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Page 153 B. a.

Capital punishment is very appropriate for high class crime such as corru ption , murderer and slaughterer. The point of capital punishment is punish some body by death , so it will be suit to the people who kill ,massacre or taking ri ght of other people. If the capital punishment applied in the other reason excep t high class crime , it will create more problem and protest toward the doer of this capital punishment b. No , it doesn't . The family ,friends or relation from the victim of this capital punishment may protest or sentence the doer of this punishment to the j udge. Moreover , if the relation from the victim is a bad guy or terrorist , it will be create other dangerous crime condition towards the society. They will ma ke a revenge for what the doer of the punishment do to the victim. c. China . They use capital punishment in such crime like human trafficking , drugs trafficking , serious corruption , etc. They use it because of the cultu ral context. Capital punishment is one of the classical Five Punishment of China 's dynastic periodic. This punishment is the favorite one for the people in Chin a especially who works in politics , laws and justice. They think that this kind of punishment is the best thing that they can do to the bad people according to their ancestors who make this cultural context. They can kill about 5,000 priso ners annually. In absolute terms, that would be about 14 executions daily, or in three days what the U.S. performs in an entire year.

C. Writing Section Capital Punishment Is A Wrong Way to Dead In 2009, Amnesty International counted 1718 executions in China exactly during 2008.By the confirmed numbers, the rate of executions in China is higher than the United States and Pakistan. The Dui Hua Foundation , a non-government m edia company , declares that the true figures were higher; they estimate that Ch ina executed between 5,000 and 6,000 people in 2007, down from 10,000 in 2005. F rom this fact , we know that murder is wrong. Since childhood we have been taugh t this indisputable truth. Ask yourself, then, what is capital punishment? In it s simplest form, capital punishment is defined as one person taking the life of another. Coincidentally, that is the definition of murder. There are 36 states w ith the death penalty, and they must change. These states need to abolish it on the grounds that it carries a dangerous risk of punishing the innocent, is uneth ical and barbaric, and is an ineffective deterrent of crime versus the alternati ve of life in prison without parole. Capital punishment is the most irreparable crime governments perpetrate wi thout consequence, and it must be abolished. We re only human, we all make mistakes, mmonly used phrase, but it is tried and true. Humans, as a species, are famous f or their mistakes. However, in the case of the death penalty, error becomes too dangerous a risk. The innocent lives that have been taken with the approval of o ur own government should be enough to abolish capital punishment. Capital punishment is immoral and a violation of natural rights. It is w

rong for everyone involved: the prosecuted innocent, criminals, victims families, a nd our nation. We need to replace the death penalty and capital punishment with life without parole, a safer and more inexpensive option. The death penalty does not guarantee safety for innocent victims, it does not follow the goals and pro mises of our nation, it does not effectively deter crime, and it does not give c losure to victims families. Nothing good comes of hate, and nothing good can ever c ome from capital punishment. It cannot continue to be accepted by a nation that claims to have liberty and justice for all. The death penalty is murder on the s ly and it s dead wrong.

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