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sandking is also a good gem carrier

Skill build

BurrowStrike SandStorm Caustic Finale Epicenter

Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level

1 - Burrowstrike 2 - Sand Storm 3 - Burrowstrike 4 - Sand Storm 5 - Burrowstrike 6 - Epicenter 7 - Burrowstrike 8 - Sand Storm 9 - Sand Storm 10 - Caustic Finale 11 - Epicenter 12 - Caustic Finale 13 - Caustic Finale 14 - Caustic Finale 15 - Stats 16 - Epicenter 17-25 Stats

Take burrow strike at level 1 as it can help u escape and stun.sandstorm is to max because for each level u add the cooldown decrease by 10 second.I prefer adding stats since sand king is a ganging hero he does not need the farm.If the enemy has pushing hero like broodmother, adding caustic finale might not be a bad choice

Items Starting Items Item Builds Phrase Vs Arcane boots

Bottle is a must for almost all mid hero Dagger is needed for your epic shift blink combo Arcane boots for solving your low mana problems

Extension Items

Agha for increasing your ulti damage Shiva for increasing your armor and slow enemy hero attack speed.It also give you some int to solve your mana problems Veil of discord.Increase you and your team overall nuke power

Luxury Extensions

Heart.Just go this item for more hp and damage.If you are using sandking u should not be playing till late game.Heart is a good item if you reach late game. Blademail one of the best item in late game for non carrier. U are the initiator just blink in and Epicenter they will just have to hit u, u just on blademail and deal return damage to them. Hex the enemy.Enuf said Assualt CuirassIs a good item to go after heart.If you has high hp getting armor is better then getting more hp.It also increase your team raxing ability since it decrease the building armor by 5.

Situational Items

Heaven Halbred.If enemy carry is owning your team Ethereal Blade.This item is useless for sandking but it can help u increase your magic damage.You can also target enemy unit into ethereal form.This is a good item so stop a carry from damaging Gem.Get this if there are invi unit in enemy team only if you go for tank build. Mekansm.Heal your own team.Get this if u are support or your team is losing BKBLet sandking maximise his epicenter damage

Rejected Items

Refresher.You does not have enough mana to cast that and you wont get to cast 2 ulti in a teamfight BattlefuryYou are not a farmer armletGet it if you want to troll SNYGet it if you want to troll

General When things does not go well Ward dust gem

Early Game Try to last hit to get a fast bottleWhen u reach level 3 just spam burrow strike and get rune.Try go get kill if possible.Once you have reached level 6 your mana is around 325, you will now start your hero killing by hitting the hero with Burrow strike(Click behind the hero.This will make sure u cast your ulti be4 the enemy stun you). Once the opponent got stunned activate immediately epicenter.Always remember to carry a tp scroll.It can help u get alot of free kill by tping to help your team or gang with your team.conserve your mana your shift blink combo need at least 400 mana. Mid Game Mid Game Gang Mid game is when Sand King shine the most. With constant ganging the enemy would not be able to take a team fight with your shift blink combo.If they enemy is decent they will try to get pipe.Try to shift blink ulti and shift stun the pipe user.So u can stun him before he use pipe.Try to get dagger asap. Don't use not to use Epicenter to get a single target unless special circumstances. Late Game Try to initiate the enemy instead of getting initiate. If u get initiate sandking is probably useless since he can't channel it's ulti.Try not to die in late game, Just end the game fast as sand king is not that fun in the late game.

Good Allies Hero that can help u land ur ulti

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