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Internal Tables
Duration in Days - 3( * 2 Hrs)

a. introduction & purpose b. Declaring Internal Tables c. Read Data from Database into ITAB -Processing Data from 6. internal Tables I. Display Data from ITAB 11. Adding records (APPENDIINSERT) iii. Modify Recards from ITAB (MODIFY) iv. Reading Data from

ITAB(READ) v. Delete Records from ITAB (DELETE) vi. Delete Adjacent Duplicate Records vii. Append of Internal Tables Lines (COLLECT) viii. Types of Internal Tables ix. Types of Declaring Internal Tables x. Declaring STANDARD Tables


Note: Soi-Led Itlter-nai 'I'iiities 8':ammcit be Sorted again. Sorted Internal Tables are always, either UNIQUE / NON UNIQUE. 1.e. Sorted Internal Tables Cannot be Declared without UNIQUEDJONUNIQUE Keywords. DATA <9'1'AB> TYPE SOR'I'ED 'I'AB1,E OF <1'Y> WITH UNIQ'IJEAYON&lNIQU;;i: KgY <i?1> <1<!'2> .. Hashed tables : This is the nlost appropriate type for ally table where the main operatioil is key access. Like database tables, hashed tables always have a unique key.

DATA <ITAB> TYPE HASHED TABLE OF <TY> WITH UNIQUEDJONUNIQUE KEY <F1> <l72> .. You canllot access a hashed table using its INDEX. 1hc response (Search) time cloesn't clepelid 011 the 110 of records, Instead it is always access remains constant, regardless of the number of table entries. Hashed tables are useful if you want to construct and use an internal table \.vliicli resembles a database table or for processing large alnounts of data. SoeciaH Features of Standard Tables: Sorted tables, liashed tables are only introduced in Release 4.0, sta~ldardta bles already existed several releases previously. Defining a line type, table type, and tables without a header line have only been possible since Release 3.0. For this reason, there are certain features of' standard tables that still exist for compatibilitj~re asons. Standard 'IB bles Before IPelcasc 3.0 Before Release 3.0, internal tables all had header lines and a flat-structured line type. There were no independent table types. You could only create a table object using the OCCURS addition in the DATA statement, followed by a declaration of a flat structure: DATA: BEGIN OF <Irb'AB> OCCURS <n>,

Stalndard SQL SQL (Structured Query Language) is a largely standardized language for

accessing relational databases. It can be divided into three areas: Data Manipulation Language (aDML) Statenleilts for reading and changing data in database tables. Data Definition Language (DDL) Statements for creating and administering database tables. Data Control Language (DCL) Statements for authorization and consistency checks.

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