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Title: Police Roles and Functions Submitted by: Travis Hance Course: CJS210 Instructor: Jason Garner

There are a number of functions that police and law enforcement organizations provide. The roles are varied and require officers to adapt in a number of ways, often quickly, and all while displaying an enormous amount of discretion.

Enforce the Law. Officers actively work to enforce the laws of the community that they are entrusted with both protecting and representing. An officer is both an authority figure, and also held to a high standard as a model of civic responsibility. Knowledge of Federal, State, and even local municipal laws and codes is a vital component of an officers arsenal of tools.

Arrest Offenders. Upon witnessing a violation of the law an officer must use discretion by developing a determination of the severity of the infraction. Combined with knowledge of whether the suspect has previous encounters with the law, the circumstances surrounding the encounter, and even physical reactions, an officer can decide whether or not to arrest an offender. This requires an enormous amount of discretion on the part of the officer. If the offender is truly a menace to society, certain standards must be followed in order for a successful prosecution of the offense to take place. Federal, state, and municipal standards must be closely adhered to. This requires an officer to display restraint in a potentially high stress, even lethal environment. By maintaining

emotional control, respecting the suspects Constitutional and other legal rights, and officer can protect the community in a high-risk situation by arresting the suspect.

Prevent Crime. Through a mix of reactive and proactive patrol methods, as well as analysis of previous crime trends, officers work to make society safer by preventing crimes before they happen. By establishing ties with both the community and businesses in the area, an officer learns what normal activities look like. Irregularities are easier to notice, and the community will often feel more comfortable interacting with officers as they feel a sense of teamwork.

Preserve Peace. Preserving the peace is another multifaceted role which officers work hard to produce. While prevention of crime through analysis of trends is effective, patrol also provides a visual presence that is an important part of making the community feel safe. While no officer is perfect, and often departments have many officers who try and do the bare minimum, the few officers who really dedicate themselves to the position with which they are entrusted are those that make a real difference in the community. These men and women take their commission seriously, and view it as a form of trust that they strive to live up to. They work

proactively to fight crime, exhibit discretion in the application of the law, and strive to improve their community and represent their department in an honorable way.

Provide Service: Officers have more duties than simply pursuing those who break laws. Our most often quoted slogan is to protect and serve. While in the middle of providing active protection, officers are also required to serve the community in a number of ways. Stranded motorists often do not think of the dangers that may be present upon the side of the highway. American highways feature higher speeds than are often found within city limits. Drivers today are afflicted with more means of distraction, often through cellular phones, weather conditions, and other influences like drugs and alcohol. Peace officers serve a vital role by using their patrol cars as a means of alert to other motorists. Patrol cars are equipped with high power strobe lights, traffic directors, and a variety of emergency equipment including road flares. Officers often assist stranded motorists by simply providing a safety margin, warning other motorists that someone is stranded, and helping provide a safe path around. Additionally, in most states peace officers are provided with basic first aid, CPR, and other medical skills. Should a citizen need emergency medical help, a peace officer can often save a life by providing initial care, and then calling

in more advanced medical services.

These various functions differ of course in the differing jurisdictions. Federal agencies have larger, if not national jurisdictions. They often provide support for state and municipal departments when criminal cases pass local lines. In addition Federal agencies often have greater resources and technology than are commonly available to local agencies.

State agencies often receive federal grants in order to purchase and apply greater technology. These grants can also help improve training programs. While some municipal departments are able to take advantage of cooperative sessions, state departments are usually the most advanced local departments in the area. Training academies most often resemble military training, with rigorous schedules of physical training, higher standards for completion, and technical training.

Municipal, or local departments are usually the most simple form of law enforcement. While a large tax base can provide funds for local departments to provide better training, equipment, and higher standards for personnel, the most common local department has to walk a fine line between budget, equipment, training, and personnel compensation. This common issue results in a compromise with the community. The department heads work hard to provide the best law enforcement agency possible on a limited budget. In many

circumstances, local departments will work with regionally close departments in order to provide an augmentation to existing service. Police dispatchers routinely handle more than one departments dispatch during reduced hours.

This example of interagency cooperation is an example of how law enforcement agencies work together, while applying limited resources, to help protect and serve the community.

It is hard to imagine a world without law enforcement. A removal of the rules that govern a society would result in a breakdown. Citizens often overlook the importance of laws, and the enforcement of such. Without them people would de-evolve to a more primitive level. Those who are strong would simply take what they wanted from the weak. The injured would often not have someone to provide emergency care. Law enforcement provides a line that stands between the desperate, the criminal, and those who are simply trying to live a good life. Law enforcement officers provide an educated means of analyzing violations. They can apply discretion by issuing warnings, citations, or affecting arrest. Their breadth of knowledge consists of physical tactics, basic legal knowledge, and community awareness. In my opinion first responders including law enforcement, medical technicians, and fire fighters compile the most underappreciated professions, both publicly and financially. They fill a niche that any society simply must have in order to function in an orderly way.

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