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Energy Saving CFL Light Bulbs Causes Dozens of Diseases Including Cancer

The mythical hoax that the "Green Revolution" has spawned upon the world blaming carbon emissions for global warming now aims to replace every incandescent bulb with disease and cancer causing compact fluorescent lights (CFLs). A group of scientists has recently warned in a report that the bulbs should not be left on for extended periods, particularly near someones head, as they emit poisonous materials when switched on. Peter Braun, who carried out the tests at the Berlin's Alab Laboratory, said: For such carcinogenic substances it is important they are kept as far away as possible from the human environment. The bulbs are already widely used in the UK, Canada and the United States following directions by those governments to phase out traditional incandescent lighting. The U.S. Congress passed legislation stating these new light bulbs must completely replace our everyday incandescent light bulbs by 2014, without telling us of the serious dangers to health and environment, that these mandated bulbs pose. Most of these new CFLs make people sick and diseased by emitting radio frequency radiation that contributes to dirty electricity, that can cause diabetes, cancer, cardiac problems, low or high blood pressure, sinusitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, migraines, dizziness, nausea, confusion, fatigue, digestive problems, enlarged thyroid, testicular/ovarian pain, internal bleeding; altered sugar metabolism, immune abnormalities; redistribution of metals within the bodyskin irritations, eye strain and many other ailments. Symptoms are affected by body type, duration and regularity of exposure, and frequency (hertz). Each frequency can have a very different effect on the human body and different body types are affected differently by different frequencies. This makes electrical pollution as a causal agent difficult to identify, especially if you do not know about radio wave sickness. One article in the Journal of Cellular Biochemistry notes that the stress response is activated in cells exposed to even low levels of electromagnetic radiation both by directly affecting DNA, as well as by activating membrane receptors. They note that cells respond to amplitude and frequency differently. Changes of amplitude in either direction also stimulate the stress response. German scientists have claimed that several carcinogenic chemicals and toxins are released when the environmentally-friendly compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) are switched on, including phenol, naphthalene and styrene. Andreas Kirchner, of the Federation of German Engineers, said: Electrical smog develops around these lamps. I, therefore, use them only very economically. They should not be used in unventilated areas and definitely not in the proximity of the head, he said.

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The Department for the Environment insists the bulbs are safe, despite the fact that they contain small amounts of mercury which would leak out if the glass was broken. All CFL bulbs contain at least four to five milligrams of mercury, about 200 times the amount of mercury in a flu vaccine shot. There is enough mercury in each CFL bulb to contaminate 6,000 gallons of clean water. To break one of these CFL bulbs is to risk ruining the health of ones entire family, or office staff, with enough released atmospheric mercury to best require the expensive, professional services of a Haz/Mat Removal Team. The latest report follows claims by Abraham Haim, a professor of biology at Haifa University in Israel, that the bulbs could result in higher breast cancer rates if used late at night. He said that the bluer light that CFLs emitted closely mimicked daylight, disrupting the body's production of the hormone melatonin more than older-style filament bulbs, which cast a yellower light. Highest secretion levels of melatonin are at night but light depresses production, even if one's eyes are shut. A possible link between night time light exposure and breast cancer risk has been known for over a decade, since a study was published showing female shift workers were more likely to develop the disease. Prof Haim explained that a recent study by himself and fellow colleagues had found a much stronger association than previous research between night-time bedroom light levels and breast cancer rates. The video by Dr. Magda Havas, PhD of Trent University of Canada outlines startling insights into the connection between diabetes and the growth in electromagnetic fields. This video is based on a study published by Dr. Havas in Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine (27: 135146, 2008) called Dirty Electricity Elevates Blood Sugar Among Electrically Sensitive Diabetics and May Explain Brittle Diabetes. Sources: electricalpollution.com electromagnetichealth.org telegraph.co.uk

Scientists Agree That Electromagnetic Fields Pose a Threat to Your Health

Reference Sources
April 21, 2011

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