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Life is a Continuum Paulo Renato Silva January 9, 2013 New Year Message 2013 Selacia January 9, 2013 ENTREVISTA A GREGG BRADEN Realmente se estn invirtiendo los Polos T errestres ? January 9, 2013 Welcome T New Earth Patricia Diane o Cota Robles January 9, 2013 Letter from my Brother Darkness Released Inelia Benz January 8, 2013 INELIA BENZ. LA CARTA DE MI HERMANO.LA OSCURIDAD LIBERADA January 8, 2013 Introducing Your New Spiritual Manifestation Skills Brenda Hoffman January 8, 2013 KEPLERANUNCIA EL DESCUBRIMIENTO DE 461 NUEVOS PLANETAS, 4 SE UBICAN EN ZONA HABITABLE January 8, 2013 Manteniendo su nivel de energa: la relacin con sus cuerpos, la alimentacin y la salud January 8, 2013 Tuesday, January 8, 2013 Balsamic Moon Phase Moon in Sagittarius Oracle Report January 8, 2013

Dear Ones,

As you open to the Light of this New Year, the power of Divine Love explodes within your being. Without Balance however, on the internal barometer of your emotional state, clear Harmony will not be present in your life. It is a tussle at times to stay open while you experience often conflicting, sometimes raging, and even bliss-filled feelings and experience within your mind. The answer is to attune to your hearts wisdom. This takes practice but at the same time, it is the only place where you can find solace in these changing times. When reality blows your mind, your feelings become the ultimate path to your heart. The new frequencies acting within you are causing an upheaval of new, very strong currents that are affecting emotions. You are navigating a fresh river now, one called Life in the New World. Dont be fooled by appearances this world is NOT the same. The new world exists as a shift in dimensions, available, amorphous and malleable energy that reflects enormous power and beauty like you have never seen. It is all supported by the Realms of Awakened Consciousness working for the Earths evolution, empowering hundreds of millions of souls who incarnated for this purpose.

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Life is a Continuum Paulo Renato Silva New Year Message 2013 Selacia ENTREVISTA A GREGG BRADEN Realmente se estn invirtiendo los Polos T errestres ? Welcome T New Earth Patricia Diane o Cota Robles Letter from my Brother Darkness Released Inelia Benz

What do I call this Experience I am Having?

We are giving you a new mantra for 2013 ~ Its only Energy! Use it as you will. Know that overwhelming feelings will become the norm within you and all around you. Intense energy frequencies can trigger feelings and when you apply old patterns of thoughts to the feelings, you can let yourself sink into states of mind that are not resourceful. When you neutralize the charge you may be experiencing with the knowing that its only energy, your awareness will help you to come into balance more quickly. It is helpful to use your physical body to work off the excess energy by grounding it through focused activity, exercise, yoga asanas, dance, song, playfulness and of highest importance, time in Nature. When you can discipline yourself to take a breath before you react, you will find that the new frequencies are benevolent with neutral intentions. With more awareness, you will find a deep wellspring of Divine Love to nourish you. Staying there will require all the tools of Mastery you have learned to this point. All you have learned and experienced in this life and many others, has brought you to this moment of Choice. If you can apply what you know you know, life will take on a certain graceful flow. You have support to make this happen from the Illumined Realms of the Masters. Your Higher Self can assist your connection when you

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attune to its guidance. Without awareness and conscious intention, you will find the opposite of Balance to be true. The Divine Love force is pushing all that is not like itself to the surface. Strong emotions are running rampant within the human psyche now. Despairing hopeless thoughts are causing a sense of powerlessness in many people, which leads to anger unabated. While the energies are so unfettered, you as Light Workers, are required to be a balancing agent for the earths peoples. You are so needed. Never doubt that. Your job is to ground the intense frequencies of Light so the excess energy goes to feed and nourish the Earth rather than stir unproductive actions. In time people will become more familiar with the intensity of energy and learn that it is malleable according to their intentions and focus. Instant Karma can be a powerful teacher. At the same time, your thoughts, actions, prayers and balanced energy will provide a structure for the New Earth lifestyle of HeartCentered Action.

January 2013 December 2012 November 2012 October 2012 September 2012 August 2012 July 2012 March 2012

What Are You Available to Experience?

The energy frequencies of 2013 are still unsettled and respond instantly now as you create your new life. The next few years will be important for setting into motion the Harmony and Peace that most people desire to experience. On a moment to moment basis you each hold the key to the new world evolving before your very eyes. As you resonate with the Love Force, it brings Harmony and Balance to the Earth. From this place you are a radiant demonstration of an empowered system of being a human who is blending the Light of the Divine with your physical life on Earth. You will magnetize more of the same to you and many people will be affected. You become a Balancing Agent for the New World. Hold your frequencies high. Relinquish fear by inviting pure Divine Love to be the active agent of change in your life and in the world. Many are experiencing such a heightened level of change that it frightens them. You who have become friends with the Unknown and who are learning to ride the waves of change, provide a new resonance of Safety and Ease. Your presence allows others to harmonize their energy systems to this new frequency, which will dissipate the overwhelming energy of fear. The New Earth frequencies are empowered and available. Stepping into the Light of new life is as close as your breath. The support of the Unseen world is holding the space for entry into an exalted space of Love. The more time and focus you spend opening, receiving and integrating these energies, the more they become your norm. There are millions of people experiencing the exalted state of this new life. The shimmering dimensions of the new Earth are becoming stabilized by the conscious presence of so many workers for the Light. You are a part of a community of dedicated souls hundreds of millions strong that is powerfully creating the new world as you hold the frequencies of Divine Love together. The Earth is in a process undergoing Divine Metamorphosis. Your presence stabilizes the new world of Love. Your focus empowers higher frequencies to bring more Harmony and Balance. Your being offers strength and gentle reminders of the Truth within the illusion of polarities and upheaval. Divine Order will prevail and Creative Solutions exist where none is apparent from a lower frequency awareness.

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2012 Ascension Awareness


Your Spiritual Toolbox

Your Spiritual T oolbox is filled with all that you need to work quickly in this first quarter of 2013 to set new standards and foundations for life in an accelerated world. Your experience, training and desires are stabilizing your consciousness to know what you need to do. Each of you has a special gift to offer the whole Earth consciousness. In the sacred place within your being, your new life begins as you bring Spirit into matter and sanctify your life. Your dedication has been acknowledged. Gratitude fills the fields of Light that are showering the Earth at this time. You did it. T ogether you workers in the Light created the shift into multidimensional awareness that was held as only a possibility before. Now the Masters and Angelic beings are assisting the completion of this vast experiment in Unified Consciousness. Your are a part of an amazingly strong, multidimensional community of souls that are working in harmony and cooperation, blazing new pathways for Peaceful existence on the earth. This community of Light Workers, near and far, hold the keys for manifestation of the New Earth life. T ogether you enter the temples of the heart to join the Divine Multitudes of Grace awaiting you. The realms of spirit are celebrating your willingness, and offering all manner of assistance, greater than you imagine possible.

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Float Gracefully on the River of New Life

The dimensions of Divine Assistance awaiting your invitation and advancement are amazingly pure and available now. When you set your intentions to work in the River of New Life, you step into a stream of pure consciousness. You will find the currents can take you gracefully into directions and ways that fulfill the intentional requirements you set forward as necessary for your new life. When you know in advance what you are available to experience in order to thrive, the Light Fields you are setting become the framework of your life. Choose your river consciously and wisely and let the Divine Currents carry you. There is no need to paddle, only to allow the loving nudges of the Angels who are powering the vessel of your Souls Purpose. With their help your way will be clear and graceful. When you enter into the choppy sections of the rivers, the waterfalls that may throw you off balance or the whirlpools that eddy in the darkness, know you are not alone. Your empowered intentions will encourage your Higher Self to gracefully center your course. If a new tributary enters the river, you will be able to ride the unfamiliar currents with Strength and Ease. If you need to take a different fork in your River of Life, you have unwavering guidance for your inspired heart-centered action. Be willing to flow with the empowered currents of energy within the rivers surging and buoyant waters, and 2013 will completely surprise you. Sustain your balance with intention, prayer, and heart-centered action. Enjoy the cooperative support being offered to you in a whole new way from others in the Community of Light. All of Life is supporting you on your Souls Journey. Know that Divine Love will prevail and all is well. So be it. Be it so. And so it is. Shanta Gabriel For Archangel Gabriel Copyright: January 5, 2013 Related articles Messages From Archangel Gabriel The 12:12:12 Activation Shanta Gabriel (returningtohouse.wordpress.com) Living in Radiant Fields of Light , by Shanta Gabriel (returningtohouse.wordpress.com)
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T ags: Energy, New Earth, Earth, Karma, New World, Lightworkers, Archangel Gabriel, Shanta Gabriel, Harmony, New Year, Divine Love, balance, Instant Karma

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January 7, 2013 Spiritual Evolution, Energy Update, Personal evolution No comments

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