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*You Are Spirit II* B: All right, I'll say, how are you all this evening of your

time, as you create time to exist? AUD: Good. Great. Etc... B: Allow us to begin this interaction this evening of your time with a few more ideas of sharing of the individual paths that you have chosen to be in this physiological life -- this time around. Recognize, once again, that even though you are, as you understand it, a reincarnational being, the you that you are right now is the only time you will ever be this you. This is the only one life you, as the you you are now, have to live. Therefore, in the idea that we have been sharing with you for quite some time about the willingness, the conviction and the expression of the unique individual that you have created yourself to be, the unique facet that you are of the multidimensional crystal of the Infinite Creation, the more and more and more that you are willing to express what you know to be true for you, then more and more and more do you make, as an individual -- yes, as an individual -- a difference in the entire structure of the society in which you exist. For you will find that you are connected to everything, and any change you make within yourself affords an opportunity for the entire community, the entire civilization, if you wish to call it that, in which you exist to be able to then draw upon the change you have made -- if they prefer with the reality, the unique reality that they are themselves, to share that reality with you. Then by you creating your unique version of what you know to be true for you, do you give them the opportunity to see in you yet one more way that there may be of expressing themselves and living the lives they have chosen to live. Thus you add to the overall ability of the society you are in to have that many more options of choice, that many more recognitions of expansiveness. Recognize, as we have said, there is no one way to do anything. If there was only one way, there would only be one person -- look around you. Each and every single one of you is one of the ways that the Infinite Creation has of manifesting Itself. What you, quote/unquote, brought with you, what you feel to be that within you that moves you in life is your very simple and clear recognition of the path that is correct for you. Your excitement -- that which we have spoken of with you many times, what you call excitement, your knowingness, that which you know to be true for you, or that in life which excites you, which moves you -- that is your cognition of the path you chose to be. That's what excitement is for. It is there to let you know that if you simply follow the idea that excites you, you will be congruent, if you will, synchronistically harmonious, if you will, with the original idea that you chose to express yourself as in this physiological life. That is why you can follow that excitement and recognize that your life can proceed to unfold without effort, without strife, without struggle. We do not mean you will remove the idea of discovery. You will not remove the idea of growth. You will not remove the idea of challenge, but you will alleviate the ideas of struggling, of suffering, of striving, of pain. You do not need those; those are tools that have served you well in the past, but you are now a new you. This is the transformational age upon your world, when

you are beginning to recognize that there are many more levels of consciousness to be in communication with than you previously conceived of as a society. And that cognition alone, in and of itself, means that, therefore, you can now transform your life, your individual life -- and therefore, the opportunity of all the lives upon your planet. You can transform them in ways that are indicative of your new awareness, for if you are aware that there are many levels of consciousness, many different beings within creation, then you are aware that everything can function as a whole, can function as a unit. Everything can be shared, individual consciousnesses and whole groups of consciousnesses can be of service to other groups, be of service to individuals. All can be explored together within ecstasy, within love, within light, within life. Therefore, draw upon your certain knowledge that there are scapes, if you will, landscapes, spirit-scapes, consciousness-scapes of existence with which you are intimately intermingled, intimately melded and intimately blended. And with that assurance within yourself, allow yourself to expand in the representational way that is correct for you into the understanding that you are spirit. The idea of the so-called spiritual paths that many of you have been seeking, as you say upon your planet, is the simple cognition that you are spirit. Everything you do, in a sense, therefore, is spiritual. The idea is now for you to decide whether you wish to exemplify and reflect and express yourself in a positive or a negative spirituality. But the idea is that now you can know you are spirit. You are one with all the different levels. You have conceived of the idea that there are in fact levels out of the one homogenousness of the Infinite Creation. It is your doing; it is your own illusion, if you will. Not that that invalidates it, for it has served you like anything has served you, it has brought you to where you are now. Therefore, do not deny and do not invalidate that of your past. Incorporate it, knowing it has brought you to where you are. Treat it and think of it as a stepping stone. Love it for the experience that it brought you, so that you could be understanding what you are understanding now. And then by loving all of those ideas that in their own timing may have seemed to be so painful, so negative -- by loving them now you will then create the type of past -- for you do create your past from your present, not the other way around -- you will then create the type of effect coming from your past that will support you in the present, will allow you to create whatever type of new present you desire, once again without struggle, without strife, but only within joy of expression, within ecstasy. Are you all following along? AUD: Yes. B: Now, last week of your time we discussed the idea of your sensitivity to electromagnetic shifts upon your planet, some of which may or may not be expressed, as you call it, seismically. This evening of your time, after your break time, we will engage, if you will, if you are willing, with you in a visualization, a meditation, to allow you to begin to function -- each and every one of you and collectively function -- as a valve, so to speak, through which the electromagnetic field of your world can be channeled. And any energy that you perceive might have the potential of manifesting in your world in a negative way can then be re-channeled through you and manifested in a positive way upon your world. For now you are recognizing that because you innately deserve happiness, you do not have to shake yourselves up or go through trials by fire in order to believe that you deserve happiness. And so, if you are willing to take those steps, and take them now, you can

then release much of that energy that may be pent up, expressing itself, or potentially expressing itself in negative ways, catastrophic ways, and transform that energy into another type of energy, an energy that can support and sustain and enliven and enrich the entire society in which you live. Use it creatively. You all follow me? Q: Yes. Yes.

B: Therefore, the idea is that all we are sharing with you, and all that any consciousness is sharing with you at this time, is that you do have the power to create your lives as you desire them to be. The idea is to simply wake up-- and start dreaming... and live those dreams. Live those desires -- with knowledge, with intention, with integrity, with knowingness, with faith and with trust and unconditional love. Sharing.

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