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Sandy Hook School Massacre Timeline

Updated January 7 , 2 01 3 The following tim eline of the Decem ber 1 4 m ass killing of 2 0 children and 8 adults in Newtown Connecticut attem pts to dem onstrate how the ev ent was presented to the public by corporate news m edia. The chronological assem blage of cov erage is not com prehensiv e of all reports published on the incident but rather seeks to v erify how the story line was to a substantial degree constructed by federal and state law enforcem ent authorities and m ajor m edia around the theory that 2 0-y ear-old Adam Lanza was the sole agent in the m assacre. This scenario becam e an established reality through the news m edias pronounced repetition of the lone gunm an narrativ e and m em e. This proposed scenario significantly obscured the fact that police encountered and apprehended two additional shooting suspects on the schools grounds within m inutes of the crim e. These suspects rem ain unaccounted for by authorities but the roles they m ay hav e play ed arguably correlate with the shifting inform ation presented by authorities and m ajor news m edia on injuries and weapons v is--v is the m ass carnage m eted out in the school. While the certain detainm ent of additional suspects was pointed to by alternativ e news m edia, including Natural News, I nfowars, Veterans Today and Global Research in the day s following the tragedy , the untenable lone gunm an narrativ e has becom e firm ly established in the public psy che v ia an ov erwhelm ing chorus of corporate m edia reports and interpretations. Note: Tim es of occurrences referenced are Eastern Standard Tim e and in som e instances signify tim e of publication rather than the specific incident cited. Tim e of publication does not alway s correlate with exact tim e of incident. n.t. denotes no tim e of publication referenced. 2012 Sept ember At the start of the 2 01 2 -1 3 academ ic y ear Sandy Hook Elem entary School Principal Dawn Hochsprung announces in a public letter to fam ilies the Newtown School Districts new security sy stem installed in all elem entary schools. Under the newly -announced security regim en, exterior doors will be locked during the day . Ev ery v isitor will be required to ring the doorbell at the front entrance and the office staff will use a v isual m onitoring sy stem to allow entry . Visitors will still be required to report directly to the office and sign in. If our office staff does not recognize y ou, y ou will be required to show identification with a picture id. Please understand that with nearly 7 00 students and ov er 1 ,000 parents representing 500 SHS fam ilies, m ost parents will be asked to show identification. Doors will be locked at approxim ately 9 :3 0 a.m . Principal Outlined New Security Procedures at Sandy Hook Elem entary , Hartford Courant, Decem ber 1 4 , 2 01 2 , 8:2 5PM EST. Oct ober 17

9 :4 7 AM Sandy Hook Principal Dawn Hochsprung Tweets photo of em ergency drill held at Sandy Hook fire station with Sandy Hook Elem entary faculty and students participating. Esther Zuckerm an, The Sandy Hook Principals Twitter Feed is Haunting, The Atlantic Wire, Decem ber 1 4 , 2 01 2 . November 7 n.t. Following Obam as reelection Senator Diane Feinstein is believ ed to be m eeting with relev ant federal agencies to lay groundwork for reenacting assault weapons ban. Senator Diane Feinstein Mov es to Ban All Assault Rifles, High Capacity Magazines, and Pistol Grips, Market Daily News, Nov em ber 7 , 2 01 2 . December 14 1 0:1 4 AM Hartford Courant publishes online Google m ap of Sandy Hook Elem entary School. Map of Sandy Hook Elem entary School, Hartford Courant, Decem ber 1 4 , 2 01 2 . 1 0:4 7 AM Connecticut State Police report assisting Newtown police in a shooting at Sandy Hook Elem entary School in Newtown, Connecticut. The Hartford Courant [< -hy perlink is to a different story ] reports there are m ultiple injures [sic] and unconfirm ed reports that one of the shooters is dead while the other is still at large. The school superintendents office say s the district has locked down schools to ensure the safety of students and staff. Crim eside Staff, Connecticut School Shooting: Police Inv estigating Reports of a Shooting at Elem entary School, CBS News, Decem ber 1 4 , 2 01 2 . 1 0:4 7 AM [Fam ous photo taken by Newtown Bee editor is distributed v ia CBS and other national m edia.]

Shannon Hicks/The Newtown Bee

Connecticut School Shooting: Police Inv estigating Reports of a Shooting at Elem entary School, CBS News, Decem ber 1 4 , 2 01 2 , 1 04 7 AM EST. 1 1 :3 0AM A Newtown Volunteer Am bulance Corps dispatcher say s a Sandy Hook Elem entary School teacher was taken to hospital after being shot in the foot. There are reports of m ultiple injuries, CBS notes. The Newton Bee reports a student with apparently serious wounds was carried out of the facility by a police officer. The school superintendents office say s all schools in the district rem ain in lockdown. Crim esider Staff, Connecticut School Shooting Update: One Gunm an Dead, One Teacher Injured at Elem entary School, CBS News, Decem ber 1 4 , 2 01 2 . 1 1 :3 4 AM Police say the shooter is dead and two weapons were recov ered from him . The source say s one weapon recov ered is a Glock and the other is a Sig Sauer. Children and Adults Gunned Down in School Massacre, CNN, Decem ber 1 4 , 2 01 2 . 1 2 :2 9 PM Hartford Courant m y steriously publishes online Googlem ap of neighborhood of Lanza residence, which is 3 6 Yogananda St. Map of 4 6 Yogananda St. Sandy Hook, CT, Hartford Courant, Decem ber 1 4 , 2 01 2 . 1 2 :2 7 PM Anony m ous witness and parent of student say s that while attending a m eeting with faculty regarding her child she heard at least 1 00 rounds being fired when the shooting began about 9 :3 0 to 9 :3 5AM. There was a pop pop pop in the hall outside the room . Three people went out of the room into the hall where the sounds had com e from . Only one person cam e back. The sam e witness say s she then called 9 1 1 . She said she nev er saw the shooter but she later was escorted outside the room past two bodies ly ing in blood. Children and Adults Gunned Down in School Massacre, CNN, Decem ber 1 4 , 2 01 2 . 1 :57 PM An anony m ous federal law enforcem ent source inform s news m edia the death toll is closer to 3 0 than 2 0, with m ost of those killed being children. The source, who say s he is in contact with authorities on the scene, say s the suspected gunm an had a connection to the school but would not elaborate. Children and Adults Gunned Down in School Massacre, CNN, Decem ber 1 4 , 2 01 2 . 2 :09 PM CNN is told that 1 8 to 2 0 of the dead are children. Children and Adults Gunned Down in School Massacre, CNN, Decem ber 1 4 , 2 01 2 . 2 :1 1 PM An anony m ous law enforcem ent official tells CNN that the suspects nam e is Ry an Lanza and he is in his 2 0s. Children and Adults Gunned Down in School Massacre, CNN, Decem ber 1 4 , 2 01 2 . 2 :3 9 PM Anony m ous federal law enforcem ent authorities say the shooting happened quickly and happened in a concentrated area. Children and Adults Gunned Down in School Massacre, CNN, Decem ber 1 4 , 2 01 2 . 2 :52 PM Father of Sandy Hook Elem entary School third grade student Stephen Delgiudice describes to CBS News what his daughter heard ov er the loudspeaker from the principals office. This prom pted the teacher to lock the classroom door. We hav e a pretty good program in Newtown, Delgiudice say s. where basically a code red rev erse 9 1 1 ty pe of a call, and a, cam e through. [It said] theres a shooting at the school and naturally I

obey ed the speed lim it and drov e im m ediately to the school. And ah, y know it was just m ass-m ass chaos. I finally got to m y daughtera friend of m ine led m e to m y daughter. I wanted to see her face and hold her, which I did, and once I did that there was a sense of relief, but, uhm , it was just chaos. Crim esider Staff, Connecticut School Shooting: Father Say s Student Heard Com m otion Ov er Loudspeaker, CBS News, Decem ber 1 4 , 2 01 2 . 3 :1 6 PM President Obam a addresses nation. As a country , we hav e been through this too m any tim es. Whether its an elem entary school in Newtown, or a shopping m all in Oregon, or a tem ple in Wisconsin, or a m ov ie theater in Aurora, or a street corner in Chicago these neighborhoods are our neighborhoods, and these children are our children. And were going to hav e to com e together and take m eaningful action to prev ent m ore tragedies like this, regardless of the politics. Children and Adults Gunned Down in School Massacre, CNN, Decem ber 1 4 , 2 01 2 . 3 :51 PM A federal law enforcem ent official inform s CNN that shooter arriv ed and headed directly toward and to his m others classroom . That and the other inform ation now em erging another fam ily m em ber killed, police interv iews lead them to believ e his m other was the prim ary target. But they note he also cam e arm ed with clear intention of m ass killing. Children and Adults Gunned Down in School Massacre, CNN, Decem ber 1 4 , 2 01 2 . 3 :4 5PM There were a total of 2 7 people dead at the school, Lt. Paul Vance of the Connecticut State Police tells assem bled reporters. Eighteen students were pronounced dead at the scene, and two others died at the hospital. In addition, six adults were pronounced dead at the scene. Children and Adults Gunned Down in School Massacre, CNN, Decem ber 1 4 , 2 01 2 . 3 :54 PM CNN now reports three guns found at the scene the third weapon found on the scene was a .2 2 3 Bushm aster. The other weapons, prev iously reported, are a Glock, and a Sig-Sauer. No word on the m odels of Glock or Sig-Sauer. Children and Adults Gunned Down in School Massacre, CNN, Decem ber 1 4 , 2 01 2 . 6 :3 4 PM Witnesses attest to seeing bloodied children, hearing as m any as 1 00 shots, and loud boom s. It was horrendous, parent Brenda Lebinski said, who rushed to the school where her daughter is a third grade student. Ev ery one was in hy sterics parents, students. There were kids com ing out of the school bloodied. I dont know if they were shot, but they were bloodied. Lebinski said another parent in the school during the shooting told her a m asked m an entered the principals office and m ay hav e shot the principal. Lebinski, who is friends with the m other who was at the school, said the principal was sev erely injured. Lebinskis daughters teacher im m ediately locked the door to the classroom and put all the kids in the corner of the room . Nearby resident Melissa Murphy listened to ev ents unfold on a police scanner. I kept hearing them call for the m ass casualty kit and scream , Send ev ery body ! Send ev ery body ! Murphy said. It doesnt seem like it can be really happening. I feel like Im in shock. A girl interv iewed by an NBC Connecticut affiliate said she heard sev en loud boom s while in gy m class. A police officer cam e in and told us to run outside and so we did, the unidentified girl said on cam era. Dan Burns and Chris Kaufm an, Connecticut Gun Ram page: 2 8 Dead, Including 2 0 Children, Reuters, Decem ber 1 4 , 2 01 2 . 6 :3 4 PM New York City May or Michael Bloom berg calls for greater gun control m easures. We need im m ediate action. We hav e heard all the rhetoric before. What we hav e not seen is leadership not from the White

House and not from Congress, Bloom berg said. That m ust end today . Dan Burns and Chris Kaufm an, Connecticut Gun Ram page: 2 8 Dead, Including 2 0 Children, Reuters, Decem ber 1 4 , 2 01 2 . 6 :4 4 PM US officials representing three different lettered agencies separately identify the suspected shooter as Adam Lanza, in contrast to what inv estigators said earlier in the day . No explanation is giv en regarding what prom pted confusion am ong inv estigators. Lanzas older brother, Ry an, was taken into custody for general questioning in Hoboken, New Jersey but was not labeled a suspect. Children and Adults Gunned Down in School Massacre, CNN, Decem ber 1 4 , 2 01 2 . 7 :1 3 PM Fox News presents newly released police dispatch audio of exchange between 9 1 1 dispatcher and Newtown Police and Connecticut State Police encountering two shooting suspects on school grounds. I hav e reports that the teacher saw two shadows running past the building, past the gy m which would be rear [inaudible]. Yeah, we got him . Hes com ing at m e, down [inaudible]. 9 1 1 Call Dispatch Audio Rev eals Police Response to Sandy Hook School Shooting, Fox News, Decem ber 1 4 , 2 01 2 , http://www.y outube.com /watch?v = 1 6 AfZXH3 3 eQ [Night] Police recov er long gun from autom obile in Sandy Hook parking lot. Police Find Long Gun in Trunk of Car in Sandy Hook Parking Lot, Newtown Connecticut, NBC News, Decem ber 1 4 , 2 01 2 . n.t. CBS correspondent notes how police hav e a second shooting suspect in custody who they are interrogating. Well, they hav e an indiv idual in custody , who they re talking to. I am told they re looking into the person as possibly a second shooter. Now that changes the dy nam ics here a little bit which goes from if in fact this turns out to be confirm edit goes from a lone gunm an scenario where som ebody has this argum ent with society and wants to take rev enge with the m ost defenseless people in society to a team of indiv iduals whov e gotten together and conspired to do som ething like this. School Shooting: Possible Second Gunm an in Custody , CBS News Online, Decem ber 1 4 , 2 01 2 . n.t. The Associated Press interv iews an unidentified Sandy Hook Elem entary student who describes seeing a shooting suspect prone on the ground in the schools parking lot. Unidentified student: And then the police like were knocking on the door, and they re like, Were ev acuating people! Were ev acuating people! So we ran out. Theres police about at ev ery door. They re leading us, Down this way . Down this way . Quick! Quick! Com e on! Then we ran down to the firehouse. Theres a m an pinned down to the ground with handcuffs on. And we thought that was the v ictim [sic]. We really didnt get a good glance at him because there was a car blocking it. Plus we were running really quick. Raw: Student Describes Scene at School Shooting, Associated Press, Decem ber 1 4 , 2 01 2 . December 15 7 :05AM State Police Lt. J. Paul Adv ance on ABCs Good Morning Am erica with George Stephanopoulos. Vance: This is som ething thats going to take a significant am ount of tim e. From the onset wev e had team s looking into the background of [Adam Lanza], peeling back the lay ers of the onion, so to speak. We hav e m any , m any questions that we need to askthat we need to explore. Stephanopoulos: Three guns found on site? Vance: We hav ent discussed that as of y et, but, uh, in excess of three guns.

Stephanopoulos: More than three guns. And we know also that the guns m atch those of his m other m ay hav e had. Hav e y ou been able to put that together y et? Vance: WerewereI dont hav e that inform ation specifically Stephanopoulos: Do y ou know if they were obtained legally ? Vance: Again, thats som ething we would also hav e to explore during the inv estigation. ABC News, Tragedy at Sandy Hook Elem entary School, Good Morning America, Decem ber 1 5, 2 01 2 . 8:4 0AM Sandy Hook resident Gene Rosen com es forth with story that he encountered six first grade children from Sandy Hook Elem entary in his front lawn while feeding his cats. I thought they were practicing for a play or Cub Scouts, and I went and approached them and it becam e clear that they were so distressed, Rosen told CBS News. And I took them into m y house, and they were cry ing and talking, and I got them into m y house, and they were cry ing and talking [sic], and I got them som e stuffed anim als. Neighbor Found Terrified Children on Front Lawn after School Massacre, CBS New York, Decem ber 1 5, 2 01 2 . 3 :4 5PM MSNBC: Connecticut Chief Medical Exam iner H. Way ne Carv er prov ides an update to the m edia after he and his team exam ined the v ictim s bodies at Sandy Hook Elem entary School in Newtown following Friday s shootings. In this exchange Carv er and State Police drastically change the story on what weapons were used in the shooting, contending that the Bushm aster 2 2 3 was the sole weapon Lanza wielded. Carv er exhibits an am azing degree of deferral to law enforcem ent and ov erall lack of knowledge about the postm ortem operation he has just presided ov er. For exam ple, a reporter asks, Were [the students] sitting at their desks or were they running away when this happened? Carv er responds, Ill let the guy s who the scene guy s talkaddress that issue. I, uh, obv iously I was at the scene. Obv iously Im v ery experienced in that. But there are people who are, uh, the num ber one professionals in that. Ill let them let that [v oice trails off]. Shortly thereafter another reporter asks, How m any boy s and how m any girls [were killed]? Carv er shakes his head slowly , I dont know. Medical Exam iner: Rifle Prim ary Weapon Used in Shootings, MSNBC, Decem ber 1 5, 2 01 2 . 4 :3 2 PM List of Sandy Hook Elem entary v ictim s is released. Police Release Nam es of Newtown School Shooting Victim s, Hartford Courant, Decem ber 1 5, 2 01 2 ,. 8:55PM Federal authorities confirm there is no record of Adam Lanza using local Newtown shooting range. Michael Isikoff and Hannah Rappley e, Mom of Suspected Shooter-First to DieWas Av id Gun Enthusiast, Friend Say s, NBC News, Decem ber 1 5, 2 01 2 . 8:55PM Federal officials claim Lanza took three weapons to Sandy Hook Elem entary , a Glock and Sig Sauer, and a Bushm aster .2 2 3 -caliber sem iautom atic assault-sty le rifle. Authorities rem ain unclear on whether all guns were used in the attack. Michael Isikoff and Hannah Rappley e, Mom of Suspected Shooter-First to Die Was Av id Gun Enthusiast, Friend Say s, NBC News, Decem ber 1 5, 2 01 2 . 9 :1 5PM An official with knowledge of the inv estigation inform s the Associated Press that three weapons were found inside Sandy Hook Elem entary on or near Adam Lanzas body a Bushm aster .2 2 3 -caliber rifle, a Glock 1 0m m pistol, and a Sig Sauer 9 m m pistol. Three other guns hav e also been recov ered, but it was not clear where they were found, the official told AP. They were a Henry repeating rifle, an Enfield rifle and a shotgun. Matt Appuzo and Pete Yost, Connecticut Shooter Adam Lanzas Guns Were Registered to Mother

Nancy Lanza: Official, Associated Press/Huffington Post, Decem ber 1 5, 2 01 2 . 1 1 :3 1 PM Adam Lanzas aunt Marsha Lanza describes Nancy Lanza as m eticulous and self-reliant, pointing out that she kept three guns in the hom e for self-defense. She would nev er leav e the guns out, Marsha Lanza asserts. Josh Kov ner and Edm und H. Mahoney , Adam Lanza: A Quiet, Odd Loner Liv ing on the Fringes, Hartford Courant, Decem ber 1 5, 2 01 2 . 1 1 :3 1 PM Law enforcem ent officials state the m urder weapon was one of three guns owned by Nancy Lanza: a sem iautom atic rifle or two sem iautom atic pistols. Josh Kov ner and Edm und H. Mahoney , Adam Lanza: A Quiet, Odd Loner Liv ing on the Fringes, Hartford Courant, Decem ber 1 5, 2 01 2 . 1 1 :3 1 PM Inv estigators believ e Adam Lanzas behav ior was consistent with Aspergers sy ndrom e, a disorder within the autism spectrum m arked by difficulty with social interaction. Many with Aspergers are otherwise high-functioning people. There is no pre-disposition toward v iolence, experts said. Josh Kov ner and Edm und H. Mahoney , Adam Lanza: A Quiet, Odd Loner Liv ing on the Fringes, Hartford Courant, Decem ber 1 5, 2 01 2 . 1 1 :4 4 PM Law enforcem ent authorities prov ide press with detailed inform ation on ev ent which becom es bedrock official story line that Adam Lanza m urdered 2 0 children and 6 adults at Sandy Hook Elem entary School. After shooting his m other twice in the head while she lie in bed Lanza proceeded to Sandy Hook Elem entary where he fired a half-dozen thunderous rounds from a sem iautom atic rifle to open a hole big enough to step through in one of the schools glass doors. He entered the school and shot Principal Hochsprung and school psy chologist Mary Scherlach who after hearing the sounds of gunfire and shattering glass, bolted into a corridor from a conference room across the hall from the classroom s The first classroom Lanza reached was teacher Kaitlin Roigs. Alarm ed by the gunfire, Roig hid her students in a bathroom and closed her classroom door. Lanza passed by Roigs classroom in lieu of substitute teacher Lauren Rousseaus, shooting all 1 4 children who inv estigators believ e were huddled and clutching one another in fear, in addition to Rousseau and a special education teacher who happened to be in the room . Lanza next arriv ed at teacher Victoria Sotos classroom , who is believ ed to hav e hidden her 6 - and 7 -y ear old students in a closet. When Lanza dem anded to know where the children were, Soto tried to div ert him to the other end of the school by say ing that her students were in the auditorium . As six of Sotos students attem pted to flee Lanza shot them , Soto and another teacher in the room . Searching for surv iv ors police found the rem aining sev en of Sotos students still hiding in the closet. They told the police what had happened. The two teachers aides who were killed were Mary Anne Murphy and Rachel Dav ino. It was unclear which aide was in which room when they were killed. The first officer arriv ing at the school found Lanzas body near the door of Sotos classroom . The intense v iolence lasted about 1 0 m inutes. Lanza fired at least three, 3 0-round m agazines with deadly accuracy . Two of the people he shot surv iv ed. All of the v ictim s were shot m ultiple tim es. I did sev en (autopsies) m y self with three to 1 1 wounds apiece, Chief State Medical Exam iner Dr. H. Way ne Carv er III said Saturday . Only two were shot at close range. I believ e ev ery body was hit (by bullets) m ore than once. Edward H. Mahoney and Dav e Altim ari, A Methodical Massacre, Horror and Heroics, Hartford Courant, Decem ber 1 5, 2 01 2 . December 16 6 :4 4 AM We too are asking why . We hav e cooperated fully with law enforcem ent and will continue to do so. Like so

m any of y ou, we are saddened, but struggling to m ake sense of what has transpired.Adam Lanzas father Peter Lanza said in a statem ent. Jonathan Dienst, Conn. Shooting Suspect Adam Lanzas Father: We Too Are Asking Why , NBC News, Decem ber 1 6 , 2 01 2 . 1 0:3 0AM On CBSs Face the Nation Bob Orr rem arked that at least two com puters at the Lanza residence were sm ashed to sm ithereens. CBS correspondent and form er FBI agent John Miller noted that subpoenas hav e been issued for all of the shooters em ail accounts and his m others accounts, including all of the sent m ail and receiv ed m ail ov er a long period of tim e. Miller said that Lanzas m other, Nancy , had battled with the school sy stem and ev entually took her son out of the schools and hom e-schooled him . Christopher Keating, Newtown Update: CBS Say s Two Com puters Sm ashed to Sm ithereens In Lanza Hom e in Newtown; Subpoenas for All Em ails of Mother and Shooter, Capitol Watch, Courantblogs, Decem ber 1 6 , 2 01 2 , n.t. [Such program s are ty pically taped the preceding Friday afternoon.-JT] 1 2 :1 2 PM Connecticut State Police Lt. Paul Vance states Adam Lanza possessed an extraordinary am ount of weaponry In addition to an assault-sty le rifle and at least two handguns, he also had a shotgun in reserv e in the car he drov e to the school. Lance claim s that when Lanzas body was found he still had hundreds of rounds of am m unition in m ultiple m agazines, after hav ing already fired hundreds of rounds inside the school. M. Alex Johnson, Very Heav ily Arm ed Gunm an Shot Mother Multiple Tim es Before Killing 2 6 at Connecticut School, Police Say , NBC News, Decem ber 1 6 , 2 01 2 . 1 2 :1 2 PM Details em erge on Adam Lanza enrolling at Western Connecticut State Univ ersity in 2 008 at age 1 6 . Lanza successfully com pleted six courses including website production, data m odeling, Philosophy 1 01 and ethical theory and com piled a solid 3 .2 6 grade-point av erage. Univ ersity officials claim Lanza presented no disciplinary concerns. M. Alex Johnson, Very Heav ily Arm ed Gunm an Shot Mother Multiple Tim es Before Killing 2 6 at Connecticut School, Police Say , NBC News, Decem ber 1 6 , 2 01 2 . [Afternoon] President Obam a trav els to Newtown to address griev ing com m unity and repeatedly allude to gun control legislation in an 1 8 m inute speech. Were not doing enough. And we will hav e to change. Since Iv e been president, this is the fourth tim e we hav e com e together to com fort a griev ing com m unity torn apart by m ass shootings, [the] fourth tim e wev e hugged surv iv ors, the fourth tim e wev e consoled the fam ilies of v ictim s Are we really prepared to say that were powerless in the face of such carnage, that the politics are too hard? Are we prepared to say that such v iolence v isited on our children y ear after y ear after y ear is som ehow the price of our freedom ? Daniela Altim ari, We Must Change, President Tells Nation, Hartford Courant, Decem ber 1 6 , 2 01 2 , 1 1 :1 6 PM EST. 4 :52 PM Alex Israel was in the sam e class at Newtown High School with Adam Lanza, who liv ed a few houses down from her. You could definitely tell he was a genius, Israel say s. He was really quiet, he kept to him self. Lanzas form er bus driv er regarded Lanza as a nice kid, v ery polite like his brother. Another form er classm ate rem arked that Lanza was just a kid not a troublem aker, not antisocial, not suggesting in any way that he could erupt like this. Michael Martinez and Dav id Ariosto, Adam Lanzas Fam ily : Mom Liked Parlor Gam es, Guns; Dad, a Tax Exec, Rem arried, CNN.com, Decem ber 1 6 , 2 01 2 . 8:06 PM Connecticut State Police Lieutenant J. Paul Vance tells the Huffington Post that Adam Lanza specifically used the Bushm aster .2 2 3 rifle to carry out all of the Sandy Hook m urders. Adam Lanza used a

sem iautom atic Bushm aster .2 2 3 rifle during his ram page through Sandy Hook Elem entary School on Friday , the Huffington Post reports, firing dozens of high-v elocity rounds as he killed 2 0 children and six adults Lanza, 2 0, carried m any high-capacity clips for the lightweight m ilitary -sty le rifle, Lt. Paul Vance, a spokesm an for the Connecticut State Police, told The Huffington Post in an em ail. Two handguns and a shotgun were also recov ered at the scene. John Rudolf and Janet Ross, School Shooter Adam Lanza Used Military -Sty le Bushm aster Rifle, Huffington Post, Decem ber 1 6 , 2 01 2 . 8:06 PM Senator Dianne Feinstein announces that she intends to introduce legislation reauthorizing a federal assault weapons ban originally passed in the early 1 9 9 0s during the Clinton adm inistration that was allowed to lapse in 2 004 . John Rudolf and Janet Ross, School Shooter Adam Lanza Used Military -Sty le Bushm aster Rifle, Huffington Post, Decem ber 1 6 , 2 01 2 . Health science and inv estigativ e writer Mike Adam s observ es that m uch like the Tucson Arizona, Aurora Colorado, and Wisconsin Sikh tem ple shootings, m ass m edia are scrubbing their cov erage and doctoring the story line to obscure the fact that there were additional suspects and probable shooters at the crim e scene. Mike Adam s, Newtown School Shttp://m em ory gapdotorg.wordpress.com /wp-adm in/post.php? post= 1 504 &action= edithooting Already Being Changed by the Media to Elim inate Ey ewitness Reports of a Second Shooter, Natural News, Decem ber 1 6 , 2 01 2 , n.t. December 17 1 1 :3 2 AM Connecticut State Police announce they hav e taken ov er all crim es scenes connected to the Sandy Hook Elem entary School shooting for an indefinite tim e as their inv estigation proceeds. [We hav e] seized the crim e scenes under search warrant [and are] holding on to them indefinitely , Connecticut State Police spokesm an Lt. J. Paul Vance told reporters at a m orning press conference. Dav id Lohr, Sandy Hook Crim e Scene: Police Indefinitely Seize All Sites Connected to Shooting, Huffington Post, Decem ber 1 7 , 2 01 2 . 1 2 :51 PM Div orce records rev eal the parents of Adam Lanza had joint custody of their son and that Lanzas father paid y early alim ony totaling $2 4 0,000 in 2 01 0, $2 6 5,000 in 2 01 1 and $2 89 ,800 in 2 01 2 . Nancy and Peter Lanzas div orce cited irreconcilable and was m ade final in Septem ber 2 009 . The div orce decree designated Adam Lanzas prim ary residence with his m other in the Yogananda Street address which Peter Lanza quitclaim ed to Nancy . Peter was designated as solely responsible for the cost of college for Adam and brother Ry an and for buy ing Adam a car. Nancy Lanza seldom discussed dom estic affairs with friends. She was otherwise regarded as v ery open and generous. Allaine Griffith, After Div orce, Lanzas Had Joint Custody of Adam , Hartford Courant, Decem ber 1 7 , 2 01 2 . 1 2 :51 PM A spokeswom an for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearm s and Explosiv es is uncertain whether Nancy Lanza brought her son to the range or whether he ev er fired a weapon there. Allaine Griffith, After Div orce, Lanzas Had Joint Custody of Adam , Hartford Courant, Decem ber 1 7 , 2 01 2 . 1 :09 PM Sandy Hook Elem entary nurse Sally Cox tells ABC of her encounter with gunm an on the m orning of Decem ber 1 4 as she crouched underneath her desk. I could see him from the knees down, 2 0 feet away , his boots were facing m y desk, Cox said in an interv iew on Good Morning America. It was seconds and then he turned and walked out and I heard the door close. The 6 0-y ear-old staff m em ber then heard loud popping noises outside the infirm ary . Cox was joined by a school secretary and together they dialed 9 1 1

before hiding in a supply closet. Lauren Effron, Sandy Hook School Nurse Hid From Shooter, His Boots Were Facing My Desk, ABC News, Decem ber 1 7 , 2 01 2 . 1 :1 5PM Funerals for m assacre v ictim s begin in Newtown, with first being for 6 y ear old Sandy Hook first-grader Jack Pinto. There are m any way s to m easure what was lost Friday m orning at Sandy Hook, the Washington Post observ es, a school shooting that has spurred a national debate about public safety and a speech by the president. But no accounting of the dam age was as searing as the one that began Monday , when parents stepped behind lecterns and spoke about the children they would m iss. Eli Saslow and Stev e Vogel, Funerals for Newtown Massacre Victim s Begin, Washington Post, Decem ber 1 7 , 2 01 2 . 1 :2 6 PM Two witnesses in Sandy Hook school shooting are unidentified adults. There are two adults that were injured in the facility in the schooland suffered gunshot wounds and are recov ering, Connecticut State Police Lieutenant J. Paul Vance stated. Our inv estigators will in fact speak with them when its m edically appropriate, and certainly they will shed a great deal of light on the facts and circum stances of this tragic inv estigation that were undertaking. [Vances em phasis] Key Witnesses in Connecticut School Shooting are Surv iv ors, Hartford Courant, Decem ber 1 7 , 2 01 2 . 6 :3 9 PM New York City May or Michael Bloom berg unv eils Dem and a Plan cam paign, sponsored by the May ors Against Illegal Guns bipartisan coalition that requests Congress and President Obam a m ov e im m ediately on gun control m easures. Bloom berg calls Washingtons inability to act a stain on our nations com m itm ent to protect our children. Carlo Delav erson, NYC May or Launches Cam paign Against Gun Violence, NBC News, Decem ber 1 7 , 2 01 2 . December 18 6 :00PM Infowars reporter Rob Dew utilizes ov erlooked excerpts from CBS and Associated Press cov erage of the m assacre to explain how there were additional shooter suspects apprehended by law enforcem ent on the m orning of Decem ber 1 4 that hav e been left unaccounted for and since dropped from public v iew. Rob Dew, Sandy Hook 2 n d Shooter Cov erup, I nfowars Nightly News, Decem ber 1 8, 2 01 2 . December 19 1 :07 PM Connecticut Medical Exam iner H. Way ne Carv er II say s he will work with a Univ ersity of Connecticut geneticist to determ ine what prom pted Adam Lanza to act. Im exploring with the departm ent of genetics what m ight be possible, if any thing is possible [sic], Carv er say s. Is there any identifiable disease associated with this behav ior? Dav id Owens, Obam a Calls for New Proposals for Gun Control in Wake of Newtown Massacre, Hartford Courant, Decem ber 1 9 , 2 01 2 . 1 1 :1 6 PM Hundreds attend wake of Sandy Hook Principal Dawn Hochsprung, including U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan, US Senator Richard Blum enthal and US Senator-elect Chris Murphy . Matthew Kauffm an, Com m unities Say Farewell to Four More Victim s of Newtown Shootings, Hartford Courant, Decem ber 1 9 , 2 01 2 . December 20

1 :4 2 PM US Attorney General Eric Holder m akes unannounced v isit to Newtown to m eet with Sandy Hook first responders following a m eeting in Washington with Vice President Joe Biden, presum ably to discuss forthcom ing gun control legislation. Holder to Meet with First Responders in Newtown, Frederic J. From m er, Associated Press/Hartford Courant, Decem ber 2 0, 2 01 2 . n.t. Further analy sis by alternativ e news m edia points to additional Sandy Hook shooting suspects ov erlooked by corporate m edia. Niall Bradley , Sandy Hook Massacre: Official Story Spins Out of Control, Veterans Today, Decem ber 2 0, 2 01 2 ; Jam es F. Tracy , The Newtown School Tragedy : More Than One Gunm an? Global Research, Decem ber 2 0, 2 01 2 . December 26 7 :2 0PM Witness to shooting Becky Virgalla interv iewed by Connecticut news m edia. [Video of interv iew at Hartford Courant website has since been taken down.] Witness to the Sandy Hook Massacre, Hartford Courant, Decem ber 2 6 , 2 01 2 . December 28 Attorney Irv Pinsky asks State of Connecticut Claim s Com m issioner J. Paul Vance Jr. for perm ission to file $1 00 m illion dollar lawsuit on behalf of unnam ed 6 -y ear-old Sandy Hook student for negligence and traum a suffered after hearing scream ing, cursing, and gunfire ov er schools intercom sy stem . As a result, the child has sustained em otional and psy chological traum a and injury , the nature and extent of which are y et to be determ ined, the proposed claim asserts. Pinsky s claim also alleges that the state Board of Education, Departm ent of Education and Education Com m issioner had failed to take appropriate steps to protect children from foreseeable harm . Mary Ellen Godin, Claim Seeks $1 00 Million for Child Surv iv or of Connecticut School Shooting, Reuters, Decem ber 2 8, 2 01 2 . December 23-30 Adam Lanzas body reportedly turned ov er by Connecticut Medical Exam iner to father Peter Lanza som etim e last week. Father Claim s Adam Lanzas Body , Hartford Courant, Decem ber 3 1 , 2 01 2 , 3 :3 8PM. December 31 3 :1 2 PM Connecticut Attorney General say s $1 00 m illion claim against state on behalf of 6 y ear old Sandy Hook student is m isguided, and m aintains that a public policy response by the U.S. Congress and the Connecticut state legislature would be m ore appropriate than legal action. Edith Honan, Connecticut Attorney General Say s Newtown Legal Claim Misguided, Reuters/Hartford Courant, Decem ber 3 1 , 2 01 2 . 2013 January 1 1 1 :4 9 AM State Attorney General George Jepsen say s lawsuit brought against state lacks a v alid basis. According to

a report Jepsen said the claim s com m issioners office was not the appropriate v enue for a discussion about the shooting. Am anda Falcone, Request to Sue State for Newtown Shooting Has No Basis, Attorney General Say s, Hartford Courant, January 1 , 2 01 3 . 2 :2 9 PM New Hav en attorney Irv ing Pinsky withdraws claim on behalf of traum atized Sandy Hook student after receiv ing new ev idence. If the state were liable in this instance, where would the states liability ev er end? State Attorney General George Jepsen said. Brian Dowling and Hilda Munoz, Attorney Withdrawing Request to Sue State in Sandy Hook Shootings, Hartford Courant, January 1 , 2 01 3 . January 2 9 :1 0PM Jean Henry , a processing technician for the Connecticut Office of the Chief Medical Exam iner is placed on a paid leav e pending an inv estigation of an incident on Decem ber 1 6 where she perm itted her husband, an unauthorized em ploy ee, to v iew the body of alleged m ass killer Adam Lanza. Jon Lender and Dav e Altim ari, State Worker Placed on Leav e After Showing Husband Adam Lanzas Body , Hartford Courant, January 2 , 2 01 3 . January 3 [Morning] Sandy Hook students return to classes 7 m iles south of Newtown at Chalk Hill School in Monroe Connecticut. The school was closed about two y ears ago and recently cleaned and painted to accom m odate students. Am anda Falcone, Sandy Hook Students Back in Class, Hartford Courant, 5:1 8PM EST, January 3 , 2 01 3 . 6 :1 8PM Connecticut State Attorney s Office and State Police refuse to giv e tim eline for Sandy Hook shooting inv estigation. It cannot be stated too often how inv aluable and necessary the work of the United States Attorney s Office, the Federal Bureau of Inv estigation, the United States Marshals Serv ice, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearm s and Explosiv es and other federal agencies was and is to this inv estigation, State Attorney General Stephen J. Sedensky III said. Christine Dem psey , No Tim eline for Newtown Shooting Probe, Hartford Courant, January 3 , 2 01 3 . New York City May or Michael Bloom berg m eets priv ately in his office with form er Arizona Congresswom an Gabrielle Giffords, who was alm ost fatally shot at a constituent m eeting in Tucson in January 2 01 1 . The sit-down was not listed on Bloom bergs public schedule and a Bloom berg aide refused to state what was discussed. Holly Bailey , Bloom berg Meets with Gabrielle Giffords on Gun Control, Yahoo News, January 3 , 2 01 3 , n.t. January 4 3 :4 0AM Form er Arizona Congresswom an Gabrielle Giffords v isits Newtown fam ilies who lost lov ed ones in the Sandy Hook shooting. John Christoffersen, Wounded ex-Rep Giffords Meets with Conn. Fam ilies, Associated Press/Yahoo News, January 5. January 6

6 :2 7 PM Police say Adam Lanza used a pair of earplugs during his alleged Decem ber 1 4 shooting spree. Inv estigators surm ise Lanza m ay hav e dev eloped the habit while frequenting gun ranges or to m uffle childrens scream s during his shooting ram page. Its just weird [that he popped in earplugs] giv en what he was about to go do, a source said. Its not like he had to worry about long-term protection of his hearing because he had to know he wasnt com ing back out of the building. Police say Lanza was wearing an oliv e green utility v est packed with 3 0-round m agazines for the Bushm aster .2 2 3 rifle. Lanza left a 2 0 round capacity shotgun in the trunk of the car he drov e to the school. Authorities say each gun was registered to his m other, Nancy Lanza, and appear to hav e been bought legally between 2 01 0 and 2 01 2 Police also found bullets outside the school in the parking lot, including som e in at least three cars belonging to school personnel, including Rousseaus car. Dav id Altim arti and Jon Lender, Sandy Hook Shooter Adam Lanza Wore Earplugs, Hartford Courant, January 6 , 2 01 3 . To be cont inued. Republished at Global Research on January 7 , 2 01 3 .

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3 Responses to Sandy Hook School Massacre Timeline

January 7 , 2 01 3 at 9 :4 0 am Thanks for this latest update on the Sandy Hook calam ity . The v ideo and news record is full of m any gaps. Were no pictures m ade av ailable of either the exterior or interior of the school? Is this all so that im pressionable people are not ill affected? Reply

January 7 , 2 01 3 at 9 :4 9 am My understanding is that the school receiv ed a new security sy stem with ubiquitous v ideo cov erage throughout the facility . The assailant or assailants entry and m ov em ent through the school therefore m ust hav e been recorded. Iv e seen no photos of the interior or exterior of the school either, despite news m edias ty pically v oracious appetite for such, particularly in term s of furthering the debate ov er gun control. Reply

January 7 , 2 01 3 at 1 0:57 am

The Feds are in the driv ing seat with the State police also in charge. The reasons for not sharing forensic ev idence? Legal? Negativ e psy chological im pact? Their inv estigation not finished y et? Reply

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