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The cell is the basic fundamental, morphological and physiological unit of

living beings.

It consists of protoplasm which is surrounded by a delicate membrane and

consists of various microscopic and even smaller structures.

The protoplasm consists of a large amount of water and a large number of

substances suspended in it.

A mass called a nucleus is present in the centre. The protoplasm inside the
nucleus is called a nucleoplasm and the protoplasm outside the membrane is
called as cytoplasm.

Various organelles present in cytoplasm are :

I) Endoplasmic Reticulum
II) Mitochondria
III) Golgi Apparatus
IV) Lysosomes
V) Microtubules


a) Assimilation of nourishment
b) Growth and repair
c) Reproduction
d) Excretion

This is a living membrane which forms the outermost layer of the cell that
separates the cell from the external environment.


It consists of double layer of lipid molecules embedded with proteins in it.

Two types of proteins-
• Lipoproteins (proteins containing lipids)
• Glycoproteins (proteins containing carbohydrates)

Each phosholipid is composed of two ends.

I. Hydrophilic
II. Hydrophobic

The hydrophilic ends of the phospholipids molecules face each other while
the hydrophilic ends lie on the outer surface facing the proteins.

a) Protective – It forms a protective layer around the cell.
b) It exists as barrier which separates the internal structures of cell
from the external environment.
c) Semipermeable membrane – It acts as a semipermeable membrane
allowing selective passage of substances in and out of cell.
d) It links adjacent cells.
e) Digestive – It takes in food and excretes waste products.

This exists as stack of flattened sacs of cisternae which is bounded by a

membrane which has a smooth surface and these flattened cells are
surrounded by vesicles of various shape and size.

a) Storage
b) Condensation
c) Packaging
d) Transfer of various materials.
e) It is also involved in the formation of glycoprotein.
f) Some enzymes are also located in golgi bodies.


These exist as granular, rod shaped or filamentous bodies which remain

disperse throughout the cytoplasm.

z It is surrounded by two membranes, the outer and inner membrane.
z The inner membrane exists as folding called as cristae.
z Outer membrane consists of enzymes
z Inner membrane also consists of number of particles known as
elementary particles.
z MATRIX – is present inside of mitochondria and is concerned with
citric acid cycle.

a) Power house of the cell, as it supplies almost all of the energy.
b) Most of the enzymes used in Krebs cycle are located in the inner
membrane of mitochondria.
c) Mitochondria produce energy rich ATP molecules.

Lysosomes are the cell inclusions which are surrounded by a membrane of

lipoprotein and consist of a large number of digestive enzymes.


z Primary lysosomes – Produced by Golgi apparatus.

z Secondary lysosomes – Consists of material to be digested along with
enzyme already present in it.
z Residual body – Consist of large number of digested and undigested
z Autophagic vacoules – Consist of intracellular organs.

a) Vital role in intracellular and extracellular digestion.
b) Under some conditions they provide nutrition by scavenging of
intracellular organelles (Called as suicidal bags).


Nucleus is the largest organelle present in the cell.

z Spherical structure
z Separated from the cytoplasm with help of a double membrane called
as nuclear-membrane.
z Nuclear pores – Large number of openings in it called as nuclear
z Nucleoli – Structures made up of protein, DNA and RNA.
z Made up of chromosomes

a) Maintenance of cell.
b) Replication of cell.
c) Control the cytoplasmic activity.

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