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Dictionary On-Line:


Some of these Spanish Steps are taken from this web site where you have the
pronunciation of these short conversations:


Lección 1

El Taxi
● Taking un taxi from the airport to the city centre
● Greeting someone informally ¿cómo estas? ¿Qué tal?
● The words for 'I' and 'you': yo and tú
● Saying hola and chao
● Understanding and replying to ¿dónde? ¿a dónde?
● Saying Gracias
● Two verbs 'to be': estar and ser
● Questions words: Que ? (what?), Cual?(what? Which?) Donde? (Where?), Como? (How?)

Lección 2

El hotel

● Booking into un hotel/Saying you've booked a room: Tengo una reserva

● Understanding key questions/requests
● Recognising the numbers 0-100 (Numeros Cardinales)

0 cero 1 uno 2 dos 3 tres 4 cuatro 5 cinco 6 seis 7 siete

8 ocho 9 nueve 10 diez 11 once 12 doce 13 trece 14 catorce
15 quince 16 dieciseis 17 diecisiete 18 dieciocho 19 diecinueve 20 veinte 21 veintiuno
22 veintidos 23 veintitres ......
30 treinta 40 cuarenta 50 cincuenta 60 sesenta 70 setenta 80 ochenta 90 noventa
100 cien
● Asking and Telling the time
● Ask for opening and closing times: Airport depatures, arrivals.
● Days of the week, the months and the seasons. Use your agenda, timetable.
● Indicating things: éste, ésta and esto
● Book a room in a Hotel: Quiero, Me gustaria una habitación
● Reading about Juan Luis Guerra
● Filling in a form
● Spelling your last name: El alfabeto

Lección 3

"Ir de marcha": going out, “Salir de fiesta o parranda”: partying

● Exchanging basic info about you and your family

● Describing pictures about people, family
● Indicating things: éste, ésta and esto
● Indicating possession: mi, nuestro, vuestro
● Key vocabulary about clothing , hair, height, special features
● The dictionary form of verbs: llevar, ...
● Describe your daily routine. Your hobbies.

Lección 4

La cafetería/El Restaurante

● Ordering a snack and a drink in una cafetería, Ordering a meal

● Reading menus
● Likes and dislikes: me gusta, no me gusta
● Understanding key questions in a café/Understanding questions from waiter/waitress
● Asking for a simple snack and a (non-alcoholic) drink
● Offering someone a drink: I and you verb endings: tomo and tomas
● Accepting a drink
● Using "por favor" when you Ask for the bill “por favor, la cuenta”

Lección 5

El Parque

● Look for new words about tourist sights, attractions and places
● Politely attracting someone's attention to ask the way to a place: Perdón, ¿el parque?
● Understanding key direction words: a la derecha, a la izquierda, etc.
● Asking for clarification/Saying that you speak a little of the language
● Work in pairs with maps of other countries.
● More numbers
Lección 6

● Asking for info at a tourist office

● Finding out about opening times of shops and museums
● Asking about places to visit
● Asking if a place is within walking distance
● Understanding information about a historic building
● Reading and recognition of the verbs.

Lección 7

El supermercado/Centro comercial

● Asking for price

● Asking for items: ¿Tiene?
● Understanding non-availability: No hay, No tengo
● Looking for things: Necesito, Busco, Estoy buscando
● Choosing clothes ¿Qué talla?
● Telling shopkeeper what clothes you want: Quiero + comprar/Quisiera + comprar
● Giving your size: Talla 36-40
● Understanding common colours, Style and fashion
● Saying you like or not some items

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