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Archeology, Early Humans, Hunters + Gatherers to

(50 points total)
Part I: Please fill in the blank with the letter of the word that correctly completes
the sentence. Not all words will be used. (1 points each, 14 pts total)
a. Archeology e. Prime meridian i. Oral tradition m. Civilization q.
b. Prehistory f. Geography j. Excavation n. Catal Hoyuk r. Geologist
c. Historian g. Equator k. Artifact o. Culture s. city-state
d. domestication h. River systems l. archeologist

1. ______is the process of digging up the remains of the past.

2. ______is the recovery of artifacts, ruins, bones, and fossils remaining from the past.

3. Ancient jewelry, tools, coins, and toys are considered ______,which teach us about the customs
of the past.

4. Three experts who study the past are (in any order) ______, ______, ______.

5. As early humans settled, they began to control both the growth and behavior of plants and
animals; this process is called ______.

6. The behaviors, beliefs, customs, and attitudes of a group of people are called ______.

7. The horizontal line that divides the Northern and Southern Hemispheres is the
______. The vertical line that divides the Eastern and Western Hemispheres is the ______.

8. Two Neolithic towns are called ______and ______.

9. A complex society with a stable food supply, specialization of labor, a government, social
levels, and a highly developed culture that includes art, architecture, religion, music and laws is
called a ______.

10. _______ is history that took place before the development of writing.

Part II: Chronology: Write the name of the hominids in order of evolution (first
being the oldest and first hominid on Earth: (1 pts each, 5 pts total)

- Homo habilis
- Homo sapiens neanderthalensis
- Austrolopithecus afarensis
- Homo erectus
- Homo sapiens sapiens (Cro Magnon)

Part III: Please list the following: (7 pts total):

1. Name the seven continents in any order. (3 pts)

2. Name the four oceans in any order. (2 pts)
3. Name the two key factors in the survival of early humans in any order. (2 pts)

Part IV: Multiple choice (1 pt each, 7 pts total)

_______ 1. Which hominid used the earliest tools?

a. Homo habilis
b. Homo sapiens neanderthalensis
c. Austrolopithecus afarensis
d. Homo erectus
e. Homo sapiens sapiens (Cro Magnon)

_______ 2. Which hominid was the first to leave Africa?

a. Homo habilis
b. Homo sapiens neanderthalensis
c. Austrolopithecus afarensis
d. Homo erectus
e. Homo sapiens sapiens (Cro Magnon)

________ 3. Which hominid was the ancestor of modern man?

a. Homo habilis
b. Homo sapiens neanderthalensis
c. Austrolopithecus afarensis
d. Homo erectus
e. Homo sapiens sapiens (Cro Magnon)

________ 4. Which hominid was the first to control fire?

a. Homo habilis
b. Homo sapiens neanderthalensis
c. Austrolopithecus afarensis
d. Homo erectus
e. Homo sapiens sapiens (Cro Magnon)

________ 5. Which hominid produced cave paintings and why is it important?

a. Homo neanderthalensis, paintings showed what tools they used
b. Homo sapiens neanderthalensis, paintings showed how they recognized beauty
c. Homo sapiens sapiens (Cro Magnon),, paintings showed how they got food
d. Homo erectus, paintings showed they stood upright
e. Homo sapiens sapiens (Cro Magnon), paintings showed they had imagination

________ 6. On which continent were the oldest fossils of early hominids found?
a. Asia
b. Europe
c. Africa
________ 7. Domestication of plants and animals an example of:
a. human-environment interaction because humans modified or changed their
b. human-environment interaction because the environment changed humans
c. location because animals live there
d. movement because animals move

Part V: Please fill in the blank with the letter of the word that correctly completes
the sentence. Not all letters will be used. (1 pt each, 9 pts total)

a. nomadic c. Paleolithic e. Neolithic g. trade i. farmers

b. hunter-gatherers d. domesticate f. crops h. Ice j. agriculture

1. The Stone Age is divided into two periods, the ______Age came first, and the ______Age

2. During the Old Stone Age, early humans were ______, which resulted in an unstable food supply

and caused them to be ______, in which they wandered from place to place in search of food.

3. During the New Stone Age, people became ______and produced their own food, leading to a stable
food supply.

4. Early farmers learned how to ______animals and grow ______, leading to the invention of ______,
one of the most important advances in history.

5. Another major change in the New Stone Age was the growth of ______, which allowed people to
get resources (such as obsidian) that were not available in their own area.

Part VI: The following facts either match the Old Stone Age or the New Stone
Age. (1 pt each, 8 pts total)
Write a “O” if the fact is about the Old Stone Age.
Write a “N” if the fact is about the New Stone Age.

______ 1. People settled in one place.

______ 2. Communities included nomadic bands of 20-60 people.

______ 3. People temporarily lived in caves or rough, tent-like structures.

______ 4. Larger communities allowed for greater protection against enemies.

______ 5. Permanent shelters made life more comfortable.

______ 6. Contact with traders from other areas helped spread ideas and knowledge around the
ancient world.

______ 7. People’s main job was to find food.

______ 8. People worked in different jobs and developed more specialized skills.


Archeology, Early Humans, Hunters + Gatherers to
(50 points total)
Part I: Fill in the blank. Remember that some numbers have more than one
answer, as indicated by the commas ( , ). (1 points each, 14 pts total)

1. 2. 3. 4. , , 5.
6. 7. , 8. , 9. 10.

Part II: Chronology: First is the oldest hominid. (1 pts each, 5 pts total)

First: Second: Third: Fourth: Fifth:

Part III: Lists (7 pts total)

1a. 2a. 3a.

1b. 2b. 3b.
1c. 2c.
1d. 2d.

Part IV: Multiple Choice (1 pt each, 7 pts total)

1. 2. 3. 4.
5. 6. 7.

Part V: Fill in the blank (1 pt each, 9 pts total)

1. , 2. , 3.
4. . , , 5.

Part VI: Old Stone Age (O) or New Stone Age (N) (1 pt each, 8 pts total)

1. 2. 3. 4.
5. 6. 7. 8.


Archeology, Early Humans, Hunters + Gatherers to
(50 points total)
Part I: Fill in the blank. Remember that some numbers have more than one
answer, as indicated by the commas ( , ). (1 points each, 14 pts total)

1. J 2. A 3. K 4. C , R , L 5. D
6. O 7. G , E 8. Q , N 9. M 10. B

Part II: Chronology (1 pts each, 5 pts total)

First: Second: Third: Fourth: Fifth:

Austrolopithecus Homo habilis Homo erectus Homo sapiens Homo sapiens
afarensis neanderthalensis sapiens (Cro

Part III: Lists (7 pts total)

1a. Antarctica 2a. Arctic 3a. Development of tools

1b. Australia 2b. Atlantic 3b. Use of fire
1c. Africa 2c. Pacific
1d. Asia 2d. Indian
1e. North America
1f. South America
1g. Europe

Part IV: Multiple Choice (1 pt each, 7 pts total)

1. A 2. D 3. E 4. D
5. E 6. C 7. A

Part V: Fill in the blank (1 pt each, 9 pts total)

1. C , E 2. B , A 3. I
4. D , F , J 5. G

Part VI: Old Stone Age (O) or New Stone Age (P) (1 pt each, 8 pts total)

1. N 2. O 3. O 4. N
5. N 6. N 7. O 8. N

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