defend and Attack etc.) And before they knew it, Lord

Valokem stabbed a dagger through each one of their legs. And as for Harvey that is the dagger had made a scar on his left knee. And at last some of Lord Valokems powers were gone and he fled away half dead and half alive. Harvey was shipped to 3741 Lakewood Place, 31850 Little Rock, Arkansas, where his only living relatives lived. Harvey had one fat cousin, a large beefy uncle, a tall skinny aunt and they all enjoyed nothing more than criticizing him. One gloomy day Harvey was sitting on his bed looking at the foggy sky out of his open window when he saw a shadow through the window. It looked like a raven. It circled above for a second and then headed straight toward Harveys window. The raven swooped down and gave exactly enough time for Harvey to duck. Now that Harvey could see properly away from

the bright halogens installed in his room, he saw that it was an owl. Wow! he exclaimed. I never knew that owls flew about in broad daylight. He heard a loud thump downstairs. His uncle must have heard him. Uh-oh. The door creaked open. Boy, what are you doing? I-I w-was, he stuttered. His uncle cut him off.

So youve been planning how to escape, have you? Well then, Ill just call a man to put bars in your window. And what he said was absolutely true because the very next day he paid a man to fit in bars to Harveys window. He himself cut out a small rectangle in Harveys door for food. He was only allowed to go to the bathroom three times a day.

One pleasant evening Harvey was sitting on his bed eating the stale bread and cheese that his uncle had just passed through the hole in the door. Just then an owl-like creature dove right between the bars in his window, followed by a sound that sounded suspiciously like a car parking under Harveys window. He winced as he heard the dramatic squeal and the crunching gravel. The owl had a note in its beak, he observed.

Dear Harvey, Get in the car. It knows where to go. Sincerely, Ronald

So Harvey did as the note said. He thought he was going to smash into the bars on his window but he was already outside. Harvey had never took driving lessons before but he was pretty sure he would know how to because once he had seen his uncle (They didnt enjoy taking him places). But anyway when he fit the key in to the hole he felt a jolt and the car lurched backward and out of the driveway. Wow! he exclaimed as the car turned left on Oakwood Blvd. He tried to remember all the turns left, right, straight, right, right, left. But it was no use because the car seemed to know the way on its own. After half an hour Harvey was starting to get bored. The car was heading into a brick wall.

Help! Harvey screamed. The car shrunk and hit a brick but instead of the brick making a huge dent in it, the car went right through it. The car spit Harvey out and disappeared. Harvey was in front of a shop. Two teens were in it shopping for wizard tricks and spellbooks. One was a boy and one was a girl. At least that is what Harvey thought. When the boy caught sight of him he ran toward him and said Hi Harvey, Im Ronald. I sent the owl. By the way, where is it? An owl fluttered down towards where Ronald stood in reply. How did you know my name? Harvey asked awkwardly. My dad works for The Society of Misuse of Magic, Ronald answered. He knows everything that happens and when I say everything I mean it. By the way, let us go get some wizard gold to shop for school supplies.

What school? asked Harvey. You know the school that we go to expand our knowledge about wizardry: Boffery. Harvey chuckled. The name Boffery sounded very odd to him. Okay, said Harvey in an awkward tone. But where? You know, over there, said Ronald as he pointed to a deserted alley further down the street. In the middle of the alley was a tall dinky building with hounds guarding the entrance. Harvey and Ronald walked to the building. Every once in a while they looked around as if someone were watching them. As they got closer the hounds started growling louder and louder. Never mind them, said Ronald. Why not? asked Harvey.

They never actually attack if you go calmly, said Ronald, They just enjoy trying to scare patrons. Oh, said Harvey. Even if Ronald had told him that they were docile, that didnt take all the fear out of Harvey. They walked slowly and silently through the ancient alleyway, kicking up dust as they passed. As they got closer and closer, Harvey noticed a dry old piece parchment tacked to the brown door. The hounds made way so they could get inside. See, they dont bite you, Ronald muttered. Okay, okay! said Harvey. He was starting to dislike Ronald already, much less enjoy be his school buddy. There, it was a

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