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Whole Life Concept Part 2 Mitran Thakor ENGR 1201 13 15 October, 2012

Introduction The Whole Life Concepts model integrates many aspects which are vital in the engineering world. They represent a series of steps one must fulfill and follow in order to have a successful engineering career. The four concepts include passion, which is the love and drive to accomplish ones goal, knowledge which incorporates the skill set and education one has, application, which involves utilizing the skills and education in the real world, and impact, which is the legacy and imprint one leaves behind on his community from his work. The majority of this paper will cover the middle concepts, knowledge and application. Summary In part one of this paper, I extensively covered the concepts of passion and impact. Passion is the strong love for ones innermost wants and desires and creates the drive in one to try to be the best he can at what he does. For example, I began working on cars with my dad from an early age and developed a passion for them over time. I began researching the latest models and features and tried to obtain as much information as I could about their mechanics and engines. Because I am so deeply invested and enthralled by cars, I have the passion to try and gain as much knowledge as I can about them; my passion instills this drive for knowledge due to my desire to be the best I can in that field of work. I hope to use this passion and drive to one day work for an automotive company and help revolutionize the automotive world. With scarce amounts of fossil fuels remaining, an alternative energy source will be vital to ensure transportation in the future. Sources such as compressed natural gas, solar energy, and 4 biofuels are all viable options which I hope to implement as automotive fuels as a future engineer. In the previous paper I wrote concerning the passion and impact aspects of the Whole Life Concepts model, I researched some jobs opportunities which caught my eye. Although I described my passion for cars and how I hope to translate that into a career, I am fond of any kind of engineering which requires creativity and innovation. The jobs I ran across included an aircraft control and diagnostic systems staff engineer, a robotics control manger, and a program manager for an automotive parts supplier in Michigan. Even though I researched these jobs on monster.com, they required a great deal of prerequisites for application. Some of the technical skills I must be familiar with included AutoCAD and ladder-logic circuits. These are especially vital for a job as a robotics control manager because there is 1 constant interaction with new electronic components and parts. As aircraft control and diagnostic systems staff engineer I would require knowledge in engine health management and dynamic systems 2 modeling along with a familiarity with software engineering. And a working knowledge of electrical circuits, injection molding along with expertise in using MS office is essential as a program manager for 3 an automotive parts supplier. The technical skills varied from job to job but the non-technical skills were all very similar no matter the field of work. Almost all engineer jobs require effective verbal and non-verbal communication with co-workers. For example, working for an automotive parts supplier would mean teaming up with the sales team to determine the projected costs and profits of products. Therefore it is essential that I know how to write proper e-mails and technical reports along with extraordinary speaking and communication skills. I know my passion for machines and gadgets and desire to learn and do well 4 will lead me to a career where I can make a great impact on myself and my surroundings.

1 P&A Industries, Inc., "Robotic controls engineer." Last modified September 13, 2012. Accessed September 17, 2012, http://jobview.monster.com/Robotics-Controls-Engineer-Job-Findlay-OH-114117206.aspx. 2 Pratt & Whitney. "Control & Diagnostic Systems Staff Engineer." Last modified September 17, 2012. Accessed September 19, 2012., http://www.engineerjobs.com/job.php?jobid=118690 3 N.S. International. Program Manager Last modified August 24, 2012. Accessed September 19, 2012 http://www.careerbuilder.com/JobSeeker/Jobs/JobDetails.aspx?Job_DID=JHV63L6TH3X5W3GLYJY&siteid=sep_simphire_enginee r&ipath=EXGOO 4 Thakor, Mitran Whole Life Concepts Paper part 1. 14, September 2012

Knowledge and Skills Although passion is necessary for a fulfilling and worthwhile career, it must be coupled with the correct education in order to be successful. Passion and desire will only get you so far; without the correct tools and skills to accompany that passion, you cannot engender and translate it into your work. For instance, referring back to the example of my passion, I knew that I had a love for cars from a very young age and now want to implement that passion into a career but without me researching and becoming educated on the mechanics and fundamentals of their operation and how to interact and behave in a common workplace, my passion is worthless. Passion is the driving force behind ones career but the knowledge and skills create the road for it to travel. The major which best suits my passion is mechanical engineering because I have always had a passion for machines. They are so intriguing to me because they simplify the world around us yet are so complex in their design and function. Machines allow us to get from one place to the next quickly, provide us with light even when the sun isnt shining, and much, much more which make our lives as humans easier. Many people take machines such a cell phones, computers, and televisions for granted but I feel like they are pieces of art. As clich as that may sound, I truly believe it; even the simplest electronic device, machine, or product ever built required immense time, thought, patience, and effort. The engineer had to be unique in his design so that the product fulfilled its function, while still being user-friendly and having a pleasant appearance. For example, the pouch of Capri Sun I am drinking right now was designed by an engineer and serves many different functions than carrying juice. It is made of an aluminum like material so that the liquid inside stays cool even if its been taken out of the refrigerator for some time. It also includes a straw with a pointy end so that it is easy to insert it into the pouch. No one notices these features, yet they exist in order to l make life easier for the user. I admire and respect the work and time engineers put in to make something so simple have so many functions and hold a passion to innovate and design new products in my career. With a degree in mechanical engineering, I can create and innovate ways to carry out solutions for the different energy and food crisiss plaguing our world. As a mechanical engineer, I can choose a career in any field I wish because all companies are looking for imaginative and original people to help them move forward. Having a concentration in energy engineering can also allow me to resolve problems in issues I am passionate about. As I stated before, I am very intrigued by cars and they are a large part of my life, therefore, energy engineering can help me determine new ways to power cars for both transportation and recreation. There is definitely another alternative fuel source out there which can make cars environmentally friendly while also delivering on effective pickup and I hope to discover it to better benefit the world. As I proceed through the academic program here at UNC-Charlotte, I will gain the necessary knowledge and skills necessary for a career in mechanical engineering. It is a process that will take four years, and a great deal of dedication and hard work but in the end I will be educated to complete any task I am asked as a professional. Courses like physics I and II will teach me about topics such as static and current electricity, momentum, force, and waves in great detail and depth. These are topics relevant to the world around us and thus taking a physics lab in addition to those classes will show me apply them in any real life situation. Therefore I am not only becoming educated about physics but also learning how to utilize it to solve problems no matter where they exist. Courses become more specific as I travel through the academic program. A thermodynamics and heat transfer course will teach me how heat is transferred though energy and can be used as energy. I can then apply that knowledge when working at a power plant for instance. Heat is used to warm up water in order to create steam which powers many of the electrical generators so it is essential to know how to calculate the energy transferred to the steam from the heat. The liberal studies I take will keep me informed about current and past events in the world. For example, in LBST 2102 I will learn where major cities, rivers, and landforms are located and the different demographics and cultures of different world regions. This will benefit me in my professional career because I will have to travel to all parts of the world and it will be vital for me to be familiar with the customs in that area. I will be able to apply everything I learn during my time at this university to my professional career or even life in general. Therefore, it is important that I stay focused and gain all the skills and knowledge I can during these next four years.

When my career is over, I want to be able to look back and see my imprint on the world. The academic program I chose specifies in energy engineering, a field which I am very interested in and hope to contribute to due to the contemporary energy crisis present in our world. It will provide me with the tools and knowledge to revolutionize the world with the development of newer methods of creating, storing, converting, and consuming energy. Everything I learn during my four years an UNC-Charlotte will only benefit me in my professional career, but most of that information will be technical skills and knowledge which will allow me to do what I need to complete tasks at work. However, public speaking, oral communication and teamwork are all skills I need to develop to ensure that I work effectively with my future co-workers. Volunteering at Habitat for Humanity will allow me to work more comfortably with others while also explaining the time and effort it takes to accomplish a common goal. Many people, all who dont know each other and have different talents, come together to achieve a task. The same is true in the real world where representatives from different departments come together and try to accomplish a goal. Joining an improve club will also help me get over my fear of public speaking. I will have to make many presentations in career so it is important that I become comfortable under the spotlight. Reflection and conclusion The Whole Life Concepts and Disciplines model accurately represents all the aspects which make up a successful and long-lasting career. Each concept is a step that is essential so if one is missing than the others cannot develop. For example, if there is not passion, there will never be knowledge; likewise if there is no knowledge, it cannot be applied and so on. Each step is the result of the previous therefore the passion, the foundation of the model, must be present in order for a successful career. At the point where I stand at this moment, as a college student, I have already identified my passion; I know I want to pursue a career in mechanical engineering and eventually make a positive impact on the world around me. However, at the beginning of this year I wasnt sure if that career path was the right one for me. I wasnt sure if I would be dedicated enough to complete the work it takes to become an engineer, but after studying the Whole Life Concept I began to think about what I was passionate about and concluded that everything I enjoy is related to mechanical engineering in some way. An example would be cars, something I have been fond of ever since I was a child. The Whole Life Concept also made me think about how I want to be remembered after my career is over. Before, I had no direction or root cause for the work I did. I wouldnt completely focus on assignments and sometimes would be too lazy to turn them in. But as I thought about the impact aspect of the model, I realized that I want to be remembered as a hard-working individual who does thinks the right way and has respect for what he does. Ever since, I have been dedicated to my academic work to ensure that I be remembered in a positive light even after I leave this university. The Whole Life concept is also important to me at this point in my life because I am in the second ring. I must try to receive all the knowledge and skills I can to ensure a successful career in the future. As I complete half of my first semester in the college of engineering, I feel like I am more committed to my education than ever. In high school, I was lazy and didnt put much effort into my work. At the end of my high school career I was disappointed in myself that I did not work hard enough or put forth my best effort. Therefore, I have refocused myself at UNC-Charlotte to strive to do the best I can and get good grades to ensure a successful career. I realize that my future employers will hire me on what I accomplish during my four years here so I am dedicated to work hard and do well.


Mitran Thakor Engineering 1201 intern

I have neither given nor received any unauthorized help on this assignment, nor witnessed any violation of the UNC Charlotte Code of Academic Integrity. Mitran Thakor 10/15/12

Works Cited N.S. International. Program Manager Last modified August 24, 2012. Accessed September 19, 2012 http://www.careerbuilder.com/JobSeeker/Jobs/JobDetails.aspx?Job_DID=JHV63L6TH3X5W3GL YJY&siteid=sep_simphire_engineer&ipath=EXGOO P&A Industries, Inc., "Robotic controls engineer." Last modified September 13, 2012. Accessed September 17, 2012, http://jobview.monster.com/Robotics-Controls-Engineer-Job-Findlay-OH114117206.aspx. Pratt & Whitney. "Control & Diagnostic Systems Staff Engineer." Last modified September 17, 2012. Accessed September 19, 2012., http://www.engineerjobs.com/job.php?jobid=118690 Thakor, Mitran Whole Life Concepts Paper part 1. 14, September 2012

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