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Reflections on Mission

Our Work is a Sacred


his is the first of several written resources designed to help you understand mission as a concept and how to integrate the mission of your agency in your work. This series is meant to be practicalto give information that will further your understanding of mission and to provide questions that will stimulate you to think about how you are a living witness of this mission in who you are and what you do at the agency. The resource combines process with information. It is designed to be user-friendly and allow for your creativity. Please make the time to read this material and personally respond to the questions.

Content and Process

ission and Mission Statementwhat words, phrases, images come to your mind when you read or hear these three words?

1. Please take a moment and write them/draw them on a sheet of paper. 2. Write the mission statement of your Catholic Charities agency in its words or in your words. 3. Now return to the content. Content mission statement defines the purpose for which a Catholic Charities agency exits. The questions, Who are we? and Why are we here? are answered in the mission statement of your agency. This mission statement reflects the beliefs and values of the sponsoring Catholic diocese and, it is assumed, the values of you who are the staff.


Process lease take a moment, think about the following question and write your response on a sheet of paper. What values (the qualities that make your agency valuable, desirable,and even a spiritual work) do you believe are incorporated in your agencys mission statement? Now return to the content Content he foundation for the mission statement of your agency is ultimately found in the values of Jesus. Jesus became human to teach us these values through his words and example.

We know from his example that Jesus valued compassion, love, respect for each person, healing, service, a definite preference for the poor and marginalized of his society, and bringing life to those with whom he interacted. In fact, Jesus said he came to give us life in abundance. The Catholic Church continues to live out in todays world these same values and the mission of Jesus. Process iscuss with a small group the values you believe are incorporated into your agencys mission statement.


Content ow we return to the concept of mission in the mission statement beginning with the secularthe dictionary. Mr. Webster defines mission in 11 different ways, some of which are applicable in the Catholic Charities context. A mission is a specific

task that a person or groups of persons is sent to perform; a place for evangelical and philanthropic work, especially in poorer urban areas; a body of persons sent by a church to carry on religious work, especially evangelization in foreign lands. These particular definitions contain some of the elements of mission for persons who work for Catholic Charities. Yours is a specific work among the poor, a philanthropic work sponsored by the Catholic Church but more than a charitable service. Yours is a participation in the mission of Jesus, a giving of a better quality of life in some way. We expand our understanding of the basis for the agencys mission statement through theology. The Catholic Catechism notes (851), It is from Gods love for all that the Church in every age receives both the obligation and the vigor of her missionary dynamism, for the love of Christ urges us on.so the Church, urged on by the Spirit of Christ, must walk the road Christ himself walked, a way of poverty and obedience, of service and selfsacrifice even to death. Again in the Catholic Catechism (2444) we learn that the Churchs love for the pooris a part of her constant tradition. This love is inspired by the Gospel of the Beatitudes, the poverty of Jesus, and of his concern for the poor. Love for the poor is even one of the motives for the duty of working so as to be able to give to those in need.It extends not only to material poverty but also to the many forms of cultural and religious poverty. You are participating in the continuation of Jesus service to othersgiving drink to the thirsty, feeding the hungry, welcoming the stranger, clothing the naked, being a healing presence to the ill, visiting the incarcerated (Matthew 25: 35-36), orienting new immigrants and serving as legal counsel or obtaining legal counsel, empowering others with job training, ESL, financial skills and other classes, finding transportation for those without an automobile or bus fare, being a listening presence, obtaining affordable housing, community organizing to effect social change, providing a safe environment for victims of domestic abuse, advocating for systemic change via legislative changes, organizing and extending the parish social action ministrythe ways of continuing Jesus mission are as numerous and practical as the needs and programs that are part of your agency. Process After reading the above information, are there other values you now see in your mission statement or that you want to be incorporated in it? Please write them on your paper Return to content

Content mission statement is informed by values that are significant to your agency. A mission statement reflects the goals of your agency at this particular time with its particular priorities. Sometimes there is a national thrust to these values and goals. For instance, the Catholic Charities network in the United States worked together to define common values of significance and expressed these in a Vision Statement.

Believing in the presence of God in our midst, we proclaim the sanctity of human life and the dignity of the person by sharing in the mission of Jesus given to the Church. To this end, Catholic Charities works with individuals, families, and communities to help them meet their needs, address their issues, eliminate oppression, and build a just and compassionate society. Vision 2002, Page 7 In an attempt to make these values a reality, Catholic Charities adopted a mission statement that you may find familiar because your agencys is similar. This statement of how Catholic Charities participates in the mission of Jesus and the Catholic Church is three-pronged or has three goals: to provide service to people in need, to advocate for justice in social structures, to call the entire church and other people of good will to do the same. Process lease take some time now and study the mission statement of your agency.

(Pause) Now answer for yourself and then discuss with others in your small group: How does what you wrote at the beginning of this activity compare with the actual statement? How does your agencys statement contain any of the goals of the national mission statement? What is unique to the mission statement of your agency? Content our mission statement defines and describes the purpose of your existence, the purpose for your agency. How do you know if you are integrating the mission into your work? How does your supervisor know if you are integrating the mission? How does the Board of Directors know if your agency is being true to its


mission? To answer these questions for yourself means, first of all, that you know what the mission statement says, the values that are incorporated into it and what this understanding means in your dayby-day work in the agency (mission integration). Mission integration implies that you have reflected on and discussed how to apply these values and live these goals through your work. Process Think about and write on your paper: 1. What values do I try to live by each day in my job? 2. How do I make the mission come alive in my work? You may want think about the following examples or challenges: Do those who come seeking assistance experience a difference in your response to them than they would experience at any other agency? Do they feel respected by you? Regardless of appearance, do they receive a sense of welcome and a smile from you? Do you talk with rather than talk only to them? Do you treat them with compassion? Do you honor their privacy? 3. Now share your responses to questions one and two in your small group. Content he true test of mission integration and effectiveness is the HOW of making the mission come alive! Regardless of your particular faith, as human beings we all share certain commonalities. Each of us is sacred and has human dignity. Thus each of us wants to be treated respectfully. We are one human family and linked to each other. Each of us has a right to basic needs being fulfilled. Each of us has the right to decent work. Catholic teaching proclaims that a basic moral test is how our most vulnerable members are faring.

Giving priority concern to the poor and the vulnerable strengthens the health of the whole society. The poor are most at risk; the poor have the first claim on our social resources. By your work, your service with Catholic Charities, you are participating in Jesus invitation and the mission of the Catholic Church to give special attention and preferential treatment to the poor. Your work is a sacred mission. Final activity ommit to one specific way-new or a re-commitment to a current practicethat you are going to live out the mission of your agency each day. Write it on a piece of paper and put it where you will be reminded each morning to live out this commitment.

Closing Prayer (Together)

God, accept our offering of ourselves, our time and talents. Unsettle our lives and redefine them in you. Renew in us a spirit of justice, compassion, and love. Open our eyes, ears, and hearts to hear and see you in those who come to us for assistance. You are already at work in the world. Strengthen our commitment to your mission through Jesus and the Church. Amen
Memphis Catholic Charities

Providing Help. Creating Hope.


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