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Looking at Islamic Spirituality

Prof Yusuf Morales, MPS, PhD (hons) Religious Studies, History Institute for Comparative and Advanced Studies ICAS Phils

Importance of Spirituality, Diversity,and Spiritual Resources

Diversity in spirituality enriches the educational experience; Diversity in spirituality prompts personal growth and a healthy society; Diversity in spirituality strengthens communities and the workplace.

What is the Islamic Spirituality?

God possesses a drink which is reserved for His intimate friends; when they drink they become intoxicated, when they become intoxicated they become joyful, when they become joyful they become sweet, when they become sweet they begin to melt,

What is the Islamic Spirituality?

when they begin to melt they become free, when they become free they seek, when they seek they find, when they find they arrive, when they arrive they join and when they join there is no difference between them and their Beloved. Imam Ali (a.s.)

Importance of Spirituality:
This is best summed in one of the shortes Maxims, Man Arafa Nafsahu Fakad Arafa Rabbahu Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib

Reasons to Define
Regardless of different forms of organized religions spirituality is the affirmation of our essential humanness through our search to be alive and fruitful in meaningful ways.

Multidisciplinary Definition of Spirituality Hay River, NWT Regional Hospital, 1997

Spirituality is that aspect of every human being , rooted in our unique createdness which is on a sacred journey of completeness, sometimes seeking to connect with and trust in the divine being and in pursuit of such things as wisdom, faith, future, love, justice, hope, meaning, forgiveness, peace and more in order to affirm who we are in essence as human beings and with the goal of being alive and fruitful in ways that are meaningful.

Key aspects of Muslim spirituality

Search for meaning wholeness peace individuality harmony a biological and integral part of being human way of being an energizing force for actualization meaningful and extensive way of knowing the world

Spirituality in Islam has many forms and is practiced in many ways:

The highest manifestation of Spirituality is worship. Worship is manifested in different ways. Prayer (may be silent or spoken out loud and can be done alone such as five daily prayer and in any setting or in groups such as the Jumaa prayer on Fridays) Salat Regular attendance at a mosque may involve prayer which focuses on one's self (supplication) or on others (intercessory prayer). Duas Spirituality can also be practiced through: Meditation, 12-step work (we call it muraqqabah or dzikr), and seeking meaning in life all involve spirituality. Silent observation, listening, or gratitude can become part of an open-ended spirituality that can infuse everyday life. (also known as tafaqqur or reflection) Spending time with nature, doing creative work, or by serving others. (khidmat insaniyah)

The Important Sources of Islamic Spirituality

1 The Quran 2 The Sunnah (traditions of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him) 3 Wisdom from the Shuyookh (Masters)

Sura al-Isra
We send down (stage by stage) in the Qur'an that which is a healing and a mercy to those who believe: to the unjust it causes nothing but loss after loss. Wanunazzilu mina alqur-ani mahuwa shifaon warahmatun lilmu/mineena walayazeedu alththalimeena illakhasaran (Surah 17, ayah 82)

Importance of the different aspects of worship

Islam is primarilly a social philosophy, and it is spiritual in nature, its primal aim is tazkiyatun nafs (purificiation of the self), and its different aspects aim to purify both the individual and his society through his actions of worship, benevolence and conscious practice of spirituality

Tools for Islamic Spiritual Care - 2

Who are the Muslim spiritual care givers?

Muslim clergy such as Imams are the religious leaders of Muslim community; Muslim Chaplains are the professional providers trained to do the spiritual care in hospitals, prison, long term care homes, tc.; Sufi Shuyookh (shaykhs)

Religious Accommodation of Muslims

It is about: Respect Dignity Obeying Law Challenges: Freedom of Religion To observe a religious practice Freedom from Religion Freedom from religious proselytization and evangelism

Common Areas of Accommodation

Dress Public Worship Service Diet Holidays Obligatory Practices Gender Issues Iconography

Dietary Requirements
TheQuranprohibitstheconsumptionofalcohol andpork. Muslimswonteatanyfoodthathastouched pork.Forexample:pickingthepepperonioff pizzaisntgoingtowork.

MuslimsfollowcertainstandardscalledHalal (permissible)toslaughtermeat.

SomeMuslimswonteatanymeatthatisnt certifiedHalalandsomewill,aslongasitsnot pork.

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In public, some Mennonite, Jewish, Muslim women wear headscarf. This attire may vary in style and includes a head covering. But some believe they do not need to cover their hair in order to maintain modest dress

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Some men are also required to dress modestly

YoumightseesomeJewish,Muslim,Sikhboys wearingasmall,sometimesflatcapontheirheads. ThisiscalledaKufiforMuslims,Turbanfor Sikhs,andKippaforJewish. Ifyouseesomeonewearingaturbanitdoesnt necessarilymeantheyareaMuslim.Infact chancesaretheyrenot.

Culturalsymbolsforsomecountriesinthe MiddleEastsosomemenmaywearonebutit looksverydifferentfromaSikhturban.


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Modesty from an Islamic Perspective

Men are asked to make sure their bosoms are covered and their knees covered Women are asked to cover parts of their body and what is allowed to expose is their face and their hands


Marian Spirituality
A chapter in the Quran is named after Mary (suratul Maryam) She is one of the Sayyidatul Nisa al-alameen (one of the four primal women of the world) Also known as Ummul Ruhullah (mother of the spirit from God)

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