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bat cobweb scary

broom ghost spider

candy Halloween spooky

cat pumpkin witch

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Date ____________________

Halloween Vocabulary Quiz Worksheet

Directions: Match the vocabulary words on the left with the definitions on the right.
1. mummy 2. ghost inhabited or visited by ghosts. a large, roundish, gourdlike orange fruit that has thick edible flesh and is borne on a low-growing vine. a word, phrase, or the like used to bewitch or enchant; charm; incantation. a legendary being, often said to be a revived corpse, that preys on people in order to suck out their blood. any of various usu. night-flying mammals that have wings that are covered with membranes, and that sense objects mostly by means of reflected sound waves rather than by vision. an imaginary or mythical creature, often with features of two different animals or of animals and humans. to form or inscribe by cutting: a covering for all or part of the face, usu. worn to disguise the wearer's identity. a mixture for drinking, esp. one that is supposed to have medicinal, magical, or poisonous effects: a spell or supernatural force that, according to voodoo belief and legend, can enter a corpse, return life to it, and then control its actions. causing fear; frightening. in folklore and fairy tales, an ugly creature that does evil or

3. spell

4. mask

5. costume

6. vampire 7. warlock 8. carve

9. goblin

10. monster

11. zombie (zombi) 12. pumpkin

mischief to humans. 13. bat the spirit of someone who has died, esp. one that is believed to have returned to earth to haunt a place or living people. a corpse preserved by embalming, esp. one embalmed and wrapped by or in the manner of the ancient Egyptians. a woman who practices or is believed to practice occult magic; sorceress. a man who practices witchcraft or magic arts; sorcerer. a set of clothes suited to a particular season, occasion, or activity.

14. haunted

15. scary 16. potion 17. witch

Halloween Find It! Quiz


Use the Little Explorers picture dictionary to answer the following questions.

1. This word starts with an "A." It is the season of the year when the days get shorter, the leaves fall from the trees, and we celebrate Halloween. What is this word? _______________ 2. This word starts with a "B." It is a flying mammal. What is it called? _______________ 3. This word starts with an "M." It is a thing you put over your face to pretend you are someone or something else. What is it called? _______________ 4. This word starts with a "G." It is a scary make-believe thing that is supposed to be the spirit of a dead person. What is it called? __________________

5. This word starts with an "S." It is an animal that has eight legs and a two-part body. What is it? _____________________ 6. This word starts with a "W." It is a sticky structure used to catch prey. It is made by the animal in the last question. What is this word? _______________ 7. This word starts with a "W." It is a scary, make-believe woman with magical powers. What is this word? ___________________ 8. This word starts with a "J." It is a pumpkin that has been carved into a scary face. What is it? _____________________________ 9. This word starts with an "S." It is a set of bones. What is it called? _____________________________ 10. This word starts with a "C." It is a sweet treat that is given to trick-or-treating children at Halloween. What is it? __________________

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