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08/18/97 4:11 PM The confined investgators have opened up the brains of rats and cats and flies with

scalpels and wires have been attached to the tissues and conected up to machines made from metal ad glass and plastic to see the signals on a cathode ray tube what did they find those sons and daughters of Aristotle the cousins of Carl Sagan they found Harmonies Pythagoras come home to roost they tell us that they investigated electromagnetic radiation like light rays but they didnt have to murder animals for that at first and they found that light consists of waves waves with a frequency and a wave length and an amplitude they say it fluctuates in a symmetrical pattern what fluctuates the intensity of the electromagnetic field not visible is an electromagnetic field but its effects are visibible like if a magnetically of electically charged object is in the field it is moved by the wave it is vibarated by the fluctuating field when the rays fall upon the tissues of the murdered rats and cats and flies the structures of the tissues cut apart with scalpels vibrates setting up waves of electrical activity in the nerve tissues in the brains of the murdered animals

so they say it is the same with human vision the eye contains within it organic biological tissues tissues that are very specifically designed to VIBRATE in HARMONY in harmony with what with the fucking wave man what does it mean to vibrate in harmony it means that the tissues designed for it vibrate at the same frequency (or a harmonic thereof) as the light likethose dang things are designed specifically to harmonmize with radiation of particular frequency but not all frequencies only the small band of frequencies of visible light ROY G BIV like and it is the same with the ears of murdered animals in laboratories with wire in their dead brains the same with the sense of touch the nerves designed to harmonize when touched by solid objects, hot and cold, with wind and water vibrate so too with taste and smell VIBRATION Harmony so then the scientists tell us that the whole realm of sensory perception is a harmonious symphony of music that happens when the body is exposed to the world of objects solid liquid and gaseous and the world of light and heat and sound it is the music of the neuro system so our bodies are instruments that are tuned in to the sensory world

many are the musicians who play in this concert hall now I hear some music over the phones is there any harmony in it Yes many types empty vessels unmoulded clay molten metal uncarved blocks of wood blank canvas empty comact discs MT the main wave like a song playing softly at first then getting louder the song of Gaia

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