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Weekly Planning Form

Week of: November 5th 2012 Teacher: Ms.Bonvetti Blocks Building block towers with peers Making car tracks with peers Cause and Affect with knocking blocks over Art -Finger painting with Glitter added -Mixing 2 colors to make a 3rd -Feather painting (exploring how it feels) -Shaving Cream (sensory) Sand and Water Cutting/ and fringing practice in the water table Theme: The Five Senses- Touch

Dramatic Play/Housekeeping Kitchen props/ making meals ++Add Pizza Shop Review where items go all week Library Exploring books with peers or individually Teaching reading books the students choose informally Music and Movement Music and Me Unit 3- Outside my Window Lessons 1 & 2 Outdoors Digging in the sand Playing pretend with typical peers Walking on stilts with teacher assistance Having a catch with peers or teachers Working on gross motor skills

Manipulative Lacing leafs +Mystery touch bag Number mats for counting bears

Discovery/Science +Adding magnet Letters Fishing Game to sensory table (they have to fish for their letters in their name and fill the card) Cooking

Computers -Counting and color review on PBS kids and Kids cbc -Starfall for morning circle + Five Senses Song (smart board)

Family/Community Involvement ++Promoting parents go on Box tops for education !

Weekly Planning Form

Planning for Groups- November 5th 2012 Monday Morning song, Group Time (songs, stories, games, counting friends, calendar, introducing discussion, etc.) letter Jj -Music and Me - +ADD Pizza Shop My five Senses by Story Time Aliki

Theme: The Five Senses- Touch

Tuesday Morning song, counting friends, calendar, letter Ji -Five senses introduction My Senses Wednesday Morning song, counting friends, calendar, letter Ji -Touch: Mystery bag Thursday Morning song, counting friends, calendar, letter Ji -Touch: Mystery bag Friday Morning song, counting friends, calendar, letter Ji -Smart board counting activity baseballs Magic school busExplore the Senses

Elmo Five Senses

Sense Suspense

Small-Group Activities

-Feel Bag will be small group activity Work on colors

-Shaving Cream (sensory) Sorting Bears on sorting mats

Counting on counting mats (acorn book) working on 1-to-1 Leaf sort

Sorting Bears on the sorting mats

Pumpkin Face matching Color matching

Special Activities
(Field trips, special events, ect.)

O.T. (Morning) Nursery Rhymes Hey Diddle Diddle

Speech 9:00-9:30 -Mixing 2 colors with fingers to make a 3rd (red and blue make -Finger painting purple) with glitter added

-I have a good friend game on carpet

*The Five Senses Song

OBJECTIVES Fine MotorI can begin to control small muscles in hands during art projects and writing activities I can begin to coordinate eye-hand movement Cognitive DevelopmentI can begin to observe objects and events with curiosity I can begin to show persistence in approaching tasks Logical ObjectivesI can begin to compare and measures objects I can begin to recognize patterns and can repeat them I can begin to use one-to-one correspondence I can begin to use numbers and counting Representation and Symbolic ThinkingI can begin to take on pretend roles and situations I can begin to make believe with objects Listening and SpeakingI can begin to express self-using words and expanded sentences I can begin to understand and follow oral directions I can begin to answer questions

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