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SSRS Interview Question PDF Download Basics Level 1

What is SQL Server Reporting Services? SSRS is reporting tool which comes with Microsoft SQL Server. Its a part of BI suite which SQL Server incorporates with it. SSRS is free with Microsoft SQL Server and used to create reports for client purpose. With reporting service reports can be created in different format such as tabular, matrix.

What are the different types of possible reports? Report can be of three types in terms of format 1. Tabular Report: In this format report will come in tabular format. Fields for which data required are in columns and data comes in the form of row. Its a static report no change in the format is possible at run time (i.e. No of columns will remain same) 2. Matrix Report: Matrix reports are the dynamic reports and columns can be changed at run time according to the data. 3. Chart Report: In chart report chart can be used in report for graphical representation of the data. You can create dashboard using various charts and gauge.

What is the extension for report file? Report file saves with the extension of .rdl and same file exist at report server.

What are the shared data sources in SSRS? Shared data source is the source which can be shared across the different reports. The need of created a separate data source can be removed. Reports firing on same databases can used the same data source.

What are the different types of report? Using BIDS reports can be created in two ways. I.e. two ways to retrieve the data from SQL Server data source. 1. TSQL Reports: TSQL Reports are made up of plain SQL Query. Data source in this case is SQL server database engine i.e. OLTP reporting. 2. MDX Reports: MDX reports are created through cubes. For this data source is analysis services cubes i.e. OLAP reporting.

Explain SSRS 2005 architecture? SSRS 2005 architecture 1. Report Designer 2. Report Builder 3. Report manager 4. Report server 5. Report Server database 6. Report Sources

What is the report rendering? Report rendering is to call the report from server to application. Report rendering can be possible through different ways.

What are the different types of report rendering methods? There two methods through which we can render the report. 1. URL Method 2. SOAP Method

What is the Report Server? Report server is the server where we deploy the report. I.e. its a holding place for reports. Applications access report server to view the report.

What are the different folders on Report Server? There are two folders which exist on report server. 1. Report Server: Report server contains the xml code of rdl. 2. Report : Report folder stores the actual RDL file and which can be run by clicking on it on server

What is URL Methods of rendering? URL Method is report rendering method in which you provide the report details through URL. URL method contains the report server details, parameter details and login details in the url itself to view the report in report viewer control.

What is Report Subscription? Report subscription is to schedule the resource on particular time and to send a mailer to particular users. You can find this functionality on report server for each report.

What is the RDL file? RDL File stands for report definition language. It contains the report definition which located on report server. It contains the report layout and data source and datasets.

What are the Matrix reports and what are their uses? Matrix reports are the reports which used to generate data dynamically i.e. table structure is not static and it can be changed at run time.

How to pass cascaded parameters in report? Cascaded parameters are the parameters which are depended on other parameters. These parameters can be created in parameter section in upper window while creating the report.

How to implement group by in report? Group by can be implemented by adding a group on row in table data part. Adding group will two group rows for this row on above and below of this particular row. Below row can be used for subtotal of this group which is specified in above row. By repeating the same operation on group row can created a group on group.

What are the drilldown reports? Give one example. Drill down reports are the reports which can collapse or expand as per requirement i.e. information can be drilled down in to minor level information if required. For example when you group by the data at particular group. At the group level you can get the sum or any other information which you want to see. When you expand it you will get the row level data. For drill down there will be + sign on the row through which you can drill.

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