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SELECT mt.LastName as 'Last Name',mt.FirstName as 'First Name',mt.MiddleInitial as 'Middle Initial',mt.ClaimAcctNumber as 'Claim Account Number',mt.GrpNo as 'Gr oup No',mt.

SubscriberID as 'Subscriber ID',mt.PayerID as 'Payer ID',mt.PayerName as 'Company Name',mt.ClaimSubmissionDate as 'Claim Submission Date',mt.CurrentC laimStatus as 'Current Claim Status',mt.ClaimStatusType as 'Claim Status Type',m t.LatestEDIMsg as 'Latest EDI Message',mt.RejectedReason as 'Rejected Reason',mt .AnesthesiaService as 'Anesthesia Service',mt.Dateofservice as 'Date of service' ,mt.BilledCode as 'Billed Code',mt.BilledCodeDescription as 'Billed Code Descrip tion',mt.OtherModifiers as 'Other Modifiers',mt.ProviderInfo as 'Provider Info', mt.PrimaryDX as 'Primary DX',mt.DX2 as 'DX2',mt.DX3 as 'DX3',mt.DX4 as 'DX4',mt. BilledAmount as 'Billed Amount',dt.InsurancePayments as 'Insurance Payment',dt.I nsuranceAdjustments as 'Insurance Adjustment',dt.Writeoff as 'Write Off',dt.Disc ounts as 'Discount',dt.PatientPayments as 'Patient Payments',mt.BilledAmount-(if null(dt.InsurancePayments,0)+ifnull(dt.InsuranceAdjustments,0)+ifnull(dt.Writeof f,0)+ifnull(dt.Discounts,0)+ifnull(dt.PatientPayments,0)) as Balance FROM (SELEC T distinct e.LastName, e.FirstName, ifnull(e.MI,'') as MiddleInitial, concat(e.M RN,'ZZ',a.pri_claimid) as ClaimAcctNumber, a.pri_plan as GrpNo, a.pri_policy_no as SubscriberID, f.IDNumber as PayerID, f.CompanyName as PayerName, a.pri_claimi d,a.claimdate as ClaimSubmissionDate,a.pri_claimstatuscode as CurrentClaimStatus ,case when a.EDI_Status='IBR' then 'Clearing House ACK' when a.EDI_Status='EBR' then 'Payer ACK' when a.EDI_Status='DPR' then 'Payer Responded' when a.EDI_Statu s is null then 'No Response' end as ClaimStatusType,a.EDI_Message as LatestEDIMs g, a.pri_claimrejectiondetail as RejectedReason,case when a.asa_claim='Y' Then ' Yes' else 'No' end as AnesthesiaService,b.dosfrom as Dateofservice,b.procode as BilledCode,j.Description as BilledCodeDescription,b.modifier as PrModifier,rtrim (concat(ifnull(b.modifier2,''),' ',ifnull(b.modifier3,''),' ',ifnull(b.modifier4 ,''))) as OtherModifiers,case when b.modifier <>'QX' or b.modifier is null then concat(g.Firstname, ' ', g.Lastname, '--',g.npi) else concat(h.Firstname, ' ', h .Lastname,'--',h.npi) end as ProviderInfo ,ifnull(b.pridxcode,'') as PrimaryDX, ifnull(b.dxcode2,'') as DX2, ifnull(b.dxcode3,'') as DX3,ifnull(b.dxcode4,'') as DX4, round(b.charg* b.unit,2) as BilledAmount,b.id as ClaimDetailID FROM claim as a INNER JOIN claimdetail as b ON a.ssn=b.ssn AND a.encno=b.encno INNER JOIN c hart_encounter as c ON c.ssn=a.ssn AND c.ENo=a.encno INNER JOIN chart as e ON e. SSN=a.SSN INNER JOIN insurancecompany as f ON f.CompanyId=a.pri_insid INNER JOIN users as g ON g.UserId=c.EAttPhyId LEFT JOIN users as h ON h.UserId=c.EPasstPhy Id LEFT JOIN (SELECT code,Description FROM cpt4) as j ON j.code = b.procode WHER E a.claimdate >= '2012-09-01' AND a.claimdate <='2012-09-30' AND concat(e.Lastna me,' ',e.Firstname) LIKE '%%' ORDER BY a.pri_claimid, a.claimdate, b.procode, b .modifier) mt LEFT JOIN (SELECT mp.Claimdetailid, sum( case when mp.tr_type='Ins urancePayment' or mp.tr_type='TertiaryPayment' then amount end) as InsurancePaym ents, sum( case when mp.tr_type='InsuranceAdjustment' or mp.tr_type='Adjustment' then amount end) as InsuranceAdjustments, sum( case when mp.tr_type='InsuranceW riteOff' or mp.tr_type='Write Off' or mp.tr_type='InsuranceTakeBack' then amount end) as Writeoff, sum( case when mp.tr_type='Discount' or mp.tr_type='Insurance Discount' then amount end) as Discounts, sum(case when mp.tr_type='CoInsurance Patient Balance' or mp.tr_type='Copayment - Patient Balance' or mp.tr_type='Co payment - Patient Fund' or mp.tr_type='Deductible' or mp.tr_type='Payment' or mp .tr_type='Payment - Patient Fund' or mp.tr_type='Copayment' then amount end) as PatientPayments FROM manage_payment as mp GROUP BY mp.ClaimDetailID) dt ON dt.Cl aimdetailid = mt.ClaimDetailID; select count(*) as GR from `prescription`.transaction a left join chart b on a .patientid = b.mrn left join `prescription`.prescription_order c on a.prescripti onordernumber = c.prescriptionordernumber and c.practiceid='2040' left join `pr escription`.pharmacy_directory d on a.NCPDPID = d.NCPDPID left join users e on a .createdby = e.userid where a.status = 'COMPLETED' and statusToEMR = 'COMPLETED ' and TransactionType = 'NewRx' and a.practiceid='2040' and a.createdon >= '' a nd a.createdon <= ' 23:59:59';

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