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Comrade Rachel Quillen of the Communist State of Pygrosia

I strongly support unity with other leftist organizations. We need to create a web of allies that
will assist us in our time of need. We also need to assure our friends that we will be here for
them. We need to create new alliances and strengthen current ones. I will go out and seek like-
minded Factions and enter into discussions with them.

Enemies are anyone who actively fights against democracy and/or leftists ideologies. Our first
priority will always be cautious peace. If the group or one of our allies is attacked, or if there is
an imminent threat, then we must mobilize our forces and defend ourselves and our friends.

When nations ask to be members I thoroughly examine their profile and attributes. If I am
unsure I will even examine who they have as enemies and allies. If I am still unsure then I will
bring the nation to the members for review. Nations must embrace democracy and share the
Union's values. If they are a young nation then I will ask for their word that they do all they can
to raise their attributes.

I will only change the amendment if it is absolutely necessary. I do not believe we need to
change our constitution every week just because we can. This harms stability and we will never
have a solid foundation if we continue in this way. If I see the group struggling in an area, or if
the group has a complaint, then we have discussions and decide on the best possible outcome.

As a former elective I encouraged members to get involved and vote. We cannot strive for
democracy if no one is willing to vote. If I am granted with another term then I will strive for
activity and encourage other members to do the same. We cannot have a group of over 70
members but only 15 being active.

Being executive is a very important task. Executives have to be a leader without dictating the
group. We have to encourage unity while protecting the group from outside harm. I will set an
example that future Executives never forget that the group comes first, and to never become
power hungry.
President Fabrizio Cataldo of the Socialist Republic of United Venezuela

1. I obviously support strong relationships with other leftist organizations or factions. Like i said
before, the strength of a nation or a faction, I believe, is measured not by the number of
enemies u have or the wars uve won, but by the numbers of allies you posses, since the moment
we get in trouble, they will all be willing to help us in our time of need. I strongly support
searching for new allies that will help us as we will help them. Maybe we could even think of a
future merging between the two factions. As Executive, I would take matters into my own hands,
and search worldwide for allies willing to help us and receive help from us. As we get more allies,
the stronger a faction we'll be.

2. Enemies of this great faction would obviously be fascist, ultra-right and capitalist groups,
looking to repress democracy, oppress their people and actively support actions of terrorism and
attacks on members of this faction. I would first take a neutral stance against these enemies,
but as soon as they even think of attacking or declaring war to any of our members, they shall
be obliterated or at least taught a lesson; our massive armies shall mobilize against them in a
clear message of support of our member and disagreement to both terrorism and war.

3. I would research them first, their attributes and their way of resolving issues. I would check
their allies and enemies so that we get the best idea of who they are and how do they support
leftist’s beliefs. I think that we should get all the members we can, but we do not want any
radicals that actively support oppressive and dictatorial regimes in their nations. We also
wouldn’t want to accept any spies by accident, so I think that the examination must be thorough
and objective.

4. Not wanting to sound critical or against the faction, but I think that our Amendment has major
flaws. First, I would change the Executive term from 4 weeks to 12 weeks so we're not running
into elections every single month. Consequently I would also change the Legislators terms to 12
weeks. Second, I would disable the Executive from being able to participate in the Legislature
since I think that both the Executive and the Legislature should have their own opinions, and
also I think it violates Montesquieu's separation of powers, of which I am a strong supporter. I
would change the Legislature Size to 25-30 Legislators, so that decisions shall be made quicker. I
would put the Membership control over to both the Executive and the Legislators but only if the
Legislators are ready to comply with strict rules about accepting new members. That's probably
all i would try to change, but know that I WOULDN'T CHANGE ANYTHING IF I DID NOT HAVE THE

5. For the future of the faction I would like to focus on topics like more power to the Members, an
open democracy, more and stronger allies, more members and maybe even change the name to
something a bit more obvious, maybe ''Joint Social Cooperative'' or ''Workers of the World,
Unite!''...something that would give a clear statement of our political, social and economical
ideologies. I would like to encourage the participation of all members so that there is less power
to the Executive and the Legislature and more power to the Members, since without them, this
faction would be nothing. I would like to have a stronger focus of a Social-Democratic Faction,
since that is what we stand for. And just maybe, a changing of the Flag if we do change the
name of the faction.

6. I would give less power to the role of the Executive, thus asking for a stronger participation of
the Members of this great faction. I would bring peace, security, good advise and aid to the
members never before seen. I would set an example for future Executives and I would bring a
complete Evolution and Revolution to the way this faction works, so that we can be a stronger
and respected faction. I would bring freedom.
General Secretary Ben Zavelsky of the Social Democracy of Privallo

Unity with other Left-wing Factions: It is something that I would strive for, of course. A lot of
other ideologies are in a better position than us. Not because they have better members (they
don’t). Not because they are larger or better. But because they are better ORGANIZED. The
entire fascist ideology can declare war at the snap of the fingers. With socialism, we are split in
two, and we can’t make such quick decisions. I feel that as an entirety, we would benefit from
But keep in mind the ACSE shouldn’t be our main task. There are tens of socialist or communist
factions out there, each with 2 or 3 people. We should eventually look into talking with them and
them merging with us.

Attitudes towards supposed enemies (and who you propose these are): I feel that at this point,
we need to keep a small "watch-list" of alliances. Some of these may include the NAP, Capitalist
Union, Right Wing Military Alliance, etc. But I feel that at this point our only enemies are
alliances that are united against socialism. Places like the NAP, for example, are united fascists.
They are not as much of a threat as united left-haters. However, when we get our current issues
straightened out, I recommend we talk with a lot of these left-opposing groups and organize
peace. Some "enemies" may be smaller than us, but that is no reason to attack them, even if it
would be easier. In the long term, I really like the idea of propaganda and trying to convert
rightists and achieve international socialism.

How you would deal with new membership requests: I would look at their statistics. I said earlier:
>-80 freedoms, >50 happiness, <1% unemployment, and population growth. For small nations,
it may be more lenient, of course. Allies and enemies shouldn’t matter. Some people are OOC
friends with kids who have fascist nations. But we must prefer quality of members instead of
quantity, so screening is a necessary thing.

How you would possibly change (or not change) the Amendment: First order of business would
be to settle this legislature issue, if it hasn’t already been settled. Also, I would like to change
our name to something like the "Communists, socialists, and leftists Union". That is because if a
leftist is looking through the top rankings to see the strongest left alliance, we don’t want him to
not know what LUBN-UCSN is. We will still be affiliated with the duo of the alliances, but we will
make sure people know our purpose. But I don’t feel that constitutional amendments are
constantly necessary, so I would try to keep them down.

What you would bring to the faction as a whole, and what would you propose we change for the
future under your executive: I think that we must definitely make OFFICIAL ally ships. I have
expressed my interest already for the Open Minded Nations alliance and the Enlightened Union
of Nations. They appear to be very open and an intellectual bunch. We must have open debates,
and if there is any kind of worker's revolution in any nation, we must be given their URL and help
the workers.

And finally, what you would bring to the role of Executive: I have lots of leadership skills. I was
the Vice Premier for a few months in the ACSE prior to my conversion to freedom. My greatest
ally is the leader of the Jedi Order and one of the most active members in the UN, if there is a
problem with us and another faction, he would help. I have a good history with pretty much
every alliance leader, also Joey Myer, leader of The Sorean League. I am also very good friends
with the leader of the GDA. Because of my 8 months of alliance experience, I have made many
allies and had many good achievements, and some bitter failures. But have experience, and I
have connections. Both of these things, coupled with the extraordinary intelligence and activity
of our faction, will give us no limit in greatness.
Chairman Jichao Yin of the People's Republic of Osean

Unification of the other Left Wing nations and factions into the Comintern (Communist
International) is THE most crucial step in building a unified and coherent Socialist Utopia. By
being executive and leading the other nations, we shall use every possible method in order to
achieve this goal. We have the man power, we have the political leverage and we have a will of
iron. Our members are disciplined and their spirits are high, now is the time to unify and start
the International Revolution.

The question of enemies is not what their policies may be or how many right wing allies they
may have. It is in what light they see our expansion. Enemities form when nations feel that their
national sovereignty and decisions are being meddled by foreign powers. We must not use
empty threats and blackmail to absorb them. Rather we shall show them how wonderfully happy
and prosperous are the citizens of our nations, how just are our political systems, how clean is
the air we breath and the water we drink, finally how glorious and beautiful is this Socialist land
of ours. It is in the natural course of history for every nation to develop and progress towards a
society as whole that is based on these principles so cherished by us. Thus sooner or later these
so called "enemy" nations will become Left Wing societies. In the case of those despotic and
socially backward states that refuse to progress, they are on the wrong side of history and will
end up in the lower tier of civilization

A wonderful Socialist society is not easy to achieve, the leader of a nation will have to have a
clear vision of the future and cater dutifully to the needs of the citizens to achieve this. How long
have our predecessors struggled to achieve today's liberation, this bountiful and just land of ours
is built on the shoulders of those who have sacrificed themselves so that future generations may
be freed from slavery to roam this land basked in sunshine. How unjust would it be that young
fledgling nations aspiring to follow in our footsteps endure the same devastation and desolation
that we had overcome, in order to become Socialist societies. The best would be to allow all
aspiring nations to join and progress towards the final Socialist state, benefiting from support
and guidance from the more developed nations. Our faction will then be seen as more hospitable
and other factions will ally with us voluntarily. Of course, newly joined nations that refuse to
follow the correct development pass will be expelled with severe consequences.

The current Amendment is very just and politically correct, albeit having the executive examine
every newly joined nations is a very tedious and time consuming task, possibly results in errors
and mistakes. We shall have the legislature approve of newly admitted member nations along
with the executive.

As executive and also chairman of a republic that has endured half a century of intense internal
political struggle and civil strife, resulting in whole generations not knowing what peace and
stability means. I have experience in mending relationship with rival factions and appeasing
warring nations, resolving internal rifts and smoothing over international criticism. By electing
me as executive, we shall march together, side by side, on the great path carved out for us by
those who’ve sacrifice youth and life for a better future. We shall overcome any obstacle,
destroy every barrier and march towards the gloriously bright final Utopia!
Visionary Matej B. Andjelic of the People's Republic of Social Justice

Respect to all of my opponents in this race, but I have a different concept of leadership.
I would like to provoke every member to see further than we all do now. That would be my
policy! Maybe the obvious answers to those questions are not necessarily the right ones?
Together, combining different ways of thinking, we will prosper in my vision!
1. Other factions are important, but rather than chasing their opinion and begging them to love
us, I would try to make our group irresistible to the members of other factions, by being better
than them! Never aggressive, always diplomatic and calculative!! Peace, unions with other
factions would be great but not at all cost, not against our pride and ideas! We are the biggest
soc\comm. group! We mustn't forget this when negotiating!!!

2. About new members! I find this searching trough profiles, attributes and other things
ridiculous...Is it possible that every one agrees to make the same mistake as the former east
block with their iron curtain?! Open to all socialist brothers and sisters!! That is my policy! Every
leftist nation should be honoured to be a part of this union, and we would make their wish come
trough by accepting them! If there is a spy, or not for real socialists, they won’t last long in this
group. I would rather risk and accept a number of wrong nations (that we would deal with fast, if
they would prove wrong) than to maybe be unjust to one good nation!! Generosity is the new
principle I would like to see more of!!(Generosity always payback)

3. Amendments should be changed, only to bring us better organization! I would be most happy
if I could create an opinion that NO amendment can't be changed without an discussion of
members, and that amendments must be the concern of us all!!!

4. This faction in my opinion needs a face lift!! We need to be attractive to others! A simple but
strong name, a flag that will not leave you undecided ( I already had this initiative, which I tend
to continue with)

I would like to appoint some of the most active members to some special missions (Diplomacy,
topic administrator. as an example)
5. Enemies are everybody who is openly against our ideas and are aggressive to our members!
Naturally, the traditional communist enemies are also ours!
But I would support only defensive acting in this matter!
I believe that I answered what I would bring to the role of Executive trough all of my other
answers! New thinking could maybe explain it short.
General Secretary Maurice Jeruzelsky of the Democratic State of Brozvakia

Unity with other Left-wing Factions

I am pro-unity with other factions (who isn't), and I believe we should have an aggressive policy
of absorbing smaller factions and of recruiting.

Attitudes towards supposed enemies (and who you propose these are)
I would try to increase friendship with fascists, Randians, and conservatives. However I would
not compromise our principles and I would side with one of our brother regions if a conflict ever
broke out.

How you would deal with new membership requests

I would accept anyone who tried to join after they passed a background check (to prevent spies
from joining).

How you would possibly change (or not change) the Amendment
I would not change it.

What you would bring to the faction as a whole, and what would you propose we change for the
future under your executive
Unity, peace, stability, and growth. I would change our recruitment efforts so that they are much
more successful. Then with these changed, we can gain more members and more
power/influence in the nations world.

And finally, what you would bring to the role of Executive

I would bring my wealth of experience in Nationstates, Cybernations, and Astro Empires
governments. In all of these applications I have been in large alliances and I usually advance in
influence to become one of the 5 oligarchs of the government (even in the democratic ones I
have been in) because of my drive, and dedication. I also run political clubs in real life and help
the local Green Party.

If anyone has any questions about my stances, please feel free to ask. A lot of times when given
surveys to answer my answers are too concise.
Great Khan Alex James Maniakas of the Commonwealth of Communist Commies

Hello LUBN-UCSN Union members! Thank you for accepting me as a member, and thank you for
the warm welcome I have received. Also thank you to Comrade Brammer of Imaginarium for his

I've put my name in for the upcoming election of our executive, and I look forward to the race.
Below are my stands on topics:

1. Unity with other Left-wing Factions- People who support left wing causes almost by definition
support unity. However, when it comes to dealing with other factions, we must keep in mind that
the interest of our own faction must always come first. Providing support to other factions must
be in our interest either in the short or the long term.

2. Attitudes towards supposed enemies (and who you propose these are)- Our attitude towards
our enemies must always be in the interest of our cause. If confrontation hurts our interests, it
should be avoided. I do not believe in conflict for the sake of conflict. That being said, there are
certain intolerable concepts that should be shunned at all times, Fascism being one of them. As
freedom of the people is the foundation of everything the left stands for, compromise in this
regard is inexcusable.

3. How you would deal with new membership requests- All new members should be welcomed
with open arms, and they should be made aware of our core principals and the expectations of
conduct. That being said, continuity of how our members vote is important in the strength of our
faction. Inactive members should be warned and purged if they are inactive for too long, and
members who deliberately vote against our interest should also be thrown out.

4. How you would possibly change (or not change) the Amendment- Constitutions are wonderful
documents and amendments are an important part of a growing society. I welcome all proposals
for amendments and the thoughtful discussion that should follow any propositions.
5. What you would bring to the faction as a whole, and what would you propose we change for
the future under your executive- If I am elected as your executive, I will bring inclusion and
prosperity to the faction. I propose a new process for admitting, maintaining, and whipping
(getting votes from) our members. I also propose a slightly more exclusive way of allowing
legislators. I welcome a debate on the merits of this idea. From my perspective, passing
amendments is a bit more difficult than it should be due to the high number of legislators.

Thank you for your consideration!

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