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Sanacion Le Cygne

The Royal Order of the Swan

Reiki Master Erick Gmez Gonzlez Founder Healing Swan System - 2009 Swan Jutsu Reiki

Translation and revision: H.R.M. Rafael Alcaz Gonzlez March - 2010

Reiki School Community Red Dragon

Healing Swan System

This sublime Order of the Swan embodies the purest mystical ideals, the noblest sentiments that could harbor the heart to God's white soul aspirations, the yearnings of the spirit light. Contains within it a whole spiritual aristocracy. An essence of wisdom. A splendid magnificence of religious learning. The Swan, which has been considered since ancient times as a spiritual symbol of royalty, is related to the Sacred Mysteries of different countries and religions. Among the Chinese Feng-Huang was among the Maya Quetzal, among the Egyptians the Ibis and among the Inca Condor. "The Swan represents the Solar Spirit (Helios or Elias), hence that Lohengrin embodies the sun, embodying the Knight (Big Brother) from the Sun the same basis as Serapis in ancient Egypt. Oahnes in Prehistoric Assyria, Melchizedek in the early Chaldea Hutzilopochtii and Quetzalcoatl in Mexico, the actual pre-Columbian Inca in Peru, in ancient Persia Mithras and the same Surya in Vedic India. Solar is the Spirit become an avatar of their own virtues, the great trance Universal Word creator in their exploits universal, so well characterized in the presence mysterious artist named Elijah Esoteric Rosicrucians. " The New Age of Aquarius requires new intellectual values, moral and spiritual. In the Age of Aquarius will be made universal in the Individual. The best man will live a spiritual life, without dogmas, without fear, without prejudice, religious antagonisms. . . The myth of the Swan is singular analogies with the Holy Grail legends, the phoenix, with the Golden Fleece, where lies a great truth, a great principle. It also extends its relationship with the activities of certain fraternities, interpreting the Solar Spirit, special esoteric rituals practiced as Choan among the Aryans, the Jain among the Syrians, the Swan-Ritter among Whites, the Ch'an among Tibetans , among the Chaldeans and Ihoan Ohannes among Ethiopians.

Swan Jutsu Reiki

Healing Swan System

Even among Christians there is a relation of the White Dove, a symbol among them the Holy Spirit (Paraclete), and Hamsa or Swan Kala White, the emblem of spiritual perfection. In Eastern legends, in mythology, in some singular and mysterious traditions of all peoples and all times, we keep finding contacts, analogies and similarities with the Swan. Among the Begards v Cathars, a cult was kept alive to the Swan and the Rose. A Swan out of a Rose is a beautiful symbol of the birth of the Universal Spirit. The legend of Jupiter, the Father of the Gods, becomes a swan to seduce Leda. The Lotus Flower, symbol between the eastern spiritual purity, bears resemblance to the sacred bird. The returns of the region Hyperborean, Apollo in a chariot drawn by white swans. The crucifixion of Indra in a white flower. . . The symbolic poem of the Kalevala, where Kala, the beautiful maiden, daughter of the divine ether, placed seven eggs, six gold and one of iron. . . The Rishis of India saw the Swan spiritual purity in all its glory. The legend of Lohengrin, the Knight of the Swan-Sun and of Parcifal, Pure Hero and even among famous musicians find links to these beautiful birds full of grace and majesty. We Schubert Schwanengesang. Saint Saens Le Cygne. And Beethoven's Ninth Symphony, a masterpiece inspired by the majesty of the universe.

The Royal Order of the Swan, by his noble spiritual lineage and the
host of the distinguished members: Lord Bulwer Lytton, the Marquis Stanislas de Guaita, the extraordinary Paracelsus, the great HR started Comte de Saint-Germain and Crown Prince Frederick William, future King of Prussia, Teutonic extraction is not as many may believe, but most of its members belonged to the German nobility. The Order passed by alternating light and shadows, of intense and prolonged bed rest, suffering the impacts of the dominant influences of the time. Frederick II, in 1440, wanted to revive its original value to the Order. The Grand Master of the Order became Brandenbourg Albert.

Swan Jutsu Reiki

Healing Swan System

After a century of existence, the Order became extinct. The Protestant Reformation, with Luther in the lead, much contributed to the end of the Order. The Schwan-Ritter, or Knight of the Swan, took refuge in the beautiful castle of Neuschwanstein (Paso del Cisne), in the Bavarian Alps, built by King Ludwig II of Bavaria, a member of the Order and patron of the Rosicrucians. And even in the early twentieth century that the Order, once again, Phoenix under the patronage of the Master of Wisdom KH



This system was channeled (rediscovered) by me in 2006 with the help of his teacher Rosa Isela, and Don Jesus (Don Chucho) a healer of great renown born in Veracruz, while I was attending a healing process, connect with a travel by my past lives, assisted by my guides and teachers reconnect with this anteaos initiation, I was brought into the sanctuary where before the lords of karma was evaluated my balance and stripped of my clothes old and under my choice and went with all my love named Knight of the Order of the Swan, and later I was loved and protected under the lap of my dear mother Mary, whom I named Knights of Mary, a very powerful initiation that reconnects you with the great energy of the universe, the energy of spirit holy heart of God, the heart of the Great Mother, Mary's heart, giving you powerful weapons for ascension and healing, reaching all levels of being and revistindote with the power of the spirit of the swan, returning to the purity your soul, transmuting every pain, every attachment, every chain, every shackle, any attachment or yoke, and through the mystical phoenix surges toward new life. To your highest level of being, reconnecting with your spirit, your life and fill your glass choices of light, love, peace, the swan's wings take you to unexpected dimensions, while the swan is transmuting on its way to your new awareness. The love of God is wonderful and so great that you Mulching and protects you, you immediately feel that aroma so exquisite, that divine

Swan Jutsu Reiki

Healing Swan System

protection, that immense light and the expansion of your power centers, duality and just sit back in house.

1. Assessment before the lords of karma 2. 8 Starting to get the turtle, horse, dog, lion, phoenix, tiger, butterfly, swan. 3. Initiation of the swan (swan, phoenix, sword, ring and wings) 4. Initiation Knights of Mary (balance beam and the Heart of Mary) 5. Master awarded by marie, Mr. De La Mercy, St Germain, pink cosmic ray, cosmic blue and pink, violet cosmic. (St Germain star of the soul and back of the heart, Mary and Jesus' heart, thymus and third eye.) 6. Prayer power 7. Using symbols Cosmic expansion Blessings of light and love Swan Wings Mistic Rose Divine Mercy Love of God Angels Kiss Harmonization Je t'aime (I love you) Diamond Dust Swan Chants The light of Christ Emmanuel-God with us-The light of God


Swan Jutsu Reiki

Healing Swan System

We conclude with the following exercise by joining our wrists, thumbs and fingers crossed we are wings, a swan, while descending a swan-white cosmic cyan-red-purple-gold-platinum. I descend from our centers as well as through the thymus chakra and hold in our hara or tanden and ended in gassho. Ever separating our wrists and standing united thumbs.

Sitting in the student gassho position, 3 deep breaths, and said to himself or aloud I prepare to receive initiation, is located somewhere that you like, a forest, field, beach, sand, mountain, the sea and feel your feet walking around the place, any flavor, any sound, even the teacher simply binds to the place, in position to receive repeat again now I get ready to receive initiation, in that wonderful place very slowly sits and 3 breaths, in his third eye is the number 5 very large, the number 4 is even bigger than 5, number 3, number two, number 1, ceeerrrooo, everything is quiet, very slowly and very gently the place where light begins to fill with liquid, water crystal cosmic light, softly, pleasantly all the radiant light, is slowly covering his body, feet, ankles, knees, legs, thighs, sex, belly, stomach, hands, arms, chest, everything inside and out, every atom every particle of his being that is merging with liquid light, veins, bones, tendons, intestines, kidneys, lungs, everything up that every hair is light liquid .... Gradually the Jacuzzi bubbles begin to emerge from the depths of the deep sea and begin to encircle the bottom up my body, going up and are gradually weaving waves softly against my body and I start to feel the pounding in the soles of my feet, becoming more and more bubbles are rising to the surface and I am slowly coming out of that immense light liquid, and I'm entering a very old secret chamber, I recognize that place and start to

7 initiations of power

Swan Jutsu Reiki

Healing Swan System

walk in front of me a guardian asks the password, that only I know, I say it and I continue, keep walking and this again another guard in front of me, and I say I am who I am, in the name of that powerful presence I am, in the presence Christ with me, my lord and my savior Jesus Christ with all my heart and my whole being and love, I ask permission to enter and say the password that only I know. The huge door opens and inside there is a meeting waiting for me, the judges, the lords of karma, the look, I recognize, I pay obeisance to them, one of them approaches me and asks me to remove my clothes, so I do, and completely bare of the soul, placed before me the great balance! I repeat, I MY NAME, in the name of the powerful presence I am, in the presence of Christ with me, my lord and my savior Jesus Christ, with full faith and consciously decree that all my errors in this and other lives are forgiven all my attachments are released, I can see the light, I would be happy, I would love me and love others, I would vibrate in harmony with the universe, I waive any limitation, renounce all my sins I one with the universe and I am one in Christ, so be it and so will always be autosontenido in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit love ... thanks for what you did this. At that time another being comes to me and covered with a white robe. I receive the first initiation: The turtle in my first chakra The horse in the second chakra The dog in the third chakra The lion in the 4th chakra The tiger in the 5th chakra The phoenix in the thymus The butterfly in the 6th chakra The swan in the 7th chakra Then my spirit descends on the swan and becomes transfigured me my armor and melts in me and I in him, come into my heart and spreads through my body, my whole aura and aa expands its peak. Cosmic expansion. A brilliant golden-white light bathes me and a huge rain diamond dust begins to penetrate from the sky. Making me more and more radiant. A beautiful phoenix comes into my back through my merging with it, light flames and tongues of fire burning in me and my beautiful wings

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Healing Swan System

emerge from now on is that everything that I intend to succeed, all that I intend to succeed, all that I intend to achieve it. Now it is given me my sword and magic ring each has his own sword and his own ring. Now I am a knight of the swan, I am a channel of the love of Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I am an instrument of love, truth and peace. Finally, at my beautiful, bright image of the Virgin Mary took me in his arms, fills me with love, peace, tranquility, only I will define that sentiment, comforts me, calms me, and its beautiful rays emanating heart pink light that is poured on that scale that brought to my lords of karma and bathing my heart. Lord of mercy, which is immense sea and bathes me in its rays cosmic love infinite mercy, his grace, cosmic blue-white-and pink-white-cosmic. About my heart, on my third eye. St Germain teacher finally sealed in my initiation with an immense etheric diamond star on my soul. And together we melt in my crown the mystic symbol of the swan. I'm thankful that I am now a knight of maria, ami start this on my return here in my now, number 1, 2 increasingly large 3 and start to see a bright light shining in front of me and start to walk toward her, number 4 and number 5 brightest ... Welcome Knight of Swan Swans Lady Welcome Marys Knight - Lady of Mary

Speak slowly and deliberately When asked to visualize something that meditating, stop, pause and give you an opportunity to visualize. One day before will be drinking plenty of water and will have been inhalations with white, cobalt blue, platinum, gold and diamond powder. Sing 7 days before the next sequence Come, Holy Spirit sent from heaven a ray of your light, Come father of the poor are the giver of grace, Come light of hearts. Comforter kindest, Gentle guest and friend, Sweet refreshment breaks at work,

Swan Jutsu Reiki

Healing Swan System

In the heat tranquility Comfort in sorrow. Oh holy light, fill the innermost hearts of your faithful, Without your help, nothing is in man anything that he is innocent. Wash what is soiled, watered what is arid, Cure what is sick, Bends what is stiff, warm what is cold, He runs what is missing. Grant to your faithful Trust in you your seven sacred gifts, Give them the merit of virtue. Give them the certainty of enlightenment Give them the eternal joy, joy, joy Come, Holy Spirit sent from heaven a ray of your light, Come father of the poor are the giver of grace, Come light of hearts.

Recite the sequence

8 Starting power

Stand facing the initiate, focus and mentally repeat, I (your name) in the name of God, in the name of my Mighty I AM Presence of Christ's presence with me, my lord and savior Jesus Christ, I invoke my power within my swan, swan cosmic spirit bathes me in its diamond dust. Expando that cosmic energy through my body, for my body, my whole aura, and maintain the expando across the room, a shower of powdered diamond in the room. Now one of my hands in position to receive and repeat for me, I (my name) request that falls in my hands the power of the great turtle, horse, dog, lion, phoenix, butterfly and the majestic swan. First - Visualize the energy of the tortoise (1.Turtle 2.Horse 3. Dog 4. 5.Tiger Leon 6. Butterflay 7 Swan 8) Phoenix in your hands, close your orbit microscopic (tongue on the palate and contract the perineum) Inhale hands with a white light, carry it on your crown chakra to the root. Hold your breath, energy goes up your spine. Visualize in your mind the white, blue cobalt, platinum, gold and diamond powder.

Swan Jutsu Reiki

Healing Swan System

On the crown of the initiate trace the symbol of cosmic explosion in gold and displayed the energy of the tortoise (1.Turtle 2.Horse 3. Dog 4. Leon 5. Phoenix 6. Butterflay 7 Swan) and imagine your name on the crown. Take the symbol and name and that energy you've created on top, lower it into the heart of the initiate, opens his hands and out of energy on their palms and on his heart at the same time. Close your hands and press them gently. He mentions the qualities of the turtle. And continues with the next initiation of power to complete the 7 Initiation 8 continues the same procedure but lowers the thymus chakra

Active cosmic expansion symbol cosmic blue, across the room, back, right wing, left, up and down, on each wall. Recite the sequence Stand facing the initiate, focus and mentally repeat, I (your name) in the name of God, in the name of my Mighty I AM Presence of Christ's presence with me, my lord and savior Jesus Christ, I invoke my power within my swan, swan cosmic spirit bathes me in its diamond dust. Expando that cosmic energy through my body, for my body, my whole aura, and maintain the expando across the room, a shower of powdered diamond in the room. I descend a rope from the heart of Christ and the command line of the light of Christ and one in the heart chakra of the initiate, one ahead and one behind. I descend a rope of God's heart and stroke Emmanuel symbol as one of the initiate crown Make three breaths in cobalt blue. Follow the sequence, cobalt-platinumgold and diamond powder. I open with love the crown of the initiate trace the symbols of the swan (light from God, Light of Christ, swan song, diamond dust, wings of a swan, mercy, blessings of light and love, cosmic expansion) and exhale on their crown. Stroke swan symbols on your palms, give a little energy in his hands and breathed into his palms. Thanking seal

Swan Knight & Lady

Swan Jutsu Reiki


Healing Swan System

Initiation of Marys Knight & Lady

Active symbol of cosmic expansion in cosmic blue throughout the room I recite the prayer of the magnificent I three inhalations in cosmic rose along with the symbol of the mystical rose and took my heart stroke symbols (rosa mistica, je t aime, love of god, angel kiss and harmonization) on the opened heart chakra and exhale cosmic-platinum rose under a cordon of Mary's heart and one to the heart chakra. Label giving thanks.

Qualities powers initiations.

Wide connection with mother earth, we activate the power of protection and patience. When you activate the power of the spirit of the turtle always going to feel at home, no matter where we are, because if our church is inside us, with the power of turtle work on attachments, value, respect for life, self esteem, self confidence, our own fears and limitations, giving us a new vision of our reality and being open new opportunities that previously did not accept to be rooted in those attachments. Turtle Power offers a balance between horizontal and vertical line of life, material and spiritual work with the earth energy, water and sky. The energy of the turtle is female, so that gives us calm in tempest, works on emotions, and addictions.

The horse gives, nobility, loyalty and unconditional love and physical strength, stamina, endurance, gives the power to release any lock, any barrier, any barrier, offers infinite possibilities to avoid, as we passed the gift of clairvoyance so that allows to know the paths leading from one world to another and know follow them. The horse and frees our spirit awakens, becoming our authentic guide. The dog gives you the power to transmute the emotions, it's your bodyguard, never allow anything to happen to you, the anger always warning you ahead of you, the spirit of the dog is active from your solar


Swan Jutsu Reiki


Healing Swan System

plexus, gives you emotional stability, happiness, joy, and motivates your body is your key to all worlds and planes. The spirit of the dog leads to being more humane and spiritual. The spirit of the lion symbolizes our eternal balance, our deeds and actions, our karma, our dharma, this spirit allows us to listen carefully to your heart, listen to their advice and stabilize our fears. The spirit of the lion gives us patience and temperance, expand our hearts to limits we did not think to get their roar our heart healthy, clean and leaves the balance in equilibrium, to be the "I am who I am."


It gives the power to transmit the word, to communicate our spiritual concerns, but also gives us the ability to hear beyond our perception. It allows us to translate the Akasha and make sense, is used to heal past lives.

The spirit of the butterfly represents transformation. It gives us the power to completely change our genetic structure, restructure our DNA and that of others. The butterfly causes changes in our internal and external environment at all levels to give us greater spiritual freedom transmits to us the courage to implement these changes and gives us the gift of wisdom, to learn to work calmly and with love by the reactions of our environment. With butterfly accelerates our spiritual evolution Grace, power of intuition, the swan lets you walk on the dam without dirtying your plumage. The spirit of the swan transmits energy from the earth, fire, water, wind and the angelic realm. Its working at all levels and plans. The spirit of the swan gives us great power. "Little Swan flew through the Dimension of Dreams in search of the future. He paused a moment to rest in the waters of a lake while trying to find a way to find the entry point for the future. The Swan felt confused, for he was aware that had penetrated the Dream Dimension in a totally casual,


Swan Jutsu Reiki


Healing Swan System

just the first time that I had tried to fly alone, and the landscape of the Dimension of Dreams intimidated him enough. When the young Swan looked to the sky over the Holy Mountain, he was amazed by the view of most black hole vortex that had never seen. Perceiving then the dragonfly flying in his direction, the Swan was asked about the black hole information. The dragonfly replied: - See well, Swan, this is the entry for other levels of imagination, of which I am the guardian has many, many moons. If you would like to cross it, you have to ask specifically for this, but can only do so if they really deserve such a privilege. Although I did not have great certainty that it wished to penetrate into the black hole, the Swan still asked the Dragonfly what was necessary to win this right. And the dragonfly said: - You must be predisposed to accept whatever the future holds, without trying to change the plan of the Great Spirit. Little Swan looked to his ugly little body and retorted: - I will submit willingly to the designs of the Great Spirit. Not fight the currents of the black hole I will surrender to the flow of the spiral and believe in everything that I was shown. The dragonfly was very satisfied with the response of the Swan and made with the illusion that the lake had cleared. Suddenly, the small Swan was swallowed up by an irresistible whirl on the lake. Swan only reappeared many days later, but was now very different; Swan was a monkey, showing its long neck and sorrows of immaculately white. The dragonfly was surprised: - Swan, what happened to you? - She cried. Swan smiled and said: - Dragonfly, I learned to submit my body to the power of the Great Spirit and was taken from here to the premises in which the future lies. From there I could tell many miracles over Sacred Mountain and, because of my faith and my acceptance comprehensive, I was transformed. I learned to accept the state of grace. The Dragonfly was very happy with what happened to the Swan. And this then spoke about the wonders that are hidden behind the illusions. He was able to penetrate the Dimension of Dreams by its purity and its ability to accept and understand the plans of the Great Spirit. "

Swan Jutsu Reiki


Healing Swan System

And that the Swan teaches us: that we surrender to the grace and rhythm of the universe that we abandon our physical body to delve into the Dimension of Dreams. The energy of the Swan takes us able to move about all the plans of conscience and believe strongly in protecting the Great Spirit. The spirit of the swan is advising us to accept our precognitive powers. If you are offering resistance to its process of self transformation, relax, float. Everything is taken very easy when you learn to get carried away by the current. (From Web) It gives us the power of transmutation, of rebirth, the revival to any situation; the power of fire continually renews our nature. The spirit of the Phoenix gives us the courage to stand up again, to heal and transmute our mistakes and weaknesses.


Are 13 symbols of great power, draw as they sent me do not know if it does not know whether I have named only write what I convey and which carry the fire, water, earth, air, power the heavens, the power of the Holy Spirit, are led by Mr. de la Misericordia, by Mary Queen of Angels and St Germain. They alone tell you which to apply and where, just let yourself flow through your being, feel free. Cosmic expansion Blessings of light and love Swan Wings Mistic Rose Divine Mercy Love of God Angels Kiss Harmonization Je t'aime (I love you) Diamond Dust Swan Chants The light of Christ Emmanuel-God with us-The light of God

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Healing Swan System







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Healing Swan System




Knights & Ladies Swan daily practice for the cosmic expansion of diamond dust and the use of symbols and Mary Swan at all times and everywhere. In the silence, ask yourself what specific blessing to the world you want to vibrate in harmony with the universe, a symbol you want to expand, without anyone knowing about this service and no profit or recognition: BLESSINGS OF LIGHT AND LOVE, LOVE GOD, LIGHT OF GOD, LIGHT OF CHRIST, BESOS DE ANGEL, DIAMOND DUST, Mystical Rose, Healing, harmony, peace, healing, love, every day will do a blessing to the world, but every day you will receive the gift for you from expand your cosmic energy, little by little you'll realize your presence ever imagined infinite possibilities. The most important thing is your determination to bless the lives without recognition of the personality and learn how to qualify for life in a positive manner to withstand the rude energies of others.

Swan Jutsu Reiki


Healing Swan System

Second, low energy Swan to your crown, take it by your power centers up your hara or tandem and upload it to your heart, there gasho position, requests the assistance of Mr de la Misericordia with divine rays of Our Lady Queen of Angels, and St. germain teacher will help us achieve them vibrate at the command we need to connect with the real feeling behind the symbol or quality, a true emotion. Open your emotional body, a world of feeling to them, as you open your bodies vital to the Light of the Sun Learn to accept the feelings you want to. Third, after you are familiar with the feeling that you want to radiate in the privacy of your own room, displays a shower of diamond dust that flows through the cord of God, by Mary Gordon and the Gordon of Christ to your heart, inside your heart. Then let your world of feeling, exactly like a hand, go through the qualifying energy and color, quality, radiation you want and tell you the name of the symbol. Finally, the energy load from your presence I am repeating I MY NAME IN THE NAME OF GOD, IN THE NAME OF THE MIGHTY I AM PRESENCE, IN THE PRESENCE OF CHRIST WITH ME, MY LORD AND MY SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST, WITH FULL FAITH and consciously direct this energy, this excitement, this feeling, THIS PETITION vibrates through bright and beautiful diamond dust and expands it ALL OVER MY AURA. Visualize your aura filled with that beautiful feeling, quality, color and vibration, it traces the symbol and take it as beautiful as you would use a seamless garment. Shine on diamond powders, dust your way diamond watering goes all over the place, for all mankind, move among mankind, at first, the edge of your garment can be tainted by contact with your neighbor, but practice makes perfect. Perseverance is essential for the Knight and Lady Swan, for the Knight and Dame Mary. This is how the Master K.H. (Koot Hoomi) and Master St. Germain practiced and taught in the old and Mystical Order of the Knights of the Swan.

immediately becomes a channel of pure energy, is used to heal the higher bodies. Transmits the live energy of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. They live flames fill you with joy. Immediately puts you into a higher state of consciousness,

EMMANUEL - Light of God is a high energy vibration,

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Healing Swan System

placing it in the here and now, in the present. It gives you the confidence and provides protection and guidance. To clarify the vocation. It connects us with our presence

Light of Christ offers calm and peace of heart, spirit, gives

you immediate peace of mind, to heal emotions and past lives, to heal the inner emotions channeled or expressed or events and traumas that are still in our hearts. The light of Christ fills your being; relieving pain and healing the gaps, making you feel a glass again. It reminds us that we are all one in Christ Jesus' presence is taking you in his arms.

vibration of the intention, transmutes tirelessly to cosmic levels, increases the power of words and is a powerful angelic energy magnet. Instantly removes all low vibration was elevated to a higher level. It is used to raise the cosmic energy and expand it, expand the aura and seal cracks or crevices. Also used to recode our DNA, and erase harmful patterns and behaviors. Increases our perception and our intuition protects, to heal the physical body, provides strength and vigor, is the vehicle by which expression of intention. expand my possibilities endless, etheric level is used to handle the prana, etheric expands my wings obtained by the initiation, and is used to multiply infinitely my etheric energy, send healing to multitudes with the aid of diamond dust and the swan song can raise our arms and our own etheric etheric presence. love, forgiveness, reconciliation are some of the effects of Divine Mercy, healthy emotion and what is

Swan chants, a symbol of the distance, raises the level of

Diamond Dust,

Swan wings,

Divine Mercy,

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Healing Swan System

behind it, provides relief and comfort, all error, all guilt, all cargo, all weight is taken by Divine Mercy and is deleted when the Lord of Mercy with love transmutes and transforms your garments. potentiates and maximizes energy, is the symbol of power, energy is used to physically carry any object, person or place. give us a warm harmony with all the angels, and beings of light, with the heart of Jesus, Mary, immediately raise our vibration. And it creates joy, comfort, happiness and bliss, creates wealth and prosperity. is the divine presence of Mary Queen of Angels, and with it all the beings of light, which gives us a sweet and great energy of love and expansion at all levels, works on the emotional body and is used to cleaning the auric field, physical cleaning and disposal of behaviors and addictions, vices and addictions, is also used to protect our auric field reconnected with the Divine, makes karmic heal your processes, your inner child, and listen to your heart will always guide you, trust you and never give up. Love transmutes everything, from my inner being communicated to me to be higher, which in my language I speak, feel, think or do, even universal language, which greets me be your soul and together we began the path to enlightenment.

Cosmic Expansion

Blessings of light and love

Mystic Rose,

Je taime,

and your body in a single vibration of love for everything around you, by becoming pure energy and radiant with love. Its used to heal your own aura.

Love of God; expand your 4 chakra uniting all your system

vibrations of pure love, is used to end a session and wrap the

Angels Kiss, lovingly removed making the negative energy Swan Jutsu Reiki


Healing Swan System

person in a loving rain Angel Kisses, creating a garment, a bubble of protection and love. is used for physical healing and connecting with this, open energy channels and opening centers of power


TRINA LIGHT (This symbol was also channeled into Maracaibo, Venezuela by Reiki Master Arelis Mireya Guerrero February 10, 2010) The symbol of the Holy Trinity, Trina Light! Light of God the Father, Light from Light of God the Son and Holy Spirit, precisely as a symbol of blessings of light and love, and Emmanuel, to blessings of water and oil or oils. We receive this energy through our astral bodies and (with the practice increases the sensitivity to perceive physically) so, Trina Light is channeled and distributed for balance in our bodies. Meditation on this symbol allows us to awaken the consciousness of unity, dual consciousness left behind and work to find the way home to our unity. Trina light is pure energy, love, use it for emotional healing, to purify, clean and give way to new states of consciousness. Also this symbol is used to modify and karmic healing, since it is the pure presence of the Godhead, the Trinity, with the spiritual power needed to raise awareness, to raise our level, God the Father-Son-Holy Spirit take us rays of divine love and take care to eliminate all those bonds, attachments, and karma. This light planting in us the need and spiritual love, raising our vibration, making it more subtle to higher states of consciousness and showing us the way of spirit, our mission. METHOD OF WATER TRINA 1 - Place a pan of water (can also be oil, cream, oil) 2. - recite the sequence of the holy spirit

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3. - Trace the symbol of cosmic expansion, traces the cross and the center of your palm expands the 3 orbits around the cross. 4. - With your right hand make the sign of Christ (thumb, index and middle up, ring and little fingers folded) 5 .- Light displayed at Trina and ask that by the grace and power of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit be blessed water, raise your vibration, and the words that come from your heart. 6. - Use it in healing over, eyes on top, drinking, etc.



The patient sits in a chair, in prayer, eyes closed, with holy water or holy water (explanation at end), take least bit water in one hand and throws him in the eyes water, immediately take their dolls thumb on each palm and holds his hands, then invoke the power of the spirit of power that is required, inhale for pate, we went up to the tanden or hara, and we went to the heart to finally send it to our palms and thumbs and inject it into their veins through the wrist, visualizing the energy as it reaches your heart, then repeat three times the name of the person and we get this energy in the father's name , the son and the holy spirit, so be it love. Clarification energy is sent on his wrists with his thumbs, We trace the symbol of cosmic expansion with the thumbs on both wrists at the same time and that's when we send the energy through the thumbs. We also repeat the procedure on the center of each palm of both hands simultaneously. With a wipe clean your eyes and face, yet we ask that you remain with closed eyes, cover your ears with soft, hurt our hands, but leaving no space and send the symbol of wings of swan and swan song to our palms and palms withdraw our motion, smooth, accurate and fast as a flutter of a swan, like sucking on her ears and removed all that energy whirling with our hands to heaven, to be transmuted that energy and return to the center origin.

Swan Jutsu Reiki


Healing Swan System

We put holy water on the crown of the patient and send the cosmic expansion symbol in gold. We went down a rope from the heart of God to crown We went down a rope from the heart of Christ to the heart from behind We got a string of Mary's heart by heart. We drew a cross on the nape We drew a cross on the back and give power over the lower back Emmanuel We drew a cross in the heart and give energy to the love of god We draw wings of swan and swan song with our own hands and began to raise the vibration of the patient pushing his energy toward the sky, follow your intuition, your hands will move through the spirit of the swan expands and blows your ethereal wings, fanning, fluttering, transmutes the energy of the person to the infinite, swirling and fluttering alternate throughout the body, throughout the aura, expanding more and more ethereal wings, and not tell you any more you have to live it! It's just beautiful. We trace cosmic expansion in each palm and closed hands. (Here the line is scented or holy oil). We breathe that energy and store it in your heart filling their hands inside. Mention the name and send swan song to the person, the energy of swan song enters the patient's heart and will expand throughout your body and its centers of power, enough to cover an area of swan wings here energy is sent as needed, the swan song and initiations of power, give us the ability to heal from a distance. Gradually the teacher will be able to see more and more with your third eye and send your own etheric energy to the location, use arms ether for quick reference and assistant to hold the energy and self-protection, send your etheric energy has various groups of people in any place and at any time while the very thought. It is worth observing that at first you must dial the mystic rose between the teacher and the patient, to be the network that filters and provided the necessary energy to flow to its maximum benefit, expanding the benefits of it. You can also be used with the basic positions of Reiki.

Distant healing

Swan Jutsu Reiki


Healing Swan System

Aligning the chakras with the swan's wings

We started a chakra at a time; later as you surrender to this energy you will be doing both simultaneously to achieve them all at once. We start with the root chakra, put my hand in front of the patient, on its first chakra spread my wings and air, my hand is transformed into a smooth, powerful wings, which are penetrating the chakra to pierce, make a fist and took off we bring whatever you have and blow with diamond dust to the universe. So on to complete the process in each and every one of them Then topped with diamond dust to the person... The diamond dust penetrates all bodies, and raises its level of vibration!


Laying on a table or mat, even though the patient is induced state of relaxation with soft music, aromas, if incense is comfortable for him but we do not ask you to take three deep breaths, calm and unhurried their own rhythm with eyes closed, we ask you to re-open, which again make an inhalation and exhale as you return to close their eyes, we ask you to bring back his left hand and right heart on the left, starting to listen to your heartbeat, your heartbeat and your breathing begins to bring this natural rhythm of your own being, that sweet song of her soul ... We give a brief moment, and draw the swan song on your hands, we invoke the energy of the butterfly and very gently ask your patient to imagine a point on your third eye, then we draw our middle finger banged 3 sometimes very soft on the third eye of the person and repeat here here here (in fact we are drawing the symbol of harmonization, a point with the middle finger with our third eye and and expanded it three times, forming circles around the point of symbol HARMONIZATION, we do vibrate on the third eye of the person and activate the spirit of the great butterfly) Now we ask you to see the number 5 in his mind and painted it bright blue, bright blue ice, after the number 4, an increasingly larger than the other, 3, 2, 1 ceeeeerooooo ask you to imagine a rose huge compared to it (we draw Mystical Rose), we ask you to get bigger, bigger and bigger .... Then at that point behind the pink there is a silhouette of a person (note here is that person who is at this level or another, with the need to heal your heart and be in harmony, if so let him see this figure and ask to speak with her and hear what he has to say the other person, that all his energy back

Swan Jutsu Reiki


Healing Swan System

and took all his own, to send you love and harmony, loved, loved, who loves him (we draw blessings of light and love and draw love of god, and symbols that send my heart). Once you spend this process if it occurred, but guided meditation towards the silhouette of the sr of mercy and let diminishing, removing the rose gold is at the center. We ask you to listen carefully to what the beloved has to tell (sometimes do not understand the language), we ask that you open to feeling, to heal, to accept. Receive the rays of love and healing from the heart of Jesus on the mercy of God springs to our hearts, and support the healing, we give their time and we support the healing. We ask Jesus to be fired, which replace the golden rose before her and that the start making bigger and bigger and you see the number 1, brighter and begins to walk toward the golden light becoming brighter 2 and walk and walk 3 brighter and brighter over 4 and 5 ... Even without opening his eyes amid all the radiant golden breeze, we ask you to fill with the beautiful energy that the inhale and fill it 3 times and when their time and open your eyes. With Love Erick Gomez Lineage: (LORD OF MERCY, MARY QUEEN OF ANGELS AND ST. GERMAIN) - ERICK GOMEZ & RAFAEL ALCAZ You

Reiki School Community Red Dragon

http://rakukeireiki.ning.com (Spanish Web Site) E-mails: egg_controller@hotmail.com alcaz1966@yahoo.es

Swan Jutsu Reiki


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