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Lesson Plan Chapter 1 Day 1 El Tiempo

Technology Standards: Creativity and Innovation: Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative products and processes using technology. a.) Apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or processes. b.) Create original works as a means of personal or group expression. Communication and Collaboration: Students use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others. b.) Communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a variety of media and formats. d.) Contribute to project teams to produce original works or solve problems. NYS Foreign Language Standards: Students will be able to use a language other than English for communication.

Student Objectives: Students will be able to recognize newly introduced weather vocabulary in the lesson. Students will also be able to answer multiple choice questions and match the weather expressions from Spanish to English. Students will be able to create a PowerPoint that highlight what they enjoy doing in certain seasons with a partner and will then deliver this short presentation to their classmates. Students will be able to ask others what they like to do in the different seasons. Introducing the learning activity: I will introduce the lesson objectives by writing the activities that we will do to fulfill them and explaining what each activity will allow us to do with Spanish. I will write New Vocabulary-El Tiempo, followed by Online Activities- multiple choice and weather expressions, then Qu te gusta hacer? (What do you like to do)- Write what you and your partner like to do in each season, find photos, 1 sentence per person per season. As a hook, we will watch the Muppets video under the link Hace Calor. The link is attached to my website at www.student.plattsburgh.edu/mryan004. This video is a fun video where some of the weather expressions are used. They have never been learned before, so students are not expected to know any of the expressions.

Provide Information: The students will be introduced to the new vocabulary and phrases through the Power Point located under vocabulary Chapter 1 Day 1. All information for the days activities will be located on the board as well as online under the Activities tab. The Activities tab has the plan for each day and explains exactly what students will be doing. I will remind the students that they may refer to the PowerPoint to remember the seasons and weather expression. For the PowerPoint activity I will explain the format I want the students to use. Students will partner together (groups of two) and will make a 4 slide PowerPoint. On each slide I want the students to pick two photos and write two sentences about something that they like to do in a particular season. They should do this for all four seasons. I will remind the students that to ask their partner what they like to do in certain seasons they will say As always I will remind students that they can use the Spanish dictionaries under the resources tab for any words that they dont know and may want to use in their PowerPoint.

Provide Practice: Students will be learning the words as a group, repeating them after I say them. They will then individually practice the recognition of the new vocabulary through weather words and expressions through a multiple choice activity and a weather matching activity online. After completing these two activities, I will split the class into groups of two. Once in groups of two, the students will discuss what they like to do in each season in Spanish only, they will use the question Qu te gusta hacer en ______(season) and then use their creativity and make a 4 slide PowerPoint finding pictures on google of one activity they enjoy doing in each season. Each slide will have two photos, one per partner that expresses the activity they chose. They will then write En________(season), me gusta _________(action that they enjoy doing). They will make 1 slide per season. After this the pairs will present their PowerPoints in Spanish to their classmates. To practice outside of the classroom, students will use the questions they asked their partners to (Qu te gusta hacer en ___________(season)?) and ask their parents these questions and record them. They will share these finding the following day in class. Provide knowledge of Results: Verbal feedback will occur through positive reinforcement. I will always give some positive gesture to students who answer correctly through saying Buen trabajo, muy bien, excelente, etc. I will also give positive gestures to students who dont answer correctly saying Buen intento, la prxima vez, etc.

I will also correct students speech if they say something incorrectly. It is very important to make sure that they speak correctly because we dont want them making constant errors. Written feedback will be given the following day after they turn in the paper where they wrote what their parents like to do in each season. I will mark any writing errors and then for homework they will have to correct the mistakes themselves so that way they can see whats wrong and see where they need improvement. Review the Activity: The students will be reviewing the days activity by doing the PowerPoint activity. This activity will force them to speak using the new vocabulary and expressions as well as previously learned verbs and/or new verbs. Their homework will also be another reflection of what they learned and practiced in the class and allows them to put those skills into use outside of the classroom. Method of Assesment: I will be assessing the students participation in the paired activities. I will look to see that both students are speaking in Spanish. I will also look to see that students are selecting appropriate images for the activities that they are wishing to express in Spanish. The homework that the students will write will be turned in and I will mark their errors and have them correct their papers the following night for homework.

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