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PHONE: 780-467-5730, EMAIL: sttomsherwoodpark@gmail.com, WEBSITE: sttomsherwoodpark.com A Mission Church of Jesus Christ Seek, Shape, Serve December 30, 2012

Advent Worship

1st Sunday after Christmas: 1 Samuel 2: 18-20, 26; Psalm 148; Colossians 3: 12-17; Luke 2: 41-52 8 am Eucharist: Preacher/Preside: The Rev. Stephen London Lay Administrant : Alastair Hamlyn. 10 am Eucharist: Preacher/Preside: The Rev. Stephen London; Lay Reader David Holehouse Hospitality: Volunteer Team; 1st Reader: Brenda Saluk; 2nd Reader: Jean Parlby; Greeters: Agnes & Michael Asghar; Ushers: Dale Purkis & Richard Hanna; Lay Assistants: Brenda Saluk & Betty Hopfner Epiphany of the Lord: Isaiah 60: 1-6; Psalm 72: 1-7, 10-14; Ephesians 3: 1-12; Matthew 2: 1-12.

World Wide PRAY for the church in Kuching (South East Today, we remember in our prayers: Michael & Tammy, Asia), the Rt. Revd. Bolly Lapok and The Rt. Rev. Aeries Margaret, Nancy, Jenn, Michaela, Amanda, David, Nancy, Sumping. Sydney, Hillary, Jean, Tim, Sarah, Dale, Toni, Ed & Mae, Here at Home: Childrens Ministry, Hospitality Ministries, Helen & Dave, Vera, Vic & Susan, Jill, Kate and all those Project 2015 & the Steering Committee, Youth Ministry. known to the Lord alone. Specifically at Home: Franklin & Dorothy Foster, David Orr, Bob & Florence St. Jean Flowers on the altar this morning are given to the Glory of God by Norma Rasmussen in memory of Vern Rasmussen from his family. You are invited to contribute to the flowers in the sanctuary by filling out the form in the foyer. Please place your $45.00 cheque clearly marked Flowers into the offertory plate.

Office Hours: .Tues.: 8:30 2:30; Wed. 8:30 2:30; Fri.: 8:30 4:30. Occasional changes to normal schedule may occur. Please feel free to call the office to confirm that someone will be available to you. Thanks!

The nursery is now open with a volunteer available to care for children under 3. If you are able to take a turn in the nursery, please sign the sheet in the foyer. However, there will be no nursery on Dec. 30th. We are also looking for baby doll clothes and coloring book donations for children under six. Please contact Marion Bulmer at 780-464-6927 if you have items to donate. Thanks!

Snow shovelling: Its that time of year again! Please sign up for this very important task. Sign-up sheet in the foyer. Thanks so much!
Womens Bible study Beth Moore study on the book of James. Beginning Monday, Jan. 7th from 1:30 3:30 pm (@ the home of Barb Grandinetti ,17 Nottingham Estates) and meeting on 8 consecutive Mondays. Cost of the workbook is $16.80. Please complete the registration form by Dec. 14th. Questions? Contact Beverley Brown 780.464.3257 or Betty Lucas 780.922.4709. Refugees: Nairobi visa office has approved Abshir and Abdullahi and family to come to Canada. They will shortly issue forms and information for them to have their medicals done. The medicals will not stop a sponsorship, but can slow it down if some treatment is required. We appreciate your prayers and concern for this family and their sister Nasra here in Canada.

YOUTH GROUP Winter Schedule. Grade 5 & up! Join us at the church and have some fun! Bring a friend or 2 with you! All are Welcome! YOUTH. Each week a new adventure! Beginning again on January 9th. 5:30-6:30. BIBLE STUDY and light supper 6:30-8:30. YOUTH All youth are welcome to come to both or just one wherever their heart leads them! Contact: Kim (780) 850-3190 Devon (780) 686-3384

Refugee Team invites you to a New Years tea on January 13th at 1 pm at the home of Marion Bulmer, 8 Craigavon Bay, Sherwood Park. Each person is to bring a small plate of appetizers or an even smaller plate of sweets. All are welcome, tea followed by a short meeting. RSVP to Marion at 780-464-6927, if attending.
Note from the Rector: I want to be available to the congregation. So, I am publishing my contact information here: you can reach me at revstevelondon@gmail.com. My cell phone number is 780-243-2212. This would be the best number for pastoral emergencies, but also just to talk. I am also starting a blog so that you can know what I am thinking about in the parish and in the world. That address is: http://stevelondon.blogspot.ca/. If you would like to just have a cup of coffee and visit please let me know. I love to talk!

Photo directory - We are currently proofing the directory. We hope to have your new pictorial directories for you sometime in the New Year. Thanks!

Dec. 30th Sunday Services 8, 10 am combined service Dec. 31st Mens crib 7 pm Jan. 2nd No Youth or Wonder Happy New Year! Jan. 6th Epiphany Sunday Services 8, 9 & 11 am

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