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Early Christian Writings Gospel of Thomas Saying 63 Previous - Gospel of Thomas Home - Next

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Nag Hammadi Coptic Text Funk's Parallels
Sir 11:18-19, Luke 12:13-


(63) Jesus said: There was a (63) Jesus said, "There was 67 [63]. Jesus says: "There
rich man who had many a rich man who had was a rich man who had
possessions. He said: I will considerable wealth. He many possessions. He said
use my possessions to sow said, 'I shall invest my <to himself:> 'I will use my
and reap and plant, to fill wealth so as to sow, reap, wealth to sow my field, to
my barns with fruit, that I plant, and fill my barns with plant, to fill my barn with
may have need of nothing. crops, lest I run short of harvest, so that need will
Those were his thoughts in something.' These things are not touch me.' Such were
his heart; and in that night what he was thinking in his the things that he thought in
he died. He who has ears, heart, and that very night his heart. But during that
let him hear. the man died. Whoever has night, he died. He who has
ears should listen!" ears to hear, let him hear!"

Visitor Comments Scholarly Quotes

A person who does not know R. McL. Wilson writes: "This is clearly a shorter version of Luke xii. 16-21, a
that he needs nothing will passage peculiar to Luke; the preceding verses in Luke, which in that Gospel are the
lose everything. occasion of the saying, appear in Thomas as logion 72; those which follow, about
- Simon Magus anxiety over the things of this world, in logion 36. Formally, this should probably be
Maybe it means that while considered a later development of the Lucan parable, but this does not necessarily
the rich man put his life on mean that it was derived from Luke. Grant and Freedman suggest that the words 'this
hold to prepare for the night they will require your soul of you' are omitted 'perhaps because something like
future, he missed today. them will recur in saying 88,' but the similarity is rather remote and, moreover, this
Then he died. Perhaps if he would seem to presuppose a rather closer literary dependence than is justified by the
had lived each as though it gospel as a whole. In some cases we can indeed speak of intentional or unintentional
were his last he would have harmonization, words or phrases occurring to the mind of the author by association
lived it differently - or with what he is writing, but in others it is difficult to imagine him selecting a word
maybe he wouldn't have! here, a saying there, and keeping part of another saying for use at a later stage.
- passerby Explanations which are to be valid must take account of what we can learn of the
writer's methods, and free citation from memory would appear to be nearer the mark
Money can be mistaken for than an extensive use of scissors and paste." (Studies in the Gospel of Thomas, pp.
love. When one does so one 99-100)
is dead.
- Rodney Joachim Jeremias writes: "The closing sentence, too, of the parable of the Rich Fool:
Be IN the world but not OF 'So (foolishly behaves the man) who heaps up treasure for himself and does not
the world. If you are gather wealth toward God' (Luke 12.21), must be an addition; it is missing from the
mesmerised by the things of Gospel of Thomas (63), and gives a moralizing meaning to the parable, which blunts
thr world you will indeed the sharp edge of its warning." (The Parables of Jesus, p. 106)
"die" -- to the chance of Helmut Koester writes: "There are two secondary features in the narrative of Luke:
lifting yourself up [a process the conclusion and the moralizing discourse. Both are missing in Thomas's version
which also requires specialist which presents this story in the more original form of a reversal parable. On the other
help] hand, Thomas has also transferred the parable into a different milieu. The rich man is
- Thief37 no longer a wealthy farmer but a decurion from the city who wants to invest his
The decision to keep his money successfuly. The maxim at the end of Gos. Thom. 63 is of course secondary,
possesions for himself was but it does not reveal any knowledge of Luke's conclusion." (Ancient Christian
fatal to his spirit. Gospels, p. 98)
- syrus Funk and Hoover write: "Whether Luke's version of this parable is drawn from
Luke's special material or from Q is debated by scholars, but Thomas' version is
drawn from neither. It is a simpler form of the parable, containing none of Luke's
moralizing tone, and has an abrupt, uninterpreted conclusion rather than Luke's
pronouncement (v. 20: 'God said to him, "You fool! This very night your life will be
Alias: demanded back from you"') and generalizing application (v. 21 'That's they way it is
with those who save up for themselves, but aren't rich where God is concerned').
Thomas also lacks the sequence of sayings on possessions that forms the context of
the parable in Luke (12:13-15, 22-34)." (The Five Gospels, p. 508)
Funk and Hoover write: "As a single, unelaborated tale the Thomas version retains
more of the characteristics of orally transmitted tradition and is probably an earlier
form of the parable than Luke's. Thomas has nevertheless shifted the social location
of the parable. His rich man is no longer a farmer. He is an investor who seeks such a
high return that he will lack nothing. But on very day he has such thoughts he dies
Post the Note and thus loses everything. Thomas' version seems to turn on its incongruity between
his thoughts and his end, whereas Luke's version focuses on the farmer's folly." (The
Five Gospels, p. 508)
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Gerd Ludemann writes: "This exemplary narrative is related to Luke 12.16-20. But
the economic circumstances are slightly different. In Luke we have a farmer who
wants to 'save', here a businessman who wants to put his money to work. The
meaning of the two parables is the same. Sudden death can overtake even the
shrewdest of rich men." (Jesus After 2000 Years, pp. 621-622)
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