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Advancing Kingdom Purposes Overview

“The effective and fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.” James 5:15b

Advancing Kingdom Purposes Through Prophetic Intercession is

designed to connect two points: prophetic intercession and
effective ministry. One of the critical elements in this advance is the
synergy created when pastors and prophetic intercessors are properly
connected and in alignment with God's divine purposes. In order to
illustrate the importance of this relationship, we need to understand
prophetic intercession. The following is an overview of the topics

Defining Prophetic Intercession

What is prophetic intercession and how do we identify who is a
prophetic intercessor? In the chapters ahead, we will clarify what
prophetic intercession is and the various places this intercessory
expression can be of value in the body of Christ. We'll explore the
indicators of those called to this type of prayer and the four spiritual
gifts that relate to it. You will notice the terms prophetic gifts and
revelation gifts used interchangeably in reference to these four
spiritual gifts. The vantage point from which I write is to offer insight as
one who functions in all four of the prophetic gifts: the Word of
Wisdom1, the Word of knowledge2, the Discernment of Spirits3, and
Prophecy4. Most of how I "perceive" prophetically is an expression of
the discernment of spirits. We will discuss the main function for each
revelation gift as well as the various types of prophetic manifestations
that flow from these four spiritual gifts. In addition, I will highlight
some of the key differences between one who operates in the
prophetic through the gift of the discernment of spirits versus the gift
of prophecy.

The Prophetic Prayer Flow

One of the distinct differences of an intercessor who is prophetic has to
do with how they are focused in prayer. Prophetic intercessors enter in
A sudden knowing of what to do or how to pray.
A sudden knowledge of a past, present, or future detail without prior knowledge.
An ability to distinguish between a demonic, human, or the Holy Spirit operating in a situation.
An ability to prophesy, by an unction of the Holy Spirit, a word that edifies, comforts, and builds-up
the Body of Christ
to prayer very differently than other prayer warriors because of the
revelation they receive as part of their unique expression. Part of this
involves a tendency to remain focused on the same prayer point for a
longer period of time than other prayer warriors. As they go before the
Lord in prayer, these intercessors are listening to discern the mind of
the Lord in guiding them in how to pray. There are several helpful
guidelines that we will review in activating and maintaining this kind of
a prophetic prayer flow when praying with other prophetic intercessors.

Mentoring the Prophetic Intercessor

Once it becomes clear that an intercessor has a prophetic gift, how is
this prophetic intercessor to be mentored? Through the years I have
learned several helpful strategies to assist in both the sharpening of a
prophetic gift, as well as developing character and self-discipline. We
will cover topics such as: how to prepare to enter in to prophetic
intercession, stewardship of the prophetic gift, protocol in sharing a
prophetic word, discerning the prophetic theme, communicating
revelation to church leaders, responding versus reacting to spiritual
warfare, true discernment versus being critical, team dynamics, and
maintaining a victory mindset.

Relating to Leaders
One of the fundamental keys to the maturing of a prophetic intercessor
has to do with maintaining a healthy connection with the leadership.
The truth is these intercessors that hear God, need to be in right
relationship to leadership. Many pastors find it a challenge to know
how to encourage these intercessors, especially if they are
uncomfortable or unfamiliar with the prophetic themselves.
Nevertheless, it is no mistake that these intercessors are in your
congregation or that God has chosen you to be their pastor. If you
have trouble relating to prophetic intercessors, let me encourage you
that God has placed a special deposit within you that they need. God
has also planted a rich deposit in them that is designed to be a
blessing to you in addition to the body of Christ. Often times pastors
have felt inadequate in their ability to understand or relate to
intercessors and as a result, avoided them. Intercessors have also been
guilty of viewing their leaders as less spiritual if they perceive their
leadership as not prophetic. My hope and prayer is that this manuscript
will serve as a bridge for pastors and intercessors to recognize and
value the role each plays in advancing the kingdom.
A Word to Pastors and Intercessors
What are some of the common misconceptions between pastors and
prophetic intercessors? In this chapter I will identify some of these
misperceptions and discuss how these two roles were really meant to
strengthen one another. Amazingly, much of the problem is due to a
lack of instruction in how the other functions and how they are called
to interrelate. My intention in addressing some of these issues, is to
facilitate an understanding that will enable pastors and prophetic
intercessors to move past these misconceptions and partner together
as God has intended (Ephesians 4:16).

Launching a Prophetic Prayer Team

How can you establish a prophetic intercession team in your church?
Contained in this chapter are some practical insights that I have found
useful in this process. As with anything new, what you weave into the
initial fabric of a team is crucial to the quality and strength of what is
produced. We will explore questions like: What are the things you need
to consider in laying the initial foundation to this kind of a prayer
team? How do you go about deciding who should be on the team and
what criteria do base this on? We'll also discuss the importance of
establishing a clear vision statement that helps to motivate the on-
going prayer focus. Other topics we'll explore are team building, team
dynamics, personal ministry, team administration and the importance
of sabbaticals. All of these are important factors to consider in
developing a successful team.

Establishing a Pastoral Prayer Shield

When I hear of pastors falling into major sin or burning out, it becomes
very clear the importance of keeping our pastors covered in prayer. We
live in a world and in a culture where spiritual leaders are increasingly
under spiritual attack. This is why Paul exhorts the church in I Timothy
2:1-2 of the importance of prayer, especially for all those in authority.
Another aspect of prophetic intercession involves prayer coverage for
the pastoral team. There are some significant benefits in having
prophetic intercessors as part of this kind of team.
We will focus on how to establish a prayer shield for the pastoral team
and answer questions such as: How can you begin to mobilize prayer
coverage for the pastoral leadership while maintaining confidentiality?
How should this kind of prayer team be administrated? Who should be
on this kind prayer team and do they need to be prophetic? We will
explore these questions and discuss practical ideas on how to establish
this kind of prayer coverage in your church.

Understanding the Role of a Watchman

What is the role of the watchman and what does the watchman watch
for? We'll discuss this biblical role of the watchman and how part of the
responsibility involves praying in agreement with what God has
declared prophetically. Most watchmen are prophetic intercessors, but
not all prophetic intercessors are necessarily watchmen. I will share
insights in understanding the unique position of a watchman and
discuss how this role differs from a prophetic intercessor. We'll touch
on how watchmen are to connect with the leadership as well as how
the prophetic gifts help in this call to stand watch.

Benefits to Prophetic Intercession

Prophetic Intercession can be of such great value to the local and
regional church in so many ways. The heart of a prophetic intercessor
as well as the watchman is protective in nature and carries with it an
aspect of armor bearing--one who adds strength to those they are
called to support. In addition, the prophetic ability to see and to
discern enables these intercessors to pray with a Holy Spirit prompted,
laser-like precision. This ability to accurately discern and then pray is a
powerful tool in not only countering the schemes of the enemy, but
also seeing God's purposes established in the earth.

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