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Mr Jacob Orbach, Chief Internal Auditor, Member of the Board of Management BANK HAPOALIM, BM, Israel Email: <jacob.orbach@mailpoalim.co.il>; Fax: 03-607-3101, 03-567-3764; Ms Maya Mazallag, Beit HaKerem Branch Manager BANK HAPOALIM, BM, Israel maya.amzallag@mailpoalim.co.il, shalom.barashi@mailpoalim.co.il , maya.shulyatsky@mailpoalim.co.il , david.zegen@mailpoalim.co.il , drora.bregman@mailpoalim.co.il , mordechai.assouline@mailpoalim.co.il , efrat.dahan@mailpoalim.co.il Mr Stanley Fischer, Governor BANK OF ISRAEL Email: "Attention Governor Stanley Fischer" <miriam.segal@boi.org.il>,"Stanley Fischer" <sfischer@bankisrael.gov.il>, Fax: 02-666-9077

RE: Unlawful blocking of customer's access to his own funds, and Reminder "FATCA"-related request for bank records YOUR IMMEDIATE ATTENTION IS REQUIRED!
TO MR JACOB ORBACH, Chief Internal Auditor and Member of the Board of Management, BANK HAPOALIM, BM, Israel :

a) Unlawful blocking of access to customer's funds

In a phone call today, Ms Maya Amzallag, Beit HaKerem Branch Manager, Ms Amzallag denied the undersigned's access to his own funds under custody of Bank HaPoalim, BM. Ms Amzallag provided no lawful foundation for such conduct, and refused to provide notice of the same in writing. Your immediate attention is required to restore the undersigned's full access to his own funds.

b) Reminder - "FATCA"-related request for bank records

Your office has been repeatedly requested to produce the following bank records: i. Undated Bank HaPoalim, BM, "New Policy", related to "FATCA" (a United States act, which the Bank purports to enact, adjudicate, and enforce in the State of Israel), which is the purported basis for such conduct. ii. Pursuant to the same purported "New Policy" and pursuant to related United States Internal Revenue Regulations, Form 1099- Int: Reporting by the Bank to the undersigned account holder total interest gained in single a sum for each calendar year for each account, regardless of currency, for the year 2011 (long overdue), and for the year 2012 (now due). No response has been received from your office on such requests to this date. Your immediate attention to this matter would be appreciated. Jerusalem, January 2, 2013,

_________________ Joseph Zernik, PhD PO Box 31440, Jerusalem 91313 ATTACHED: United States Internal Revenue Service, Form 1099-Int LINKS:
12-12-03 Reminder on FATCA-related request for Bank HaPoalim records from Chief Internal Auditor Jacob Orbach http://www.scribd.com/doc/115295169/

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