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SCENE 1: “My Lurking Place” (Bedroom:Cuarto)

Armario (Wardrobe)
Afiches (Posters)
Mesa de noche (Night table)
Lámpara (Lamp)
Tapete (Carpet)
Ventana (Window)
Florero, Flores (Vase, Flowers)
Cama (bed)
Grabadora (Tape recorder)
Reloj Despertador (Alarm Clock)

SCENE 2: “clean hour” (BATHROOM: Baño)

Inodoro (Toilet)
Ducha (Shower head)
Puerta (Door)
Espejo (Mirror)
Lavamanos (Sink)
Botiquín (Medicine cabinet)
Cepillo de dientes (Tooth brush)
Cepillo (Brush)
Tapete de baño (Bath mat)
Toallas (Bath towel)

SCENE 3: “I am hungry” KITCHEN (Cocina)

Nevera (Fridge)
Estufa (Stove)
Horno Microondas (Microwave Oven)
Alacena (Cabinet)
Cubiertos (Set of spoon, fork and knife)
Pocillo (Cup)
Plato (Plate)
Mesa (Table)
Tostadora (Toaster)
Cafetera (Coffee pot)

SCENE 4: “My beautiful city” STREET (Calle)

Bus (Bus)
Paradero (Bus stop)
Árbol (Tree)
Semáforo (Traffic Light)
Señales de tránsito (Traffic signal)
Moto (Motorcycle)
Bicicleta (Bicycle)
Camión (Truck)
Carro (Car)
Supermercado (Supermarket)
SCENE 5: “interchange ideas”SCHOOL (Colegio)
Pupitre (Desk)
Tablero (Board)
Borrador (Eraser)
Libro (book)
Mapamundi (Globe)
Estudiantes (Students)
Maleta (Schoolbag)
Cartuchera (Pencil case)
Lápiz (Pencil)
Professor (teacher)

SCENE 6: “my confortable home”LIVING ROOM (Sala)

Televisión (Tv)
Sofá (Sofa)
Bifé (China cabinet)
Cuadro (Picture)
Comedor (Dinnig room)
Chimenea (Fireplace)
Plantas (Plants)
Equipo de sonido (Stereo)
Teléfono (Telephone)
Escultura (Sculpture)

SCENE 7: “I like ice cream”ICE CREAM SHOP (Heladería)

Vitrina (Ice cream window)
Lista con lo sabores de los helados (ice cream flavours)
Tenderos (Shopkeeper)
Niños (Children)
Dulces (Candies)
Frutas (Fruits)
Gaseosa (Soda)
Jugo (Juice)
Galleta (Cookie)
Helado (Ice cream)

SCENE 8: “My homework is important”STUDY ROOM (Estudio)

Computador (Computer)
Impresora (Printer)
Escritorio (Desk)
Biblioteca (Library)
Portalápices (Pencil Holder)
Portarretrato (Portrait)
Silla (Chair)
Calculadora (Calculator)
Cosedora (Stapler)
Tijeras (Scissors)
SCENE 9: “playing”PARK (Parque)
Gente (People)
Caneca (Trash Can)
Columpios (Swings)
Pasamanos (Handrail)
Pasto (Grass)
Subibaja (Seesaw)
Coche (Carriage)
Arenera (Sandbox)
Dog (Perro)
Rodadero (Slide)

Hot potatoes

“My Lurking Place” (Bedroom:Cuarto)


Choose the correct word that corresponds to each picture

a) night table
b) lamp
c) wardrobe x
d) Window

a) Flower vase
b) tape recorder
c) night table x
d) poster
a) alarm clock
b) Bed
c) carpet
d) flower vase x

a) Carpet
b) Lamp
c) Tape recorder x
d) wardrobe


a) Lamp
b) Alarm clock x
c) poster
d) wardrobe

a) Bed
b) Poster x
c) Lamp
d) window

a) Lamp x
b) Alarm clock
c) Night table
d) Tape recorder

a) window
b) Lamp
c) Wardrobe
d) carpet x


a) Lamp
b) Night table
c) Poster
d) window x


a) Lamp
b) bed x
c) Poster
d) wardrobe


Which is the object that corresponds to the picture

1. lamp
6. wardrobe

2. window 7. tape recorder

8. alarm clock

3. poster
4. carpet 9. night table
5. bed
10. flower vase


fill in the gaps

1. lamp
6. wardrobe

2. window 7. tape recorder

8. alarm clock

3. poster
4. carpet 9. night table
5. bed
10. flower vase

Drag the words to organize the sentence

1. My lamp is on the night table
2. The window has a big glass
3. I have a poster of my favorite star
4. My carpet is brown
5. I sleep on my bed
6. My mother puts my clothes in the wardrobe
7. My father listens to music from my tape recorder
8. The alarm clock sounds very early
9. My night table is very small
10. The flower vase has a lot of flowers


1. Drag the words on the right and associates them with the pictures on the

1.1 flower vase

1.2 bed

1.3 night table

1.4 carpet

1.5 alarm clock

1.6 lamp

1.7 tape recorder

1.8 poster

1.9 wardrobe

1.10 window

1. Fill in the blanks

“My lurking place”

My bedroom is my “lurking place” because I have my favorite things like:

tape recorder and my poster. When you enter to my

bedroom you can watch a carpet, I love to sleep on my big

bed and I enjoy watching the mountains through the window

next to my bed there is a wardrobe where my mother puts my clothes, my

lamp is so beautiful, I have a night table where I put my

alarm clock , and I put a flower vase

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