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January 2013



Telok Blangah Toastmasters Club

Chapter Meetings Recap | November Social | Upcoming Events | Edu Corner
In our latest revamped edition of Speak Up! we look back at the past half a term in Telok Blangah Toastmasters. Speak Up! will evolve into a bi monthly newsletter that shares the past happenings as well as tips for members and the public to learn more about communication and leadership success. It has certainly been a fulfilling 6 months with more new members joining us and being part of passionate about learning, contributing and growing. In this edition, we highlight the camaraderie developed and recognize the milestones that some of our members have reached. Enjoy!

Chapter Meetings Recap and November Social

Themes, Fun and Achievement

Congratulations to the Most Improved Speakers and New Members! We are happy for our club members Joyce Ler, Tan Yi Shu and Jon Kartago who have put in their best to speak regularly and they have been awarded the Most Improved Speaker! Special customized Membership Packs presented to new members, Tan Teck Heng, James Goh and June Tee. A warm welcome to Telok Blangah Toastmasters Club!

Record Turn Outs!

We give our special appreciation and thanks to our extended Toastmasters family who have been relentlessly volunteering month after month. Thank you Toastmasters from clubs such as NUS, Choa Chu Kang, Grassroots, NOL, Frontier and others. Your support has definitely enlivened our meetings, adding fun to the themed meetings such as Bollywood Night and Xmas Celebration night. We also enjoyed your company after meetings in the coffee shop where the mingling continues.

Bonding with Picnic in the Park in November! We bond too! Our clubs first outing at the Botanical Gardens was successfully organized by our club Secretary, Claire and Vice President of Membership, Claudia. Members bonded over delicious potluck and fun team building games. Everyone got to know each other better and even made new friends as families were encouraged to come along.

January 2013
"International Speech and Table Topics" Contests For Members!
Contest season is here for Toastmaster Clubs in Singapore and all over the world. Its the time for you to challenge yourself and others. You will get a chance to contest against your own club members by presenting speeches and vie for the top prize. Speak or Volunteer! If you feel like observing the contest instead, why not help out as a appointment holder and contribute to the contest? You can. For those who want to complete your project speeches, there is GOOD NEWS! You can still take this opportunity to complete your project speech during contest night. We will assign an evaluator for you who will give a silent 1 to 1 evaluation. If you are interested in contesting or helping out, contact our Organizing Char, President Francis Goh 90286913 francs_goh@yahoo.com.sg for more info

Upcoming Events
24th Jan 2013 (Thurs) January Chapter Meeting
If you are new to Toastmasters, this is the best way to get to know more about us. Join us for free at our monthly chapter meeting where you get to learn more about Toastmasters. Members will be speaking on a variety of topics, and getting live feedback to improve. You can participate by attempting impromptu speaking too! Heres a past program for your reference: http://bit.ly/THjzcP

28th Feb 2013 (Thurs) International Speech Contest (Those

who completed P6 onwards can contest) Craft and deliver a 5-7 mins thematic speech about any topic, usually inspirational. The speech should be substantially original.

Table Topics Contest

Each contestant will get the same table topic and will take turns to come up to the stage and deliver a 1-2 mins impromptu speech based on the topic set.

Edu Corner
Want to learn more about public speaking? In this new section, you can continue your education about communication and leadership. Here are some additional tips that weve carefully picked for you to learn and apply the next time you give a speech, network or just want to share tips about public speaking with someone. Enjoy! For this edition, we handpicked and feature 4 videos from the Toastmasters International Youtube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/toastmasters . We encourage all to visit and view the videos, take notes and see what you can use for your next speech!

Members are encouraged to join!

7, 14, 21, 28 Mar and 4 Apr 2013 SpeechCraft 10 The Public Speaking Workshop

Get Connected with Telok Blangah Toastmasters Club! Add us on: Club Email: tbtmc1234@gmail.com Club Website: www.telokblangahtoastmasters.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/tbtmc Youtube: www.youtube.com/tbtmc1234 MeetUp Group: www.meetup.com/telok-blangah-toastmasters-club Twitter: www.twitter.com/tbtmc

New Year, new resolutions. Make public speaking success one of those resolutions. If you are seeking a way to learn and grow in terms of communication and leadership, join us! Sign up or share it with your friends to be on your way to becoming a better thinker, listener, speaker and ultimately a better leader! More info: http://bit.ly/WkK8D9 If you want to join us for any of the events above, do email tbtmc1234@gmail.com

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