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Project in c++

Banking management system

CSE :202




SUBMITTED vinod verma SEC.-c2802B33



First and foremost I thank my teacher Mr. DEEPAK VISHWAKARMA has assigned me this term paper to bring out my creative capabilities. I express my gratitude to my parents for being a continuous source of encouragement for all their financial aid. I would like to acknowledge the assistance provided to me by the library staff of LOVELY PROFESSIONAL UNIVERSITY. My heartfelt gratitude to my class-mates and for helping me to complete my work in time.


Contents:Introduction Header files Welcome to Bank Main menu New user Activities References

There are 3 accounts, when you deposit money in the account is should show you the total amount in the account each time you add money to the account and when you withdraw money it should take away the amount withdraw from the balance that is in the account. //the list of function prototypes void Deposit(); void Withdraw(); void Query(); void Show(); void Exit(); char Menu(); ----------Directions: -----------

A bank updates t customers'' accounts at the end of each month. The bank offers two types of accounts: savings and checking. Every customer must maintain a minimum balance. If a customer's balance falls below the minimum balance, there is a service charge of $10.00 for savings accounts and $25.00 for checking accounts. If the balance at the end of the month is at least the minimum balance, the account receives interest as follows:

a) Savings accounts receive 4% interest. b) Checking accounts with balances up to Rs. 1,000 more than the minimum balance receive 3% interest; otherwise, the interest is 5%.

The customer's account number (int type), account type (char; s for savings, c for checking), and current balance are input from the keyboard.

Output is the account number, account type, current balance (including any interest earned), and the amount of interest earned, if any.

The interest will be calculated in a separate function. The balance and interest rate are passed to the function. The function returns the interest earned.

The minimum account balance, for both checking and savings accounts, is $1,000. This must be declared as a constant.

Three files must be submitted:

C++ source for the main function C++ source for the interest function The header file created for the external function #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <iomanip>

// // //

------------------------------------------------***** BANKING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ***** --------------------------------------------------

// //

Create id.txt file with 123450 11 content Create customer.txt (empty)

// Developed by VINOD VERMA

#include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<fstream.h> #include<iomanip.h> #include<string.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<dos.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<graphics.h>

void org(); void rules(); void main() { clrscr(); textbackground(3);

textcolor(1); cout<<"\t\t\t\t----------"; cout<<"\n\t\t\t\tWELCOME TO\n"; cout<<"\t\t\t\t----------"<<endl; cout<<"\t\t\t -------------------------";

cout<<"\n\t\t\t*****BANKING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM*****\n"; cout<<"\t\t\t -------------------------";

cout<<"\n\n\nDevloped in C++ using turboc compiler"; cout<<"\n\nDevloped By:-"; cout<<"\n\nVINOD VERMA"<<"\nSECTION:C2802"<<"\nROLL No:B33" <<"\nREG.No:10804863"<<"\nEmail Id:veeru19verma@yahoo.in"; cout<<"\n\t cout<<"\n\t cout<<"\n\t cout<<"\n\n\t getch(); clrscr(); char id[10],id1[10],id2[10],name[30],dist[35],street[30],intro[30]; char age[5],dob[15],quali[25],phone[15],occ[20],pincode[10]; int n,i,y1,m1,d2,n1,n2; long nid; struct date d1; getdate(&d1); int y=d1.da_year; int m=d1.da_mon; int d=d1.da_day; -------------------------------------------------"; LOVELY PROFESSIONAL UNIVERSITY JALANDHAR (PUNJAB)"; -------------------------------------------------"; PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE..............";

long wamount=0; long balance; int initial=1000; long dep,wid; char trf[10]="Transfer"; char csh[10]="Deposit"; do { clrscr(); cout<<"\n\t\t\t-----------------------"; cout<<"\n\t\t\tSTATE BANK OF PATIYALA"; cout<<"\n\t\t\t-----------------------"; cout<<"\n\n\t MAIN MENU.......\n"; cout<<"\n\t1.ORGANIZATION"; cout<<"\n\t2.NEW USER"; cout<<"\n\t3.EXISTING USER"; cout<<"\n\t4.EXIT"; cout<<"\n\n\tSELECT : "; cin>>n; int n3; if(n!=4) { switch(n) { case 1: {

clrscr(); org(); getch(); break; } case 2: { do { clrscr(); cout<<"\t\t\t\tNEW USER\n"; cout<<"\t\t\t\t--------"; cout<<"\n\t1.RULES"; cout<<"\n\t2.CREATE NEW ACCOUNT"; cout<<"\n\t3.EXIT"; cout<<"\n\n\tSELECT : "; cin>>n1; if(n1!=3) { switch(n1) { case 1: { clrscr(); rules(); getch(); break;

} case 2: { clrscr(); cout<<"\n\t\t\tRegistration Form"; cout<<"\n\t\t\t-----------------\n"; cout<<"\tName cout<<"\tAge : "; gets(name); : "; gets(age);

cout<<"\tDate of Birth : "; gets(dob); cout<<"\tQualification : "; gets(quali); cout<<"\tOccupation cout<<"\tPhone No. cout<<"\tStreet cout<<"\tDistrict cout<<"\tPin Code cout<<"\tIntroducer int count; char nidfile[15]; ifstream reg("id.txt"); reg>>nidfile>>count; strcat(nidfile,".txt"); reg.close(); ifstream reg11("id.txt"); reg11>>nid>>count; reg11.close(); ofstream cus("customer.txt",ios::ate); : "; gets(occ); : "; gets(phone); : "; gets(street); : "; gets(dist); : "; gets(pincode); : "; gets(intro);

cus<<nid<<" "<<count<<" "<<name<<" " <<age<<" "<<street<<" "<<dist<<" "<<pincode<<" "<<dob<<" "<<quali<<" "<<occ<<" "<<phone<<" "<<intro<<" "<<endl; cus.close(); ofstream cusdata(nidfile); cusdata<<nid<<" "<<initial; //<<" "<<d<<" "<<m<<" "<<y<<" Deposit"; cusdata.close(); randomize(); cout<<"\n\t\t\t\t\tYOUR ACCOUNT IS CREATED\n"; cout<<"\t\t\tYOUR ACCOUNT NUMBER IS : "<<nid; cout<<"\n\t\t\tYOUR PIN NUMBER IS : "<<count; cout<<"\n\t\t\tYOUR BALANCE : "<<initial; cout<<"\n\t\t\tPRESS ANY KEY TO GO BACK IN MAIN MENU"; nid=nid+1; int a=random(10); count=count+a+1; reg11.close(); ofstream add("id.txt"); add<<nid<<" "<<count; add.close(); getch(); clrscr(); break; } default: { break;

} } } }while(n1!=3); break; } case 3: { do { clrscr(); cout<<"\n\t\t\tExisting Users"; cout<<"\n\t\t\t--------------\n"; cout<<"\n\t1.DEPOSIT"; cout<<"\n\t2.CREDIT"; cout<<"\n\t3.DELETE"; cout<<"\n\t4.ENTRY"; cout<<"\n\t5.DETAILS"; cout<<"\n\t6.EXIT"; cout<<"\n\n\tSELECT : "; cin>>n3; if(n3!=6) { switch(n3) { case 1:

{ clrscr(); int ch1; cout<<"\n\t\t\tDEPOSIT SECTION"; cout<<"\n\t\t\t---------------"; cout<<"\n\tAccount number : "; gets(id); strcpy(id1,id); strcat(id1,".txt"); ifstream dlch(id1); dlch>>ch1; if(ch1==1) { cout<<"\nYOUR ACCOUNT IS DELETED"; } else { // cout<<"Amount Deposit : ";cin>>dep; ifstream inout(id1); ofstream inout1(id1,ios::ate|ios::in|ios::out|ios::binary); inout.seekg(7); inout1.seekp(7); inout>>balance;

cout<<"\n\tYour Balance : "<<balance; cout<<"\n\tAmount Deposit : ";cin>>dep; balance=balance+dep;


inout.close(); inout1.close();

wamount=dep; ofstream deposit2(id1,ios::ate,ios::end); deposit2<<endl<<balance<<" "<<y<<" "<<d<<" "<<m<<" "<<wamount<<" "<<csh; deposit2.close(); // inout.close(); // inout1.close(); cout<<"\n\tNow Your Current Balance : "<<balance; } getch(); clrscr(); break; } case 2: { clrscr(); int check; cout<<"\n\t\t\tWITH DRAW SCETION"; cout<<"\n\t\t\t-----------------"; cout<<"\n\tAccount number : "; gets(id); strcpy(id1,id); strcat(id1,".txt");

ifstream delcheck(id1); delcheck>>check; if(check==1) { cout<<"\nYOUR ACCOUNT IS DELETED"; } else { // cout<<"Amount Withdraw : ";cin>>dep; ifstream inout(id1); ofstream inout1(id1,ios::ate|ios::in|ios::out|ios::binary); inout.seekg(7); inout1.seekp(7); inout>>balance; long fb; cout<<"\tBalance : "<<balance; if(balance<=1000) { cout<<"\nLESS THAN MINIMUM BALANCE -- RS 1000"; } else { cout<<"\n\tAmount Withdraw : "; cin>>dep; fb=balance-dep;

if(balance<=dep) { cout<<"BAL LESS THAN WITH DRAW AMOUNT"; } else if (fb<1000) { cout<<"FINAL BALANCE LESS THAN 1000\nSO YOU CANT WITHDRAW SPECIFIED AMOUNT"; } else { balance=fb; inout1<<balance;

inout.close(); inout1.close();

cout<<"\n\n\n\t\t\tYOUR AMOUNT WITH DRAW SUCCESSFULLY\n"; wamount=dep; ofstream deposit2(id1,ios::ate,ios::end); deposit2<<endl<<balance<<" "<<y<<" "<<d<<" "<<m<<" "<<wamount<<" "<<trf; deposit2.close(); // inout.close(); // inout1.close(); cout<<"\tNow Your Balance : "<<balance;

} } } getch(); clrscr(); break; } case 3: { clrscr(); char pin[10],pin1[10],idd[10],idd1[10],ans; cout<<"\n\t\t\tDELETE SECTION\n"; cout<<"\tAccount Number :" ; gets(idd1); cout<<"\tPin Number : "; gets(pin);

ifstream cus1("customer.txt"); cout<<"Confirm to delete "<<idd1<<" ACCOUNT :(y/n)"; cin>>ans; if(ans=='y'||'Y') { strcpy(id1,idd1);

strcat(id1,".txt"); ofstream del(id1); del<<"1"<<" "<<"ACCOUNTDELETED"; del.close(); ofstream del1("delete.txt",ios::ate); del1<<idd1;

del1.close(); cout<<"\n\n\t\t\tYour Account Is Deleted"; } else { cout<<"Go To Main Menu"; } getch(); break; } case 4: { clrscr(); int ch2; cout<<"\n\t\t\tENTRY SECTION\n"; cout<<"\nAccount Number : "; gets(id); strcpy(id1,id); strcat(id1,".txt");

ifstream edel(id1); edel>>ch2; if(ch2==1) { cout<<"YOUR ACCOUNT IS DELETED"; } else

{ ifstream detail(id1); int dd=0; cout<<endl; char type[10]; cout<<"Date Amount Tpye Balance\n";

cout<<"-----------------------------------------\n"; while(!detail.eof()) {

if(dd!=0) { detail>>balance>>y>>d>>m>>wamount>>type; cout<<d<<"-"<<m<<"-"<<y<<" "<<wamount<<" "<<type<<" "<<balance<<endl; } else { detail>>id>>balance;//>>y>>d>>m>>wamount>>type; dd++; }

} } getch(); break;

} case 5: { clrscr(); long d1; int pp1,count; cout<<"\t\t\tDETAILS"; cout<<"\n\tAccount Number : "; cin>>d1; cout<<"\n\tPin Number : "; cin>>pp1;

//cus<<nid<<" "<<count<<" "<<name<<" " <<age<<" "<<street<<" "<<dist<<" "<<pincode<<" "<<dob<<" "<<quali<<" "<<occ<<" "<<phone<<" "<<intro<<" "<<endl;

ifstream cus("customer.txt"); int aa=0; while(!cus.eof()) { cus>>nid>>count>>name>>age>>street>>dist>>pincode>>dob>>quali>>occ>>phone>>intro; aa=0; if(d1==nid && pp1==count) { cout<<"\nNAME cout<<"\nAGE : "<<name; : "<<age ;

cout<<"\nDATE OF BIRTH : "<<dob ; cout<<"\nADDRESS cout<<"\n : "<<street<<",";



"<<pincode<<"."; : "<<phone;


cout<<"\nQUALIFICATION : "<<quali; cout<<"\nOCCUPATION cout<<"\nINTRODUCER break; } else { aa=1; } } if(aa==1) { cout<<"TRY AGAIN " ; } : "<<occ; : "<<intro;

getch(); break; } default: { break; } } }

}while(n3!=6); break; } default: { break; } } } }while(n!=4); } void org() { cout<<"\n\t\t\t\t----------------------"; cout<<"\n\t\t\t\tSTATE BANK OF PATIYALA"; cout<<"\n\t\t\t\t----------------------"; cout<<"\n\n\n\t\t\t\tABOUT ORGANIZTION"; cout<<"\n\n\tFOUNDED AT SINCE DEC.2009"; cout<<"\n\n\tFOUNDED BY :VINOD VERMA Email Id: veeru19verma@yahoo.in ";

cout<<"\n\t\t\t SECTION:C2802B33"<<"\n\t\t\t REG.No:10804863"; cout<<"\n\n\nThis mini project was developed in CPP"; cout<<"\nusing File Concept in TurboC Compiler"; cout<<"\n\n\nPRESS ANY KEY TO GO BACK IN MAIN MENU.........";

void rules() { clrscr(); cout<<"\n\t\t\t\t---------------------------------------"; cout<<"\n\t\t\t\STATE BANK OF PATIYALA"; cout<<"\n\t\t\t\t---------------------------------------"; cout<<"\n\t Rules To Create New Account:\n";

cout<<"\n\t Your Minimum balance should be Rs.1000"; cout<<"\n\t Your Account is cancelled when you cannot transaction"; cout<<"\n\t within 3 months";

E Balagurusamy Ashoke N Kamthane www.planet-source-code.com/ www.codeproject.com/

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