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(To be cut-out, shuffled) You are a Plebian! A pleb was a member of Roman society, associated as a free land-owner. Plebians are typically middleclass by modern standards. They vote for their representatives in the Senate, but still feel unfairly represented often times. They can serve in the military, and elevate their status through military success. They greatly enjoy the success of the empire, and are determined to see it remain strong and popular. You have friends who have served in the military as well. You are a Roman Soldier! You serve in the roman legions, as a soldier. You come from a middle-class family who desired you work your way up through the ranks and achieve glory. You are a citizen of the Roman empire, and are entitled to vote and own land once your military service has concluded. Your loyalty is first and foremost to your commanding officer; Punishment in the military for disobedience is strict. Falling asleep on guard duty results in execution. You have fought on many different continents, and are of medium rank. Your needs are tended to not by the Senate or the Emperor, but by the commander of your particular legion or army. Roman soldiers are not permitted in the capital while on active duty. You are a Roman General! You command armies across many continents. You are from a family of relatively unimportant rank, but have achieved vast glory and triumph through victory on the battlefield. You are popular among all the people in Rome. You provide for your soldiers and their families, and are well-respected. You butt-heads with the Roman Senate, who do not permit soldiers in the capital, and see standing armies as a threat to the Roman democracy. You often feel the Senate is short-sighted and disrespectful of your greatness. You respect others greatness as well, and can recognize a superior man. Democracy is flawed in your view, the senate is full of liars and cheats. You are a Roman Senator! You serve the people, are elected by the people, and come from the people. You hold a high status, and are wealthy. You spend the majority of your time in the capital, voting on various matters that come before the senate. You believe in the necessity of democracy, and worry that Romes expanding military hurts the Senates power. No one man can rule Rome, and it takes the voice of the people to truly see justice done. You are at odds with the Roman Generals, who are too aggressive and powerful in your opinion. You rely on the popular support of the plebians for your power.

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