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Film, Movies, and Much More

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Ever walked into a moviq watched it, and after coming out you were like, "How did they do thaf'? The I watch a movie like Transformer.r or any other movie that has many visual graphics and astounding sound effects. It all looks impressive when you are watching a movie but in order for it to be impressive, there are people who work their butts offto accomplish that. The reason why I know this is because time came when I had to create a short five minute video for my Spanish class. To start offwith, we needed to have a theme or an idea to make a fllm about. Fortunately we were given the topic of natural disaster. That arose few other questions: what is going to be in the video? Who is going to act? At what locations we are going to shoot the video? Which Camera are we going to use? How are we going to edit it? After answering all those questions, which took us quite a few hours, we were frrrally able to make a video and receive an"A" on the project. What we did was very small scale and an indie fihn. Just imagine, if it took me six hours to edit a five minute video, how long it takes for film makers to finalize their product which is about hour and a half to a two? By now, you would have figured it out that my community is film makers.
same questions arise in my mind every time

After watching those credits in every filn:" I can say that a lot of people are involved in making the fikn. First thing that pops into my mind me actors; without them movies won't be possible and that is why they are paid in huge amounts (at least some of them are)! Now in the begirning of most$ all the films, all the major roles associated with the film are shown: actors, producers, and directors. In between those credits, we also see: screen writers, costume desigters, action directors, cinematographer, make-up artists, stunt coordinators, script supervisors, etc. (Whitley) Allthose people mentioned above are consideredto be inthe production side of filming. Then follows the post-productions side of fihning where the editor plays a major role editing and puuing the fihn together so that it makes sense. If the film involves visual effects (VFX) and computer generated imagery (CGI), then all the animators and computer graphic creators are also involved in post-production.



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After going over most of the roles in film making, let's dive into the process of film making and how each described above plays role. It is a very long processor so I will try to sum it all up in one paragraph. Idea offilm starts with eitha a novel or a.p,roposed script. Thenthe producer adapts that novel or scripts and while working with their respective authors, turnsiinto a screen play. Then the producer looks for the directors, actors, and the rest ofthe crew. After finding them he assembles the cast and the crew to fit the script. All this was pre-production and then comes the production. While in production, a director is a key player because he handles tle show. ,,rt\' Cinematographer who is the 'eye' ofthe director which handles the camera work and script supervisoryrites down everything that happens while in production are some of the roles that also important while in productibn. After production phase is over, post-production starts where the film is edited. Now is the time editor comes in puts the bits a pieces together so that it makes sense according to the script. The notes from script supervisor are crucial while editing since it makes it much easier for the editor. (Patel)


Even though there are many writings involved in making fikns, I am going to talk two specific ones. One being the scrif itself and then other is scrif supervisoisnotes. Let's start with the script itself. Script is the most important part of the whole film making. Without a story (script) there is no moviej(Patel).Script is basically a movie in writing. It describes every single moment of the film starting from how the scene starts and who is involved in the scene to what the setting of the scene is. It gives as much description on how it should look visually so that when the time comes, the director know exactly how to create that scene. They layout of the script starts with a heading left aliped which includes the setting and what time of the day it is. Then it describes what the mood of that scene should be. Dialogues are next. The name ofthe character is centered followed by their lines aligrred left. The script is written by the script







Second piece of writing which is also important $notes from the script supervisor. Script supervisor playa crucial role while in production of the film. "The script sudervisor (a key position on a film set), notes down details of the takes such as if the take is good if the actor missed a line, and loud noises like airplanes and such. Now a days feature films surprisingly still shoot on film. Fitn comes in different increments such as 400 ft. rolls or 1000 ft. The script supervisor is also in charge of making sure there is perfect continuity in the filrnoi' @atel).The reason why all ofthe writing is done on the set is to help make the post-production part of the film easier. It's basically a logbook of everything that was shot on set. This makes it very easy helping the editor(s) put the film together.


Making movies is no joke that is why they have to invest a lot of money, in millions or billions, to have a good movie. But for what I want to do, I don't have to spend a lot of money because I just want become m indie film maker whose budget might be in hundreds or thousands of dollars. By doing this rhetorical analysis, it helped me to conceive an idea of what I would need in terms of writing, in order to make my filmmaking experience pleasant.

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