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BRAIN ABSCESS (#26) Purulent exudates in brain substance Neutrophils, necrotic cells & edema fluid are seen Liquefactive type of necrosis What to look for: o Purulent exudates o Edema & inflammation of brain parenchyma o Inflammatory cells NEUTROPHILS are predominant (if chronic, monocytes are present) Suppurative meningitis PURULENT BRAIN MENINGITIS (#33) Neutrophilic exudates (left) Engorged/dilated blood vessels Neutrophils infiltrate the subarachnoid space Acute meningitis = usually bacterial infection

LOBAR PNEUMONIA (#37) Suppurative inflammation What to look for: Alveolar cells filled with inflammatory cells Alveolar septae show fibrin accumulation

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THYPHOID ILEUM (#58) Enlarged Peyers Patches o (germinal centers are enlarged)

LUNG TB (#42) Multiple granulomas (HALLMARK) Langerhan Giant Cells (epitheloid macrophages) granuloma is surrounded by: epithelioid cells, lymphocytes, and fibroblasts. Caseation necrosis GROSS: o Miliary TB small, white seed-like lesions o Cavitary TB disruption of tissues producing empty spaces

TUBERCOLUS MENINGITIS, BRAIN (#52) Morphology: same as TB of lungs Meninges are affected Inflammatory cells: LYMPHOCYTES
Components of tubercle: 1. Central caseation necrosis

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2. Peripheral mononuclear cells infiltration 3. Fibroblastic proliferation surrounding the granuloma 4. Epitheloid cells

SYPHILITC MESOAORTITIS (#76) Perivascular Cuffing of inflammatory cells in adventitia layer Inflammatory cells: o MONONUCLEARS o PLASMA CELLS

VIRAL PNEUMONIA (#40) What to look for: o Congestion

o Pink hyaline membrane lining alveolar wall

VIRAL ENCEPHALITIS (#29) page 3/gayle_.

Viral infection of brain parenchyma What to see: o Glial Nodules collection of LYMPHOCYTES Perivascular cuffing of LYMPHOCYTES Wide Virchow-Robin space Edema

o o

*perivascular cuffing is always associated with viral infections

MADUROMYCOSIS, FOOT (#53) Organism: Madurella fungus Abscess formation Purulent Inflammation

AMEBIASIS, COLON (#67) Organism: Entameba Hystolytica Affects mainly cecum & ascending colon Flask-shaped ulcer (liquefactive necrosis) What to look for (stage): o 4 nuclei Cyst or page 4/gayle_.

o Trophozoid (contains RBC) virulence factor cause can travel via portal circulation causing liver abscess or lungs Amebic Abscess of Liver: o Anchovy Sauce o Reddish brown lesion due to hemorrhage

MALARIA, LIVER (#63) Organism: Plasmodium sp. What to look for: o Hemozoin pigments in Kupffer Cells (brown-black pigment)

SCHISTOSOMIASIS, LIVER (#57) Ovum in blood vessels or tissues Granulomatous inflammation

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